• Published 11th Jun 2014
  • 4,462 Views, 291 Comments

How I Learned to Stop Being Harmonious and Learned to Love Chaos - kudzuhaiku

Discord takes on an earth pony as his protege. Equestria changes. Gradually.

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Chapter 3

Discord was nowhere to be found. He was off somewhere, perhaps in some universe next door, or perhaps some other place on the planet. There was no way to know for sure. Charis had questions. Charis wanted to know what other versions of her were like. What was her potential.

She supposed it all came down to destiny.

Ponyville was in a state of commotion. Charis wasn’t entirely sure what was going on, except that there were a lot of shouting angry ponies. Something about a new tax, and it was hitting the farmers pretty hard.

And all of the farmers were earth ponies.

There were a large crowd of them out shouting in front of the town hall even now, protesting the new tax, and protesting what was believed to be another means to hold earth ponies down while the other tribes prospered.

The situation was rapidly getting out of hoof.

Charis felt herself drawn to the chaos, pulled in, and there was this gentle buzzing in her brain, a need to be in the center of all the chaos… and perhaps rile it up just a tiny bit. Perhaps add a little fuel on the fire.

She began to push her way through the crowd, the sound of angry voices urging her onwards, a mad frenetic feeling building up inside of her mind. There was something glorious about the disharmony around her. The excitable equines were straining against their own herd structure.

It wouldn’t take much to push them into a frenzy.

Nervously licking her lips, Charis pushed her way up on to the wooden platform with Ivory Scroll, the mayor of Ponyville. She gently pushed the mayor away from the podium. An odd terrifying silence settled over the mob, and furious eyes all focused on Charis.

If Discord had been here, he could have warned his student about quiet seething masses and the dangers of a mob fallen silent. But Discord was gone. And Charis was alone, all by herself, feeling the first itch of chaos.

“All of civilisation is built upon our backs!” Charis announced. “We earth ponies are the foundation from which the other ponies have built their civilisation! And for too long, we have been exploited! We carry the burden of this exploitation upon our shoulders, and we have done so for so long that it has broken us and crushed our spirits!”

There was an angry roar from the crowd.

“Who makes the food? Who toils day after day in the fields? And what do we have to show for it? Look around you! Look at Carousel Boutique! What does Rarity do that contributes to our society? She makes clothes! CLOTHES! Which most of us never wear! Yet her business continues to prosper, and she is one of the wealthiest ponies in town, aided by her MAGIC, which allows her to find gems. She has MAGIC that has allowed her to become fabulously wealthy! Meanwhile, the Apple family, who feeds us all, FEEDS us, had to take out another loan again to keep their heads above water. How is this right? We don’t need clothing, we need food! What is wrong with our priorities as a society?” Charis said, her words inciting rage in all who listened.

There was another angry roar and furious shouts began to ripple through the crowd.

“Meanwhile, Rarity and her gems continue to make us poorer and poorer. She can afford to offer extra bits to a merchant, so now the merchants expect extra bits from all of us! Inflation! The term is inflation! And as long as Rarity keeps dumping gems into our local economy, we are all going to become poorer and poorer as a bit continues to buy less and less. And bits come so easily to all unicorns. A little magic and their work is done for the day! Meanwhile, we earth ponies labour from sunup to sundown, breaking our backs, sweating, using our muscles and sinew, performing the sort of work that keeps our society together. Pulling goods from one place to another. Hauling food and supplies in wagons. Growing food. And we get paid what for it? Very little! And now, a new tax is coming, which will take away even more of the precious few bits we have, and we will all be poorer for it, while the unicorns like Rarity just have to go out and magic up a few bits to make ends meet!” Charis shouted.

A dangerous feeling of power flowed through Charis. Something glorious awoke within her. There was truth, and then there was truth. And nothing held more truth than an angry mob.

“We should stop making food and performing the services vital to our society until our needs are met!” Charis proposed.

The mob exploded.

No longer content to stand in place and seethe, the center failed to hold and the mob began to spread out into the town, trampling everything that got in their way. There was the tinkling of broken glass and smoke began to rise up into the air.

“What have you done?”

Charis turned and saw Discord standing near her, looking both amused and concerned. He stood akimbo, his forelegs folded and his paw and talons resting on his hips. As the situation began to spiral out of control all around her, a warm pleasant feeling spread through her brain.

“I told the truth. My words were honest,” Charis said as flames began to rise into the sky. Pegasi hurried back and forth, bringing in rainclouds to put out the fires that were being set.

“So our little chat yesterday had an effect I see… did you do this out of kindness? Or personal satisfaction?” Discord asked.

“Both. Maybe. Maybe I did it because it had to be done,” Charis stated.

Flames crackled from the Carousel Boutique and screams echoed through the town. Bands of pegasi were busy trying to contain the many fires. The earth ponies were rampaging. There was nothing to hold them back. Order had broken down completely.

“Look what you did…” Discord said in astonishment.

“You were gone, where did you go and why did you suddenly reappear?” Charis asked.

“I was busy trying to talk to Celestia about you, and making a whole bunch of promises I only barely intended to keep, in a very vague and ambiguous sense,” Discord replied.

“Give me ambiguity or give me something else,” Charis stated.

“You are learning,” Discord quipped.

