• Published 18th Jun 2014
  • 3,226 Views, 37 Comments

Twisting the Cheese - Derpator

Is there any reason why Cheese Sandwich isn’t afraid of meeting Pinkie Pie’s sisters? It’s only for a day he keeps telling himself. But then again, maybe it won’t go all bad for him.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Cheesecake

Limestone didn’t know how to start off her situation. Trying to break Cheese out of their sister conflict, or keeping Marble in line? Marble went out of her comfort zone more often than not, and every time she did, it always required a talking to, sister to sister. She was young, forever young.

But that’s something Limestone adored about her sister, even if it agitated her time to time.

Cheese remained still. His eyes stared right at Limestone like a puppet. He hadn’t noticed that his never-ending stare came off as a little awkward.

He pushed away the negative thoughts and focused on the more positive aspects of being in a room with Limestone. He liked Limestone a lot. He felt a close connection with her, and she was pleasant to be around.

All of the Pie sisters were in some regard. Pinkie was charming no matter the situation, Marble had a similar effect to that of Pinkie, and Maud seemed to have a hidden grace to her. He could sense it; there was something present deep inside her. It wasn’t his place to try and break it out, but if he could, he’d give it a shot. It’d likely be anticlimactic and result in rocks. She loved them.

He found himself pushing away the topic of Pinkie. He would usually love to talk about the pink mare, but much less so when in the presence of a sister. He wanted to avoid overdoing it in case of any insults inadvertently coming out, though he would likely never say one. The Marble problem didn’t make him entirely comfortable though. It left him with a sense of dread.

“Are you okay?”

Cheese rubbed his head. Limestone’s voice got him out of his little stupor. “Yeah...” he replied nonchalantly.

“You’re not... worried are you?” Limestone said something under her breath afterwards, like she mentally hit herself for making a mistake on what words she came out with.

Cheese shook his head weakly. “No.”

Limestone raised an eyebrow. “Marble didn’t frighten you did she? Remember when I said she could be a little too careless? I’m a little worried about what she said.”

Cheese placed his hoof underneath his chin, rubbing his skin. “In hindsight, I don’t know what she said. I was too busy shuffling cards that I didn’t pay attention to what she was saying. She yelled something at me, but I didn’t catch it. The same goes for when you entered.”

Limestone exhaled a loud, blissful sigh. Cheese couldn’t make out the tiny mumbles of words that expelled from her mouth. He had a tingly feeling it was something along the lines of, “Thank Celestia for that,” but he wasn’t sure.

“I’m... sorry?” he said with a small stutter.

“You’ll have to forgive Marble,” Limestone replied, somewhat ignoring his curiosity. “I’ve told her time and time again about this sort of behaviour, but she never learns.”

Cheese let out a small chuckle. “I’m not accusing her of anything.” He sniggered a little. “You seem to get a little overbearing of your sister.”

Limestone flushed a little, even a tiny giggle coming out. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She clapped her hooves together after letting out a sigh. “So, is there anything you would like to do while I can keep you company?”

Cheese entered his mind. Something to do with Limestone... He had been waiting a little for an opportunity with Limestone alone, given how she was a perfectly nice mare, but now that he was finally with her, he got a little stumped. Talking about Pinkie? That sounded like a bad subject given the incident with Marble. Talking about Maud could land him in a bad case with the wrong comment. Marble wasn’t the best subject to talk about either. That left one other, and he was rather curious as he’d gotten to know her more.

“If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to talk about you.”

Limestone cocked her head slowly and pointed to herself. “Me? Why?”

“I don’t know,” Cheese admitted with a shrug. “I guess we just haven’t had a chance to get to know each other.”

Limestone tapped her chin with her hoof. “Hmm,” she meditated. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I mean, after everything Pinkamena’s sent me in her letters, it’s nice to finally meet you. But all through today, I haven’t actually gotten to talk to you one to one, you know?”

Cheese smiled. “That’s exactly how I’ve felt too.”

Limestone reflected a similar expression back at Cheese. She happily took a seat to indulge in some friendly conversation. “So, what would you like to know?”

