• Published 26th Jun 2014
  • 2,775 Views, 201 Comments

How the Other Half Lives - Adda le Blue

A gender-dysphoric pony tests the waters at the expense of his, or her, classmates.

  • ...







“Is that Prench?”

Alpha turned to find Fae peeking over her shoulder. “It comes from Haybrew, actually,” she smiled self-consciously. “It, um... It means 'grace',” she said with a duck of her head.

“Grace?” Fae smirked. “Maybe you should find something more fitting.” Alpha took the jab with a soft chuckle and her quill marked a line through that name as well. “Where did you come up with a name like that?” she asked. “Have you studied Haybrew culture?”

“No, but I've looked into a lot of names that sound similar enough to my own.”

Fae made an interested noise deep in her throat. “Why just those?”

“Well, I don't want to cause too much confusion when I take a new one. Besides...” Her quill dipped into the inkwell, then paused in its ascent to hover a few inches above the surface; she watched as the loose ink traveled slowly down its length to bead at the point. “What will my mom and dad think if I throw away the name they gave me?” The bead of ink fell, splashing against the rim of the inkwell to scatter a few minute droplets onto the surface of the desk.

“You're a gr– adult,” she countered. “You don't have to worry about what your parents will think.”

“I'm not worried that I'll anger them,” Alpha explained. “I'm sure they'll understand and try to support my decision in their own ways.” She didn't see Fae's sudden smile. “But they gave me that name because they felt it was right; because they wanted me to be able to write down my name and say, 'this is who I am'. I can't just tell them that they feathered up and pick my own, so...”

Fae nodded and peered over the list. “So you'll compromise.”


“Then...” She reached over Alpha to poke a certain name with a hoof. “Why 'Cornflower'?”

Alpha grinned sheepishly. “Because I'm blue and they're pretty.” Fae chuckled and wrapped her pale forehooves around Alpha's neck. “I don't know. I've written lists like this so many times, but for the most part I seem to write the same few names, in the same order... I just can't seem to find the right one for me.”

“You don't have to find one today.”

“I truly feel that I do.” The quill tapped twice against the rim of the inkwell and floated to stand poised against the parchment once more. “Today is the day Alpha passes the baton to the mare he always wanted to be.”

“But Alpha, this isn't a decision to be taken lightly.” Fae's golden light held the quill fast. “What if you make a choice only to realize after you change all of your official paperwork that it was the wrong decision?”

“I know...”

“You shouldn't make a rash decision at the spur of the moment.”

“I'm not!” Alpha tugged at the quill until Fae released it, but once freed it paused once more. “You know what?” she said softly. “Maybe I should.”

“What?” Fae blinked at her in consternation. “Alpha, don't be silly.”

“You know me,” she smiled. “All of my best work is spontaneous.”

“This isn't a short story, Alpha. This is your life!”

“That's right, and it's time I make some changes!” Her quill slapped against her notepad. “I spent so long thinking about what it would be like to live as a mare that I ended up hating the life I had out of spite. I wanted to ask you to make that exchange for weeks but all I managed to do was convince myself that you'd stop being my friend if I told you about myself, so then I thought some more until I came up with a 'fool-proof' plan you witnessed last night.” The notepad fell to the surface of the desk. “I need to stop thinking and planning and start living.”

Fae watched her with her ears laid back and a twisted expression on her muzzle. “Perhaps you're right,” she said meekly. Her legs slid from Alpha's neck down along her barrel to hold her just beneath her forearms. She rested her chin in the crook of Alpha's right shoulder. “It's your life, Alpha. Do what you think is best.”

Alpha lifted the quill once more and ran it along the list of names. “Stop thinking and react,” she muttered to herself.

'Delta'. Too firm. Too... sharp. 'Anna'? She's right. On my bad days I'm as graceful as a boulder falling down a mountainside.

“Stop thinking... React...”

'Cornflower'...Such a pretty flower, but even if I do make myself look that pretty, 'blue' is not who I am. It does roll off the tongue, though...

“Be spontaneous...”

Her eyes lit up with the sudden light of inspiration. Alpha flipped to the next page; upon it the quill traced three simple letters.

Fae watched her work with a blank expression that didn't change as the two studied the name. “Ada,” she said softly, tasting the word. “It's not a bad name.”

“It comes from the old Germaneighic 'adel', meaning 'nobility',” she explained.

