• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 7,183 Views, 155 Comments

Baby Twily And Woona. - Aunt Celestia

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Chapter 6

Celestia smiled as she watched Pinkie Pie passing the cold drinks around. She looked to Twilight and Luna, the former still weeping, while the latter held her, a big sister comforting a little sister.

She couldn’t help but feel both happy and guilty about that. She had done her best to try comforting Luna when she’d been younger, only for... for Nightmare to take her away, she should have made more time for her. Celestia of Equestria was not perfect. She was not a goddess, for she had sinned.

It was she who was too selfish and when her sister had walked in during her day court sometimes, she would have some negative feelings at her interruptions. It was true that it took the sunny mare almost 1000 years to at least keep that antagonistic part of her in check, but all ponies had that once in a while. Most thought that it technically wasn’t right that she had anything to keep in check in the first place but what did they know.

Celestia might be a princess and a ruler but she still is a pony, she had emotions, she slept like they slept, she had a beating heart, organs, and blood running through her, she ate like they did, maybe a bit too much but in her defense the royal chefs made such scrumptious cake.

Not that those snotty nobles cared anyway, all they wanted was more money and higher taxes on the poor and lower ones for themselves. Now that she thought about it, she had gone easy on the rich. Yet, they could start something if Celestia taxed everyone equally. Wait a second, so out of fear of losing the throne, she had carelessly let the wealthy get wealthier? And they said she was flawless and made no mistakes, wrong!

The bringer of the day started to think about her “nephew”. After all, Prince Blueblood was a descendent of hers, but he was far back in her blood line, thank Faust. Yet again she had played the weaker mare and let him do whatever he pleased. She recalled hearing from some pony that Blueblood had received horrid service from a waitress at one of the finest restaurants in Canterlot. Well that was definitely a big load of diaper right there.

Then her mind started to wander, piles upon piles of paperwork work were well piling up on her desk. She remembered her personal assistant telling her the nobles were getting agitated about her canceling court until she could sort out an important problem that she told them absolutely nothing about.

In fact, her whole staff knew about Twilight and Luna but she had already cut the head off that monster. Simply holding a meeting and making her entire staff swear not to spill the beans wasn’t really that hard. Besides she could already hear the presses rolling about her somehow getting pregnant or something. Yep, they would assume that, having snobs around you all the time wasn’t always the best.
She put those thoughts aside. She had to focus on the positives. Twilight and Luna needed a caring mother and she would be just that. Although she had not forgotten Luna’s punishment for the little ‘shark’ stunt, she decided to let them have some fun for a while. She grabbed them in her magic and lowered them down to the ground, where they started crawling around, exploring.

Maybe she could get Luna her own personal assistant when she got older; no doubt she would need one. Her room is filled with old things though; maybe I could show it to her someday. Although perhaps I should take out her abacus, she kind of treated it like her foal, and I swear it was giving me looks. Wait, how could an abacus give me looks?! It has no eyes! Oh Lulu, sometimes you just drive me loony. Also what was she going to do with Twilight? Her faithful student was now a foal and could not learn any new magic. Her studies are going to be on hold I suppose.

Celestia’s thoughts were interrupted by a gentle clopping of hooves so she focused back on the real world. Rarity and Applejack came up to her, a rainy day sadness that was hard to conceal in their eyes, even if they were trying their best to hide it from the princess of sunshine.
“Applejack? Rarity?” the princess asked, looking from one of them to the other. “What’s wrong?”
“Well...” Rarity trailed off, looking away. It was hard to believe the white mare that always had some fashionable tip or lady like words on her tongue didn’t know what to say.

Applejack took a deep breath and looked up at the princess. “It’s just’... we just realized Twi won’t be the same again.”
“That may be, but she is still technically the Twilight you know. She will remember you in time, I’m sure. I think the only reason she was crying earlier is she was surprised by Pinkie’s welcome.” explained Celestia as a small grin found its way to her face.
As if on cue, the sound of Twilight’s laughter pulled their attention to where Pinkie had just tripped over her own hooves, a large slice of cake splattered on her muzzle and found its way into her bubblegum mane as well.

Twilight clapped her hooves together, giggling and gurgling like any foal would over such a funny display.
Celestia felt a tug on her prismatic mane and looked down to see Spike, a mournful expression on his face. “Yes, Spike?” she inquired, leaning down to his level.

Spike turned away, tears in his emerald green eyes. “Is Twilight really stuck like that forever?”
Celestia shook her head. “No, Spike. She will not be a foal forever.” The baby drake sighed with relief, but she went on. “However, she won’t be like you remember her.”

Spike’s relief melted away like butter on hot toast and water welled in his eyes. “But... she was like a mother to me.”
Celestia blinked. She knew this all too well, but she’d never have expected Spike to admit it, maybe just at least say she was a big sister. She bent down and nuzzled him. “I am sorry, Spike. If it would make you feel better, would you like to help me with look after them?”
Spike sniffled, wiping his nose on his scaly arm and looked up at her. “I... I guess so.”

