• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 1,150 Views, 10 Comments

Storms - secret89

A particular storm has Rainbow Dash on edge.

  • ...

Chapter 1


Thunder boomed overhead. Lightning flashed across the night sky, while rain poured on, drenching the forest below. Wind gusts whipped through the trees, creating frightening howls that sounded more like banshees than the might of the storm. The storm had raged on for several hours, and showed no signs of stopping.

Below the storm, neatly tucked away in the wood was a small cabin. The rain poured atop it creating a rhythmic patter upon the roof of the small home. The wind roared out from the forest, buffeting loose screen doors and shutters upon the cabin with resounding thwacks. But those inside seemed unaffected, despite the noises that go bump in the night.

It was dark within the home, well past midnight, and long after those inside had gone to sleep. The dulled sound of rain upon the roof filled the home, creating a lazy and hypnotizing sound, despite the violence of the storm outside.

The inside of the cabin was plain, only the bare essentials within. Photos of individuals in multicolored uniforms in faraway lands marked the walls. Several small decorations and plaques also rested upon the rounded timber, words of congratulations and honor inscribed upon them.

The bedroom was much like the rest of the cabin. Plain and simple. A wooden dresser sat in one corner across from the door. Next to it was a single window, upon which the rain still flowed down in thick sheets. Opposite of the window was a television upon a stand, with a game console beneath and a scattering of cases, wires and controllers upon the floor. A rather messy closet was ajar next to the television stand, a large pile of multicolored uniforms upon the floor. A pair of tan boots stood rigidly next to them. The last piece of course was a simple, steel frame bed that sat on the other side of the window, its end resting under the window sill.

The lone occupant of the cabin slept within. Laying upon his side facing the inside of the room, his chest rose and fell soundlessly despite the constant booming of thunder.

Suddenly a rather obnoxious crash sounded from the hallway.

The sleeping man had been the only occupant.

The man shifted slightly, but remained asleep.

An muffled voice sounded from the hallway.


Rather peculiar footsteps sounded from the hallway, sounding much more like a set of four instead of two. They came in sharp clip-clops upon the wooden floor boards.

“Oops, gotta be more quiet.”

Light suddenly flashed from outside, followed by a sudden thunderclap that shook the cabin.

It was immediately followed by another crash and an awkward thud from the hallway. Rapid, scrambling clip clops soon followed.

“Dang-it!” Came the voice again, louder this time, from just outside the bedroom door.

The man in the bed shifted once again, but did not wake.

“Ponyfeathers! Keep quiet you wingnut!”

It was silent for a moment within the cabin, only the pitter patter of rain upon the roof and the low distant rumblings of thunder to be heard.

The door knob to the bedroom door rattled. Hollow scrapes sounded upon the door for a moment, followed by a clip-clop thudding against the floorboards.

An irritated sigh came from behind the door.

“Stupid door knobs. How do you use these things?”

The door knob rattled again. Slowly it began to turn.

“Almost... got it. There! I got i-oh ponyfeathers!”

The door suddenly swung open. The intruder fell into the room, collapsing onto the floor.

The man within the room moved a bit more this time, but it was clear that he was a heavy sleeper.

“Whew. Close call there.”

The intruder rose to her feet, or rather her hooves. A pony at three feet tall, she had a light blue coat that rivaled the summer sky, only to be complimented by a mane and tail that mimicked every color of the rainbow. Upon her flanks was an exaggerated lightning bolt of red, yellow and blue coming from a white cloud. But despite these already outlandish and what some might consider to be a cruel prank upon a miniature equine, they were not the most distinctive traits of this peculiar pony. A pair of large and majestic wings were folded at her sides, large feathers stretching back toward her tail.

She was a pegasus of Greek mythology. A creature that by all accounts shouldn't have existed. And one of higher intelligence it seemed, from the look in her magenta eyes and the rather colorful language that matched the mane upon her head.

