• Published 4th Jul 2014
  • 2,808 Views, 67 Comments

Me and My Shadow - The DM

It has been 30 years since Tirek was defeated. Now, after having traveled the world to regain his power, he is ready to conquer Equestria once and for all.

  • ...

Big Punch

Tirek smirked inwardly as he dug through the burning wreckage of the train. His minions had done well at stopping the train, allowing him to search for his prize with little resistance. Going from car to car, Tirek happily drained the magic from each pony along his search. While they were only drops in the bucket that was his growing power, they were still worth collecting. Though for Tirek, he was really looking forward to finding the two powerful beings on this train.

After tearing through five train cars, and draining all of the occupants, Tirek finally came to what he was looking for. As he tore off the roof, he was met with a blast of light that struck him in the face. It was a very powerful magical attack that would have caused him serious harm if he hadn’t been expecting at least a little resistance from his prey.

Rather than allow the magic attack to hit him for full force, he quickly inhaled it and added it to his growing stores of power. With a smug grin, he looked down at the caster.

“Princess Celestia, you dissapoint me. I would have expected you to put up a better fight. Has years of peace made you soft?” Tirek said in a taunting voice.

As Tirek reached for the solar diarch, a light purple dome formed over the wrecked train car.

“What’s this?” Tirek asked with a bemused grin. “Honestly, you think a petty shield will save you? Have you learned nothing? Your magic belongs to me!”

Tirek once again opened his mouth and began to siphon the energy straight from Shining Armor’s shield spell. Unfortunately for Shining, Tirek didn’t stop with the shield and continued to pull power straight from the young unicorn. After a few moments of agonizing pain, Shining Armor collapsed as the last vestiges of magic were ripped from his body. Seeing her husband writhing on the floor in agony, Princess Cadance rushed from her hiding spot behind some overturned furniture.

“Look around you. Demons, Diamond Dogs, gryphons, and even some minotaurs, all of them my faithful servants. They understand their place in this world. It’s time you all do the same,” Tirek said as he narrowed his gaze on Cadance.

Celestia seized the moment as Tirek’s attention was drawn to the pink alicorn. With a quick thought, Celestia formed a magical ring around Tirek’s neck and began to squeeze. Surprised, and amused, by the brazen attack, Tirek shot his hand forward and grabbed the solar alicorn by the neck and lifted her up. Cadance could only watch in horror as Celestia screamed out in agony while Tirek tore the magic from her.

As Tirek was just about done, the sound of trees breaking and falling echoed over the sounds of his nearby minions and the burning train. Stopping what he was doing for a moment, Tirek looked to see what the cause of the sound was.

Standing at the edge of the clearing were two massive metal giants, unlike anything he had ever seen. One of the giants was considerably bulkier, much more round, and probably slower. The other, however, seemed to be thinner, more box-like, and probably quite a bit faster. The two giants looked to each other for a moment before looking back at Tirek. Suddenly, the thin one raised a long, strange looking, object that began to glow. Before Tirek had a chance to react, a thunderous boom echoed as something flew out of the open end of the object, striking him in the side. To Tirek’s absolute surprise, it really hurt.


As soon as Villarreal fired, Dillemuth too raised his cannon and began to fire while running forward. As the large Ogre ran forward, it began crushing the numerous creatures that were trying to strike the sprinting titan. Soon though, Dillemuth found himself needing to reload his cannon while Villarreal skirted around the edge of the clearing, firing his railgun the entire time.

Rather than take the time to reload his cannon, Dillemuth dropped it, killing a few minions who were unlucky enough to stand underneath it. Now without a weapon, the Ogre pilot dashed forward and closed the distance to the strange creature. Using his titan’s left hand to grab the centaur, Dillemuth drove his right fist into the torso of his opponent. Letting go with his left hand, he quickly brought it back and slammed it into the side of the centaur’s head.

