• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 1,052 Views, 23 Comments

WWC: The Invasion of Area 51 - Chris-Cross13

After a mishap on Earth, the Mane Six must travel to every extraterrestrials worst nightmare on Earth: Area 51 to combat a few villains who may be after some dangerous top secret technology...

  • ...

A Magical New Advantage

“GAH!” Christian shouts as he jolts awake from unconsciousness. His head is pounding and the rest of his body aches horribly. “Ugh, why do I feel like a weight is crushing me?” He says to himself as he groans again from another surge of pain. “Well, I’m alive. That’s an upside at least. Where am I?” He says as he tries to get a hold of his surroundings. The first thing he notices is that he is sitting in a bed; but the bed is weird looking in the sense that it look like it had fused with a crib. It has side rails all along the edge of the bed. Looking around, he notices a TV in the top right corner of the room he is in and a window that takes up the entire wall to his right. He looks left to see a door and some odd looking equipment next to him; a few monitors and an IV. That’s when he realizes where he is.

“A hospital? But how did…?” Suddenly, the door to his room opens. Christian stays fixated on the open door and points his crossbow at it in apprehension. The figure who had opened the door steps into Christian’s line of sight. It takes him not even a second to figure out who it was.

“Well, look who’s awake!” John says as he closes the door behind him. Christian lowers his crossbow and smiles at his uncle. “How are you feeling, kiddo?” He asks as he leans his back against the wall opposite to his nephew.

“I’ve felt better. How long have I been out?” Christian asks.

“Actually not that long, only about an hour or so. You seem to have a good track record of not being unconscious for very long.”

“Oh, that’s good.” His chest tenses up as another surge of pain hits him. “Yet the pain is still annoying! Ouch…” He pauses for a second to lie back down to lessen the stress on his stomach. “So, how have you been?”

“Honestly, I’m just glad that you’re alive, kiddo. You gave me and Celestia quite a scare when that warehouse blew up with you and the girls in it.”

“Yea…” Christian then remembers something rather important. “OH SHOOT! THE GIRLS! Where are they?! Are they okay?!” John starts laughing a bit at his nephew’s reaction before going over to the door and opening it.

“See for yourself!” He says as a group of rainbow colored ponies rush in and immediately start smothering him in a group hug; throwing Christian off completely.

“AH! OKAY! They’re alive! Great! Get off! This hurts! A LOT!” Christian yells as he tries to free himself. The ponies quickly notice the effect they are putting on the human and back off. Christian shakes off the affectionate welcome and smiles, happy to see that the ponies are alive and well.

“Glad to see you girls are okay! Let me guess, Twitty used a spell didn’t she?”

“Uh, well actually…” Twilight goes to say; but Christian cuts her off as usual.

“I gotta say Twitty; I hate you for multiple reasons, and I mean MULTIPLE. But this magic of yours really comes in handy!”

“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not, but…”

“I mean, Trixie even put a spell on you to prevent you from using magic; and you use it anyway! How does that even…”

“I didn’t use any magic!” Twilight shouts, interrupting Christian who then goes into a blank expression on his face which transitions into confusion.

“What do you mean ‘you didn’t use magic’?” He asks, laughing at her unbelievable statement.

“I didn’t conjure the shield that saved us.” Twilight persists. Christian laughs again.

“Well then who did, Twitty? You’re the only one that I know besides PC and Luna that can use magic the way you use it.”

“You did.” Twilight answers. Christian goes dead silent for a second and everyone looks at him, a bit concerned.

“What do you mean ‘I did’?” He asks with a nervous laugh.

“You conjured the shield.” Twilight says with a smile on her face. Christian shakes his head in disbelief.

“Twitty, you must have been hit in the head with a falling piece of concrete. I’m a human. I mean, it would be awesome if I could use magic; but I can’t. It’s not possible.”

“Oh yes you can!” Dash yells. “We all saw you creating that shield with your own two hands! And it was awesome!”

