• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 1,976 Views, 115 Comments

Bricks in the Wall - _NAME_

Sometimes, we put on a mask to hide our true feelings. Sometimes, we wear them for far too long and we forget who we are underneath. A story about a troubled stallion and his descent into madness. All in all, it was just a brick in the wall.

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Chapter Ten: The End of the Road

Chapter Ten

The End of the Road

I breathed in.

I breathed out.

I breathed in.

I breathed out.

I let the cold pool water wash over me.

How could she have left me? After everything I’ve done? After all we’ve been through? After every flower I’ve sent and every tender word I've said? How could she just leave? How?

I breathed in.

The blue water I was floating in slowly turned a crimson red.

I breathed out.

Ooh, babe, I need you. I need you so, so much. I love you. Don’t you leave me now. Like everypony else has left me.

Oh, Rêves. Oh, babe.

You’re the most wonderful, beautiful, amazing bitch I’ve ever had the displeasure to meet. How could she? How could she run off with some stallion and leave me? I know how. She was a mongrel. A loose bitch who had probably been with countless stallions behind my back all these years. I can see it now. Ha, how was I so blind!?

Oh fuck, I despise her. And the stallion she went off with, for that matter. How I wanted nothing else then to beat the living shit out of the two of them. To watch as their lives slowly drained from their ravaged bodies as retribution for causing so much pain.

I was the victim here! I’ve done nothing but try to be the best I can be, and this is how that sniveling little bitch of a mare repays me?! By fucking some stallion behind my back?

I swear to the deepest pits of Tartarus that when I get home, I will kiss her deeply and try to figure out what drove her away from me. I wanted her to love me back once again.

The deep, jagged cut on my right forehoof stung in the chlorine heavy water.

I breathed in.

I wanted, no, needed that glorious green unicorn mare with flaming red hair like I’ve never needed anything else. She was the last thing in my life I had that hadn’t been ripped away by the cruel hooves of life.

I loved her.

I truly, unconditionally loved her.

I breathed out.

So why did you run away, Rêves? Why did you leave me? How can you treat me this way?

We had something special, that unicorn and I. We had been in love since mere schoolfoals, and nothing could keep us apart for long. Hadn’t that same level of devotion stayed with us into adulthood?

We used to be so carefree, us two. We were on top of the world, even though we were nearly destitute, and our love got us through any challenge we faced.

But there was something wrong nowadays, wasn’t there? Something had changed since those cheerful days. Something…

I remembered those early days of our relationship when I wanted nothing more than to humiliate her in front of her friends and loved ones. To let everypony know that that green unicorn was a harlot and a bitch. To let all of Equestria know that she was lower than low and barely deserved any sort of emotion, let alone love or pity.

What was I saying? Nothing had changed since our foalhood. Everything was the same set of lies she had been spinning since our time in school. Our entire life together had been a sham.

I breathed in.

How many ponies had she been with since we gotten together all those years ago when I was young and impressionable? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? Did she even know how many she had been with?

She definitely deserved a good thrashing when I got back home. Oh, what I’d do to her when I finally returned to her loving embrace. Maybe I’d pick up a nice bouquet of flowers before getting back home. Maybe she’d like that.

Oh, dear Rêves, why did you run away?

I climbed out of the pool, spots of blood dripping off my hoof onto the patio pavers, mingling with the water dripping off the rest of my body. I trudged out of the cool night air back into my room.

How could she end our marriage just like that? What was it that drove her away? And why have I only just now found out about it?

Shards of glass and splinters of wood crunched underneath my hooves as I loped trough the wreckage in my apartment.
I breathed out.

I picked my chair back off the floor and set it upright. I collapsed into it and stared forlornly out of the shattered windows into the night as cold and black as ink.

I breathed in.

But why did she leave? Why? Why? Why?! How could she…?

Was it possible that it was my fault after all?

No. No, it wasn’t my fault. Nothing has ever been my fault! I’ve been innocent, and that little bitch of a beautiful, wonderful mare found it fit to ruin me even more. Oh, I’ll show her. I’ll show everypony how she really is.

I could write a song that would show everypony what a loving, caring mare she really is. I bet the stupid, idiotic fans would love something like that, those bastards. They eat up anything I put out. It’s disgusting.

Maybe she would hear the song. Maybe she would feel guilty and return to my waiting embrace. Maybe I would snap her neck right then and there. We would make up and she would cower as I bucked her face in. I would figure out what enticed her away from me and cackle as I ruined both her good looks and her good name.

I breathed out.

I wanted nothing more than to buck her repeatedly and mess up that pretty face. I wanted to tell her everything will be okay and how we would figure everything out.

I despised her.

I loved her.

I missed her dearly. Oh babe, how could you run away like this?

I wanted to tell her how much I detested her very existence and make her feel the pain she brought on me. Maybe I would cuddle her or force her out into the bustling streets wearing nothing but a damning sign that reveals her true nature to all of Equestria. To show how much she can’t be trusted.

I loved hated her. She was everything a pile of vermin to me. Our live together was been wondrous a complete lie and nothing can change that. She was still the same lovely, beautiful, cold-hearted, cheating, wounding mare I’ve even known.

Why did I need her? Why did I need anypony for that matter?

Everypony in my life has abandoned or wronged me, and now she’s no different. The final weight on my already unbearable burden.

And now, what was left for me in this cold shell of reality?


But don’t I need somepony to be with? Don’t I need anypony to help me?


Nopony can be trusted.

Everpony hurts.

Everything hurts.

Everypony maims.

Everything kills.

Haven’t I been the pinnacle of loyalty and goodness my entire life?

Yes, I have.

I’ve given everything, and life has taken what little I’ve kept away.

And for what?

For ponies to walk all over me, like vermin.

Everything hurts.

But… My wife… Lovely Rêves…

No, she’s not my wife! Not anymore!

I don’t need her!

I don’t need anything!

I don’t need anypony!

I breathed in.

And I screamed.

Author's Note:

Based on “Don’t Leave Me Now”