Cheese’s lips protruded. He hadn’t thought about anything specific. “How about... your life in Manehatten.”

“There’s not much to tell really,” Limestone replied. “As I told you, I’m a chief editor. There’s nothing else that’s going on. Except what I said about taking a break. I’ve wanted a shift recently. A change in my life. Sprucing it up, if you will.”

Cheese had heard Limestone’s plans earlier, but upon hearing them again, it felt refreshing. He was curious, but at the same time, sympathetic towards such a change in life. “Any plans? I can’t imagine going from a chief editor to... whatever it is you’re planning on doing can be that easy.”

Limestone chuckled. “I see what you mean. I don’t rightfully know, I just can’t explain it. I guess I just want a different perspective. A fresh change. I’ve loved my editing job, but it’s been a bit dull as of late. And then of course, my marefriend broke up with me a while ago. That hurt for a while.”

Cheese’s ears fell down. Limestone went through a lot more situations that felt like wallowing than he gave her credit for. An editing job sounded tough by itself, but to change her lifestyle on a whim. It sounded scary when he thought about it. If he ever gave up his party planning profession, he wouldn’t have the faintest idea of what to do. “I see...” he mumbled. “It sounds like you might have a good shot—“ He paused briefly, Limestone shooting him a puzzled expression. “Wait. Marefriend?!”

* * *

Marble huffed. Why couldn’t she do what she wanted to do? Pinkie was being patient, but too patient. If she waited any longer, Cheese Sandwich might have been out of her daunting grasp. What if he met another mare and they hooked up? She would go through so much heartbreak. She only wanted what was best for her sister, but Limestone ruined the spur of the moment.

She mentally blamed her sister for the failure of her message conveying. If only she grabbed Cheese by his shoulders and told it straight to his face. What was she supposed to do? Spell it out for him? She wanted him to hear the truth. Pinkie wasn’t acting.

She forced herself to trudge through Sugarcube Corner. She wore an expression that others wouldn’t identify her with. It was more sullen, but seeing as how the sugar house was a boneyard in its current state, nopony would be around to see it. Except in the potential catch of her sisters, and she would never look dejected in front of them.

As she slugged her way downstairs, she heard the small chatter between her two other sisters. Pinkie was letting loose her voice as she usually did in her energetic manner, while Maud seemed to listen, or so she presumed. Maud was always a great listener, preferring it to a speaking role any day.

A devilish plan formulated within her fast. She wanted to play matchmaker. She wanted Pinkie to hook up with Cheese Sandwich. She liked him after all, there was nothing bad about him, apart from his little burst of density. Her letters lamented words of feelings every time she read them. Pinkie was the most eccentric and open mare she’s known her entire life, and yet, she hasn’t got the guts to waltz up to her deep crush and ask him on a date.

In the rare occasion of what Marble ever felt, she despised her sister. Pinkie was supposed to be older and occasionally wiser. But she had no backbone. No taste for virility. It made her mortified just thinking about it, leaving a bad taste in her mouth. Her own flesh and blood was being... how Pinkie described Cheese that one time: absolutely boneless.

Marble hadn’t realised, that in her current state of sneaky mediation, she had helplessly wandered into the kitchen where her sisters laid. It was only when Pinkie stopped her endless walking that she came back to real life.

“Are you okay?” Maud asked. It was in her usual denuding voice, but Marble could recognise the hidden meaning behind it. She was concerned about her sudden sleepwalking, she could tell.

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” Pinkie added, ready to comfort her sister.

Marble, in one swift action, picked up Pinkie’s hoof with her own. “Why won’t you ask out Cheese already? Why won’t you kiss him? Do something!”

Pinkie’s lips quivered at the slight outburst. “Marble?” she whimpered.

Maud took action, pulling away her younger sister from the clutches of Pinkie. “Marble, what is with you?”

Marble shot Maud’s hoof away with force. She gave her older sister a menacing look that showed she didn’t want to be trifled with. “Pinkie, do you want to kiss him?”

Pinkie’s eyes slowly made contact with Marble’s. “I...” she trailed, her mouth refusing to part with words.

