• Published 7th Jun 2014
  • 1,461 Views, 66 Comments

New Beginnings - PassionQuill

What would you do if you came upon a beaten down mare in a toxic environment? Would you leave her there or take her with you? Allington decides to take the strange Batpony with him so she can learn what's outside the forest she calls home.

  • ...

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Friend

In the looming presence of the Hollow woods, all major roads had been stripped away until only minor dirt trails could coil eerily through the dense forest. An almost impenetrable fixture of clouds resided high above Allington’s head, keeping the sun from shining as bright as it possibly could have. It was the lack of sunlight which had brought the blue unicorn hours into this rather unique forest. He knew that somewhere amongst the strangely formed trees and dark brushes lurked a myriad of plant species endemic to this region of Equestria, and it was said to be specially so around the village of Hollow Shades.

The village was a rather small one. The houses far and wide in between in comparison to towns like Ponyville. It was further unique due to looking like something taken straight out of nightmare night itself. This could have been because of the slightly gothic architecture that all the ancient houses had, or perhaps the atmosphere was caused by the lower amounts of light reaching the place. Though, one thing was for certain, the place had been around for far longer than his hometown of Trottingham. And it was a place rich in traditions and history, however odd they may be.

The ponies living there dressed in slightly duller clothes relative to what other ponies wore in the different areas of Equestria which Allington had been to. They had far fewer colors overall, and those which they did use were washed out and bleak at best. It did however fit in very well with the very somber feel of the place.

It was while noticing the boring attires that Allington saw their eyes being glued to him. Their looks were filled with mistrust and just a hint of contempt, as if none in the town actually wanted him there. Though, there was still nothing too concerning about, even if their behavior did cause him to feel a slight discomfort. It was also very apparent that the villages did their best to simply stay out of his way when he walked through the town’s square. Even the ponies at the tavern near him disappeared inside once he approached it.

Allington couldn’t help but feel the place was very interesting, even if everypony here seemed so suspicious of outsiders. It was no wonder to him that this place didn't get many visitors. Their behavior also explained why he had never had any commissions from this area of Equestria before. Though, his thought about the weird ponies was a passing one, there were several rare-and possibly undiscovered- trees said to be around the hollows, and as an experienced arborist, that notion spurred Allington on.

He was going to make the best of his satiation, and he was going to do so by showing the secluded ponies of Hollow Shades how nice an outsider could actually be, which he did by smiling kindly to any and all ponies he passed while trotting through the town at a respectable pace.

"Excuse me, miss?" he asked one of the less-grim-looking ponies along his path. "Do you know where I may find an Euclidian Willow? I heard that they only grow near this area, and..." He trailed off as the mare ducked away to leave him hanging.

“Such an odd populace” mumbled Allington quietly to himself as he continued along the path. “Fine, if the ponies here are going to avoid me, then I’ll just wander along a path until I found something interesting or relevant to my search...”

Nice flowers, interesting weeds, and strange bushes grew all along on his path through the town. It really didn't seem like anypony wanted to have anything to do him. But, that didn’t matter awfully much to Allington when there was an abundance of plants for him to study. Though, for as interesting as the plants inside the town area were, it was outside it where things got really interesting. At the edge of town, the very heart of the forest, grew some very unique plants to this area of Equestria, one of them being The Euclidian Willow which he had feverishly searched for, and as it just so happened, one of them actually grew near the outskirts of town. It stood tall as it loomed in over the dark and eerily calm looking lake where he could see an even darker silhouette of figure sitting beneath the tree, hunched over with something in its lap.

Seeing the tree made Allington's eyes widened with excitement, he had finally found one of the rare trees of Equestria to document. However, his excitement took a backseat once he actually paid attention to the figure beneath it. In hindsight of how the villagers had treated him, he hesitated approaching it. Though, if he was going to study the tree, it meant engaging the figure by proxy, which meant he had to approach the both of them. But, as he was about to head towards them, an old purple stallion grabbed him by the shoulder and grumbled in a quiet and slightly stern voice.

"You better not go down there. She's a bad omen. She’ll make you disappear!"

"I beg pardon?" said Allington as he looked at the old stallion in confusion. "What in the blazes are you referring to? I merely seek the tree, not who or whatever may be near it… You said that 'she' is a bad omen? Please explain yourself."

