• Published 11th Jul 2014
  • 13,780 Views, 20 Comments

It Was Just A Dream - scribe-feather

Princess Luna journeys into Twilight's dreams and begins nudging them into different directions. (ABDL Themed)

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It Was Just A Dream

Author's Note:

DISCLAIMER: Make no mistake here. This is adult, pornographic fetish material about cartoon ponies. Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diapers, diaper usage, or sexual adult situations. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.

Please do not redistribute, alter, repost this story or anything else I write on this site or some place else without my permission.
Hello, this is Scribe.

Today, we have a story about dreaming and dream walking. Please remember that dreams can shift...A lot. Not all the details are remembered correctly nor are they remembered in the right order. I did my best to portray this in today's story while at the same time keeping it coherent enough to be understood.

If you liked it, please give it a thumbs up, its the only way I'll be able to see if you enjoyed it!
If you have ideas to continue the story, please leave a comment or send me a message!


This Story Contains:
Diapers (Heavy)
Dreamwalking (Heavy)
Diaper Usage - Mess (Medium)
Diaper Usage - Wet (Medium)
Embarrassment (Medium)
Exhibitionism (Medium)
Public Exposure (Medium)
Adult Baby Themes (Light)
Baby Paraphernalia (Light)
Regression - Mental (Light)
Watersports (Light)

It Was Just A Dream
By Scribe Feather

Celestia laid quietly on a small grassy island in the middle of a clear pond. A quiet stream dribbled in the distance as the pony laid there in the silence. Lovely trees, flowers, and vines cupped this pond, hiding it from the outside world in a quiet grove. The little hidden grove was tranquil and free of any loud hustle and bustle of the outside world.

It was here that the white alicorn found peace and would spend most of her times relaxing. She would quietly watch the koi inside the pond swim around aimlessly as the water flowed gently from the stream, into the pond, and then out of the grove through gentle rivers.

Birds could be heard tweeting in the leaved canopy, quietly chirping and singing to each other. Occupationally a breeze of wind would rustle the trees, causing them to shake and sing a short song of white noise to the princess. Celestia found herself at ease in this place.

A little blue bird fluttered down from the high up tree branches. It gracefully landed next to the lounging princess, twitching it's head as it looked at her.

"Hello little bluebird, have you come to sing to me?" Celestia talked gently to the little bird as it happily hopped onto an extended hoof of hers.

The bird opened it's mouth to sing, but all that came out were abrupt fog horns, greatly contrasting the little bird's size. The bird loudly honked with bugged eyes, ruining the tranquility of the hidden grove. It's elegant blue coloration started to cycle through bright neon colors of red and yellow and green, continuing it's loud honking.

"Luna!" Celestia suddenly barked up into the air, "get out of here! I know it's you!"

The night princess faded in from nowhere, floating above the little island like a cloud. Celestia looked at the pony with a scowl. This wasn't the first time she intruded in her dreams. The dark blue alicorn rolled her eyes and sighed, "oh you're no fun, sister."

Princess Luna complied, floating away from the scene and through the leaf covered walls as if they were water. Celestia's dreams were boring anyway. Always filled with relaxation and past regrets. The mature sibling never seemed to expand beyond that. She was in a dream after all! Why didn't she have any fun with it like waging a gigantic, full scale war on imaginary Griffons? Or something silly like swimming in a pool of pudding. Why did she never do any of that?

Luna exited the bubble like mirror of Celestia's dream, reentering the void like general dream space where all ponies' dreams resided. Luna idly floated through the dream space, watching ponies' dreamscapes float by like scenic bubbles. Most of her nights were spent like this, idly floating by in the near empty dream space, looking over the dreams of ponies that floated past her. Through this method, Luna was able to examine hundreds of dreams at a time, quickly spotting any nightmares or infections terrors that were manifesting themselves inside the dream.

However, nothing seemed to stand out to the princess. No horrible nightmares or creeping horrors infecting these dreams. It looked like another slow night for the dream walker.

A pony's mind was a sight to behold while one was dreaming. Most ponies spent their hours of slumber drifting through idea to idea, unaware of the shifts in scenery or characters. The mind of a dreaming pony was creative, imaginative, and resourceful, but tremendously gullible. A dreaming mind would create fantasy worlds where the ponies would be able to live long lost memories, deep desires, and even relive past regrets. They simply went with the flow, falling into whatever groove their mind conjured up. Even objects that had no place in the scene in real life would quickly become believable as the sleeping pony's mind miraculously created false reason to why that object was there.