Celestia smiled, then stood up straight and glanced around. She frowned as she noticed that some pony was missing. She turned to Fluttershy, who was cooing at Luna and Twilight, clearly in her element. “Fluttershy?”

The butter yellow pegasus eeped, electing giggles from the foals, before she lifted her head up to look at Celestia. “Ye... yes, princess?” she whispered, hiding her face behind her pink mane.

Celestia shook her head. “Please, just call me Celestia. I was wondering, where is Rainbow Dash?”
Fluttershy looked down, a small smile on her face. “Oh, um, okay... Celestia.” She made a small squee noise, and then glanced up. “Um, Rainbow Dash went to give you the invitation for the party.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “But, one of the guards gave me the letter, not Rainbow Dash.”
Fluttershy blinked, a little surprised. “Oh. Maybe that’s why she got back so soon...”

“She was actin’ mighty weird though,” Applejack uttered, having heard the conversation and leaped right in. “Ah ain’t never seen her so jumpy.”

Celestia’s ear flicked. Why would Rainbow Dash be jumpy? Well she does love to fly around a lot, I guess she can never stay in one place for too long but I guess this isn’t normal if Applejack is so worried about her. “What do you mean?”

Applejack frowned. “Don’t rightly know. She was actin’ real anxious and was all jittery. Then, when ya’ll appear in a flash, she started talkin’ way too fast and shot out, as if scared of sum’in’.”

Celestia mentally froze like a statue, Discord would be proud. She’d thought she’d heard the cyan mare’s voice at the palace. Had... had Rainbow Dash seen her using that spell on Twilight and Luna? , was that why she’d been troubled? She’d have to deal with that, so she didn’t say anything.

“Ahem.” Celestia turned to Rarity, who was looking at her with curiosity. “Excuse me prin— I mean, Celestia. Will you be looking after Twilight from now on, or will you give her to her parents?”

Celestia eyes saddened for a second, before she looked away. “Twilight... doesn’t have any parents.”
Every pony, even Pinkie, though not the foals, stopped; eyes wide open at Celestia’s words.
“Twi... Twi’s an orphan?” Applejack asked, turning to the small unicorn foal, which was playing patty cake with Luna, both of them laughing, with not a care in the world.

Celestia nodded. “Twilight and her brother, Shining Armor, now Captain of the Royal Guard, had been on vacation with their parents in the Griffin Empire. It was shortly after I’d taken her on as my student, so she and her family had joined me on an official trip for a meeting with the king.” She sighed. “There was an attack from a rival to the king and their family was caught in the crossfire. I took them in and let them live in the castle.”

The other ponies all glanced to Twilight, gloom in all their eyes.

“At least... she don’t gotta deal with the pain o’ losing her family no more,” Applejack said, turning her head away and pulling her Stetson down. “Ah know that feelin’ all too well. Ah’m glad Twi don’t gotta go through with it now.” Fluttershy gave AJ a quick hug and told her to visit her cottage if she needed some pony to talk to and in turn the farm pony gave her swift thanks.

"It’s getting late. I'm afraid I have to get these two home.” She said as she watched the two foals playing with around Pinkie Pie. Basically it was a very intense game of Peek-a-boo.”Also have to fix the little problem with a cyan pegasus." She mumbled under her breath.
Pinkie being Pinkie, bounced right up to the princess with the foals perched on her back after their favorite pastime was over. They were really enjoying themselves tonight, smiling as wide as the Cheshire cat. "Well ok. I'll miss you little ones.” voiced the pink mare nuzzling the two on her rear, getting giggles in reply.

Spike soon found his way next to the princess, as if to say, am I coming? So Celestia simply gave him a curt nod and he returned it with a bob of his own spiky head. The others gave their farewells to the young dragon who presented to them his best smile, making sure to stretch it a bit larger as he turned to Rarity.

"Good night my little ponies." Celestia politely said to them. "Now to get these three to bed and fix my little dilemma" She thought as she teleported to the castle after saying her goodbyes. She put her little foals in their cribs and let Spike rest near them on a few pillows and blankets.

Maybe later she could pick up his little basket and a few gems for him. Also she had to find some pony that could take care of the library, well she guessed Mayor Mare with come up with a solution since it was in fact her responsibility to handle the modest issues of the town. Celestia was so very glad she didn’t have to deal with it. She already had enough on her metaphorical plate for quite some time.

She landed on the puffy surface in time to see the pegasus getting ready to fly off. She snuck up behind her and cast a sleeping spell on her, then wiped her memory clean from the last few hours. She made sure the spell would last for a few hours. She spoke, “I can't have you ruin my fun." then she disappeared into the shadows.

Author's Note:

This chapter is the biggest so far all thanks to Autum Breeze and SoMLP13. Give a big thanks to them! I don't know what I would have done with out you guys!

Edited by SoMLP13