• Published 7th Apr 2012
  • 1,012 Views, 11 Comments

School Shy - rasta-gringo

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Habitual Singing

Fluttershy started galloping full tilt towards school. Her hooves left large oblong prints in the clouds as each step rumbled in baby thunder. Sometimes, a particularly large bank of the white fluff would try to stop her. A flurry of wing power would get her over such obstacles, but she often had to tuck her hooves tight against her belly so as not to trip.

Today was a special day.

Fluttershy’s friend was whizzing around on the swing set, waiting.

“Awwww, I ran really fast too. You cheated!” Fluttershy accused.

“No I didn’t, you’re just too slow!” Teased Rainbow Dash. “Which is why I’m here early. The sooner the better right?”

Fluttershy stopped just short of the swing set. She did not know what to say. Mostly because she did not know what her friend was talking about. Deciding on a sentence, she spoke. “There is nothing wrong with taking your time, is there?”

“Of course there is!” said Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy noticed that her eyes had shifted up and to the left. She looked that way as well, just in case. While she was distracted, her friend drifted over and halted in front of her. “Isn’t there?” She asked.

“There isn’t?”

“You don’t sound too sure.”

“I don’t?”

“Bahahaha!” Rainbow Dash laughed, falling over backwards. “That face! How’d you?... with the eyebrows. Golden! Ahahaha.” Her laughter was soon accompanied by a giggle from Fluttershy..

Then suddenly, “Ah, we’re wasting time! Quick, get on the seesaw.” Fluttershy was being pushed across the playground. Looking down reminded her of the sky. Yellow like the sun, and blue like the sky. She soon found herself on the plank, and her friend rose away yelling down, “Keep your legs bent, and brace yourself. This is going to be awesome with a capital awe.”

Neither of the ponies knew what a capital was in the first place. Fluttershy thought that the capitol was Canterlot. That’s what daddy said.

"You ready?" called Rainbow Dash from above.

Fluttershy looked down at the seesaw. Her hooves were evenly spaced. Most of her weight sat in her hind legs, which were slightly bent. She experimented crouching a little lower, then a little higher. She would feel much more comfortable with her legs locked.

"I can't stay up here forever you know." Rainbow Dash said, strain etched into her voice.

Fluttershy looked up. Against the sky all she could see were two dots of color circling. She returned her concentration to herself. Obviously she was expected to be doing something. Just what she was was a mystery.

"Hey Rainbow Dash-" She started.

"OK, here I come!"

"Oh, no I meant what should I-yAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Finished Fluttershy as Rainbow fell down on the far end of the seesaw. Upwards she shot, like Spitfire with less control.

Unfolding her left wing started a spiral. Spreading out her right wing morphed her flight into a tight spin. Her hooves swung in wide arcs.

She kept screaming. Screaming for mommy. Screaming at Rainbow Dash. Screaming at the world to just stop spinning. But the world was deaf, and becoming red. It could not be sunset yet.

Before all of the pieces fell into place, the novice flyer crashed into the wall of the school.


Too slowly she began to fall, peeling from her imprint on the wall. Down she dropped like a bag of stones, to the clouds that saved her bones. A rainbow streak rushed to her side, saying that at least she tried. Maybe she could sleep in time, to heal this catchy sort of rhyme. She could not stop it, she tried to drop it. If she just stopped thinking...

...sinking. She was sinking in cloud, but the world remained loud. Really, why? Could no pony let her lie? Just like three days before, when she picked herself from the floor. Fluttershy rose with a groan. A strain in her back, caused her to moan. Rainbow Dash looked perplexed, as if her friend was hexed. For her eyes were rolling. Her tone was drolling. Ear were flopping, eyelids dropping.
Oh please help her, god of sun! The time of song had begun.

“What was that you crazy twat?” Sang Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, Are you all right?” Responded Rainbow Dash with no rhythm.

“You gave me the biggest fright!”

“Well it was for the sake of flight.” Explained Rainbow Dash. “Wait, why are we rhyming?”

“And what was with that timing? You never ever told me. Your plans were not plain to see.”