This concept made it all the more fun when Luna intervened, but not entirely, because that would ruin the fun. The real entertainment was when Luna introduced one, tiny little detail to a pony's subconscious. A small idea that would slowly get shifted about as the dreaming pony's dreaming state would take hold of it and change the direction of the dream drastically because of it.

During slow nights, like this one, the Princess of the Night would often see how much a dream could be altered with a newly introduced idea or object. Often she found that merely changing the time on the clocks or replacing an item in the pony's hooves would quickly change the dreamscape as the pony's vulnerable dreaming mind altered the world around it.

Sometimes Princess Luna would use her dream magic to shape shift into other characters to play in the dream, gently nudging the story into a different direction. It helped with the boredom as well as indulged in some of the princess's fantasizes. She could never take control of the ponies who was dreaming, but she could easily take the place of characters or change the scene around them and in most cases the dreamer wouldn't even notice the change.

Luna floated along the dream space, watching each little dream bubble drift past her like flotsam on a sea. Her ear perked up when she came across Twilight Sparkle's dream, muffled voices coming from the dream. Her curiosity coaxed her into taking a peek into the alicorn's dream. Sticking her head into the water-like bubble, Luna watched Twilight's dream take shape, undetected.

It seemed that the purple alicorn was busying her dream time with one where she was queen of Equestria. A beloved ruler an alternate Equestria where there seemed to be no mention of Celestia or Luna. She was dressed up in rather elaborate garb, long flowing cloaks and regal headdresses made of gold and precious gemstones. The royal ensemble was topped off with a golden scepter that floated beside the alicorn as she made her rounds. An over-the-top outfit, even for Celestia's tastes.

The purple alicorn was walking through the main streets of Canterlot, bowing her head gracefully to her loyal subjects who lined up on either side. Each and every pony would bow low to the ground to proclaim their loyalty to their queen.

Regal banners of purples and golds were hung across buildings in anticipation of some sort of made up celebration. Street side stands were being built to sell wares at this dream festival.

"Your highness," an orange unicorn with a pale yellow mane bowed beside the alicorn. He held in his hoof a clipboard with a pencil in his ear. It was tough to determine whether this unicorn was a pony Twilight had met in real life or it was just a faceless character to play in her fantasy. Whoever this pony was, it appeared that he was 'Queen' Twilight's royal scribe. A pony who kept records and took down notes for her royal highness.

"Good day, Wordsmith," Twilight said in a silly, overly regal voice. She bowed gracefully to the unicorn. "What news do you have for me today?"

"You're needed at the theater to make final preparations for the school's play," Wordsmith said.

"Excellent, after you." The alicorn bowed her head and followed the royal scribe to her next destination. In dream terms, travel was instantaneous and before she knew it, Twilight was seated in the theater, watching the play progress from her royal box seats. In her dream like state, the alicorn failed to notice the sudden shift of scenery.

Luna floated high above the stage near all the hanging lights. She watched the weakly rehearsed play below her as it portrayed some kind of made up founders story about how Equestria, or in Twilight's dream world, "Twilestria" was made with children standing in as the story's many characters. Basically a public love letter to Queen Twilight.

The acting was rather bland as each foal who came onto stage called out their lines in dry, monotone voices, clearly not too thrilled with having to do this on a Saturday.

"Watching these ponies act brings back memories of my school years," Twilight commented quietly, musing to herself. The scribe pony next to her nodded politely, daring not to say anything to interrupt the queen's musing.

Princess Luna 'hmphed' at this. The royal records keeper was much too respectful and fearful of his job to say anything to the musing queen. She was opening up to him, a perfect opportunity for any dream walker to change the direction of the dream, and he was merely nodding like a complacent worker.

In a dash of dark fog, the Princess of the Night slipped down into the royal box seats and took control of the scribe unicorn. She acquired his orange coat and slim physique and was able to speak in his voice flawlessly. To an outside observer, it would appear that the original Wordsmith simply dropped out of existence and Luna took his place.

