• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 6,039 Views, 26 Comments

Mum's the Word - Astral Phoenix

A slip of the tongue leaves Apple Bloom emotionally embarrassed.

  • ...

A Moment of Thought - Apple Bloom

Luna’s moon had already begun to slowly ascend into the night sky as Apple Bloom galloped up the dirt trail that led to Sweet Apple Acres. Tears burned down her cheeks as the word still lingered in the little filly’s mind.


How did that just happen?” The little filly wondered as she tried to wrap her head around it. She had never felt so embarrassed in her life! What should she do? What could she do? Horrid images of everypony laughing and taunting her filled her mind as questions swirled around in her head leading nowhere.

Apple Bloom hadn’t watched where she was going, so as something rough scraped the surface of her forehoof, she was propelled forward into the air, landing hard on the solid ground beneath her. She laid there, her face buried into the soil as hot, wet tears streamed down her cheeks and into the sand. “What would my family think of me?” she wondered to herself “Or my friends? Or anypony for that matter?

As she finally managed to recollect herself, Apple Bloom shakily rose to her hooves as she wiped away her tears with the back of a hoof. Staring into the distance, she saw that Sweet Apple Acres was not too far now. She inhaled slowly, allowing herself a moment to calm down. As she exhaled, Apple Bloom continued along the dirt path, but this time she kept in mind where she was walking and made sure to be more careful.

As she made her way up the path towards the house, Apple Bloom suddenly noticed that her coat looked a little bit frizzled and messied from the fall.

Don’t want you going back looking like you just came out of the Everfree Forest.” Twilight’s words echoed in her mind.

Twilight was so kind to help me clean up, I don’t wanna ruin it.” Apple Bloom thought to herself as she headed in the direction of the barn. As she looked at her reflection in the large mirror that leaned against the side of the barn, she brushed her coat down, making sure to remove any twigs or leaves that had gotten caught in her fur. She then checked that both her tail and mane didn’t look too frazzled; it wasn’t unusual to have a slightly uncouth mane after a long day of work on the farm, but Applejack would notice if it had been coiled.

As she finished checking over her mane, she noticed the way her bow reflected the light that shone in on the mirror. It reminded her of how Twilight had taken the liberty to clean and fix it up for her.

It was so very kind of Mom to do that for me,” Apple Bloom thought to herself as she adjusted her bow in the mirror, making sure it stood up straight.

A hoof flew over her mouth as her eyes widened in shock, it had happened again! Luckily, she had only thought it and hadn’t said it aloud for anypony to hear. Panic stricken, Apple Bloom ran from the barn and into the quiet stillness of the night. As she franticly looked around the farm to make sure that nopony was around to hear, she felt the shock rush through her veins.

As soon as she had finished fixing up her bow, she admired her handiwork in the mirror and was pleased with the result. She now looked much better than before, or at least without looking like she had been devoured by timber wolves. As she trotted her way up towards the house, Apple Bloom noticed that a brilliant light glowed from the porch, illuminating the cozy exterior of the house. The weather worn paint job held a heavenly glow as the dirt trail up to the steps was lit up.

Off in the distance, she could hear the crickets cry out meekly in the night as the air slowly grew cool, and she shivered as an icy updraft encompassed the underside of the filly’s torso. As she approached the front door, an unsettling feeling slowly grew in the pit of her stomach. Swallowing her pride, Apple Bloom opened the door and softly closed it behind her.

“Hiya, Apple Bloom! What has my little sis’ been up to today?” asked Applejack as she entered the room.

Unaware of her sister’s presence, Apple Bloom jumped and turned around on the spot as adrenaline rushed through her veins. Her breathing escalated as she turned to face her older sister. A worried look had formed on the mare’s face as she extended a hoof out towards Apple Bloom, caressing the side of the filly’s face. “Are ya’ll alright, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, her voice shaking as she spoke. Apple Bloom rose a hoof to her chest as she tried to catch her breath, “Uh, yeah. I’m alright. Ya just startled me, that’s all. I didn’t know you were behind me when I came in,” Apple Bloom explained, her eyes were downcast as she stared at the timber floorboards; she watched as a fly twitched about on a spot on the ground.