That was when another railgun shot slammed into the back of the centaur, causing it to howl in pain. Quickly, Dillemuth delivered another bone-shattering blow with his titan, while simultaneously grabbing the dangling body of the white horse. Using his left hand, the pilot grabbed onto the centaur’s wrist and quickly squeezed until he felt bones break. With his opponent unable to hold on the the horse’s neck, Dillemuth deployed his electric smoke before dashing backward, carrying the horse with him.


Cadance couldn’t believe what she was seeing. What looked like two giant robots straight from one of her husbands favorite sci-fi movies, were now fighting Tirek. Even more surprising was when the bigger one seemed to rip Princess Celestia from his grasp. The smoke cloud that came from the giant was now crackling with electricity, causing Tirek to scream in pain, That was when a red light began to glow from within the cloud.

Without warning, a beam of pure force shot out of the smoke and hit the larger giant in the chest. Oddly, though, the giant flashed blue and seemed to shrug off the attack. Now that the smoke had cleared, Tirek turned to take a shot at the thinner giant. Charging up another shot, Tirek aimed at the giant and fired. Surprisingly, the giant seemed to simply slide to the left as the beam passed by harmlessly.

Infuriated, Tirek began firing faster shots at the smaller giant.

While the three giants began to battle it out, Cadance returned her attention to her fallen husband, trying to just keep him alive.


Villarreal chuckled as he dodged the first beam with absolute ease. Now his target was shooting smaller beams at faster intervals. Realizing that he would need as much mobility as possible, the Stryder pilot activated his tactical core.

“Dash core, online.” Announced the voice of his titan’s AI.

Now the Stryder really began to show its strength. Rather than running around the battlefield, it simply used the jets on its back to constantly slide around in whatever direction it wanted. If the Stryder was hard to hit before, now it was damn near impossible.

As the titan continued to dance around the clearing, occasionally firing its railgun, the Ogre titan was starting to target the centaur with its shoulder mounted ordnance launcher. With a smile, Dillemuth fired the single cluster missile and effortlessly guided it to its target. The centaur roared in pain as the missile slammed into it and began bathing the area in high explosives.

“Enough!” Tirek shouted as he reared up and slammed down on his front legs. As he looked around the field, he could only see the smashed bodies of his minions and even a few ponies whom he had fed to his group. As another railgun shell impacted his side, he roared in agony and turned to flee.

Both pilots turned their titans to look at eachother. “The fuck did that thing just say?”

Dillemuth’s Ogre shrugged. “No clue, but its gone now. And look, I won a prize!”

Wondering what the mercenary pilot was talking about, Villarreal jogged over to inspect it.


As Celestia finally regained consciousness, the first thing she realized was that she was laying on her side. Secondly, she was laying on what felt like metal. As she opened her eyes weakly to look around, she froze. Looking at her was what looked like a large eye with three pupils. Though this one seemed to be made of metal and glass. In fact, there now seemed to be another one approaching her from the side.

Her heart was racing as he looked these giants up and down. As she tried to figure out what was behind her, she spotted what looked almost like fingers. Giant metal fingers. That was when she figure it out; she was in the hand of this massive metal giant. Then, to her absolute horror, the face of the the one holding her seemed to swing upward, exposing what was inside.

Sitting in a chair was a creature that Celestia had never seen before. It wore what looked like blue and white clothing, with a full helmet where she guessed the head was. Hoping for a slight miracle, she looked up at the strange creature and spoke.

“Can you understand me?” She asked weakly.

Dillemuth’s face dropped as he listened to the horse speak. Now, he was no biologist, but horses generally didn’t speak. Slowly looking over at the Stryder standing next to him, he pointed at the white horse in his titans hand.

“So Shit-face, did you just hear this thing make noises that sounded like a language?” He asked with a shaky voice.

Villareal then opened his own titan in order to lean out and get a closer look. “It kinda sounded like it.”

“Thought so,” Dillemuth muttered as he removed his helmet and sat down on the edge of his open titan, allowing his legs to dangle over the edge.

Celestia was slightly disheartened to know that she couldn’t communicate with these strangers. She wanted desperately to communicate with them, to learn who they were, why they were here, and just about everything else. Worse though, she knew the spell that would allow them to understand her, and she them. Though she knew her magic reserves were dangerously low. Deciding that communication was more important, she gritted her teeth and began to cast the spell.

