• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 6,701 Views, 245 Comments

Winging It! - Thunderscourge

In which Soarin proves himself completely hopeless at this thing one calls romance as he tries to woo Rainbow Dash while his fellow Wonderbolts take endless enjoyment from his floundering.

  • ...

She's Winging It

A/N: Special thanks to RainbowSoarin123, DarthSylar12, DanteRevolution, Safhell, asdf21real, NightWolf289, Vernerok, Killabyte, TaylorSky, The_Whovian16, Drgnwolf, TorontoFCBrony, Ruthpern81, rainbowangel409, *Rainbow Dash*, Majestic potato pheasant, and MyLittleXyo for your comments last chapter! Your thoughts are greatly appreciated, and I hope to hear what you guys think about Rainbow's side of the story!

Bit of the same from last chapter, but not 100%, so I hope you guys enjoy! Please leave your thoughts in the comments below so I can bring you more fun chapters down the road!

Okay Rainbow, you can do this…just the first day of your reserve training. Nothing to be too nervous about, right? Not like the Young Flyers competition all over again.

Just...working at your dream job. Totally less nerve wracking!

What was that breathing technique the egghead princess learned again? The one to calm down and not stress out? Uhhh…

Oh forget it, I’m good! No need to worry! None at all!

I mean, come on. I’m THE Rainbow Dash. Hooves down the best flyer in all of Equestria. Not only that, but somepony so awesome that she’s best friends with a princess, saved the world a ton of times, and the pony who got to represent loyalty itself!

So yeah, I think I can do this. I mean, if I can’t, who can? I almost beat the three best Wonderbolts in a race when I had two ponies who can barely fly on my team.

Speaking of which, one of them is giving a speech right now. Some introductory thing that doesn’t really matter and nopony will remember.

“Welcome to the Wonderbolt Academy! We’re glad to have all you new recruits joining us and our reserve team. You are Equestria’s finest, and I look forward to seeing you fly!”

I may not care exactly what he’s saying, but I do keep my eyes on Soarin as he speaks. He’s wearing his blue dress uniform, which is quite…uhhhh…nice? I personally prefer the skintight flight suit we wear. Just more effective.

But yeah, the dress shirt’s nice. Yeah, nice. What? What’s wrong with that? Soarin’s one of the top Wonderbolts, I’m allowed to say he looks nice in his uniform, right?!


Okay, I’ll admit I’m looking forward to more than just joining the Wonderbolt Reserves today with all the training and whatever. I’m already a good flyer after all. The best. The other reason…

Well, uh…

Never mind. I should probably be listening to the speech Soarin’s giving.

“Now, Goose and Maverick here will be directing you today, but if you have any questions come to me or Captain Spitfire. We’ll be in our offices handling all your paperwork, but don’t be afraid to drop on by!”

Hmmm...I might take him up on that offer if I’m not beat after practice. It’s nice already knowing the head honchos here, and having them owe you a thing or two!

It seems like we’re being split up to groups to join two of the instructor ponies. They’re the same guys as the last time I was here, who somehow got the nicknames Goose and Maverick. They call Soarin Iceman for some reason, but it’s probably because of how he’s colored. Never really asked them all about it, since Soarin’s just Soarin to me.

As I line up in Goose’s group I smile at the thought of the Wonderbolt’s top male officer. He’s been in the Wonderbolts since I started obsessing over them about ten years ago, when he was a newcomer who was breaking all sorts of records because of his controlled approach to flying.

Me? I like going fast, and so I broke those records on my own time before I even came here. I’m just that awesome, you know?

“Okay, for those of you who don’t know me I am known here as Goose. My partner Maverick and I are not the most formal, so feel free to call us our nicknames. However, we do believe in hard work so it’s time to get flying!”

Oh, mister moustache is talking and everypony’s taking off. Time to show off my stuff!

...and hope a certain pony is watching.

