• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 2,979 Views, 141 Comments

Time Lost - Terciel1249

After the fall of Tirek, Discord contemplates his actions. Remembering the days of his long ago past. Can he find forgiveness when he has committed some of the worst crimes?

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The First Day of School

Time Lost
Ch. 10: The First Day of School

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to MLP or any of its subsidiaries.

Entropy Q sat quietly on in his wooden desk, his mismatched eyes wondered the bland room with bland ponies and bland math on the bland chalkboard. Must resist urge to do chaos. Must be a good Discord. Discord’s multi-colored eyes roamed the faces of concentration worn by the foals around him. At least he wasn’t the only one suffering from boredom. Two rows to his left, Entropy found Luke staring with a glazed look in his eyes. In all honesty, Entropy wouldn’t be surprised if the hippogriff had suddenly taken leave of his body and is now moving through the Either as a spirit.

Sweet merciful Buddha, this is boring! Luke sighed silently to himself. He knew these ponies were learning this for the first time, but there were only so many times you could review multiplication tables before it became redundant.

Luke’s eye wondered the classroom, noting the line of drool dripping from a napping Snips and Snails. Luke wanted to eye the clock, but deep down he knew that by continuously looking at the clock would make time flow even slower than the speed of a snail’s travel during the summer day.

Turning back to Cherrilee, Luke began to wonder why she had such a smile on her face. She was teaching elementary school and yet her smile was full of life. Ten bucks says she’s got a bottle of scotch in her dresser. Luke’s couldn’t help his eye wandering to the clock.

Luke’s palm slammed against his forehead. His fingers ran down his feather feature and over the hard beak. This can’t get any worse.

Thankfully Luke found some enjoyment out of the history part of the day. While social studies was not his best study, Luke did find it interesting.

With rapt attention, Luke listened to the story of the Eastern front. During the young days of Equestria, the Euro nations where suffering from the great winter. While Equestria had found the Fires of Friendship to keep the Windigos at bay, crops died and disease plagued the separate and warring nations.

Several of the foals shuddered at the sight of some of the depictions presented in their school books. Ponies with masks in the appearance of the dreaded crow and black cloaks could be seen walking among the ruins of once great monolithic cities. The twisted visage of those beaks was used to hold aromatic items to protect the plague doctors.

Luke was unaffected by the imagery. Instead he was presented with a sense of nostalgia. Looking at something with such familiarity brought an interesting idea to Luke. The old adage goes, ‘History is doomed to repeat itself.’

It was humbling to see a relapse from his world. The dark shadow of disease could even affect such a starch difference of values and biology. While half listening to Cherrilee, Luke flipped ahead in his book. Images of an alicorn named Faust were paraded as the cause of the madness. That these ponies where unclean and this was the rightful punishment of their god. Many would turn to violence in an attempt to purge the world of such sin. Some turned to their chapels, bleeding across the sacred steps of their god’s marble steps.

The world was still twisted. You just had to look deep enough to find it.

A cold shiver ran up Luke’s spine, causing his fur and feathers to stand on end. His vision blurred around the edged. A soft red tint twisted the peripherals of his vision.

Blood is the price all men pay. Yours will be next.

Luke’s head shot up, the sudden haze and harsh mental jab from the unseen voice. Cherrilee was wrapping up her lesson on a somber note. Luke pretended to pay attention. His rapidly beating heart and mind where on the darkness he felt inside his own mind, like a pitch black blanket of furious heat. Something was wrong. Just like that first night he had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres.

Thankfully, P.E. was next and some fresh air could only help the sudden shift in mood.

0 0 0

Children cheered widely from both sides of the grassy fields. Two improvised goals of orange cones stood at each end. Right now Entropy was currently serving as goalie on Applebloom’s side. With her and Scootaloo on the forward front, Discord felt his team had a chance of victory. The downside was that Snips and Snails were the defenders. We’d only have a better chance of winning if there was a rock in their place. A rock would be steadfast and not following a random butterfly.

Entropy sighed, watching Snails looking intently at a random snail slither through the tuffs of grass. Snips was looking cross-eyed at the butterfly on the tip of his muzzle. Unfortunately, Snips didn’t see the flying ball of hard plastic heading straight for his face.

