• Published 11th Jun 2014
  • 2,547 Views, 102 Comments

Speaking of Derpy - GloryOfTheRainWings

Derpy is shocked when Cheerilee pays her a visit and asks her to speak to her class about her disability. A little hurt, Derpy is not sure whether or not she can really pull the visit off.

  • ...

From the Heart

Derpy yawned heavily, the bags under her eyes evident. It had been another grueling day at work as a mailmare, and she’d promised Rainbow Dash that tomorrow she would help clear the sky. She figured that after that she’d be coming back to the weather patrol at least once a week, but she’d been on break for a while from the team because the ever-nearing spring holiday season had meant that many rabbit-related packages and cards were coming into Ponyville, and the post office was dwindling on employees. She grabbed the last couple envelopes and placed them in her saddlebag, straightening her mailmare hat as she took to the skies. It was nice to be able to get the final deliveries of the day done.

As she flew, Derpy couldn’t stop thinking about the events that had occurred in the past couple weeks. Though it seemed like yesterday, it had been almost a month since she’d spoken to the students of Cheerilee’s class. She was thankful that there hadn’t been much of an uproar that followed it. A few ponies had asked about it, but Derpy had simply brushed it off and changed the subject, grateful that most ponies complied and didn’t ask about it any further.

Cheerilee had come to her house the day after the presentation apologizing for everything that had happened. She explained that she hadn’t realized how much offense she had caused Derpy, and that it wasn’t like her to be that way. She was so used to being around children that she ended up treating Derpy like one, and she didn’t want to push her too much, as she was afraid that her eyes caused her more trouble than they really did. She confessed that she’d pitied Derpy, but that the simple pity evolved so rapidly that it had become a belief of incapability. Cheerilee also told her that she had been stressed out about the visit, and had wanted everything to go perfectly. She hadn’t realized how controlling she had gotten and how much stereotyping she was evoking until it was thrust right into her face. The many apologies that followed nearly drowned Derpy, and she knew that Cheerilee really was sorry. She forgave her and the two mares went out for lunch afterwards.

Everything’s fine, Derpy assured herself. So why am I still thinking about it?

She dipped her head to look down at a couple ponies on the streets, heading home from their work. A couple saw her and waved, and she smiled and waved back.

She suddenly realized why she was pining on the situation so much.

What if Cheerilee wasn’t the only pony who thought of me that way?

Derpy continued to wave at them, but her smile fell short. She didn’t want other ponies to pity her. She simply wanted respect and love from her peers. If she was going to have to prove to them that she was worth that, she would do it.

But how? That was the question. Derpy stored that thought in her mind for another time, promising to come back to it.

She had barely even noticed she was on her last delivery until she had arrived at the address. She looked up at the house, her heart skipping a beat. Looking back at the address, she checked to make sure it was written right, and that it had been addressed to the right pony. There was no mistaking it. She was in the right place.

Derpy Hooves found herself standing in front of her own home, the fireplace inside flickering softly and casting a glow on the building. She almost mechanically put the letter in the mailbox, but she stopped herself and walked inside, rushing upstairs and tossing the envelope onto her nightstand. She quickly got herself ready for bed. She was certain that after reading the contents of the letter, she would be heading straight to sleep.

It wasn’t long before she was back in her bedroom, flicking on her bedside lamp, sitting down on her bed, and opening up the envelope carefully so as not to rip the message inside. It certainly wasn’t a bill, she knew that, and the messy writing on the front puzzled her. Who could it be from? There was no return address, so it was certainly difficult to tell. Gently pulling the paper inside of the envelope out, she began to read.

Dear Derpy Hooves,

I know you don't really know me, but my name is Scootaloo. I'm in Dinky's class. Anyways, since Miss Cheerilee taught us how to write letters in class, I thought maybe I could write you one because I wanted to talk to you. I really liked your speech that you came and said to us last month. I know I should've written this letter sooner, but I was scared and didn't know what to say.

It really meant a lot to me when you talked about being yourself. I was very inspired by everything you said. You see, I'm kind of like you. I'm a pegasus who can't fly. Even though I know you can, I felt like everything you said the day you came in really applied to me too, because ponies bully me all the time for not being able to fly. When you said all the stuff you could do, I realized that maybe if I tried hard enough, I could fly. The doctors told me it's not impossible, but it isn't likely either. My wings are just too small to carry my weight. They told me I probably wouldn't ever be able to fly, but Rainbow Dash told me that Im just waiting for my gross-spurt or something like that. She said my wings are just charging up so that when I'm older they'll be bigger and stronger than everypony else's.