“Come on now little sis, ya can’t pull the wool over my eyes. I can tell somethin’s botherin’ yer. Wanna tell me about it?”

Apple Bloom flinched, she wasn’t sure how Applejack would react if she told her that she had called Twilight Mom.

“Is that my sweet little Apple Bloom comin’ in?” an elderly voice exclaimed from the kitchen, the sound echoed through the halls and into the front entrance where Applejack and her were standing.

“It sure is, Granny!” replied Applejack.

“Well tell her to be gettin’ up those stairs and washed up for dinner, the soup’s almost on!” Granny Smith bellowed.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh added.

Apple Bloom breathed a sigh of relief as she made her way towards the stairs.

“Hold on there just a sec, Apple Bloom, before ya go up, tell me: is there anything wrong ya’ wanna talk about?” Applejack asked, a great amount of concern pleaded in the mare’s emerald eyes.

Apple Bloom stopped at the beginning of the stairs, as Applejack had asked her the question. She was hoping that Applejack would’ve gone to help Granny Smith and Big Mac prepare dinner. However, being the kind hearted and caring big sister that she was, Applejack was willing to spare a moment in order to help her little sister when something was wrong.

Apple Bloom started to think more rationally as she looked towards her sister. Should she just come out and say what had happened. How would Applejack take it? What about the rest of her family? She considered her options for a moment before a smile crept onto her face as she had made a decision, she knew exactly what to do.

“Nothin,” Apple Bloom replied.

“Huh?” Applejack said, baffled by her sister’s response.“Nothin’?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at the filly.

“What I mean is, that nothing's really wrong, Applejack,” Apple Bloom explained. “Ya see, I just lost track of time and I was gettin’ really worried that I wouldn’ have made it back in time fer’ dinner.”

“Is that all?” Applejack inquired. “Don’t you be worryin’ about that, sugarcube, you made it back just in the nick of time.”

A heavy sigh of relief escaped the little filly as Apple Bloom wiped away the beads of sweat that had formed on her forehead.

“Well, I’ll just be upstairs gettin’ ready fer dinner then, so I’ll see ya in a bit,” Apple Bloom said as she made her way up the stairs. “By the way, how’d your study session with Twilight go today?” Apple Bloom once again froze up by the mention of Twilight. “Ah heh heh,” the filly chuckled. “Oh yeah, I was so worried about gettin’ back home that I forgot all about that.”


“Well...the thing is, it’s that...I’m all caught up with my homework fer school,” Apple Bloom replied happily.

“That’s great news, Apple Bloom! I sure hope you remembered to thank Twilight for all her help before you left.”

“Of course I did, I wouldn’t think of heading out without thanking M....” Apple Bloom shook her head, “Uh, Twilight without thanking her.”

Why does this keep happening to me?” she thought to herself. “Why can’t I jus’ say Twilight’s name like I always do?

Apple Bloom starts to feel tiny beads of sweat start to trickle form on her forehead; she quickly brushed them off with the back of her hoof before Applejack could notice.

“Glad to hear it lil sis.” Applejack added happily “I’m real proud of,”

Before Applejack finished the rest of her sentence, something caught the corner of her eye. She stared rather intensely at her little sister for a few moments, unsure of what to say next.

“What is it, sis?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Hmm,” Applejack murmured. “There’s somethin’ a bit differen’ about you, Apple Bloom, but I just can’t seem to put my hoof on it.”

“Different?” Apple Bloom questioned.

As Applejack kept on staring her little sister up and down, the more nervous Apple Bloom became. What did her sister mean by different?

Suddenly the mare’s pupils dilated as her eyes widened and her mouth fell agape.

“Your bow!” Applejack finally exclaimed.

Apple Bloom stared at her sister with a blank expression on her face.


“Ya’ got yerself a spanking new bow didn’ you?” Applejack asked.