“OW!” the high pitched scream hit Entropy’s ears.

“Should have seen that coming,” the mismatched pony tried to contain his grin. That’s why I love children. Their just a big bundle of chaos just waiting to wreck havoc on the world.

His red and green eyes moved across the orange unicorn staggering to his hooves, rubbing his red muzzle. Entropy’s eyes caught sight of the lone hippogriff limping around the field. The hippogriff wore a content smile. The fresh air and soft grass beneath his hooves and talons felt wonderful outside of the classroom.

“LOOK OUT LUKE!” One of the ponies yelled.

Luke turned towards the voice. His vision became obscured by a blur of white plastic. Cherrilee and the students gasped when Luke was sent flying back and onto the cold hard grass. Luke laid on the ground, looking up dazedly into the pure blue sky. A random Pegasus flew across his vision.

Luke could feel the thunder of Cherrilee’s hooves through the earth. “Luke, are you alright?”

“Yeah,” Luke sighed, “This isn’t the first time I’ve taken balls to the face.”

Cherrilee waited a few seconds, watching the hippogriff with a confused expression. “You sure you’re all right?”

“Yeah-yeah. I heard what I said,” Luke pulled himself up, dusting off his feathered coat.

All the foals went back to their game. Luke even caught sight of Entropy holding his sides as he laughed uncontrollably into the green law.

0 0 0

Lunch was the best day of school. No other subjects could compare to this, the sacred forty-five minutes of uninterrupted food and play. Luke sat on the workbench with his small group of friends. Rumble munched happily on his sandwich while watching Button Mash scream incoherently into his Joyboy. Applebloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo were talking about what type of Cutie Mark they should try next. Luke had stopped listening when they were talking about Cutie Mark Crusaders Lion Tamers.

I can hardly tame a house cat. What would happen if I got in front of a real lion? Luke had to choke down the rising lump in his throat.

“Um… Excuse Me?”

Luke turned away from his peanut butter and apple jam sandwich to find Entropy Q standing rather sheepishly next to their table. The dark grey fur matched his white mane. It was his eyes that were the most interesting. Two different colors that detracted from each other reminded Luke of a very happy time, the time of giving and peace on earth.

“Yeah?” Applebloom asked.

“Can I sit with you guys?” Entropy asked, rubbing his left foreleg awkwardly.

Applebloom turned to eye all of the children at the table. With a shrug, all of the foals smiled at the new arrival. Luke scooted over, allowing Entropy a place on the warm wooden seat. Entropy tossed the paper bag he was carrying on his back onto the table before taking his seat.

Luke smiled at the unicorn. The hippogriff was more concerned with his lunch but a polite hello was necessary for the occasion. At least he was until he watched Entropy pull from his paper bag a peanut butter and cotton candy sandwich with mustard.

Entropy was about to bite into his sandwich until he caught sight of all the eyes of the foals at the table. “What?” Entropy asked with a confused expression.

“What kind of sandwich is that?” Scootaloo asked, trying not to turn green at the sight of the bright yellow liquid running along the side with puffy pink candy and brown peanut butter.

“It’s my favorite sandwich; peanut butters, cotton candy and mustard,” Entropy shrugged before proffering his sandwich to the others. “Wanna try a bite?”

All of the ponies and the hippogriff shook their heads. “No I’m good,” Luke quickly turned back to his apple jam sandwich. Everyone ignored their new friend’s unique choice of food, Luke enjoying the simple taste of peanut butter and jelly. He couldn’t help but enjoy the laughter of children.

Applebloom commented, “Yur eyes are cool. They’re different colors.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo nodded, “They remind me Hearth’s Warming Eve.”

“What’s that?” Luke asked.

“It’s the celebration of when the three Tribes united to survive the winter caused by the Windigos freezing the lands. By uniting together, the Fire of Friendship was able to drive away the Windigos and Equestria was founded by the three tribes,” Sweetie Belle answered in a rather bored voice.

Scootaloo smiled at a far off memory, “It’s all about giving presents, the play and warm apple cider.”

“Sounds like Christmas,” Luke commented off handedly.

“What’s Christmas?” Rumble asked.

