• Published 19th Jun 2014
  • 3,156 Views, 78 Comments

Even Changlings Wear Masks - watermane2000

Chrysalis, now queen of an extinct race, must go to the nearest town, Ponyville, to gather love and rebuild her race. But she never expected the Element of Magic to take her in voluntary. What will come out of this friendship and need to feed?

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Chapter 1

It was around midnight when Chrysalis landed inside a bush near a giant tree. She stuck her head out of the bush to get a better look at the front entrance of the tree. There was a red door that lead inside, nearby there was a large sign that read ‘Golden Oaks Library’. The windows were still lit so that meant the librarian hasn’t left yet. She went back down to the bush and started thinking of a disguise to enter with. Suddenly there was a green flash, then a Pegasus came out of the bush and started heading towards the door to the Golden Oaks Library.

Twilight Sparkle placed the book ‘Fallout Equestria’ back to it’s respective spot. That was such a great read. So dark and so much adventure! I wonder which one I should read, her thought process was interrupted when there was a knock on the door. That’s strange. No pony usually comes to the library at night. Twilight looked at the clock hanging from her wall. It read ‘12:23’. Especially at this hour. Twilight cautiously approached the door. There was another knock on the door, faster and louder than the last one.

She opened the door to reveal a pink Pegasus mare with a dark pink mane and tail. Her cutie was one big red heart and two smaller maroon ones on the side. I’ve never seen her around before. Better run the spells just to be sure. Twilight’s horn lit up as she casted the Changeling Revealing spell she created for the Royal Guards on the mare. She also casted a lie detection spell on the mare as well. She levitated a book next to her to hide the spells.

“Hello there. May you be so kind as to help me? My filly ripped up my copy of ‘Maximum Ride: Saving the World’ a week ago and my new copy won’t come in the mail for another month and I still haven’t finish it.” The mare said. Twilight heard a loud beep from her head. Strike one. Now to wait a bit till the Revealing spell is done to see if you’re a Changeling or not.

“I think I might have that book somewhere around here, But why don’t you tell me your name first?” Twilight asked. The mare looked shocked for a second before returning to her normal state.

“Oh, of course. How rude of me. My name is Radiant Love.” The mare replied. Another loud beep rang out through Twilight’s brain. Strike 2, and since she tried to stalled a little when I asked that’s strike 3. Now let’s see who you really are. The spell finished to reveal something Twilight wasn’t expecting. Chrysalis. Twi almost lost her act when the spell was done, but she remained calm. Twilight deactivated the spells and levitated the book back to it’s respective place on the shelves.

“Well, come inside and let’s see if we can’t find you it.” Twilight motioned the Changeling inside. While most would make an excuse and close the door at that point, Twilight saw an opportunity to trap their leader and bring her to Celestia.

Chrysalis walked inside and took look around. Books filled every single shelf. There were practically no empty spots in the shelves at all. All of them were neatly shelved next to one another in a very organized manner. Twilight closed and locked the door to make sure she wouldn’t try for that way.

“So,” Twilight started, “what book was it that you need again Radiant Love, or should I say, Chrysalis?” Twilight confronted. Chrysalis jumped in surprise but then remembered who she was dealing with here. The only pony who suspect her disguise at the Canterlot Wedding. She smiled lightly as a green flash lighted up the room. When the light died down, in place of Radiant Love was the Changeling Queen in her full glory.

“You were always the observant one weren't you little brat?” Chrysalis playfully asked. Twilight put on a more serious face.

“Thank you for the compliment. Now what are you doing here?”

“Oh, you’ve learned sarcasm. That’s good.” Twilight grew more angry at Chrysalis joking. She let out a low growl.

“But if you must know, I am need of assistance.” Twilight backed off from Chrysalis, surprised at what she said.

“What?” Twilight replied. Chrysalis groaned at the purple Unicorn’s response.

“I need to rebuild. You see, 4 months before the Canterlot Wedding happened was the downfall of my race. Skipping to now, my race is down to nearly extinction due to my stupidity. Also before you ask, I had no idea you were even here. I was just hoping to ask the librarian in town where I could find a place to sleep. Afterwards I would start with my plan.”

“AH HA!” Twilight exclaimed, pointing her hoof at the queen. “I knew you were trying to pull another Canterlot wedding!” Chrysalis looked surprised at first but then started to giggle. At this point, Twilight was almost broken by the queen’s giggling. I have to be dreaming. This is a dream, right?, Twilight thought.

“You’re such a fool. If I wanted to do that, which I don’t by the way, I would’ve brought my army here, but I didn’t, as most of them are dead.” Twilight felt embarrassed as she just remembered that the Chrysalis just said her race was at near extinction.

“Now please let me finish. As I was saying, my plan is to establish my presence here as a pony by finding permanent residence and acquiring a job. Afterwards I will search for my-” Chrysalis took a moment to fake gag, “-my true love as they are needed in order for me to rebuild.” Twilight was now very interested in what Chrysalis was saying. The ability to practically revive an entire race was amazing.

“Um……. so how does finding your ‘true love’ works for a Changeling?” Twilight asked.