The old stallion slowly chewed on something in his mouth, staring at Allington for several moments before finally adding something new to his warning.

"Sinister things take place on Nightmare Night." With those words his eyes and face turned towards the tree. "Such as her being born from pegasi parents."

He spat some of whatever he was chewing out on the ground as he glared back at Allington. "Study the tree all you want, just be aware of her. She's bad luck for everypony, a bad omen."

"And what does being born from Pegasi have to do with luck, my dear elder? I am afraid that your logic behind that statement has no meaning to me. Nonetheless, I will heed your warning." With a small smile and nod, Allington continued towards the tree, keeping the figure, which apparently was a female born of pegasi, in his field of vision. He would first try to avoid contact with the mare, so while walking towards it he withdrew a small booklet and pencil from his satchel and so he could begin to make sketches of the tree.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn ya,” grumbled the old Stallion before waddling away.

With each step closer to the tree, a bit more of the figure beneath it became clearer, and so did the warning. She was a Batpony, something that was not all that common in Equestria. She was of a species which had throughout many eons of folklores been forever interlinked with nightmare moon herself. The strange warning of the elderly stallion suddenly made sense. It was no wonder the town folks thought something was sinister about her if she had been born on Nightmare Night from non-Batpony parents.

Allington managed to get himself almost right next to the tree before bringing his presence to the attention of the Batpony in front of him. It was a small branch snapping that alerted her of him being there, and the sound alone caused the mare to move her head forward in a reflective manner, as if she was expecting something to strike the back of her head. The instinctive movement was quickly followed up by a rapid turn towards him.

The dim sunlight shimmered rather brightly in her big blue eyes despite it being so dark. There seemed to be an odd flickering in them when they locked on to Allington. A slightly timid and very soft voice came from the small frame as she mumbled,

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be in your way. I'll leave..." It was all that came from her before she got up to pack up her little bundle of things and put it into a worn down saddlebag. She then proceeded to walk around him in a wide circle with a bit of a limp on her left hindleg.

Allington didn’t react initially to what she said. He was far too surprised to see a Batpony in this area, knowing that they tended to live more towards the wooded mountains instead of the hollow forest. Though, he couldn’t help but wonder why he was so surprised by this fact. It was possibly because he was half-expecting to find a pegasus instead of a bat pony underneath the tree.

Something further dawned upon him when noticing how she spoke and moved around when reacting to his sudden presence. It seemed that she was broken. The flinching, she acted as a beaten pet and not like a dangerous animal like the elder had hinted. Something was very off about this village, and this mare, and he wasn't about to let her leave, even if he was still a bit wary of her.

"Wait. You do not have to leave, as I mean you no harm..." He said softly, still levitating the booklet and pencil near his head.

She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around to look at him. "I don't?"

Her voice carried a thick layer of confusion and her eyes seemed a bit uncertain of what to do now. Though, she ended up sitting down in the grass a few feet behind Allington, with her own equipment tucked to her side as some had begun to fall out of the holes in her saddlebags.

"Can I ask what you're doing?" her voice rang up just as softly as it did before, though this time it was a lot louder and more lively than her first response to him.

"Um... I am making a study of the tree you were occupying a few moments ago,” said Allington as he resumed making an anatomical sketch of the tree and its leaves and fruits. "This particular tree is very rare, and I traveled a long ways to see it because I heard it grew here."

However much interest her sudden curiosity sparked, Allington figured she was merely curious about what he was doing due to the limited social interactions she’d get in this village with all its superstitious ponies. Though, as sudden as her interest was, it wasn’t as sudden as how quickly she came to sit by his side with a little thud, seemingly having made a little leap from where she sat before to get to him without making another sound.

"May I ask what you were doing here before?" asked Allington curiously.

"Oh? I was just trying to write something, nothing interesting." She looked back down at her portable ink bottle, quill and extensively worn-down leather book.

"It's really that unique? I never knew that. Here I've sat under it for years and years, and never knew it was this special. You're some kind of science pony, right?" Despite her rather timid nature, she looked up at him with a big heart-warming smile. It was first now that she was sitting so close to Allington, and looking at him that he could see some blue discoloration in her black coat around her right eye and along her side.