Ever since you came to my class, I've been practicing every day on my own. I'm doing exercises Rainbow Dash taught me. I almost asked Rainbow Dash to help me, but then I decided I wanted it to be a surprise! Wow, I can't wait to show her! She almost caught me practicing one time behind Carousel Boutique, but I hid as fast as I could! I decided that Applebloom and Sweetie Belle shouldn't know yet either, because I want it to be a surprise for everypony! I wanted to tell you though because I feel like you'd understand why I'm doing this. The one thing I remember you said that stuck to me the most was: “I may have to work harder than everypony else, but that just makes me stronger, right?” The day you came to my class, I almost didn't come. There are bullies at school who were really mean to me the day before, and I didn't want to come to school because I thought they were gonna be mean again. I was really scared. My mom said that I should go to school because today would be an easy day. We weren't learning much, but a pony was coming to speak to us in class. I cried a lot, but don't tell Applebloom and Sweetie Belle that. They'd think I was a chicken! So I toughed it out and came to school.

That morning I got bullied by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They are really mean and pick on me Applebloom and Sweetie Belle because we don't have our cutiemarks. It makes me really sad. I didn't cry, but I yelled at them for being meanies, and Miss Cheerilee got mad at me and Applebloom and Sweetie Belle-- even though we didn't do anything. I wanted to go home. But, I did what my mom told me and toughed it out. At lunchtime, I tried to practice flying again. I played "Wonderbolts" with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. It's this game where we all pretend to be Wonderbolts, and I was Rainbow Dash! Even though she's not a Wonderbolt, she's awesome enough to be one! So we played Wonderbolts and then Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon started making fun of me. They said I couldn't possibly be Rainbow Dash because I couldn't fly. This time I didn't say anything and lunch ended before I knew it. We went into the classroom and Miss Cheerilee introduced you. You started speaking and I didn't know what to think because you sounded sad. You sounded like you didn't want to be there. But then suddenly you sounded passionate about what you were saying. You talked about being yourself and standing up to bullies. I was so surprised by how you stood up for yourself. After you left I decided I had to do that too!

School ended and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came up to me. They started bullying me but I told them to leave me alone. They wouldn't stop and I told them that I didn't care about what they said. I knew that I had great potential and that I'm me and they couldn't change that. I told them that I was stronger than them because I strived to be me. Oh gee, you should've seen the looks on their faces! Their loud mouths had never been that still their entire lives!

I'm not really sure what else to say other than thank you. I know Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon aren't done with me yet, but I am certain that they won't be bothering me for a while. Your words really helped me strive to be a better me. I hope you can come back soon!



Derpy lowered the letter from her face, tears forming in her eyes. Sniffling a little, she neatly placed the letter on her nightstand, flicked out her lamp, and lay down. She drifted off into sleep with a gentle smile on her face, one that not even Celestia's magic could erase.

Author's Note:

Wow, we're done! I never thought I'd have a chance to finish this fic in all honesty. It was the positive feedback that drove me in the end, and the creative spurt I got this weekend was *awesome!* I do hope you enjoy, and I hope to see you all soon! <3

Quick note: Yep, the spelling and grammar errors in Scootaloo's letter, while painful for a grammar freak myself to write, were purposeful. I felt it would make the story seem more realistic. (:
Edit: Removed the character grammar and the P.S. at the end of Scoots' letter. Hope this clarifies for you guys ^^

Comments ( 52 )

5158508 I agree with you. It's very unfortunate how ignorant some people can be in situations like that.

Thank you very much for all your lovely comments! Ooh, I really do like that idea, I suppose that could be an underlying thing that Dinky forgot to tell Derpy about!

I do hope you enjoy the rest. Thanks again for all of your lovely feedback!

Well, Scoots, your 3,303rd times a charm!

The pacing on this chapter was lightning fast. I would have loved loved loved to have seen that Cheerilee scene, get maybe another Dinky moment with her. Maybe.

I think it would have been nicer to leave Scootaloo's P.S. out. It was just too much imo. It went from being given inspiration to 'give me another week and I'll be soaring through the sky' then treat her with even half the seriousness for what Derpy's lazy eye was given. Just felt, as sweet and nice as it was intended, just ended up belittling her condition and doing that pity thing to where I've been known to label things like this as 'Pityloo".

