• Published 18th Jun 2014
  • 636 Views, 8 Comments

Weeping Fire - Civviq Writer

Someone ends up in Equestria with an Alicorn OC. Oh my.

  • ...

What is this I don't even

Oh my Celestia.


Just… NO.

WHAT do YOU think YOU are DOING!?

Well, maybe a better question would be, what I am doing right now.

Heh. Sorry for the scare, you. I bet you’re quite confused now. Yes, you are confused. I just pointed my hoof at you for nothing! Well, maybe something.


You’re reading this fiction-WE KNOW. We’ve been there already, so just get on with it.

You’re asking yourself what in the name of Celestia you are reading. So you just keep on reading, to see if it will get better. Spoiler: it will.

So you’re sitting there, staring to your screen where this is displayed, be it your computer, your laptop, your phone. Your television. Your mother’s Ipad. Until this very sentence.


But then, you feel a little funny because you’re reading this. You want to laugh, or maybe to cry. That’s up to you. But then, as the letters go by, you begin to lose attention and your mind begins to wander. You think about Equestria, that beautiful world of colorful ponies and witty horsepuns.

Horse-drawn horse-drawn carriages. You can’t do better than that.

So you’re there, in Ponyville. Your (if I might say) terrible alicorn OC is sitting in his/her own castle all playing mary sue/gary stu in his/her own world.

But you, sir/madam, your alicorn OC is the best of the best.

Her name is Weeping Fire. She has a beautiful white coat and fiery golden-red mane. She has blue eyes and tear-shaped blue forms next to her eyes, as if she were crying all the time. Weeping Fire is kind and loving, but she can get angry easily thanks to her temperament.

She is Celestia’s daughter. Her father was a doomed lover who died shortly before she was born. Raised by two earth ponies in an almost barbaric way (including beatings every Sunday) and has little to no friends.

But fear not. She has been asleep for over a century, and shortly after Tirek’s defeat she has woken up. Now everypony falls in love with her on first sight and she is really friendly and she is kind and she is sooo beautiful she can defeat any bad creature by just glaring at the baddie…

Mary sue: check.

Then, when you have pictured her in your mind, crystal clear as if she were standing right in front of you… wait a minute.

She is standing in front of you.

You open your eyes and gasp at her beauty. With a seductive smile, she said with a soothing voice:
“You have created me. Now you must suffer the consequences.”

And in a blinding flash she was gone. All was white, you couldn’t see anything but her crystal blue eyes and her beautiful smile.

Then, it went dark. A tingling sensation shoots through your body, first like an annoying itch, then a burning pain.

You want to scream, but you can’t. Your skull feels as if it were ripped apart, your mouth is being torn off and your ears… Don’t even get me started about your ears.

Your hands and feet begin to shrink into nothing more than stomps. More pain in your behind – somewhere in the back of your head you realize you’re growing a tail.

Then, in another flash, you realize you’re turning into a pony.

A pony!

When you woke up, you are no longer behind your screen.

You’re lying on a grass field on a hill, under the shade of a tree. You look up and see the sun perfectly above you. The light is blinding, so you squint your eyes and rub them with your hooves

Hooves!? Oh, right. I’m a pony.

You notice a shadow on the ground. You look up, and see the alicorn you have created not shortly before: Weeping Fire. You gulp, trying to say something nice – but she speaks first.

“Welcome to Equestria.”

Then, she jumps into the air and flies away.

Please, Weeping Fire. Tell me something I don’t know.

But you can’t hold that irritated thought for very long, so you decide to walk… somewhere. Civilization? Maybe.

You start off on your back legs, but you found you couldn’t keep your balance, and fell on all fours. You shrug and continue walking.

It actually goes pretty well.

I bet you’ve as a human walked on all fours once in your life, haven’t you? I’m sure you’ve crouched under that tunnel or rode your baby cousin on your back. Then, he made you gallop through the room. That wasn’t a real comfortable experience, because your knees were red when you got up again and were still aching from the cold, hard floor.