“Well, aren't you pretentious,” Fae snickered. “Why Ada, though? You've already crossed it out. What made you change your mind?”

“Oh, I don't know,” Alpha beamed. “The inspiration just came to me...” She waggled her eyebrows. “'Ada' the blue!

An unladylike snort ripped through the air. Fae threw a hoof to her forehead and broke into gales of laughter. “Really?” she exclaimed. “You're going to base your new identity on a bad pun?”

“Hey, it fits,” she giggled. “You know how much I love a good plot twist.”

“Yes, but still...” A faraway look had come over Alpha's eyes. “What is it?”

She shook her head and tried to hide a satisfied smile. “I really need to work on those transformation spells,” she muttered.

Fae's eyes widened. “Plot twist? Really? You dog!” she laughed, smacking her in front of the ear with a tendril of magic. “Get your mind out of the gutter. We have to speak to the Princess soon!”

'Ada'... She wrote the name again slowly, the tip of her quill gliding around each loop and along each peak. “And my parents, and my roommate...”

“I think you owe Brie an apology,” Fae added, “not to mention that poor stallion.”

Alpha sighed. “It's going to be a long day.” It was a good name, but it wasn't perfect. Something looked off. What if I...

“Don't worry, Alpha.” Fae's grip around her neck tightened for a brief and warm second. “I will be with you every step of the way. This is more important than a test.”

Her cheeks flushed as the warmth of gratitude washed over her. She covered her friends' forehooves in her own, rested the quill and the notepad on the desk and sighed in contentment. “Thank you, Fae I couldn't have asked for a better friend.”

Fae just smiled and climbed off of her. “Now, there's no point in putting it off, is there?” she asked. “Are you ready, Alpha?”

She stretched her forelimbs and arched her back to work loose a few knots before rising to her hooves and nodding slowly. “Please...” She lifted the pad into the air and beamed at her new signature; finally, after so many years, it was just perfect. “Call me Adda.”

Comments ( 114 )

We did it! :pinkiehappy: We finished it with five minutes to spare! I can't believe it. That was... Wow. I don't even know. I'm delirious from lack of sleep I don't know what else to say, so I'll just...

Thank you so much, everypony. All of the gratitude to my prereader, Bassline and Melody, who kept me on the right track and put the hordes of errant pronouns back in their place and was just generally awesome; you, the readers, who made this struggle worthwhile; and GreenPony, Kaidan, the Abyss, and the others who hosted this contest and gave me a reason to write this story.

Leave me your thoughts here or over PM, if you'd like. I'd love to hear what you think of the story, the subject, or anything else you please. I can't promise that I'll get back to you tonight - I have to be up for work in three hours and I've been on the brink of passing out for four hours already - but I'll get back to you when I can.

Seriously... Thank you all so much. I love you guys. :ajsmug:

Wow, Adda. Talk about self insertion! We've never seen it so bad! First the birch beer tipped us off, but this last scene? Are you kidding?! Let's play a game! It's called "Let's see how many times we've facehoofed while reading this scene!" One, two, three, four, five, six, seven...

Also, that picture of Bulk is adorable!

Great story, wish there was more.

You loved it and you know it. :raritywink: See why I said the tenth scene was special?

Oh, the rest of the story isn't worth turning into a narrative. I've been out as both transgender and pansexual for a few years (in fact, the only reason I never specified here on Fimfiction is because I'm so used to everypony knowing, haha) and I haven't run into trouble yet. If all goes well it'll stay that way! :pinkiehappy: Thanks for reading, enittnepreS.

Now that was a personal story. We could kinda what was coming since the birch beer thing, eh?
It was really enjoyable to read, a good example of a clop done with some taste. And at times as akward as it gets. :twilightblush:
Liked it very much.

Sequel please! Doesn't have to be clop though! I enjoyed the story. :twilightsmile:

4630308 Yes. I did love it. A lot. At some point, I'm going to have to change my top five favorites list, because this blew every single one of them out of the water. Hay, to make this analogy more accurate, it blew them out of the water with such force, that the water no longer exists.

I thought that some of my friends here would pick up on the little hints, haha.

I'm so glad you liked it! It wasn't easy to write, but it was easily the most rewarding. I've already spoken to somepony who read it and learned something about themselves; they're now coming to terms with their own gender-fluid identity and they seem to be happier for it! That's why I wrote it. I wanted to help those who wonder know that being out is not so bad, and it only gets better.

