• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,406 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

  • ...

Chapter 15: Wet, yet wild!

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony

Chapter 15: Wet, yet wild!

Holly Heart awoke with a yelp as she fell out of bed.

“Ooowwww.” She mound. Reaching up with her hoof, she rubbed her head. It was in pain, but not from the fall. Like John, she had a hangover. Unlike John, she was a lightweight when it came to anything alcoholic.

“I’m never drinking again…” She whined, as she tried to stand. Tried being the important word, seeing as she then stumbled over her hooves, and fell back onto the floor.

Deciding to wait for her head to stop spinning before getting up, Holly Heart glanced over to her wall-clock. Twelve-forty-one the clock read to her. She let an annoyed sigh. She never liked waking up late. It meant she had less time to do things in the day…

Standing up, this time succeeding and not falling over, Holly Heart strolled to the bathroom. And when she saw her reflection she was taken back. “Oh wow, I look like a mess…” She commented, as she looked over herself. Her hair was sticking up on one side, drool dripped down her cheek, and she what makeup she was wearing the night before looked all smudged.

Her horn started to glow white, as the near by shower kicked up. “I am so glad that I have the day off…”


“What do you mean, John said no?” Shining Armor asked Flash Sentry.

“Exactly as I said, Sir. John does not wish to fight you at the moment, and request that you try to fight with Eclipse.” Flash Sentry replies.

“Did you tell him that I was looking forward to it?”

“Yes, sir!”

“...damn. I was really looking forward to it…”

“We all were looking forward to it too, Sir!” There was then a massive explosion of water behind the two stallions, that somehow didn’t faze them.

“Oh well… As fun as it was fighting John, I can’t force him to fight me.” Another explosion of water stuck out, this time making several mares and stallion call out as they were knocked off their hooves.

“Once Eclipse is finished training this round of guards, do you wish to challenge him, Sir?”

“The answer is yes, but don’t tell Cadance. That’s an order…”

“I promise nothing, Sir. Your wife can be very persuasive.” Flash Sentry shivered.

A third explosion of water rang out, this time splashing the two stallions some, while at the same time knocking almost a dozen guards down at the same time. “Yeah… she can. Anyways, Eclipse! How are the guards coming along?!” Shining called out.

“Poorly!” Eclipse yelled back. “The guards last week where much better at this! Because when I said DODGE! YOU GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Eclipse yelled out, before blasting the newer guards in the face.

“That’s because these guards have been on patrol for the last week, and those who you were training we're here to get the training!” Shining Armor yelled across the training hall.

“Permission to speak freely, Sir?” Flash asked.

“Permission granted, Flash Sentry.”

“Three guards have reported having bronchitis, so I recommend telling Eclipse to lighten up some… or at least have some Medics on hoof… Also, to install some more draining pipes. The training ground is kind of flooded.” Flash Sentry pointed out, as he pointed his hoof down to the floor. A thin line of water could be seen though the whole room, in which only got bigger as time went on.

“We’ll put some work orders in, Flash Sentry. For now,” A stallion flew past them, his whole body dripping wet. “I have a turtle to fight!” The stallion that flew past them then stood up and charged passed them, only to be kicked back again.

“Sir, the training exercise is not yet over. They have another twenty minutes.”

Shining Armor let out an annoyed sigh. “Damn…”


Princess Cadance walked through the halls of the Crystal Castle. Her guards standing at her sides, and several falling seut. Though she hated it when security was this tight, this was King Sombra after all. Shining Armor was not willing to to let her be alone, or let her go anywhere without at least a dozen guards. And considering what King Sombra could have done to her, she knew that complaining about it was a waste of her breath, but that didn’t stop her.

“Do you all really have to come with me to just get something to eat?” Cadance asked.

“Yes, your Majesty!” A guard answered.

Cadance let out an annoyed sigh, as she turned the corner into the cafeteria. It was empty at the moment, for everyone was cleared out so that she could eat without being disturbed, or at least without the suspicion of being attacked.

Well. The cafeteria was empty, all except one hungover mare. A mare that sat in the corner of the room, that slowly ate a hay-sandwich, and whose blood shot eyes stared lazily out of a window. Princess Cadance smiled as Holly Heart looked over to her. I guess Holly Heart can’t really handle her alcohol.