She watched the creature sitting on the edge of the giant recoil in caution as her horn lit up. Celestia could feel the very last drops of her magic waning as she finally cast the spell. As the glow from her horn faded, she weakly looked up at the creature.

“Can you understand me now?”

Dillemuth shrieked as she spoke, causing him to clamber back into his seat. Villarreal was so surprised that he lost his grip on the side of his titan, causing him to fall from the open cockpit. Lucky for him, his Stryder was quick to catch him before putting him back into his seat. A few tense seconds passed as the young mercenary tried to process what he just heard.

“Y-you can talk?” He asked with disbelief.

Celestia chuckled as she nodded weakly. “I can. Though I’m afraid I won’t be very talkative at the moment.”

While the solar princess sounded calm and collected, she was anything but. Suddenly Celestia’s eyes went wide as she looked back at the ruined train through the fingers of the giant hand. Cadance and Shining were still onboard the burning wreckage.

“Please, there are two other ponies onboard the fifth car. One is white and blue, the other is pink,” Celestia pleaded as she looked back and forth between the giants.

Dillemuth looked at her expression and sighed. “C’mon Shit-face. You heard her.”

“One of these times I’m just gonna fucking kill you,” Villarreal called back as he shut the hatch on his titan.

Celestia weakly sat up and rested against one of the giant fingers, hoping to spot her niece in the raging inferno. Luckily for the pilots, the two still living ponies were rather easy to spot among the debris. The pink one seemed to look up at the Stryder as it towered over her before looking up and seeing Celestia sitting in the hand of the other

“Cadance, is he okay?” Celestia called out.

Cadance looked back to her husband before nodding. “I’ve given him some of my magic. He needs rest now.”

“Thank harmony. Listen to me carefully, these... things don’t appear to be aligned with Tirek, and right now that’s good enough for me,” Celestia called down.

The hatch of the titan holding Celestia opened up, revealing the pilot. “Ya know, I do have a name.”

Celestia looked back at him and smiled. “Well, I would very much like to know it.”

“Pilot Dillemuth, or just Dillemuth. And this here is Ogre,” the young pilot said as he patted the hull of his titan.

“Really? Naming you titan after its chassis? How fucking stupid are you that you couldn’t come up with a good name?” Came the voice of the Stryder pilot.

Dillemuth sighed as he pointed to Villarreal. “And that’s Pilot Shit-face Villarreal McGee and his Stryder.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow in curiosity at the vulgar name. “You two don’t really seem to get along very well.”

Villarreal scoffed as he stomped out part of the flames, making a path for Cadance and Shining to safely disembark. Dillemuth shook his head in disappointment.

“That’s quite the understatement,” Dillemuth stated as he looked toward the Stryder with contempt.

“So what the fuck are we doing here? Cause he ‘aint moving, and I’m tired of standing around in the open while that other big fucker is still around,” Villarreal asked as he scanned the treeline with his railgun.

Dillemuth looked to Celestia for input, “So... since I’m guessing this land is yours, what are our options?”

Celestia looked at the pilot with surprise. “I’m surprised that you trust me enough to ask that question.”

The pilot sighed as he leaned back into his seat, “I don’t. But I know when I’m in over my head. You’re not trying to murder me, and that’s more than I can say for that other asshole. Right now, you’re my best bet for surviving this.”

The princess pondered his words for a moment before nodding. “Well said. I can give you directions to our capital. As long as I am with you, nopony will question you. Both of you will be given safe passage. Just... please take those two with us,” Celestia said as she motioned toward Cadance and Shining.

Dillemuth bobbed his head side to side as the thought about carrying more passengers. “Alright, alright. I’ll grab them, then we should get going.”

Gently, the mercenary pilot lowered his titan’s left hand to the ground. Cadance looked at the metal appendage suspiciously before looking up to Celestia for reassurance. The older mare looked down at her niece and nodded. Cadance let out a long sigh before helping her husband onto the hand before climbing on herself.