“It’s the of giving, birth of Jesus and Santa Clause comes around to deliver presents to all the good boys and girls,” Luke provided the cliffnotes version and ignore the yearly religious firefights and debates and let’s not forget the intolerance.

“Ours is called Santa Hooves,” Rumble’s eyes beamed happily, “He rides around with a few flying reindeer!”

“Dude! Mine Too!” Luke almost jumped out of his seat. Just as fast as the revelation of the similarities between the ponies and humans, his fluffy feather deflated slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Applebloom asked.

“Nothing,” Luke sighed. The hippogriff was more disappointed than sad. “Just forgot my birthday’s on Christmas.”

“Why are your sad about that?” Scootaloo asked in confusion. “That’s double the presents.”

“Not in my house,” Luke pointed out, “And I really never get to visit my friends on my birthday. They’re normally spending time with family.”

“That does make sense,” Rumble nodded. “But if your birthday is on Christmas, then shouldn’t your birthday be on Hearth’s Warming Eve?”

“Is Hearth’s Warming on December 25th?”

“What’s a December?” Scootaloo asked, tasting the strange word on her tongue.

“Then sure,” Luke rubbed his head, realizing that as long as it was winter, he was close enough to his original birthday that was good enough.

“Cool,” Applebloom smiled, “Ah’ll let Big Mac know that way we can have yur party on the right day.”

Luke shrugged in indifference. As he got older, he never cared for his birthday. Now was not a big difference. The group lapped into silence, eating their meals with gusto and lost in their own thoughts.

After some time, Sweetie Belle leaned in towards her friends, “So, are you girls ready for the fair?”

“Yep,” Applebloom nodded.

“Sure am!” Scootaloo responded.

Luke looked to the four boys in his group. Each showed no response as they looked up to Sweetie Belle’s interruption. “Hey, she just called us girls.”

Button and Rumble shrugged indifferent. Entropy cocked his head to the side. Looking down between his front legs, Luke heard Entropy’s voice, “Still a boy.”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, “Sorry, I meant everypony.”

“No problem,” The boys muttered.

“Why are you so interested in the fair?” Entropy asked.

“Cotton candy, games, flashing lights and popcorn,” Button Mash smiled happily, his eyes distant and focused on a far off memory.

“That does sound like fun,” Entropy smiled widely. Luke could hear the soft tapping of the unicorn’s grey tail against the aged wood.

“Also, the science fair,” Sweetie Belle added. “I overheard Miss Cheerilee talking about how we have to do a project.”

“And you’re excited about this why?” Scootaloo asked.

“Cause I saw who our partners are,” Sweetie Belle smiled slyly.

“Oooooh,” Applebloom and Scootaloo felt the smiles widen across their muzzles. “Who do I have?” Both asked in unison.

Luke, Entropy, Button and Rumble watched with some amusement as Applebloom and Scootaloo tried to wrangle the truth from Sweetie Belle. Sweetie crossed her forelegs in symbolic gesture that she would not crack. The growing smile detracted from her stance.

If Luke was being honest with himself, this was entertaining. Their shrill voices were so high pitched and adorable, Luke leaned over to Entropy, “Aren’t they just the darndest thing?”

“I know,” Entropy said, “They’re so cute when their angry.”

“Hey! We heard that!”

Luke’s smile increased, the fillies’ cheeks where blushing pink as they spluttered incoherently. Luke and Entropy chuckled loudly, All too easy.

After some more teasing and Applebloo threatening to tell us about the time Sweetie bell tried to back green eggs and bread. Seriously what happened?! Luke found himself leaning towards the other end of the table, listening intently to Sweetie Belle, “First Applebloom, you get to work with Rumble.”

“Yes,” Applebloom pumped her right foreleg in excitement.

“Next, Scootaloo and Dinky.”

“Oh thank goodness,” Scootaloo wiped a invisible bead of sweat from her forehead. “She’s a better writer than me.”

“A six year old is a better writer than you?” Luke tried to process this new bit of information.

“Have you seen her hoof-writing? She has the best cursive in the class,” Scootaloo shrugged, not the least bit surprised.

