• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 3,987 Views, 122 Comments

Blossoming Roses - Storm butt

Stand up straight, keep your apperance, be perfect. These are just a few things that Prince Blueblood believes is required of a common prince. It wasn't until he met Fancy Pants did he begin to see the world a little less demanding of himself

  • ...


The curtains close
On a kiss, God knows


Prince Blueblood stared ahead and looked into a pair of cyan blue eyes that sat no more than five feet before him. The figure before him matched his movements. From the tilting of his head to the straightening of his red bow-tie, the figure copied him and, in time, looked away just as he had. His heart pounded in his chest like a drum, and his eyes began to lose focus when he realized he had been holding his breath in. He felt so bright.

Blueblood reached up his hoof and touched his face. The mirror before him copied, and he could see his own eyes dart away the longer he stared at himself. He stared hard at the checkerboard floor while he adjusted his collar. A lump was trapped in his throat that wouldn't go down no matter how many times he swallowed.

“Are you positive you don’t want me or Cadence to come?”

“I’m sure,” Blueblood replied to the voice.

Shining Armor took a step forward, and Blueblood glanced back to the mirror. He could see Shining lift his hoof before it settled on his shoulder. He was looking at Blueblood’s face, not his outfit. Blueblood shut his eyes and forced himself to turn away from his reflection. When he opened his eyes, Shining Armor was staring back at him with a smile.

Shining opened his mouth yet again. “I won’t get in the way of anything. I won’t even talk to you if you don’t want to, but I…”

Blueblood shook his head, and that smile soon faded. Blueblood’s belly turned inside of him when he took several paces forward and let Shining’s hoof slip off of his shoulder. He could already feel eyes staring at him every time he caught a glimpse of his own red outfit. He looked to the window and to the twilight sky that blanketed Equestria. His mouth suddenly felt dry.

“Blue, c’mon.” Shining Armor walked up to Blueblood to stare him in the eye. “If you’re this nervous I really don’t think Fancy will be upset. You hate being the center of attention and you’re… you’re wearing that.”

“Is something wrong with it?” Blueblood looked to Shining Armor with wide eyes. It felt like ice had pierced his heart, for he felt cold. He clamped his hoof over his chest and tightened a hold onto the golden buttons.

“No, it looks great,” Shining Armor sighed. His eyes glanced down to the checkerboard floor that he kicked at gently with his foreleg. Blueblood swallowed hard when Shining touched the golden edges. “I’m not used to seeing you in red. It looks great on you.”

“I didn’t have many options aside from blue and white,” Blueblood chuckled, though a smile did not reach his lips. He looked into the mirror again and tried to straighten his pose. “I would never have been allowed to wear something like this when I was younger… It’s going to turn a lot of heads. That’s something I’m positive of.”

Blueblood tried to grasp at both his hooves to fiddle with them. He clamped them over each other and took in a breath, then put both hooves over his face and pulled down so he could see. A whinny escaped his lips, and he couldn’t help but feel as though Shining’s eyes were daggers.

“Blue, you hate parties.” It was a statement, not a question. “You’re nervous and… that outfit’s going to make everypony look at you. I know you hate that. I know things are still weird between us, but I don’t want you to feel like you used too.”

“Shining…” Blueblood took in a long breath. He looked at Shining Armor in the eyes and let a faint smile hit his lips. “This is my first real date with Fancy. Honestly I’d be nervous if we were going to a restaurant.”

Blueblood tried to laugh, but it came out as more of a whimper. He clamped his teeth down on his tongue and looked away from his friend. He put a hoof over his beating heart. His smile turned into a small frown when he could yet again feel Shining Armor’s eyes dig into his skin. It was beginning to feel like a bad sunburn.

“I’m just… worried what ponies will say when they see me with him,” Blueblood mumbled under his breath. He continued to bite down on his tongue between pauses. “I mean, he’s popular and famous and I’m just… Ponies don’t know I like stallions. They all see me as a spoiled, whiny prince.”

“Canterlot is one of the more open places for things like that, though,” Shining Armor reminded Blueblood. The captain trotted forward and tried his best to look encouraging. “Fancy’s already had boyfriends and girlfriends in the past. Besides, you were never exactly known for being with mares.”

“Right, I was just known for being loud and spoiled and obnoxious.” Blueblood lifted a hoof to his lips and bit on it. He stared at the window once more and counted the seconds. “It will be enough of a shock seeing it in the headlines tomorrow morning… If I act like I used to, I’m sure they’ll just use it to fill out space in the article.”


“A-And if I trip or say something wrong, then everypony will remember it.” Blueblood could feel his legs turn to jelly underneath him. He put his hoof on his forehead and felt how warm he was. “Fancy’s probably going to want to dance, and I don’t know if he wants to lead or if I should and I don’t know what to do if he wants to!”

“Blueblood.” Shining Armor’s voice was clear. Blueblood’s eyes darted to Shining’s own, and only then did Blueblood realize he was forgetting how to breathe. “Fancy will be there with you.”

Blueblood wiped at his eyes, realizing they were beginning to water. He swallowed a lump in his throat and nodded his head slowly. He looked at his clothing and thought about Fancy’s face when he had first worn it before him. His chest loosened just a bit when he thought about Fancy’s gaze.

“Fancy promised me we would just laugh about anything bad,” Blueblood said, sniffling. His foreleg was trembling when he wiped at his eye. “He’s probably going to laugh at me when I show him his gift, though. I should have gotten him something more expensive,” Blueblood mumbled as he touched the lump in his coat pocket.

“Fancy’s probably one of those mushy guys,” Shining chuckled in an attempt to cheer up his friend. When he placed both his hooves on either of Blueblood’s shoulders, the stallion managed to smile back. “I think he has enough diamond necklaces and jeweled cuffs.”

“I just hope I don’t embarrass him. I want to be the pony he thinks I can be.” Blueblood nodded his head, though the lump in his pocket began to feel like it weighed a dozen pounds. He kept patting it and running his hoof over it while he chewed on his lip. Shining Armor looked to him and then down to his hooves, beginning to kick his hoof against the floor.

“Things aren’t that weird between us, are they?” Shining questioned his friend. He looked to Blueblood’s hooves with a small frown. “I mean, you feel better than you did for a long time with me, right?”

“Y-Yeah.” Blueblood couldn’t help but look puzzled at Shining’s words. “Why do you ask all of a sudden?”

“I was just… I could show you how to dance if Fancy wants to lead it.” Shining seemed to bite into his cheek, for his jaw was moving around. “I know things were really weird between us, and I don’t want to make you feel like you were before…”

Shining Armor had begun to scratch behind his head. A groan came from his throat when he ruffled his mane. It was clear he was embarrassed, though his cheeks did not turn pink. “I shouldn’t have said that. Sorry.”

“No, it’s fine.” Blueblood nodded his head at Shining. “Would you show me? Really?”

“I mean…” Shining Armor trailed off and looked away from his friend. “You wouldn’t feel awkward, would you? I’m glad you’re talking to me and being yourself again, and I don’t want to upset you. I danced with Cadence at our wedding, and I could show you how it was then.”

“I hardly think dancing with you is going to make me any more upset than having a dozen ponies staring at me at all times will.” Blueblood smiled, but it soon faded when that thought hit his mind. “I just don’t want to give them all a reason to stare at me and mock me as well.”

Shining Armor took a moment to breathe in before he nodded his head. He extended his hoof to Blueblood and held it out at a foreleg’s length. “Look, alright just give me your hoof?”

Blueblood took Shining’s hoof. The captain gave himself a moment before he looked into Blueblood’s eyes. He took several seconds to clear his throat and adjust himself. It was at least long enough for Blueblood to tap his free hoof on the ground with impatience.

