• Published 2nd Jul 2014
  • 3,188 Views, 84 Comments

Applejack's Vampire Sibling - firebirdabirdoffire

A young FlutterBat is part of the Apple family.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Family Ruin?

"Three hours until we reach Ponyville." The train's newfangled experimental gadget, the intercom, yelled. It woke Applejack up. "Prepare your stuff just in case, we will notify you again."

"Almost home, Ah can't wait to see Mum 'n Dad 'n Mac 'n Granny again. Hopefully these souvenirs will help them forget the heartaches Ah might've caused..."


"Hm... Ahead of schedule. This doll will be done in about an hour or two." Fuji said to himself as he, Granny and Li'l Mac.

"I think our TV's picking up another one of them otherworldly signals again, Fuji."

"No that's a music video, Granny. They're usually weird like that." Li'l Mac stated slightly bobbing his head to the music.

Outside there was a screech follow by a quiet boom. "Fireworks?" Fuji questioned. "Ah'll look outside." Fuji dropped his work and got up, the rest of the family currently present went outside. They missed the fireworks, but they did see a familiar face running towards them.

"Dad! Granny! Macintosh!" Applejack shouted. She rushed towards home with a burlap sack filled with stuff.

"Applejack!" They nuzzled and cuddled her once in reach.

"How did you get them fireworks?" Fuji asked concerned. "Ya better made sure ya memorized the proper safety preca-"

"Your daughter comes home and that's first thing ya ask, Fuji?" Granny scolded.

"Just being a concerned parent, Granny."

"Why did ya come home, sis?" Li'l Mac asked his sister.

"Just got a little homesick is all." Applejack answered.

"Ya went to Manehatten within a day, ya stayed there for what must have been less then a day and immediately got back in record time. Impressive." Fuji and only Fuji chuckled.

"Mom's out on the field?"

"Yup. C'mon, let's go inside."

"Okay, Ah have some stuff for ya'll but Ah'm gonna wait till everypony's here." Applejack shook the sack a little.

"Alright sweetheart." Fuji got back to knitting, one of his favorite pass times. AJ climbed on the couch, she really wanted to lie down, the train station is almost on the other side of town, it was a loooooong walk.

Meanwhile, in Applejack's room...

FlutterBat noticed a great smelling scent, she desperately wanted to follow her nose.

"Did ya do something interesting happening at Uncle 'n' Aunt's place, AJ?" Li'l Mac asked his sister.

"Not much, Ah don't really want to talk about." Applejack turned on her side facing away, she rubbed her belly when nobody could see her do it. Perhaps because of the food, who knows? "But Ah did manage to some kinda parade in 'honour' of Prince Blackadder and his son Blueblood. Didn't get to see much since Ah was rushing towards Aunt 'n' Uncle's."

"Alright..." Li'l Mac went back to whatever he was doing.


"What are you knitting, dad?" Applejack finally asked. "Looks likes a blue Pegasus."

"It's toy for Flutter." Fuji said casually, before he knew what he said wrong, or to be more precise; how he said it.


"Fuji, I don't think we mentioned FlutterBat at all to Applejack yet." Granny said.

"Heh... That's kinda dumb of us. Applejack, we have new member of the family." Fuji said.

"Um... Okay. Why is he a new member?" Applejack asked.

"He's a she. It's an interesting story..." Fuji needed to think how to say this to his daughter. But before he could properly explain the stair made some inconstant noises. I'm talking about hoofsteps.

"Seems like Flutter's coming downstairs. Isn't she still hurting?"

"She should..." Fuji got up and made sure to catch Flutter should she fall. The vampire filly hissed in pain a little with every step. Even though it wasn't really loud, Applejack covered her ears because she found it unpleasant. Flutter was finally downtairs. "Applejack. Meet FlutterBat..." Applejack was scared at the hybrid. It was the sickly pale/yellow ski, red eyes, fangs and the wing that wasn't mummified. So pretty much everything about that scared her, that was reason enough for her to hide behind the couch.

"What is that monster?!" She shivered behind the couch.

"An unfortunate filly, she survived something truly ridicules. She isn't a danger. Just look at those bandages, does she look like she's in any state to attack you if she was a monster?"

Applejack's head slowly resurfaced to look at the eye sore. "No, more reason to do something about it. Quick, grab the gun!" She hid again.

"Pretty sure she's harmless. I don't think she's destroyed anything since she's here." Li'l Mac said.

"It's true. Ah know Flutter's appearance is a li'l unsettling. But she's isn't that scary. At least compa-" Fuji said.

"Applejack," Li'l Mac interrupted his father as he tried to catch his sister's attention. "She's heading for yer stuff." He noticed and pointed.

Applejack looked and jumped toward her bag of souvenir stuffs' defense. "Don't touch them." She said harshly blocking Flutter's path armed with the nearest lamp, she began shining it into the yellow bat's face.

"Jacqueline "Applejack" Apple! Stop that." Granny shouted. Applejack cringed at the full name ultimatum, but kept on shining it in her evil new sister's eyes.

"I get it, she's hypnotized ya'll. Ah hope she hasn't turned ya'll." She started to wave the lamp.

"She didn't, ya raided too many of Li'l Mac's horror books." Fuji said. "Stop shining it everywhere, we're gonna need ours eyes." He didn't say it really so harsh, he hoped that would help calm his daughter down. 'Why does that lamp have to to so ridiculously sharp?' Fuji was one of the more smarter members of the Apple Family Clan (ignore the fact he's married into the family). Among those smarts were used for carpentry, Applebucking and Basic Logic. In fact he printed a PHD in basic logic just for fun. With that basic logic he really prided himself on he deducted that Applejack's bag contained fruit.