“It blew my mind!” Pinkie Pie comments.

“No kiddin’! I didn’t even know humans could use magic!” Applejack says.

“It was very…umm…cool, Christian.” Fluttershy whispers to the bedriden human.

“I don’t believe it. There is no way!” Christian says, throwing himself back down onto his bed. “I mean, do you know how impossible this sounds?”

“Yes, but it’s true.” A voice coming from the doorway says. Celestia walks in and looks at Christian. “John and I saw it with our own eyes.” Christian glances over at John, who shrugs.

“What? They were going to tell you anyway!” He says putting up his hands in his defense. Christian starts shaking his head.

“Me using magic? AWESOME! Wait, so does that mean I’m a unicorn now or…How does that work exactly?” He asks the solar princess.

“Well, there’s only one way to find out.” She responds. “Take off your necklace and let’s see!” Christian slowly reaches behind him and unhooks the back hook to his necklace. After a brief flash of light, Chris-Cross is shown holding his necklace in his left hoof. He looks around the room to see wide eyes and gaping mouths.

“Well? Anything different?” He asks curiously. Dash glances down to his eyes.

“Uh, Yea. I’d say that’s new!” She says while pointing to his forehead. Chris-Cross lifts a hoof to feel anything different. His hoof bangs into a strong structure on his head. Taking his other hoof, he quickly feels around his head to find a smooth and somewhat pointy object protruding out of his head. CC gets a freaked out look on his face for a second, not realizing what this “thing” is. Twilight notices this and conjures up a mirror.

“This should help, Chris-Cross.” She says as the mirror hovers over to CC. He looks into the mirror and his admires what he sees on his head: An orange unicorn horn. He turns his head left to right to get different views of this new addition to his body.

“Not bad.” He mutters to himself. “While I still think unicorns are more female oriented; magic is the kind of thing that every human wants! This is going to be aweso…” Suddenly, Chris-Cross’s horn vanishes from his head, seemingly disintegrating from where it once was. CC stares back into the mirror, a bit confused at what just happened starts waving his right hoof back and forth where his horn once was. The ponies around him are a bit intrigued at the horn’s disappearing act.

“Uh…Is this normal?” Chris-Cross asks. Celestia shakes her head.

“Not at all; how bizarre. I’ve never seen such a thing.”

“Welp, I guess there goes your magic, CC.” Applejack points out. CC gives off a blank expression before his face transforms into the most annoyed and irritated face the girls have ever seen.

“You have GOT to be kidding me!” He yells. “I get one of the coolest skills ever and then I just lose it?! GAHHHHHHHHH!” He slams his hooves onto his bed. “Give me a break! For the love of Celestia, I almost got wasted in the warehouse back ther…” As Chris-Cross points a forehoof outside the window in the direction of a small crater on the horizon, a brilliant orange beam flies out of CC’s forehoof and slices a cookie cutter size hole in the glass. The ponies and John look toward the punctured window before looking back at CC, who is staring at his hoof in alarm.

“Did…Did Chris-Cross just conjure a magic beam from his hoof?” Twilight says, bewildered.

“I didn’t even know unicorns, or ponies for that matter; could even do that.” Rarity says.

“They can’t.” Celestia says as she walks up and starts observing CC’s hooves. Using some of her own magic, she surrounds CC’s hooves in a white glow. Celestia closes her eyes and starts channeling more magic before thinking aloud. “Hmm…It seems that because Christian’s human DNA is fused with that of a pony; when a horn was introduced into the gene pool it had to cope with both pony and human DNA. So it seems the gene for the unicorn horn infused with that of his hooves to compensate for the lack of a human unicorn horn.” Chris-Cross gives Celestia a blank stare.

“Uhh, what?”

“She means your horn and hooves are connected.” Twilight explains in a more simple form. Christian mumbles to Twilight; acknowledging what she said, before focusing his attention back to his forehooves.