“You’ve wanted to ask him for so long. What’s holding you back?”

Pinkie’s hind legs fell to the ground. Her body gave in to her weight as she crashed onto her rump. “...What if he says no?”

Marble sighed. “What if he says yes?”

Pinkie raised her head, meeting Marble’s eyes with her own.

* * *

“Pinkamena never told you?”

Cheese scratched his head. “No. Never.”

“Hmm...” Limestone thought out loud. “If I know my sister—which I do more than other ponies—I’d say she wanted to keep it hidden so you’d have the pleasure of finding out. Like now.”

Cheese’s blank expression did not change. He simply blinked his eyes and said, “Oh.”

“Yeah...” She chuckled a little. “Except in this circumstance, it’s come off as a little awkward, huh?”

“Just a little,” Cheese replied with a smirk. He resumed rubbing his skin again. “Forgive me if I’m a little forward, but what made you...” he gyrated his hoof through the open air. “This way?”

Limestone couldn’t hold back a grin. “Sometimes, I wish I could have company like you. Ponies who don’t mock me because of my views. Oh, I’ve come across them alright.” She took an open breath. “But since you asked so nicely.” She glanced at Cheese, the stallion flushing a little from the playful look she gave him. He was too cute.

“I guess... actually... hmm...” She furrowed her brow a little, looking around the room. She didn’t pay attention to the detail surrounding her, rather lost her own void. “I think I just came to terms with it as I grew up. I’m sorry I can’t give you a specific answer, but I think the most I can do is explain my origin. I grew up with three sisters on a secluded farm. I got into reading at a young age, particularly adventure, and the main protagonist was a mare. I think the selection of ponies I grew up with was what turned me the other way. I felt more comfortable with females. My dad was perfectly fine, but I tended to route for the other side.”

Cheese folded his hooves and curled his lips up. “That’s quite an interesting tale.”

“Interesting?” Limestone raised her eyebrow before she shook her head in dismay. “Different perhaps. But not interesting.”

Cheese leaned a little forward, wearing a frown. “Oh. I’m sorry if I meant anything.”

Limestone stared blankly at Cheese for a moment. She loved the way he worried over every little detail. A fundamental behavioural trait he possessed. He tended to get nervous over the silliest of things. But for some reason, she found it adorable. “You know Cheese,” she said with a sly grin. “You don’t have to be sorry over every single thing. You’re not in the wrong for anything.”

Cheese bit his lip before sighing. “Yeah. I’m sorry...”

Limestone tapped one of her hooves against the other as she stared a Cheese with a look that asked, “Well?” It took him a moment to figure it out, but when he did, the stallion blushed like no tomorrow. “Cheese, Cheese... this is one of the reasons I like you. I can tell you’re a different kind of stallion from most others. And that’s a good thing. A little uniqueness doesn’t hurt every now and then.”

“And you’re a great mare to be around too,” he replied. He had been saving that remark up for a while. He felt a little accomplishment inside after saying it. He meant it too.

* * *

“I’m just afraid...” Pinkie whimpered in the comfort of her two sisters. Both of them laid their hoof on her shoulder. “What if he doesn’t think of me in that way?”

“You’ll never know if you don’t try. You’ve been fine up until now. What’s wrong?” Maud leant in a little closer.

Pinkie pawed and traced her hoof along the ground in a slow motion. “What if he just thinks of me as a friend? We’ve been hanging out together for so long now, what if he doesn’t see me in that way?”

“You know,” Marble said with more authority. When Pinkie looked at her, she had a deep frown. “Why don’t you just ask him? You’re moping around here worrying about him not liking you, but the longer you wait, the worse it could get. If you want him desperately, you march upstairs and ask him out right now.” She emphasised her point by pointing towards the open doorway.

Pinkie Pie wore a smile for a brief moment. “I don’t like to see you like this Pinkie,” Marble continued. “You’re my sister, and I never like seeing any of my sisters upset.”

Maud sighed to herself as she looked through the house of treats, deep in her personal thoughts. “Everything was fine a while ago. Now Pinkie Pie is upset and we’re comforting her. We shouldn’t be in the first place. She’ll talk to him when she feels like it.”