But you have seen other horses doing it. So you try to imitate it, wherever you can, whenever you can. On some surfaces it’s nice (like a trampoline or on grass) and you enjoy the wind through your hair and the soil beneath your hands (and knees). (If you were on grass, that is.)

So here, in Equestria, you have got the opportunity to gallop without your knees getting dirty. You stumble at first, trying to get into a good rhythm, but then you’ve got it. Even though your knees bend a little funny and your hooves feel strange, you enjoy the wind through your manes and the cold soil beneath you hooves even more.

You come across a little river with water, crystal clear, so you can look at your own reflection as if it were a mirror. You peek over the edge to see what form you have taken.

So, apparently, you’re a pony. Yes, you already knew that. But you didn’t know that you’re an earth pony stallion. Your coat is a brownish red and your mane is and tail are little lighter; orange-brown. Your eyes are green.

Oh, you’re ginger. Congrats.

You sigh and continue your trot. You just can’t stop thinking about Weeping Fire. She’s beautiful! Everypony will think she is, so why would you be so special? Why would she choose you? You’re just another stallion in her eyes! Just another face in the crowd…

You sigh. Your head hung low, you just trot over the grass until you come across a sandy road. Well, sure. A road leads to civilization, right? Right. So you choose a direction and you continue.

“Beg pardon, sir, but do ya need any help?”
You look up and see an orange earth pony mare with blonde manes and a Stetson hat on her head. She’s beautiful, shoots through your head, but you quickly dismiss that thought.

You shake your head. “No, miss…”
“Applejack.” You nod.

She grins. “Nice ta meet ya. Where are ya goin’?” she asks. You gulp. What should you answer to that? You look down at your hooves and sigh. “I…”
“What, yer lost? Shucks. Well, the nearest town is Ponyville, in that direction.”
She points with her hoof in the direction you’re going. You nod again.

“Now, Ah need ta get these apples to their destination!” She points to the cart she was pulling. It was filled to the brim with apples, almost falling off the cart. “Nice meeting ya!”
She waves and walks on.

Smooth, you think by yourself.

But you know, I think you think about another thing back home. You do? Yes, you do.

Back home, there is –was- a girl you had always fancied. She was a hard worker, living on a ranch. You had always liked hard-working girls, because you’re a hard worker yourself.

And trust me when I say that you, dear reader, have worked hard to get here.

But, living on a ranch isn’t always the safest way to spend your time. One day, when she was riding her horse and you were standing just across the road because you just happened to be there, you know, and she – she fell off her horse.

I know it sounds weird, but that’s how it happened.

You ran across the road, straight to her. She had bumped her head very hard on the brick road. She was bleeding, you knew she needed help. The ranch wasn’t far away, luckily, and you managed to bring her home.

But her family wasn’t happy when you brought her in. In fact, they were mad, because they thought you had done it. They pushed you out of the house and told you never to come back.

Well, that’s nice.

You’ve never seen her again.

You roll your eyes, shake your head and continue to walk. You still can’t get Weeping Fire from your head, but thinking of Applejack, you feel another feeling in your stomach that you just can’t put your hoof on. But it’s a good feeling – different from what you’ve ever felt – not even when Weeping Fire looks at you.

Finally, after the last hill, you see Ponyville lying beneath you. It’s a peaceful little town, friendly. It was only then that you noticed the big castle at the edge of Ponyville. Do you like it? You don’t really know. It just seems out of place. A crystal building, in the middle of regular buildings? Meh.

You continue your way down. As you enter the village, something feels… off. It´s almost as if it were too quiet. Looking around, you see absolutely nopony. Nopony on the streets, nopony on the market, nopony on their way home. And that, while it was almost one o´clock. Strange.

Nopony seems to be at home, either. Only some of the houses seem to be occupied, the rest of them are deserted. Paint is peeling off the wood and doors are hanging out of its hinges. Some windows are broken and walls are clad with graffiti.

