• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 1,358 Views, 18 Comments

The Very Literal Rise and Fall of Pinkie Pie - 4EverfreeBrony

When delivering a gift to a sick Twilight, Pinkie finds herself lacking sense of ground, in the most literal way possible.

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The Literal Fall

The Literal Fall

Pinkie reminded herself for the fourth time in the last three seconds to avoid writing on over-filled balloons at all costs. Either that, or use a pen wasn't quite as pointy. Such a waste. And now she couldn't give it to Twilight.

Smiling, she shrugged. "Oh well. I can just get her a another one, and not over-inflate it." She leaned back and relaxed, putting her hooves behind her head and closing her eyes. It was really strange, falling through the sky without a care. Even to her, it was strange. Usually she'd care at least a little bit, but she just happened to have quite a bit of time before really had to care.

Speaking of not caring, she twisted her neck awkwardly to gaze at the ground below, just making sure she didn't have to care yet.

Yup, she had plenty of time.

Glancing down again, she furrowed her brow. She'd never noticed a giant tree in the middle of Ponyville before. When did that get there?

She shrugged again, too busy not caring to care. But seriously, where did that tree come from?

Now she was curious. She looked down a third time, scratching her chin. It was quite a bit closer now, she noticed.

Maybe a bit too close...

Suddenly, she became brilliant. She pulled out her trusty travel xylophone and started playing a very fitting tune, singing along with it.

"She's a good friend, so I thought I'd go see her
And she feels sick, so I made her a card
And I'm a big klutz, 'cause I might just die now
I'm a big klutz, 'cause my balloon popped

And I'm free!
Free fallin'!
Yeah, I'm free!
Free fallin'!

She couldn't come up with any other lyrics for the moment, so she put her instrument away and went back to falling. She checked her watch. It shouldn't be long now. She looked down at the library one more time.

The Library! Of course it was the library! A tree in the middle of Ponyville!? What other tree was there?

Speaking of the color green, she was beginning to feel a tad bit nauseous from all of this falling. She really hoped to land soon, or she just might puke. That would make the tree even more green than it already was.

...Dumb balloon.

/ \
\ /
\ /

The one thing that anypony could appreciate about being sick was the quiet. The quiet was glorious. Despite being fond of her friends, silence - especially while being sick - was highly favored in Twilight's case.

She sighed happily, comfortable underneath in her bed, a book in her magical grasp. Being under the weather never stopped her from having a good study session.

She flipped a page.

While in her own personal paradise, she glanced at the clock. The mailmare would be there in a moment. Grunting, she leaned on the windowsill, waving her hoof at the gray Pegasus mare. "Derpy!" she called. "Can you just leave my mail right here at the window?"

Said mailmare waved back. "Oh, sure thing, Twilight!" she replied, now heading her direction.

A quick and simple exchange of mail and smiles was made between them, and Derpy was off to another delivery.

And now, back to the quiet the unicorn so loved. Where'd she set that book? Under the sheets? On the windowsill, maybe? She could have sworn she set it--
Heavy rustling caught her ears, perking them up. She looked out the window and found a few leaves floating in the breeze - likely from the roof of the library.
"Is that another bir--"


Startled, she stepped back from the window, instinctually readying her magic. "What in the hay!?" she let out. She swore, if it was another one of Rainbow Dash's "amazing" stunts gone wrong again, she'd have to set some more permanent rules. Fortunately for the Pegasus, the cause of such noise made itself known by way of--

"Hiya, Twilight!"

"Gah!" The unicorn recoiled, ending up on the other side of the bed. Reaching her hooves up to steady herself against the bed, she massaged her temple. "...Ugh... Pinkie..." She glared at the intruder, who appeared to be hanging upside down from somewhere outside and above. "What in Equestria was that thud all about? What were you doing up there?"

Pinkie snorted hopped into the room, sitting on Twilight's bed. "Oh, you silly! The only thing I did on your roof was BAM!!" She stomped a hoof on the bed.


Pinkie grinned. "Right after your branches saved me from BAMing even harder, of course."

Twilight's annoyance faded greatly, replaced with concern. "Wait, you fell?"

"Uh-huh!" Pinkie seemed far too cheery to be answering that question with any kind of "yes". Twilight was beginning to think that maybe she'd had a head injury as a foal. She made a mental note to never raise her kids on a rock farm.

"So..." Twilight tried to piece the picture together. "...you fell from Celestia-knows-how-high, but were somehow saved by the branches of the library, and still managed to land relatively hard on the roof...?"

Pinkie nodded. "That's not the whole story, but yeah."

It was times like these where Twilight really hated her own curiosity. "...What's the whole story?"

Taking in a huge breath of air, Pinkie prepared her mouth. "So," she started, "this morning I was trying to decide if I should use a pink, yellow, or blue balloon to give to you as a get-well gift and I chose pink first but then I was all "Meh, actually yellow" so I chose yellow and then I started pumping it up but I didn't know I accidentally over-inflated it and then when it was done I started heading over here but the balloon was so full that it CARRIED ME INTO THE AIR!! Then I was all like *gasp* and then I saw Derpy and she saw me and we said "hi" and I told her where Roseluck lives and then I realized that I hadn't written anything on the balloon yet, so I pulled out a pen and started writing on it, but it popped and then I fell allllll the way down here and landed in the tree branches, but I mostly just bounced off of them and landed on the roof!"

Twilight grimaced. "Ouch... Are you okay?"