"Have you ever wished you were back in school?" Luna said in Wordsmith's voice, causing the purple alicorn to turn in her direction. "Perhaps because of regrets or wishing for a simpler life?"

Twilight blinked a couple times as she thought about the idea. "Well...Sometimes..." She turned to face the stage, her golden headdress hugging the top of her head. She looked down at her gemstone encrusted scepter. "I've thought about it...But it's in the past. What more could I have done?"

The theater quivered as Luna smirked to herself. It was working. Luna went right to work, replacing Twilight's rather extravagant scepter with a simple school pencil. Twilight's mind locked onto the pencil, quickly associating it with her school days. In a matter of minutes, the dreamscape moved and shifted around the unaware alicorn as her active tangential mind moved to another dream location.

Twilight suddenly found herself sitting in a classroom of a school she never went to. She was sitting up in the front row with a red maned pony scribbling blurry notes on the chalkboard in front of her. She glanced around and saw that the rest of the class was made up of children, making her the oldest one there by at least a decade. The white unicorn appeared to be the class's teacher, pacing around behind her desk as she jabbered on about...Something, adding more to her chalk gibberish.

Twilight looked around the classroom at the other students. Some of them were busy copying the chalk doodles the teacher was writing down while others were quietly chattering amongst each other. Her spying provoked a couple students to stare back at her. She would exchange expressions with the kids, trying to make sense of it all.

"Ms. Sparkle!" The stern looking teacher pony locked her eyes on the alicorn who quickly snapped back to facing forward. "Is there a problem?!"

All eyes turned to Twilight, a few snickers could be heard behind her as she felt all the stares. "I-I...W-well I."

Suddenly the classroom door opened and the school's nurse stepped in. She was a modest looking white pegasus with soft pink eyes. She donned a pair of white saddle bags that were bursting with thick diapers. "Sorry to interrupt Mrs. Dancer," the nurse said with a courtesy bow. "I just came in to change Twilight's diaper."

The classroom erupted in laughter as Twilight blushed, "What? B-but I'm not even wearing..." Twilight looked down and her eyes bulged out wide. A thick, lavender diaper was taped around her waist, complete with star shaped wetness indicators on it's front. "O-oh...I guess I am..." She reluctantly said, more laughing came from the rest of the class.

"Stand up so I can check your diaper, Twilight," the nurse said as she walked over to the diapered alicorn.

Her cheeks flared up red as Twilight climbed out of her seat and stood up straight to be inspected. Her blue diapered rump was clearly viable to everypony behind her. She could already hear quiet gossips about her diapers and other babyish things starting from the back of the room. Ms. Moondancer failed to quiet any of them down nor did she attempt at quieting them down.

Twilight felt a hoof brush across the rump of her green pull up as the other students continued to giggle. The nurse checked her diaper at all angles and even slipped a hoof along one of the leg gatherers to check for wetness.

"Just as I thought," the nurse started, "you need a change."

"W-what? How is that even possible? I never even-" Twilight's words were cut short when her lower half started to make embarrassing sounds.

A loud fart cut through the classroom as Twilight gasped and blushed deeper than ever before. Her bowels forcefully pushed into the seat of the diaper, causing it to tint brown and sag with the heavy bulk. The hefty mess bulged out the diaper for the entire class to see. Her bladder even added to the mess, yellowing the middle of the padding and warming it up around her. The wetness indicators faded away, letting everypony know that Twilight used her diapers.

"What a baby!" A student chimed in from the crowd behind Twilight.

"Don't feel bad Twilight. My little sister still uses diapers too!" A filly called out from her chair, "Though...She's two."

Twilight's back legs quivered as she looked back at the laughing class behind her. She WAS a baby! She was incredibly embarrassed and felt her eyes well up with tears.

"This looks really bad." The nurse tsked as she examined Twilight's sagging diaper. For a moment her eyes flash from pink to cyan before quickly reverting to their usual color. "I'm going to have to change it here."

Twilight was guided over to the Ms. Moondancer's desk which was suddenly replaced with an adult sized changing table. Or perhaps...It was always like that...Wasn't it?

Twilight was suddenly lifted up off the ground by Ms. Moondancer's magic as a maroon colored aura glowed around her. She floated over to the large changing table and was laid on top of it, cringing as her messy diaper squished loudly under her weight.