I think I would have been better off going with my gut instinct and not read the 3rd chapter. It just moves too fast imo with that massive paragraph of exposition and massive time skip.

Overall, you get a stronger emotional feel just ending at Chapter 2 or just not reading that "P.S." part from Scoots.

Overall, still a decent story. I liked it at least. And that's saying something considering all the other Derpy handicap stories I've read.

Overall, it deserves the likes. Or at least indifference. But you get a like from me even if chapter 3 could use a small bit of reworking imo.

This was really nice, but i think i would like it t obe more, i think i had loved to see some Scootaloo and Derpy friendship. It started to look for me like Derpy could be something like a second mother to Scooaloo.

Hmm. Well, she doesn't have to worry about Rainbow Dash feeling an emotion she's sort of incapable of. If this leads into the incident I think it does, we're dealing with one pony who's flat out exhausted being yelled at by another who sleeps twenty-three hours a day.

Maaann, you can write a real fitting epilogue, you know that?

I wasn't sure how you planned to end the story, as it kinda ended itself at Chapter Two (and additional closing chapters sometimes hurt stories rather than embellish them), but your final chapter fits beautifully!!

I just realised how you've left Derpy's thoughts on how other ponies regarded her unconcluded, while still giving the story a completed feel.

Ya dun good sir!

5158619 I definitely see where you're coming from. I do suppose that I should have added some more questions, but I guess it didn't occur to me! ^^; Diamond Tiara asking that question at the end was more like the message didn't get through to her, and she had just been sitting there the whole time through the speech like, "Yeah, yeah, get on with it." But I definitely get where you're coming from and agree 100%!

About the final chapter-- it's funny how you say that, as I was actually not planning on a third chapter when I started this! Sorry about the pacing being so fast! I think I tend to do that with the end of stories... ^^; I decided that the final chapter should be considered more of an epilogue, and it leaves room for a growing relationship between Scootaloo and Derpy. I am considering a sequel, as I did leave room for unanswered questions, so we'll see! However, I am glad you liked the fic as a whole. Thank you so much again! Your feedback really helps me improve. :)

5158907 If I write a sequel, that's actually what the basis was going to be! As of now, though, I did want to leave a little room for imagination. I do hope it'll be satisfying enough for now!

5159000 Well, I don't think we'll have to worry too much about that, since Scoots is training on her own this time. :) But I'm sure RD will be ecstatic at the surprise!

5159200 Aw, wow, thank you!

Right, right, it's funny, because Ch 2 was originally going to be the ending, with a little bit of a different closing.

Haha, yep! I suppose those are my hints to a possible sequel!

Thank you very much for your lovely feedback-- it really means a lot to me!

This was a very good read. I appreciate how balanced the characters are here, such that there are no true villains (well, except Diamond Tiara, but that's a given); but rather, we have an examination about how easily a person can have to live with a series of misassumptions about them. :rainbowderp::raritystarry:

Derpy's reactions throughout are very well executed--she's naturally brought down by the treatment she receives, but she's not a miserable ball of wangst about all it. She endures. She perseveres. And when she backhand calls out Cheerilee for her hypocrisy, it's done with tact, intelligence, and just the right amount of righteous indignation. Dinky is right to be proud of her mom, and what a role model for Scootaloo to take inspiration from (in addition to Rainbow Dash). :rainbowkiss::scootangel:

This sort of subject matter is hard to pull off well, as it's all too easy to fall into the sort of glurge one would expect in a Saturday morning special or other "special episode" from children's TV. However, your deft touch shines through, and the resulting story was very well balanced in both the presentation, discussion, and necessary morals involved. Well done! :twilightsmile::pinkiehappy:

Excellent short story.
I give it 10/10 pears.

An exquisite, touching story. Thank you for writing it.

5160755 OMG, wow, thank you so much for all your lovely comments! They mean the world to me! :twilightsmile: I appreciate it SO SO SO SO much!

5161960 AH, if you enjoy it, there's no need to thank me! I should be thanking you for reading and enjoying it! :twilightsmile:

This is an excellent and a very touching story!

Well Done! :twilightsmile:

Just yes, sweet mercy yes.

