• Published 2nd Jul 2014
  • 2,952 Views, 86 Comments

Odd One Out - NyxIsBestPony

When a Changeling Hatchling finds her way from the hive to Ponyville, she is met with fear at first, but soon a group of ponies take her in to care for her. Can they prove that she is different than the others, or will she be driven out due to fear?

  • ...

The Discovery


A young Changeling Hatchling raced around the corner and rammed into someone.

“Huh?” she gasped, looking up into the face of another Changeling.

The other Changeling glowered down at her. “What is the meaning of this?” he growled.

The Hatchling shrank away. “I’m sorry General Flare, I wasn’t watching where I was—”

She was cut off as someone squealed, “Draftie!”

The Hatchling turned and saw another young Changeling running towards her. “Drat!” she cried, “I wasn’t ready, Emerald!” she groaned, obviously irritated.

Emerald, who was oblivious to the fact that the other was annoyed with her, simply said, “I found you, so I get to be the love next, Draft!”

Draft rolled her eyes. “Personally, I don’t get why you want to be the love, being a Changeling is better; The Changelings eat the love, Emerald!”

Another Hatchling came up. He sighed. “You’re always taking things too literally. Seriously, Draft, Snake is right, you really do need to lighten up.”

Draft glared at him. “Ya know what, Coal? I’m just gonna pretend I didn’t just hear that and by the way,” her voice was continually rising as she spoke to him. “Someday, you will most likely be a drone. Meaning you will absorb the love from ponies, then return to the hive to give that love to Queen Chrysalis for her to share with the rest of the swarm.” Draft nodded her head for emphasis as she said this.

Emerald and Coal both tried not to laugh at the serious face the other Changeling was trying to pull off.

“You do realize that is months away, right?” Coal asked Draft.

“Well, of course I... JUST SHUT UP!” Draft was fuming as she stalked away. Coal and Emerald started cracking up.

“Well, when I’m older, I’m not gonna be a dumb drone," Emerald said proudly. "I’ll be a spy and live among ponies and get to know their weaknesses and I…” she broke off as she realized Coal was laughing at her.

“What?!” Emerald demanded, irritably quivering her tiny wings in indignation.

“You can’t leave the hive unless you’re a scout or a drone,” Coal laughed, “There are no spies, the scouts are the ones that go in search of sources of love for us to feed off of," Coal explained.

Emerald just glared at him. “I’m going to be a spy, just you wait and see!”

She raced off, furious that the Hatchling she had always thought of as her best friend had scorned her for wanting to be important someday. Maybe he’s right, maybe I’ll never be a spy… No, I know I never will. Emerald sighed, she knew Coal was right. Well, since I can’t be a spy for the swarm, I’m not going to be part of the swarm at all!


Twilight used her magic to get yet another book down from the shelves in her library. She glanced at the cover, rolled her eyes, and threw it onto the huge pile of books behind her.

“Ugh! I can’t find anything in any of my books!” Twilight glanced around. “Spike!” she called.

“I’m right he— Ow!” Spike came in just as Twilight hurled another book at the pile, but she had missed and hit him instead.

“Sorry, Spike.” Twilight said, turning to go through even more of the books.

Spike glanced from the book in his claws to the pile of books behind Twilight. “What’s with all these books?” Spike asked, rubbing his head.

“I’m trying to find even the slightest information on the Changelings,” Twilight said, without looking at him. “I need to know if there is a chance that they would attack Equestria again. We need to be prepared for anything.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “I really don’t think there will be any books about the Changelings here,” Spike told her, setting down the book. “I mean, I don’t think anypony even knew about the Changelings before the attack on Canterlot, and personally I think tha—"

Twilight cut him off. “I know that it is highly unlikely to find any books about Changelings here, but we have to try!”


Emerald fought her way through the pouring rain. Perhaps this wasn’t my best idea ever…

She slipped in a puddle of mud and tumbled down a steep hill, coming to a stop in an even bigger puddle of mud. By now, she no longer looked like a Changeling, but like a filly covered in mud.

“Oh, yuck!” She cried. “Why does everything have to go wrong?!”

“Hello?” An elegant voice called out.

Emerald froze.

“Is there somepony out here? Oh, if there is, please come here, I’d rather not get my hooves all muddy…”

“Oh, Rarity!” another voice chirped, “I’ll go out there if you won’t! I’m not afraid of a bit of mud!”

"No Sweetie Belle, it's past your bedtime, I suppose I'll have to get dirty..." Rarity sighed.

"Grrr....Fine, I'll go to bed."

Emerald heard hoof-steps fade and relaxed. But her relief didn't last long.

"Oh, yuck...Okay, whoever is out here, I am not very pleased that I'm having to do— Oh!"

Emerald stared up at a white unicorn mare with a violet mane and sapphire eyes.

"Tsk, tsk," the mare tutted, shaking her head. "Now look at you! you are so muddy, I can't even tell what color you are!" She exclaimed.

The mare's horn glowed pale blue as she lifted Emerald up with her magic.

"Now we most certainly must get you all cleaned up, Sweetie Belle has gotten in bed, and Opal has claimed the guest bedroom, so I suppose you would have to sleep in my room if you stay the night." The mare continued to ramble on as she got a bath ready for Emerald.

"There, all set, now it's about time you get cleaned up!" The mare set Emerald down in the tub and turned around to pick up the shampoo. When she turned around, however, she just let the bottle fall to the floor and the shampoo seeped out.

Emerald shrank back from the widened eyes of the unicorn. "P-please, I'll leave..."

The mare apparently hadn't heard her. "You're...You're a Changeling!"

Author's Note:

Emerald is not the answer to the question in the prologue about whether it's a Changeling or Alicorn. Glimmer was the real name of the character in the first chapter, and Emerald is the real name of this Changeling.