"Consider slowing down a tic, lass." He said softly at her barrage of questions and statements, looking at her with an interesting combination of amusement and reservation. "Yes, it is a very rare tree, and no, I am not necessarily a science pony, though I do perform scientific inquiry when needed. Consider me more as a doctor of sorts." He noted with some concern for her right eye while he imagined the many possible scenarios which could have occurred to have caused it. Was this the aftermath of a hostile advance by a local? It begged the question.

Although Allington’s dark thoughts expressed in his face, the mare appeared to hang on every word he said, almost with a child-like eager. "Ooooh, you're a doctor. I bet that's a really interesting profession to be in." She smiled widely at him, being fairly content with the company.

"And as a doctor, I must ask you about your leg and eye, lass. I cannot pretend to ignore it while I stand here and talk with you..." Allington’s expression became softer as he looked at her, allowing her to see the level of care and concern in his emerald eyes.

It was a question which appeared to have hit home with her as the warm smile quickly died down once more before deforming into a strange frown.

"Oh, that was my own fault. I didn't look where I was walking. It's really nice of you to ask though." Somehow her smile found a way to return once more, but this time with her eyes closed, and as they opened, they gazed into Allington’s, who in return gazed back into hers as he expected a real answer from her. The staring and silence went on for quite some time, and eventually she started to appear almost mesmerized for the moment before pulling away from him as she flinched. “Sorry…”

"You really don't mind me being here?" She asked while looking straight ahead instead of at him now.

"Well, I do not mind at all, lass." He said while smiling a bit. There was something about her eyes which he found Interesting. It was like they were extremely radiant and full of life despite whatever had happened to her. Although, he considered the option of that feeling having risen because the villagers of the town were all as lifeless and dull as the town they lived in. Then again, for somepony who supposedly was a bad omen, she seemed very innocent and approachable.

"No, I do not mind, so long as you don't attack me or anything along the like." Allington rolled his eyes. "One of the villagers actually warned me from speaking to you. Why do they do this to you, other than the fact that you appear different than the rest of them? I must ask this now, seeing as I am curious."

An expression of woe came over her entire body as he brought up the scenario of her attacking him, though it was a short lived feeling.

"I-I would never attack anypony!.. oh, you were sarcastic!" Upon the realization she giggled with her soft and sweet voice, a laugh which somehow managed to surprise Allington a bit with how cute it was. Her laughing didn’t last long as she went back to looking very somber again. "It's because I was born on Nightmare Night. I was supposed to be a Pegasus. Or at least that's what they've told me. The reason I'm what I am, is because the dark forces that helped Nightmare Moon were channeled through me in an attempt to bring back her evil reign."

With those words she raised her head to look up at him with a weak smile. "That's what I've been told at least. I try my best to not do anything bad or hurt anypony. Maybe I can change my fate if I just try hard enough with it." She nodded once to herself as she seemed to having fully bought into their justification for what they'd done to her.

"So, you're saying that the 'forces that made nightmare moon' were responsible for your birth?.. What a farce." He squinted a bit. "...Has nopony told you the tale of Nightmare Moon as it actually happened, or were you fed the local old mare's tales?!" He almost huffed a bit at the incredulity of the townsponies here.

"Nightmare Moon was formed when the younger of the two ruling princesses, Luna, became embittered towards her sister. It was from this bitterness that she became Nightmare Moon. There is no way dark forces were behind your birth. What a load of rubbish..." His angered answer was followed by an even more irritated shake of his head.

"Erhm, I've only lived in this town, and only really talked to my parents and some other ponies around town. I don't really know a whole lot about what might have happened back then..." Her facial expression and tone said it all. She was actually apologizing for not being properly educated.

"But, if what you say is true..." Confusion crept back into her face as she thought it over while staring at the ground, never actually finishing her sentence.

"Yes, that is the actual account of what passed during the creation of Nightmare moon, lass." He nodded slowly. "You do not have to look sorry for not knowing, though. ...I suppose it's natural, given the superstitions in this town."

She listened carefully despite looking deep in thought, which was an expression she broke after a moment so she could look back up at him and asked softly, "I wanna ask you a question, mister, erhm, two questions! What is your name? And, why are you being so nice to me?"

"Why, my name is Allington, ma'am.” He looked back at her and tilted his head slightly at her questions. “I am being nice to you because it is my duty to be nice, by me being a member of Equestria and my desire to be a gentlecolt. I see you are wounded and skittish. You have the countenance of one who receives beatings on a regular basis, and as an upright stallion I cannot allow this. That is why I am being nice."

