• Published 3rd Jun 2015
  • 5,077 Views, 125 Comments

To Sit For The Most - Darkryt Orbinautz

Princess Cadence is a foalsitter who, being in rich, hoity-toity Canterlot, has to put up with spoiled brat after spoiled brat. Twilight Sparkle is a terrifying filly who drives away sitter after sitter. They were bound to find each other.

  • ...


Portrayed as a woman with angel wings mixing up the water of two cups, one blue, the other red, the Temperance Arcana is a symbol of synthesis, prudence, harmony, and the merging of opposites. - Persona Wiki.

Cadence ran under the cold, gaze of nightfall. As the castle came into view, she slowed down and walked to the door. Tears dripping down her cheeks, she pushed the door open.

Making her way through the castle, Cadence came to a stop when, on her way to her room, she entered a chamber where Celestia was talking to a castle staff employee.

“There's my girl!” Celestia said, turning to greet her. “How was foalsitting?”

Cadence raised her hanging head to look up at her. “It was … fine.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. She looked to the servant and waved her hoof, dismissing him. He nodded and left the room.

Celestia walked towards Cadence. “Cadence, I can hear in your voice you're upset about something. Tell me what's wrong.”

“Nothing. Nothing's wrong.” Cadence said, attempting to walk past Celestia. As Cadence passed her, Celestia held out a hoof and braced against Cadence's chest, stopping her in her tracks.

“Cadence, that wasn't a request.” Celestia moved to the front of of Cadence and sat on all fours, bringing her to Cadence's eye-level. “A long, long time ago … I once saw pony I loved go down a dark path because I couldn't be bothered to ask her what was troubling her every now and then.” Celestia looked up at the ceiling, though Cadence got the feeling she was looking more at the sky beyond the ceiling.

Celestia turned her gaze back to Cadence. “I won't let the same thing happen to you. Now, tell me what's wrong.”

Cadence sniffed. She wiped a tear from her eye. “I … I was foalsitting Twilight Sparkle and it was raining. Once the rain had stopped, I took Twilight Sparkle out to play in the mud. You know, like most foals do! After we had played in the mud for awhile, Twilight started feeling a little unwell, so I took her home and gave her a bath, but that didn't help. So I tried to make some soup to help her feel better before her parents came home, but then Shining Armor got there, and I tried to distract him but then her parents and showed up and saw that I got her sick and Twilight Velvet fired me and said she'd never let me near Twilight Sparkle again!” Towards the end of her explanation, Cadence had begun to talk incredibly fast, though Celestia still made out most of what she said. The important parts, anyway.

“Oh, Cadence ...” Celestia cooed. Celestia wrapped a hoof around her and pulled Cadence to her chest as Cadence cried. “My poor Cadence ...”

“I ...” Cadence stammered. “I-I just wanted to enrich her life … to show her she didn't have to be scared of the world and other ponies …”

They stood there awhile. Celestia let Cadence cry and cry and cry until she couldn't cry anymore.

“There.” Celestia pulled away. “Feeling better? Got it all out?”

Cadence sniffed, rubbing at her eyes. “I think so ...”

Celestia patted Cadence on the side. “Go to bed, dear. I'll see if I can catch Twilight Velvet, and we can smooth this all out tomorrow …”

Cadence nodded, acknowledging her aunt's words. She headed to her room and hopped onto the bed. Despite what she had told Celestia, she buried her face into the pillow and cried a little more before she was able to turn herself over and worm her way under the covers, still letting out a tearful sniff every few minutes. It was a long while before she fell asleep.

Twilight Sparkle pressed her nose to the glass, wondering why Cadence had gone. In her sickly state while under the covers, she couldn't hear the argument Cadence and Twilight Velvet had before Cadence's abrupt departure.

“Mom? Dad?” Twilight Sparkle asked, moving away from the window and walking up to her parents. “Why did Cadence leave without saying goodbye?”

Night Light grimaced and looked to his wife for how to explain this. Twilight Velvet narrowed her eyes and humphed, turning her head away.

“Cadence … had to leave, dear.” Night Light said, doing his best to be tactful.

“Oh. Okay.” Twilight Sparkle looked at the floor. “When is she coming back?”

Never before did Night Light have the urge to chew his lips until he bit through his own mouth and could eat his vocal chords so he wouldn't have to answer his daughter's innocent questions, but right now, he had the overwhelming urge to do so.

“We-we don't know, dear.” Night Light wrapped a hoof around Twilight Sparkle and pulled him close. “Maybe not ever ...” He said under his breath, too quiet for Twilight Sparkle to hear.

Twilight Sparkle pulled her head away from her father's chest and looked up at him. “But she … she is coming back, isn't she?”

Night Light bit his lip.

“Go to bed, dear.” Twilight Velvet told her, in a harsher tone than she meant to use, her hostility towards Cadence still showing through her voice. “We'll be taking you to the doctor on our way to work, first thing in the morning, so you'd better get some sleep.”

Twilight Sparkle nodded and climbed into bed.

Night Light was the last one out of the room, closing the door behind them. “Honey, what are we going to do? We can't tell her we fired Cadence, but we can't keep hiding the truth from her, either … ”

Twilight Velvet humphed again. “You can't keep hiding the truth from her, I would be perfectly happy to let her know exactly what happened.”

“Really?” Night Light asked. “Then why didn't you tell her yourself?”

“Why don't we go to bed, honey? It's been a long night, and I'm tired ...” Twilight Velvet made no effort to hide the fact she was dodging his question. She walked towards their room, and Night Light sighed before following.

They got to the doctor and were able to get in as a walk-in appointment without having to wait too long. The doctor attending was a tall, bulky, brown-coated unicorn, who greeted the family warmly as they walked in the door.

“Hello! Are you three my surprise patients for the day?”

“Yes, that's us.” Night Light said.

“And who do we have here today?” The doctor asked, looking over his clipboard. “Twilight Sparkle, is it?”

Twilight Sparkle nodded.

The doctor consulted his clipboard. “And this says you have a cold. Is that right?”

Twilight Sparkle nodded again.

