• Published 27th Oct 2011
  • 7,743 Views, 33 Comments

A Well-Deserved Break: The Other Way to a Unicorn's Heart - TimeBomb0

*SEQUEL* You and Twilight go on vacation, but for more reasons than you think

  • ...

The Steamy Part

After getting directions from Aster at the reception desk, you and Twilight now find yourselves standing inside one of the resort's many private springs. Luna's moon hung in the dark sky, its dim-yet-comforting light reflected by the calm waters and competing with the light coming from the oriental firefly lamps hanging on the walls.

Thanks to Twilight's impromptu lecture while you walked, you had learned the springs here are made private due to a series of soundproof walls and a magically-enchanted glass ceiling that only those inside the room can see through. She also explained how the spring is heated through the naturally high temperatures that occur far beneath the surface...or something to that effect. Most of the terms she used to describe this were words you had never heard before, and trying to comprehend them was starting to make your head hurt.

"Wow, they weren't kidding about the 'hot' part," Twilight says as she stares at the pool of water. The spring, large enough to comfortably fit you two plus all of her friends, gives off little wisps of steam here and there, and the room itself is already more humid and several degrees warmer than you expected.

"I see that," you reply, "So...I guess we just get in and sit together for a while?"

"I guess....would you like to go ahead?"

"Erm...fillies first?" You turn to Twilight with a nervous grin.

"How chivalrous of you," She replies, her voice laced with her trademark sarcasm.

Twilight walks up to the edge of the spring and stares at it as if she was learning to swim for the first time. She slowly lifts a forelimb off the ground and towards the water. She hovers her hoof a few inches above the spring for a few seconds and then lightly touches the water. Immediately, she jerks the hoof back up and lets out a slight gasp.

"Are you alright?" You ask as you walk up to her.

"...yeah." She responds while shaking a few drops of water off her hoof. "It's just...really hot...but I don't think it's hot enough to cause any burns, at least."

A few seconds pass before Twilight raises her limb again. Once more, she dangles her hoof above the water before gingerly dipping it back in. She gasps a little again, but she keeps her hoof in the water this time, even setting it all the way down on the step leading into the deeper part. After a few more seconds, she raises her other forelimb and touches it to the water. You see her face wince from the extreme temperature, but she perseveres, setting that limb on the step as well.

This goes on for a few minutes, as Twilight puts her rear legs into the water and then slowly climbs down the steps, hissing through grit teeth every step of the way. Eventually, she makes it all the way inside the spring, the water up to her barrel. She walks over to the side of the spring and slowly sits down, submerging every part beneath her neck under the steamy water.

"...you know," she starts, her face no longer contorted in pain, "This doesn't feel too bad. It's...kind of nice, actually." She glances over to you, still high and dry. "Well, are you getting in? There's plenty of room in here."

"Uh, sure." You reply. You're not too thrilled about getting in after Twilight's performance, but if she could do it, then you have to at least try.

You stare into the hot spring at the edge of your hooves, its calm nature belied by the heat emanating from it. You lift a hoof towards the water and sink a good portion of it underneath the surface, hoping to power through the heat and get it over with quickly.

Your plan backfires immediately as the nerves in your hoof suddenly cry out in searing heat, making you yelp and pull it out of the water. As you shake your limb all about to get the hot water off, you hear a giggle come from the other side of the spring.

"Having some trouble there?" Twilight says with an amused grin on her face.

"Yeah...guess your performance wasn't for show," is all you can think to respond.

"It's not that bad once you get used to it," she replies, "Just take your time with it."

"Good advice," you reply.

You glance back down at the water, the surface now disrupted by the waves created by your hoof. With the extreme temperature still fresh in your mind, you lift your forelimb once again and gingerly set it under the water. You gasp a little as the sting returns, but the pain is already diminishing to a tolerable level. Now that you have a hoofhold on the situation, you lift your other foreleg and begin repeating the process.


A few minutes later, you finally reach the middle of the spring with all four of your limbs fully submerged and the water nearing the base of your tail. Twilight had looked on with a sly smirk as you involuntarily gasped and jerked every time one of your legs got deeper into the spring, your movements almost a perfect mirror of her own not long ago. Mustering up the willpower, you walk over to the side of the spring Twilight had situated herself in and sit down, letting out one final gasp as everything up to your withers is now in the searing hot spring.

