• Published 24th Jun 2014
  • 1,500 Views, 28 Comments

More Than Muscle - Level Dasher

We all know his catch phrase, but what do we really know about our favorite muscled pegasus? What else does he have to say?

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…one-ninety-eight… one-ninety-nine… two hundred!

And that’s it for the rows. Not as thorough a workout as I would like, but that’s what I get for waking up late. I have an appointment to get to.

I have to tell you, it bothers me when ponies try to tell me how to work out. That’s the fifth time this month somepony’s told me that ‘I should try working my wings.' I usually just wave a hoof at them, and occasionally I tell them I know what I’m doing, but not much else. I know they’re just trying to be helpful, but still… If only they knew, Doc. If only I had the courage to tell them…

Tell them what, Bulk?

I… I don’t really like to talk about it…

I’m an intimidating pony; I don’t mean to be, but I am. It’s why I don’t talk much. When a pony approaches me with shaky legs, I feel like opening my mouth would just make them gallop away. It’d be nice to tell somepony that would understand, though. Then maybe I wouldn’t get those bothersome workout suggestions.

You know, there’s this filly that I see riding a scooter around town all the time. She’s got it, too. Ponies don’t say anything to her— I’m sure that’s because they think she just hasn’t grown into her wings yet, but I can tell that isn’t the case. It’s the buzzing— the buzzing gives it away. Sure, it’s a great form of propulsion on that scooter of hers, but if that filly really wants to fly, she’s gonna have to work herself. She’s gonna have to work herself like I did…

What is the ‘it’ you keep referring to, Bulk?

Her condition, of course. Our condition…

And what is that, exactly? You can talk to me about anything, Bulk. Nothing we speak about ever leaves this room.

Well… I wasn’t much older than that little filly when they told me I had it— stunted wing growth. The doctors tried giving me growth hormones, but that didn’t help. Sure, maybe it helped the rest of me, but that wasn’t what I was aiming for, and I didn’t know that would happen at the time. When I finally realized that my wings wouldn’t grow, I determined I should just work with what I had. The buzzing wasn’t ideal for actually flying, but I could get lift. After a lot of practice, I was finally able to get some kind of flight. It wasn’t fast, but it was still flight.

That was when I decided to challenge myself. If my wings wouldn’t grow, I could at least strengthen them. More body build meant more weight for my wings to lift, and more of a challenge. When I began my weekly workout regimen, my build developed much faster than I anticipated. A side effect of the hormones, I guess. It happened so fast— everypony thought I was on steroids. That bugged the hay out of me. They were hormones, not steroids! I tried to ignore them, but it just bothered me so much! It was the only time I ever raised my voice to anypony. They even started calling me ‘Roid Rage’! I mean, maybe if I didn’t appear so angry it wouldn’t have happened, but I only got angry because they thought I was on steroids in the first place! A chicken-or-egg situation, I guess… But after that, I just started keeping my mouth shut and going about my workouts without acknowledging anypony that tried to get a rise out of me, and it worked. Only problem is, now nopony acknowledges me at all, except for the shaky few with the workout suggestions… I didn’t want to ostracize myself, I just didn’t want ponies making fun of me.

You know, Bulk, it wouldn’t hurt to try opening up a bit on your own. Be the pony to make the first move. Maybe you could find a workout partner? If you find somepony you can trust, perhaps you could talk to them about your… condition. Then perhaps they wouldn’t question your methods?

Hmm… interesting idea, Doc. I’ll have to think about that. I just don’t know if I’m ready yet. I’ve kept my wing issue a secret for so long. I’m sure ponies don’t ask me about it directly because they’re too intimidated. If I started the conversation first, though… I don’t know. I’ll think about it.

You don’t have to make the decision now. It’s just an idea. There may be other options, but this one is good to think about.

Yeah, I guess you’re right…

That’s the spirit! So, Bulk, how is work?

You know, I think it really is a smart thing for me to just talk to somepony. It feels good to get some of that stuff off my chest, and he does have some good ideas…

“Calling all pegasus ponies! Meeting tonight!”

Hmm… what’s this? Mandatory meeting tonight for all Ponyville pegasi…

“Library tonight! Be cool, or be mule!”

Huh. Sounds important. Better make sure I’m not late…

I remember this film. I saw it in school a long time ago. Why are they showing it to us now?

“So, here’s the scoop. Cloudsdale has chosen our own highland reservoir as the source of the rainwater they need for all of Equestria…”

We were chosen for the water collection? Shoot! There goes my normal workout regimen. I guess I AM gonna have to train my wings after all…

“…but I think we can do better. I think we can get a top speed of over a thousand! IF each and every pony trains and trains HARD to get their wing power numbers up!”

You know, maybe it’s a good thing for me to start training my wings again. If nothing else, it’ll get some of those other ponies off my back about it. Actually, this might be the perfect opportunity for me to find a training partner. I’m sure there’s somepony out there that could use some help training their wings, too. What good timing! Let’s do it!

“So, are we gonna train hard?”


“Are we gonna be strong?”


“Are we gonna be fast?”


“Record-smashing fast?!”


Author's Note:

My own little interpretation of Bulk based on the information we've been given, this was originally done as a piece for The Album, but it turned out to not be "commonplace" enough to make the cut. I kinda like how it turned out, and I didn't want to change it, so I'm publishing it myself as is instead.


