• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 997 Views, 13 Comments

The Sea's Pearl - lyra_lover777

Fluttershy and Big Macintosh are swept into an adventure under the sea to help a mysterious race fight back.

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Dark shadows swept across the sky and the ground. Fluttershy was squeaking at every whoosh and whisper. It was cold and dreary, and Fluttershy was more scared than usual. Then she saw all her animals coming towards her. Angel bunny was at the front of the group of reptiles, birds, mammals, and amphibians. She held out her front legs to embrace Angel bunny. They were mere inches away from each other's embrace when the shadows swept down and swallowed angel bunny and the other animals. Then the shadows crept slowly towards her. Fluttershy was shaking and squeaking madly. Just as the shadows came upon her, Fluttershy woke up in a cold sweat. She realized she had been dreaming, but still was scared. A shadow of a tree outside swayed and she let out one of her signature quiet screams. She lay their shaking for several more hours before the sun started its morning rountine, guided by the magic of Princess Celestia. Fluttershy felt scared when she thought of her princess and realized the shadows in her nightmare had been in the shape of the regal alicorn princess. She shook the thoughts from her mind and walked down the stairs of her quaint cottage, calling to the animals. Every type of woodland creature, from mouse to bear, raced up to her, begging for food, Soon they all were fed and Fluttershy walked towards town, needing to get some more rodent and bird feed, as well as a new birdhouse for Mr. Bluejay, whose house had been wrecked during a storm last week. After a few minutes of slow walking she arrived in town. She was walking to Carrot Top's vegtable stand when she decided to stop at AJ's apple stand to visit her and to buy a few apples for the pigs. When she arrived there, however, Big Mac was working the stall, not AJ. She blushed a little as she walked up a quickly bought some apples. She had always had a small crush on Big mac after one time when they were young.
Fluttershy was walking to Ponyville soon after gaining her cutie mark to find a way back to Cloudsdale. She was walking past a big apple farm when she fell down a large pit covered with leaves and twigs with a stuffed pony in it. She started to cry and hugged the stuffed pony. Meanwhile, young Macintosh was walking to his timberwolf trap to see if he had caught anything. He immediatlly took a liking to the beautiful little filly at the bottom of his pit who had slender legs and beautifully long hair. He apoligiezed and helped her out of the pit. She had also taken a liking to someone, but in this case it was Macintosh with his ruffled orange hair and lean body with his lopsided smile. They both blushed profusely and then went back to their work, Macintosh apple bucking and Fluttershy searching for a way home.
Fluttershy looked up after giving him several shiny bits and saw he was blushing too. Big Mac looked at the beautiful pony in front of him. He had been meaning to ask her out for years, but every time he saw her, he froze up and could barely even say eeyup. He had ruined his last relationship with Carrot Top when he had been staring at Fluttershy and she had noticed. He didn't realize it was coming out of his mouth, but Big Mac said:
"Y-ya know Fluttershy, I was wonderin' if ya wanted to g-go on a date to the b-beach later today. I've k-kinda had a crush on y-ya since we were little f-foals."
"R-really!?" Fluttershy said. "I've had a c-crush on you t-to!"
"Ya-ya have?!"
Fluttershy nodded. "So, ummmm... see you t-tonight, then?"
"O-okay, see you later."
After buying the other things on her list from Carrot Top, she went to the library were all her friends were meeting for lunch.
"U-umm girls?" Fluttershy said as she entered the library. Twilight and Rainbow dash were arguing about whether Canterlot or Cloudsdale was better and the other three friends were following along intently. "Girls" Fluttershy tried again. "GIRLS!" she screamed in her "loud" voice. They all looked at Fluttershy, surprised she was using her loud voice. "I-i'm going on a date with Big Mac to the beach. AJ's jaw dropped and Rairty squealed,'Your first date!!" After several minutes of chatting in which Fluttershy got very embarrassed, they ate a lunch of hay fries, rose cakes, and wheat burgers and went their seperate ways. When Fluttershy got home she put on a headband with butterflies on it and took deep breaths trying to dispel her nervousness. Rarity was right. It was her first date. After several more calming breaths she stepped out of the house and walked to Sweet Apple Acres. She met Big Mac and they silently walked through Ponyville to the train station, both of them so nervous that any conversation would be short lived. They arrived at the train station and took the train to the coast. They talked of the farm and Fluttershy's critters on the train ride. An hour later, the pair disembarked the train and went to the beach. They had daisy sandwiches and fruit salads at a resturant by the sea, talking of how they met and laughing at the memory. Soon afterward they went to the real beach and settled down, watching the sun set. Fluttershy snuggled up against Big Mac as it became colder. Just before the sun fully disappeared under the horizion, they both saw strange, fish like shapes swimming in the tumbling waves. They were the only ponies left on the beach. They both walked up to where the water was knee deep and splashed each other. Soon they were soaked and laughing when they saw the shapes again, but closer. They both froze. Then suddenly, a green, slimy net was thrown at them, ensnaring them. A large, golden spear with a hoof wrapped around it came and hit Big Mac on the head hard, rendering him unconscious. She saw fish tails and hooves and manes around her. Fluttershy screamed quietly for help and then was pulled under, the beach now lonely, quiet, and deserted.