“Oh, sorry. Umm... now what are you doing?"

Fluttershy was now bobbing side to side, to an imaginary beat.

"Remembering my footing." She replied. "The time I spend with my mom c'est trés longue. So I developed a habit in song. And stop it will not. Until conclusion is wraught. I hardly know what I mean."

"This is the strangest I've seen. Rhyme is cool, and fun. But seriously, did that hurt a ton?" Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof in the direction of the upside down Fluttershy impression stamped in the wall. "Even so that trick, was awesome and terrific. Do you want to try once more?”

“I want nothing you have in store!” Raged Fluttershy. “It was the worst, please warn me first.”

“Sorry... And about the singing, it’s caused my ears to start ringing. I really want it to end, what’s the quickest mend?”

“A conclusion I said. Listen you featherhead.”

“But I don’t see how, and I want it done now.”

“At least your tempo got better, but the dialogue much wetter. Can’t you see, it’s only fee. We must complete, we have to meet...” Fluttershy rambled, her face turning blue.

“Stop your stalling!” Rainbow Dash stamped the clouds, a trickle of thunder could be heard below.

“We need a calling. A purpose, a plot.” Fluttershy explained

“So what I sought, we need content, like a message to be sent?”


“To who?”

“The few that want to listen to you.”

"Just us two!?"

"Yes." Fluttershy beamed.

"I got it!" Rainbow Dash took hold of a new beat, bobbing from side to side.

"Life's too short for the trotting pace.
And that's why you gotta fly.
Practice your form, you'll win the race,
Speed's the fruit of what you try!"

Rainbow Dash flew a tight circle around Fluttershy's head, making her frown a little. It made her dizzy. In response, she started hopping around the school in great bounding leaps, wings working at full speed.

"Patience Rainbow, pay attention.
The world is full of detail.
Slow down, maximise retention.
To pass it by is how you fail."

Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves. She flew just above Fluttershy as they went along the red wall.

"Fluttershy please, what do you see?
Too much, the exact same things.
When you fly you can break free.
And that is why we have wings."

She caught Fluttershy around the waist on her next bounce, lifting her twice as high.

"Wah! Too high! Way too high.
Why is the world getting smaller?
I don't even think I'm meant to fly.
All I am is a grand faller."

"You aren't going to fall if you flap." Rainbow Dash proclaimed, letting go of her yellow baggage. "Oh snap!"

Fluttershy flopped into the clouds audibly.

"I'm OK. ow! I'll get up. ow!
I prefer my hooves down here.
Bravo Rainbow, take a bow.
All you've done is increase my fear."

Her eyes were getting teary. Apparently Rainbow Dash noticed.

"Come on, don't be sad.
No one started out grand.
Cheer up, it’s not so bad,
To fly and never land.”

“But I’ll get weary...” Sang Fluttershy

“Hey, I do too.” Rainbow Dash landed beside her

“I find it dreary.”

“That’s nothing new.” The Rainbow pony shifted her eyes up and to the left.

“What does that mean?”


“The way you move your eyes I’ve seen.”

“You’ve never seen eye rolling?”

“Umm, no. Should I have been knowing?”

“It’s not important.”

But what had it meant, thought Fluttershy.

She was shocked to find herself in front of the school. Shocked enough to issue drool. She looked to both sides, a horizon of cloud. Nowhere and nowhere was the bustling crowd.

“Oh, we’re back.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“For words, you have a knack.” Fluttershy teased, moving her eyes up and to the side.

Then from behind came a gruff voice.

“Two truant fillies, rejoice.”

Twin screams punctuated the air, the fillies ran and flew from the scare.

They raced down the halls, bouncing off walls.

Up the stairs, past teacher’s lairs.

Through a corridor, limbs growing sore.

And the voice echoed behind them.

“Just wait ‘til I find ‘em.”

“Gosh he was scary,
All big brown and hairy.” Fluttershy sang on.

“Shouldn’t we hide?
Because fleeing we’ve tried.
I can’t believe we’re still singing,
with the luck its bringing.”