Comments ( 28 )

The ponies are intimidated by Bulky Biceps and steroids!?! :trixieshiftright:

Interesting... :twilightsmile:

He's such a nice guy. Someone ship him immediately!

:fluttershysad: I wanna hug him now.

Sucks that it did not make the cut. It was good though. :twilightsmile:

4595465 It's all good. It wasn't that he didn't like it, it's just that the story isn't "not important to the character" enough. The goal of The Album is for each chapter to be a simple snapshot of the character's life that can be easily overlooked (if I interpreted it properly). Not so much the case with this.

Man I have been gone for a while. Didn't even know you were writing this one.

Good job man, even if it wasn't what the guy was looking for.

Short, sweet, to the point, and develops a character that needs more love. Have a ribbon:

Great fic. Now we need a sequel involving the Equestria Games arc.

Like, fav and added to my recommendation group.

4791145 Doubtful. :unsuresweetie: I have a few other stories I want to finish first, and school's a-startin' up again, which will damper my writing time. Maybe in the distant future, but I'll have to see. :applejackunsure:

Wow, this is really good! I never thought about Scootaloo and Bulk Biceps' relations with the wings. That's really creative!! :pinkiehappy:



YEAAAAHHHH XD :rainbowlaugh:

5662587 Thanks. :twilightsmile: I don't really remember what made me think of it, but I'm glad you approve! :pinkiehappy:


I was just, like, mind blown when I read it :pinkiegasp:




The story is simple and quick, I like that, good job.

PS: This made me remember this image

And now I have a mental image of Scootaloo covered in slabs of muscle... :rainbowderp: Somepony is gonna need a training montage. :pinkiecrazy:


Rule 63 Scoots? Looks like they're going to need... to stallion up?

:rainbowdetermined2: Sunglasses down


I wrote a review of this story!

It can be found here.

6287405 I can't say I agree whole-heartedly with your review (though by Royal Guard standards, I would understand— I honestly don't even remember submitting it, and if I did, I don't think I should have), especially considering 1) the rating it had beforehand along with the positive comments (including a ribbon from TL), and 2) the original purpose of the story. However, I got the PM, and I appreciate the input.

You're welcome.

Good luck with your stuff in the future!

I have one of your other stories on my personal reading list, but I've been putting off reading it because it is on hiatus. :fluttershyouch: It looks interesting, though.

6288461 Well, since I only have two stories on hiatus, and one is an all-OC story, I'm guessing you mean A Daughter and Her Dragon. Believe me, I want to continue with that one as well, but I'm trying to finish my other story first. It will likely take a while before DaD is finished, given my current schedule with life, but you're right in holding off. The earlier chapters are going to get re-edited, and it will probably be more fun to read the story straight through 1) in its (hopefully) best form, and 2) without a huge gap period.
Thanks for the interest! :twilightsmile:

Incidentally, WRT: submission:

We've had a few folks note that they didn't remember submitting their stories. I'm not sure if this is because someone else submitted it in their name, or because they were submitted so long ago - according to our records, this story was submitted to us in December of last year, far before my time in the group. The Royal Guard had a bit of a crisis in December/January, and really only started pulling itself back together in July under new leadership. So we're presently going through all the stories which had been submitted in the interval between like, November of last year and today. Presently we're in December/January.

You don't have any other stories recorded as being in queue right now. If you want to submit something else, feel free!

6288495 Understandable. Considering that I read that RG stories were supposed to be "new," since I published the story in June of last year, if it was submitted in December, I have a feeling someone else submitted it for me— I wouldn't have waited that long (I guess it says something in itself that someone else submitted it on my behalf, huh?).
If you guys are indeed looking at stories that far past their publishing dates, then maybe I will submit another one that's fairly recent and got a good response... I guess we'll just see how it goes. :applejackunsure:

That description... nerd reflexes triggered... can't stop it... must post
Regrets: 0

This review is brought to you by the group 'A for Effort.'
Name of the story: More Than Muscle

Total score out of 10: 8

Pros: As a whole, this story is an interesting look into Bulk's mind, a character that has received little, if any attention. The use of a psychiatrist is a wonderful way to give exposition and backstory without it feeling forced, nice job there.

Relating his condition to Scootaloo only increased the idea of his isolation, thinking of how Scootaloo has had to deal with her own disability. She, at least, has a few friends to comfort here though. Also, side note, points for making me think of a buff chicken wing.

Relating to Bulk isn't the easiest, but what really sold me was the bit about other people telling you what you should, or should not do. That is truly one of the most annoying things in existence, and I can completely sympathize.

Cons: Grammar was nearly perfect, really... no surprise there. The conversation back and forth between the psychiatrist was relatively fluid and I didn't have an issue picturing it. The only part that pulled me away was when Bulk started talking to himself. It didn't quite feel organic and was really the only sour grape in an otherwise lovely word salad.

To summarize: This story was a short and sweet introspective piece. The pacing was nice and steady, the grammar nearly flawless and the issues generally relatable to the reader, or at least to me. While the prose wasn't perfect, the story was interesting from start to finish, and for that, I'd tip my hat to you, Dashy... if I had one :twilightsmile:

Fuller review here, but in brief: a simple, quiet scene that has a nice canon tie-in -- but one which doesn't really have much meat on the bones.

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