I don't think I have a sequel to write! What would it be about? Adda and Fae have begun to find their balance again. Adda's transition from male to female was largely uneventful; most of the ponies she's met have accepted her choice with open arms, and the others with a few stares and little more. If she needs a therapy group, there's always the LGBT group. I just don't know if there's another story to tell! Thanks for your interest, though. :twilightsmile: It means a lot to me.



That's... sweet of you. Especially since you didn't even read the ninth chapter. Maybe the story can stand on its own; maybe it's more than just a clopfic. I hope any future readers will agree. Um... Thanks. :heart: Again.

4631770 Oh but there IS a story to tell a transition itself is never without any bumps along the way and there are stories out there explore on that prospect you might as well no? Anyways I truly enjoyed this though and as I said please do make a sequel! ^^

Wow, you must have really liked it! :pinkiehappy: Sorry, hon; I'll think about it, but I can't draw from my own experience for something like that. I was lucky enough to have a family who understands and accepts my identity and friends who want to take me dress-shopping. I live in a town on a major drug line so anypony I tell generally says "that's cool" or doesn't have the energy to get angry! :twilightsmile: My transition thus far has been nearly drama-free. I think I'll leave the sequels to those with stories to tell.

4630308 Wait, you're transexual? I was wondering what all these comments were about...

4631919 Well you don't have to draw it out of own experience most books in the world are fictional after all! And cool that you are transsexual too! I am as well. :twilightsmile: I'll still hope for a sequel though! :pinkiehappy:

4632259 If I might ask, why? I'm not criticizing it at all, not one bit, I totally support it, but why? I'm quite curious...

4631770 Truth be told, it made me think about... stuff, and that's good, you know the story has some impact if it makes you really think.
The subject is not exactly the easiest one to talk about, so it's nice to see it pulled off so well.
For some reason I expected to see Cappucino on the names list. Weird.

4632355 Why people are transsexual you mean? Well it's not really a choice you know people get the wrong brains to match the body there is also scientific evidence that a natural female's and transsexual female's brain are identical. And since doctors have yet to find a way to change what a brain thinks they change the body instead. So you see not much of choice really, transition and get shit from people that don't like it or live out the rest of your live being unhappy.

4632489 So... It's basically a personal feeling not matching up with the genetic chromosone? That makes sense. An individuals mind is not limited by the constraints of genetics a lot of the time, making that a rather sound theory... But what I meant, was why did you do it? Or is that too personal to ask? I have considered changing genders, but I'm not sure what the end product would be like, and if it's truly what I want. I'm still thinking about it. I'm only 17. I don't have to choose now...

4632503 Well why I did it is because I would end up killing myself anyway out of the sheer misery living as a man is for me; I've attempted suicide twice stood on the edge of 30 story building but somebody pulled me back just as I was about to jump and trying to hang myself but I broke the rope... So yeah not exactly the life I wanted to lead (I was 15 at the time right now I'm 16).
After I made some changes I feel a lot better.
Now for the advice part I'm going to give you; if you aren't sure if you want to transition go to a psychiatrist specialised in gender dysphoria they will help you figure out what you need.
Please do stay in touch with me I'd like to hear from you on how you are doing with this and how it progresses I know it was very hard for me and you might need someone. :heart:
Also the end product is hard to predict but things like eventual breast size and such can be derived from looking at your sisters or mother. And you are right about not having to choose right now since you are 17 but truth be told it does help with the end product if you do it earlier. If I could go back in time and do one thing different it would be telling my prepuberty self to tell my parents about how I feel so that my puberty could have been stopped so yeah... No real sense in delaying it.

4632581 Wow... You're only 16? How did you parents take it? Personally, I'm not at that stage, I just feel wrong... Like, you know that feeling when your clothing is too tight, or too loose? That's whaty it feels like, except with my body... I don't want to be a guy all my life, that's for sure, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to commit to the other side... I... I just don't know.

4632602 My dad handled it rather my mother was quite upset and hopes I'm just gay instead
Also you don't have to be a guy or a girl. The first thing they told me at my intake session was that there isn't a gender binary but a gender spectrum (try to imagine a line from masculine to feminine and all the things in between) so if you are sure you don't want to live as a man but not sure if you want to commit to being female that is ok you can be something in between. :twilightsmile:

4632627 But... How? What do I do? I know my parents wouldn't take it well... And I don't want to have like, all the man stuff... I want to be female. Full on female. But I don't know how to do it without changing my lifestyle, which I'm not ready to do... I really want to just wait until I'm out of high school.
Basically... I'm a guy who wants to be a girl, but doesn't know how to get an operation without risking my entire life.
Oh... And if you don't mind... can I see a picture of you? If you're okay with it, I mean. It doesn't even have to be here... I just want an idea.

