• Published 6th Jul 2014
  • 421 Views, 6 Comments

The Rocks will stay - Swimmingly

When times washes away, the rocks will stay. I will stay to tend the rocks that also have stayed because they're rocks they can't leave. So I break them and move them around the rock farm. Every day. Ever. Always. What's the point of r

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Every Single Day

Every single day I wake up at like 3ish, if I wake up any later it'll be too hot to start my job.
And what job might that be, breaking rocks in the sun. I've been doing it ever since I was little, because I'm too lazy to leave the farm.

This is is my story.

Beep goes the goddamned alarm clock which is a rock somehow, I groan, my back feels like my mattress is made out of rocks which it is. I get dressed into my clogs, clogs are amazing. I leave through the portcullis in my room, see my room runs along into the rock ravaged rumpus room. The room is full of instruments enought to make up several bands. See I play rock guitar in my rock band as rock audiences who are rocking out while we play rock.

Running off that room is the breakfast room also known as a kitchen. I go into the the kitchen, now I am in the kitchen. While I am the only one in the kitchen, I wonder what I should do in the kitchen, it's rare to be the only one in the kitchen as the kitchen is suck a wonderful room.

Oh yes I remember I'm here to exhume my favourite cereal from the cupboard that is it's grave. My favourite cereal is crunchy nut clusters, because they're as hard as rock. So soon my rock carved bowl appears full of rock milk and my rock cereals with my rock utensils. I remember the first time I tried to eat this cereal, all of my teeth fell out. It really hurt, but now teeth are slightly harder than rock.

The sound of me eating my breakfast is like some distorted orchestra, in other words it's the most beautiful sound you can hear. After washing my dishes in the sink, we hint have water we have very fine rock dust, that cuts very finely into skin. Still my skin hasn't calloused to be able to withstand
That particular onslaught. The Brussels on my toothbrush are themselves very fine rocks, that cut and tear my gums. Each morning I nearly choke on my own blood.

I proceed to my shower, the rock dust dissolves me, till I am but skeletal remains. I get out of the shower and decide to check on my family, far back in the Forrest behind the farm I travel. Theron a small clearing in the centre of the shrub. Four headstones face away. I make my way around and look upon the graves.

Resting on each is a pile of rocks, engraved with a name.

One for my mother, one for my father and two for my sisters.

I have a quick chat with them to see if they're okay, instead of responding they talk amongst themselves. I leave knowing that they're still ignoring me for some reason.