“Look, when I lead I’m gonna pull you along an-” Shining shook his head. “Wait, no, first you need to have your hooves a bit back”

“Uh, Shining?” Blueblood narrowed his eyes and stared into Shining’s own. “Your hooves aren’t exactly in the right spot, you know.”

“Sure they are!” Shining Armor looked down at his hooves. A look of uncertainty suddenly crossed over his face before he shook his head. His blue mane swished back and forth. “Look, your hooves need to be more forward and…”

“No they don’t,” Blueblood stated. The two locked eyes for just a moment, Shining’s own cheeks finally starting to look pink. Blueblood raised his brow and Shining soon shook his head.

“Yes the-”

“Shining, my father made me dance ever day for a month until I perfected it. I know how to stand.” Blueblood’s voice was stone.

“Look, just follow me like this an- C-Crap!” Shining pulled Blueblood far too roughly and suddenly in a short turn before pushing him a bit rougher than the prince expected. Blueblood struggled not to be toppled over, but only received a kick to his shin.

“Ow!” Blueblood yelped. He growled, backed away from Shining, and grabbed at his leg. Shining lifted a hoof as if he were about to apologize, but Blueblood felt his chest flare before he kicked his own hoof back at Shining’s leg.

Shining Armor didn’t yelp, but he did hiss and nearly crumbled to the floor. It must have stung, for he began rubbing it in circles without breathing in.

“What’s going on in here?”

Blueblood looked to the doorway that he had been ignoring to see that it had been opened. Princess Cadence walked into the room with a puzzled look on her face when she saw the two stallions both grasping at their legs.

“Oh, Blueblood, you look lovely!” Cadence smiled at Blueblood’s outfit. The prince tried his best to not blush, attempting to hold onto his frustration when he pointed to Shining Armor. “But what happened?”

“Your husband has four left hooves, that’s what!” Blueblood snapped. He grumbled some words under his breath, positive Cadence would frown at them if she heard.

“You didn’t have to kick me back so hard, Blue!” Shining’s voice tried to snap, but it sounded closer to a whine. Cadence walked up closer to the two when Shining was trying to stand up straight once more. He kicked out his leg and shook it for a few seconds before setting it down.

“Cadence, honestly, you have to agree with me here.” Blueblood continued to rub at his leg. “Shining has never danced properly in his life.”

“Well…” Cadence’s frown seemed to struggle not to flip around into a smile when she looked to Shining Armor. “Dear, you aren’t the most coordinated dancer. You’re a great royal guard but not very elegant.”

“Cady!” Shining seemed like he wanted to say more, but he shut his mouth quickly when his cheeks flushed an even deeper pink than before.

“It’s just that, at the wedding you stepped on my hooves a dozen times.” Cadence’s smile was showing now. “I had bruises the whole honeymoon from it, sweetie.”

Shining didn’t reply, but he did look embarrassed. Cadence craned her neck and kissed him gently on the cheek before Shining allowed himself to smile.

“What were you two even trying to do?” Cadence giggled at Shining Armor when she touched his leg with a gentle hoof.

“I…” Blueblood felt both ponies look to him when he scratched the back of his neck. His heart pounded at having to talk about it again. “Shining offered to show me how to let somepony else lead in a dance. I thought Fancy might want to be the one to lead tonight. I-I didn’t want to embarrass him.”

To both stallion’s surprise, Cadence laughed. It was a gentle laugh, little more than above a giggle, but it was indeed a laugh. Blueblood knew his face was warm when she looked him in the eye.

“I never thought you’d be asking Shining about dating advice,” she giggled. Blueblood managed to grin at that, however faint it was. Blueblood saw the faintest hints of a grin on Shining’s face, and he felt one come to his as well.

“I guess… things are a little better than before, huh?” Blueblood asked.

“Oh, I know!” Cadence spoke up. “I could show you how to dance!”

“Where did you learn how to dance in the lead?” Shining Armor raised his brow at his wife. He had trotted over several feet to the base of his bed before he sat down and brushed his hoof over his long tail.

“I helped Twilight learn to dance when she was little,” Cadence said to Shining Armor, puffing out her chest. “It’s really not that different from dancing in the lead.”

“Will it be the same as dancing with a stallion?” Blueblood asked. His chest tightened at that thought. “You’re a lot taller than he is.”

“You’ll adapt.” Cadence nodded her head with a sense of determination. She grabbed Blueblood’s hoof in her own and pulled the prince close to her. “Your hooves are in the right place. That’s good.”

Blueblood felt Cadence pull him along in a small circle. It was slower than Shining’s attempt, but more complex than a simple slow dance. She hummed a tune while she pulled him along, their hooves clicking on the floor. Blueblood tried to take a step in the opposite direction, and it almost resulted in the loss of his balance.

“You need to let me do most of the leading. Just trust me, and I’ll guide you.” Cadence stared into Blueblood’s cyan eyes. “And don’t worry. Even if you do mess up, Fancy Pants is not the type of pony to be rude and bring attention to it.”

“R-Right,” Shining Armor called out when he got up from his seat. “You shouldn’t worry so much, Blue. Just have fun tonight. Fancy has to be happy if you show up at all looking like you do.”

Cadence guided Blueblood through the rest of the dance, and he only made the same mistake two more times in the three minutes it took. He imagined Fancy Pants guiding him along, and his heart felt light. When they stopped, Cadence pulled away with wide eyes and an excited grin.

Blueblood smiled at Shining Armor and then at Cadence. He nodded his head slowly and adjusted the collar of his suit. He let his chest puff out, and he giggled. He looked at Cadence’s lavender eyes and felt a new sense of determination in his chest.

“Can you show me the steps again?”


The little hand on Fancy Pants’ pocket watch only seemed to tick by with a great amount of effort. He licked his parched lips and watched the seconds fall away with anticipation in his squirming body. His eyes were locked in a gaze that he couldn’t control, and only a large bump in the road of the carriage made him look away.

The sky outside was nearing the end of twilight, and the first sign of shimmering stars above came into view. He slapped both sides of the pocket watch together and kept his hooves clenched like that. Fancy Pants could see the cart cross over a bridge when he looked down into the water of a stream below. The buildings were beginning to grow scarce, and on the horizon he caught sight of Canterlot Castle.

He glanced down at his body. His suit was grey with a red bow-tie, and he began to wonder if it would work well with Blueblood’s suit the way he imagined it would. While he normally wore black, he could only imagine a lighter color working with Blueblood tonight.

Fancy Pants tried to spot Blueblood’s balcony from here, though no adjusting of his monocle helped see past the trees that raced by every few feet. The unicorn eventually looked back into his hooves to stuff the golden pocket watch back into it’s rightful place. When he did so, he could feel his own heartbeat growing stronger and louder the closer he got to the castle.

The cart Fancy Pants was riding in began to slow down just away from the main entrance to the castle. When he looked out the window, he could see the gardens in the distance.

“This the place you wanted?” the cart driver called back to Fancy Pants. The brown earth pony looked like he was struggling not to pant when he pushed his golden mane out of his eyes.

Fancy Pants glanced to the gardens and then back to Blueblood’s castle. He held his hoof over his chest for a brief moment and took in a deep breath.

“Actually, deary, could you go up a bit more to the entrance of the castle?” Fancy Pants asked.

“That’ll cost you an extra bit.” The brown stallion shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s quite alright,” Fancy Pants replied. The cart began moving again, and Fancy Pants felt the warm breeze flow through his mane. The ride was no more than three extra minutes before he came up to the drawbridge of the castle. He opened the door to the cart himself and stared at the moat and all the guards patrolling it. Very few of the guards looked to him while he reached into his pocket to grab a hoof full of bits, though one did approach him.

“Thank you very much, and if you could just come back in thirty minutes I’d much appreciate it,” Fancy Pants said with a polite smile. The earth pony tossed the bits in a bag swinging from the cart before he nodded his head.