“Wow, the marketplace is really burning quite well… I wonder where ponies are going to buy food now. The farmers will have plenty of food, but the rest of the townsponies are going to be up the creek without a paddle,” Charis observed.

“Want marshmallows?” Discord offered .

“No thanks,” Charis declined.

“You did a bad thing Charis… and I am proud of you,” Discord said.

“What did I do?” Charis inquired.

“You told these ponies the truth. You stated the obvious. It was the lie that all were aware of, but nopony wanted to acknowledge. Life isn’t fair. You stated such, and then pointed out the most obvious reasons on why it wasn’t fair. Some have to work hard and break their backs, while others have to barely work at all and a trying afternoon is trying to figure out what to get from the overly generous menu at the posh cafe that is so popular… the wait staff of course are those sorts of ponies that have to work far too hard and get so little in return,” Discord answered.

“But honesty is an element of harmony… yet by telling the truth, I caused this,” Charis observed. “Where is the harmony to be found in the honesty that has taken place here? What happened to integrity being an asset to society?”

Discord said nothing, but watched the rain make a nearby fire sizzle. He heaved a sigh of boredom and scratched his back just above his tail. All around him the riot continued to become worse.

“I feel confused,” Charis confessed.

“Then something has gone right,” Discord announced. “We should go. It would be wise to vacate the area immediately.” The draconequus snapped his talons.

Charis found herself in a vast meadow, surrounded by green grass, colourful flowers, and flying bugs of all kinds. There were a few clouds overhead. Somewhere nearby, a brook babbled down a small waterfall. The setting was as beautiful as it was serene.

“What do you see?” Discord asked.

“A meadow,” Charis answered.

“Is that all?” Discord queried.

“No, I suppose it isn’t, I guess another lesson is about to happen,” Charis replied.

“Clever pony,” Discord quipped.

“Thank you,” Charis replied graciously.

“What you see all around you is well-ordered chaos. The illusion of calm. In a thousand years, the water in that stream will have worn away a ravine in the middle of this meadow. Or it might become a river, and we are standing in what might be a future riverbed. The clouds drift by overhead, free from pegasi controls, and many of the bugs you see are busy killing one another for food,” Discord explained. “Now, this is the illusion of calm. What do you think would happen if a tornado came through here?”

“Hmm,” Charis hummed. “I suppose we would see active chaos? The illusion would be dispelled. All of the seeming calm would be disrupted and… I don’t know. Changes would take place very rapidly instead of slowly in a way that few can observe,” Charis said, wondering how much change Discord must have observed in his long life.

“Today, the calm meadow of Ponyville was visited by a tornado,” Discord explained, his tone mildly sarcastic. “The illusion of calm in Ponyville was destroyed by one mouthy earth pony.”

Charis giggled and then flopped over to roll in the grass. She snorted a few times, feeling the sun on her body as she sprawled and stretched her legs. She became aware that Discord was watching her and that he was smiling faintly.

“Discord, what are the other versions of me like in other universes next door?” Charis asked.

“You only exist here,” Discord replied. “You are a mystery to me. I remain confused by you. I cannot peer ahead into your future. You are alone, a singular unique entity found only in this universe. I do not know what to make of you.”

Charis found no words to reply. She lay in the grass, looking upward at the clouds and the sky, wondering what we she was and how she could confuse Discord. She suddenly felt very unsure about herself.

“I suppose you might be a chaotic anomaly. You just exist because you need to, and not for any particular reason. Or maybe a very important reason. I can’t tell. It is part of the reason I rejected you for so long. I do not know what to make of you,” Discord confessed.

“Have you spoken with other versions of yourself?” Charis asked.

“Yes. Many times. I cannot stand some versions of myself. We are all very different, even though we all serve the same purpose. I met a version of me that murdered my dearest Fluttershy… It left me very disturbed. He did it because he felt the emotional attachment was simply too much and the temptation would lead him astray from his purpose,” Discord replied.

“That’s really sad. And depressing. Do you love her?” Charis inquired.

“I suppose I do. I certainly love everything about her. She is a creature composed of contradictions. She is a gentle monster. A quiet storm of fury. She is a calm panic. I cannot help but notice that in almost every reality that I am aware of, we meet, and something happens between us. In this reality, I love her,” Discord admitted.

“Does she know?” the earth pony asked.

“She knows that I am her friend, and that she is very dear to me,” the draconequus answered. “I love the quiet way she walks. The way she moves. The way her mane bobs over her eyes when she trots. The way she can be so timidly fearless.”

“So what is stopping you from loving her and telling her all of this?” Charis asked, her face contorting with confusion and her ears splaying out sideways.

“Watching her age as I look at her. Seeing her slowly withering like a beautiful precious and rare flower. Everything I look at dies by degrees. Well, mortal things anyway. And then there is you, I can’t peer into your future,” Discord confessed. “I don’t know what you are, but you do not age.”

“That’s awful,” Charis said. “But you could still love her… how is just being her friend any different?”

“I don’t know,” the draconequus heaved sadly. “It is the lie I tell myself I suppose. I choose to remain the peaceful meadow, and Fluttershy would become my tornado if I allowed her to.”

Charis did not reply. Perhaps some truths were best left unspoken.

Author's Note:

Another chapter.

Discuss below! I want some discussion!

And let me know if there are any mistakes I missed. Have fun, and have yourself a nice think.