The practice these past few days has been a breeze. Thunderlane and I are doing the best I think, but since Twilight taught me how to learn things easier I am doing even better than him when they test us on procedures and everything. Just got to apply the way I pay attention to flying to stuff people say and stuff in books!

She calls it an eddie...eiid… eidetic memory? What, just because I don’t know how to pronounce it doesn’t mean I don’t got it! Apparently a few young ponies get it, and its supposed to go away, but so long as I’m paying attention I can remember just about anything!

...too bad I don’t like paying attention. Especially when it concerns work. But it makes sense when I can recall every Daring Do book and everything I’ve learned about the Wonderbolts…

As I prepare to land from my current exercise, I come up with an idea and call out to my instructor.

“Performing a flyby!”

Goose appears to be a bit nervous despite his sunglasses as I pick up speed and begin to approach him at the end of the runway at an accelerating flying speed.

“Negative, just because we told you recruits we used to do them does not mean we want you to—

The air from me rushing past him knocks him off his hooves and into his partner, Maverick. I snicker as I prepare to land. Not sure if that’s how flybys are done, but you gotta start somewhere!

I touch down and go over to help the two ruffled instructors up, who both are trying to try not to laugh. They were telling us about how they used to mess with Spitfire like that and were both surprised they kept their jobs this long. Gotta love ponies who have a good sense of humor!

Now, where was I? Hmm…

Oh, right! Wonderbolt stuff!

Like, I know Soarin went to Canterlot for high school and was a year behind egghead’s brother, Shining Armor, and his wife, Princess Cadance. Top of the class even, though I bet that’s because his parents probably only gave him pie if he did well—

Never mind, hehe. So what if I know a lot about him? They’re my idols after all. Every fan knows random stuff about their idols, right? Like Twilight has the great egghead Starswirl to look up to. I have Soarin for that!

Yeah...hehe. Totally going with that.

After they blow their whistles and end the practice I join my current flying partner, Cloudchaser and we leave the landing pad while talking about nothing really important. Just snickering about the flyby I just did and the way I knocked over our superior officers in a way they can’t get mad about.

As we walk around somepony else’s voice pops up, one that makes my ears twitch.

“Uh, hey, Rainbow Dash.”

I turn around to see Soarin smiling at me like a dope. He’s a bit goofy, just being honest, but I don’t mind. He always seemed nice when I watched him as a filly and as I grew up, and meeting him at the Gala, the young flyer’s competition, and even when I competed against him at the Equestria Games trials proved to me that he’s as nice as he seems.

Not that I am, like, a fangirl or anything. I just think he’s a cool guy...so what if I used to have posters of him? I had posters for all the Wonderbolts! Just...more of him than the others. And one over my bed. And a stuffed animal version of him.

Know what? I need to stop standing around thinking crazy thoughts when I have an awesome guy to talk to. Am I right? I know. I always am. No need to flatter me.

“Oh, hey Soarin. I was wondering where you were,” I greet him as cheerfully as I can manage. As I say it I realize I have not removed my flight goggles, so I pull them up on my head.

Is that a blush I see on his face for a moment? Nah, I doubt it. Probably just me readjusting to the light outside.

Cloudchaser snickers for a moment before waving and leaving me behind with Soarin, my flying partner heading to the mess hall. I keep smiling at Soarin even as I say goodbye to her, wondering if he is ever going to reply. His face just seems to be in this state of confusion, nervousness, and happiness all in one.

He should do faces for a living. He’d probably get rich! Then again, so could Pinkie Pie...good thing he only likes the edible pie. Wouldn’t want him choking on her pink fur.

“Really?” Soarin finally chokes up with a wavering smile on his face. He’s acting pretty strange. Is everything fine with him?

Ehh, I’m sure he’s fine. He’d say if something was wrong, right?

Might as well cheer him up anyways! I’m awesome, and he’ll probably love getting a closer look at me. I mean, who wouldn’t?