Only several weeks ago she had appeared, dumped from the sky into the cabin's backyard. From there it had been a rather frightening and awkward introduction between herself and the human resident known as Michael. After the initial shock and revelation, he had offered to house Rainbow until she could find a way home. Always the suspicious one, Rainbow had been reluctant to take up the stranger's offer, but she didn't have much of a choice, given the circumstances.

But as far as Rainbow was concerned, this was ancient history. Right now, she was soaking wet.

Rainbow Dash looked herself over. Her coat was drenched, beads of water traveling down her legs into a small pool around her hooves. Her mane was slick against her head, partially covering her eyes while water dripped onto her muzzle. And to top off her soggy appearance, her water logged tail dragged awkwardly against the floor, seemingly determined to trip her up.

“Alright. Just need to find a towel.”

Rainbow stumbled through the dark room. Splotches of dulled light streamed through the window from an outside lamp post, but it did little to illuminate the room.

Lightning cut across the sky, pouring a momentary flash of silver light into the room. Immediately a large thunderclap followed.

Rainbow yelped as she jumped in fright. Her heart raced and her tail twitched in agitation.

She growled under her breath. “Towel. Just get the towel.”

She could still feel the after effects of the scare in her chest, but did her best to ignore it.

Towel. Towel. Towel. She drummed in her head, angry with herself.

Rainbow turned toward the closet. “Okay, I think he said there were some in here...”

As she plodded through the room toward the closet, her hoof bumped into something on the floor.

Immediately she was blinded by a glowing white light.

“Gah!” She barely suppressed a scream.

Like a thief caught in a spotlight, Rainbow staggered about in the glowing light of the television. Stunned, she stumbled backward, catching her hooves in the wires on the floor. Without sight and suddenly unsteady, she twisted about, further entangling herself in the cords, all the while exclaiming in awkwardly silent swears.

“Urgh, ponyfeathers!” Rainbow silently cursed as she tried to free herself from the wires, but only succeeded in trapping herself further. Com'on...you...dumb...things!” She said through gritted teeth, as she somehow managed to entangle her wings between the cables. She twisted and turned, stumbled and hopped about, but it only made her predicament worse.

“Get off!” She hissed in frustration, shooting her wings open.

It was a poor decision.

Her wings still entangled pulled at the wires and suddenly yanked at her hooves. Rainbow realized too late as she felt herself falling.

Oh crap.

She fell, landing on her back with a muffled thud. Immediately her forehooves went into air, pulling the coiled wires toward her and promptly smacking herself in the face with a controller.

Rainbow lay on the ground, covered in wires, with a distinct feeling of lost dignity. She stared up at the ceiling as her eyes slowly recovered from the blinding light. She could feel her nose throb and slowly begin to swell, along with a telling warmness.

And she was still wet.

Rainbow let out a low groan.

“Greab. Jub greab.”

She put a hoof to her nose, gingerly prodding it. Small drops of blood marked her hoof.

Sighing, she slowly stood up, carefully unraveling herself from the coiled wires.

Finally free, she observed the evil device that had so cowardly stunned her.

However, she only managed to take a few steps as another flash of light filled the room.

Rainbow jumped as another thunderclap boomed overhead. Her coat stood on end and despite that it was still soaking wet, she could feel her tail suddenly become all bushy.

Her jaw clenched as she hung her head in shame. “D-dangb-ib,” she said weakly through chattering teeth, shaking slightly as she walked toward the closet. “S-stubid t-thunber...”

Rainbow looked up. Clothes hung to the left and right. A series of shelves were in the center above her with a smaller dresser beneath them. Several folded towels sat upon the first shelf.

Okay, just get the dumb towel and dry off. Then I'll, I'll...

Rainbow shook her head, frowning.

Looking upward she took a moment to gauge how high her target was. Cautiously she pushed herself up onto her hind hooves, resting her forehooves on the dresser. “Cob on...” she said, reaching her forehoof toward the towels. The tip of her hoof brushed against the towel, but she couldn't grasp it, even as she strained to reach higher.

