• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 5,293 Views, 138 Comments

I don't belong here - Clawder

Spike has never been alone, and even in the moment he was born he had Twilight... but that will not last forever, dragons have an extremely large lifespan, while ponies don't.

  • ...

...And a ton of disaster

There were just a number of things the spirit of chaos couldn't understand; Society rules, laws, common sense and manners in general, just to name a few. But at least he had an idea of what those were about. This just took it to a new level of senseless.

“Alright, let me get this straight,” Discord said as he scratched his head “Zapp is in love with with this other pony... What was his name? Slim Biggenosh?”

“Strong hoovestenosh,” Spike corrected “But actually no. That's just a dumb headcanon a lot of ponies in the fandom have.”


“Fandom,” Spike answered with a casual tone, as if assuming it was obvious what a fandom was.

“So... Does that mean it's official?”

“No no no,” Spike replied, shaking his head “First of all, it's called 'canon', not 'official'.”

Discord snorted in response.

“Second, it isn't something which is showed in the comics. When many fans agree that it should be canon, it's called 'fanon'.”

Discord grasped his muzzle and stretched it while Spike was speaking. Then he let go and it slapped back into his face like rubber “Okay, okay, stop.”

“What? too much to process?”

“Too much of everything!” Discord threw his arms up “Not only is that useless information in every way imaginable, it's also boring and makes less sense than chaos!”

“Of course not!” Spike replied with indignation “It's just that you don't know how any of this works!”

“Regardless of how it works, it's just dumb! Why in the world would you imagine two already imaginary characters being in a relationship? Or why would you make assumptions and speculations that ninety percent of the time are proven wrong?”

Spike shrugged “It's just for the fun of it.”

“If that was the case, why don't you make your own story with original characters?”

“Because not everyone can make something original and enjoyable; so it is a good way to let your imagination flow by using specific characters that you can appeal to.”

“Bah! Nonsense.”

“You're one to talk!”

“Chaos makes sense, ignorant child!”

“Does not.”

“It does.”

“Does not!”

“Fine! Whatever. I don't need to convince you of anything,” Discord crossed his arms and looked away from Spike “I don't know why I was curious about those comics in the first place.”

“Because they are awesome!” Spike beamed “You know, you don't have to accept what other fans say to enjoy the stories yourself.”

“It does ruin a lot for me to think most of said 'fans' do this kind of thing,” Discord's expression became sleepy “Besides, I still don't get what's so exciting about a bunch of ponies with special powers.”

“Uh... Wouldn't that be because you are a magical being with a lot of special powers too?” Spike pointed out.

“Point taken.”

The pair kept going for about a minute in silence when Spike made another move towards absorbing another one into the power ponies fandom “Why don't you give this one read in the meanwhile? I think we're about to get there, but it's taking another two hours at least.”

Discord chuckled “Ha! Read an illustrated magazine? I think I'd rather keep arguing about why chaos makes sense.”

“Which it doesn't,” Spike muttered.

Discord set his eyes on fire and pulled his ears down, while exhaling hot air through his nostrils like an angry bull “You little, persistent, arrogant, haughty-” he groaned and clenched his fists, regaining some calm “Grrrrr...”

Spike had taken a step back from Discord, but he wasn't really surprised.

“Ehm,” he coughed “What I mean is, I really don't think it's a good idea.”

“Come on, Discord!” Spike insisted “Just the first pages, you'll have fun!”

“Meh. I already get a lot of fun,” his eyes went sleepier.

“It's not like we've got anything else to do.”

Discord looked at Spike, then at the road ahead, then snorted.


“Why though?”

“Huh?” Spike looked up at Discord, who held the first installment of the power ponies in his paw and claw.

“Why did she do something so stupid?!” he shouted all of a sudden.

“What was it?” Spike asked with eagerness “Did you reach the part where the mane-iac takes the strange potion? Or the part where Radiance decides to take on Pharaoh Phetlock on her own?” he raised his hand with a finger pointing up “Oh, oh! The part where Masked Matter-horn freezes all of her teammates!”

“That's the one!”

Spike laughed loudly, enjoying Discord's reaction.

“What's so funny?” Discord asked with some anger.

“Oh nothing,” Spike wiped a tear off his eyes “It'll make sense later, I promise.”

“I believe we don't share the same definition of 'making sense' based on our previous conversation.”

Spike smiled “Just keep going. It looks like you're enjoying it so far.”

Discord's eyes went wide “O-of course not!” he stammered “I'm just... Intrigued...” He then returned his full attention to the comic, putting it right in front of his eyes.

Score one for the power ponies! Spike thought.

