• Published 20th Jun 2014
  • 2,657 Views, 13 Comments

Love When Least Expected. - The Orange Nebula

Scootaloo, trying to comprehend the fact that Rainbow will be gone for a very long time, comes across a colt walking by the lake. He has a note. She finds it. She reads it. She discovers somepony loves her.

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Leaf Blanketed Beach

I never tell anypony this, but when I’m not busy doing awesome tricks and having fun with my friends, I like to take walks around Ponyville lake. It’s always so nice during autumn, the trees coated in orange, my hooves crackling under every leaf covered step. I find myself looking more at the sky then the setting sun, imagining myself doing cartwheels and flips.

I normally take these walks to cool myself down, but today was different. Rainbow Dash, the coolest flyer in all of Equestria, my idol, the only pony I could really call family, was going away for a really long time. She had aced her flight tests, scored higher than ever expected, and was now enrolled to become a Wonderbolt.

Don’t think I’m not happy for her, cause I am. In fact, I’ve never been more proud of my big sis, and I know I will be flying up there with her someday, dressed in that awesome flight suit, looking down at all the ponies from above, realizing how antlike they are from those heights.

But that won’t be for a long time, and I don’t think I’ll be able to see Rainbow again for an even longer time. I think she’s been looking for me, ready to give me the great news. I already watched as she opened her mail box this morning, jumping and dancing at the letter gripped in her hoof. I knew exactly what it was.

I don’t want to face her, let her see me so sad. Like I said, I’m happy for her, but I’m gonna miss her, more than she will ever know. I don’t want her to worry about some flightless little filly during her time in the spotlight.

So I headed for the lake, took my usual rout around it. As the leaf blanketed beach takes an unexpected bend, a big pile of rocks sits nestled between the trees. I climbed up, taking my seat on the natural throne, overlooking all the water, all the sky, all the forest, all of life.

It was so beautiful, too beautiful to enjoy alone. I suddenly felt an aching pain in my heart, screaming for my sister to hug me again. I cried, for too long to remember. I didn’t scream, didn’t kick, didn’t moan, just… cried.

The tears were salty like the ocean, reminding me of the times there with Rainbow. Everything started reminding me of Rainbow, the clouds, the trees, the rocks, even the birds. Everything held a part of her in my eyes, and I began wondering how in Equestria I’m gonna be able to say goodbye.

I suddenly heard the rustling of leaves from behind me. I figured it was Rainbow Dash, still off looking for me. I stopped my crying and knelt down beside the rocks, waiting for somepony to exit the tree line and into the open.

The crunching of hoofsteps grew closer and closer, but I realized they were not a mare’s, but much lighter, much faster.

A small grey colt had stepped forward, his face washed over in blankness. I stayed hidden as I watched him from above the rock formation. I somewhat recognized the slickness of his mane, the brightness of his violet eyes, but I couldn't remember his name.

He slowly trudged closer to the lake, taking a seat on the sand. He simply stared off into the sun, a look of true immersion in his already dulling eyes. I was considering hopping over the other side of the rock, not to interfere with his thought, but that’s when he started talking to himself.

“I really don’t know. I just… don’t know. Thunderlane makes it look so easy, but… I just don’t think I can do it.”

I sat still as stone above the rock, listening intently to his mind speak aloud. “He tells me to just do it, open my mouth and say how I feel, but he doesn’t understand how hard it is. Why do I even bother? She probably doesn’t even know my name for Pete sakes!” He got up and kicked a pebble into the water, sitting back down after a long exhale.

“I just hate how I have to feel this way, all sappy and girly, but I can’t help it. She’s just… too awesome, too awesome for me. Why would she ever want me when there’s probably an army of colts knocking at her front door? I’m not special, I’m not different,” he took a pause for a moment, “I’m just… Rumble.”

He opened his saddle bag and pulled out a small white piece of paper. He gave it a grim look before crumbling the thing into a ball and tossing it into the water. It drifted away as the slight breeze carried it forward. Rumble didn’t move, only watched as the paper grew further and further in distance. He then walked off, his head aimed at the floor the whole way down the trail.

I still sat at the rock base, looking on like an invisible eye. I felt bad, whatever Rumble was so upset about I shouldn’t have been eavesdropping like I had. The piece of paper he thrown had been drifted back to where he once stood, drying in the setting sun as it lay grounded on the beach. I slowly crawled down from the rock, looking down at the damaged paper.

The ink had started dripping some, water nearly cutting through the delicate corners, but it was still legible to some degree.
It read:

Dear Scoots,

I don’t know why I’m writing this. I’ve been up all night, contemplating on what I think I should do. My brain wants to tell you, but my body doesn’t. You catch me staring off into the starlight, and you ask if something’s wrong. I say no, but I mean yes.

Sometimes, I feel a sudden burst of confidence, and as soon as I’m about to tell you, I walk away.

Before I get you all bored and stuff with sappiness, let me just get straight to the point. You’re pretty. You’re funny. You’re crazy. You’re awesome. You’re fun. You’re exciting.

You’re wonderful.

There, finally got that off my chest. Now I just need to find the courage to give this to you.

Yours Truly- Rumble.
To Be Continued…

Comments ( 12 )

Brilliant, as always.:twilightsmile: I've always loved Rumbaloo stories, so I'm really happy that you're writing this. There is a seriously annoying lack of good Rumbaloo stories on this site. You will be continuing this, right?

4572164 Yes!:pinkiehappy: How often do you think you'll be updating it?

The FEELS MAN, hit them with a truck and keep on driving, at least he was able to write it, I couldn't get that much courage up to tell the person I like that I like them, I would sooner choke a grizzly bear with my bare hands, he has my respect

Bet that his foalsitters Flitter and Cloudchaser must be planning to get them together.

More more!!!! It's awesome!!! :rainbowkiss:


I think in this case it would be a route she would follow.

When is the next chapter in this story coming

I love this!

When is the sequel?

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