“Well, why don't you climb onto this bed here and we'll see if we can get you straightened out ...” The doctor gestured to the bed. Twilight hopped onto the edges, hind hooves flailing as she struggled to get up, but she managed before the doctor could offer his assistance. Night Light was left to hold Twilight Velvet as her nerves got the best of her, causing her to enact unusual behavior such as hoof-biting.

The doctor set out inspecting Twilight Sparkle's body with various tools, sticking a light into her ears. He put his stethoscope onto her chest and listened to her heartbeat, after which he shined a different light into her nostrils, something which Twilight Sparkle didn't care much for, as it kept shining into her eyes.

The doctor pulled out a wooden stick like a popsicle's. “Twilight Sparkle, can you open your mouth for me?”

Twilight Sparkle opened her mouth.

“Good, good ...” The doctor laid the stick on her tongue. “Can you say “ahh” for me?”

“Ahh ...” Twilight Sparkle said, her tongue oscillating as she vocalized.

“Mmm.” The doctor said. He reached over to his shelf and pulled out a different tool, using this one to shine a light down Twilight Sparkle's mouth and throat.

“What is it, doctor?” Twilight Velvet asked, rolling her hooves together. “What's wrong with my daughter?”

“Well, I can tell you one thing for sure; she definitely has more than just a cold.” The doctor said.

“More than just a cold?” Twilight Velvet said. She grabbed her husband, sliding to the floor. “Oh, I knew it! It's something terrible! It's awful!”

“Ma'am, calm down. It's nothing serious. But I would say she has some sort of advanced cold and an infection of some kind, as caused by what we call a 'bug' in medicine.”

“An infection!?” Twilight Velvet screamed. “Oh, I knew it, I knew it!” Night Light was surprised to find himself having to hold up his wife as she fell backwards. “OH, MY POOR BABY! YOU WERE TOO GOOD FOR THIS SINFUL EQUESTRIA!”

“Miss Velvet!” Twilight Velvet found herself being pulled out from Night Light's legs as the doctor grabbed hold of her horn and pulled her upright. “I am not going to tell you to calm down a third time, understand?”

Twilight Velvet nodded to show she understood.

“Good.” The doctor let go of her horn. “It's fine. It's just a small infection. Something got washed up into her body the wrong way. Some bed rest, some hot soup, and some antibiotics which I'm going to prescribe for you, and she'll be fine.”

“Oh! Oh, okay.” Twilight Velvet said. “That's a relief.”

“However ...” The doctor said. “I'm not entirely sure I'm qualified to diagnose this without running some much more extensive tests, but I would say your daughter has an under-developed immune system.”

“An … under-developed … immune system?” Twilight Velvet asked.

“Yes.” The doctor said. “I don't often see infections like this one, but when I do, it's usually the result of a little filly or colt not having a properly developed immune system for her age.”

Night Light put a hoof on Twilight Velvet's shoulder. “Can we … cure it, doctor?”

“I'm afraid there's no 'cure,' as such. But if you want my recommendation, I would say after she starts feeling better, try to get her to play outside a little more. The only way to 'fix' it is by exposing to various bacteria so her immune system can practice and learn to adapt while she's still young and early into her development. You still have a chance to make up for lost time.”

“Okay.” Night Light nodded. “We'll make sure it happens, doctor. Thank you.” Night Light picked up Twilight Sparkle off the bed. “Come on, kiddo. Let's get you back home.”

The family waved goodbye to the doctor, filled out their paperwork, and left the clinic.

Celestia walked around the castle until she found Cadence, hanging around near the front entrance, with her hoof on the doorknob. “Cadence? Where are you going?”

“Oh!” Cadence was surprised to see Celestia there. “Oh, nowhere. I just thought I would go visit some ponies. See if they needed a foalsitter this morning.”

Celestia let out a worried expression. “Don't you want to talk with Twilight Velvet? She should be in for work shortly...”

“Oh.” Cadence smiled, though Celestia could see it was forced. “It's fine. We'll talk later. Bye!” Cadence opened the door and fled through it before Celestia could raise an objection.

Celestia closed her eyes and shook her head. “Oh, Cadence … you think I don't realize you're stalling?”

Cadence closed the door and hung her head. She was stalling, and she knew it. She was far from ready to face Twilight Velvet. She wasn't ready to talk yet, and she was going to delay as long as she could. She felt guilty, feeling as though she had lied to Celestia, even though Celestia saw through it.

Perking her head up and wearing a fake smile, Cadence went on her way, marching out to the streets and hocking her services like any good merchant.

“Foalsitter for hire!” Cadence waved her hoof, attempting to get the attention of passing noble ponies, to no effect. “Foalsitter for hire! For all your foalsitter needs!” After a few minutes where nopony approached her, Cadence was about to give up when a pair of ponies walked up to her.

“A foalsitter, you say?”

Oh no. Cadence recognized them. They were Jet Set's parents.

“Well ...” Jet Set's mother said. “We hadn't been planning on getting a foalsitter – we just put Jet Set in his room with a few games and toys to distract him – but it would be nice to know somepony's watching over him.”

Cadence nodded, despite her faltering smile.

Jet Set's father noticed. He put a hoof to his chin. “Perhaps not, dear … she seems distracted, and I know Jet Set didn't get along with her well last time.”

“That's a good point.” Cadence said. “You know what? I'll just be on my way ...” Eager to get out of foalsitting for Jet Set again, Cadence turned and headed for the castle. But she stopped, remembering if she went to back to the castle, Twilight Velvet would be there, and Celestia would try to get them to talk.

“Actually, no, never mind!” Cadence returned to the surprised couple, caught off guard by her sudden enthusiasm. “I would be perfectly happy to foalsit for Jet Set!”

Jet Set's parents didn't seemed convinced. “I don't know ...”

Cadence put her hooves together. “Please. I'm desperate. I don't want to go home right now, and I need something to occupy my time and distract my mind.”

Jet Set's parents seemed moved enough by her pleas. “Oh, all right. I suppose it would be a surprise for him, and he does like surprises ...”

“Yes!” Cadence pumped a hoof in the air. “Thank you.”