“What business do you have here, Fancy Pants?” the royal guard questioned him. Fancy Pants turned around and heard the sound of the cart being drug away and rumbling on the smooth pathway.

“Why hello. I’m actually here to see Prince Blueblood.” Fancy Pants kept his smile polite, though the royal guard’s face remained stiff and solid. He glanced at the castle and back to Fancy Pants.

“That’s actually going to be a bit of a problem, Sir.” The guard’s expression seemed to break for a moment and become a bit apologetic, but when Fancy Pants blinked it was all gone. “You see, it’s getting late, and it’s a rule that nopony gets into the castle this late without any kind of invitation or emergency.”

Fancy Pants’ smile broke. He didn’t even attempt to fix it. He merely glanced at the castle and felt the muscles in his chest tighten. He bit on his cheek and let a whinny past his lips.

“Well, that’s certainly a proble-”


Fancy Pants raised his head at the sound of a familiar voice. He had to squint and adjust his monocle, but he indeed did see a white stallion with a blue mane jogging down the drawbridge. Shining Armor approached him, his body bare of any armor and a pant in his breath.

“It’s okay Duster,” Shining Armor spoke to the royal guard. “Fancy Pants is an exception.”

The royal guard did little more than nod his head in response before he turned away and returned to his patrol of the area. Fancy Pants gazed back to Shining and saw the smile the captain was putting off.

“Good thing I was out for a walk,” Shining Armor chuckled as he took in a deep breath of air. “Blue didn’t tell me you were coming to pick him up. I would have let the guards know.”

“I actually didn’t plan to pick him up.” Fancy Pants looked down to his hooves and then again at the castle. He let himself smile again. “I just wanted to see him before the party if I’m being honest.”

“Either way, he’ll probably be happy to see you.” Shining Armor nodded his head before he pointed his hoof down the drawbridge and into the castle gardens. “I’ll take you to his room so more guards don’t stop you.”

Fancy Pants nodded his head, a polite smile plastered on his face. Shining Armor turned, and Fancy Pants trotted to walk beside him. The prince looked straight ahead for most of the walk down the bridge, though he looked to the older unicorn every few moments, mostly at his outfit and way way he walked.

“He’s talking about you a lot,” Shining Armor told Fancy Pants. Their hooves stepped onto the grass of the garden and off the wooden bridge.

“Truly?” Fancy Pants chuckled at the thought of that.

“He won’t talk to me and Cadence about whether you two have kissed much or been on many dates. I think he’s embarrassed about it,” Shining Armor laughed. “He asks Cadence a lot of questions, though. Mostly about stuff I wouldn’t know, like how to kiss and if it’s okay to call you names that aren’t the manliest… He’d hit me again if I told you that.”

“Again?” Fancy Pants raised his brow. He frowned at Shining Armor and soon noticed the faded bruise on the stallion’s foreleg.

“Let’s just say Blue likes to hit back when he’s annoyed at you.” Shining Armor’s cheeks tinged in pink when the two entered the light of the castle entrance. The two trotted up towards the stairs and it was then when Shining Armor had to slow down for Fancy Pants. “I’m happy he’s talking to us though, he’s acting a bit like he used too.”

“Believe me, I’ve been pinched quite a few times,” Fancy Pants chuckled. The two rounded the corner of the staircase and made their way up the carpeted floors. “He doesn’t like it when he gets embarrassed.”

“Tell me about it.” Shining Armor rolled his eyes. “I swear he acts like he wants to push me every time I try to ask about you two.”

“You’re acting a bit more chipper than before.” Fancy Pants eyed Shining Armor, only to watch the unicorn scratch behind his ear and force out an awkward laugh.

“Am I?” Shining Armor looked away for just a moment. “Well… honestly Blue’s pretty nervous about tonight.” Shining Armor’s smile began to fade. “I think this is good for him, but I hate seeing him so… twitchy about it.”

“Twitchy?” Fancy Pants could feel a frown appear on his face.

“Yeah, he just… thinks about everything that can go wrong and lets it worry him.” Shining Armor shrugged his shoulders. They rounded another corner and continued up a staircase. “I think this party’s actually going to be good for him though. He acts… happier than before now that he can talk about you. He used to just quiet down and get really annoyed when I tried to talk to him about love and stuff before. I think he’s just happy that he doesn’t have to hide anything.”

Fancy Pants stared at Shining Armor’s nostalgic expression for a while. He looked ahead and realized they were in the hallway that led to Blueblood’s room. Shining sighed loudly and scratched at his ear once more. His hooves had stopped clicking on the marble floors and Fancy Pants had to stop to stare at the captain.

“Something wrong?” Fancy Pants questioned.

“Just… Blueblood cares a lot about you,” Shining Armor said while he tried his best to smile, though it once again didn’t meet his eyes. “I see how happy you make him, and I know that he’s only doing all of this for you tonight… He won’t let me come, and I’m just scared he’ll go back to how he used to be and be afraid.”

Shining Armor bit into his cheek. “Will… Will you just look after him, since I can’t? Don’t tease him or anything if he makes a mistake. I know that’ll hurt him…”

“I actually think Blueblood is strong enough to walk on his own.” Fancy Pants blinked at Shining Armor. The other opened his mouth briefly, as if he wanted to say something back to Fancy Pants, but he was interrupted. “But I want to be there to help him if he trips. I’m not going to abandon him if that’s what you’re asking.”

Shining Armor seemed to toss that idea around in his head for the next few moments, but he eventually nodded his head in agreement. “You’re right… But can you make sure he at least has fun tonight?”

That is something I can promise you.” Fancy Pants winked at Shining Armor and felt lucky to receive a smile in return. “There’s a reason nopony gossips about me being a bad date, you know.”

“I should get going then.” Shining Armor pointed back to the way they came with a nod of his head. “Blue’s gonna freeze up and get too nervous to even kiss you if I’m around. I hope you two have fun tonight.”

Shining Armor raised his hoof to Fancy Pants. Fancy waved his hoof in return, seeing Shining Armor smile at him before he walked away. Fancy Pants watched until the captain went down the stairs before he turned his attention to Blueblood’s door.

When Fancy Pants approached the doorway, he felt his chest tighten up. He looked around and spotted no royal guards before he lifted his hoof, knocking five times on the large double doors. He held his breath to listen for signs of life on the other side, and in return he was able to hear the sound of hoofsteps on the other side of the door.

“Yes, what do you…” Blueblood’s voice became clearer when he unlocked and opened the door, his eyes taking a moment to fully register that Fancy Pants was standing before him. “Fancy?”

Blueblood’s expression caught Fancy Pants’ attention. His eyes were wide and his lips soon formed a smile that Fancy Pants gave no more than a second glance to when he saw the bright red suit Blueblood wore. It caught all his attention, fitting Blueblood’s body perfectly, no baggy areas or areas that were too tight. Blueblood’s mane was a bit ruffled, as if he hadn’t properly brushed it yet. Fancy felt his heart skip a beat at the sight. Their eyes met again and Fancy Pants couldn’t think of anything but two words.

“You’re beautiful.” It spilled out of Fancy’s mouth before he could think. His face was red
there was no mistaking it. He couldn’t hold himself back when he hugged Blueblood. He didn’t even bother to kiss the prince. He simply buried his face in Blueblood’s neck.

“H-Hello,” Blueblood giggled. He gently pushed Fancy Pants off of his body and looked him in the eye. “I thought you weren’t coming until later.”

“Oh, I just imagined your gorgeous body being covered up by my outfit and thought it was such a crime that I had to come immediately,” Fancy said when he grabbed at Blueblood’s hoof and pressed it too his cheek.