As the nerves in your body grow used to the high temperature, however, your sharp gasp slowly turns into a relaxed sigh. It would seem Twilight was right; the water that once felt like bathing in hot lava is now starting to elicit pleasurable sensations from your nerves. You let your eyes fall close and lean your head back slightly, letting the water flow around you and caress every part of your body-

"Ready to get out?"

Your eyes snap open when you hear Twilight ask this question. "Get out?" You respond, "But I, you...just here...hot...everything-"

Your babbling stops as soon as Twilight lets out a giggle. "Just kidding. Sorry, couldn't resist that."

You try to shoot a mean glare at her, but you can't form anything but a grin. "Oh, you," you say to Twilight in between a couple frustrated chuckles. It seems that a certain pink pony is starting to rub off on your marefriend.

Once the giggling finally subsides, the room goes silent, and you return to kicking back and letting your body enjoy the spring as much as it could....


You aren't sure how much time passes, but you hope that you never have to get out of the spring. The pain you felt when you first tried to get in is long gone, the waters only bringing you good feelings now. You let out a sigh as tense spots you never knew you had melted away under the gentle pressure of the pool. It's like taking a long bath after a hard day's work. A bath with the hot water handle cranked all the way open, but a soothing bath regardless.

"You know, Twilight," You speak for the first time in a while, "I understand why your friend wanted to come here so much now."

To your surprise, you don't get a response.

You open one of your eyes and sneak a quick peek over in her direction to check on her. Instead of leaning back and enjoying the spring like you expected, Twilight has her head tilted down, her eyes staring into the clear water. What really gets you is the frown she now carries on her face. You have no idea what's going on in the unicorn's head, but whatever it is must not be terribly pleasant.

"You alright there, Twilight?" You say again, this time getting up and starting to walk over to her.

This time she pays attention, hearing you move and feeling the waves lap against her neck. "Oh! Um, yeah, I'm fine." She turns to you and forces out a smile. "Don't let me get in the way of your relaxation."

"It's okay," You reply, "What were you thinking about? You were in a pretty good trance there."

"Oh...nothing important, really," says Twilight, "Just...wondering about...my friends."

"What about them?" You inquire, your curiosity growing at Twilight's vague responses.

"Uh...well, you know," She starts, "Just what they're up to now, how Spike's coping with running the library by himself...how they're getting along without me. You know, stuff like that."

"Well," You begin your reply trying to pick your words carefully, "I don't know if you or I can answer any of these questions right now, but I do know that it was really nice of them to send us on this vacation."

"Yeah, I guess...but I still think they didn't really have to do this."

"Twilight, they're your friends. You don't have to feel guilty just because they did something nice for you, especially when you've been working your tail off. They really do care for you, you know that?"

"....yeah, they do." Twilight says as her gaze moves from you back down to the water.

"It's still bugging you, isn't it?" You ask.

She glances back up at you for a second with a serious look on her face. "Am I really that easy to read?"

"Sometimes," you say with a nervous grin. You were putting it generously; hiding her emotions well was never one of Twilight's many skills.

"Well, don't you feel a little bad that they did something as grand as this just for the two of us?"

"Hmm," you think her question over for a second, "I would have just settled for some new pots and pans, I suppose..." You take a moment to give a quick shrug, "...but that's just what good friends do. They make each other happy even if it comes at their own expense."

"Yeah....it's just that..." she starts to say something, but her words trail off.

"It's just what?" You ask, trying to coax her statement into the open.

"...well, it's just they do so much for me, but....I really don't do enough for them." Twilight finally confesses.

"What makes you say that?" You ask. Now you're concerned. You've never heard something like this from Twilight before. Maybe this is what her friends were concerned about?

"This vacation, for starters," she begins, "...but there's more to it. I've already told you about my friendship reports, right?"

"Of course, Twilight."

"Well, being with my friends has taught me so many things on friendship and made me the happiest I've ever been, but...I feel that I haven't done nearly as much for them. Even when I try to do something to help, I almost always screw things up."

She lowers her head as she recollects some less-than-pleasant memories. "I caused a parasprite outbreak to eat up the whole town. I made nearly everypony go crazy over some stupid doll just so I could have a friendship report to write to the princess. I...I even let you almost get seriously hurt trying to save a sandwich for me because I didn't have the courage to confess my feelings for you..." her words trail off again. You assume she's thinking of what would've happened if you hadn't been so lucky on that day.