“Grrr...!” She growled, before finally sighing loudly and dropping to the floor.

Resting on her haunches, she looked up at the towels. She couldn't jump or fly for fear of making too much noise. She sat silently on the ground, just staring at the towels with a scowl, as the rain continued to echo through the cabin.

“Bine. Forgeb ib,” she said. “I'lb jub sib 'ere. In theb darb.”

Slowly her scowl faded. If Twilight or Rarity were here they'd just use their magic to get the towel for me.

A sorrowful and pained expression overtook Rainbow. She bowed her head with drooped ears. Her wings lay on the ground from her sides without care.

AJ would just buck the wall and they'd just fall off the shelf.

Drops fell from Rainbow's face, but this time it wasn't rainwater.

Or... Pinkie would...

She clenched her eyes shut, sniffing and hiccuping weakly.

Or... or Fluttershy...

Her body began to shake, but it wasn't from the chill of being wet.

“I'b wanb to go homb,” Rainbow whispered, as she began to silently cry.

“Rainbow are you alright?”

Rainbow gasped aloud, her hooves scraping at the floor as she scrambled around.

Michael looked down at her. He had a thin but athletic build, with short brown hair and green eyes. Dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, he had apparently woken from the noise. Bags hung under his eyes, but there was a distinct worry on his face.

“Michael!” Rainbow exclaimed wide eyed. “I'b sorby! I dibn't mean to wabe you ub! I jub neebeb a towel!” She said quickly, trying to hide her reddened eyes with her hooves.

“You're soaking wet and your nose is bleeding,” Michael said pointedly, taking a knee in front of her. “What happened? Are you alright?”

“Yeb! I'b fibe!” Rainbow lied, still trying to hide her tears. But the quivering of her hooves betrayed her. “I'b fibe...”

“No, you're not,” Michael said softly. “I heard you crying.”

Rainbow hung her head, sniffing aloud.

“You want to talk about it?”

Rainbow didn't reply, still too ashamed and stubborn to admit she had been caught crying.

Michael sat crossed legged on the floor in front of Rainbow, patting the spot next to him. He smiled lightly. “Com'on, why don't you tell me why you're all wet.”

Rainbow looked up at Michael for a moment, her eyes still red. Slowly she walked next to him, resting once more onto her haunches.

For a several minutes it was quiet, only the sound of rain to be heard. Michael didn't say a word, simply sitting next to Rainbow. After a while, she spoke up.

“I wab trybing to breab ub the storm.” Rainbow said flatly.

Michael didn't say anything, opting to listen.

Rainbow continued. “Bub when I trieb to, I... I coubn't. The cloubs, I coubn't touch themb, I coubn't stob the lighbning or the bwind...”

Lightning and thunder erupted outside once more.

Rainbow jumped slightly again. She whimpered, fresh tears dropping to the ground.

“So you're afraid of the storm?” Michael asked.

Rainbow jumped to her hooves, rounding on the human with a scowl on her face. “I'b a weaber pebabus! Pebabi aren'b afraib of storms! Whab kind ob weaber pebabus ib afraib ob a storm?”

Michael simply looked at her patiently.

Slowly Rainbow's scowl faded as she sat down once more. She bowed her head again. “I'mb sorry.”

Michael smiled, putting a hand to her back. She shivered slightly. “It's okay. But is that why you're so upset?”

Rainbow sniffed again, looking up. “Yeb. No. I dunnob.” Rainbow was quiet for a moment before speaking again. “I can breab up stormbs back in Ponyville. I guess ib just mabe me mab, thab a cabn't do ib here and thinking aboub home, and thab I'm stubck here.”

Rainbow sniffed again, taking a deep breath. For some reason she found it easier to talk. Maybe it was the hand rubbing her back, or the fact that she was releasing all the pent up frustration from the past few weeks. Either way, she felt physically lighter, more relaxed.