"Allington," she repeated his name, almost like she was tasting it. "My name's Passion Quill. And, I don't think I understood all of what you said. But, that's the nicest thing anypony has ever said to me!" She beamed with joy from it all, seemingly glancing over his remark of regular beatings as she went straight for another question.

"Does this mean... we're friends?" Her eyes flickered rapidly as she stared up at him with baited-breath.

It pained Allington slightly that she was skipping over his question. Though, he couldn’t stop himself from smiling at her fondly, even if some concern bled through in his features.

"Yes, I would say that we’re friends, though at the present I believe 'acquaintance' is the more fitting term, seeing as we just met. Still, I would answer your question with an affirmative." He nodded slowly.
"Now, if you won't tell me about your present condition, can you inform me what you can about this willow...?"

Her eyes grew three sizes as he said yes to her question. She gasped loudly and before he could say or do anything, she shot up from her spot to bounce around happily.

"I can't believe it, I did it!! I made a friend!" Her happy sprawling was followed by her sitting down in front of him, but first after a few laps around him had been made. Her absurd behavior towards making a friend placed a big calm smile on Allington’s face, as well as eliciting a soft chuckle from him while he shook his.

"O-oh, sorry. Erhm" She poked the ground a bit with a hoof while watching the dirt part beneath its pressure. "I wish I could tell you something about this tree. B-but, I don't know a lot more about it than it's been there for as long as I've been alive. I've always loved resting underneath it. Erhm, that's all I know." She scratched the back of her head awkwardly, still avoiding any acknowledgment of his other question.

"It's alright if you can’t tell me anything more about the tree, Passion. I was just wondering what you knew about it is all." He circled the tree, making sketches and notes in his booklet. "I’m happy for your enthusiasm at meeting a new friend, but I assure you, I’m not all that special. That matter aside though, Mind if I ask you some more questions about your life here, Ma'am?" He glanced between her, the tree and the notebook as he spoke to her.

The smile was destined to stay on her face as she stared at him with admiring eyes. "You're special to me, Allington. You're my first friend, my only friend for that matter." She then scratched the back of her head, laughing softly before shaking her head.

“I don't mind you asking me stuff, so, ask away mister, Allington!"

"Is that so?" He giggled softly, opening his mouth in a small grin. "Well, I must say that you need to get outside the hollows more. There are many other ponies outside here for you to be friends with."

He slowly circled the tree again, taking a sample from the bark, the dirt near the tree, and a small section of root.

"Alright, I shall ask indeed. First off, have you been ostracized from the other villagers your whole life? I know the question seems leading, though the evidence points toward an assumption I have. ...Also, do you want medical help for your wounds?"

“Erhm, I have a question first!" She raised a hoof as she asked, "What does ostracized mean?" She smiled a bit embarrassedly before adding, "And erhm, naah, it's okay. It doesn't hurt that much and I usually heal just fine when this happens, no need to worry about it, mister Allington, I’m a tough pony!"

"Well, 'Ostracized' means to be banished or prevented from having much contact with the other ponies in the village," said Allington as he put the samples inside a pouch in his satchel, followed by him looking upward at the leaves, searching for a fruit or seed. "And are you sure you do not need any aid? You seem to have a limp in your back leg, ma'am..."

Passion waited patiently for Allington to be done talking, just quietly observing him when not answering questions.

“Ooooh, well, yeah, I’ve been that for most of my life. Nopony likes being around me much. But, it's okay, I made up plenty of fun games to do all on my own when I was a little filly." She grinned proudly and then looked down at her leg.

"My limp? I'm sure it'll heal in a week or two. It only hurts a bit when I walk." She looked back up at him with a soft smile. "Any more questions, mister Allington?"

He glanced at her while she spoke though his head was facing upwards at the tree leaves.

"I see... Well, it pains me somewhat to see anypony wounded." Sadly not being able to find any seeds, he broke a small twig off the tree and placed it inside a special box in his bag. " And yes, I do have another question or two. Where do you live if you are banished from the village, and how do you relate to your parents? Seeing your current physical state, I am a little concerned."