The teasing from the classmates continued relentlessly and became louder as the nurse trotted over to the diapered pony.

"Phew! The baby stinks! Open a window!" A student chimed in, theatrically plugging his nose with a hoof.

"The widdle baby's getting her diapee changed!" Another classmate called out over the loud laughs and giggles.

The diaper tapes ripped loudly, causing Twilight to cover her eyes with both hooves. Her cheeks flared a bright red as the diaper change started to begin. She just wanted this to be over!

"She'll NEVER be potty trained at this rate!" another voice called out as Twilight's eyes slammed shut.

Suddenly in an instant, the laughing and teasing of a classroom full of students started to fade and echo into nothingness. For a brief second, Twilight felt like she was floating in a black void until a new voice and environment faded into her ears.

"Twilight? Twilight!" A familiar voice started to echo as a new scene faded in around the alicorn. She slowly removed her hooves from her eyes to see Applejack standing above her, her mane cut short like Rainbow Dash's and oddly enough, dyed green. "I thought you said you were going to the bathroom before you leave. What're you doing on the floor?"

Twilight looked around as she stood back up. She was in the library and for some reason she was on the floor. She didn't remember how she got there, but she DID remember that she needed to pee. Good thing Applejack reminded her!

The purple alicorn took off her two party hats and trotted up the main steps, making a beeline to the bathroom.

She found Rarity in the bathroom, standing next to a gap in the tiling where she could have sworn the toilet was. The prim and proper unicorn was wearing a magician's hat and simply stood there and stared at the other pony.

"Sorry darling, the toilet's broken," the white unicorn said. "You're going to have to use the training potty." She motioned towards a plastic training potty that sat next to the sink. The training potty was bright pink and had little stickers all over it. It didn't seem big enough for Twilight, but she HAD been growing a lot lately. She was a big girl afterall.

Without Rarity's help, Twilight pulled down her pink pull up and positioned herself on top of the small training potty. She had to squat a bit, the small furnishing failing to hold her weight all that well.

Twilight let herself go, hearing a loud spraying sound coming from the hollow plastic of the potty as she used it like a big girl. Rarity looked at her proudly, occasionally readjusting her sun hat as she watched. The alicorn blushed a bit as she was watched, but her bladder didn't seem to mind, going strongly until the very end where it started to trickle to a full stop.

Twilight pulled up her pull up and stood up from the training potty when she finished. She did it! She used the potty all by herself!

"Good girl!" Rarity clapped her hooves with a big smile. "Don't forget to wash your hooves."

Twilight nodded trotting over to the sink and washing her hooves. All good girls washed their hooves. She even remembered to wash her hooves with jelly without Rarity having to remind her.

The alicorn then reached for the towel rack to dry her dripping hooves with. As she gripped the rod of the towel rack, the metal bar seemed to warp and wiggle in her hold. The metal slowly transformed into wood before it began raining inside the bathroom.

Suddenly Twilight found herself on a rickety rope bridge during an intense rainstorm. The winds were already pushing the bridge with force, causing the flimsy structure to sway drastically from left to right.

In a matter of minutes, the ropes snapped, causing the entire bridge to fall into the deep river down below.

Twilight fell into the cold water, shivering as the river covered her, chilling her to the bone. The pony struggled to breath, fighting against the rapid current as she was pushed about like a leaf in a hurricane. In a matter of minutes, the purple alicorn was pulled under, unable to fight the current with her exhausted body.

The pony desperately held her breath as she was kicked around by the under currents. Without warning, the water turned warm and seemed to calm down. Twilight still couldn't breath as her mouth gasped for a last desperate breath of air, taking in the warm water.

Twilight awoke in her bed, gasping for breath as her body shot up into a sitting position. She panted in fear as she caught her breath. The alicorn gathered herself and refound her bearings. She was in her bedroom now, it was quiet and outside, and there wasn't a single river to be found.

It was just a dream...All of it...

She felt around to make sure she was still in one piece. She was, but as she reached down to the center of her bedsheets, she found a large wet spot growing from her crotch. The wet spot darkened a big portion of her bed, reeking of urine. The pony covered a gasp with both hooves. She wet the bed!

"Twilight? You alright?" A sleepy Spike spoke up in the darkness. "You were tossing and turning a lot."