I flaps my wings to rise off the cloud a few feet and to hover over to be beside Soarin, where I playfully nudges his side, “Yeah! Besides the ponies from Ponyville, I don’t really know anypony here.”

Weirdly enough, this seems to make him even more nervous. What’s with him today? Normally he’s a bit dorky, but he’s really weird today.

Before I can question his dopiness, he rubs his head and tries cracking a bigger smile to me, “Well, if you need anything from me, just let me know, okay? My office is next to Captain Spitfire’s, on the right here.”

I would like to talk to him more sometime…

What? I don’t have a crush or anything! I could have had anypony above my bed, honest! It’s not like I like him or anything...well, I like him, but not...you know what I mean!

Stupid Rainbow, you shouldn’t have to fight off a blush as you land next to him and talk back, “Cool. I’ll be sure to stop by!”

I hear some ponies nearby talking about food, and a quick glance shows that they’re all going to eat. Those lardponies will eat all of the food if I don’t go there! I need to go at once!

No, I’m not trying to avoid blushing in front of Soarin. Why would you possibly think that? You’re weird. I’m just hungry is all.

I leave Soarin to go join the others, waving as I go to grab food, “Hehe, I’ve got to go grab some grub before the others eat it all. Catch ya later!”

He doesn’t call after me...not that I care of course! It just would be nice, you know, to have somepony I know and like come with me to go eat lunch with…

Not like a date! Dear Luna you’re crazy if you think that!

Denial you say? Hey, watch it!

About a week or so into things and things have gotten rough for no reason...Well, okay, I may or may not get in trouble for having just knocked some uppity mare from Canterlot out. You don’t mess with me without getting some though!

What did they say or do to me? Well…you see…I was drinking some imported hard cider, and I kind of have no idea what they said or did. Kind of was out of it at the time. Whatever it was though, it must have been pretty bad because I’m normally a happy drunk.

Hmmph, whatever...this mare got what was coming to her.

After pummeling my fellow trainee into the clouds, an authoritative whistle stops me. She had gotten in my face, and I punched her. That’s self defense, right?

“Private Dash, Private Righter, what is this?”

I jump off the stupid mare and salute Spitfire, though I wobble a little after getting up. Maybe I had a little cider after practice today...what? It’s good shtuff!

“This madpony attacked me!” the other pony shrieks, and I have to stifle a giggle. Yeah...I did.

Spitfire drags us both to her office, where we both tell our sides of the story. I go first, since Spitfire seems to like me, while the other mare goes second.

“So what you’re telling me is that you insulted her and she punched you?”

The mare nods to Spitfire. After a moment of looking at us, she removes her sunglasses and places them on the desk. She’s staring at the mare intensely, but I am now fearing for my place here. Pleaaaase don’t let this get me thrown out...I didn’t mean to! Honest!

Spitfire breathes heavily through her nose, “Good. I have a strict no tolerance policy for harassment. Get out before I decide to up the punishment she gave you.”


Ohmygosh, she’s on my side! I’m not gonna die!

The other mare scurries out of the office, leaving me with Spitfire. Not wanting to stay and be reprimanded, I turn to face the door only for Spitfire to sigh.

“You stay.”

I turn back to her with a weak smile, saluting her as I do so, “Sorry for all this, Captain. I promise it won’t happen again.”

“Oh, it won’t. You can be sure of that. But I’m not gonna punish you.”

Like, not at all? Boy am I lucky!

“At least, not in the usual way. You seem to have had a lot of cider given how much I can smell it on you.”

Guilty as charged...but what’s she gonna make me do?

“Word is around base you’ve taken a liking to Soarin. Is that true?”


My mumbling seems to amuse her, “I see. So, you like older stallions.”

Okay, yeah. I like Soarin. Have since I first saw him fly...But what’s age got to do with it? Mom was like twice dad’s age and they were perfectly fine.

...well, that’s what he says.

I blush guiltily as Spitfire smirks at me, “I wouldn’t say that.”