How ever, before Cadance could set forward and speak with her court mage, a guard stallion stepped forward. “Ma’am, I am going to ask you to leave. The Princess is going to be eating, and we need this mess-hall cleared.”

Holly Heart let out a low grown, then face planted the table she sat at.

“Ma’am, I am not going to ask you again, I need you to leave, or I shall have you removed from this room.”

“That’s quite alright, Sir,” Princess Cadance said, as she stepped forward. “Holly Heart can stay here, and have lunch with me.”

“I am going to have to protest, Princess Cadance. We do not know when King Sombra will attack again, and in what body he might be in. He may be this mare sitting before us!”

“Thus far, King Sombra has only attacked with Pokemon, Guard. I don’t think he would waste his time and try to attack me in a ponies body.”

“Princess Cadance, we must follow protocol and-”

“Wasn't I surrounded by Nobles twenty minutes ago?” Cadance interrupted.

“Yes Princess, but-”

“And wasn’t it you that said that they could not get too close for the exact same reason?”

“Yes Princess, but-”

“And didn’t I go hug John, who I might add was closer to me than sitting across a table with Holly Heart here?”

“Yes Princess… But you see-”

“Calm yourself, guard. I’m just trying to prove a point. Relax. I am not going to get attacked, and this time I have all of you to get me out. If King Sombra was going to attack, then he would have done so. Now if you don’t mind going and getting me something to eat, I am going to have nice chat with Holly Heart here.” Cadance smiled.

“Yes… Princess…” The guard said, giving up.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” Cadance asked, holding a hoof to her ear.

“Yes Princess!” The guard stated loudly. “What would you like to eat, Princess?”

“What ever the Royal Chef thinks I would like best. Oh, and something to drink. Something… tropical.”

“Yes Princess!” With that, the guard started to stroll away. As he went, Cadance let out a sigh. Sometimes she wished life was easier.

Turning to Holly Heart, Cadance moved to take a set. “So how is your morning doing? Better than mine, I hope.”

Holly Heart, whose face was still connected to the table. Let out a low mown. “Nnnnnooooo....”

“Oh don’t be so down, Holly. Not two months ago, you would have given your left hoof to go out with someone like John.”

“And two months ago you tried to hook me up with Flash Sentry…” Holly Heart commented, while turning her head so that it was resting on the table.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Cadance asked, her eyes shifting left and right.

Lifting her head up, Holly Heart started to rub her forehead. Just under the base of her horn. “But… you’re right… And what’s this about you hugging John?”

“Oh, it was just a friendly hug, don’t worry.” Cadance smiled.

“I’m just messing with you, Cadance. I know you have Shining. Besides, while you’re hugging him, I’ve already kissed him.”

“Really?” Cadance leaned in. “Was it on the cheek, or the lips?”

“Last night, it was the lips.” Holly smiled.

Cadance gasped. “What was his reaction?”

“I was too drunk to remember.”

“Aw, really? Did you at least wake up in the same bed?” Holly Heart’s widened, and her face turned red.


“Aw come on, Holly. You can trust me. Did you wake up next to him or not?” Holly Heart buried her face into her hooves and let out a whimper. “No? Well… Wouldn't you like wake up next to someone like John?”


Cadance clapped her hooves together and smiled. “Then trust me Holly Heart, you’re two more dates off from that! But really though, depending how things work out with King Sombra… John is kind, be he is so stubborn.”

Letting out a sigh, Holly Heart smiled as she moved her hooves away from her red face. “Y-yeah… I still can’t believe he got up while hurt just to stop us from kicking out Pokemon..”

“He’s going to hurt himself one of these day.”

“What do you mean one of these days?” Holly Heart asked, her demeanor surprisingly changing. “Everytime King Sombra shows up he goes out and hurts himself instead of playing it safe!”

“You can’t really blame him though,” Cadance found. “He’s very protective for those around him…”

“I… I just don’t want him to get hurt again…”

“I don’t want him to get hurt too, Holly Heart…”

There was then a massive explosion.


Yveltal let out an annoyed grunt as he surveyed the surrounding area. Many trees have been destroyed, the ground was torn up in many places, and any Pokemon in the area had scurried off to Arceus knows where.

Underestimating me is your first and last mistake, Sombra!” Yveltal yelled out, as he let out another blast of Oblivion Wing.