“G-Get in,” Blueblood snapped at Fancy Pants. He pulled Fancy into the room quickly and shut the door behind him. Fancy found himself laughing when he caught a glimpse of Blueblood’s face, but his lover merely shook his head.

“Oh, are you really so eager?” Fancy Pants teased.

“No, I just don’t want you to be undressing me in the hallway in front of a dozen guards.” Blueblood straightened out his jacket and kept his eyes locked on the floor. Fancy Pants approached him and pressed his lips down against his ear. “Why are you here, anyway? I mean really.”

“Honestly I just wanted to see you,” Fancy Pants said when he grabbed Blueblood’s hoof and held it firmly. “Showing up to a party alone didn’t seem very appealing when you were a short walk away.”

“Even if that party is thrown for you?” Blueblood lifted his brow. Fancy Pants let out a giggle and walked with Blueblood over to the bed. “You aren’t a very good host.”

“No, but I never claimed to be.” Fancy Pants kissed Blueblood’s hoof when the prince sat down on the bed. He ran his hooves delicately over Blueblood’s outfit from his cutie marks up to his sides. Blueblood’s muscles tensed when his hooves settled on the top button.

“F-Fancy, we don’t have time for this.” Blueblood’s hooves lifted and settled on Fancy Pants’ shoulders. “Y-You’re gonna make me really regret saying that if you keep touching me like that.”

“You have such a dirty mind, Sweetheart.” Fancy Pants unbuttoned the prince’s vest. “I’m not going to do anything,” he sighed. “I just hate having your fur all hidden.”

Fancy Pants ran his hoof delicately up Blueblood’s chest fur. His lover’s hooves dug into his shoulders when he pressed his lips down at the bottom of Blueblood’s neck. He could feel a whimper run through Blueblood’s throat, which Fancy Pants giggled at.

“You hate it when I touch your chest, don’t you?” Fancy Pants nuzzled his nose against Blueblood’s fur.

“Your hooves feel strange… it’s like you’re touching fabric or something.” Blueblood seemed to struggle to keep his voice even, for each word came out slowly. “It’s light and soft and… just strange. B-But really, we don’t have much time to screw around.”

Fancy Pants wrapped his forelegs around Blueblood’s waist and held his boyfriend for a moment in silence. He pressed his cheek down against Blueblood’s warm chest and listened to his heartbeat. It reminded him of a long-lost lullaby, daring him to stay there until the end of time.

“I didn’t want to go alone,” Fancy Pants mumbled. He lifted his head away from Blueblood and stared into his cyan eyes. “I thought about going to the party and seeing all my friends, and I’d still like to do that. But all I could think about was seeing you first.”

Fancy blushed and buried his face into Blueblood’s chest once more. He desired to stay like that for quite some time. He could feel Blueblood’s forelegs rest on his shoulders, and his own heart felt light.

“Ponies are going to talk about us,” Fancy Pants stated. “I haven’t been with a pony like this in quite some time, much less a prince who isn’t even out yet. I’m… sorry for the rumors that are going to spread about you.” He paused and breathed in the scent of Blueblood’s fur. “I won’t abandon you no matter what, Sweetheart.”

Fancy Pants wished he could bring himself to look into Blueblood’s eyes once more, but something burning in his chest held him back. He swallowed hard and lifted one hoof onto Bluebloods chest before he began to rub it in small circles.

“Fancy, we can just laugh that off, right?” Blueblood asked. His hooves were pressing into Fancy Pants’ shoulders now. He was indeed much stronger than he looked, for his grasp felt tight.

“Of course we can,” Fancy Pants replied. He tried to force a smile, but it ended up falling flat. He pushed himself off of Blueblood and sat there on the floor looking up into the prince’s eyes. “It’s just that the rumors get a bit nasty. Thirteen years doesn’t help either.”

“Thirteen?” Blueblood’s looked at Fancy Pants with a tilted head, as if he was trying to understand.

“It’s just…” Fancy Pants found his words trailing off and threatening to slip away. “I keep thinking about the day the princess died. I was already a teenager when you were born. I didn’t live in Canterlot, yet I remember it was big news because it was all so sudden.” Fancy Pants wanted to hold Blueblood close to him, but simply got onto the bed next to his lover and pressed a hoof over Blueblood’s heart. “I’m… there are a lot of rumors when a man my age gets a lover as young and as… dashing as you are. There may be rumors about your personality, Sweetheart, but frankly you’re breathtaking.”

He stole a quick glance to Blueblood’s face and felt happy that a brief smile was indeed there. He leaned in and kissed Blueblood’s cheek.

“What kind of rumors?” Blueblood asked, his voice somewhat hesitant. His hoof went to the spot Fancy kissed before he put it over Fancy’s own.

“Trophy boyfriend at best.” Fancy Pants let out a whinny. There was something cold in his chest the more he thought about these things that dared to surface. “Boy-toy at worst.”

“B-Boy what?” Blueblood’s voice grew quiet.

“It means tha-”

“I know what it means!” Blueblood snapped. His cheeks were pink and his heart was indeed beating faster than before.

“Sweetheart, I’m just saying this so you won’t be too upset.” Fancy Pants stared down at the bed covers and bit into his lip. “This is all worst-case scenario of course. I just hate to see you upset. And you look beautiful, but… I know how much you hate the public eye.”

Fancy Pants stared at Blueblood’s outfit with a forced smile on his face. Just the sight of Blueblood looking so handsome made his heartbeat quicken these days. However, the more his mind lingered on the topic, the more it became clear to him that his own eyes were beginning to water.

“F-Fancy?” Blueblood’s voice was quick and full of panic at the sight of Fancy’s face. The older unicorn found himself sniffling as well as cursing under his breath.

“I know you can think of a few dozen more stallions who are far more handsome than me,” Fancy Pants tried to laugh, but it sounded choked. “Stallions who a-aren’t as tubby and don’t have wrinkles and… and don’t still listen to music from a decade ago.”

Blueblood lifted a hoof, but from the look of his face, it was clear he felt lost on what to do.

“I’m old and… I-I’ve felt old for a long time.” Fancy Pants bit into his cheek and sniffled again. “Y-You make me feel younger though, like some lovesick colt with his first crush. I feel… alive again. But I know that you could do much better than some old stallion like me.”

It was sudden but also gentle when Blueblood’s hooves grabbed Fancy Pants’ face. The older unicorn didn’t even realize that a tear had spilt until he saw how blurred Blueblood’s face looked. The hooves that held him in place brought him closer, where Blueblood kissed right under his eye on the wet area. His lips were so soft.

“I think that… you’re pretty breathtaking too, Big Bear.” Blueblood let Fancy Pants wipe at his eyes with his coated foreleg. Blueblood’s face became clear before him when he sniffled yet again. It was less than a few seconds before Blueblood brought Fancy Pants into a hug and held him there with his strong forelegs.

“Blueblood?” Fancy Pants couldn’t help but say his lover’s name when some time had passed.

“I like your wrinkles,” Blueblood giggled. It was a sweet sounding giggle, like honey to his ears. “They fit you… and when you get excited, I barely notice them because I get excited too. A-And I like you being a bit tubby… You’re nice and soft and when you hug me it makes me feel warm.”

Blueblood was running his hoof through Fancy Pants’ mane. He kissed the base of his lover’s horn. His muscles were tight and his words slow, but it was clear from the rapid beating of his heart that he wasn’t fabricating any of what he was saying.

“I don’t care if you’re twelve or thirteen or even twenty years older… I still hate seeing you get upset over silly things like this.” Blueblood pushed Fancy Pants away and their eyes locked. “You’re not just some… replacement because I couldn’t get Shining. And that still hurts, but every day it hurts less because… because I know you’re here.”

Fancy Pants hadn’t noticed it before, but Blueblood was indeed trembling. His forelegs weren’t nearly as solid as they had felt a moment ago, and his eyes looked damp.


