• Published 26th Nov 2014
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Doctor Whooves 3: The End of the Universe - Draconaquest

While in the Crystal Empire with Rose and Twilight, The Doctor must face his worst enemy.

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The Last Skirmish

Shining Armor stared at the pink pony in front of him. It was Cadence, yet at the same time it wasn't Cadence. She had a blank look on her face, like she was watching a game that she didn't care about. Her eyes were droopy, and her mouth was straight. She looked completely emotionless.

"Well then, "the pegasus said, "I must be off. Toodle-oo!" He spread his wings and took off.

"Wait!" Twilight shouted. The pegasus looked behind him. "Who are you?" Twilight asked.

The pegasus smiled. "My name is The Master." He turned around and flew to the weapon.

Shining Armor still gazed at the alicorn that was staring back at him. Cadence stared back at him. "Cadence, can you hear me?" Shining Armor asked. "Do you remember me?" Cadence still looked at him blankly, as if his words didn't even register. "Are you all right?

All of the sudden, Cadence looked up. Her eyes widened. When she spoke, it sounded mechanical. "Orders received." Cadence said. "Destroy Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, and Rose Tyler." Cadence's horn lit a light blue, and a wave of energy was hurled at the ponies. They were sent flying into the pedestal holding the Crystal Heart.

When they stood up Twilight pointed to the Crystal heart. "Look." She said. The Crystal heart was becoming a darker shade of blue, and it was beginning to crack. "The Master wasn't kidding when he was drawing energy from the Crystal Heart."

"It's breaking." Rose said. "What happens if it does break?"

"I don't know." Twilight acknowledged. "The Crystal Heart is one of the most powerful artifacts in existence, next to the Elements if Harmony. If it were to be destroyed, it could unleash a wave of energy destroying everything in a twenty mile radius."

"So we have to stop it from being destroyed." Rose said.

"We have to stop that weapon from firing." Twilight said "Even if the Crystal Heart get destroyed, the weapon will destroy the entire universe! And, I have a feeling if we destroy that weapon, we will save the Crystal Heart."

"Than that's what we have to do." Rose agreed.

"How could she do this?" Shining Armor asked. He was staring at Cadence, with his mouth wide open.

Twilight placed her hoof on his shoulder. "Shining Armor." She said. He turned his head to look at Twilight. There were tears in his eyes. "I don't think that is Cadence. I was fooled once into believing that someone was the real Cadence when they were a fake. I won't be fooled again. And neither should you. You know Cadence better than anyone, look me at her, look at how emotionless she is. Now look me in the eye and tell me that's the real Cadence."

"I...I can't." Shining Armor said.

"Then what does that tell you?" Twilight asked.

Shining Armor didn't even need to answer. His expression said everything. He stood up and hugged Twilight. "Thank you, Twily." He said.

Twilight hugged him back. "You welcome BBBFF."

Rose perked up. "I don't mean to interrupt the moment, but you may want do duck." Twilight and Shining Armor looked up and saw Cadence lunging at them. They ducked quickly as Cadence slammed head first in the Crystal Heart. It cracked even more.

The three ponies ran to the other side of the courtyard as Cadence tried to regain her balance. "So what's the plan?" Shining Armor asked.

"We have to hold off Cadence, and defeat The Master before time runs out!" Twilight said.

"How much time to we got left?" Rose asked.

"Judging by the damage already done to the Crystal Heart, about ten minutes." Twilight said. "I'll teleport up to the top to the tower and face The Master, you two try to hold off Cadence!"

"Got it!" Shining Armor acknowledged.

"Good." Twilight's horn shone purple and she teleported to the tower.

At the top of the tower, The Master turned around and saw Twilight. Her mane was waving in the wind. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The Master asked.

"You will not succeed Master." Twilight said.

"Won't I?" The Master asked. "The Doctor isn't here, is he? He's the only one who could ever stop me, and right now, he's stuck in the past!"

"What so you mean?" Twilight asked.

"I sent him and that stupid princess back in time!" The Master cackled. "And his TARDIS was damaged beyond repair! There is no chance in seeing The Doctor again!"

"He could figure out a solution!" Twilight responded. "He can always get out of a tight spot!"

"Not this one, sister!" The Master shouted. "Trust me, you will never see you little Doctor again!"

Then a sound broke the air. A groaning, wheezing sound. Then a light struck to the right of the tower. The TARDIS appeared, spinning out of control. Smoke poured out of it as it hit the tower. The top light was on fire.

The doors opened, and Cadence flew out of the TARDIS crashing into the false Cadence. The two matching ponies fell onto the pavement, and began to hit each other.

Meanwhile, the TARDIS was still spinning out of control. It came to the top of the tower and began to fall again. The doors opened and The Doctor jumped out onto the ledge where The Master and Twilight were standing, leaving the TARDIS to crash down onto the ground below.