"...that's why I've been working so hard for a while now," She resumes speaking, "I want to make my friends feel just as happy as they've made me feel, but...I'll never be able to do that. I...I'm not good enough for them or you-"


The lavender mare jumps back a little at your outburst. You had heard enough. You reach your forelegs out and grab at her own under the water and look her right in the eye, hoping that your expression is somehow both firm and gentle.

"Please Twilight, don't say something like that." You continue in a calmer voice. "You don't have to push yourself so hard."

"But...but I-"

"You're really selling yourself short," You interject, not letting her continue her self-doubt for another second. "You already do so much for your friends and for Ponyville. It was your organization that helped everyone finish Winter Wrap-Up this year long before the other towns did. It was you that stopped a raging Ursa Minor from leveling the town, and if not for you, Equestria would still be all messed up because of that..." You take a moment to try and figure out this next word: "Draconi....Dragooneye...Dragonahkwa...."

"Draconequus," Twilight corrects you almost out of pure instinct.

"Yeah, that thing, and that's just the stuff I've heard your friends talk about casually," You continue, leaving out the part where you shocked them from accidentally sneaking up on them to take their orders. "Besides, you already make your friends happy just by being you. You don't have to do grand things all the time just to be a good friend. You already are a wonderful friend to them and to everyone you know."

You lean closer, letting a reassuring smile naturally grow on your face. Her wide-open eyes stare directly into yours, awaiting your next move.

"Your friends will always love you for who you are. Don't ever forget that."

"I....I...." Twilight stutters, but nothing comes of it. Instead, she lowers her head back down, staring at both of your bodies through the water. At least a minute of eternity-filled seconds pass before one of you speaks up again.

"You...you really think I'm a good friend?" She speaks up again, once more lifting her gaze to face yours, her eyes forming their own moisture in spite of all the water around her.

"More than that," You respond, "You're the best friend anyone could have."

Twilight says nothing back to you, only staring at you with her teary eyes. Was that too cheesy? You start to wonder. Twilight was never one for sappy romance stories, after all. You expect her to tell you you're just trying to make her feel better, that she still isn't as good a friend as she could be.

You did not expect her to wrap her hooves around and rest her head on your shoulder.

"...Thank you," she says softly, finally letting some tears go free. "Just...thank you."

You slowly return her embrace, pulling her deeper into the hug with your hooves. Even through the hot water, you can still feel how incredibly warm her own coat is.

"No problem," is all you say.

You sit with Twilight like this for several minutes in silence, enjoying the warm feeling of her coating against yours through the water and letting her pull your body close to her. Her friends were right; she really needed something like this, even if she didn't believe it herself.

Slowly, Twilight relaxes her grip on you and pulls back, looking right at you. You can make out streaks where tears went down her face, but her quiet smile is all she needs to do to tell you she'll be okay.

"Feeling better, Twilight?" You ask her, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, much better," she replies, "Sorry if I acted a little silly there."

"No need to apologize. It actually felt kind of nice holding you like that."

"Really?" Twilight asks, but she doesn't wait for an answer. "Well, I...um...have a confession to make."

"You do?" You respond.

"Um, yeah...you see, I, uh, didn't just want to come here to enjoy the water..." She averts your gaze as she finishes, and you notice another streak of pink breaking through her coating.

"Really?" You say, trying to feign surprise at her "confession". "What else could you want to come here for?"

"Well...you see, I wanted to do some research on a few things...."

"Research?" You respond yet again, having a harder time pretending to not know what she's talking about. "What do you mean by that?"

"Um..." She pauses at first, not noticing you slowly leaning in. "I...er, wanted to study the...effects of...." She pauses again, not noticing her eyes slowly closing and her head leaning in as well. "...hot springs on r...relation..."

She never finishes her excuse. At that point, both your lips connected together, the two of you preferring to switch to the oldest language in Equestrian history. You shut your eyes along with Twilight as your lips press onto hers, softly at first but slowly growing in force. You can't see anything, but you can feel her moving in the water, and still flinch out of surprise a little when you feel her hooves wrap around you, her soft fur once again pressing into yours. You reach your own limbs around her and return the favor, pulling her even closer to you and letting her appreciate the warmth of your own body just as much as you appreciate hers.