Three hours later, the duo was just a mile away from their destination.
“It could've totally gone a different way,” Discord had finished the fourth issue and was still complaining about the first “When you have such power and nopony to stop you, why aim so low as to rob a jewelry? Can't you just take control of the city to own every jewelry and I dunno', everything else? Besides, who in their right minds would buy clearly stolen merchandise from a clearly mad pony?”

“It adds to the flavor. Don't you think it would be boring to have the villain just take over the world without anypony opposing?”

“I know it would've worked for me,” Discord grinned.

Spike rolled his eyes.

“Although, this story would indeed be boring if that happened.”

“Ha!” Spike pointed at Discord.


“You just said the story 'would' be boring. Which means it's not!”

Discord opened his mouth to reply. When not a word came out, his jaw hit the ground “Okay, that was just a pronunciation error.”

“Busted!” Spike mocked.

“Don't lose your head over this. It's not like I want to make my own version of power ponies like you.”

“Oh, you will. Just give it time.”

Both of them decided to leave it like at that.
Discord had always been a nothing more than trouble to him and the others. Before and after he was reformed. If he wasn't causing trouble somewhere, he was thinking about it; if he was busy doing something nice for others, he screwed up in purpose; even his presence in this trip probably was only to bother. As they walked side by side, Spike realized this is how Discord was and would always be... And he was more than okay with it. Maybe the spirit was just meant to be a trouble to deal with, but it was fun to deal with that trouble. His smile could confirm that.

They were finally in front of the village after a couple of minutes. Spike stopped at a considerable distance, hesitant to go in. He had been preparing himself mentally to do this, but it proved to be harder than expected. He was a criminal in this place, after all.
Discord tried to be patient, but Spike still didn't move “Do you want me to go with you?” he offered, out of boredom rather than concern.

“Nah, I got this,” Spike tried his best to look calm “Just give me the stuff so we can get this over with.”

Discord snapped his fingers and the cart appeared next to Spike. “Don't you need help to carry that around?”

“I said I'm fine,” Spike said as he began to push the cart forward with notorious effort “Hnng!”

Discord watched unamused for a minute “Yeah, well, if you need anything just say it,” he made a reclining chair appear and sat on it, enjoying the sunlight “I'll be here just relaxing,” he then put on a winter jacket, boots and gloves.

“You do that, I'll be back before you know it. Hnn!”

Just as Spike was going in, some ponies saw him approach. Most of them started whispering, while others looked at him with disapproving stares. It was hard to ignore all of that even with his attention and effort elsewhere. A small crowd gathered around the town square, where the dragon had paused to take a break. It was truly incredible how fast gossip and news went from corner to corner in this place, as there were already more than half of the residents there when Spike arrived. Looking at them, he managed to identify every single pony present. The month he had spent around them seemed to be forgotten, as now their faces showed indifference, and some even hatred.
Neither Code or Merry were there. At least, Spike couldn't see them. He waited for the crowd to form a ring so he could make as many ponies as possible hear him.

Spike cleared his throat and wiped out some sweat coming out of his forehead, and fighting the pressure he had only felt since the Equestria Games, he spoke up “You all know what happened,” he paused a second to breathe “I betrayed all of you... Because by stealing from one of you, I stole from all others. Maybe I didn't take your possessions, but something even more valuable: Your trust,” Spike started shaking, his nervousness growing each passing second “I never meant any harm, and I'm sorry for what I did,” he inclined his head “If you don't want me to ever come back, I won't. But please, remember the time we spent together. Remember the dragon who I really am. I promise this will never happen again.”

Some ponies started feeling pity for the baby dragon. His apology was genuine and forgiving him just felt like the right thing to do.

Spike could already feel the tenderness in them. If this encounter was like he had imagined, he would be able to leave this episode of his life behind.
Among the crowd, Spike saw Collector make his way to the center, shoving away the ones in his way. Most ponies thought he'd say something to accept his apology or simply nod. However, Collector had another idea in mind. Some feet away from him, the unicorn stopped. His horn began to glow and all the ponies watched in shock as he lifted a big rock and hurled it at Spike.
Although he could've eluded the attack with ease, he decided to take the hit. He breathed in and closed his eyes. The rock impacted his chest, making him flinch and take a step back.

“Great, you're sorry. Now get out of here.”

Spike put a claw in his chest, trying to lessen the pain “I'm not done here,” he declared “I didn't come here just to return what I took. I came to ask for your forgiveness. I would like to know what the others have to say.”

“You said it yourself; by taking something from me, you took something from them too. I think I speak for everypony when I say you're not welcome here and never will be.”

“Really?! Because to me, you're just an old unicorn who thinks he's everyone's boss and doesn't have any friends because of that!”

“Watch your tongue, kid!” Collector shouted “I'll let you know that I never put myself above others. The ponies in here are no exception,” he lowered his tone “Although I would also like to listen to what they have to say,” he then addressed the townsfolk, raising his voice “Do you think this is alright?!”