King Sombra, who was currently inside the body of a Snorlax and a Beartic, growled. His attack to take out Yveltal failed. While Yveltal was taking a drink from the near by river, King Sombra let out a duel Ice Beam attack, and it hit, making him call out in pain, but it was not enough to even phase him! If King Sombra was going to take down Yveltal, he would need to play it out better!

Yveltal let out a tired Oblivion Wing, this one struck the Snorlax in the chest, knocking him back. Beartic moved forward, and let out blast of Blizzard. Yveltal clenched his beak as the ice attack rolled over him. He was never a fan of the cold, and being weak to ice attacks didn’t help!

“You’re dead King Sombra! There is no getting away from that!” Yveltal moved forward and thrusted one of his wings outward, delivering a Cut across the Beartic’s upper chest.

This is not working! King Sombra thought to himself, as the Beartic backpedaled away from Yveltal, and the Snorlax pulled himself up.


“Why is it, that everytime I start to relax, something happens?!” Cadance asked, annoyed.

“We don’t quite know Princess, but scouts say that the whole area looks like it was hit by some kind of magical blast.’

“I haven’t even had lunch yet, I can’t deal with this right now!”

“Please calm down, Princess. We’ll know more about the situation as time passes, please be patient, and enjoy your lunch.”

“Does Shining know about this?”

“Yes Princess, he’s the one that ordered the scouts to head out.”

“And where is he?”

“He’s training in the Training Hall, Princess!”

“He’d better not be fighting John again…” Cadance groaned.

“Of course not Princess. He’s just helping the guards train in preparation for any further attack by King Sombra.”

“Right… We’ll I’m going to go eat. You are dismissed…” Cadance then turned to step away from the stallion, who looked very scared. Shining Armor informed all guards that if they wished to watch him fight Eclipse, then Cadance must not know what he was doing…

Holly Heart gave Cadance a sad smile as she sat back at the table. “So where were we?”

Cadance turned to her, an evil smile growing on her lips. “We were… talking about… what you want to do with John. If I remember correctly, you said something along the lines of… using ropes?”

Holly Heart then face planted the table in embarrassment. “No… No I didn’t…” Making Cadance laugh.

“The only downside is that he might burn them trying to tie you up.” She quickly added, making Holly squeak.


As I stared out over the Crystal Empire, I could see smoke rising past the shield. I knew, just from the sounds that rumbled all through the Empire, that it was a battle. Most likely one between King Sombra and Yveltal. I gritted my teeth as I knew innocent Pokemon would be hurt…

Yveltal, from what little I saw of him, was more interested in seeing King Sombra taken care of so that he can leave, then well… anything, really. From that little encounter, I knew he would not hold back if King Sombra had attacked him in the body of some Pokemon.

I glanced down at the book I was reading. It was of Equestrian history, or to be more exact, it was of how the Crystal Empire came to play in Equestria. From the days before, as well as the time I spent reading now (And not doing as Cadance asked me…) I learned that King Sombra’s magic is that of Alicorn magic, and that Alicorn magic can be a very dark thing...

And that the only thing he fears is the Crystal Heart. It’s power of Love can completely stop him in his tracks… The only down side is, the only Cadance could use it. And I doubt that Shining Armor, or any of the Crystal Ponies for that matter, would even let those two be in the same room. Not after what he did. Even I hated the idea of putting her in harms way. She is Royalty, and the ponies love her as ruler. That alone would stop me, but she herself is my friend.

“John?” My train of thought got derailed as Lex’s voice spoke up.

I turned, and smiled at Lex. “Yes?”

“Can… can we... talk?” He asked in a rather sad voice.

Placing the book on the table, I nodded to Lex. “Of Course, is something wrong?”

He gave me a sad look. “Well… John… it’s kind of you, that’s… wrong.”

I blinked. Then blinked again. “I’m sorry, but can you explain?” I asked, trying not to sound both annoyed at the question and surprised.

“Right… well remember back on Earth, how you would get into your work too much, and sometimes you were forced to take the day off… because… because… you were working too hard and are stressed out?” I knew what he was trying to say. Back on Earth, I would wook weeks without breaks. “Well… earlier, Snow said she would come in here and ask you to come out and relax some…”

I let out a long sigh. “Lex, I’ve known you for a long time now, not as long as Snow or Eclipse, but long enough to know you are acting strange. We’ve only recently been able to hold full conversations, but I always took you for the calm one. Please take a deep breath, and say what you need to without stuttering.”