To your surprise, it is Twilight who first moves on to her tongue, poking her succulent wet muscle around your lips trying to seek access. You accept her offer and part your lips. She wastes no time in entering your mouth, licking as much of its insides as she possibly can.

You let her have her way with you for a little bit, but eventually you decide to have some fun yourself. You push your tongue against hers and engage in another wrestling match with her. She has learned much on how to gain the upper hand in this situation from both experience and some skimming of certain sensual books, but after much playful fighting, she finally relinquishes and grants you access into her mouth. You almost match her insatiability at first, eagerly lapping away at her. You can't get enough of that special taste that only she seems to possess: that mixture of her own fluids and a hint of elderberry. You nearly drove yourself crazy crafting a meal with that flavor after getting your first taste, but even though the recipe you came up with was certainly a favorite amongst your customers, it still could not compare against the original source.

Your self-indulgence comes to an end all too quickly, however, as Twilight recalls a certain technique she read in Kissing 101 and overpowers your tongue with hers, quickly regaining control of the situation. Be that as it may, you feel no annoyance at her temporary victory; the kiss, her body, the water, everything still feels far too good for you to develop any sour grapes.

This kiss goes on for....well, you don't keep track, but you never want it to stop. The playful tongue-wrestling match between you and her gradually lessens in intensity, eventually becoming a slow appreciation of each other's mouths. You had thought that less force would mean less pleasure, but you're once again surprised at how good it feels to be tender as well as wild. You become aware of all the little things: the rough texture of her tongue, the near-flawless way she whips it around yours, the moans from deep within her throat making her mouth vibrate. Much like eating a good meal, it's no longer about greedily devouring everything, but rather enjoying the finer details and savoring every last taste as if it was the last time you would ever get to enjoy an experience as good as this.

Finally, it is Twilight who breaks the kiss and leans her head back. You open your eyes and smile a little at just how much she got into the kiss. Her straight mane is tussled up, and you can spot a line of drool going down to her chin. I probably don't look that hot either, you convince yourself.

"....wow." she speaks first. "I don't think there's a word in the Equestrian dictionary to describe this."

"No kidding," you agree with her, "So...do you think you have enough 'research' now?"

"....actually," she responds, her pink blush and shy smile coming through again, "If you're willing, I'd like to, er, run some more tests."

"Sounds lovely to me. What did you have in mind?"

"Well..." She takes a few seconds before answering, "....I heard about a certain move that the two of us can do, although my knowledge of it isn't that great...."

"If you want to go through with it, then I'll be happy to do it with you," you respond. You have no idea what she's planning and are a little worried, but your want to have more fun with her is much stronger.

"Okay then, I'll start us off," says Twilight before taking a deep breath, "Well, here goes."

She gingerly leans her head forward again, almost as if to kiss you once more. Instead, she tilts her head down and moves to the side of your head. You're clueless as to what she has planned....

That is, until you feel something firm touch your horn.

A shiver goes down your spine as you decipher that Twilight's horn is now connecting with yours. Of all the places on her body you explored, you had yet to touch that particular area. Being a unicorn yourself, you knew firsthand just how sensitive it could feel to the touch under certain circumstances, but you always strayed from that part of her body (among other, less mentionable places) out of respect for her. You still hold a small amount of disbelief that she is now letting you touch her horn, let alone with your own horn, but the twitches now travelling through your entire body feel too good to back away.


You exhale sharply upon feeling something you've never felt before course through your body. You don't think there are any real words to describe it. It's like the sensation you feel is yours, and yet it isn't. It has a character and feeling all of its own. It's almost as if what are you feeling is not something, but rather someone....


You let your mind and body rest as the answer comes to you: Twilight is sending short waves of her magic through your body now that your horns are connected. Each pulse of her power sends shockwaves of pleasure from head to tail, and you can't help but let out a moan at nearly every jolt. The pulses gradually come faster and quicker, and your moaning turns into light pants. You feel yourself going crazy at these new sensations; you are experiencing Twilight like you never have before, and each wave of pleasure she sends is unmistakably just as much a part of her as her talents and personality.

It feels far too good for you to let you have all the fun to yourself. You force yourself to concentrate through the shockwaves and started to pulse your own reserves of magic through her body. You know your magical abilities and strength can't ever compare to the power that Twilight wields, but that won't stop you from making her feel as good as you do right now.

