• Published 15th Mar 2015
  • 2,014 Views, 30 Comments

My Little Guardsmare: Bad Moon Rising - Peachy Moon

Twilight Sparkle never became the Princesses student, her brother did instead. Now the young Gaurd Officer is sent to Ponyville, Her brother remains in the capital, and young Princess works to keep things together in the Longest Night.

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Chapter 1

The purple unicorn’s hooves hammered onto the cobblestone as she passed under the huge Sun Gate. She smiled running her eyes over the high archway as she passed through it. The roof of the gate was a mosaic of the sun. It seemed to glow with inner light in the pre-dawn darkness. Twilight nodded to the guards at the gate house as she turned North heading for the docks on her morning run.

She followed the outermost road of Canterlot and smiled even more as she turned a corner to see the docks. Even this early in the morning Skyships were docking and unloading cargo. Her heart swelled with pride as the Megan came into view. The old Battleship hovered proudly next to the docks. Her worn hull still painted the white and gold of the Navy’s colors. Her engines had been silent for almost 50 years and yet she still stood as a museum to dark days of Equestria’s past.

“Beautiful isn’t she” A deep voice called out. Twilight turned back to find an old pegasus stallion jogging along a few paces away from her. The white stallion bowed his head to her and smiled “Sorry, but I couldn’t help but notice you admiring the old girl.” He said to her.

“Of course! I pass her every morning, but she’s still amazing every time.” Twilight said bowing her head back at him. She was amazed a stallion of his apparent age could keep pace with her so easily. His mane and tail were both a light grey, with the worn out quality an older pony got. His wings were well cared for but also seemed long passed their prime.

“You should have seen her fly,” He said his eyes tracing the ships hull. “She was glorious. If you ever want to meet the crew we visit her the first day of every month.” He said looking back and Twilight with a grin “See how real fighting Ponies are” He teased

“Oh? You think the Navy is so much better?” She snapped at him with a glare. He only grinned even more.

“Come on then girly, Show me what you can do” He said and took off at full gallop down the road. Twilight blinked and then gritted her teeth taking off in a mad dash to catch up with him.

Their race took them through the docks dodging stray dockworkers as they ran. The old stallion easily paced ahead of the younger mare. His laugh was clear and happy in the crisp morning air. The sun was beginning its morning journey into the sky when he finally slowed to a stop panting and catching his breath. A tired and sweaty Twilight soon cantered up to him. Twilight plopped down onto her plot and panted glaring at him.

“Damn old seapony..” She said with little venom in her voice. She actually looked up at him with a slight smile soon after “How long have you served?”

“I’ve been retired near on 20 years now. I just happen to notice a young Guard run the same route as me every morning. I see this little filly admire my old ship and I can’t help but think she might be alright for a grunt” He said with a grin to her and winked. He walked over and extended a hoof to her with a smile “Name’s Cider Barrel, Captain of Her Majesty’s Royal Navy. Retired,” He adds as an almost silent afterthought.

“Lt Twilight Sparkle Her Majesty’s Royal Guard” Twilight responded taking his hoof and shaking it. She stood and smiled looking up to admire the sunrise. “I hate to be rude sir, but I have to get going if I’m going to be on duty on time” She said bowing her head and turning to leave.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning then! You can get outrun by a stallion four times your age again!” He called after her with a wave.

Twilight laughed and trotted down a side street towards the heart of the city. The morning was already in full swing as she made her way towards the Guard Compound just outside the Palace.. A familiar stallion waved from the front of his Donut Shop.

“Stopping by L.T. ?” He called with a smile.

“Not today Joe, I’m late!” Twilight called to the older stallion.

He just laughed and nodded “I’ll save some donuts for your lunch then!” He called out before going back to sweeping the front of his shop.

Twilight got no more distractions as she made her way to the high walled Guard compound. The squared off structure house the barracks, armoury, training grounds, and headquarters for the Canterlot Guard branch. The overall Guard headquarters was in the palace itself. Twilight trotted passed a platoon of fresh enlisted recruits being jogged back to the barracks by their Drill Sergeant. Twilight turned dipping into the Officer’s showers.

It was just as she stepped under the cooling water that she heard someone clear their throat. A dignified, almost dainty sound. She stopped and slowly turned to the source of the sound. Her jaw nearly unhinged itself as she saw Princess Cadance leaning against the nearby wall.

The pink Alicorn had her mane tied up in a simple ponytail. Her form glistening slightly after her own morning run. She smiled stepping towards the still staring guard. She leaned in gently nuzzling Twilight. “I just stopped by to tell you Auntie Celestia wants to see you this morning. May I join you?” She asked with a soft smile.

Twilight swallowed and nodded dumbly at the question. Her eyes wandered the toned form of her former foalsitter. She smiled sadly to herself before shaking off those thoughts and returning to her shower.

“Shining misses having you over to game with him” Cadance’s voice shocked Twilight slightly. “We’ve been getting together to play O&O at least twice a month. It’d be nice if you could join us.”

“I’m swamped with work here at the Guard. Early to rise, late to bed..” Twilight responded nearly automatically. She smiled slightly “Promotions are coming up again and I think I’m a shoe in for Captain.”

