• Published 11th Jun 2014
  • 795 Views, 11 Comments

Shard: Harmony in the Clouds - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

The group travels to Cloudsdale to find one of The Elements of Harmony

  • ...

Shadows and Lightning

"This isn't over. I will make sure you pay for this. Just you wait and see."

Lightning Dust continued to glare at the back or Rainbow Dash, who was just walking away with her friends. Ears drooping, Lightning Dust let out a huff of frustration.

This was not how she had imagined things would go. Either there would have been apologies, or a fight. What she was not expecting was to be ignored like that. Punching, kicking, even biting, yes, but not just being walked away from.

Lightning Dust.

Lightning Dust's ears perked up as she turned around. The gave a flick as she scanned the area. She could have sworn that she had heard something. There was nothing for her to see though.

With a groan, she rubbed at her head. It felt like something was starting to give her a pain just behind one of her eyes. This was not something that she needed to deal with right now.

Lightning Dust.

Maybe she should just go home, and take a nap. She could sleep until it was dark and end up feeling better. Sleep through the pain and wake up with a clearer head. Downside was she might end up missing her chance at Rainbow Dash. Upside is that if she was still here, it would be an opportunity to come up with a better way to get revenge.

Lightning Dust.

For some reason, Lightning Dust did not feel like flying. She would just walk home. Probably stick to the side streets and alleyways to avoid traffic and the sun as much as she could. As such, she walked toward the closest alley. It felt like a relief when she stepped into the shadows and no longer had the light making her head hurt worse.

Something touched her leg, causing her to jump, wings fluttering. Her eyes narrowed as she looked down, catching sight of a dark black tendril.

"Well, well," a deep voice purred behind her, "aren't you an interesting little pegasus."

"Who are you?" Lightning Dust growled, turning to face the source.

The black unicorn's glowing eyes narrowed as he gave a sharp-toothed grin.

"I am King Sombra," he announced, "and I couldn't help but noticed that you seem to have a problem with a certain pegasus. I could help you get her back."

"You could?" Lightning asked, tilting her head. She raised an eyebrow, feeling skeptical.

"Indeed I could. A little extra power to give you a boost, and a little information to help you have the opportunity."

"And what do you get out of it? I'm not stupid. No pony would be willing to make an offer like that without wanting something in return."

King Sombra let out a chuckle, grinning widely.

"It's simple," he stated. "I want her eliminated as well. You get your revenge, and I get a threat against me removed without having to do so directly."

He paused, rubbing his chin.

"Although... if you were able to do something about the purple unicorn mare as well, that would be a greatly appreciated bonus."

"So you give me more power," Lightning Dust stated, "I get revenge on Rainbow Dash -- maybe take care of that other one like you ask -- then what?"

Sombra shifted, tilting his head as his eyes narrowed, studying the pegasus.

"Pardon?" he asked. "I am not quite certain what you mean."

"You think I'm going to help you because I get revenge?" Lightning Dust said before letting out a snort. "No way. If I help you, you better be willing to give me something in return."

There was a burst of dark purple magic around Sombra's horn and Lightning Dust's body, holding her in the air.

"You dare?" He growled, nearly pressing his muzzle to hers. "I offer you power,I offer you revenge, and you dare to ask for more?" He bared his teeth at her.

"...yes..." Lightning Dusk managed to choke out, glaring at King Sombra. She refused to look away or flinch.

King Sombra glared back for a moment before, pulling back. The snarl became a smirk as he let out a chuckle. He set the pegasus down, releasing her from his magical grip.

"And what -- pray tell -- is it you want, little pegasus?"

"I want to be a Wonderbolt," Lightning Dust replied.

King Sombra shifted, his mind seeming to work.

"Very well," he stated. "I shall give you a small bit of my power, and you will take your revenge against Rainbow Dash. Impress me, and I might just be willing to assist you with these... Wonderbolts... you mentioned."

Lightning Dust grinned.

"But make no mistake," he continued. "If you fail me, or fail to impress me..."

Sombra's horn glowed once more. A burst of his magic shot out, hitting the pegasus in the head. Lightning Dust eyes glowed green for a second before the magic dissipated.

"..and I shall show you such punishments, that what you just experienced will seem like a wistful daydream."

Lightning Dust shook her head, feeling a little sick. She looked up at King Sombra a moment, then let out a sigh.


"So be it," King Sombra announced. His horn glowed once again.

Shadows pulled away from the dark unicorn and toward Lightning Dust. They shifted and twisted as the moved closer, wrapping around the mare's neck. The darkness swelled and shifted, growing to wrap around more of Lightning Dust's body until it had engulfed her fully.

"Now," Sombra purred as he watched, "show me what you are capable of."