You want to call out, see if somepony came out, but something stops you. Then, you hear it.

The wailing of mares, the cries of foals.

You follow the sound, to see where it leads you and if you could lend some help. As you go closer, you catch sight of the castle. There's an enormous crowd of ponies standing in front of them, all pointing up to the castle in help.

“My husband is gone! Please, help me find him!”
“Daddy, I want my daddy!”
“Help us, please! Help!”

Above them all, a lavender alicorn mare tried to calm them down.

I think her name was Twilight.
“Please, one at the time! I can’t help you if you keep shouting at the same time! Please, calm down!”

Then, she spotted you.

“Hey, look! A stallion! Maybe he knows where the other stallions are!”

Every pony turned their head in your direction. They stared at you for a moment and then began to make their way to you.

Oh horseapples.

You run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. Behind you, you can hear the galloping of a lot of mares and foals behind your tail. You’re practically running for your life, screaming for help – even though there aren’t much ponies who could help you who didn’t want to interrogate you.

You’re galloping over a grassy hill when a light, even more blinding than the sun, makes you stop in your tracks.

Weeping Fire is back.

Behind you the other mares have stopped to watch in awe.

As sweet as honey, she said, “Come to me, my stallion. Come to me.”
Your heart is pumping, your gaze locked on her beautiful eyes. You can’t hear anything but her voice.

“Come to me….”

You took a small step forward. Then another. Then, another….

“Well, howdy, y’all!! Wanna have some apples?”
It was that mare from before…
Applejack was her name, remember? Sheesh.
You managed to tear your gaze from her and look at the earth pony mare. She was standing there, with her cart now twice as full as it was when they met.

“Ah got some apples too much. Anyone an apple? They’re only two bits each!”

Your stomach rumbled. Hm. You haven’t eaten all day, and turning into a pony has made you quite hungry…

You try to take a step into Applejack’s direction, but you find you can't.

“NO.” Weeping Fire says. “You will come with ME.” Her voice has grown stern. You turn your gaze back towards her, curious to see why she's so stern all of a sudden.

“Hey, wait a minute. Do any of ya know where Big Mac is? Ah needed him to carry them apples, but he was gone before ah could ask him.”

A whisper ran through the crowd. Then, a mare piped up. “Maybe that alicorn knows!” Collective nods. “Yeah! Do you know where our stallions are?”

Weeping Fire was a bit taken aback by the comment, but she regained her statue quickly.
“Everypony loves me! Everypony will love me, because I am beautiful and kind when you all aren’t!”

Gasps. “Whaddya mean to say, then? You seduced all the stallions?” Applejack said, glaring.
Weeping Fire huffed. “My natural beauty woos all of the stallions.”

Angry shouts. “Where are our stallions?
“Where is my husband?”
“Where is my daddy? I want my daddy!”
“Tell us where they are!”

Weeping Fire beginning to get confused – and really, really angry.

“What are you imbeciles implying!? I did not kidnap ‘your’ stallions! They only followed me!”
She stomped her hoof on the ground, emphasizing her words. Her fiery mane waved like fire in a non-existing breeze. The blue markings next to her eyes began to glow a brilliant blue, like her eyes.

“They only followed me! It is a curse, I am telling you! A curse!”
Now her manes were flaming as if it were real fire. The crowd begin to argue and she argues back.

And you are standing in the middle of this, not sure what to make of it.

Well, maybe three things.

One. You’re not really in love with her. It’s just a spell, apparently. Her ‘cursed beauty.’

Two. You need to let her go. However hard it is, she does not want your love. She wants love when the time comes.

Three. Applejack… you know, maybe you should get to know her better.

I mean think about it.… she’s actually quite pretty. And a hard worker as well. You know you like hard workers.

You start to think you’re beginning to like her.

But I think you should get to know her better first, before making any rash decisions.