“It’s simple really,” Chrysalis answered, “I must use no outside force to have the mate in question fall in love with me so that means no spells or potions. The mate must also know that I am actually a Changeling and still love me even though I’m a Changeling which the last part could be rather difficult considering.” Twilight gave a ‘really’ look to the queen. The changeling merely responded with a sigh.

“Well it is late, so I ask you Twilight Sparkle, where is the nearest inn from here?”

“Well, there is only one inn here in Ponyville. and it’s all the way across town, to the west so I’m afraid you’ll have to sleep here tonight. I’ll take out the extra bed.” Twilight headed upstairs while Chrysalis stood there, surprised at what the pony just said. After all that has happened, she’s still so kind. Now the question is, why? Chrysalis went upstairs after a few moments of standing. Twilight was no where to be seen. There was a bed with a moon and sun styled blanket. Nearby was an open book on the desk nearby as well as some sketches of Changelings. This intrigued the queen so she wanted a closer look. As she walked up closer to the desk, she found out that the book was actually a book being written. So the little brat was studying us., Chrysalis thought. There was a very loud cough behind her so she turned around to see Twilight Sparkle giving a small smile.

“So,” Chrysalis started, “are you painting us as monsters in this book of yours brat?”

Surprisingly the Unicorn answered, “No. I am painting you as a normal species but without a real Changeling to help-”

“Okay, okay brat. I see where you’re getting at. You want me to teach you all about the Changelings don’t you?”

“Yes.” Twilight answered, “How did you-”

“Guess?” Chrysalis cut Twilight off again, “Easy. You hid somewhere or casted an invisibility spell on yourself so I can’t see you, leave your book conveniently on your desk as well as your sketches so I can find it purposely so then you can confront me and ask me if I can help you on your endeavor which the answer is yes, but under some conditions of course.” Twilight was annoyed by the fact she had to meet conditions but she didn’t exactly had a choice in the matter. She needed the information on the Changelings and Chrysalis was her only choice at the moment.

She let out a sigh before saying, “And what are your conditions?” Chrysalis smiled at the Unicorn’s cooperativeness.

“One, you must not tell your Princess of my current location. Two, you must help find me permanent residence, and three, you must help me find a job.” The Changeling replied.

“As much as I don’t like the first one, I will comply. The second one is easily solved as there are some houses up for sale that I have enough money to buy. The third we can talk about later.” Twilight let out a loud yawn, “I need to sleep.”

“Excellent. I believe we’re done here.”

“Good, now. Get.Out.Of.My.Tree.” Twilight stated. Chrysalis was taken aback by this sudden mood change.

“And why, are you kicking me out?” Chrysalis lowered her eyes in a threatening manner.

Twilight lowered her eyes in the same manner. “Because, one, I don’t have the second bed since I sold it due to the fact I haven’t had anyone over in a year. Second, I’m willing to help you but I don’t trust you so you’re going to have to go to the inn.” Chrysalis let out a growl at Twilight before there was a flash of green light. The light died down to reveal Radiant Love was there instead of Chrysalis.

“Fine,” she started, “but you better live up to the conditions.”

Twilight nodded her head. “I am. I’m not a liar like you Chrysalis.” The queen decided she had enough with the Unicorn and simply walked passed her. Moments later, Twilight heard a loud slam from downstairs.

Chrysalis flew through the air, throwing curse words left and right, up and down in hopes of releasing her anger. That shit bag!, she thought. She tricked me! How did I let her trick me! The queen let out a loud groan. I would’ve so love to strangle the little bitch if I didn’t need to use her. She spotted the inn down below. Nearby was a building that looked like it was made of sweets. Chrysalis glided down and gracefully landed in front of the inn. There was a sign hanging by the door the read ‘Hoofton Inn’. The building itself was much like the others around it, besides the fact it looked big enough to hold around 30 ponies. She opened the door as she was greeted by a bright light.

After it died down, she saw a dark blue stallion Earth Pony, with no mane, sitting behind a desk, reading a book. Chrysalis walked towards the desk and discovered that the stallion was reading ‘Maximum Ride: Saving the World’. That is simply too convenient., Chrysalis thought. She ranged the bell on the desk nearby to get the stallion’s attention. He didn’t look up. Chrysalis then decided to give a cough towards the stallion. No reaction. That’s it! She slammed her hooves down the desk and the stallion fell off his chair in surprise. Serves you right. The stallion looked up to see Chrysalis giving him the stink eye.

He quickly got up and said, “Welcome to the Hoofton Inn, ma’am. Would you like a hard or a soft bed?”

“Hard one.” She replied. The stallion went under the desk and came back up with a key to a room.

“Right hallway, down three doors, to your left. Please, enjoy your stay.” Chrysalis rolled her eyes and took the key. She followed the stallion’s directions and found that she got room five. She unlocked the room and took a look around. There was a desk, a bookshelf full of books, a bed, and window. Nice and simple. She thought. She put the key down on the desk and jumped onto the bed. Chrysalis let out a quiet moan as she relaxed on the bed. Nice and hard. Just the way I like it. She then closed her eyes slept.