While it seemed to be a brilliant plan to avoid Twilight Velvet in Cadence's mind, it turned out it may not have been her best idea. Once she arrived at the house and explained the situation to Jet Set, without the need to keep up appearances to Celestia or Jet Set's parents (she didn't much care what Jet Set thought of her) Cadence let the depression she was feeling and hiding show through.

She found a spot in the kitchen to sit on her haunches and sat there. Her eyelids dropped, and she had almost no reaction to anything Jet Set did aside from a weak, quiet murmur of disapproval when he started getting rowdy. She couldn't stop thinking about Twilight Sparkle. How much fun they managed to have together, how she was looking forward to getting to know Twilight Sparkle better … and how she would never see her again.

“Hey, are you okay? You've been really quiet.” Jet Set said. Getting an idea, he left the room and came back with a ball. He tossed the ball at Cadence's head. The ball hit her in the head and made her body shift downwards, but like a push doll, she righted herself.

“Hmm.” Jet Set rubbed his chin, wondering and ready to test how much he could get away with it. He climbed up the stove and reached for the cookie jar, pushing it over and spilling its contents. He levitated one cookie up and tossed it at Cadence. Again, it hit her in the head, but she made no motion other than to correct her posture.

Jet Set climbed down from the stove. After getting himself a cookie, of course. He walked up to Cadence, alternating between talking and taking bites out of his cookie. He tapped her on the Cutie Mark. “Come on. Do something!” He jabbed her Cutie Mark several times. “Are you broken or something?”

Jet Set's parents returned. Jet Set went up to them to report his findings and conclusion.

“We need a new foalsitter.” Jet Set said. “This one's broken.”

“Broken?” Jet Set's mother asked. “Dear, whatever do you mean?”

“It's nothing.” Cadence insisted. “I just … I've been a little out of sorts lately. Nothing to worry about!” Cadence tried to give them a smile, but it lasted all of five seconds before it disappeared, along with her perked-up ears flopping downwards.

Jet Set's mother and father exchanged concerned looks. “All right. Here's your payment.” Jet Set's father held out his hooves with bits for Cadence to take.

Cadence held out her hoof with the liveliness of a zombie. Jet Set's father dropped the coins into her hoof and went inside the house with his wife. Cadence, still with a noticeable delay to her every movement, walked outside their house and closed the door.

Cadence continued on, meaning to return to the busy street and wait for the next pony in need of a foalsitter to come around. She raised an eyebrow as she passed Pie Crust on the sidewalk, accompanied by Uppercrust, wrapped around her mother's neck.

“Oh, hi, Pie Crust!” Cadence waved, still unable to keep a smile together for more than a few seconds.

“Hi, Cadence!” Uppercrust waved from her mother's back. “You're the best foalsitter ever!”

Cadence's mind went right back to Twilight Sparkle, and she winced. “O-oh? You think so?”

“Mm-hmm!” Uppercrust nodded. “None of the other foalsitters I had liked playing with me as much as you do!”

“'Like' might be too strong a word ...” Cadence muttered. “So, Pie Crust, you wouldn't happen to need a foalsitter this fine day, would you?”

“No.” Pie Crust said, looking at Cadence with concern.

“Oh, gee. Are you sure?” Cadence scratched the back of her neck. “Really, it's no trouble! I'm more than happy to-”

“Cadence, what's the matter?” Pie Crust asked. She saw through Cadence's cheerful-seeming demeanor.

“W-wrong?” Cadence asked. “N-nothing's wrong. Why would you even ask that?”

“Your eyelids are droopy. You keep looking everywhere except at me. And aside from waving and scratching your neck just now, you've barely moved the entire conversation. Something is on your mind. What's wrong? Is there anything I can do to help?”

Cadence froze and stared at Pie Crust.

“No.” Cadence admitted, closing her eyes and hanging her head. “No, there isn't. I guess I might as well go home.”

“You do that, dear.” Pie Crust watched as Cadence, her head still hanging low, walked towards home at the pace of a snail, her hooves dragging along the ground.

Cadence's mood did not brighten any upon returning home. She found a spare couch to sit on and climbed onto it, crossing her forelegs with apathy painted onto her face. Even the arrival and presence of her friend Fleur-de-lis – invited by Princess Celestia, even - did nothing to cheer her up.

“Come on!” Fleur-de-lis said, nudging Cadence in the shoulder with her hoof. “Give us a smile! Show me how your braces are doing.” Fleur-de-lis encouraged her, smiling and showing her braces. “And then, we can be Brace Buddies! Doesn't that sound fun?”

Cadence said nothing, tilting her head and blinking.

Celestia came 'round the room to check up on Fleur-de-lis' progress. She stood behind the couch and observed Cadence. She looked to Fleur-de-lis. “Nothing?”

Fluer-de-lis shook her head.

“Now, Cadence, I invited Fleur-de-lis in because I believed she would be capable of cheering you up.” Celestia said. “Was my faith misplaced?”

Cadence moved, though it was only to raise an eyebrow. “How did you invite her? You can't even remember her name half the time ...”

Fluer-de-lis grimaced. “Should we tell her?”

Celestia nodded. “We should. Cadence, I have something to confess ...” Celestia put a hoof on Cadence's shoulder. “I can remember Fluer-de-lis's name. I just pretend not to to mess with you. You're a smart and clever mare, Cadence. I know any way I have of messing with you will invite some form of retribution in the future, possibly involving exploding chocolate, so when I first met your friend, I seized upon the chance to have a way to mess with you where I … was shielded, somehow, from your clever mind.”

“I have to admit something, too.” Fleur-de-lis rubbed her hooves together. “She told me. Celestia told me about it. I haven't known long. Just a day or two, at most, but … she did tell me. Just so you know. I hope you're not … mad at me for not telling you. You're not, are you?”

Celestia and Fleur-de-lis leaned in, waiting for Cadence's response to their confession.

Cadence's reply was a dismissive, disinterested whinny, and it wasn't even aimed at them – it was directed more towards the air.

Having let out this heartfelt confession, only to be dismissed with such cruel apathy, convinced Celestia enough was enough.