Anyway, you’re pulled out of your thoughts when Weeping Fire screams.


And everypony was silent.

Her horn glowed and the backside of the hill was covered in a bright light. From the seeds of this light, stallions began to appear.

But before they could wake up, Weeping Fire lit her horn once more and put an amnesia spell on all of them, so they could not remember a thing.

And you? You’re just standing there, trying to find out what the hay was going on, why she casted that spell and why you weren’t affected by the amnesia spell.

But she was gone before you could ask her.

Not only the stallions, but all the ponies around you were fast asleep. Mares, stallions, foals. Soft, snoring sounds of the ponies were the only thing you could hear, except your own heartbeat and breathing, of course.

You walk over to Applejack. She's fast asleep, sitting, still tagged to the cart. You untie her and lie her down in a more comfortable position. You decide she is pretty cute when she sleeps. When she wakes up, you’ll ask her if you could go with her. Maybe get to know her better.

You smile softly and sighed. You think of the only way back to the human world – that alicorn, Weeping Fire. But then, you begin to think of what is waiting for you when you return.

School, work, exams, tests. Other boring stuff.

And what do you have here? Pretty much nothing, actually.


Yet, hehehe. Maybe you should stick around for a few days, or weeks. Get to know this world a bit better.
After all, you’re a big fan of MLP, or you wouldn’t be here.

And maybe even find true love.

You look down on the snoring earth pony mare. With a hoof, you wipe a few stray strands of hair from her face. You look down on her, the peacefully sleeping mare whose name is Applejack.

Your stomach grumbled. You’re still a bit hungry, so you grab an apple from the cart and eat it. When you've eaten the apple, you throw the core away and smile to yourself. You promise her, in silence, to pay her back when she wakes up.

When she wakes up.

You yawn and lay down. What bad could a bit of sleep do?

And what when you wake up?

Well... Life goes on, I guess.

Author's Note:

So, this is the final revision. Remember: English is not my first language, so there still could be a few mistakes out there. Please notify me if there are some; there's always room for improvement.
Thanks to all who have pointed the most obvious mistakes out there to me! I really appreciate it.

I hope you´ll enjoy it!

Comments ( 7 )

Ha, that was an interesting read, had my mind reeling for a second. Like, "whaaat??"
I hung on though and wasn't disappointed!!

Imma go ahead and fan ya, so you go ahead and tell me when you have more written. Dealio??:pinkiehappy:

Three words: What... the... what.
Have a like for the nonconsensual reader-insert. :scootangel:

Well, you've got some homophone issues, the occasional tense inconsistency, and you can't seem to decide if this is first- or second-person. Seriously, if you have both inner monologue and a self-referential narrator, you're going to want to include some way of distinguishing between the two. Italicization, single quotes, something.

As for the story, there's no sense of tension, disorientation, or really anything that might be interesting. Things happen, we're asked to care, and we're not really given a reason to.

Also, apparently Applejack can rival the feminine wiles of an alicorn "cursed with beauty." No reason given, she's just applebucking Helen of Troy.

So, yeah, in the end, I can even, and I know what this is. Sadly, that's not very good. Sorry.

Well, first of all: thank you.
Thank you for your comment. Now I know what went wrong and I can improve it. :derpyderp1:
And I am going to! I really need to get some more thought in it before I submit it... *sigh*
Anyway, somewhere when I have got time I will correct this. I hope that'll stop the dislike wave...

Again, thank you very much. I really need more people like you to review my stories - at least I can know what went wrong. :twilightsheepish:

Hey, when Derpy's your favorite pony, you work to make sure people know exactly what went wrong. :raritywink:
Good luck with the revisions, and thank you for being so amenable to criticism.

Ok. Check it out now! It's a bit better now, some grammar fixes and clearification of some things...
The Applejack-thingie is also a bit better now, I hope.
Thanks again for your comment!

4602211 :twilightsmile: Bedankt! I'll adjust the mistakes.

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