5159558 No problem. Going to toss this one into some more relevant groups and hope they appreciate the story. Surprised of all things the Scootaloo group hasn't picked up on this one. Maybe that DT tag scared them off. :P

I kid. Stories get pushed down quite often and many more focus more on new stories than updates. Hit or miss in a niche market with readers who can only read so much. All in all, I think you did a great job and can only improve from here.

5164522 Well, she didn't realize. Unfortunately stuff like this happens to real people every day, and it comes from people who are very nice but just don't know they are being insensitive. They have the best intentions.

Hello and thank you for such a beautiful story!
I just saw this here on Fimfiction and since I'm a huge Derpy fan I just thought to give it a look. It is inspiring and heart-warming to say the least; this is how I have always thought of Derpy and how I believed that she would feel about herself. She never wanted pity or to be coddled. Just love her the way she is and let her prove herself. She is strong and beautiful and smart, just like everyone else.

Just the way I always wanted to be treated and only after many years and only sometimes then, has it ever happened. I know how she feels and you have written her so very well.

Thank you. I'll be watching for more wonderful words from you.
Good luck and good writing!

This was beautiful and a great read, thank you.

5169895 Nope, I was sticking to Strabismus. ^^ I was more just having Derpy talk about that because usually when there is an issue in someone, it's possible there's an issue with the cells controlling it or something like that, so it was under the category of cell structure and such, so since that was biology, I stuck the genetics into it. It's been a while since I studied biology though, so many apologies if I'm incorrect!

hi hi

Stupid is as stupid does... and everyone is doing stupid stuff in this story. Cheerilee asks someone to give a talk, doesn't go over the talk with them ahead of time, and then is surprised when they don't say exactly what they're supposed to? Derpy doesn't tell anyone how she feels, actively hides her emotions, and then is surprised when people don't understand how she feels? At least the children are straightforward in their intentions, even if they're not positive either.

Also, may I make cover art? Just wondering, since I got an idea.

Now that is a great ending.Great job on this story!

I have no idea how to respond to this story...

5198493 Is that a good or a bad thing? :rainbowhuh:

5177301 AAAAAAA, wow, it's great! Thank you so much! :rainbowkiss:

5170829 I do hope you were satisfied with the story, though! If not, I understand. :twilightsmile:

5162725 The double yes! :pinkiegasp: I must have done something right! :rainbowlaugh:

5167825 No need to thank me! Glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

5166326 WOwie kazowie, thank you so much! I really appreciate all your feedback! :rainbowkiss:

5198877 no problem! Hey, you might wanna take the google part out of the description, haha. ^^;

5202778 Oh, ahaha, yes! I shall do that, thank you :twilightsmile:

That was so heartwarming, but Scootaloo's letter kinda killed some of it for me because of all the spelling errors. I have to guess that the Cutie Mark Crusaders are maybe 3rd or 4th grade? No 8 year old would have that many errors. Hell, I didn't have that many errors when I was in Kindergarten! What I'm trying to say is, you oversold it on the whole "The spelling and grammar is really bad because a little kid wrote it and it's cute" thing.

5208341 I'm glad you liked it-- sorry that threw you off! I've really been considering changing it ever since I published it. :applejackunsure: No one really brought it up, so I thought maybe you guys didn't mind it. But now that someone brought it up, I'll probably change it. ^-^ I'm undergoing a minor rewrite for this story anyway-- I'll put that on the "To-Rewrite" list for this story! Thank you so much! :twilightsmile:

5444292 Huzzah, someone caught that! XD

5570116 Eh, it's simply a quite-write, it's bound to have faults I didn't catch. ^^ But I suppose TVs could exist in the pony world. Why not? It wasn't an imperative part of the story, either. And as for English, whether it be called Equestrianish or not, the language I chose to write it in and the original language for the show is English. Sorry if I threw you off on that.

It's not a matter of it necessarily being genetic, but a genetic mutation. As in there being a mutation in the genes. Not necessarily something coming from her parents.

I hope this helped! Thanks for commenting. ^^

Just came across this. It was a very nice story. Loved that bit with Scootaloo writing to Derpy. My only complaint and this is more of a nit-pick would be more character buildup. Have that moment when Derpy has that awesome speech with more build-up. It would have made the moment all the more sweeter. Its still fine as is, but the chapters are a bit short. That doesn't take away too much from the story but it would have added to it in a more interesting way. :twilightsmile:

5208341 I have read letters from adults that have worse spelling and grammar.

This was an awesome ending to an epic story

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