“All right, that does it.” Celestia stomped her hoof. “You're talking to Twilight Velvet right now, young lady. I won't let you put it off any longer.”

This, at least, generated a reaction from Cadence. “What? No! You can't!” Cadence tried to stop Celestia as Celestia walked out of the room. Cadence chased after her, running down the halls to stop her. How she was going to stop her, Cadence didn't know. Cadence had half a mind to leap and tackle Celestia.

Before she could act on the idea, she followed Celestia to a wide, open room … where Celestia had found and brought Twilight Velvet there.

Cadence ground to a halt.

In an instant, Twilight Velvet became enraged. “What is she doing here?”

“She's here to talk to you.” Celestia said. “About last night.”

Twilight Velvet narrowed her eyes. “Well, that would be all well and good … except I don't want to talk to her.”

“Come now, Twilight Velvet.” Princess Celestia said. “At least give her a chance to explain.”

“I gave her a chance already.” Twilight Velvet turned towards the entrance on the other side of the room.

“Twilight Velvet, please.” Celestia said. “Cadence has a good heart. I believe she is truly remorseful for what's she done. If you would just try to understand … ”

“'Understand'?” Twilight Velvet questioned. “'Understand'?” She turned to Celestia. “Maybe, Princess Celestia, you should leave your child in the hooves of another pony and let them get sick! Maybe then, you would understand why I'm so upset! Maybe you would understand what it's like to be a mother, watching your only daughter cough and hack and spit and knowing there was nothing you could do about it but give her some medicine and hope it works like the doctor says! There may not be much I can do for Twilight Sparkle being sick now, but I can be sure it won't happen as long as I don't let this monster near her!” Twilight Velvet pointed to Cadence.

“I'm not a monster!” Cadence protested.

Princess Celestia looked down at Twilight Velvet. Her angered expression and arched-over neck served to emphasize how much taller she was than the common pony – how much taller she was than Twilight Velvet.
It was there, at this moment, did Twilight Velvet realized she had not only raised her voice at Princess Celestia, but she had insulted both her, and her niece.

“I resent your implication I do not understand the burden of motherhood.” Princess Celestia said. “GUARDS!”

Twilight Velvet winced and bit her lip as two pairs of Guards appeared at either entrance.

“Stand watch and keep Princess Cadence and Twilight Velvet in this room. Do not let either of them leave until they make up.” Celestia walked out of the room, her face stern and her posture controlled to hide her anger at Twilight Velvet.

The Guards let Princess Celestia pass. The minute she was out of sight, they relaxed. “So, hey … she said not to let you two out until you 'made up,' but, uh, do you think you could tell us how we're supposed to tell whether or not you've 'made up'?”

Cadence and Twilight Velvet shared awkward glances.

“I think we just need to wait for one of them to say 'I'm sorry' and hug each other.” The Guard's partner said. “That's all there is to it.”

“I want them to hug ten times and say 'I'm sorry!' no less than fifteen before you let them out!” Celestia shouted from the other room.

One of the Guards made a sharp whistle. “Princess Celestia's pretty upset. What did you two do?”

“Nothing.” Cadence told him. “It was nothing. Just touched a nerve, that's all.” She ran a hoof over her forehead and walked towards Twilight Velvet.

Cadence and Twilight Velvet stood in the center of the room, facing each other. Twilight Velvet grunted and made her displeasure clear while Cadence rubbed and kicked her hooves.

“Well, now what?” Twilight Velvet asked. “We're trapped in here.”

“I … I guess, now we talk.” Cadence said.

“Great. What do you want to talk about?” Twilight Velvet said.

Cadence rubbed her hooves. Twilight Velvet's question gave her a long pause. “I'm … I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get Twilight Sparkle sick. I never wanted her to get sick, and if I could go back and do it all over, I would.”

“You're sorry. You're sorry.” Twilight Velvet said. She turned away, rubbing her head. “Oh, that's just rich. Rich! Rich, I say.” Twilight Velvet covered her face. “Okay, Twilight Velvet, calm down, calm down ...” Twilight Velvet took several deep breaths. “Okay. You know what?”

Twilight Velvet turned to face Cadence again. “You want to know something? I could forgive you for getting Twilight Sparkle sick. Foals get sick all the time. It's perfectly natural. It happens. Hay, when we went to see him, the doctor even told me Twilight Sparkle needed to get out more! But what really has me upset … what I can't overlook is … ” Twilight Velvet shook her head.

“Tell ya what; I'm willing to make a deal with you. A concession, if you will. I will let you see Twilight Sparkle. I will even hire you as a foalsitter again. But you have to be the one to figure out what it is you really did wrong.”

Twilight Velvet marched towards the entrance, only stopped when the Guards moved to intercept her. She had forgotten about them being there.

“It's okay.” Cadence said. “Let her go.”

The Guards looked to each other, unsure if they should obey Cadence's words over Celestia.

“I said let her go!”

The Guards nodded and complied, moving away from the door to let Twilight Velvet through.

“What I really did wrong.” Cadence said to herself, tapping her chin. “What I really did wrong.” Cadence began to pace around the room. “Okay. Okay, Cadence, think ...” Cadence tapped at her head with her hooves. She reviewed the events of last night. “I took Twilight Sparkle out to play in the mud … she got sick. I brought her home and I tried to cure her before her parents got home and I … distracted Shining Armor … I tried to cure her before her parents got home!” Cadence paused.

“OH!” Cadence exclaimed as it became clear to her. “OH, DUH! That's it! That's what I did wrong! I have to tell Twilight Velvet!”

Cadence took off, galloping out of the room after Twilight Velvet. She left the confused Guards behind. The Guards shrugged at each other and returned to their normal patrols.

Twilight Velvet, needing some fresh air after her conversation with Cadence, left the castle and went out for a walk. She didn't mean to go far. A quick walk around the grounds and back to work, but before she knew it, she found herself wandering into the a packed Canterlot street, with ponies sitting and eating on tables.

“Mom?” Shining Armor asked, raising up from his seat. “What are you doing here?”

Twilight Velvet froze as she realized how far away from the castle she had gone in a short amount of time. “Uh … nothing! What are you doing here?”