“No need to blame the song,
It’s this school’s fault, it’s what’s wrong.
At the end of this hall, you see that light?
What is it? It shines real bright.”

Fluttershy ran out into the light. And what was below her caused her great fright. She backpedalled but her fate was settled and down she fell, what a sight! Rainbow Dash zipped down in a flash, and caught the grand faller, before the cloud floor could maul her.

“What just happened Rainbow?
Goodness, we’re outside!
I just leaped out a window?!
And I don’t think I like this ride.”

Rainbow Dash dipped.

“Oh no. The ride is fine.
Please don’t let us die
Please just fly in a straight line.
And after, teach me how to fly.”

Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash’s neck as they angled down. Both pegasi flapped their wings desperately. The clouds rushed up at them and


The impact shook Fluttershy to the core. She kept a hold of her friend as sleep overcame her.

"Here they are. I saved them!" shouted a gruff voice, far too close to the pegasus' ears.

"Good work Heaver! Are they all right?" A mare shouted back.

"I think so. Is Spitfire back with their parents?" Heaver asked. He was getting closer.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dash are due in ten minutes. And we got a hold of her father." Announced another mare.

Fluttershy groaned. Rainbow Dash shifted under her.

"C'mon, git'er up." Commanded Heaver.

The fillies did not move.

"I hate first years."

"Heaver! I'm shocked at you. Anyway, look at the little dearies. They're being cute."

Fluttershy could feel her heart rate rise.

"Wake up!”

Rainbow Dash jumped, knocking Fluttershy aside. Her voice rang out and filled the air, squeaky and panicked. “Ayayah Whazzat?! Omigoshomigoshomigosh. Fluttershy, we’re safe, we are safe! Who are you?”

“I am a member of the school faculty.”

“Geshundheit.” Squeaked Fluttershy. Rainbow laughed.

“You think my job is funny do you? Well you, missy, are in a whole lot of trouble.” Heaver huffed.

“Why?” Rainbow demanded.

“Because fillies that skip school are criminals, and criminals get punished!”

“We weren’t skipping school! Fluttershy here made her own, and I though it was better than your smelly place.”

The little yellow filly stirred. She gulped down the sense of imminent disaster and wrestled herself up from the clouds. A big brown pony, Heaver, and Spit Shine were looking down on her. Smug he was, with that tight lipped smile. Spit Shine had her eyes narrowed, mouth agape. Fluttershy did not recognizes the expression. Surprise maybe.

“Tell ‘em Fluttershy!” Goaded Rainbow Dash, but her face fell when their gazes met. “What’s the matter?”

The second mare arrived. She was a grown up too. Her face was like the floors of the school, grey and unyielding.

“Um... I...”

“Out with it!” Shouted Heaver. Fluttershy retreated under her bangs.

“Come now deary, what were you going to say?”

“I... um... I sort of... three days ago...”

“Go on, why didn’t you show up to class that day deary?”

“Because I-”

“Because she thinks she’s too important I’d say.” Grunted Heaver, leaning closer to Fluttershy. She saw his grin get wider.

“That’s enough, Heaver. Thank you for saving the girls, you can go now.” The stony faced mare said. Fluttershy appreciated the dismissal.

“What’s he got pricking his wing?” Muttered Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy felt better. She let out a little giggle.

“Young lady! I would hope that you would take this seriously.” The stony faced mare said.

Fluttershy sank below her bangs again. “I didn’t want to go to school three days ago. I went to the park instead. It was fun and I lear...”

“I am very disappointed in you!” Said the mare. “I will be having a talk with your father about this. Go back to class. Come along Rainbow Dash”


“Come along!” She turned and with only a curt nod to Spit Shine, flew back to the school. Rainbow Dash followed her, sneaking a look back at her friend.

Tears were starting to form. Fluttershy looked to Spit Shine, just for one shred of her fake kindness.

“Are you mad at me?” She whimpered.

“I’m not mad, deary.”

The corners of the Fluttershy’s mouth lifted. Her eyes widened. Intently she watched Spit Shine’s muzzle form the words...