“I wab only mab. I came in so I coulb geb a towel. I coubn't reachb them though. And then I thougbht aboub my friends and how they coub helb me ib they were here. And howb mubch I mibb them...” She trailed off. “I jub wantb to go home.”

Michael nodded his head. “Okay, I think that makes a little more sense. I was a little worried actually. For a while it seemed like you weren't bothered about being here.”

Rainbow sighed. “I don'b wantb anypony to see me libke dis. And I don'b like beeling weabk.”

Michael shook his head. “It's not a weakness Rainbow. I know you're a proud little pegasus-”

“Libble pebabus?” Rainbow arched a brow at the human.

Michael chuckled. “Okay, awesome pegasus, but it's good that you're upset. It means you care about your home and your friends. They're important to you.”

Rainbow smiled for the first time that night. “Yeah... theyb are.”

A more serious expression came over Michael. “And I promise you, I'll do everything I can to help you get home, okay?”

Rainbow nodded. “Thanbks.”

She sighed, a grateful smile on her face. It felt like somepony had taken a great weight off her shoulders.

Michael smiled back at her, giving her a pat on the back. “No problem. Now,” he stood up, reaching for one of the towels, “let's get you cleaned up.”

A slightly embarrassed look overtook Rainbow. “Uh, I canb do ib myselb...”

Michael sat back down, draping a towel over her backside. “Just sit still will ya?”

“Fibne,” Rainbow said with a frown. However, it was soon replaced with a sheepish smile as Michael proceeded to dry off her back, mane and tail.

“There we go. All dry. Mostly.”

Rainbow looked herself over. Michael had done a pretty good job helping her with her mane, back and tail. It didn't look great, as now everything was all poofy and frizzy, but at least she wasn't soaked anymore. Everything else she could take care of herself.


“Don't thank me yet,” Michael said. “I'll be right back.”

Rainbow looked confused as Michael walked out of the room. In the meantime she dried the rest of herself off.

Michael returned with a small white box with a red cross on it. Sitting down next to Rainbow once more, he opened it, pulling out some cotton balls and gauze.

Michael leaned in close toward Rainbow. The sudden proximity took her by surprise, and she could feel her face heating up slightly. “Umb, Michael? Whab are you doing?”

“Still need to clean up that nose of yours,” he said, staring at her muzzle. He leaned back, suddenly smiling devilishly. “Right now you sound way too adorable.”

Rainbow jumped to her hooves. “Hey! I'b don'b sounb adorable!”

Michael laughed. “You're only making it worse Rainbow.”

Rainbow sat down again, sticking her tongue out at the impromptu medic.

“What did you do to it anyway?” He asked, unraveling a strip of gauze.

“Umb...” Rainbow fidgeted. “I bell down.”

Michael arched a brow. “That's it? You fell?”

“Bwell, nob exacbtly.

“Oh I gotta hear this,” Michael said. “Spill it.”

Rainbow reluctantly proceeded to inform Michael of her 'fall'.

“Telb anypony and yourb deab,” Rainbow said icily.

Michael smirked. “I have no idea what you're talking about. Now hold still, this will only take a sec.”

Rainbow became very still as Michael put a hand under her chin. Despite his instructions, she couldn't help an involuntary smile.

Michael put a cotton ball over her right nostril, then fastened it in place with gauze that wrapped around behind Rainbow's ears and neck.

“Well, it doesn't look pretty, but it'll get the job done,” Michael said, winking at Rainbow and giving her a pat on the back. “Swelling should go down on its own.”


Michael stood up, yawning loudly. “Right, well I'm dead tired,” he said, shutting off the television and walking over toward his bed. “See ya in the morning.”

Rainbow didn't move. Despite everything that had transpired that night, something still bothered her.

“Umb, Michael?”


Rainbow's shuffled awkwardly in place, looking at the floor. Come on, just say it you moron!

Unfortunately the storm decided for her.

Lightning and thunder erupted overhead, the most violent yet.