“I got a new what now?”

“Huh, and I always thought ya’ really liked that old one ya always used to wear.”

Apple Bloom scratched her head. What in Equestria was her sister talking about? As she felt the bow that was neatly placed on the top of her mane she finally realised what Applejack meant.

“Oh, this ain’t a new bow, Applejack,” Apple Bloom giggled. “This is still my old one. Twilight was just real kind to fix it up for me. Looks good as new, right?"

Applejack looked rather surprised.

“Well, Ah’ll be,” gasped Applejack. “I’d never woulda guessed that was the same ol’ bow you had there. I honestly thought for a moment that there bow just came out from tha’ store. That was real nice of Twilight ta do that for ya huh?”

“Yeah, Twilight is the best.” Apple Bloom agreed.

Wait. I did say ‘Twilight’, right?

“Yes lil’ sis, Twilight sure is without a doubt, one of the best friends anypony could ever ask fer.” Applejack continued. “I sure am glad to have her here in Ponyville. Anyway, I’d better not keep ya held up any longer, dinner’s bout ready in a few minutes. We’ll talk more bout’ your study session later, ya’ll better get up and get yerself washed up now.”

As Applejack made her way towards the kitchen to help finish preparing dinner, Apple Bloom quickly trotted up the rest of the stairs and then galloped straight into her room.

As she took off her saddlebags, she tossed them onto the floor as she sat down to gather herself after all that had transpired.

What a nightmare.” She thought to herself. “Why did this have ta’ happen to me?

Apple Bloom was still feeling rather tense, as she placed her hoof over her heart, she took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh as she exhaled. This was a special technique that Twilight used to calm herself down whenever she started to get worried or stressed.

Wow that really works, Twilight sure knows of ways to help relax.

Apple Bloom started reminiscing of the day she had spent with Twilight, how much fun they had together and how she had really enjoyed herself. She still remembered the promise that Twilight had made about having a sleepover during the weekend. This was, in her opinion, a perfect day. Which it was before she called Twilight...

She shook her head at the thought. She didn’t want to think about that at all, but how could she not? She did say it. There was no way to deny it, So how could she possibly make this better? Who could she talk to about it? What would they think? What did Twilight think?

All these swirled around in Apple Bloom’s mind as she tried to imagine what everypony might do if they ever found out. Her family would throw her off the farm, her friends would reject her and the whole school would torment her until she graduated.

Perhaps I’m just overreacting here,” she thought to herself. “Maybe none of that will ever happen.

But what if it does, a voice whispered back to her. What if just one of these things did happen? What if anypony found out about her little slip up?

Apple Bloom laid her body flat on the floor; how could she ever get herself out of this?

Perhaps it’s better to just get it over with and just tell the family over dinner.

Apple Bloom suddenly spotted something that protruded from underneath her bed. As she picked herself up off the ground, she walked over to the bed and grabbed a hold of the object and pulled it out from underneath the bed. As soon as she caught sight of it, she gasped. For in her very hoof, she was holding none other than...

“Smarty Pants?” she whispered. “How’d this ugly thing get under here?”

She could recall way back when Twilight had been in quite a “state” and was obsessed with a friendship report. She had tried to make her and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders fight over her old doll in hopes of teaching them a lesson about sharing. However, when neither of them wanted the doll, Twilight was reduced to taking drastic measures.

Apple Bloom shook her head as she did not want to recall what exactly had happened after that. Getting back to the question at hoof, what was Smarty Pants doing under her bed? Suddenly she remembered seeing the same doll with Big Mac perhaps once or twice, could her big brother have been holding on to this doll this whole entire time?

But why would he want a scraggy old thing like this? Apple Bloom wondered, staring disgustedly at the old doll and wondering what to do with it. She stared at the doll for a moment and then with a small smile... she starts hugging it tightly in her arms.

Deep down, Apple Bloom did sorta like the doll. But she didn’t want to admit it in case Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle didn’t want to hang out with her anymore because of it.