“But I am very, very disappointed in you.” She said.

When a pegasus heart breaks, the sky will carry the sound. It’s like crushing glass, and gurgling brooks, not as lengthy as a sob, but so much softer than a scream. The sound is caught in the back of the throat before escaping as a gasp. And when a pegasus heart breaks, it hurts because it shatters. Each shard melts away, seeping dull pain into her breast. The pain just hangs there, sapping the color and life from the world. Then there is only a shell. And the pegasus with no more heart cannot do anything. The shell is immobile, and cold. The ache is warm, the only thing to hold onto. Rainbow Dash had looked so, alienated. The memory is something to hold onto, but it hurts all the more.

Fluttershy knew her heart was broken. She felt so empty.

“Come along.” Spit Shine began the trot back to the school.

Say it

“Fluttershy, let’s go.”

Say it


Fluttershy followed. Her tears mixed into the clouds to rain on some pony’s day.


Upon entering the classroom, the Fluttershy felt every pair of eyes boring into her. She was suddenly grateful that her seat was so close to the door. Her eyes did not stray from her destination while she walked. Every step was thought out and made to be as perfectly even as possible. She still managed to stumble as she sat down. Maybe nopony noticed. The snickering that reached her ears was probably just her imagination. The teacher present wordlessly switched with Spit Shine and left the room.

Class was dull. They were learning how to recognize patterns for something called matmatics. Spit Shine never held Fluttershy’s eye contact, preferring to engage the blue pony in the middle.

When it was over and the bell rang she left the classroom. The hallway was rushing by as usual. This time she stuck close to the wall while navigating the school. The fresh air was a short lived relief.

The world was so grey today. The clouds were blinding white, but lacking lustre. The sky as clear as ever save for the flock of pegasi. All of the colors were there. But there was no splash of Rainbow.

Fluttershy stopped where she was. Ponies grunted at her as they passed. It took her a moment to uproot herself and break into a run.

She charged into the crowd, side stepping and hopping to avoid the cascading hooves. Something caught her under her chin. She ignored it.

"Out of my way please." She said to every pony that ignored her.

The thrall tried to grab a hold of her. They would not have her, because today was a special day. She continued her charge, and found that the crowd was thinning out. Soon she was able to walk through the school with relative ease.

With no wall of ponies pushing on her, Fluttershy started crisscrossing the hall at every doorway, just long enough to poke her nose into each classroom. There were stragglers everywhere. Some were still working at their desks. Others were fiddling with instruments, musical and obscure alike. But no pony had a rainbow mane.

"Did you see? A first year got in trouble for skipping today. I could hear her parents from all the way down the hall."

Fluttershy turned in the direction of the voice. No pony was in the hallway

"Suck for her. What were her parents saying?"

The voices were coming from a classroom, three doors down.

"I don't know the whole story, but apparently another first year tricked their daughter. They told her to be more careful with friends."

Fluttershy stopped creeping towards the door.

"Well maybe she should. That was a really mean trick her friend played on her. Did you hear about Spitfire?"

Fluttershy left the gossiping doorway and went for a walk. Walks were one of Fluttershy's favorite things. She walked for fun, when there was none. She walked when she wanted to go places slowly. And she walked when it was time to think. In the rhythm of hoof steps she could place her thoughts in order.

Rainbow Dash was yelled at by her parents. She was in trouble with them. They thought that Rainbow Dash had been tricked by her friend. Fluttershy's friend was Rainbow, maybe it went the other way around as well. That means that Fluttershy tricked Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy is a trickster.

She choked. She had not noticed her heart mending, but it was cracking apart once again.

Rainbow Dash was in trouble, it was the tricksters fault. If the trickster apologized, everything could be forgiven. Celestia knows where to find them. Waiting until tomorrow would be far too late. She had to find Rainbow Dash that day.

Her thoughts continued, but her hooves would not walk anymore. They trembled with her legs, and then her whole body joined in.

She fell onto clouds. They were so soft and cozy, Fluttershy could not help but wrap herself in their wispy folds.