• Published 26th Jun 2014
  • 1,746 Views, 34 Comments

Scoot Camp - theNDinspector

It's been a long and hard journey, but Scootaloo has finally done it. She can fly and is following in her idol's hoofsteps by going to the Wonderbolt Academy. Will she soar high in the sky, or crash hard under the pressure?

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Day 2: Companionships

As soon as the communal areas were open the next morning, Scootaloo rushed over to the bulletin board to find out who her partner would be. She was already washed up and ready for the day thanks to a combination of an early wake-up call from somepony with a bugle and her overall anticipation. She quickly found the list posted on the board and looked over every line.

‘Oh thank Celestia, I’m not with Lavender,’ she thought, a definite sense of relief washing over her. ‘I certainly feel sorry for that stallion who’s with that little…no, don’t go there! You can’t afford to go there.’

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before continuing.

‘Hot Shot and Silverwings?’ Scootaloo wondered as she found that pairing. ‘Okay…that makes no sense at all. And why is Hot Shot the lead pony? Oh well, it doesn’t matter. Now, where’s my name?’

Scootaloo looked at every name at every single line until she reached the very bottom of the page.

“Hey, it looks like we’re partners Scootaloo,” Blue Yonder said from behind her.

“Yeah, apparently,” Scootaloo replied, staring at the last line.

Blue Yonder-Lead Pony; Scootaloo-Wingpony

A smile stretched its way across Scootaloo’s face. She gets to be with Blue Yonder! She didn’t even care that she was the wingpony.

“Oh, this is going to be the most awesome team ever!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“I’ll say!” Blue Yonder stated as they headed for the food line. “But it seems that you should be the Lead Pony. You had the best time on the Dizzitron out of all of us.”

Scootaloo thought for a moment as they both grabbed their food trays and filled them with various assortments of fruits, yogurt and other food.

“No,” she finally said. “It’s probably better this way.”

“If you say so,” Blue Yonder said, a little unsure of herself.

Having collected their food, Scootaloo and Blue Yonder made their way to an empty part of one of the tables. The mess hall really did remind Scootaloo of being back in school again, at least the better part of it in her opinion. The various ponies grouped together based on who they knew—most likely from the same class at the academy. All the new cadets seemed to group themselves at one table in particular, which is where Scootaloo and Blue Yonder headed. They were soon joined by Silverwings; who was not happy at all.

“I don’t believe it!” He exclaimed. “I’ve been put with that jerky hothead. And I’m his wingpony!”

“I know,” Blue Yonder said, trying to suppress a laugh. “I saw the list.”

“I don’t think I can handle an entire week following Hot Shot,” Silverwings stated. “He’s brash, arrogant and a complete show-off!”

“Remind you of anypony you know?” Blue Yonder said, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m not like that!” Silverwings countered. “Okay, not entirely. At least I don’t snore at night like he does.”

“Well I wouldn’t know anything about that,” Blue Yonder said. “So I’ll just take your word for it.”

They were quiet for a while as they ate. Blue Yonder trying to cool her bowl of oatmeal, Scootaloo drinking her orange juice and Silverwings violently stabbing at this syrup covered pancakes.

“Maybe I can convince Colonel Spitfire to put me with somepony else,” Silverwings said after a while.

“I wouldn’t count on it,” Scootaloo said, putting her glass down. “Both you and I are essentially on her…undesirables list. Besides, Rainbow Dash says that Colonel Spitfire forms each partnership for a reason. Who knows, maybe you and Hot Shot will be great together.”

“I doubt it,” Silverwings scoffed before taking another bite.

Blue Yonder looked a little confused before she turned to Scootaloo and said, “Isn’t the phrase technically shi-”

Her inquiry was immediately halted by Scootaloo’s hoof shushing her mouth.

“I know what type of list it’s called, but I’m walking on thin ice around Colonel Spitfire as it is,” Scootaloo explained. “I don’t want to give her another reason to throw me out.”

Suddenly they were joined by a dark-yellow stallion, and Silverwings worst nightmare.

“Hey, if it isn’t my favorite pony in the whole world,” Hot Shot said.

“Hi Hot Shot,” Silverwings said glumly.

“Hey, now what’s with the long face?” Hot Shot asked. “Come on, you should be excited…um?”

“Silverwings,” the grey pegasus said.

“Silverwings! Right,” Hot Shot exclaimed. “Hey, are the tips of your wings actually silver?”

Hot Shot extended one of Silverwings wings and looked at it. He was right; the tips of Silverwings wings actually had a shiny, silver color to them. Scootaloo hadn’t noticed that before. It was quite fascinating.

“Yeah, they’ve been like that my whole life,” Silverwings explained, retracting his wing from Hot Shots grip. “That’s why I was named ‘Silverwings’.”

“Oh, well I don’t really care about that,” Hot Shot stated nonchalantly. “Anyways, we’re going to have a great time. Just stick with me, and we’ll be the most outstanding crew in this camp.”

“Yesterday, I thought you told me to stay out of your way,” Silverwings glared at his new partner.

“Oh, I was only kidding, you know,” Hot Shot said, before his countenance changed for a moment. “But seriously, if you ruin this then I will burn you!”

The air was really tense between them before Hot Shot suddenly started smiling again.

“Anyways, we have a lot to do today,” Hot Shot said before pulling Silverwings out of his seat. “There’s a lot of work to be done and we need to be at our best!”

“But I haven’t even finished…wait!” Silverwings complained. “Where are you taking me?”

Both Scootaloo and Blue Yonder stared as Silverwings was dragged out of the mess hall. They were completely dumbfounded by what had just taken place before them. You almost could have heard a pin drop—had everypony else been quiet.

“Well that was…different,” Scootaloo finally said.

“Yep,” Blue Yonder agreed.

“Do you think we should help him?” Scootaloo asked.

“Nah,” Blue Yonder shrugged and returned to eating her oatmeal.