Rainbow jumped at the boom. She sighed. “Ponyfeabers. Can I sleep in your bed tonight?”

Michael rolled his eyes, sliding into bed. “Sure, com'on.”

A massive grin appeared on Rainbow's face and she hopped in place. A mortified look suddenly came over her. “Um. You dibn't see thab.”

Michael chuckled, making space on the side of his bed.

Rainbow walked over and jumped into the bed. Lying down she curled up next to Michael, her back leaning into his side.

“Night Dash.”

“Night Michael.”

Several minutes passed.

“Michael?” Rainbow whispered.

But her friend was already asleep. She could only feel his slow breaths on the back of her mane.

Rainbow smiled. It didn't matter if he was awake or not. “Thank you. For everything.”

Soon she too found herself lost to sleep.

The storm raged on. Lightning and thunder continued to erupt overhead, assaulting the little cabin nestled in the woods below. But no longer did they haunt the stranded pegasus. Thanks to the calming presence of her new found friend.

Author's Note:

Hello all!

I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it. This little piece of fluff got stuck in my head, and I couldn't pass up writing it. That and I think it did me some good to write something else besides Legacy of the Pegasi, change up the creative juices and whatnot. Not to worry though, I do have a decent amount for the next chapter of LoP, and I'll be getting right back to it.

As always, any and all criticism is welcome. I might have dragged out the end a bit, but I'll let you be the judge of that. Please let me know if Rainbow's speech due to her little injury made sense. I'll edit it if necessary.

Until next chapter!


Comments ( 9 )

While the premise pf the story itself was interesting...

What reall got me to read this was because I was wondering what kind of story a guy whose avatar is Theordore Roosevelt could write. :derpytongue2:

Random, I know. Anyways, the story itself is actually interesting and actually establishes the story well for starting off in medias res. And for a pony on earth. Rainbow isn't stupidly out of character; she seems to act and react as she normally would. And the human acts... normal.

Well, TR happens to be my favorite President. Sorry, I have no humorous story to explain Mr. Roosevelt's presence on a site dedicated to ponies. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm glad you enjoyed the story. My main goal was to illustrate the aftermath of her actions of trying to subdue the storm. For the reader to only view the periphery of the real problem Rainbow has (one she was at the periphery herself). It only becomes apparent why Rainbow is really afraid after her frustrations get the better of her and a friend prods her enough.

Glad you found the characters sufficiently 'normal'. I just wrote what made sense given Rainbow's situation.

4589836 Pshaw, Teddy is so awesome he needs no explanation. :twilightsmile: (Check out the Mike Resnick Weird West books, They're set before Theodore took office and are really good fun.)

Cute and sweet. I found the injury to her nose a bit confusing. At first she acts like it's a simply bump with a few drops of blood, but then she's sniffling without issue and he's putting cotton around it, which to me implies more swelling and a serious injury.

Still very enjoyable.

“Greab. Jub greab.”

Okay, here's what I got.

This story felt a bit long, like it could have be shorter. But that's really not a big deal.
Also, the idea isn't terribly original, but I like the way it was handled.
Other then that, this was pretty good.

8.5 out of 10 :ajsmug:

Thank you magical talking microwave!:rainbowlaugh:

In all seriousness, I appreciate your honest review. I agree, not the most original idea, but it was more of a spur of the moment story. Honestly I'm a little surprised anyone is still reading it, let alone reviewing it, especially since my main story is Legacy of the Pegasi.

Regardless, I'm glad you liked it.

This was awesome, nicely done man, nicely done!

Aww...Poor Rainbow Dash. *Hugs Rainbow Dash* :heart:

An interesting story. Short and simple, but still a pleasant read with a little bit of emotion. Rainbow’s speech surprised me a bit for a moment, I thought she was speaking in such funny way because she held something in her mouth, but in the end, it was a very nice detail. :twilightsmile:
The only minor issue that I found were some mixed up uppercase letters in dialogue tags. I can explain more if you wish :pinkiesmile:

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