Spitfire leans one hoof on her desk and her head on it, her imp remaining, “Well, what else is Soarin but about 50% older than you?”

Nice...fun…I wish I could know more personally about him, but I can only learn so much through news articles, shows, and a few short meetings...

Taking a seat on the ground, I try to avert my eyes. Might as well just admit it all, “Somepony I want to get to know better.”

Spitfire snorts and tilts her head back in laughter, “To be honest, Soarin was my gay best friend for years.”


“Wait, what?” I cannot hide the confusion in my voice.

The captain just seems to be even more amused at my confusion, “Let me explain. Until you came into the picture I thought my old buddy wasn’t interested in mares because our almost entirely female team at the time didn’t make him bat an eyelash.”

She jabs a hoof in my direction with another snort, “You? He can’t stop tripping over his words every time he glances at you. So until now I never brought up the issue and just let him be because he never brought it up, but it seems I was wrong all along. You must be something special to draw his eye!”


Nono, she has to be kidding. I mean, he’s like a top member of the Wonderbolts. I’m just some newbie kid...who he danced with at a wedding…

No, this is some sick joke by my superior who just wants to laugh at me. That has to be it.

“You don’t have to joke,” I mumble to her.

She calms herself down and shakes her head, “I’m not joking. You like him. He likes you. Seems like a perfect pair to me.”

So...hypothetically...if she isn’t lying to me…things still wouldn’t work though right?

“He’s my superior though, even if what you’re saying is true. Aren’t there rules?”

Spitfire shrugs, “Who would punish you? Soarin is my oldest friend. I owe him one after recent events. I won’t raise a hoof if you two do anything together.”

Before I can form a coherent thought about all of this, what with my cider addled brain, the captain shoos me away with a hoof.

“You should probably go sleep off your cider. You got work to do tomorrow, and you better not be a minute late!”

I didn’t have enough to drink I think...or did I?

Whatever, I need to give her my affirmative, “Yes ma’am!”

On my way out the door, my hooves a bit heavy from my drinking, she calls out to me.


I slowly turn around to face her with a grateful smile. It only just hit me how much she has just done for me.

With my attention gained, Spitfire points a hoof at me from her seat, “If you do decide to date him or anything along those lines, promise me this: that it won’t effect your work and that you won’t hurt him. Soarin may be older than you, but he’s a big softie.”

...she’s right. But I got to make sure that she’s right about all this Soarin liking me stuff. I smile at her brightly and salute her one last time.

“Yes ma’am.”

I’ll think of a way when I get up...for now I need to sleep this off.

Sadly a training accident sent Goose to the hospital recently, and now Fleetfoot is subbing in for him. I’m not exactly happy with how she abandoned Soarin along with Spitfire awhile back on the Equestria Games team, but if he’s forgiven them I guess I can try and do the same. At least Spitfire was apologetic back then, and now…

Speaking of which, her conversation with me was...it was certainly interesting. I can’t remember all of it because of the hard cider, but I do recall the important part about her saying Soarin liked me…

She said he never batted an eye at a mare until he came across me. So, if he finds me so attractive like I’m sure almost all stallions (and some mares probably), I can test him…see how he reacts to my body. I already know he gets nervous when talking to me after all, but he might just not be good at talking to ponies.

Oh, hey! There he is on the landing strip! Time to test what Spitfire was talking about...

My tight Wonderbolt suit is on, so if he gives me a glance I’m sure he can appreciate what he sees. I mean, after all, I look awesome in this thing, and it so happens that it looks like he’s here with Fleetfoot to look after our training!

I’m not doing anything at the moment. Should I go pay him a visit? I think I should pay him a visit.

I make an effort to show off as I flicker over to where he’s standing on the runway, only stopping when I get to about a dozen-ish feet from him. I wave my hooves to get his attention because he certainly seems to be mesmerized by something.