Lex’s ears drooped as he did as I asked. Taking a deep breath, he frowned. “What I am trying to say John, is that you need to slow down and relax. You’ve been reading and stressing about stopping King Sombra, and like back on Earth, when you stress out too much, you hurt yourself.”

“I’m pretty sure King Sombra has been the one hurting me...”

“What I am trying to say is that… can you just take a break? Come with Snow, Eclipse, Flubber and I and do something. Since we got to Equestria, Eclipse has been working with the Guards, you’ve been dealing with King Sombra, Flubber won't stop playing with Volt, and Snow and I have felt useless and bored since we don’t really have anything to do.”

“Before we would all go out and deal with things as a family. Fight alongside each other, dealing with the problems at hand. But now....you’re out there trying to do it all solo.”

Lex had a point. I had been fighting King Sombra alone as well as trying to find a way to stop him. I know if I asked for help then my family, not to mention the Crystal Ponies, would help me, but I do not want them to get hurt. I can’t let them get hurt. King Sombra is willing to kill those around him to get what he wants, and I can’t let that happen. I can’t see my family hurt. I can’t see my friends hurt. I can’t see anyone around me that I care for to be harmed.

I let out an annoyed sigh, knowing that I can’t stop them from helping me. The least I could do is get the out of harms way, or be lucky. “Alright Lex. You win,” I lied. It was not something I liked doing… but I can not let anyone get hurt. Not like how Weavile got hurt. “I won’t fight King Sombra alone, and I’ll take the day off to spend with my family.” I placed the book I was reading under my arm, and smiled. “So… let’s go round everyone up and… do something. Cadance might know of something fun around the Crystal Empire...”

“Well… that was… easy.” Lex smiled. “Before we had to drag you out to stop you from working.

“You also could not really talk before…” I pointed out.

“Yeah that would explain it.”


Shining Armor stood at the ready. Eclipse stood across from him. The room around them went silent as all eyes were on the two. Every guard held their tongue. Then tension in the air was visible, or well… it was all the steam coming from the water filled room, but that was besides the point.

Flash Sentry stood between the two. His hoof in the air… “” He yelled out, slamming his hoof into the ground, then flapping his wings and flying back to safety.

Eclipse moved first. He wanted to see just why Shining Armor was the head of the guard, and fired two massive balls of Hydro Pump at him. Shining moved fast, and barrel rolled out of the way, the water attacks splashed against the far wall.

“You can do it, Sir!” A mare guard yelled out.

“Yeah, kick Eclipse flank!” A stallion added.

Shining was next to attack. His horn light up, and a blast of magic fired out, striking Eclipse in the chest. Eclipse didn’t even flinch. “Volt hit harder than that!” Eclipse mocked, before figuring out another blast of water, this time two small but constant streams of water. Shining Armor brought up a shield to block the attack. The jets of water simple splashed off of Shining’s shield.

“You’re going to have to do better than that.” Shining Armor called out.

Stopping the blast of water, Eclipse dashed forward, reread his head back, and Skull Bashed his way through the shield, shattering it into pieces. Shining’s eyes widened as he leaped away from Eclipse.

Eclipse kept up his charge, and leaped after Shining. Rearing his fist back, Eclipse thrusted forward aiming a right hook at Shining. Shining braced himself… but the the attack never came. Opening his eyes, Shining flinched back as he saw Eclipse’s fist inches from his face.

“I think I won this one.” Eclipse smiled, stepping back.

Shining chuckled, and shook his head. “Yeah… thanks for not giving me a black eye...”

“Yes well, I heard about you not wanting Cadance to find out, and unlike John I know how to hold back.” Eclipse crossed his arms.

“Rematch!” Somepony called out. Eclipse and Shining glanced over to the crowd watching them, before glancing at each other.

“Flash Sentry!” Shining called out, as he took his position across from Eclipse.

“Yes Sir?” Flash asked, as he flew forward.

“Call it out again…” Eclipse told him, as he stood at the read. Flash Sentry stood between the two, again. And as before he raised hoof in the air…

” He yelled out, slamming his hoof into the ground, before flapping his wings and flying back to safety...