“So, does this make me part unicorn now or something?” Chris-Cross asks the princess. Celestia looks up for a second to think about his rather unusual question.

“Well…Technically yes, even though you ‘lack’ a horn.” She answers. Christian nods as he starts trying to put his necklace back on. As Chris-Cross is fumbling around, Dash comes to a somewhat interesting realization.

“Hey, wait a sec; can’t Chris-Cross talk to animals too?” She asks. The girls turn toward their pegesi friend to address her.

“Yes I can; but what does that have to do with anything?” CC says as he tries to un-hook his necklace. “How do you girls use these things?” He mumbles under his breath as his necklace slips from his grip.

“Well think about it; CC just so happens to get two amazing new skills right after he gets blasted with the Elements of Harmony. I mean, C’MON! You don’t have to be Twilight to figure this out.”

“I don’t understand what ya gettin’ at, Dash.” Applejack says.

“I never understand.” Pinkie says with a smile. Dash slowly facehooves herself in annoyance.

“Think about it girls; who’s the one pony we know…” Dash zips up to Fluttershy in the blink of an eye. “…who has great connection to animals?” She nudges her yellow friend, who smiles in coy manner. “Also…” Dash then hovers over to Twilight. “…who is the best at using magic in the room besides Celestia?” Twilight nods in understanding before showing a somewhat encouraging smile.

"Dash, I like the theory. But there is no way that Chris-Cross could be getting these powers from…”

“She’s right.” Celestia interrupts her student’s thought as she starts walking to Chris-Cross’s side.

“Huh?” Twilight says, perplexed.

“Wait, I’m right? Awesome! Score one for Dash!” Dash says, patting herself on the back.

“It makes perfect sense. While I don’t understand how or why this has happened to Chris-Cross; maybe it is a side effect of the Elements as Redheart stated; or perhaps it’s a mutation in his new DNA. However it happened, the Elements of Harmony must have somehow transferred an aspect from all six of you into Christian’s genes. His talking to animals and magic ability are probably only the start. Soon, he’ll probably get four more new skills in time.” As Celestia is talking Chris-Cross is still messing with the hook on his necklace, and is getting rather fed up at not being able to become human again. Meanwhile, the girls are reeling over this new information.

“Whoa, that’s awesome!” Dash says exuberantly. “That means you might get some of my speed, CC! Though, I doubt you’ll still be able to keep up with me.” She says while polishing a hoof on her fur and looking at it all gloat-like.

“Ya think he’ll get ma strength? We could use the help during Applebuckin’ Season.” Applejack comments

“Ohhhh, this is soooooooo exciting! I wonder what you’ll get from me CC? Baking? Nah, you can do that already. Balloons? OH! Maybe you’ll get a party cannon!” Pinkie shrieks.

“Well darling, I guess you’ll be getting some of my fighting moves after all.” Rarity says. Chris-Cross sighs loudly in anger, halting every conversation and making the room dead quiet.

“Do you think one of those new skills will be un-hooking this stupid thing?! I’ve been doing this for five minutes now and…” An idea suddenly pops into his head. “Wait a sec, I have magic! Duh! I’ll just use a levitation spell!” Twilight looks at him petrified at what he might do considering there is a busted window ten feet from where she is standing.

“Uhh Chris-Cross? How about you let me do it…”

“Don’t worry Twitty, I got this!” He raises his hooves just above his necklace and takes a deep breath. Within seconds, the necklace gains a faint orange glow and starts levitating into the air. Everyone else starts backing up in fear of Chris-Cross’s novice magic ability wasting the room and everyone in it.

“Chris-Cross, be really careful about…” Twilight goes to stay, but is again cut off by the orange pony.