“I was using my allowance to buy some lunch.” Shining Armor said.

Twilight Velvet glanced at the ground. “Can I join you? I need to be away from the castle for a little while.”

“Yeah, sure.” Shining Armor scooted out a chair for his mother. Twilight Velvet sat down and watched him eat.

“So you bumped into Cadence, too?” Twilight Velvet heard somepony say. She turned her head over to see Pie Crust sitting and talking with Jet Set's parents.

“Yes.” Jet Set's mother nodded. “She seemed distracted about something. Her eyes were always somewhere else …”

“The poor thing.” Pie Crust said, lifting up a mug of coffee. “She used to be so youthful and energetic, but when I saw her this morning, she just seemed … lifeless and … empty. She wouldn't tell me what was wrong.” Pie Crust sipped her coffee. “I'm worried about her.”

“Well, one mustn't meddle too much into the affairs of other ponies, must they?” Jet Set's father said. “Though still … in some way, I suppose I'm worried as well. She needs a friend.”

Twilight Velvet heard all this and rested her elbows on the table. “Maybe I was too hard on her … maybe I did overreact a little bit.” Twilight Velvet's eyes were full of concern, but she shook her head. “No. No. I stand by what I said.”

“Mom?” Shining Armor asked.

“It's nothing.” Twilight Velvet assured her. She looked over her shoulders and her eyes widened as she saw Cadence galloping down the street.

“Twilight Velvet! Twilight Velvet!” Cadence huffed and huffed as she ran up to the table where Twilight Velvet and Shining Armor sat. “I … I realized what I did wrong!”

“Humph! So soon?” Twilight Velvet got up from her chair. “I don't believe it. Come on, Shining Armor. I'll walk you home.”

“No!” Cadence raised out a hoof. “Don't leave! Shining Armor, help! Say something!”

Shining Armor shrugged. “Sorry. I don't offer much help to ponies who get my sister sick and then don't tell my parents about it!”

“I know.” Cadence said. “That's what I wanted to talk about. I shouldn't have hid the fact Twilight Sparkle fell ill under my care from you or your parents. I should have have come clean when you got home and tell you what happened right away. I realize that now. And … in trying to hide the fact she was sick, I ended causing the very exact thing I was afraid to happen. So please, please … help me out?” Cadence said. “I want to see little Twiley again … even if it's just to say goodbye.”

“I thought I told you, only I get to call -” Shining Armor stopped, seeing the desperation in Cadence's eyes.

“Yeah, okay.” Shining Armor nodded. “That was a pretty big thing to admit.” Shining Armor got down a put a hoof against her shoulder. “I'll vouch for you and put a good word in."

“Thank you.” Cadence smiled. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush. She galloped away while Shining Armor, in a state of shock, put a hoof to the cheek she kissed.

Twilight Velvet and Shining Armor entered their house, Shining Armor demonstrating an unusual level of quietness.

Shining Armor lingered on the door. “Mom? Can I talk to you about something?”

“Of course, dear.” Twilight Velvet said. “You know you can talk to me about anything.”

Shining Armor took his hoof the doorknob and faced his mother. “It's about Cadence.”

Twilight Velvet scowled. “Anything except that.”

“Mom … I know you're upset. I was upset, too. But it can't hurt to just talk about it, can it?”

“There's nothing to talk about.” Twilight Velvet said. She was about to either stomp off to her room or send Shining Armor to his when the door opened.

“Twilight Velvet?” Night Light stepped into the room. “Princess Celestia let me leave so I could find out why you left work early without telling anypony.”

“I was going to come back.” Twilight Velvet said. “But I … had to get away from Cadence.”

“Oh, yes, Cadence.” Night Light scratched his head. “Speaking of which, are you sure we weren't … I mean, maybe we … maybe we were a little too harsh on her. Maybe we overreacted a little?”

Twilight Velvet had the same though earlier, but she was feeling much too prideful to admit this to Night Light. “No. I don't think we were. I think our reaction was appropriate.”

“Twilight Velvet, I think you're being a little unreasonable ...” Night Light said.

“I'm not being unreasonable!”

“Mom, listen.” Shining Armor said. “Cadence and Twiley were getting along pretty well before this happened. Do you really think Cadence would let something like this happen on purpose?”

“Of course not!” Twilight Velvet said. “Why are you all attacking me?”

“We're not attacking you, dear, we're just trying to suggest maybe we should give Cadence a second chance.”

“I stand by my decision.” Twilight Velvet said.

“Hmm. You're very firm on that, aren't you?” Night Light said.

“Yes, I am.” Twilight Velvet said. “And I don't want to hear any more talk about Cadence. Understand?

The three of them were silenced by a creak coming from the stairs. The family looked to see Twilight Sparkle coming down the stairs, her little hooves causing squeaks as she climbed down.

“Understand what?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Twiley!” Shining Armor said. “You look better.”

“Yeah.” Twilight Sparkle rubbed her nose. “Mom gave me a funny pill and I started feeling better. When's Cadence coming back?”

Night Light and Shining Armor grimaced. They could tell it was too much for Twilight Velvet to hear. She looked ready to exploded.

“Cadence, Cadence, CADENCE! I'm SICK of hearing about CADENCE! Why does it seem like suddenly Cadence is the only thing we ever talk about!?” Twilight Velvet marched up to Twilight Sparkle. “You listen here; Cadence is never coming back. Do you understand?”

Twilight Sparkle was shocked. Her eyes grew watery. “Never?”

“Never EVER EVER!” Twilight Velvet screamed.

Twilight Sparkle rested her head on her hoof. She looked down and sank to the floor, struggling to process this. She cried and sniffed.

“Cadence … was the only foalsitter I liked. She was the only who … understood me. She loved books almost as much as I do.” Twilight Sparkle sniffed, wiping a tear from her eye. Twilight Velvet remained indifferent, wanting her daughter to hurry up and cry already so they could move on and forget about Cadence.

In a sudden movement, Twilight Sparkle stood up, and Twilight Velvet was surprised to see her take an aggressive stance. “If Cadence won't be my foalsitter, then Shining Armor doesn't get to go the academy!”