"I'm sorry... I'll stop limping so it won't bother you," mumbled Passion while withdrawing some from him. "Oh, well, I got a little house I live in on the edge of the village. And to answer your question on how I relate to my parents, erhm, well, I'm their daughter of course... I've no idea why I'm a Batpony when they're both Pegasi...”

“I don't think I understand what you mean with my physical state,” sighed Passion while her head lowered as gradually she felt more and more stupid for not really understanding her friend.

"Passion, I am not bothered by you limping near me, as much as the fact that you are limping at all. There is a difference there, so there is no need to withdraw from me like that." He turned his attention to her now as he stowed the box away. "Alright, so you do have a house you live in. That is good to hear. As for you being a Batpony while your parents are Pegasi... Perhaps there are other Batponies in your family line. I highly doubt that dark magic caused you to be one." He shook his head slowly.

A soft smile formed on her lips as she moved in a bit closer to him once more. "Okay mister. Thanks for not being bothered by it like that." The question about her lineage caused her to gently rub her chin as she thought about her family tree.

“Maybe I do? I don't really know my family history all that well, so I guess it could be true!" She giggled loudly, and although there was a little snort or two, there was something strangely adorable about it. "You're really smart, mister Allington. Erhm, I would like to ask you a question, if you don't mind it at least… erhm, how is the place you're from like?"

A surge of happiness streamed through Allington as he managed to make her laugh, knowing vague hints about the kind of hardship she was enduring on a daily basis in the town, making her laugh was probably one of the few joys she had in her life. Though, he was also beginning to oddly enough enjoy the sound of her laugh.

"Where I'm from?" He glanced upwards. "Well, I am from a city on the other side of the mountains named Trottingham. Have you heard of it before? It is a very lovely city: The townsfolk are amicable, the weather very temperate, and you can still have the misty moors near the outskirts of town. It's my home, and my heritage, Trottingham is. My family and I actually own an orchard there, Passion."

Passion listened once again very carefully to every single word he said. Her face showed a great deal of curiosity and wonder from what he told her. There was also a great deal of amusement for Allington when he told about his hometown. It was even amusing for him to watch her face light up from his story. He wasn't even adding any special descriptions to his account, yet it somehow stirred a new faction in her imagination.

"I've heard the name Trottingham, and I've even seen the name in some books of mine. It sounds really great from what you've described. I've never seen an orchard though, but I bet the one you have is a really nice one." She smiled timidly and looked down at the ground as she asked.

"I have another question... If it isn't too much to ask, do you think I could, maybe tag along as you travel to Trottingham? I promise I won't be a bother, you won't even notice I'm there. I just need somepony to help me get through the forest, as it can be a bit scary and dangerous." Her ears fell down low and she quivered a bit at the thought of it.

"You want to... Travel with me?" He asked slowly, making certain he had heard her right. This was certainly a tad unexpected, though he knew not why. Given what he knew, were she to go with him, it would remove her from the violent atmosphere this place had towards her.

"You do realize that Trottingham is several day's journey from here. That shouldn't be an issue, but I say it now because it is some distance from here... Would you still be willing to go?"

Passion nodded determinedly. "Y-yes, I understand it's far away, but I'd still like to come with you." She turned her head to look at the gloomy village.

"I don't really have anything left for me here, and even if the villagers don't treat me that badly, I want to see what else is in the world. I'd really appreciate it if I could just follow you till we get there, then you can ditch me if you want to." She looked back at him with a spec of home glimmering in her beautiful blue eyes.

"But, if you don't want to, that's okay as well. I wouldn't blame you." She turned her back to him and sat down with her tail tugged very firmly into her side and along her frame, and her head lowered.

Allington mulled the thought over in his head for a while, sitting down to think more clearly. Sure, he'd enjoy the extra company for once, as he normally traveled alone during his work, but to take along somepony he just met... He'd been through a lot worse in his earlier days where he and his rowdy mountain goat friend would oft go on wild (and sometimes drunken) adventures and cause all sorts of mischief. Of course, it also didn't hurt that Passion had a certain charm to her character that Allington appreciated. And, the thought struck him once again. Taking her with him would remove her from this caustic environment she was submerged into. That alone would do the mare some good.

"...Alright. You may accompany me on my trek back to Trottingham, miss Passion,” mumbled Allington eventually, standing up and smiling at her with a friendly warmth.