"Yup!" Pinkie nodded, then gasped. "Oh! And I made this for you!" She pulled the glittery, yellow card and hoofed it over to her friend. "Just thought I'd help brighten your day with an extra-sunshiny get-well card!"

Twilight half expected it to blow up in her face when she opened it. To her surprise, as well as delight, only a small amount of glitter ended up on the floor. She smiled as she read, "Dear Twilight..." She paused and quirked an eyebrow, trying to take in the fact that Pinkie would actually start with "Dear Twilight". She shrugged, continuing. "Dear Twilight, I noticed you were feeling sick. Well, actually you told me, but you already know that! Anyway, I just just thought I'd say "hope you get well soon!" because being sick isn't fun at all, and it makes you feel all lonely and sad. Being sad isn't fun, and being sick isn't fun, either! So have a get-well card! It may not make you feel better, but it is very yellow! And I know you love the color yellow, because it's all sunny and stuff! And with that, I hope you have a brighter day! Love and hugs, Pinkie Pie."

By the time she'd finished reading it, she couldn't stop herself from smiling like she just found out she had won first place in a magic contest. She looked at her friend. "Oh, Pinkie... Thank you so much! It means so much that you're so concerned about me. Luckily, you've already had the Pony Pox and mine is almost gone, so I can do this."

"Do wha--oof!" Pinkie was startled slightly as she felt her unicorn friend give her a gentle hug. She hugged back quickly. "You're welcome, Twilight." She smiled and sighed, relishing in the feeling a good friend being appreciative of her.

Too bad she had a job that needed attending to. Ending the hug, she sighed again. "Well, I gotta head back to Sugarcube Corner now. I'm already super late for my shift, and there's no point in being even later..."

Twilight sighed, as well. "Okay. Well, have fun helping out the Cakes, and don't go falling on anymore houses from balloons at ridiculous heights."

Pinkie giggled. "Oh, that won't be a problem at all, so don't worry! I'll be fine! Super fine! Like, extra super fine!"

Twilight smirked and climbed back into her bed. "If you say so, Pinkie."

"I do, indeed!"

/ \
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\ /

And, well, she was fine...

...until she realized that Applejack was a bit under the weather, too.

The End

Comments ( 13 )

Oh, Pinkie, never change. :pinkiesmile:
You know, her fall and subsequent crashing could have been avoided if she'd thought to ask Derpy for a ride back down. Oh well. :derpytongue2:
For what it's worth, this was very cute. Pinkie is well characterised in the best sense.
Couple of minor grammar and spelling derps (some its/it's confusion, "bhope you get well soon," "What in Equestria was thatthud all about).
Also, use single quotes to denote speech within speech instead of double quotes again. Other than that, enjoyable story, light hearted and very believably a Pinkie thing to do. Good job. :twilightsmile:

This was cute and in character. A few grammar errors here and there, but not enough to be distracting.

Great job :twilightsmile:

I love it! :pinkiehappy: it's super funny! :rainbowlaugh:

Noticed a couple of minor issues as I read:

she started pumping good bit faster.

I think this is missing a word between "pumping" and "good."

She then tied it around belly

And between "around" and "belly."

three times a large as

Should probably be "as" instead of "a."

but falling but being scared of

Looks like the beginning of a different clause was orphaned here.

and then looked back Pinkie.

Should probably be an "at" in there before "Pinkie."

balloon was be believable, right?

"Was" should be "would" or the "be" should be gone.

Chapter 2:

she just happened to have a of time

I think the word "lot" is missing here.

because being isn't fun at all

I think this is missing the word "sick."

Whew. Now that that's out of the way, I gotta say that this was pretty cute. Pinkie is pretty hard to write for, especially when the narration itself is influenced by her train of thought, but you pull it off very well here. I've seen some great writers totally screw her up, but you managed to write her well. Nice cameo, too. Overall, pretty good.

She's a good friend, so I thought I'd go see her
And she feels sick, so I made her a card
And I'm a big klutz, 'cause I might just die now
I'm a big klutz, 'cause my balloon popped

Combining your talents, eh?

4601356 Might as well if I got 'em both and it seems fitting, right? :twilightblush: And thanks for the critique! I'll fix those right up!

Of course Pinkie could make a reference in a semi-life-or-death situation.:pinkiesmile:

This was perfect! <3 and this brighten up my day! Thanks for this 4Everfree! /)

Oh this was so sweet and adorable. A well read cute thing that'll be on my mind all day today. Thank you. :)

I want a travel xylophone.

Pinkie reminded herself for the fourth time in the last three seconds to avoid writing on over-filled balloons at all costs. Either that, or use a pen that wasn't quite as pointy. Such a waste. And now she couldn't give it to Twilight.

Smiling, she shrugged. "Oh well. I can just get her another one, and not over-inflate it." She leaned back and relaxed, putting her hooves behind her head and closing her eyes. It was really strange, falling through the sky without a care. Even to her, it was strange. Usually she'd care at least a little bit, but she just happened to have a lot of time before she really had to start caring.

Pinkie snorted and hopped into the room, sitting on Twilight's bed. "Oh, you silly! The only thing I did on your roof was BAM!!" She stomped a hoof on the bed.

Anyway, I just just thought I'd say "hope you get well soon!" because being sick isn't fun at all, and it makes you feel all lonely and sad.

Loved it!

Full review here, but in brief: a cute, (very) old-fashioned story. Could almost have dated from S1. Gently amusing. Could do with proofreading. Considering you're (deservedly) famous for your music, intriguing to see what you produced on the page!

...until she realized that Applejack was a bit under the weather, too.

Well buck.

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