Shining Armor looked to his father to do something.

“Uh, Twilight Sparkle, that's … heh heh … not up for you to decide.” Night Light said with a nervous chuckle.

“No!” Twilight Sparkle said. “He has to stay!”

Twilight Sparkle hopped forward, her horn shining with magic. Her irises and pupils disappeared, her eyes glowing white, and she levitated into the air.

“I'll MAKE him stay! I'll make ALL OF YOU STAY!

Twilight Sparkle's horn emitted a pillar of purple light which rose up, breaking through the roof. Various objects through the house lifted up and swirled around the air. All of Twilight Sparkle's family found themselves in Twilight Sparkle's magical grip, being lifted up into the air and held in firmly in place.

At the castle, Cadence was still feeling depressed. She found a different couch and laid on it, her hoof propping up her head.

“Oh.” Celestia said, finding Cadence. “What's wrong, Cadence?”

“It's Twilight Velvet.” Cadence answered. “I figured what I did wrong – not the part where I got Twilight Sparkle sick – what I really did wrong, but she still won't hear me. When I tried to talk to her, she wasn't interested in what I had to say.” Cadence noticed a purple glow coming from the window. “What's that?”

“I'm not sure.” Celestia joined Cadence in walking over to the windowsill and seeing what was emitting the light. A huge pillar of purple energy had appeared in the middle of town, reaching for the heavens and shining its light on the land.

“Wait ...” Cadence put her hooves on the glass and looked closer. “I think that might be Twilight Sparkle's house!”

“You'd better get over there, then.” Celestia said.

“Right!” Cadence was so eager to help out and see Twilight Sparkle again, and maybe earn Twilight Velvet's forgiveness and pardon, she didn't think twice about heading out and galloping to the house as fast as she could. She didn't think about what it could be. She just knew she had to get over there.

Cadence also didn't think about why, when confronted with a magical disturbance in her city, Celestia decided to send her, rather than go out and deal with it herself.

Celestia could prove … tricky like that.

Cadence barged into the Sparkle family's home, charging the door open without stopping to knock.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Cadence yelled. She grimaced and became unnerved when she saw what was going on. The rest of Twiley's family hanging in the air, held by invisible chains. Objects floating around the room – lamps, drawers, chairs, silverware, cleaning supplies. Everything one would expect to find in a home.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Cadence shouted. She ran into the foyer and to the base of the stairs, dodging the floating furniture by ducking under and jumping over the various lamps, forks, plates, and chair legs.

“Twilight!” Cadence called out, running underneath Twilight's floating family, who were surprised to see her – none more so than Twilight Velvet.

“Twilight!” Cadence called again, running up to Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle didn't seem to notice her, caught up in her own magical power.

Cadence, taking a risk, reached out her hooves and touched them to Twilight Sparkle's shoulder and haunch. “Twiley ...”

Twilight Sparkle looked up as though something impossible had happened. Searching the room for the voice who called her by Shining Armor's nickname, she was overjoyed to see Cadence looking at her.

“It's okay.” Cadence said. “I'm here now. You don't have to do this … whatever this is.” Cadence took another look at the floating objects.

“Cadence!” Twilight Sparkle exclaimed. In an instant, her magic went away; her horn stopped glowing, her eyes returned to normal, and her family and all their furniture and wares were dropped to the ground.

“You're here!” Twilight Sparkle embraced Cadence in a gleeful hug.

“I know.” Cadence said, returning the hug. “I'm here.”

Shining Armor, Night Light, and Twilight Velvet attempted to regain their bearings.

Shining Armor observed the room, and all the furniture, silverware, and lamps, misplaced and rearranged by Twilight Sparkle's magical outburst.

“Well.” Shining Armor said. “This is gonna take some cleaning up.”

After things calmed down a little, and the rest of the family had the chance to recover from all the excitement, Twilight Velvet took Cadence aside and guided her into the kitchen, where she served some hot chocolate for both of them.

Cadence held her cup and regarded it in silence.

Twilight Velvet pulled out her chair and took a seat. “So …” She sipped the hot chocolate. “I can't deny what you did back there was impressive. However … we still need to talk about a few things.” She set the mug down on the table.

“I know.” Cadence said. “I know what I did wrong, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hid Twilight Sparkle's sickness from you. I should have told you what was wrong the minute you came through the door. I'm sorry. But I promise, I will never do that again. To you or any pony that I foalsit for.”

“Apology accepted. Well done, Cadence. You figured it out.” Twilight Velvet said with a smile. “And … some ponies, myself included, have suggested to me that I might have overreacted a little bit last night. And for that … I'm sorry, too.” Twilight Velvet reached a hoof over the table.

Cadence shook it. “So … does this mean you'll let me foalsit for Twilight Sparkle again?”

“After what happened a few minutes go? I'd be a fool not to.”

“Yay!” Twilight Sparkle rushed into the room with amazing timing. She jumped onto Cadence, tackling her off her chair and to the floor. The two of them laughed and giggled while Twilight Velvet watched, smiling fondly.

Cadence picked Twilight Sparkle up and carried the filly to the room. There, Cadence laid back on the bed, still hugging and holding Twilight Sparkle in her legs.

Twilight Sparkle continued to laugh and giggle, Cadence rolling around on the bed. “Hahahahaha! Hahaha … Cadence? Can I ask you a question?”


“Why ...” Twilight Sparkle said. “Why were you so eager to foalsit me again? I like you a lot, sure. You're the bestest-best foalsitter ever. But … aren't there other ponies you foalsit from time to time? What makes me special?”

“What makes you special?” Cadence sat upright, holding Twilight Sparkle like a plush doll.

“What makes you special, Twilight Sparkle, is that you're the pony I love to sit for the most.”

Twilight Sparkle giggled. Rolling around in Cadence's grip, she gave Cadence another hug, which Cadence returned.

“Ah … ah … achoo!” Cadence sneezed, raising her leg up just in time to keep it from getting onto Twilight Sparkle. Cadence took her leg away from her face and saw a little bit of green ooze on it.

“Oh noo ...” Cadence groaned, realizing she had caught something when Twilight Sparkle sneezed on her. While it probably wasn't an infection, she had no doubt she was going to be sick for a few days.

