• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 6,834 Views, 395 Comments

117 The Eternal Guardian - Nanofield

Somewhat op Master Chief in pre NMM Equis.

  • ...

Chapter 15: One Journey Ends And Another Begins

^Somewhere In The Milky Way Galaxy^
Approximately 4,900 Years After Departure From Earth

Another empty star; the last empty star. Every single star in the galaxy, not a trace of him. Almost 5,000 years of space but I couldn't even find a signal. No use now is there? I'll just go home I guess.

Setting destination... Star name “Sol”... Destination set.

Estimated time of arrival at base speed... year 7502.

Initiating slip space jump in 3...2...1... Jump initiated.

Well, I have some time to kill till I get there. Might as well go over everything again. The Huragok's numbers have reduced to a few dozen. Nothing happened, just not many were needed. The small sentinel factory has been off for the last few thousand years because there are well over a thousand functioning units with about one hundred roaming the ship. The Midnight Dawn has enough firepower to take on High Charity at this point and make a decent offensive stand. That would, however, require a full crew to manage; something I don't have.

This ship is nothing compared to what humanity has likely accomplished in my 5,000 year absence. I myself am probably outdated at this point. Would they look at me like how I'd look at a floppy disk? Old and outdated, that's what I am.

Well, being a 5,000 year old A.I. is nothing to be ashamed of; especially one piloting a massive ship.

Well, nothing really to do for now.

Entering standby mode... set alert to slip space deceleration.

Standby mode on.....


ALERT... slip space exit imminent..................

Standby mode deactivating..............................

Start up failed...................................................

Reattempting start up.......................................

Start up failed...................................................

Warning!!! Critical condition of A.I. matrix detected

Reattempting start up.......................................

Start up faaaiiilllfaaaiiiifffffafafafafafafa.........

Start up successful

“That's disturbing.” Fully powered on, I take a look around. There is a Huragok floating next to the console. Running a few diagnostics on the ship's computers I see that a problem occurred in my sleep; a few circuits overloaded and blew up. This caused a few systems to malfunction during the start up process. I run a diagnostic to figure out how that happened. Till then, I turn to the Huragok that fixed the problem and give him a simple nod. No higher means of communication necessary because it is all rather superfluous. He knows I'm grateful and that is what matters.

Now to handle what I got here for. I take the ship out of slip space right next to... No, that can't be right; that is supposed to be Earth. But, it can’t be. The planet has a massive crack running down the side straight into the -no longer molten- center with bits floating around. The surface of the planet is desolate as the moon once was. The moon is not much better now that I look at it.

I run the basic scans I made while out looking; pointlessly I might add. Nothing pops up.

Almost ready to panic, I open up a communication broadcast. “Hello, hello this is UNSC Midnight Dawn. Do you copy?”

No response. Perhaps again? “Hello this is UNSC Midnight Dawn. Do you copy? Repeat, this is UNSC Midnight Dawn. Do you copy?” Still nothing; I cut the com link.

“AAAAHHHH!!! How could this have happened!?” I try to send out the same message to the other worlds, yet no response. “Nothing!” The human race is dead and I don't know why. Not even a trace of them is left. Perhaps if I stayed, instead of searching for John, I would have known what happened; could have stopped what happened. Not caring enough to turn off the communication system, I deactivate the projection sphere and just settle on the podium I keep it on. That is it, no more people, no more John, no more point.


Attention, message received.


Attention, message received.

But... that's impossible.

Attention, message received.


Attention, message received.

OK, I get it. Don't understand, but I get it. A message from somewhere.

Message opened

'For the answers you seek, find the center. Speak friend, and enter.'

Great, a riddle. It seems there is also something else here.


Now we're getting somewhere. I input the coordinates and head out. Soon I will know what happened. I will find out. I will find him.

Author's Note:

let's see who figures it out first.