“Anyway,” Sweetie Belle continued with a raised eye. She moved her eyes towards Button Mash. Luke could see the bright hearts floating over her bouncy mane. “Button?” Sweetie dreamily asked. Button Mash merrily stared into the distance. “Uh, Button?” Button continued to stare into nothingness, his eyes glazed over. “Button?!” Sweetie Belle asked with more force, losing the literal hearts hanging over her head. Where did they come from and where did they go?

“Cotton candy… games,” Button smiled dreamily at the thought of the Fall Fair.

“Ugh!” Sweetie Belle slammed her head into the table, her frustration rising in her throat.

Entropy’s mix matched eyes moved from Sweetie Belle and then to Button Mash. “Huh,” he thought to himself, “I’d ship that.”

“What was that?” Applebloom asked.

“Nothing you’re young ears should hear,” Entropy said, shaking his head.

Applebloom turned to Luke. The hippogriff shook his head, “Don’t ask me. You’re way too young for that conversation.”

“But Ah wanna know,” Applebloom snapped. She didn’t like the look Luke and Entropy were sharing.

Luke’s beak open to speak, but Entropy responded first, “It’s you know… adult stuff.”

“What kind of adult stuff?”

“Umm well…”

“Oh look,” Luke pointed towards Snips and Snails, “Literally anything else. Let’s pay attention to it!”

Snips and Snail ran through the crowds of talking fillies and colts. Somehow, Snails had tried to catch the football with his muzzle. The football ended up lodged between his teeth and was now stuck. Drool slipped past the brown leather as him and Snails ran past yelling for Miss Cheerilee.

“Huh,” Luke followed the pair’s progress. “Is that a normal thing for this school?”

“More or less,” Scootaloo shrugged, “It could be a monster attack, friendship problem or Diamond Tiara.”

“Right,” Luke’s eyebrow was really getting a workout today. Leaning over to Entropy, Luke whispered, “What time do you think Cheerilee leaves for Happy Hour?”

“Not soon enough,” Entropy nodded sagely. “Wish I could join her.”

“You and me both buddy,” Luke nodded in agreement.

“What are you two talking about?” Rumble asked, having no idea what either the unicorn or hippogriff where referencing.

“Nothing,” the pair sang. Luke should have received a red flag for all of the adult topics Entropy was understanding, but it was just nice to talk to another adult about adult stuff without getting a rather worried or confused look or soap. I hate soap.

The bell rang violently over the heads of all of the children. Luke shrugged, he’d figure out who he was partnering for the Science Fair. It can’t be that bad

0 0 0

Luke stood next to Entropy, his eye moving between Miss Cheerilee and his new lab partner. While Luke looked mildly worried as Entropy began vibrating violently. His voice vibrated, making his words difficult to understand, “Oh-my-goodness-this-is-going-to-be-so-so-so-so-so-much-fun! We-can-experiment-with-genetics-gravity-light-radiation-medicine-explosion-boom-boom-boom!”

Luke’s eye widened as entropy’s hooves slowly lifted off of the worn wooden flooring. The mis-matched colt twisted through the air, his mouth running a mile a minute. When his feet touched the roof, the brown unicorn was skipping, jumping and running. All eyes of the class followed Entropy. In his excitement, Entropy was talking about Einstein Rosengate Bridge, inter-dimensional travel, cross-species splicing, a cure for cancer and Luke would swear Entropy said ‘to look on the face of God.’

When he finally calmed down from his excitement, Entropy plopped down on the ground. Luke exchanged a confused look with Miss Cheerilee. Entropy’s eyes moved between the school teacher and Luke, “What’s wrong?”

“Uh,” Luke and Cheerilee said.

“You where on the roof? How’d you do that?” Luke asked in awe and a little impressed.

Entropy opened in mouth to speak, but his natural instinct as a God of Chaos wanted to screw with Luke. “Was I? Or was it you on the ceiling?” Entropy smiled widely. “Perhaps the reversal of gravity was but a metaphor. A reflection of your life, turned upside down where your understanding of physics and reality are no longer packable. Instead of me on the ceiling, you’re on the ceiling and have been this entire time in an upside down world.”

Luke stood there in the classroom with his slaw slack. Finally, Luke began to speak, “I know you’re dodging the question… But you just blew my mind.”

Entropy smiled, patting Luke on the shoulder. “Don’t worry bud, you and I are going to be the best of friends.”

“Sure will!”