“Hey Soarin! You wanna watch some of my awesome tricks as I warm up?”

If Spitfire’s right, that should be a yes. And how I do want it to be a yes…

His eyes are not exactly focused on my face so to speak. They’re focused on my lower body as it is, and I got a feeling where he’s looking.


“Sure. I mean, it’s my job.”

Pffft, suuuuuure. I got your number.

Time to let him know that, “Well aren’t you lucky!”

Still…ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! He really does like me!

Well, at least he thinks I’m as hot as I know I am. I can work on checking if he likes me for me later, but that’s one level of confirmation down! Yes! I can work on the others later.

I decide to put a little show on for him. A few flips, some unnecessary barrel rolls, zagging and zigging, and just some regular plain spinning. If I was some regular pony like Fluttershy I would have gotten dizzy or sick from all the motion, but fear not, I am Rainbow Dash! The number one flier in all of Equestria!

I can see him admiring the streak of rainbow I leave in my wake, and I have to say I enjoy seeing him enjoy it. I hope there will one day be an encore performance, albeit hopefully more private…

My showing off continues for some time until I decide I’ve used as much energy as I probably should before a training session. I land in front of Soarin on the runway, at which point I turn back to face him with a big smile on my face. He has to have loved those, especially the whole part about my skintight uniform.

“How was that?”

He begins to say something, but a loud voice behind me startles us both.

“Private Dash, get a move on! You should be in the air with the others already!”

Oh Luna, time to get a move on! That’s Fleetfoot. Seeya Soarin, gotta go!

“Yes ma’am!”

As I start to take off I make sure to verbalize that last thought, so that Soarin gets a proper farewell.

“Catch ya later Soarin!”

Definitely gonna have to do that again. I think the smile that he was giving means I made his day.

Just got to avoid blushing too much now during practice…my idol having a crush on me aside, it’s time to get to work! I don’t need the other ponies joking with me about it…

The Wonderbolt Academy is right by Cloudsdale, and given that this is a multi-week training camp, I just knew that I’d hurt my dad’s feelings if I didn’t stop by in some of my free time. After securing some free time away from the base I made my way over to his house.

It’s a really nice one. Pretty big, but not too ostentatious. He runs the weather factory after all, but he’s taking more and more time off as he prepares to retire in the next few years.

With a couple knocks on the door I hear somepony move inside. He’s gonna be here any second…

The door opens and he pokes his head out, his rainbow mane is still as wild as my own and his purple-blue fur appears to be a bit less colored than it was when I last saw him.

How long has it been? It must have been at least a year…

I give him a nervous smile, “Um, hey dad.”

He raises an eyebrow at the sight of me, as if he is surprised, “Rainbow?”

I shrug as he gestures for me to come inside, “I have the day off, and I decided to stop by.”

Once I’m in the door and he has closed it my dad gives me a very confused look, “You never visit. What is the occasion?”

Great…well, I guess I deserve to be interrogated like this seeing as I’ve kinda blown him off for awhile.

“Just…dropping by.”

We settle in, talk about what we’ve been up to, and after about an hour of this kind of small chat my dad decides to bring up a very embarrassing question.

“So, are there any stallions I should know about? It’s about time that you started planning your future out a bit. Not exactly settling down, but being prepared to do so—”

I’ve never exactly talked to my dad about colts before, and doing so now is just…uuugh!


He’s smiling at the sight of my embarrassment. If I didn’t know any better I’d say that was the reason he brought this up, to embarrass me. He doesn’t usually smile at all! Too stoic for that.

He almost gives a laugh, or rather as close to one as he can manage, “I am not saying now. Just that it would be nice if you were to think about your own future for once.”

I can’t believe that we’re talking about this…

“I do think about it. I’m going to be the best flyer and the best Wonderbolt there ever was!”

“But you can’t perform forever. A body can only do so much after all.”