You know what? It's worth it. Cadence thought she hugged and nuzzled Twilight Sparkle.

Author's Note:

The bolding of 'synthesis,' 'harmony,' and 'merging of opposites' probably seemed more sensible in the earlier version of the story, where Cadence had to contend with a jealous, living Smarty Pants doll. The 'synthesis' and 'harmony' would have come from Cadence and Smarty Pants putting aside their differences, despite their conflicting personalities, for Twilight Sparkle's sake.

A lot of people were critical about how fast Twilight Sparkle got sick last chapter. I hope the reveal of an infection (which I had planned at least far as writing the last chapter) and an immune-system deficiency (which I didn't think of until user Iamawesome on Fimfiction suggested it in the comments) helped mitigate these criticisms, though I fully admit I could have at least put in a few hours between when Twilight Sparkle played the mud and when she got sick, which would have been less incredulous while still maintaining the flow and pace of the story.

Another idea I had was to put in an epilogue where Twilight Sparkle, as an adult, is sleeping with Spike during a thunderstorm, and to calm him down, tells him the same things Cadence told her in the previous chapter. While this would have been cute, I felt it would have distracted from the focus, which was supposed to be on Cadence and Twilight Sparkle.

Thanks for reading! Given the positive reception this story has gotten, if I didn't already have some very strict plans, I would probably tell myself to write more slice-of-life stories!

Comments ( 41 )

I thought as much. Doesn't take much to get you "sick" if you never go outside at that age.

In an instant, Twilight Velvet became enraged. “What is she doing here?”
“She's here to talk to you.” Celestia said. “About last night.”

Ten bucks says someone's about to get a black eye, any takers?

It's impossible of course that Twilight Sparkle caught a cold from playing in the mud. But it's perfectly possible that she caught a cold from her trip to the park.

Wow....why was Velvet being such a bitch, even after Cadence realized what she'd done? Stupid, stubborn pony....

6375492 Name me a mother who doesn't react badly, even briefly, when someone they trusted to take care of their child brings her home sick and I'll show you a bad parent.

(By react badly, even for a moment, I mean a moment of anger, such as an angry proclamation of WHAT?!. Velvet took it too far, but her reaction was natural.)


I understand that, but it was her being so stubborn that annoyed me, to the point I wanted to whack her with a rolled up newspaper...

I felt like it was all a bit too easy. I mean, Cadence saw through Twilight and had her opening up almost instantly. This was the filly that drove away X past foal sitters right? I could've done with a little more resistance or build up, especially with the contrast between Twilight, who apparently had quite a reputation, and Jet Set, whose parents didn't seem to have had trouble with sitters, yet was far more bother.

But apart from that, this was a lovely story.

A pleasant read ^^

I love this chapter, but there's just one little pet peeve that bugs me:

The rest of Twiley's family hanging in the air, held by invisible chains.

If the chains are invisible, how do you know the family isn't just floating?

Magical chains, ethereal chains, translucent chains, all of these are fine. It's just invisible that gets under my skin.

Twilight Velvet realized she had not only raised her voice at Princess Celestia, but she had insulted both her, and her niece.

I like Twilight Velvet. She's got guts... compared to everypony else in Canterlot.

Do not let either of them until they make up

I think you a word there.

Huh. Here I thought Velvet was being so bitchy because Cadance was making out Shining when she walked in.

The infection and underdeveloped immune system makes sense. I wasn't complaining about her getting sick by the way. I just don't like the trope that so many shows/stories have of someone catching a cold and it gets treated like an emergency.


I think you forgot a word there.

I'm a bit busier now than I was two weeks ago, so I'll have to go back and correct a few things some other time.

Well colds take a bit to set in so she could have just started showing signs of sickness after the mud bath, with possibly worsened the problem to some degree.

I love how the Eldritch arts always have a tendency to lightens ones perspective on things. I seriously doubt anything on the planet could have stopped Twily from seeing Cadence again that Filly is scary as scary gets when it comes to magical strength.

“And … some ponies, myself included, have suggested to me that I might have overreacted a little bit last night. And for that … I'm sorry, too.”

You may have also over-reacted when you screamed at your own daughter and caused her to go into a magic surge. You know, just maybe! Seriously Velvet needs to learn to chill out sometimes.

“After what happened a few minutes go? I'd be a fool not to.”

No kidding, angry filly Twilight is scary.

This is a lovely nice heartwarming tale. That being said, if you are going to comb through this, my one suggestion would be to clean up a large amount of the redundancies (e.g. a lot of the Twilight Velvets and Sparkles) to their diminutives (Velvet and Twilight). Great characterization. And again, congratulations on finishing your story

What an adorable story. It meshes very well with the relationship we see between them on the screen. Also, Shining Armor, you lucky S.O.B. for getting kissed by Cadance; um, not that I find ponies attractive or anything, who's asking and why I wasn't saying anything, why would anyone even mention such a thing, how absurd. :rainbowderp:

(Seriously, nice work! I hope you decide to write more stories like this in the future. This one was a delight!)

Twilight Velvet, you're an idiot. You'e bloody lucky you are still alive and not tranfigured into a potted planet or petrified or any of the other things that Twilight might have done to you completely by accident.

If this is the way canon!TV treats her children, sorta would explain why Twilight never sees her except on family occasions...


That's a rather sweeping and erroneous generalisation.

Take my family, for example. My Mum's response to a child getting sick (and I got sick ALL THE TIME as a child - not unlike Twilight here, because of various medical issues they ended up operating on) was just to go "oh dear, never mind, these things happen" - because they do - and go on to sort the appropriate care and treatment. (And it's not just that she was a nurse, because my Dad was exactly the same, and so were both sets of grandparents.)

Children get sick. You can't prevent it. At all. Loosing your temper and getting angry at it when it just so happens to occur when you're not there (which I also point out that symptoms of infection don't appear at the bare minimum of several hours to days after initial infection) is, frankly, I find, a bit childish in and of itself. Overprotectiveness is NOT being a good parent. (Nor, American sit-coms, is it at all funny.)