The ponies shifted nervously. They didn't know what Collector meant, nor if they should interfere in favor of one of them.

“I said, do you think this is alright?!” Still no response “Do you think just because this overgrown lizard said he's sorry we can pretend nothing happened?!” he smiled a sadistic grin “No sir, it's not that easy. You made this place trust you. Some considered themselves your friends. We could've sent you away and even though I knew something like this would happen, they trusted you!” He pointed a hoof at the spectators “They gave you a place to stay, a roof to sleep, food and unconditional love! Forget about the stupid things you stole, take them and burn them to ash for all I care! But I will not have you nor your excuses here!” he turned to look at his neighbors “And neither should you!”

Many ponies nodded in approval and others stated whispering again.

“No, no! that's not true! I didn't do anything to them, I would never!”

“It's not about who you offended, but the fact that you are perfectly capable of doing so.”

“Please! Isn't there somepony who understands what I'm saying? Do you all agree with him?” Spike asked, pleading.

There was silence. For two minutes not a word was spoken. After that time, another stallion stepped in “Get out,” he said.

“You need to go,” a mare followed.

“Sorry, you must go.”

“We're with Collector.”

“Leave at once.”

The voices turned into a chorus of accusing and unforgiving chant. There was something wrong about this. Of course Spike expected some sort of punishment, but nothing like this. Even that hit had been unexpected. Why was this happening? For all of his life he had known ponies. Each was different in a unique way, but the one thing they had in common was a noble soul. They were forgiving, kind, loving... And even the meanest of them could fit into society with proper guidance.
Now it seemed like none of that was true. Had it been Ponyville? Only his circle of friends? It was pretty obvious the bearers of the elements of harmony would show these traits on a bigger scale, but Spike didn't imagine it was this different.

“But... I,” there wasn't much Spike could say. Even if there was, he physically couldn't do it. Tears began to form in his eyes as he heard the accusing voices “I... I'd- I didn't...” he stammered. Paralyzed by the scene, Spike couldn't bring himself to take a single step away from the place he was standing in.

“You made a fool out of us all, what did you expect? A welcome party?”

“Are you deaf? We said: out!”

He covered his ears and shook his head. Please stop. Shortly, he started sobbing, still unable to block the accusations that demanded he left.
He didn't know how much time he had been standing there, but it was enough for the ponies to act. Spike felt something hit his shoulder hard. This made him open his eyes and look around. Before he could identify what hit him, he saw a small rock coming his way. He shielded his face with his hands, and heard the rock land beside him. Whoever threw it, had missed. However, more projectiles were incoming. Fruits, rocks, anything they could find in the floor.
Apparently, since he didn't move on his own, the villagers had decided to make him leave by force. How can they do this? It probably had been Collector's fault. That old, grumpy unicorn had to be responsible for this. But even if he had incited the mob, it was no excuse to treat him like this. Ponies weren't like this.

“Didn't you hear?! We said get out!”

More and more voices turned into complaining shouts, and Spike still couldn't believe this. He was so submerged in thought that he stayed there, taking hit after hit. Eventually, he fell back, completely resigned. He didn't even have the will to flee now. Maybe it was for the best to stay like that. Maybe this is what he needed to correct his path. He didn't understand this, but apparently the ponies did.

Clouds started to form in the sky, quicker than they were supposed to. They turned dark and shrouded the sun in a split second. The movement was so fast, it made the ponies fall silent and turn their attention to the sky immediately. Soon there wasn't a single sun ray in sight. Then, lightning appeared in the clouds and a cold air ran through the village. The townsfolk stood dumbfounded in their places, scared of whatever was approaching; because it was more than obvious that none of this was normal, and that they either provoked the anger of the Princess who Spike assisted, or a creature from Tartarus was loose in this part of Equestria.

A thunder fell from the clouds, striking right were the fallen dragon was. All of the ponies covered their eyes from the sudden flash, but quickly opened them to see what happened. Most of them were actually concerned for Spike.
Instead of the dragon, they saw a bizarre and weird creature. One that only a couple of ponies recognized as Discord, Collector among them. He had heard stories about him and seen him in many paintings and statues, but nothing more than that. There, in the middle of the mob, was the Spirit of Chaos himself.

“Greetings! Fillies and gentlecolts!” he cheerfully introduced himself.

Of course nopony answered or blinked. They didn't even know if they should react in any way.

“How are you all on this fine evening?” he said, smiling.
The crowd was still paralyzed in fear and shock. Just how Discord expected and wanted it to be.
“How about you-” he pointed a random stallion “-good sir? Is everything running smoothly in your mortal existence?”