Much as I hate to admit it…he’s right. But this body of mine is good to go for a loooong time. No need to worry about settling down, starting a family, and all that fairy tale stuff until I’ve at least made Captain.

“I…” I take a breath in as I think of what to say, “I’ll think about it, okay? Maybe when I...maybe when I become a captain or something. When I won’t be doing as much flying. Right now I’m only a recruit.”

My dad moves across the couch we’re on to bring me into a hug.

“That’s fine. I just don’t want you to be alone forever.”

Oh yeah…that’s why I don’t drop by…

I hate seeing him like this. He never cared that mom was older, but she was way older…

Long story short, in an attempt to blow off steam I pranked Soarin. It didn’t go too well. I totally made it up to him afterwards—hey, I don’t know what you’re thinking but you better not be laughing! It wasn’t anything inappropriate! Just some pie…that we ate together…at his house.

If you’re going to keep harassing me while I tell the story I’m not sure I wanna anymore. Hmmph…

Fiiiiine. Okay, so here I am, done with my duties for the day, and I meet with Soarin again.

So that we can start out on a good note, I try and be playful with him.

“I’m done with drills for today. Wanna go out and fly?”

I think I know his answer before he does, as a large grin appears on his adorable, dorky light blue face.

“Of course!”

I’m not in uniform this time, so it takes a lot of guts to turn around and prepare to take off: AKA, bend my front half down and prepare to launch off the ground with my flank in the air. He ought to love that.

Anyways, I wanna race. Let some steam loose.

“Race you to that cloud!”

I launch into the sky and towards the cloud that had caught my eye, and after a moment I hear him come after me. He was probably too distracted with my ‘cutie mark’ to instantly give chase, but I’m perfectly fine with that.

Since I’ve beat him up there, I turn around to see him catch up. Seeing him rush towards me makes me giggle, but I also can’t help but stick my tongue out at my goofy dork who so adorably likes me.

I think that if I ever do settle down like my dad thinks I should eventually, that I should do it with someone fun and goofy…that way I can have fun with him our whole lives. Soarin’s only in his very early thirties, so our age difference is like half of my parent’s since I’m twenty one now.

“Boy you’re slow!” I joke as he just tries to laugh along with me. I can see his eyes drifting, which just makes me giggle more. Spitfire really is right about him! He’s positively, 100% head over heels for me. Not that he’d wear heels. Or maybe he would. That would be funny. I should talk to Rarity about making that happen…

“I’m not getting any younger,” Soarin jokes back as he self-mockingly flaps his wings slowly. He’s not that old, but certainly on the tail end of his career.

I poke his chest playfully, “Oh come on, you’re not that old.”

His eyes grow mischievous for just a second and my heart flutters. What’s he about to do…

Gulp…not the time Rainbow!

Catching me completely by surprise, Soarin dashes into the air just like I had a moment ago while calling out in a smug voice, “You’re right.

I bet these young wings could beat you to that cloud!”

What cloud?

By the time I can see where he’s headed, he’s far ahead of me and I’m forced to play catch up, “Hey, no fair!”

How dare he use the same cheap trick as me!

I’m fine with doing this kind of thing though…so long as we’re together and having fun, I’m happy. And if things keep going this way, who knows? Maybe my dad’ll be happy too one day.

We keep doing this cat and mouse game for awhile, sometimes throwing in tricks and other things to keep it all interesting. It was fun seeing him crash into a cloud while he was busy admiring me, all four times!

Once we’re both tired and gasping for breath, which I’ll admit took awhile since he’s got pretty good endurance, we settle down on a cloud.

Or rather, I lay on it while he hovers right next to it across from me.

I’m tired and need to catch my breath, okay? I had drills today and he didn’t!

My eyes are closed as I breathe in heavily and slowly manage to get out, “That was...fun.”

I tap on the cloud fluff beside me. I want him to lay down next to me…

He takes my invitation and lays down there, “You said it.”

Now my heart is beating even faster in my chest. It had been pounding because of my exercise, but now having him next to me is making me feel on fire.