4632639 Well your parents will just have to deal with it is your life and after 1 year more you are a legal adult and can do whatever you want. Waiting 1 year more is no biggie you can go visit a psychiatrist already though that should speed things up a bit and about the pictures well I found a pic from when I was 15 but it isn't that good and the lightings bad and I have a good pic from now.
I did have the advantage that I always had a feminine kind of face though so results may vary.

Before at 15

After at 16

4632824 Well, I won't be leaving the house until I'm abotu 9, as my parents and I made a deal that Ican stay in the house for an additional year, to work at my job and collect money for uni.
Also, you look good in that second picture. The only real male characteristic is the jawline.

I have to say I really enjoyed this story and also the comments. This is definitely going to go into my pile to reread as I'm drawn towards fics that cover this kind of topic as I have a friend dealing with this and I am dealing with something in a similar vein. So its always great to see these stories and even better to find out its basically a self-insert. (btw great to hear you're not getting much hate if any from people close to you, and hope all those in similar situations manage to get what they need to live the life that suits them.)

4632831 Well thank you for your compliment :twilightsmile: and it's true my jaw line is fairly angular though there are also small surgeries to fix even that, but tbh I don't really feel the need to.
And by the way you can guess how your parents might react but you wouldn't actually know until you tell them or you could try to bring up the subject of transsexuality with them to find out what they think about it. Anyways good luck with everything and do keep me updated! Also if you ever need someone to talk to when you are feeling down (or happy :pinkiehappy: ) you can always message me. :twilightsmile:

4632946 Except that I'm the only 'straight' guy left in my immediate family. My brother left, and he's married to another guy, and my parents never talk to him. I call him some times... I'm going to wait until I move out to do it, and just suck up the depression until then, I guess.

4632259 It's amazing how many of us there are here when you start paying attention. :derpytongue2:

4633147 We simply assumed that you found this through the Transgender Bronies group. It made the most sense.

Yes indeed! I'm either a trans woman or the closest gender-ambiguous thing to it.

Small world! :twilightsmile: Well then, instead of waiting for a story that probably won't come and probably wouldn't be interesting if it did, why don't you write your own take on the transition process?

That's all I could've asked for. :twilightsmile: What kind of stuff are you thinking about? You know that if you have any questions or just want to chat, I'm just a PM or comment away. It's the least I could do after everything you've done for me.

For some reason I expected to see Cappucino on the names list. Weird.

:rainbowlaugh: I still regret nothing!

Thanks, hon. I know that a transition can be a painful thing to watch from the outside; to witness a friend's hardships and insecurities and feel helpless to make it better... Well, if you want to talk about that or your similar problem or nothing at all, contact me however you'd like or find me at a group at which I help out, the Helpful Helping Place. We're here to help, whether with stories or existential crises or simply to alleviate boredom!

Yes, there do seem to be a fair number of alicorn princesses of the night wandering about. :trollestia: That's one of the best things about this fandom: We can find more than just tolerance or acceptance here; we can find understanding.

It seems that something wonderful happened while I was away... :pinkiehappy:

I am so proud of you, Code Red. It's not easy to stand up and say 'why not' while surrounded by those who cry 'because fuck you, that's why not'. This might be a difficult time for you, but soon it shall pass. Have you talked to your brother about it? If anypony will understand, I'm sure he would. From the sound of things, you still love him in spite of what your parents think are his flaws; I'm sure he'll still love you even if he has to call you sister. :twilightsmile:

You don't have to figure this out overnight. I'm twenty-three, I've been out for three years and was questioning for years before that, and I still don't know exactly what I am or want to be. Take your time, think clearly, talk it out with others who've been through it. I'm sure you'll find your answers before too long.

And thank you so much for sharing. This is why I wrote the story: The best way for us to help each other is by sharing our stories - our trials and our successes. After all, we're all in this together!