Yveltal fumed as he flew towards the Crystal Empire. The fight with King Sombra was quick, frustrating, but above all else, depressing. And that’s because the damned stallion was able to get away. When he attacked, Yvelatl was taken by surprise, but the Pokemon King Sombra had attacked him with were weak, and the Beartic he was using had been lost.

Not killed however. Yveltal only wished to kill King Sombra, but he was not against killing those who got in his way. But does that mean he would? No. He promised Lord Arceus that he would not. And thus, the Beartic that attacked him was held firmly in his talons as he flew.

“The next time I see that stallion…” Yveltal growled, imagining King Sombra’s head on a stick.

It did not take Yveltal long to reach the Crystal Empire shield, but as before, he would fly around until they dropped the shield or came to see him…


Shining Armor raised up his shield again, letting Eclipse’s attack splash off. Then quickly lowing it, he dashed into attack Eclipse. As the attack closed in, Shining Armor brought a forehoof up and struck Eclipse in the chest. There was some force behind it, but nothing that could hurt him. Moving fast, Eclipse hopped forward, hitting Shining with his chest. Making the stallion roll back from the impact.

Jumping to his hooves, Shining Armor rolled to the side, as Eclipse let out a quick blast of Water Gun at him. Rearing up, Shining Armor began to circle around Eclipse. Eclipse’s eyes followed the stallion as he moved, getting ready to pounce on him when the time is right.

“You can do it Shining!” Everypony went silent. All eyes quickly turned to the crowed. Sitting in the back was Princess Cadance, sitting next to Holly Heart. The guards near her seemed uneasy.

Shining gulped. “Cadance? W-what, what are you doing here?”

“Mostly enjoying the view,” Cadance said, crossing her hooves. “After I spoke to a guard, I knew something was up, and Holly and I came here to see how you were doing.”

“Listen, Cadance, I can explain.” Shining Started.

“Explain what?” Cadance asked. “I told you not to fight John. I didn’t say anything about you fighting Eclipse.”

“Wait, so I’m not in trouble?” Shining asked, looking somewhat confused.

“Nope.” Cadance commented. “I just don’t want John to fight you again.”

“So… you’re not mad?” Shining asked.

“Nope… Oh, and Shining. You forgot to dodge.” Cadance smiled.

“I forgot to what-” Shining started before getting blasted by water.

Cadance let out a laugh, and turned to Holly Heart. “Now then… where were we?”

“I don’t quite remember... “ Holly Heart shook her head, before smiling evilly. “It had something to do with you and Shining and punishing him from not listening.” The guard’s eyes widened slightly.

“That’s revenge, isn’t it?” Cadance asked.

But before Holly Heart could reply to the Princess’s question, a mare guard ran into the room. “Princess Cadance! Shining Armor! The Legendary Pokemon Yveltal is outside of the shield again!” She yelled out.

Hearing that, everyone’s eyes widened, before Shining Armor immediately stood up. “Lower the shield!” he barked, quickly snapping everyone out of their surprise. “Let him in, but make sure to keep an eye for anything trying to get in!” he continued, his voice sounding rather worried. “We can’t risk King Sombra getting in again!”


“So… now what?” I asked, as I walked through the halls of the Crystal Castle, with Snow and Lex.

The said pair glanced at me, then at each other. “Um… Well…”

“We didn’t really think we would get to this point.” Snow quickly spoke.

“...really?” I asked, before laughing.

“Hey, you’ve been the one being crazy for the last few days, you can’t blame us!” Snow argued.

“Crazy?” I turned to Snow. “So… reading makes me crazy?”

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

“Really? Because using that logic then librarians must be off their rockers.” My joke made Lex laugh, while Snow just snickered.

“Well… fine.. fine… Let’s just find something to do then, and we can… can…” Snow glanced out a near by window, and her eyes widened. “John, Yveltal’s back…”

“Oh, god damn it,” Lex muttered. “There goes our plan to make John relax…”

I looked at Lex. He seemed crestfallen, and sad. He really did want me to go and spend time with him, but like me, he knew some things just come first. Reaching out, I placed my hand on his head, and rubbed behind his ear. “Don’t worry, Lex. Once I learn what is going on, I promised I we will… do something… I’ll let you two think about that, but until then, I have to go see what Yveltal wants…”

As I began to walk away from the two, I heard Snow kiss Lex, and tell him that it was going to be ok, and how… if King Sombra was coming that I would not fight him… I would let them fight for me… like back on earth. I could not help but feel a hole forming in my heart, for lying to my family. But I would rather have this burden… then seeing them in King Sombra’s hooves.