I roll over on the cloud and bring my front hooves up to my chest. This is nice…I want to just stay like this. It feels like a dream…

“We...have tomorrow off. I was, uh, thinking of going to Cloudsdale. You...wanna come?”

I meant that to come out all at once, but my own nervousness kind of made that come out weirder than I expected.

His face twists into a thoughtful expression, as if he’s trying to actually think this out without realizing I just asked him out…

I’ll have to learn to handle the obliviousness. I should have asked Rarity for tips before coming here…

“I’m not sure. I’ve got some paperwork to do.”

Oh dear Luna…ugh. I’ll have to learn to start handling it now it seems. Okay then, maybe a slightly more direct method is called for.

I reach a hoof to his face and touch his soft fur. He smells nice and the fur is very soft…he probably takes good care of it. I wouldn’t mind helping.

“Come on, it’ll be fun.”

I can tell he’s blushing underneath his fur now by how he reacts. I’m sensing that I’m on the right track.

“What if somepony sees us and gets the wrong idea?”

…it wouldn’t be wrong. That’s the point.

Okay, why is the hardest part of this actually asking him out? I’ve got no experience doing this.

“I knew I should have asked Rarity for advice,” I mumble to myself as I pull my hoof back.

A lightbulb flashes in his head, “Isn’t that the Unicorn from the Young Flyers Competition?”

Ugh, how does he put that together and not what I’m actually asking?

I roll over again and pull the lovable lug closer to me, “Forget her. I’m just trying to think about how to word this.”

I just start moving my hoof over him mindlessly, stroking his nice warm fur that has his sweat dripping down it from our nice exercise.

Okay, saying it won’t kill me…it’ll just…you know, hurt my ego.

Here I go…gonna say it…just need to feel this nice fur a little longer to bolster my courage. Come on, Daring Do wouldn’t wimp out like this! Say it already Rainbow Dash!

“Would you...go out with me?”

His face freezes and I freeze up too. Uh oh. I, uh, wasn’t expecting him not to instantly yell “Yes!”. What now? Did I just make things awkward? Please tell me I didn’t do that…

I try to immediately backtrack on my words, “I mean, if you don’t want to, I understand, but…ponies keep telling me you like me. And I like you, since you’re fun and nice...so I thought, you know, that maybe…”

Soarin’s way of responding is to hug me. I feel my body cringe at the sudden touch, but I relax soon after as his warmth washes over me. When I try to express my shock he cuts me off.

“I do…You’re the most athletic, beautiful, and fun mare I know.”

I can feel my wings spring up, my body knowing what I want to do before I do. I want to go be with him now. I’ve been waiting for years for this moment!

I prepare to take off and fly again while also nuzzling against his face, “Let’s go out then. Spitfire owes us both one anyways, so let’s have some fun!”

He seems to hesitate and I feel my heart sink again. What’s wrong?

“Aren’t I a bit...old for you?”

Okay, that’s his hold up? Really? I’m the one asking him out and he thinks I have an issue with his age!?

I reach my hooves to the back of his head and grimace right at him to show him how serious I am, “I don’t see what age has got to do with it at all. I like you, you like me. Screw whatever anypony else thinks.”

Before he can do any more neigh saying because he’s feeling self-conscious, I pull him into a kiss. He doesn’t resist at all before returning it, making my heart melt inside my chest as I seal the deal.

Other mares may like the big tough stallions, happily ever after stories with princes, or even just stallions who look nice.

Me? I want him and have for awhile. My whole life I’ve wanted to be a Wonderbolt, and now that I am I think I should start branching out my goals, because this feeling is too good to ignore.

He’s MY goof now.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading, and please leave your thoughts in the comments below, as they are seriously what helps me write! Liking and favoriting the story help too, as does following me! Morale support of the highest fashion! Comments, likes, favorites and follows are :heart: after all, so please let me know what you think!