“Relax Twitty; nothing bad is going to…” He makes a swift motion with his hooves to separate the two halves of the necklace. Everyone in the room braces themselves for what happens next…



“…happen.” Christian finishes his sentence as everyone opens their eyes to see the human sitting before them. Christian nods, impressed at his own feat in magic. “Aww, yea! Who’s the best magic using human in this room? I am! WO HOO!” He raises his left hand in a celebratory fist pump; which unintentionally makes Christian fire off a beam of orange magic into the ceiling; making another huge hole in the room. The girls jump at the sudden sound, while John just leans against the wall and looks up at the damage.

“Can you go five minutes without blasting a hole with that new power of yours, kiddo?” He says with a laugh. Christian draws back his hand.

“Uhh, oops.”

“John’s right, Christian.” Celestia says; “You need to learn how to control your magic. It’s not just a party trick. You now have a dangerous power with you.”

“Right, got it; so that means you’re going to teach me; right, PC?” Christian asks, pleadingly.

“Actually Christian, I was hoping Twilight would be able to teach you.” She says with a smile toward her star student.

“Wait, what?” Christian mutters to his boss.

“Yea Christian, I’ll be able to…Wait, WHAT?!” Twilight screams. “Celestia, you can’t be serious!” She protests. Training the human who despised her in the use of magic sounded like a volatile combination.

“Nonsense Twilight! I’m sure with your expertise in magic, you will be more than capable to help Christian hone his new skill.” Twilight turns back to Christian, who is trying to levitate an orange over from the small table next to him. Motioning his hand in a beckoning manner, the fruit hovers over to the side of his bed.

“Sweet!” He says, clutching his fist in victory; which crushes the orange instantaneously. Juice bursts out of the food stuff and splatters onto the floor, leaving only the rind and pulp left hovering in the air.

“Well, shoot.” He frowns.

“However, I will keep close watch will you teach him. I find it interesting that he already knows a few spells with such little knowledge of magic.” Celestia stares at the human with great intrigue.

“So, when can Twitty help with some magic target practice?” Christian asks, eyeing Twilight with a malicious smile.

“You will start tomorrow.” Celestia answers.

“Tomorrow? Forget that! Let’s start now!” Christian shouts as he starts to shift off the bed.

“No Christian,” Celestia insists. “You need to rest. Your body isn’t used to using magic; especially for what you did earlier.”

“Please, I feel fine! Let’s do this thing!” Christian eagerly leaps off the bed. The second he gets off and takes two steps forward he collapses onto one knee. His vision becomes blurry again and his whole body is racked with pain. “Argh! What the…?! I felt fine a second ago…GAH! That hurts!” John and Celestia help him back into the bed.

“See? Your body needs to get used to using magic.” The princess informs. Christian eases himself back under the blankets and into a lying down position.

“So is that going to happen every time I use magic now?” He asks.

“Of course not Christian; you will develop a much higher magical stamina as you practice with Twilight.” Christian nods at Celestia, understanding how this was going to be a more intricate process then he thought. Then again, this is magic; it’s not exactly the easiest thing in the world.

“So, tomorrow then?” He asks.

“Tomorrow it is.” Celestia says with a bit of a laugh. She heads off to the door. “Excuse me; I must get back the castle. I am eager to see what you are capable of, Christian. And Twilight, I expect you’ll be a great teacher. I’ll see you all tomorrow.” She heads out of the room. Twilight is awe-struck by her mentor’s words.

“I won’t let you down, Princess Celestia.” Twilight whispers to herself.

“Welp, I better be heading out too.” John says, suddenly. “I need to explain to my higher ups that my nephew can now use magic.” He sighs. “Oh boy, this outta be fun. Later kiddo, girls, I’ll be seeing you later.” He heads out the door with everyone waving goodbye.

“You girls leaving too?” Christian asks with some sadness in his voice.

“Heck no!” Dash answers without hesitation.

“We would never leave you alone when you’re like this!” Pinkie says happily. “You’re our friend!”