"Really?!" She jumped up from her spot while turning around to face him. "Thank you, Mister Allington!"

She had a weird mixture of over-excitement and terrified restraint to her way of approaching him when he accepted her to come along as a companion.

"S-so, when do we leave?" asked Passion as she moved a bit closer to Allington, but made sure to stay at least a foot or two from him. "Or maybe you want me to show you all the cool flowers and tress I've seen around here?"

"Glad to see you are excited at the prospect,” said Allington with a small chuckle, noting her odd reaction to his acceptance. "...And yes to the second: I would much like to see more of the 'cool flowers and trees' before we depart. They are the original reason I came here, after all." He packed the other items back into his satchel and glanced around the wood. "Are there any close by? I know that there are a few other rare plants near the area that I have heard talk of."

"Okay! follow me!" chirped Passion while grinning widely as she turned around and walked further into the woods with him, walking along at a brisk pace. "There are some close by, others are further away."

She seemed to be intimate with the area just around the village. Without hesitation she jumped up onto lifted tree roots and into oddly shaped tunnels to get to secluded areas where nopony would normally go to within this rather gloomy forest. It was because of her intimacy with the forest that Allington had to follow closely behind her or be left behind from her rapid movement. Her knowledge of the forest didn’t seem strange to him, as she naturally would know a lot about this after having spent her life outside the town borders.

"This is my favorite flower!" She squeaked with a cracking voice as she poked her nose against the one foot tall flower that was closed tightly together. The petals of it were a dull black color, much like Passion's coat. "It's an, erhm, noc.. noctu.. noctar... it's a night flower. It only opens up when the moon is out. But it's really pretty! It’s got this glowing purple inside to it." She poked it again with her nose before looking back at him. "Is this the kind of stuff you want me to show you?"

"...A nocturne, perhaps?" He asked as he inspected the flower closer. "Yes, I have read about these before and saw one once upon a brief expedition into the Everfree edge. This is only the second I have seen personally, though. This one seems much healthier and darker than the one in the Everfree did, though. Interesting." He pulled out his notebook again and made more sketches.

"Fascinating. Yes, these are the sort of things I am interested in seeing here."

She smiled widely at him, "Glad you like it! And of course he's healthy. I've taken good care of Night Bloom for like two years now." She gently stroked the crown of the flower before turning around.

"Wait, so you cultivated this plant yourself? That explains the more glossy stem and bulb..." He made a note in his notebook.

"Mhm, I've taken care of him all by myself." chirped Passion as she motioned for him to follow her again.

It seemed like she'd had a hoof in taking care of other of the plants on her tour as well. She took him all around the edges of the forest, showing him all the different flowers she'd found, the strangest bushes that she knew of, and the coolest trees she could find. Most of them weren't specific to only this area of Equestria, but a few were precisely the reason why he had traveled to this slightly backwards town. Allington continued the same practice he had done previously, making notes in his floating notebook, making comments when necessary and also informing her about the history and topology of the trees he knew. This was his field, and as anypony immersed in their field of study, he was lively and talkative about it, eager to share his knowledge with her. When they stopped, he made a few last notes in his book while she turned around to look at him.

"And... that's all I know of." She looked a bit disappointed in herself for not being able to help him any more than she had done.

"It is quite fine, Passion. You have been a wondrous help to me. Why, it would have taken me hours to find half of the plants that you led me right to! I deeply appreciate it." He smiled at her broadly and with excitement in his deep green eyes.

Something about the situation caused her dark cheeks to take on a crimson hue as he complimented her, and her bright blue eyes began to glow happily in unison with her color change.

"T-thank you, I'm glad to have been of help to my, friend,” said Passion with a subdued smile while attempting to hide her fairly bright cheeks, glistening eyes, and idle twisting of one hoof in the dirt. "What now, mister Allington?"

"Well, now we head back through town and back to Trottingham, unless you have something else you wish to show me. I’ve seen more than I came here to see, and since you have shown me all the foliage you know, I see no further reason to remain here."

"I… I got nothing to do in this town, and nothing to take with me, except for what I’m carrying right now in my saddlebags." She smiled weakly at him as she walked up to his side, still keeping her distance from him.

“So, please lead the way, mister Allington,” chirped Passion before mumbling quietly, “and thank you for taking me with you…”