(Hell, the attitude of children must be molly-coddled has managed to cause serious wider social problems over here because some idiots decided that children should never be punished for anything ever (or even lose anything - you don't fail, you just have deferred success) and guess what? As a result, you have people who think they can just do whatever they like with no consequences; and no ability to cope with the real world. The horror stories my mate the teacher tells me are shocking. And it's usually the parent's fault for not doing their damn job of parenting properly. Often because they can't imagine their little angel is misbehaving.)


This issue is perhaps one of my (moderately many) rant triggers...

can you send me a link to the page where you got that with the cards from plaese

It's true that for people with health problems a simple cold can be quite severe. Those cases are far and few between though. (only commonly affecting the elderly)
In those cases, it's understandable.

The times that it's grating to me is when, in a story or show, a completely healthy person catches a cold and suddenly are bedridden and has to be nursed back to health... Which in cartoons or anime, happens quite a bit.

so far the magician fits me the most



Dying whale sounds. Dying.

.............................. Dangit............. Me and my awful spelling of this second language of mine.................

And here I thought Cadance's mistake was kissing Shining Armor.

Yeah, it's bad that she tried to hide that Twilight was sick. But it wasn't like she was trying to cover up the signs of her being sick and sneak out before they noticed her--she was trying to cure her and make up for what she did. Parents finding a healthy, formerly-sick child would have a far better reaction to them coming home to find a sick one, so it isn't unreasonable at all that she tried to keep it from them so she could keep trying to heal Twilight for as long as possible. That's "you don't get paid for this" and maybe an angry "get the hell out of my house", not "go away forever you bitch".

Even not considering that and just taking everything at face value, Velvet way overreacted. In the beginning it might have been sensible for an overprotective parent, but as it went on--and especially after she found out about Twilight's weak immune system--she proved to be more selfishly prideful than she did somepony trying to shield their daughter. And damn, her reaction to Twilight being sad of Cadance leaving... I lost a whole lot of respect for her

Also, it's a fucking cold.
That aside, I'd like to talk a bit about previous chapters.
Cadance is kind and loving, but she is way too soft on those foals. If a pony is so hyper that they're hurting others, you have to tell them to stop. If a foal is so selfish they'll lie and steal from others, they need to be reprimanded and stopped. If something is stolen, you have to make them give it back. The knowledge that actions have consequences, and that bad actions have bad consequences, is extremely important for children to learn. I'm saying she needs to spank them, but being a foalsitter includes keeping the kid from acting out.

The ghost thing couldn't possibly have scared away more than a couple foalsitters, and even then only if they were particularly superstitious. The only thing so far that has seemed like something that would actually cause a foalsitter to refuse to come back (much less give up foalsitting entirely!) was Twilight exploding with magic like this (although she fortunately didn't catch on fire with anger). But large magical disturbances are sort of noticeable. What else did she do?


Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was your second language, or I might have been a bit more ... tactful with my reply.

No problem, I should've checked my spellings :derpytongue2:

"I'll make you all stay!"

Oh. My. F**king. God.

6421737 Well, that would be my "fangirl" type of reaction to almost everything I like but at the same time know it will cause them trouble :rainbowkiss: I call it also "bacwards screaming" because for some reason, absorbing air in makes that noice :rainbowlaugh:

6387475 Who says ghosts don't actually exists in Equestria? Also, Jet Set very much needed a spanking.

6499067 At some point Twilight listed ghosts and zombies as things that don't exist. I don't remember what episode it was, though.

You should have Candace explain that she heard about twilight's outburst but didn't really think it was true.

That is a great story!


Okay, I skimmed over your comment the first time I read it, but a new notification led to me re-reading it, and I have to disagree with you. I have some experience with autistic children myself, and while "structure" is a certainly good thing for them, "force" is not. They need some freedom to roam around, pick at things, poke at stuff, make mistakes the way any child should, just maybe under tighter supervision. Too much force and structure, and they end up clamming up and becoming shy.

I'd say that Twilight Velvet is dumber than a box of rocks, but I don't want Maude or Boulder POed at me.

This was a adorable story though like most i feel it could always be longer but what can you do xp. Not every story can have a filler plot. But anywho XP love the story non-the-less.

Twilight Velvet is really descending into full-on, frothing, howling, straitjacket-and-padded-cell insanity here, and it's kinda weird that the ponies around her are acting as if her behaviour and spittle-flecked outbursts are somehow "normal". How old is Twilight Sparkle supposed to be here? Are we really supposed to believe that in her entire life so far, she has never ever gotten sick before, and that's why Twilight Velvet breaks down into a psychotic rage state over a mere cold? Even if that were actually true, Velvet would still be overreacting to the point of outright lunacy.

I know the "comically overprotective mother" can be a funny trope, if played right, but this is just... unsettling.

To sum up Velvet's real issue here. She can't face the fucking facts that her and Night Light's refusal to let Twilight get out more was the reason Twilight got sick.

I'm not saying Cadance is completely blameless. But the docter even said Twilight needed to get out more. And whos fault would that really be?

“Cadence, that wasn't a request. ” Celestia moved to the front of of Cadence and sat on all fours, bringing her to Cadence's eye-level. “A long, long time ago … I once saw a pony I loved go down a dark path because I couldn't be bothered to ask her what was troubling her every now and then.” Celestia looked up at the ceiling, though Cadence got the feeling she was looking more at the sky beyond the ceiling.

then her parents had showed up and saw that I got her sick and Twilight Velvet fired me

“I want them to hug ten times and say 'I'm sorry!' no less than fifteen before you let them out!” Celestia shouted from the other room.

:rainbowlaugh: Ha Ha Ha haaaa!!!

wandering into the a packed Canterlot street, with ponies sitting and eating on tables.

Shining Armor got down and put a hoof against her shoulder.

Shining Armor took his hoof off the doorknob and faced his mother. “It's about Cadence.”

Twilight Velvet had the same thought earlier, but she was feeling much too prideful to admit this to Night Light.

being lifted up into the air and held in firmly in place.

Twilight Sparkle played in the mud and when she got sick,

All make you all stay!!! :rainbowlaugh:

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