“Plus, this room seems kinda borin’.” Applejack says as she inspects the four white walls. "Hospitals ain't the happiest or most excitin' places to be in."

“Not really, I can watch TV.” The human says simply. The ponies look at the human with utter confusion on their faces.

“Huh?” The girls say, simultaneously confused on what this ‘TV’ was.

“Yea, you know…” Christian reaches a hand over to his side table and grabs the TV remote. He clicks a button and the TV flashes to life in the corner of the room. “See? That’s a TV. It’s what we humans use to entertain ourselves.” He says while flicking through the numerous channels. The girls take a seat on the floor and watch the machine, eyes full of amazement. Then, Christian clicks over to a very familiar show and a very familiar tune comes on...

“My Little Pony. My Little Pony. Ahh, Ahh, Ahh…”

“Hey!” Pinkie shouts. “Is that…US?!” Christian nods slowly and rather confused.

“Yea, why?” He answers. He thought he told the girls that they were a TV show on Earth before. “Must have forgotten; whoops.” He thinks to himself

“But…How did…You don’t…What?!” Rarity tries to assess this odd conundrum. Christian rolls his eyes.

“Didn’t I tell you girls you were a show here already? He asks.

“No, never.” The ponies answer.

“Well, you are.” Christian says simply. The girls look at each other a tad worried for some reason before smiling and nodding.

“So like, to the rest of your planet; we’re stars? Dash asks.

“If you mean fictional television stars, then yes.” Christian answers.

“Cool! I’m a TV star…sorta. Whatever! It’s still awesome!” She turns back to watch the show she is in. The others turn back to join her; that is, all of them except Twilight. She walks back to Christian, who is fluffing his pillow.

“Um Christian,” She hesitates to ask. “Are you sure you don’t mind if we watch this?” Christian turns and nods at her.

“Yea, it’s fine. It’s the episode with Chrysalis in it. It’s one of the few episodes I actually like.” He lies back down. “Besides, I’m gonna catch some Z’s anyway, so it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.

“Okay, thanks. I was just checking.” She says with more tension in her voice. “Oh, and uh, Christian?” Christian turns his head a bit to look at the purple unicorn.

“Hmm?” He says to address her.

“I…uh…I’m actually really excited to be training you in magic. I hope that you can forgive me for my behavior before.”

“Nah, I don’t mind Twitty. I mean, you are training me, right? I’m not exactly your biggest fan. I can’t blame you for hesitating to do it.” Christian assures her.

“It’s just that, Celestia is counting on my and I don’t want to screw it up.” Twilight says, throwing her head down in sadness.

“Hey, Twitty;” She looks up and sees Christian smiling. “I’ve seen you use magic. You’re by far the best I’ve seen. You’ll do fine, I know it.” Twilight smiles at the human’s kind words.

“Thanks Christian.” She says, “I won’t let you down!”

“Great. Now can I sleep now?” He asks as he turns back over.

“Sure.” Twilight says, laughing a little. “See you tomorrow.”

“Uh huh, whatever.” The human says in mid sleep. Twilight smiles; “Maybe training Christian won’t be so hard.” She says to herself. Just then, AJ interrupts her.

“Hey Twi! You wanna see Chrysalis get her butt kicked at your brother’s wedding again?” Twilight turns.

“What? Oh, I need to see this again!” She hollers as she trots back over to the TV, joining her friends as they watch their show. But as she watches herself on TV with her friends, her thoughts are conversing with each other. “Tomorrow is a big day.” She thinks to herself. “I swear on Celestia; I’ll make Christian the best magic using human on Earth AND Equestria!”

Comments ( 5 )

Which one do I read next?

6786886 Paradox was introduced in that really dumb shirt story that I posted my first year on the site. In hind-site, should have made that a prologue to Princess Trixie's Revenge. He has since been featured in many of my latest stories. After all, he is the main villain.

So um.... people are actually planning to invade Area 51 now...

9734079 Don't let your memes be dreams.

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