“Twilight, you spend all your free time with work. You’ll have a stroke before you hit 30” Cadance said bluntly. She flicked her tail and glanced over at Twilight.

“Yes Princess” Twilight responded turning away from her. Why couldn’t they understand that she had to work hard. The Guard was still seen as something only stallions did. You’d think having a whole clan of militant pegasi parked on the city outskirts would change ponies minds, but no it was still seen as something only stallions and idiots did.

“You’re grinding your teeth” Cadance had slipped over next to Twilight. Her voice so close startled the young mare. Twilight stumbled nearly falling only to be steadied by Cadance’s wing. Both mares blushed faintly at the close contact. Twilight pulled away first and bow faintly.

“Thanks Your Highness” She said trying to hide her blush.

“Just Cadance” Cadance responded to her sadly. “Its just Cadance you know that” The Princess sighed and shook her head walking out of the showers. “Aunty Celestia wanted to see you whenever you get a chance.” She said stepping out into the locker room.


Shining Armor yawned slightly as he walked up to Donut Joe’s Doughnuts. The stallion was behind the counter and waved as Shining walked in.

“What can I get you two this morning?” Joe called out with a smile.

“Frosted extra sprinkles!” Spike called hopping from his big brothers shoulders. The small drake clambered up onto a bar stool and smiled up at the stallion as he went to grab their usual. Shining sat next to him and shook his head

“The Princess is going to kill me for letting you eat like that” He joked as Joe set their donuts in front of them. “How do you remember everyones orders so well Joe?” Shining asked lifting his simple chocolate glazed in his magic.

“Its just part of my talent” Joe said with a grin. The stallion ruffled Spikes head before heading to check on the rest of his customers. Shining bit into his doughnut and smirked. Everything was going awesome, he had his own tower at the school, plenty of friends, an awesome little bro, and to top it all off he was learning from the Princess herself!. Things could only get, well given his luck they’d probably get worse, but there was no point in dwelling on that. He smiled wiping his mouth and tossing the bits on the counter for their food.

“We’re heading out Joe! See you later!” He called over his shoulder as he levitated Spike into place.

“Hey wait! You wouldn’t happen to be heading by the Sun Gate would you? The two nightshifters there have usually grabbed a cup of Coffee by now. If you don’t mind can you check up on them?” Joe asked rushing over to Shining.

“Sure Joe, we’ll stop by..” Shining said with a smile. The Princess never minded when he stopped to help friends.

“Do we get free doughnuts for this?” Spike asked. Shining smirked and bumped his shoulders.

“Don’t get greedy little dude” Shining admonished before waving to Joe and heading out the door.

It took them almost half an hour to get to the Sun Gate. Shining set Spike down as they approached, something was wrong. The guard house appeared empty, and there was a pool of black liquid in the center of the street. The ponies making their way through the gateway didn’t seem to notice, and simply stepped around it as they rushed about their morning..

He looked down at Spike “Stay right there..” He said sternly as he pushed open the Guardhouse door. Spike tugged his tail, and glanced around staring at the black pool before another drip splashed into it from above. Spike turned his eyes upward and gasped.

“Shining..L..look,” He pointed to the roof of the gate. The sun mosaic had been hastily painted over with a crude moon, even the Mare in the Moon was recreated on its face. Shining nodded and smiled reassuringly at Spike. “Its just vandals little guy. Just stay here a minute.”

Spike nodded and stepped back to press himself into the Guardhouse side. He fidgeted with his claws as he waited for Shining to look inside. No one seemed to be paying him, or the defaced gate, any mind as they passed through. He felt so out of place, one of the rushing ponies splashed through the puddle leaving black hoof prints in his wake, and yet no one paid him any attention at all.

The small guardhouse seemed empty as Shining stepped inside. He looked around and stepped around the counter, and stopped as he spotted the cooling bodies on the Guardhouse floor. Four Guard stallions lay in a heap their throats crushed, and all their heads lay at akward angles. Shining stepped back and swallowed back a scream. His whole body shaking as he stepped outside. Spike looked up at him with wide eyes. Before the drake could say anything Shining Armor looked down at him

“Tell the Princess we need Guards at the Sun Gate...now..” He said. Spike nodded pulling a roll of parchment from his pouch. He wrote the note quickly and sent it away in a puff of green smoke. Shining meanwhile had collapsed onto his haunches shaking. Spike didn’t know what was wrong but he walked over hugging his brother tightly. Shining looked at him and pulled him into a tighter hug of his own.


Princess Celestia rubbed her temple gently as she read over the reports. She felt the familiar pressure behind her eyes. The constant sounds that had plagued her for a thousand years were getting louder. She could hear her sister’s pleas and crying whenever she was alone. She shook her head to clear it and looked up to find her assistant standing by the door with a worried look.

“Your Highness, Lt. Sparkle is here. Should I send her in?” Raven’s voice was full of worry. Even without years of practice reading ponies Celestia could hear the real question in her voice.

“Yes please, Why don’t you get some tea sent up for us.” The Princess smiled to her. The other mare gave her the most courteously dubious look Celestia had ever gotten and then stepped from the room.