“You’re so stupid for thinking things like that!” Blueblood snapped, his eyes sparking briefly. “I… I hate having to be so mushy. I just want to hit you!”

Fancy Pants wiped at his eyes again. “Hit me?”

“Yes!” Blueblood nearly growled. “I wouldn’t be wearing this suit if I didn’t care about you! I’d be too scared to leave the castle if… if I didn’t think you’d smile when you saw me at the party.”

Blueblood was indeed blushing by now. Fancy Pants quickly grabbed at his hoof and gave it a squeeze. He scooted himself closer to the prince and smiled. It was Blueblood who looked like he was close to tears at this point, though more out of frustration than anything.

Blueblood raised his forelegs and hugged Fancy Pants. The older unicorn could smell Blueblood’s shampoo, just like a rose. He hugged Blueblood back, and the two stayed like that for quite some time.

“Tomorrow,” Fancy Pants whispered into Blueblood’s ear. “Tomorrow we can just lie in bed all day without any kind of dress shirts or bow-ties. We can be alone, and I won’t push you to do any of this…”

“What, no dirty comment there?” Blueblood giggled.

“Well, I assumed free reign on my hooves touching you was part of the plan,” Fancy Pants’ voice was still choked, but he was already regaining some of his composure.

“That… sounds nice.” Blueblood nodded his head. “But that’s still after tonight… Shouldn’t we get going soon? You’re going to end up being late to your own party, Big Bear.”

Fancy Pants closed his eyes and giggled. He squeezed Blueblood’s body closer to him and kissed his neck.

“Five more minutes,” he replied.


It began to occur to Prince Blueblood that he had underestimated just how much he had distanced himself from parties in the past. Even sitting inside the carriage leaning up against Fancy Pants’ side, the prince found himself shying away from looking out of the carriage the closer they got to the gardens. He was thankful for Fancy Pants’ warmth, but he had in fact taken to closing his eyes and pressing his muzzle against Fancy’s coat.

The warm night air was blowing through his mane. The stars above began to shine one by one until they blanketed the sky in their glow. He tried to look up at them, but the wind in his eyes made it difficult to do little more than squint.

“We’re here, Sweetheart.” Fancy Pants’ sounded like he was attempting to be cheery. Blueblood struggled not to fall on the seat when Fancy slid his body out of the carriage’s open door. The prince could feel his heartbeat quicken when he was forced to stare straight ahead at what looked to be an arch made of vines and leaves that was as tall as eight ponies and as thick as five.

Blueblood sat up the best he could and watched Fancy Pants fumble with some bits to give to the carriage driver. Blueblood found himself looking away from his boyfriend and instead staring right into the belly of the beast before him. They were already later than needed, for nopony else seemed to be wandering around the entrance into the building,it’s lights shining bright. The more he stared at the arch, the more he felt like it was a gateway into a world of uneasiness and doubt.

“Blueblood?” Fancy Pants asked. Blueblood blinked his eyes and snapped out of wherever his mind had been. He looked down to see Fancy Pants holding out his hoof, and the prince couldn’t help but wonder how long he had been waiting. Blueblood took the hoof and let himself slide out of the cart and onto the cobblestone pathway. Fancy kept holding his hoof and brought it to his lips for a gentle kiss. “You’re going to be my rose tonight.”

“Your late rose. Honestly you can’t just show up late to your own party.” Blueblood glared at Fancy Pants. The swheels of the cart behind the two began to turn, and before he knew it their only getaway was on its way out. Blueblood looked around and couldn’t spot another pony in sight, though he could certainly hear the sound of the party and gentle music in the air.

“Oh, I believe it’s growing in popularity to be a bit fashionably late to your own party,” Fancy Pants said with a voice that sounded far more confident than it should have. He held his hoof over his chest and boldly proclaimed, “Besides, I had to make room for the very important engagement I had with my lover.”

Blueblood smiled, but his face soon began to ache when he glanced into the arch. He quickly put his hoof over his chest and felt the lump in his pocket, which at least gave him relief for half of a second. But the arch still felt like an obstacle.

“It’s going to be alright,” Fancy Pants said once more in that tone of confidence. There was a big smile on his face, and even Blueblood had trouble telling whether it was genuine or simply supportive. “Sweetheart, please just don’t worry. If something does go wrong, I highly doubt I’d be upset with you.” Fancy looked up and down the prince’s body. “You look beautiful.”

“You told me that already…” Blueblood looked away from Fancy Pants. He could feel his face warm up at Fancy’s gaze.

“I know. I’m giving you updates.” Fancy Pants’ grin changed to a smirk. He held out his hoof once more, and Blueblood stared at it. The prince swallowed hard and put a shaking hoof down onto Fancy’s own. Fancy Pants gave him a tug, and into the belly of the beast they went.

Blueblood found himself holding his breath when they went through the arch. It was as though all the air in his system had been sucked out of him until he remembered to breathe once more. The cobblestone turned to dirt, and Blueblood made certain not to kick any up and ruin his snow-white fur. On either side of the pathway there were rose bushes, fully in bloom and mesmerizing to look at.

“I guess nopony is really interested in flowers tonight.” Fancy Pants’ voice held a sigh. He smiled faintly when the scent hit his nose, but he was still on the same course for the room with all his guests. “I do hope Fleur isn’t worried about us.”

The sounds of the party grew louder, and Blueblood realized he could hear a violin. His ears perked up, and he looked at the light the building was giving off. The smell of food and drink hit his nose. The building was large, at least large enough to hold three dozen ponies comfortably for a party. The steps leading up to the doorway looked like a million and one, and Fancy’s hoof echoed like thunder when it pressed down.

“F-Fancy!” Blueblood wasn’t sure why he shouted, but the name slipped out. He gripped the fabric of his suit in his hoof and saw Fancy’s eyes fall upon him. The prince breathed in and out slowly, at least the best he could manage all things considered. He swallowed hard and bit down on both cheeks.

“What is it, Sweetheart?” Fancy Pants stepped down from the door. He put his hooves on Blueblood’s shoulders and looked into his eyes. “I’m right here, don’t worry.”

Blueblood’s eyes kept darting from the door to Fancy Pants. He struggled not to let his eyes water, but they did anyway. He closed his eyes to prevent Fancy Pants from seeing, and he began to count to ten in his head. When he opened his eyes, he stared at Fancy’s lips and, leaning forward, soon found them against his own. The kiss seemed to soften his muscles, but not completely. Fancy kissed him back in that moment, and right then, Blueblood’s head felt clearer than the sky.

Fancy pulled away after an all too brief kiss. “What was that for?”

“I… I wanted to remind myself why I’m doing all of this for a dirty old stallion.” Blueblood smiled. He wanted to kiss Fancy Pants again, but he knew it would only further delay the inevitable. At the very least, he was happy that Fancy kissed his nose before turning away.

The steps had faded from a thunderous echo to a dull click with every step the two took up the dozen stairs. The large white building before them looked purple in the light of the moon, though when Fancy Pants pushed at the door with help from his magic, the life inside the party seemed to quiet down.

Blueblood stayed in the moonlight for just a moment, as if afraid the artificial light from the party would burn him. He looked to Fancy Pants and somehow found the courage to risk stepping in beside his lover. While the room itself was very white with half a dozen windows and a crystal chandelier above their heads, it was indeed very hard to make out specific details with so many ponies around
ostly ponies of wealth and business, the few exceptions being a waiter or two who ran around and the three ponies playing instruments up on a pedestal-like center stage.

Everypony fell silent for Fancy Pants. Blueblood stepped in beside him and felt a hundred eyes on him. He tried to stand up straight the best he could and keep his chest puffed out despite his beating heart, but he could still feel nerves grip at him.