For what it's worth, I think your jawline is lovely just the way it is. It's not manly; it's strong, and I think it suits you. It adds a sense of depth, of stability to your features. :twilightsmile:

Buzzkill. :trollestia:

4634307 Sorry! It just made sense!

Game over! You win! :rainbowlaugh:

4634307 Thanks for the compliment. :twilightsmile: But about writing a story on my own,...
Well I've tried it two times before but I am no good as a writer.
Also my spelling can be bad sometimes because I'm not a native English speaker.:applejackunsure:
So yeah.

No good? I don't know about that... You're passionate. That really helps when it comes to telling stories, though it could also be detrimental if you get carried away. If it's just a language barrier, I'm sure I could help. My friend Specimen021 isn't a native speaker either, but with some help he managed to publish one of the most evocative tragedies on the site, Left There.

But if it's not that, then all I can say is to keep practicing until you feel comfortable with it! In the meantime, many of my friends at the the Helpful Helping Place - myself included - are standing by to help to advise, educate, and edit for an aspiring writer in need.

I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing, so I'm going to stir up some of my trademark optimism and leave it at that! :pinkiehappy:

A sound story.
I give it four cupcakes.

That's, um... That's kind of you to say. Thanks, Remare. I must admit that I'm still embarrassed about having written... that... so I hope you'll excuse my nervousness, but I have to ask: Was that a 'bravo' for getting the point across, or for quality clop? Hay, I'll take either as a compliment!

And four cupcakes is more than I could've asked for. :pinkiehappy:

:pinkiegasp: I didn't see that coming, Adda!

It's not my kind of story, so to say, but it wasn't bad. It was nice. :ajsmug:



:rainbowlaugh: W-what? What the what?
*rereads chapter*
Oh... Right. :twilightsheepish:

That's deep. :derpytongue2:

Oh, sooo many dirty retorts come to mind... I will show restraint. I will show restraint.


*snrkt* And I thought I was bad!

:pinkiegasp: I didn't see that coming, Adda!

Surprise! :pinkiehappy: I guess I make a pretty convincing mare.

It's not my kind of story, so to say, but it wasn't bad. It was nice. :ajsmug:

Nice is great! :twilightsmile: I'm just glad you read and enjoyed it. As long as I wrote something that speaks to my target audience and entertains everypony else, I'd call it a victory! And since I've already had two messages from those who read this and realized that their gender identity didn't quite match up with what they'd thought it was, and I heard from another who found the courage to speak up about their own identity for the first time, I think I might have succeeded on both fronts. :pinkiehappy:

“The inspiration just came to me...” She waggled her eyebrows. “'Ada' the blue!”


Shaggy dog stories... :rainbowlaugh:


Why is my brain.

I dunno why your brain is either, but I like it!

Well that escalated quickly. :rainbowlaugh:

I regret nothing... Goodness, I'm saying that a lot these days.

:facehoof: Shaggy dog stories... :rainbowlaugh:

Bad puns are best puns!

But still, awwwww. :raritystarry:

But I'm glad you liked it. :twilightsmile: It's good to know I haven't lost my touch!

Not a bad read:twilightsmile:

It got a bit confusing at times with them both being referred to as her but that's just trivial. Overall this was a nice little read... Have a like and a fave:twilightsmile:


What exactly was Fae's problem in the restroom?

If you have never been so bound up that you can't use the restroom, you're a lucky pony. :rainbowlaugh: Fae's first time trying to use it was difficult due to indecent thoughts, tension caused by stress and arousal, and the ground-in knowledge that it's simply not decent to do that in front of another pony.

It got a bit confusing at times with them both being referred to as her but that's just trivial. Overall this was a nice little read.

I was afraid of that. :twilightsheepish: Thanks for the kind words, though! Perhaps I'll see you around the Changeling Panic group.


No I haven't really. I honestly thought she was just having a hard time aiming:derpyderp2:

And you're welcome:pinkiehappy:


Everybody misses now and again:derpytongue2:

And I must also say chapter nine escalated quickly:trollestia:

Not too quickly, I hope! I tried to leave little signs here and there to keep it from reading like one of those "suddenly, a clop chapter!" stories, but I don't know if I succeeded. I'm not too comfortable writing that sort of thing so I put it off for as long as I possibly could and I think my sudden acceptance of it may have made it seem a bit jarring.


It wasn't too fast.... In fact, I was wondering when they'd bang since the first chapter:derpytongue2:

:facehoof::rainbowlaugh: I guess I should have expected that, with these tags and that prompt.


Yeah, I would have liked the fic even if there wasn't any clop:twilightsmile:

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