Right away, your efforts are met by a sudden moan from Twilight, and you feel the steady pulsing of her magic stop for a second. However, she quickly resumes sending her magic into you, the pleasurable sensations drowning out your concentration. You only become more determined at this, and focus even harder on channeling your magic into her horn. Twilight moans even louder this time as the shockwave of your magic flows from her horn down to her hooves, but her own magic does not falter. If anything, your effort only succeeds in making her magic stronger.

Thus begins another contest between you and Twilight as you both let your magic flow through each other. You make a valiant effort at pleasing her, but as you expected, the amount of magic you possess is nothing compared to Twilight's. Despite you running low on steam, the two of you are still going at it fiercely, rubbing your horns together and losing yourselves in the waves of magical bliss. You feel your horn growing hot and your face getting covered with your sweat as the wonderful sensations in you grow stronger still. At this rate, you feel like you will explode in perfect harmony in mere moments-


You didn't make this noise, and neither did Twilight. You both jerk away from each other immediately after hearing the gasp and turn to find its source. Standing close to the edge of the spring is the yellow-coated receptionist from before, staring right at the two of you with a red blush on her cheeks. On her back are a pair of white towels with the resort's logo stitched in them as well as a set of keys for getting inside the private springs, you assume. Your mind races with questions. How long has she been there? Was this against the resort's policy, somehow? Were you about to be kicked out and lose your reservation?

"I'm so sorry!" Cassia blurts out, taking a couple steps back in embarrassment. "I-I was just restocking towels in all the springs! I didn't mean to interrupt you two! I didn't even see you until just now!"

You open your mouth to form some sort of reply, but Twilight beats you to it. "No, it's our fault. We didn't hear you come in at all....we're not in trouble for this, are we?"

The employee takes a second to regain her composure before talking again. "In your case, no. Plenty of couples like to use these springs for similar purposes. We only discourage the most....erm, passionate purposes for sanitary reasons." You shudder a little as your mind conjures up images of what she could be suggesting by that.

"Well, that's a relief, I guess." says Twilight, perfectly mirroring your response.

"Okay then," Cassia continues, "I'll just...leave you two alone now. Let me know if you need anything else." Cassia then shyly turns away and leaves the room, leaving you and Twilight alone again.

You're not sure what exactly to do now, but after about half a minute of awkward silence, Twilight turns back to you and nervously calls you by your name.

"Yes, Twilight?"

"Um....perhaps we should continue this somewhere more private?"

"More private? Like where?"

"Like...our room?" She gives you a smile that could very well have been accompanied with the sound of a squeak toy, her face regaining that cute pink blush.

Your eyes open in surprise at the potential of Twilight's suggestion, but you try your best to play it cool. "Yeah, that sounds good, but I thought your 'research' involved hot springs?"

"We could...study something else instead," She coyly suggests.

"I'll always be up for more research like this," you snicker a little at the realization of just how far the two of you have played out this excuse. "So...when do you want to go back to our room?"


"Okay then, let's be on our way."

Without another word, the two of you get out of the water, this time taking much less time than you did getting in. You both lift up a towel and dry yourselves off, depositing the towels in a nearby hamper when you finish.

Now that the towels taken care of, you turn back to Twilight and notice that she is staring in your direction, a far-off look on her face and a small smile forming on her lips.

"What'cha thinking about?" You can't help but ask.

"Oh! Um, not much really...." she replies. Her head turns away from you for a second but then quickly returns. "Um, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"...what did I do to deserve a coltfriend as good as you?"

You didn't need any time to think of an answer. "You're you. That's all you need to be."

She says nothing in response. For a moment, you think you came off as too cheesy again. However, Twilight quickly dispels this thought by walking up to you and nuzzling your cheek, her freshly-dried coat sending shivers down your spine.

"Shall we be on our way, then?" She asks you.

"Yes, let's."

With this, the two of you exit the spring and begin the walk to your room, both lost in the happiness of each other's company.

It is still a pleasure to love.


Note: Generally speaking, it’s not a good idea to engage in intercourse when in water, especially in hot springs. Water robs the body of its natural lubricant, and that’s not to mention the potential for acquiring an infection of some kind. Also, frequent hot spring and/or hot tub usage can cause sterility issues in guys, so always use in moderation.

Plus, you totally have a thing for Twilight Sparkle now. Don’t lie.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or its characters, and I make no money from this story. All Rights Reserved by Hasbro.