"Y-yeah...Yeah. I'm fine." Twilight said as she carefully climbed out of the bed the soaked sheets clinging to her coat."I just gotta...Do some laundry." She quickly tugged off all the sheets, balling them up into a large hoofful of soaked fabric.

"So early?" Spike rubbed an eye as he yawned, barely awake.

"Just, so you now, I don't forget later," Twilight fibbed, but thankfully Spike was really gullible this early in the morning.

"Oh, alright. I'm going back to sleep..." The dragon mumbled before plopping down in his basket, falling asleep seconds later.

Twilight crept out of the room with her urine smelling sheets in tow. She would have to get these bed sheets washed, replace them with fresh one and clean up the big yellow spot that stained her mattress as best as she could. There wasn't a lot she could do about the mattress tonight so she would have to avoid sleeping on it. She could get it properly washed tomorrow.

Tonight was just a fluke...She hoped.

Comments ( 19 )

Karma dictates that Luna end up wetting the bed or other such embarrassing incident.

Any chance for a sequel?

4681247 It's safe to say that every story I write is always open for a sequel, because 'art is never finished, only abandoned'.

I can't say for certain that this story will get a sequel, however if I'm able to think up enough ideas to call for one, it will be made.

4679621 I second this. Sweet karma.

Overall, I really liked this one. A good story always has the reader wondering about the possibilities, and this has that at its finest. Seeing the dreamscape shift as her thoughts drifted was really satisfying, especially when we see the connections between each scene.

Sometimes the treatment of the shifting reality of the dream was handled well, like when Rarity's hat changes, or when Twilight pulled down her training pants. You hadn't mentioned the pants up to that point, but then treated them like they were always there, just like a dream would. But other times you fell short of this, usually by drawing unnecessary attention to things changing. Since they're changing because they're not being thought about, explicitly mentioning the change creates a disconnect between the reader and Twilight.

My biggest gripe about the story is Luna, who seemed unnecessary, especially since it seems like you forgot about her at the end. I can see how she needed to steer the dream down a path it wouldn't take on its own, but it left me wondering where she was at the end, and it felt like an unresolved plot thread.

Like I said, overall it was really interesting and I really liked it. It really makes me wonder how I would try to handle something similar. This is a fic that's going to stay with me, which means it was a job well done.

4685913 Thank you for your feedback. It was very constructive!

I learned after writing this story that dreams are quite difficult to portray in stories. Typically a reader relies on aforementioned details to build up the picture of the scene. Dreams, like you said, don't need that build up and can come up with new details and changed details in an instant. I frequently reverted to my old ways of explaining what the scene looked like at that time as the story went on.

I suppose next time, I should just go with the flow and simply mention details as they pop up rather than building the scene like a normal story. It would be more 'dream-like' if that happened.

As for Luna disappearing in the end. Again, it was all about flow. I wasn't sure what I could say Luna did after Twilight woke up without throwing off the pacing.

Thank you for your feedback and I'm glad the story had it's affect on you.

or is she still sleep in dreamworld.

pffft get a grip twi , i void my waste capacity quite often in dreams and i don't wake up to messes in my bed , you're a friggen alicorn for crying out loud....

man i fucking love dream stuff , if only i could write down everything that happens in all my dreams i'd be the world's most famous writer , so are you saying this was a dream you had then?....

actually there was this dream i had last night which made me want to make a full story out of , idk if i'll have the time or the creativity for my conscious mind to fill in the rest of it with interesting material.....

also clearly you left this fic on a cliff hanger begging it to have a continuation.....

good writing but it needed a plot. Luna needed a bigger role towards the end.

I really hope there will be more Chapters. The end came to fast.

Huh, well this is, something.

4923965 That's pretty much how I feel.

You say Twilight was in a school that she never went to and that isn't possible in a dream. A dream can never create new things.

4707196 Yea. I do too, but it's really annoying, because no matter how much I empty my bladder I find no relief until I finally wake up and do it for real.

7529276 hahaha what does it just keep going in the dreams XD ?...

7529984 Yea. Until I wake up. It's my subconscious telling me I need to go.

I'm not sure what you ment by legal age .. xd .. Hmm 16 maby.

I believe it refers to the age where a person is no longer a minor which would be 18.

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