“Is that the prince?” he heard a voice whisper from the crowd. He swallowed a lump in his throat and tried to stare at Fancy Pants’ body, if only to look away from the crowd.

“Fancy!” A feminine voice called out from the crowd. A good majority of the crowd parted when the guest of honor walked into the room, though Blueblood couldn’t help but feel a large portion of the crowd was looking at him instead. He looked around, and sure enough he was the brightest-colored one in the room. Even the mares seemed to wear softer colors.

“Hello there, darling.” Fancy Pants looked around at the dozen or so ponies who had broken from the crowd to talk to the host. Fleur De Liss walked up to greet Fancy Pants personally.

“You are very late,” Fleur stated. “Almost thirty minutes. Hoity said he would start to get drunk without you.”

“And what a crime that would be.” Fancy Pants’ voice was different. He seemed confident talking loudly in the midst of a dozen eyes upon him. “I do apologize for being so late, everypony. I was in the middle of my journey here where I forgot I left my rose at home. Not to worry though. I found a backup.”

Fancy Pants looked to Blueblood with a genuine smile on his face. He adjusted his monocle when he looked back to Blueblood, and now the prince was sure ponies were staring at him. He held his breath for but a moment, noticing just how many eyes were widening at the sight of a prince at such a small event.

A pink mare in a large white hat eyed Blueblood, though his outfit seemed to be more of her concern. Blueblood tried to focus on the sound of Fancy’s voice as well as the violin in the air.

“What an outfit…” Blueblood heard a mumble from the crowd.

“Ponies please.” Fancy Pants lifted his hooves in the air and chuckled loud enough for everypony to hear. “Those of you who know me know I hate a party with all the focus in one area. Try to ignore my tardiness and just go back to having a good time.”

A few ponies slowly dispersed, but luckily most of them seemed happy with what little Fancy Pants had said. Those who remained asked a few questions that Blueblood hadn’t managed to pick up on. He did however still feel eyes drift to him and his red suit. While Fancy Pants was dealing with two older mares making small talk with him, he felt several ponies brush past him.

A hoof settled down on Blueblood’s cutie mark, and the prince had to try very hard to keep his body from instinctively kicking whoever was touching him. He did however jump around and smell a distinct smell of wine in the air. He saw a champagne glass being swirled around and wrapped in a grey hoof before his mind registered Hoity Toity standing next to him.

“I must say, you look even more handsome in that outfit than I imagined,” Hoity Toity giggled. He didn’t seem too drunk at the very least. Blueblood returned the smile with one of his own. “Though you stand out more than I thought you would. I’ve never see mares dress so drably.”

“Hello, Hoity,” Blueblood said with a tone that only contained a bit of relief. He was glad that there was at least one familiar face in the crowd tonight. “You’re not drunk already, are you?”

“Oh, I wish.” Hoity Toity looked to Fancy Pants. “Fancy over there would get mad at me if I got too out of it before he even showed up. But it looks like you’re going to be occupying most of his time tonight. How exactly are you holding up?”

“Well…” Blueblood looked down at his own body, and then looked into the crowd to see at least three ponies glancing to him. “It isn’t exactly common for me to attend parties outside the castle without the princesses very often. Honestly ponies with high class tend to have very little shame about these things.”

Blueblood grumbled under his breath while he forced himself to look away from the staring eyes. Hoity Toity looked to him by lowering his sunglasses and then looking into the crowd.

“And exactly how many of those have you had?” Blueblood jumped when he heard Fancy’s voice come from behind him. The stallion walked up to Hoity Toity and stared at his glass. Fleur was beside him with a content smile on her face, her dress green but not nearly as bright as Blueblood’s outfit.

“I think I’m beginning to get sick of ponies hounding me about that.” Hoity Toity shrugged his shoulders and downed the rest of the glass as if it were a shot. “That was one. I plan to have more.”

“Hoity...” Fleur’s eyes looked like she was enjoying herself, though a smile was not on her face. “You don’t want to repeat Fancy’s little incident from a few weeks ago, do you?”

“Do we have to bring that up?” Fancy Pants’ cheeks were a pale pink at the mention of that, but even Blueblood couldn’t help but chuckle. Fancy Pants looked to him with a hurtful expression that was so obviously fake Blueblood laughed louder. He covered his mouth with his hoof to keep from drawing too much attention.

“Why don’t the four of us just all get drunk together?” Hoity Toity suggested as he swirled the empty glass in the middle of the group. “The birthday colt is here after all. Might as well have some fun.”

“That sounds terribly irresponsible.” Fleur rolled her eyes.

“I think I’m going to have to pass on that one, actually.” Fancy Pants bumped up against Blueblood before he put his foreleg over the back of Blueblood’s neck. “I’m afraid I’m already booked up for the rest of the night. As much as I love to pretend I’m twenty.”

“You mean you don’t already with a boyfriend half your age?” Hoity questioned.

“J-Jealous?” Blueblood was surprised at even himself that he spoke up. Even if he did stutter the word, he managed to smile and feel Fancy Pants’ lips press lightly to his ear.

“Oh Celestia you’re picking up his stupid tongue,” Hoity Toity said before he let out an overly dramatic sigh.

Fleur’s eyes widened. She opened her mouth as if to say ‘oh’, but quickly shut up. She gave Fancy Pants a smile that reached her eyes and looked happier than Blueblood had ever seen her. It dulled down quickly, but she quickly looked to Hoity Toity.

“Let’s leave the two of them alone for a while, Hoity.” Fleur smiled and trotted over to Hoity Toity in three large steps. “We don’t want to interrupt their little date any further than we already have. We’ll have plenty of time to catch up later.”

“Thank you, Fleur,” Fancy Pants chuckled.

“But… Oh whatever.” Hoity Toity let a whinny past his lips. “You two owe me a night of drinking!”

“Now now,” Fleur soothed the stallion before she tugged on his dress shirt. “Let’s not bother the two for a while.” She gave Fancy Pants a wink before she managed to pull Hoity in the opposite direction. The two soon disappeared into the mass of the party, and Blueblood felt Fancy’s weight leave his shoulder.

“You probably don’t want to see me drunk again,” Fancy Pants chuckled, though his face was still pink. “Especially if we get in bed together. I’m awfully dirty when I’m intoxicated.”

“More than you already are, Dirty Old Man?” Blueblood grinned at Fancy Pants before he bumped gently into him.

“You wound me.” Fancy Pants put a hoof over his heart before he began to trot slowly. Blueblood was right at his side, trying his best to look to Fancy Pants every time he felt the eyes of the crowd fall upon him. Most ponies greeted him with a smile and occasionally a hoof shake, and once or twice Blueblood was actually complimented on his outfit. He found it difficult to respond, so Fancy usually just thanked them and moved on.

“This party feels like it’s hardly for you.” Blueblood glanced around. “It just looks like another gala… albeit much smaller… Ponies are looking at me a lot.”

“I enjoy regular parties.” Fancy Pants shrugged his shoulders. “And they’re only looking at you because you’re so beautiful.”

“Is that another update?” Blueblood asked.

“Hmm… no, I think it’s just a fact at this point.” Fancy Pants giggled. Blueblood could always feel his nerves die down at the sight of Fancy Pants’ smile. “I just enjoy the life of parties. Having you here by my side just makes it all the better… I usually make it a point to ask my guests not to bring presents and make it a relatively open invitation.”

“You invite a bunch of strangers to your parties?” Blueblood raised his brow.

“Strangers are just friends you haven’t introduced yourself to yet.” Fancy Pants grinned at his lover.

“What children’s book did you steal that one from?” Blueblood tried to bump up against Fancy Pants, but he was interrupted by a yellow unicorn in a suit holding a notebook and quill with his magic.