Seeing that his new passengers were fully onboard, Dillemuth began to look for a direction to head. Realizing that he had no idea where to go, he looked to the ponies for directions.

“So I just remembered that I have no idea where to go.” Dillemuth stated from the open cockpit.

Celestia chuckled and looked toward the railroad tracks. “Just follow the train tracks south. Then we will want to follow the east line to Ponyville.”

Dillemuth blinked as he processed what she had said. “Alright. Hey, Shit-face! You’re on point.”

“Uh, fuck that,” the Stryder pilot replied.

“Allow me to rephrase that. Take point before I break your legs and leave you here for that faggy centaur thing.” Dillemuth said with an intense glare.

“His name is Tirek,” one of the ponies replied.

“Right, I’ll leave you to be raped by Tirek. I’m sure he’ll need a new bottom bitch after I killed most of his little shits,” Dillemuth continued to shout.

“Fine! I’ll take point. That way if he comes up behind us you’ll be the first one to get eaten,” Villarreal replied.

“Less talky, more walky!” the mercenary shouted.


The sun had gone down in the two hours since the group began their trek. Luckily, the group failed to encounter a single living being during their journey so far. Now though, the train tracks split into two directions as the forest ended, giving way to rolling green hills.

“Alright Shit-face, let’s stop for a sec,” Dillemuth called out over the radio as he opened his cockpit. “Hey, um.... uhh...”

Celestia looked back to the human as he stumbled for words. He was looking at her with a painfully confused expression. “My name is Celestia.”

Dillemuth snapped his finger as he pointed at her. “Ah, that’s it. Celestia, you said we needed to head east?”

The princess nodded. “Yes. This line will take us east toward Ponyville. Once there we can contact Princess Twilight and have her inform my sister about what has transpired.”

“Wow, you know a princess? What’s that like?” Dillemuth asked with an impressed expression.

Celestia chuckled as she looked to Cadance. “It can be a hooffull sometimes, but I’ve learned to manage it.”

“Hey! Asshole! Are we going somewhere, or are you just gonna have social hour?” Villarreal called out from his Stryder.

“Watch your tone, creature! That is no way to speak to two princesses of Equestria!” Shining Armor shouted from the hand of the Ogre.

Dillemuth’s eyes went wide as the pony shouted. “Waiiiiit a sec. He just said....”

Celestia simply nodded with a slight smile.

“Well... that would’ve been nice to know earlier,” Dillemuth mumbled as he sat back down in his seat.

“To be fair, you didn’t ask.” Celestia replied with a chuckle.

Dillemuth wanted to protest, but knew that she brought up a valid point. He had only just learned her name, so learning her title shortly after was still his fault. “So is there, like, some proper way I should be speaking to you? I don’t wanna have some angry king come swinging for my head for disrespecting his daughter.”

Celestia shook her head. “You don’t have to worry about that. Though my sister may be less... understanding, than me. Besides, she and I are the two main rulers of this land. Twilight was only recently coronated, and Cadance here rules the land up north.”

Dillemuth sat there in shocked silence as he listened to everything she said. “That... doesn’t really reassure me.”

“As I said before, as long as I’m with you, you have nothing to worry about,” Celestia repeated.

“Right... so, east?” Dillemuth asked as he tried to forget what he had just heard.

“Yes, east.”

As the group made their way east, Celestia couldn’t help but worry about her new acquaintance. She didn’t know what he was, where he was from, or even why he was here. Worse though, she still wasn’t sure if she could really trust him. While he had indeed saved her from certain death at the hands of Tirek, she had no idea how long he would remain even slightly friendly. For now though, she had no choice but to trust him. Both of their survivals depended on working together.

Author's Note:

So here we are. Titanfall. This is my attempt at giving a fairly repetitive FPS that claimed to have a story, an actual story. Not sure what else needs to be said here, so as usual...

Questions, comments, concerns, things you liked, things you didn't like, haiku poetry, toss 'em bellow.