“I’ll do it,” Pinkie finally said, pushing away Maud’s side. It was a little quiet, but her sisters heard her clearly. When she gave them the once over, she carried on. “I’ll kiss him tonight. Or ask him. Or something.”

Maud quickly stepped in. “You shouldn’t force this.”

Pinkie got up and grabbed Maud in for a sisterly hug. Marble joined in because it involved her sisters, and she couldn’t pass up that opportunity. “I know, but Marble’s right. I’ve liked him for a long time now, and I really really want to do something. Too long have I stood by and done nothing.”


“I’ve made up my mind Maud. I know you’re worried about me, but I think I may know a way to ease into it rather than ask him properly.”

* * *

For both Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie, the evening didn’t come fast enough. Limestone shared her tales with Cheese, discussing in detail about the books she liked. The adventure books she seemed to love so much were the Daring Do novels. He should have expected it, what with Pinkie going on about their brief encounter with the adventurer. There was no other big adventure star.

He didn’t bring it up; on the off-chance that Limestone might have overreacted and had a fangirl moment. But Limestone didn’t exactly keep it secret regarding how much she loved the character. She was her one true love apparently, though Cheese could feel the exaggeration a mile away.

Cheese never came into contact with Pinkie for the remainder of the afternoon. While he understood that she wanted to be around her sisters when she doesn’t see them that often, he could have used her support when he faced Maud. Being put into a single room with the oldest sister with her stare going down his throat.

It was almost one of the scariest moments he’d ever been in. It didn’t make the list, considering that running away from a manticore ranked a little higher than the mono expressive Maud, whose eyes only sent chills through him. A lot of times, she only replied with a single word.

Sure. Sure? Was that sarcasm? He almost blew up in his head form the countless amounts of times he heard it.

The Pie sisters remained downstairs for the afternoon as they took part in their tradition. They made rock candy necklaces form the huge storage that Pinkie filled up over a few weeks. Cheese didn’t take part because he already made them. Pinkie had let him in on the secret the week prior, so he had stepped up his game and got ahead of the curve. He was sure to surprise them when they left.

But when the night fell on Ponyville, Cheese became confronted. On the one hoof, meeting the Pie sisters was a wonderful experience. He won’t forget it anytime soon, even more regarding their behaviours. Maud’s never-ending stare might just be burnt into his brain, tormenting him when he sleeps. Limestone’s background won’t be forgotten either, and he’ll just think Marble as a second Pinkie.

But as fun as meeting the Pie sisters was, it had to end. Their little karaoke session went off without a hitch and was enjoyment, even when Maud took part. She was... surprisingly a competent singer.

Without the Pie sisters, he will have a hole inside. He knew it. They all had their own lives. But he constantly told himself that it was always possible that he’d bump into them along his travels. He was particularly interested in Limestone’s future and what it held for her. Perhaps he would make a little trip into her workplace the next time he goes to Manehatten.

With the Cakes away, Sugarcube Corner was fully free for the Pie sisters. They each got to sleep in separate rooms. Maud took the master bedroom. Marble initially argued, but it was understandable considering her stature of the oldest. Limestone took the guest bedroom while Marble was left with the babies’ room. She loved every square inch of the room, reminding her thoroughly of her job. Kids were a great passion.

And that, of course, left Cheese to share Pinkie’s bed with the mare herself. They always slept in the same bed whenever he stayed. It became a little tradition for him, and Pinkie never seemed to have any arguments. In fact, she welcomed it and encouraged it whenever possible. They always slept in a cuddle formation, sharing heat between them. Cheese would always hear the fluttering heartbeat of Pinkie as she lay. It was comforting to feel.

He got rather used to sleeping on a bed, as well as his less-than-optimal conditions elsewhere through Equestria. His poncho was satisfactory for him, his own bedroom fine for himself, but a bed was different. He considered it a blessing and an honour that he would be allowed to share a bed with Pinkie Pie.

Even though he did it every week.

Pinkie seemed a little different throughout the afternoon. Cheese couldn’t place it, but it bothered him anyway. It was only when they were finally together in her bedroom, when everypony was going to bed, that she seemed to reveal herself.