“Yes, hello Fancy Pants.” The stallion spoke fast, the quill seemingly ready to scribble all over the paper. “I was just wondering when we can find that beautiful suit on the market for us to buy. I’ve been talking to the ponies around here
they all adore it.”

Fancy Pants straightened out his bowtie, a chuckle on his breath as his public face returned. It wasn’t exactly a mask, but it was like Fancy had been given a new breath of life.

“Well you see, it’s not exactly something for sale. I did create it, yes, but it’s more of a gift.”

The quill was scribbling down, and Fancy’s eyes looked into Blueblood’s for a brief second. He smiled, and Blueblood’s chest felt looser.

“What exactly was the gift for? And why to the prince?” The reporter seemed more curious than before. He looked to Blueblood and gave a brief but polite bow of his head. “Your Grace.”

“I… I uh…” Blueblood looked to Fancy Pants and then back to the reporter. “It’s because… F-Fancy Pants wanted to give his new boyfriend a present.”

“Boyfriend?” The reporter’s face seemed like it wanted to smile, but it resisted. Blueblood nodded his head before he held his breath. “Really? Oh wow! Oh wow I’m going to get a million bits for being the first one to release this story!”

He seemed happy, and opened his mouth to ask more questions before Fancy Pants raised his hoof. The older unicorn shook his head. “Thank you, that’s enough,” he said politely. He grabbed Blueblood’s hoof and pulled him away from the reporter, and it was only then that Blueblood realized his heart was pounding.

“Boyfriend, huh?” Fancy asked. His voice sounded like he was about to tease Blueblood again.

“Well you are!” Blueblood snapped. Fancy laughed at him, and Blueblood merely tried his best not to break a smile and look irritated. Of course, he failed.

Fancy Pants backed up while he looked at Blueblood, a big smile still on his face until he accidently bumped into a mare.

“Oh, my apologies!” Fancy Pants quickly said to the mare. She simply gave him a smile and put her hooves on the shoulders of a stallion before her. Blueblood looked around and realized that at least three other couples were in the area, and it was only then did he realize the music was starting up again.

“We should probably clear the dance floor,” Fancy Pants said. His smile faltered for but a moment while he stared at Blueblood. He opened his mouth and adjusted his monocle, a laugh returning to fill the silence despite how nervous Fancy suddenly looked. “Unless… you would like to dance with me?”

Fancy Pants grabbed Blueblood’s hoof and took a step closer. Despite the two being relatively similar in height, Blueblood felt small. He looked at the hoof Fancy was holding and shut his eyes for just a second.

“You lead,” Blueblood answered.

“I warn you: I haven’t danced in an age.” Fancy Pants smiled at Blueblood when he put his hoof on the prince’s shoulder. The sound of violin broke the air in a bit of a faster tune than a slow dance, and Fancy pulled him along to the sound. The dance was just a bit faster than what he had practiced with Cadence.

Blueblood found feel Fancy Pants’ body press up to his every time their turned. His heart beat as fast as Blueblood’s own, and his grip was tight yet steady. Blueblood could feel the eyes from the crowd stare at him when he looked away from his own hooves, and for just a moment he accidently pulled the wrong way. A flush of embarrassment hit his face, and he wanted to close his eyes.

“Pay attention to me, instead,” Fancy Pants gently whispered into his ear when they were closer together. Blueblood forced himself to look at Fancy Pants. The smile he gave off was unlike any other feeling Blueblood had felt that night. Fancy swayed to the music and pulled Blueblood with him at another turn. At each strum of music, Fancy’s hips swayed from side to side, and he even began humming the tune. It was such a sight that Blueblood had to struggle not to burst into a fit of giggling.

“What, you don’t like my dancing?” Fancy Pants asked. He increased his speed and started moving with more energy. “I thought you of all ponies would love to see me shake my tail.”

“You look like a fool.” Blueblood giggled. Despite his own words, he found himself focusing on Fancy and swaying himself to the sound that filled his ears. When Fancy Pants gave him a smirk, it was all Blueblood could do not to laugh. He instead buried his face in Fancy’s shoulder and breathed in the scent of his cologne. Fancy was warmer than before, a damp feeling up against the tip of his ear when it brushed Fancy’s neck.

Blueblood looked into the crowd once more, but for the first time didn’t feel very bothered by all the ponies staring at him. He looked back into Fancy’s cyan eyes and could feel him slowing down with the music. The older unicorn was breathing heavily, and before Blueblood knew it, so was he.

“I envy your energy, Sweetheart,” Fancy chuckled when he dabbed at his forehead with his hoof.

Blueblood pressed his lips against Fancy’s own. He didn’t worry about the crowd staring, and simply decided he wanted to be there with Fancy Pants in that moment. It didn’t last too long, but Fancy’s moustache did indeed tickle his muzzle when he gave Blueblood another peck.

The music suddenly changed, greatly picking up in speed. Blueblood glanced to the stage and back to Fancy, seeing the unicorn’s ears lay flat on his head.

“Oh Luna no,” Fancy Pants laughed. He grabbed Blueblood’s hoof and dragged him off the stage. Oncethey were in the crowd, again he slowed down, snaking himself and Blueblood a path to the back. Blueblood’s heart was pounding for a different reason, and his face was beginning to hurt from smiling so much. They trotted up to the door, and Fancy pushed it open with his hoof.

“I’m sorry, Sweetheart. I need some fresh air.” Fancy Pants’ face was beginning to turn red. Blueblood followed him out the door and realized his lover was laughing. Fancy Pants sat on the steps and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket to dab at his forehead. “That was fun… tiring, but fun.”

Blueblood sat down carefully beside Fancy Pants. It was difficult to resist the urge to lean up against Fancy Pants’ side, so he didn’t bother. Fancy Pants’ warmth was pleasant, like a warm blanket.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Fancy Pants asked. He wrapped a hoof around Blueblood’s side and stared out into the rose bushes. “I mean… that dance wasn’t too much for you, was it?”

“Actually, I practiced with Cadence earlier… I’m glad Shining didn’t kick me for nothing.” Blueblood chuckled.

“I’m still waiting for the details on that, actually.” Fancy Pants pulled Blueblood a few inches closer and pressed his lips down on his ear. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

“As first public dates go, this is better than I thought it would be,” Blueblood said as looked down at his own hooves. “But it’s your birthday after all, and you’re enjoying yourself, right? I mean, I’m happy. I want you to be happy too.”

“I’m wonderful.” Fancy Pants’ put his other hoof on Blueblood’s chest. He leaned down and nuzzled his muzzle against Blueblood’s neck. The moustache tickled horribly, and Blueblood had to bite on his lip to not laugh. “I’m looking forward to my ‘gift’ tonight more than anything. Remember the one you promised back at the castle?”

“Oh can it.” Blueblood rolled his eyes despite knowing Fancy wouldn’t see. Just as a pair of lips pressed down onto his neck, he feltFancy Pants pull away. The other’s hoof patted down onto his chest and a frown soon crossed his face.

“What’s this?”

“F-Fancy, tha-!” Blueblood grabbed Fancy Pants’ hoof just as it began to reach into his coat pocket. Fancy Pants looked puzzled. He tilted his head and stared at Blueblood who was putting Fancy’s hoof onto the step. “I… I wanted to give that to you later.”

“Give me what?” Fancy Pants asked. “Oh, is it a present? Sweetheart, you didn’t need to buy me anything.”

“No it’s… well yes it is, but…” Blueblood groaned loudly. He reached into the pocket of his coat and fumbled around for a few seconds. “Why do you have to be so grabby?”

“It’s a sickness,” Fancy Pants admitted. “Tragic really. I have to grab handsome stallions at every waking moment or else I die.”

“Funny,” Blueblood stated without a trace of humor in his voice. He pulled out the item in his pocket and held it in his hooves. “Close your eyes.”