The Solar Monarch sighed and went back to looking over her plans. She’d spent a thousand years trying to plan for the coming storm. She prayed silently to her mother that the elements had somehow cured her sister, but she knew in her heart that she would once again face the thing wearing her sister’s face.

She heard the approaching hoofsteps this time. The measured fall of Twilight’s hooves on the marble floors. She let a warm smile spread over her face as she remember meeting the young filly the same day she’d gotten her Apprentice. She could still picture the little purple filly going from worried over her brother to bouncing around the room excitedly. She smiled warmly as the real thing stepped into her room.

The mare had grown into herself, her form strong and toned. Celestia studied her eyes noting the intelligent glint hidden there. She looked the very model of a Guard Officer standing at attention in her dress uniform. She stepped up to Celestia and bowed low to the ground

“Lt. Sparkle reporting as requested your Highness.” Her voice was surprisingly warm, yet Celestia detect the barest hints of stress to it. Celestia smiled and motion to a cushion across the table from her.

“Please sit Lieutenant.” Celesta looked up as a servant entered with tea service for them. The young unicorn mare pouring a cup for Twilight, and herself. “Thank you” Celestia said to her smiling and watching the mare, who she didn’t recognize, blush and bow as she left. Celestia waited for Twilight to get her tea all settled before she continued to speak “I called you here to ask a favor of you.” Celestia sipped her tea enjoying Twilight stiffen slightly in surprise at her words.

“A favor your highness? I...I’m not sure I am the mare for the job. I’m nothing special. Infact I’m sure you’ve got others more qualified to do things for you.” Twilight’s teacup shook slightly in her grip.

‘But none I’ve watched their whole life.’ Celestia found herself thinking. A large part of her wished the young mare had chosen to become something other than a guard. If she had Celestia could have positioned her better for the coming trials.

“Twilight,” Celestia cleared her throat and began again “Lt. Sparkle, I don’t want another to do this. You’ve got an exemplary record, and your brother speaks highly of you.” The Princess smiles to the now blushing mare. “I simply need you to take a couple of Guard down to Ponyville to check the final preparations for the Celebration, and also I am looking to put a permanent Guard presence there. It might not the the most glamorous post, but I am sure a young commander could make a name for themselves running it.” She added watching the gears turn in Twilight’s head.

“I, well of course I will your highness. When should I leave, and do you have suggestions on who I am to take with me?” Twilight said after several moments silence. Celestia noted that she had a slight pull at the corners over her mouth as if trying not to smile.

It was that moment that a trail of green fire coiled into existence depositing a scroll onto the table.

“Oh” Celestia’s smile faded from her lips as she read the report. She looked up and smiled “If you’ll excuse me for a moment Lieutenant,” Celestia said before standing and walking from the room before Twilight could respond.

Comments ( 30 )

I'm on the fence about this one. More because I'm not sure how the difference in Twilight's career will affect the rest of the story. There are indications that it could go differently, but there is also a possibility of it being too similar. From what is written already, I am curious enough to see where it may go from here.

5742991 Define similar? She meets the girls still, and yes she still is an Element.

5742991 Twidance Prompt Collab, Kinda spoilery but some of my prompts on this are prototypes for this.

5742999 Not similar. Too similar. An issue I've been told I have with one of my own stories and worry about with a few of them at times. Basically even though there is something different, which should have different results and consequences, the story is so similar to the episode that there is hardly a difference. More than likely I'm wrong.

I'll forego the prompt stories for now. As I said, I am curious to see where it goes. So I'll try to keep it as spoiler-free for myself and others as possible.

5743060 Don't worry, I plan on keeping this its own story. Not just Elements of Harmony Part 1&2 Redux Harder.

5743060 i can think of a few things that would be different mostly events

Will guardspony twilight be armed in a t shirt and flashlight?

5743347 Sadly no, Armor and Colt Repeater Crossbow. Also her family sword. -grins- Though I am a fan and may make references

Comment posted by Commander Darklight deleted Mar 16th, 2015

Somewhat interesting start, not enough here to sink my teeth into yet, so it remains to be seen how good it will be.
Oddly, I just read a good story with a very similar divergence point (Twilight Sparkle of the Royal Guard), but that one had Shining Armor go to Ponyville.

I hope so, nothing renders an AU so pointless as not letting things diverge far enough from canon.

6344084 No more than I am, I'm just not in a writing space right now. Sorry to all

Comment posted by Shion Wyrmeye deleted Aug 26th, 2015

Great story is there going to be more

I want more chapters.....
anyway good story so far, look good like good idea.

is this ever going to continue?

7099594 apparently not, very disappointing, it was a great first chapter too, very well made.

6344371 any chance of this being continued?


Yes, I am actually working on the second chapter still. No clue if its going to stay glacial release schedule, but I am not dead, nor is this

So who exactly will the romance be between? It seems very promising and interesting but I kinda just wanna know...

If I ever pull my head from my forth point of contact and continue? its Twi/Dance

Dance as in Cadance? Or Moondancer? Cause I haven’t read this in forever. At least a few months.

Will the is be continued?

nice start to the story :twilightsmile:

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