"Do ya have fruit in yer bag?" Fuji asked.

"...Yes?" She wanted to keep her stuff a surprise. She was trying to fight off the mutant with the lamp itself.

"Drop the lamp. Take the fruit out of the bag and hold it up." He requested.

Applejack did so. She pulled out tangerine, or maybe an orange, whatever, the former is more tasty. "...Alright~" Applejack was shivering in terror, at the yellow monster in front of her. Flutter was sniffing the orange edible thingy, and suddenly her giant tongue grappled the fruit to her mouth.

Applejack fainted.

"Applejack!" Her family shouted.

A few hours later...

Applejack slowly woke up. "Where... Where am Ah?" She said to herself. She noticed she's in Aunt and Uncle Orange's guest room, the room she's occupying while staying here. "Huh? What am Ah doing back here? That freak and the long trip home have been a dream?" She was half-relieved. Now she just has to go home again. "Better say good-bye to auntie 'n uncle again." Once she got up she noticed something was off, the room was slightly tilted... A normal room is not supposed to go at an angle, but it was at an angle, a dutch angle in fact. It made Applejack feel uneasy, it also made walking a little problematic.

Applejack opened the door, the dinner room seemed to have relocated outside the guest room. "...The heck?..." She saw a bunch of Aunt and Uncle Orange's accomplices and along Aunt, Uncle and two recent returning visitors of Applejack's nightmares. Which was the final clue Applejack needed to figure out something was really wrong. I'm talking about the vamponygoyles known as Danté and Dennis.

"Everyone! She's awake, we finally can properly hunt her."

"Get her!" One of them pointed and everypony suddenly turned vampiric and lunged at her.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" Applejack screamed awake, what a shocker that was.

Red Gala ran towards the cry for help. She entered her bedroom where Applejack slept the night. "Applejack!"

"Mama!" Applejack shouted, they hugged.

"Your father, Granny and Li'l Mac told me what happened. Are ya alright?"

"Ah think so..." Applejack rubbed her arm against both sides of her neck. "Please tell me that yellow thing was a dream..."

"She isn't." Gala deconfirmed Applejack's hopes and dreams.


Gala explained a ton, what happened to Flutter her current sentience.

"But what if she tries to bite us?"

"If you listened you may have heard she's a fruit vampire."

"Oh like that's any better, running an apple farm. She'll sap all the apples. We'll only give her enough everyday, besides she's only one pony and not a ton of bats."

"...Why is nopony scared of her?"

"Ponyville has experienced weirder things..." Gala began. "My Grand Aunt-in-law was a TimberHorswolf, The Devil made a few public appearances, just touring the country, A meteor once flattened a hill and gave an Earth Pony psychic powers, the list goes on, Equestria has the second highest oddity rating in the world. But ponies rarely get savvy enough to realize it. Heck, I wouldn't either sometimes without yer father... Now tell me why she scares you."

Applejack felt a little uncomfortable, something she wanted to forget. "Two Vampiric-looking Gargoyles fell on me, they looked like older, colt versions of her."

"Let me guess, they were called the Danté and Dennis?"

"Yeah! How did ya know?" For the sake of humor every time the word 'Yeah' pops up imagine Enrico saying it. Cool points for you if get it.

"Your uncle always strange fascination with Gargoyles. Keeping them around like they were garden gnomes. Some of them a in some unhandy locations. You'll get over it."

"Ah hope so... I have something for everypony. Where's my bag?"

"Ah found a bag with some things in the living room. I gave the presents to everypony."

"But Mooomma~" Applejack whined. "I was supposed give it to everypony mahself..."

"Ahm sorry... But everypony loved it."

Dear Dairy,

Date: ~__--`_~~_

I got you on my birthday a little while back. Papa said you can tell my life story. I didn't think my life was good or bad enough to write down. I came home after looking for my cutie mark in Mainhattan, and found something worse then Raryty and that Blackadder kid at aunt and uncles party. She has fangs! Obviously an evil vermin possibly bent on sucking every fruit tree in de world.

I hate her.

Author's Note:

"I think our TV's picking up another one of them otherworldly signals again, Fuji."

This was supposed to be to a punchline for Space Channel 5, nobody would get it if I went Up, chu, chuchu. Right, left, down. Downdown, down.

Also sorry for the delay, jaw had some kinda ignition (or so my mom calls it in dutch). And it hurt kept me up for two day with little in between. It's calmed down, in fact, by the time this up it's gone. In the mean while I might've played Persona 4 Golden and have a 2D fighting game controller to make me not have to play Skullgirls Encore on PS3 with the PS3 controller. The works fine with an XBOX 360 controller, maybe because Skullgirls is the one 2D fighter that plays better with a stick and the 360 controller has the stick and buttons at the same height. D-pad works okay... This game's gonna tough to play once it arrives on PSVita... I also have have some moving blues, and had some internet connection troubles... We moved too, we live now in my dead grandparents place, I'm sleeping in their bedroom now. If I stop updating it might have something to do with Grandma and Grampa ghost... I also bought Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, I got cravings for fighting games recently. I expected to hate it because I have trouble with Capcom fighters. But that game is great. No team yet, But Tron Bonne, Deadpool, Amaterasu, Sentinel and Frank West I use somewhat... Tangents!

Now I have both here's my opinion so far:
Persona 4 Golden: Awesome! Need to play it more than I do...
Fightpad: Awesome but has false advertising. It doesn't work with PS3... It works with PS3 AND PC. At least for Skullgirls on PC, Lucky me.
New house: Once I have space for my game consoles, I'll survive.
UMvC3: I already said it was awesome.
I feel like doing a one-shot and/or work on the script of a video games that may not go past the concept.

You can always ask questions, but I can't give away spoileriffic answers.