“Alright.” Fancy Pants smiled and closed his eyes. Blueblood grabbed Fancy’s hoof and placed upon it a small key with a chain around it. Fancy Pants opened his eyes and stared at the key for a few moments. “I… I uh… what is this exactly?”

“It’s a key,” Blueblood stated.

“Yes I know very well that it’s a key, but what for?” Fancy Pants was laughing. The key was golden with tiny blue gemstones at the handle. He turned it around in his hooves a few times before he looked to Blueblood with curiosity.

“It’s for… my room.” Blueblood smiled softly. He looked away from Fancy Pants, a hint of embarrassment hitting his face. “Sometimes I lock my door, and I don’t want anypony else to come in… I usually open it up when somepony knocks, but I’ve been thinking that… I always want to see you. No matter how bad I feel, I always want to see you. I-I know that you still need the guard’s permission to even come into the castle, and this doesn’t really mean that much. P-Ponies usually give each other house keys when they feel comfortable, right? I read that a few times in some books. I can’t exactly give you the key to the castle though.”

“I love it,” Fancy stated. There wasn’t a hint of uncertainty or doubt in his tone. Blueblood stopped babbling at once and could feel the relief hit his face. Without much warning he hugged Fancy Pants with a great deal of strength in his arms. Fancy held him back, and for just a moment the world was silent. He placed the key in his own breast pocket and pressed it over his heart.

“And I love you…” Blueblood said. Instantly, Fancy Pants’ muscles tightened, and Blueblood felt like he was nearly hit in the face by the beat of Fancy’s heart. “I love you, Fancy.”

“I… I love you too, Blueblood.” Fancy Pants pushed Blueblood away and held him at a foreleg’s length. That didn’t last long though, because their lips met under the gaze of the moonlight. Fancy held him throughout the kiss, a sort of hug that was tighter and more caring than Blueblood had ever felt before. When he pulled away, he kissed Blueblood’s cheek and giggled.

“What’s so funny?”

“Oh, I was just thinking how attractive you are right now,” Fancy Pants laughed. When he pulled away again, Blueblood saw him wipe at his eyes. “And wondering just how far we needed to go before I undressed you and touched you everywhere.”

“Oh, shut up!” Blueblood whined. He had never resisted the urge to laugh so hard in his entire life.

“I thought you liked being royally fucked.” Fancy Pants ran a hoof through his own mane.

“That joke still isn’t funny,” Blueblood complained. He jabbed his hoof into Fancy’s belly.

“You don’t like the idea of being with me in the middle of rose bushes? That sounds downright romantic to me.” Fancy Pants got to his hooves. “You are my rose after all.”

“It sounds more like a way to get thorns in very bad places,” Blueblood answered with a whinny. “I can’t believe you complained about getting older. You’re more immature than a teenager”

Fancy Pants opened his mouth to answer, but Blueblood saw his ears perk up at the sound of a much slower tune beginning from within the party. A grin crossed his face, and he held out his hoof to Blueblood. “I think I can handle a slow dance. How about you? We have the whole night ahead of us, after all.”

You’re the old man who pants after one dance.” Blueblood grinned. He grabbed Fancy Pants’ hoof and felt a rush of energy hit his body. Fancy took a single step, but Blueblood could feel himself trot faster. By the time they were at the top of the stairs, Blueblood was the one pulling Fancy Pants along.

“Are you ready for the rest of the night, Sweetheart?” Fancy Pants asked when he caught up to Blueblood.

“Of course.” Blueblood nodded his head and smiled at Fancy Pants. “I am your rose, after all.”

The door to the outside world shut, and Blueblood pulled Fancy along into the crowd. Fancy Pants’ gaze made him truly feel like a blossoming rose, though his heart had only recently bloomed. With Fancy Pants’ hoof in his own, Blueblood felt like he could face the world.


The End

Comments ( 19 )

*Stands up, heartily applauding* Brava magifica! That was wonderful! Well executed, well written, and well paced. You had taken an unlikely pair and made it into a believable couple.

Once again, brava!

WOW amazing just amazing! I wouldn't have ever thought of a more interesting couple, but you seemed to have shown me that they were meant to be together forever! Their commitment and love to one another is shown so well in their little quips about each other and supportivness to help one another! Good show! just amazing.. thank you for writing this its been a fun ride!:heart:

(P.S: if you make a sequel i swear i will throw a giggle fit of happiness!)

That was a great story. Good job. I can't to read any future stories from you.

I loved this story so much. Thank you kindly for your hard work.

Just powered through this story tonight finally... Absolutely love it!!! Definitely a top favorite for me. Kudos to you for making me like Blueblood especially. :twilightsmile:

6579915 Noooobody likes Blueblood but me.

6580323 you say nobody i say very rare ones like me

7596008 naw, he knows.

7596026 Yeah, not to brag like the sophisticated writer that I am (/s) but I think I excel in slow build up slice-of-life like stories. That could just be my excuse in not having the best hooks, but I really do enjoy writing slow build up's to character-based stories.

7596286 There is nothing wrong with a slow build-up as long as you keep a person interested. You managed to keep me just intrigued enough to get me to that hook point, which can be hard with slower paced stories so Definitely give yourself some credit.

Also, I'm done, this story was excellent... Your Blueblood, Was to me at least NOT the Blueblood we saw in the show, and yet he was close enough that I never doubted who he was supposed to be. Your characterization of him was excellent, him Shining and Cadance all three.

As for Fancy pants. Well, It's no wonder your prince was so smitten with him. I read the story as a recommendation from a friend because they insisted that I myself am "Just like fancy pants". They were right.

Overall, this was a great story, definitely one I'd suggest others read.


I tried reading this month's ago and couldn't get into it for some reason. Fortunately this time I could. Really good fic. Now onto the sequel.

7711348 ahahahaa...



7711792 not sure how that's your fault. First time around, it just didn't click with me. This time it did, and i'm glad I read it.

7714325 I meant more with the sequel being kind of a dead zone that I probably shouldn't have started >.<


7714518 well, regardless I enjoyed this story and the part of the sequel that's out.

Excellent story! Every time I start one of your multichapter stories, I say something like "Oh, I'll just read one or two, then take a break to do life stuff" and that turns into "Just one more chapter" annnd then it's hours later of continuous reading and I finish the story, and I'm not regretting it one bit.
I loved how you worked the character growth with Blueblood's and Shining Armor's relationship. Those were some rough waters to go through, especially for someone as emotional as Blueblood. Fancy Pants is such a sweet dirty old man! :rainbowlaugh: But seriously, so patient, kind, and loving, he balances out Blueblood well, but it never feels like he's 'lowering himself' by dating Blueblood either, since you have Blueblood be so well characterized that he never feels like a burden to Fancy, and that they love each other equally.
I really loved Hoity Toity, just the way you wrote him and imagining him saying those lines in his voice from the show made it an amazing experience! He never came across as the stereotypical "gay best friend/gay comic relief", yet I smiled at just about ever line he said! Just a fun character overall. Really wonderful characterization and story overall. Loved it!

I very much enjoyed this story! It's really nice to see some characters who don't usually get a lot of attention get some love. Seeing some gud gud M/M is always really nice, too.

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I rarely see stories about Blueblood being a decent pony without him being replaced by a human or having an adventure of sorts. Slice of Life stories like this that capture my attention are rare yet ones that manage to stay true to characters even more so. Blueblood is more often than not portrayed as the prime example of a spoiled prince who only thinks of himself. Yet your interpretation of him takes that image as a mask that he was raised to wear.

It doesn’t feel like he is a different character and adds depth to the stallion. The build-up to his relationship with Fancy Pants was paced well and never at any point felt rushed. You portrayed each character in a new light that I personally enjoyed reading, definitely one of my better reads in the Slice of Life genre.

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