It was a normal situation. Cheese had climbed into the bed, as did Pinkie. But she stared at him for an unnatural length of time. The same blue gems that always caught him were now seeping into his mind. If she could read his mind, he wouldn’t know what to do.

“Cheese,” she said with a hint of uncertainty. “I... I wanted to thank you for putting up with my sisters.”

His eyebrows furrowed. “There’s nothing to ‘put up with’ Pinkie, they’re all wonderful.”

“I know,” she replied, edging closer a bit. “But they’ve convinced me of something, and I want to make sure I do it correctly.” She sighed. “Cheese, I have a request.”

Cheese’s mind wandered. A request? “What is it?” he asked with a sheepish smile. He felt pretty tense, unknowing what this request was. Her birthday gift was brilliant, but she held a different attitude back then. This time, she looked down, like she was contemplating something serious. He gulped, not sure if he wanted to hear it.

Pinkie looked down at the duvet, gyrating her hoof on it without looking at Cheese. “Can I... have a goodnight kiss?”

Cheese’s first thought was one of pure befuddlement. What’s wrong with a kiss? He’s kissed her on the cheek many times. She never showed any sign of remorse from them, rather trying to get her way to increase the quantity every time. But when he took a good look at Pinkie, he could tell she meant it. Something was up.

“Sure,” he softly replied, firmly making up his mind. He leant forward as he brought his hoof towards Pinkie. He lifted up her pretty head, before finishing off and planting a kiss onto her little button nose.

It wasn’t long before she glanced at him with her warm smile. Cheese was satisfied that he had completed what was requested of him. Hopefully, she would sleep well. He closed his eyes, ready to drift off.


He opened his eyes with confusion to see Pinkie still maintaining her smile. “You missed,” she said quietly. He arched his eyebrow at the comment. Missed?

Cheese felt Pinkie’s hoof trail behind his neck as she lifted herself towards him. It only took him a while, to realise, Pinkie was doing something very forward. But by the time he figured it out, she had already brought her lips to his.

Everything inside of him stopped like clockwork. He could feel his heartbeat change in tempo as he felt the softening lips placed on his. He felt Pinkie putting passion into it, making it meaningful. And all he thought in that immediate moment was, so this is what she meant.

The most peculiar thing happened in his frozen moment. He found himself giving back to what he received. He was enjoying the kiss. He felt like the kiss was relieving. He felt like he could kiss her forever. He wanted to hold her, kiss her. Was it wrong of him? Why did he hold her in such a high regard?

As Pinkie Pie sluggishly pulled away, Cheese could see her widened smile. It was one of the brightest smiles he’d ever seen her wear. And he couldn’t help himself. He rivalled hers with his own.

Pinkie didn’t say a word. She leant down and rested into his warm chest, making herself welcome in the fur and against the skin. Cheese felt obligated to stroke along her head with his hoof, until he leant over too, burying his head into her frizzy, but pillowy mane.

It didn’t take either one of them long to drift off to sleep. And in Cheese’s mind, all he could replay was that kiss with Pinkie Pie.

He liked it. And he wanted to do it again.

Author's Note:

Headcanon headcanon headcanon

Limestone has not been made a lesbian just because lesbians. I actually based her off a friend of mine. Not entirely, but she was brought up with sisters and she went that way.

But that's it. The rest I did myself. So she isn't into mares just because. Does it mean anything here? Likely not, but in future fics, if I include Limestone, she'll probably be this way. Or, you could see it as Cheese conversing with the Pie sisters. This story is using them after all, so why not? Got to have some personality to spice it up.

And please don't hate Marble for 'forcing' the CheesePie. In my original ideas, she kissed Cheese just to push Pinkie closer, which when compared, is kind of worse. In this, it's more a verbal thing. She means well, but she really is doing it wrong in a way. I wasn't trying to make Marble hateable, but every idea I've had here, she comes off that way a little. When I look at it, it's kind of intentional.

Can't help feeling this chapter felt like a huge info dump and sudden romance. But then again, that's kind of the point here.