As she climbed atop of her bed, Apple Bloom laid down to snuggle Smarty Pants tightly in her arms as she started to wonder what she should do about Twilight and the ‘M’ word incident. She closed her eyes and started to remember back to some of the good times.

Like how when Twilight first came to Ponyville and visited Sweet Apple Acres she had made her stay for brunch by using her big, sad, puppy dog eyes. There was the time where everypony in town was afraid of Zecora, even to the point that they believed she was an evil sorceress. But both she and Twilight were the only two ponies who were willing to give their zebra neighbour the benefit of the doubt.

She also remembered the special moments that she had shared with her family and her best friends. Like when Granny Smith came to her school for Family Appreciation Day, the Apple Cider Season they all did together, going camping with Applejack and every cutie mark crusading adventure she had ever done with her best friends.

Apple Bloom sat up on her bed and looked directly into the black, beady button eyes of Smarty Pants with a look of certainty on her face.

No matter what, nopony must ever know about this, my family and my friends are just too important ta me. I can’t risk losing them. So from this day forth, I, Apple Bloom Apple, shall hereby no longer utter the ‘M’ word to anypony ever again!” Apple Bloom declared to herself.

And especially ta Twilight... if I want ta stop saying the ‘M’ word.....I’m gonna have ta avoid seeing her...” she added sadly.

“Apple Bloom!” her sister bellowed from downstairs. “Dinner’s ready, get yer tail a movin!”

As soon as Apple Bloom realised how much time had passed, she leaped from her bed and onto the floor and hurried over to her door. But before she left, she turned around to see the Smarty Pants doll had fallen off her bed and onto the floor.

Apple Bloom quickly walked back over to the doll and picked it up, before glancing over her shoulder to make sure that no one was there. She bent down underneath her bed, lifted up her bed sheet and slid the doll back underneath the bed so that no one could see it. She dropped the sheet and headed out the door.

“Comin’ sis!” she called out.

Author's Note:

The Return of Smarty Pants! I had this idea from the episode "Somepony to Watch Over Me" when Applejack lifted Apple Bloom's bed just what was Smarty Pants doing under there anyway? hope to see that again in the show!

See ya next time for Chapter 4! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 22 )

Wonderful chapter

looking pretty awesome :twilightsmile:

Ok I'm confused. Did you re-post these chapters or something? If so, did you re write parts?
Just asking so I know if I need to reread them or not.

6271382 The chapters have all been edited to look better then they did before. So, yes, there are some changes, but the story is still the same.

Great chapter can't wait to read more :heart::pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:

6314424 Thanks for the comment, unfortunately Mum's the Word will be put on a long hiatus sometime soon as I plan on working on another fanfic.

6314605 why r all the stories I read put on hold :fluttercry:

6314625 Not to worry the next fanfic I'm working on is another Twilight & Apple Bloom story! hope you look forward to it.

Great story looking forward to the next one and if they will eventually meet up she won't be able to avoid her forever but I can not wait to see what happens then as well as if Twilight will eventually adopt Apple Bloom. Hope so.

Can't wait to see where this leads!!

You’re bow!” Applejack finally exclaimed.


After reading "My Wings Will Keep You Safe" I was so excited to discover this story about Twilight being the perfect mother figure for Applebloom, it's a shame that its been on hiatus for over 2 years. Hopefully Astral, you'll one day return to this story cuz the potential is there.

8709604 Thank you for the kind words. :twilightsmile: you will be happy to know that I am in the planning process of remaking this story. I will be posting a blog giving more details on it sometime soon so keep your eyes peeled for it. :raritywink:

See ya next time for Chapter 4!:twilightsmile:

little did anyone one know their would never be a chapter 4

8774349 Sadly no, but there will be a remake coming very soon. :twilightsmile:

i see lets hope it last more then 3 chapters

Is the remake there?

No, haven't gotten around on the remake and probably won't be able to for some time. My current focus is on "Twins at the Beach" an EqG fanfic and my main project, Rise of the Apple Princess, the latter is also a remake.

Really good story

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