Red. It was the only thing I could see. As Yveltal told his tale of fighting King Sombra, my sighted was filled with red. How he had taken over more and more Pokemon, how Yveltal didn’t hold back… How this… Beartic... is now in the same state as Gengar and Weavile… It all just made me angry.

“Get this Pokemon to the medical ward!” Shining Armor yelled at a pair of Unicorn guards.

All across the Beartic’s body you could see bruises, cuts and gashes. One particularly long cut ran down the length of her body. I could not help but pain in my chest, as it reminded me of the cut King Sombra dealt to me when I was fighting him when he had taken control of Weavile.

“King Sombra attempted to… take me out,” Yveltal started. “It did not work.”

“Are you wounded, do you need medical attention?” Cadance offered.

“No, and no,” He started, to their surprise. “I just need a place to rest, so that I can sleep without the risk of him getting the drop on me again…” He growled, before narrowing. “And I will not let that happen again…”

“Well I am sure we can accommodate and… and… John, are you… alright?” I glanced over to Cadance. She was looking at me with wide eyes.

“Yes, why do you ask?” I spoke in what seemed like a calm voice.

“Your head… well, your fire is… well… bigger.” I glanced up. She was right. My fire was almost five times the size as normal…

Yveltal let out a low chuckle. “It seems… somemon hates King Sombra as much as I do, don’t you Infernape?”

He was… right. I hated King Sombra. Crossing my arms, I nodded at him.

“Good… He deserves nothing more than hate, for what he has done.”

“That’s an understatement,” I bluntly pointed out. “Now if you all need me, I’ll be over by a fire extinguisher until I calm down.”

“John?” I stopped, and turned to Holly Heart, who I did not know was here with us. “Are… you alright?”

I did not respond right away, but smiled at her. “No, Holly. I am… not ok…” I said sadly, before walking off. She quickly followed after me.

“John, what’s wrong?” She asked. “Please, you can tell me.” I did not answer. I just kept walking. Then… when I left the sight of Princess Cadance, Yveltal, and Shining Armor, I turned to her. My flames tickling the crystal roof as I walked.

“Holly Heart…” I started. “I don’t really want to talk about it at the moment… if we can-”

“No! Something’s wrong John, please, tell me what’s wrong?” She stepped forward.

I stared at her… Her light green eyes staring intently at me. She was a shy timid mare. One who normally kept to herself. One that somehow walked into my heart… that I somehow have an interesting in, even though she was not of my species… I bit my tongue, not knowing what to say. Should I tell her the truth, or ask her to drop it?

“I don’t really want to worry you over it, Holly…”

She shook her head, and placed a hoof on my stomach, where my scar was. “I can’t… You are the kindest person I have ever know… We didn’t even know each other for more than twenty-four hours, and you threw a stallion out a window for me. You’re also the first person I ever really liked...” She then blushed. “You’re the first person I have ever kissed… So please, John. Tell me what’s wrong?” I let out a long sight. I had a feeling that she would not let me drop this.

“So... it was your first kiss, too?” I started… She blushed.

“G-getting off topic John…”

I crouched down, to her eye level, and placed both hands on her shoulders. “I’m just… mad, Holly. I am mad because I feel like I can’t stop King Sombra. On earth, I would go out and take down hundreds of Team Rocket goons, but here… there's only one King Sombra, and I can’t even deal with him.”

“Well… you don’t have to deal with him along.” She offered.

I shook my head, before standing up. “Holly… Lex and Snow offered to… do something. Would you like to join us? I need something to calm me down about this whole situation…”

She glanced up at me with a sad expression, knowing I was changing the topic of conversation. “Yeah… I would love too.”

Author's Note:

TDN- Well, the plot is moving along. Other than that...I dunno what else to say
Zeus- Sombra doesn't deserve hate, he is hate, and darkness, can’t forget darkness. Great chapter, can’t wait to see what John’s going to do.

Well... sorry this chapter took so long to write.
Got sick, started to procrastinate, didn't know what to write, the whole thing was just hard to write... Hope you like what I did write, though.