The mentioned stallion turned is head side to side, praying that the being hadn't picked him as his pray. He didn't dare look back, although the looks everypony gave him confirmed his suspicions. Seconds later, he felt a skinny claw grasp his muzzle. The stallion yelped in surprise as he was pulled to stare right into Discord's red eyes.

“That is to say,” he almost whispered. An unforgiving tone clearly in his voice “How is your day?”

The stallion tried to find the right words to say, the ones that would let him get out of this unharmed; yet no words came out of his mouth. He couldn't even think in presence of this creature.


“Good!” Discord let him go and stood upright “Isn't this a great day to do whatever we want?” he asked to the same pony.

After five seconds of silence, Discord snapped his fingers and the stallion was gone and back in a flash. The difference was that he was now tied from his rear legs, hanging upside down with a pool of piranhas below him.

“Gah!” the pony shouted in surprise “Let me go! Please let me go!” he struggled to balance in the rope, dodging the flesh eaters that were jumping in the water, trying to catch him.

“Hahaha!” Discord guffawed, standing with his tail and kicking the air with his legs “Look at his face! Priceless!” he gestured the horrified crowd. Many ponies were taking steps back, getting ready to run away.

“You, little friend!” Discord teleported in front of a shaking colt, who hid behind his mother “Aren't you enjoying the show?” he pointed at the stallion who was still screaming for help “Isn't that just hilarious?”

The mother of the colt wanted to yell at Discord; to tell him to stay away from his kid; to tell him to leave him alone or he would suffer the consequences. She really tried, but it was clear that a threat would result in something terrible for her or her child. Even with all of that willpower, her body only allowed her to wrap a hoof around her little colt and glare at Discord.

“Huh? What's that? Do you think a kid shouldn't see this?” Discord asked sarcastically “Please, say the word and I'll stop.”

Shaking her fear off, the mare spoke “S-stop!”

Discord snapped his fingers once again and the rope and pool disappeared. Some sighs of relief could be heard.
“Awww... But I was having so much fun!” he whined as if a toy had been taken from him “Didn't you think it was funny to see him pleading and waving his legs around like a ragdoll?”

“How could that be funny?!” the mare shouted “He was suffering!”

“Huh...” Discord tapped his chin “You're right. I guess it is better to let the little one watch as a bunch of adult ponies throw vegetables and rocks at a defenseless baby dragon, right? Seems like something we should teach this next generation! Nonono, scratch that, all of the coming generations!”

The mare and many others lowered their heads in shame.

“Oh, but why the long faces? I'm pretty sure we were having a good time,” he floated slowly towards Spike, who had been laying in the ground for the duration of Discord's intervention “Silly me, of course you were having a good time! I was the buzzkill who took it away from you. Well, sorry for that,” he winked “Don't worry tough, I'll arrange another terrorizing session for all of us! You guys seem to be pretty good at that.”

Taking Spike in his arms, he put on a serious face. A face worthy of his strange body and malicious mind “Until next time,” he said calmly.
Another flash of light, and they were gone. The clouds dissipated, the wind turned into breeze and the sun shone as bright as usual.

Not a pony spoke a word for a very long time. How could they be so foolish? How could they be so cruel? What could drive a pony to commit such dreadful acts? The ponies were ashamed of themselves for even thinking about doing that to a living creature. Let alone a sentient one, who had also shared his time and joy with them.
Whatever the case, they would make sure this was never repeated. The first steps were taken and in less than a minute, everypony resumed their daily tasks, trying to forget the horrible creature they had just seen. After some time, the square was empty except for Collector. The unicorn stared at the cart with his stolen goods with slightly opened muzzle and wide eyes. He slowly walked forward, thinking about the recent event. The dragon sure deserved some punishment, but looking back at it, he realized he had gone too far. They all had.
He slammed his head against the cart, not caring about the pain this caused to his horn. He stood there unaware of his surroundings until he started coughing. He was coughing because of the penchant in his chest. A penchant which turned his coughs into sobs, and then into crying. Collector caressed the items he recovered as he said a sentence over and over: “Forgive me.”


From afar, a centaur with a telescope stared at the village. More specifically, at the townsquare where the old unicorn now stood. He was just as shocked as the ponies when they saw Discord appear in their town.
He lowered his telescope and scratched his head “Oh, no,” he whispered “It's worse than we thought.”


Discord carried Spike for a while. The dragon wasn't heavy at all but it also wasn't an honor to drag him around like a baby. Even if he was technically one.
He felt Spike's arms were wrapped around his neck and realized that he was clinging to him. Although he hadn't checked if he was conscious, it appeared he had stayed awake the entire time.

“Thank you,” Spike said with weakness. But it was not physical weakness, it was because he was shattered inside.

Discord didn't reply nor made a gesture to say 'you're welcome'. He just kept walking.
Right as usual, Twilight Sparkle. He thought. Looks like I did learn more about what friendship is about, after all.