• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 1,415 Views, 27 Comments

Big Mac's Biceps, Now in Bulk - gingersassy

Big Mac's gay for Bulk Biceps, and Caramel's straight, or is he?

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Chapter 1: A Few Words

Big Mac's Biceps, Now in Bulk
Chapter One

“Fluttershy, I know you’re here. I might not have noticed you if it weren’t for the fact that every time you try to hide from anypony you always forget to hide your tail too.” Suddenly the pink hair of her tail disappears, and Big Mac sighs. “Too late now, I already saw it.” He had walked from one end of the town clear to the other, and was most likely going to miss supper, he wasn’t about to give up now. He had even thought up a good plan of things to bring up to chastize her for going behind his back and telling Bulk Biceps that he liked him. Even though it turned out in his favor, it still hurt that she would do something like that. It wasn’t very kind of her.

“There’s no way I can convince you you saw nothing?” Fluttershy whispers timidly.


“You’re just going to stay there until I come out, aren’t you?”


“Oh, okay,” she concedes, crawling slowly out of the vase she had stuffed herself into in order to hide herself from the stallion whose secret she had let slip to the one he most wanted it kept hidden from, at least, on his own terms. “But could you do me one eency-weency little favor, that is, if you don’t mind?”


“Oh, well I would like to ask you if you would kindly still be my friend and not hate me or never talk to me again for what I did, if you’d like. Would you do that, if it’s not a bother?”


“Oh thank you, I would be very sad if you had decided in favor of that option, you’re a good friend. I’m so very sorry I went behind your back like that but I thought it would turn out in your favor, but I suppose your being here right now means it didn’t, did it?”


“Wait, do you mean nope it didn’t turn out in your favor, or nope you were negating my proposition”

“The latter. Have you been spending a lot of time around Twilight lately though?”

“Oh yes, she has become really interested in linguistics lately, being surprised how it says that ‘proper’ grammar isn’t really proper, she said ‘it turns out the grammar taught in schools is actually rather arbitrary and just a few individual’s opinion over the matter, but it does have its place because it has already been drilled in people’s brains, and also it helps standardize communication between different dialects that might have different spellings simply due to pronunciation differences, which is why writing ‘ah’ instead of ‘I’ or spelling other common words other than perhaps a ‘eeyup’ here and there is not wise. It distracts from the content of a story with something you would completely understand as being the same thing in speech, making it unrecognizable in writing.’ Although I’m still not completely sure what that means, do you?”


“Oh, I guess you always were much smarter than you let on…” She sighs inwardly, wondering why such a stallion had to be a colt-cuddler.


“I suppose since you came here you had something to say to me about what I said to Snowflake?”

“Eeyup,” Fluttershy looks at him expectantly. “But it was kind of mean.”
“That’s okay, if it’s something that might better me, or even something that makes you feel better by telling me, go ahead.”
“Are you sure?”
“… Yes…”

“Well, the first thing wasn’t part of what I was going to say, bit it fits in right nice. Calling Bulk Biceps Snowflake when everypony and his brother knows he doesn’t like that isn’t very kind.” She winces at that. “Second off, breaking a Pinky Pie Promise to keep a secret that won’t cause harm to nopony is not very kind.” Her eyes widen. “Thirdly, hiding from somepony after breaking such a promise and keeping an explanation from them they deserve isn’t very kind.” Tears start to well up in her eyes. “Fourthly, being at home rather than out practicing with every pegasus else to prepare for supplying Cloudsdale with water isn’t very kind.” She starts bawling at this point. “Are you still truly able to bear the Element of Kindness?” Big Mac looks down on Fluttershy bittersweetly. On one hoof he feels better after telling her how he really feels, but on the other he feels bad about how it’s making her feel, and Angel is just making that hoof feel worse. “Look Fluttershy, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“No, it’s alright Big Mac. I asked you to tell me what you thought, and you did. It may have been a little harsh, but it’s true nonetheless, thank you for being honest.”

“Eeyup, though I suppose it’s about time I headed back home, maybe there’ll be some still-warm leftovers from supper.”

“Oh, well actually I was about to make dinner myself, would you like to join me?”

“Nope, I got an early morning tomorrow, Caramel’s coming over to help with some chores, and I wanna be presentable.” A smirk crossed his face.

“Oh, I thought you liked Sno… I mean Bulk Biceps”

“I do, though in truth I really like them both just about equally, it’s just, I can’t have the one, seeing as Caramel ain’t a colt-cuddler like me.”

“How did you find that out?”

Big Mac blushes sheepishly, “Sorry, but that stays between Mel and me.”

“Oh, okay, well, be careful walking home, it’s rather late out.”

“I’ll be just fine.” He says as he turns and walks out the door. He starts thinking about home, it was getting pretty cold out, and he couldn’t wait to get under his covers. Hopefully Applejack kept some supper warm for him. Oh buck! He’d totally forgotten about their encounter earlier today. He couldn’t go home tonight; he was too tired to face her again right now. He turns, deciding to give Mel a visit. He was glad Mel was such a good friend to him, he would never have expected anypony to still be friends with him after what had happened, let alone be so cool with it and brushing it off as if it were nothing like Mel did.

When he gets to Caramel’s house he knocks on the door, and Caramel lets him in. “You alright Big Mac, it’s late, why aren’t you at home asleep?” he asks the stallion.

“Well, I had a little fight with AJ today, and I'm really not up to facing her right now, you mind if I stay here at your place tonight?”

Caramel raises an eyebrow. “Sure Big Mac.” Caramel notices the stallion looking over to the kitchen, and realizes that if he hadn’t been home yet, he probably hasn’t had supper either, Big Mac wasn’t normally one to carry the money around to eat out, or even tend to eat out in general. “You hungry?”

Big Mac gives a toothy smile, “Eeyup”

“Tell you what, I get you something to eat, and you tell me everything that happened today.”


Bulk Biceps closes his front door, watching Big Mac leave. Once he was sure he was out of earshot he started squealing like Justin Baleber fanfilly and bouncing so much you’d think Pinky Pie had turned white and grown wings and a certain other member. “Okay, okay, Bulky, calm down, you need to get to training so Big Mac will be impressed.” And that is just what he did.