"Oh, big, big mistake, really huge." The Doctor began. The Master began to back up. "Didn't anyone ever tell you there's one thing you never put in a trap, if you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap!"

"And what might that be?" The Master asked.

The Doctor looked straight into The Master's eyes, anger burning in his own. "Me." The Doctor whipped out his sonic screwdriver, and used it on the control panel. A series of sparks and sizzle came from it.

"No!" The Master shrieked.

The Doctor put his sonic away and told Twilight, "That, is how to take care of business." Although, victory was short lived, as the machine, kept drawing power from the Crystal Heart.

"What?!" The Doctor asked.

"Oh, how I love trolling you!" The Master said with glee. "It's deadlocked! A simple little screwdriver won't stop it! I know we went to the same academy, but you are such an idiot!"

"No." The Doctor mumbled. "There must be a way to stop it, there always is."

"Not this time." The Master said.

"There's only seven minutes left." Twilight whispered in The Doctor's ear.

"Come on!" The Master shouted. "I know you want to defeat me, you just don't know how!"

"There has to be a way!" The Doctor shouted back. "I need to think." The Doctor mumbled to himself, while he started pacing. "The weapon can't be stopped, so it has to be blocked or absorbed by something, something of infinite mass and size, like another universe, of a..." His voice trailed away. "OF COURSE!!!" The Doctor shouted as loud as he could. "That's it!"

"What's it?!" Twilight asked.

"The TARDIS!" The Doctor shouted gleefully. "Teleport us to the ground." Twilight did so leaving The Master with a confused look on his face.

The authentic Cadence was still fighting the deceptive Cadence, as The Doctor grabbed Rose and ran into the TARDIS. "What did you do to it?" Rose asked, as soon as they stepped into the time machine.

"The Master did it, not me." The Doctor replied, and he began to press buttons on the remains of the console.

"What are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"I'm setting up the TARDIS to where it will fly right above the weapon." The Doctor explained.

"What?!" Rose shouted. "Why?"

"Because," The Doctor began. "In order for the weapon to be stopped the blast of energy has to be absorbed by something, something of infinite mass and quantity. The TARDIS is the only thing that fits the bill."

"But, it will destroy the TARDIS, won't it?" Rose asked.

"No, that's the beauty of it." The Doctor said. "It will absorb the energy, repowering the TARDIS. Also, the TARDIS will have so much power, it will return to the universe from which it originated. It will rip a hole into the universe, and send the TARDIS, Rose, and I back home."

"Really?" Rose asked. "We can go home?"

The Doctor nodded. "Yes." He said. "We will return to the same moment in which we left. One last thing: I will return to my previous regeneration. I'll go back to the man in a tight suit, with amazing hair."

"You'll go back to being you?" Rose asked.

"Yep." The Doctor confirmed. "This regeneration won't count."

"Well then what are we waiting for?!" Rose shouted. "Let's get to work!" Rose walked up to help The Doctor.

The Doctor looked over to Twilight. She had tears in her eyes. The Doctor walked over to her. "What about The Master and his weapon?" She said, fighting back tears.

"They'll go back to the moment they left from the my universe." The Doctor replied.

"Are you sure you have to go?" Twilight asked.

"I may never get another chance." The Doctor said. "I have to take advantage of it. For Rose's sake."

"I'll never forget you." Twilight said. She looked The Doctor in the eyes and hugged him.

The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and set it in front of her. "Take it." He said. "You might need it."

Twilight levitated the screwdriver and gave The Doctor one last smile before running out of the TARDIS. She looked behind her, and saw the doors close. The TARDIS began to make it's unique noise, except is was stuttering, like it was dying.

The TARDIS lifted off the ground, spinning up above the tower. It was hovering above the weapon, just waiting for it to fire.

Thirty seconds.

Twilight thought about how the Doctor was saving everyone's lives in this selfless act. How he wasn't even asking for a thank you, he was doing it out of the kindness of his hearts.

Twenty seconds.

The Doctor once said that time was a lifetime, unexplored. He believed that it needed to be seen, it needed to be discovered. But, he let other people see it to, just so they he wasn't alone.

Ten seconds.

He traveled all of space and time, saving it from destruction, form the selfish needs of people. That, is what made The Doctor different. That is what made him a hero.

Times up.

The weapon fired, it a gleam of light, straight at the hovering TARDIS. A bright flash of light covered the entire city, making it impossible to see. Twilight covered her eyes. The bright light shone for several minutes before dying out.

When Twilight opened her eyes, the TARDIS was gone. The weapon had also vanished, along with the Master and the false Cadence. Shining Armor was hugging Cadence and the crystal ponies began to come out of there homes. The battle had ended.