• Published 3rd Jul 2014
  • 878 Views, 33 Comments

Slowly Freaking Out - Tiaa OwO

Samantha's mother goes into labor and she eagerly waits to see her new baby sister. As the little filly waits, she's in for a big shock. One that might change life for her forever.

  • ...

Bye bye (Part 1)

I am so excited. You know why? Mommy's really fat but she and daddy says that it's not regular fat. It's a baby! Yup! I'm so happy and a little relieved. I was told that storks bring foals in soft blankets to the mommy's and daddy's in all of Equestria. I'm glad that we really come from our mommy's tummies. This makes me wonder, how did the baby get in mommy's tummy? Mommy sits beside me and yawns. She pats her tummy and wiggles a little in the big comfy chair that I'm not allowed on.
"Mummy." I say, "How did the baby get in your tummy?" Mommy thinks for a moment.
"Well... Why don't you ask your daddy? He had a hoof in it, you know." I think about this for a second. Daddy would be great help in my mystery.
"Will you call daddy for me, mummy?" Mommy calls daddy and he stumbles down the stairs from his hurry. He always does this. He worries about mommy and the baby. Daddy lands really hard on his rump. I giggle. "Are you alright, daddy?"
"Fine, Sammy." Daddy says and turns to mommy. "Are you feeling okay, Flower?"
"Don't worry, Star Tip. Samantha wants to ask you a question." Daddy smiles.
"Yea? And what's your question, eh baby?" I giggle. Daddy talks funny. It's funny because he has no accent like me and mommy. We talk like proper ladies. Mommy says we have British accents and that I was raised around it. That's why I don't speak regular like daddy.
"How did the baby get in mummy's tummy?"
"Uh... Easy... " daddy glances at mommy. She shrugs. "Well you see... when a mommy and daddy love each other very much... they... hug... and a baby grows in the mommy." Mommy does what I hear grown ups call a face hoof.
"Really, dear?"
"Oh come on. She's what, four?"
"I'm six daddy." I say. Daddy forgets a lot of things. He never forgets to call me Sammy, though. I love my nickname.
"Right, right." Mommy stands off the comfy, forbidden couch and shoos me.

"Off to bed now, Samantha." I rush to give daddy a kiss and a hug. "Go on, darling." I run up the stairs to bed but I don't get into bed unless I've found my teddy. His name is Mr. Cuddles. After kissing him, I climb into bed. My room is sky blue and my fluffy carpet is just regular blue. My nightstand is a really cool wood color, like the rest of my supercool furniture. The ceiling is a really dark blue. There are glow-in-the-dark star stickers pasted all over it. All sizes randomly splayed above me. I chose that. I didn't choose the wall colors. I asked mommy and daddy why they colored the room this way and mommy told me it was because daddy was expecting a boy when I was in her tummy. I like that. That means I was a surprise. I love surprises! I squeal in excitement.
"Go to sleep, Sammy." Daddy calls from downstairs. I lie in my bed and snuggled Mr. Cuddles.

I think I woke up earlier than mommy and daddy today. I trot down the stairs and find daddy making breakfast. Darn. He looks happy and tired at the same time. I give him a hug.
"Hey, Sammy. How's my little ray of sunshine?"
"Fine! I thought I woke up before you, daddy!"
"Did you, now? Don't you know I'm the Morning Daddy?" Daddy lifts me up and twirls me around in a circle. I giggle. "I wake up before every pony!" Daddy is so silly. He thinks he's the best daddy in the world but I don't mind. He is. Daddy puts a plate of pancakes and oats in front of my place at the table. Our kitchen is small. The floor is wood and the walls are cream. The table is a really cool rectangle shape in the middle. The fridge, sink, and stove are against the wall opposite of the large frame-way that connects to the living room. The living room is green with a wooden floor. There's a lime green rug underneath the coffee table, which is in the center of the room. The couches, except for the forbidden couch, are yellow-green while the little funny couch pillows are plaid green and yellow. I like it. It makes me feel like I'm outside. Daddy likes it too, but only because mommy did it and she's the "mare of his dreams". I don't really know what that means but I'm guessing it's how grown ups say they like each other.

I eat my oats first and holler to daddy to show him what a good girl I am. He inspects my plate and smiles. Oats are very healthy. They make my body happy and the doctors happy too. Mommy and daddy love it when I eat my oats and my veggies. But veggies are for supper!
"Good job, Sammy. I'm so proud of you." Daddy kisses me on the head. I eat my pancakes quickly and grab my saddlebag. I am ready to go to school. Daddy puts my lunch in and gets his keys. We head to the door. I hear hoof steps. Mommy's awake!
"I'm heading to school, mummy! Bye!" I hear a yawn and mommy comes halfway down the steps.
"Bye sweetie. Have a good day at school." I wave and step outside.
"I'll be right back after I drop her off." Daddy says and shuts the door behind us.

I enter the classroom with the rest of my classmates. I see Twist and Rumble and Button and Sweetie Belle enter the classroom after me. Sweetie Belle goes to the other side of the room to finish the drawing for the class she started yesterday. I sit in my seat next to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They whisper to each other, look at me, and giggle. I don't say anything. I don't even look in their direction. Their the class meanies. Their what mommy calls bullies. Daddy calles them bad words. I don't see how it's a bad word, though. Doesn't it mean a female dog? I try to remember to ask Miss Cheerilee. I try to pay attention to today's lesson but I get distracted. Applebloom and Scootaloo keep passing notes. I tap Scootaloo.
"What?" she asks.
"What are you guys talking about?"
"On what?"
"The note, silly."
"What note?" Silver Spoon cranes her neck to see what we're up to. Scootaloo gives her a mean look and Applebloom covers up the note protectively. Diamond Tiara, seeing Silver peering at us, grins evilly.
"Miss Cheerilee! Miss Cheerilee, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Samantha are passing notes." Applebloom and Scootaloo turn their heads to look at me. Sweetie Belle looks up from across the room. I shrink back into my seat. Miss Cheerilee glares at all of us and calls us up front. We sit in the front row for the rest of the lesson and we sit inside for recess. Miss Cheerilee sits in her chair and sighs.

"Girls, I've told you time and time again... you cannot pass notes during class. If this continues, I'll have to separate you."
"No!" Applebloom and Scootaloo shout in unison. I say nothing.
"And you, little miss." I jerk to attention.
"... Yes... Miss Cheerilee?"
"I don't expect such little misdemeanors from you. I know you're a little young to be in this class but please don't wrap yourself up in anything. You know how your mother is." I flatten my ears and look away from her intense gaze. "Alright. Now since you three are here, how about you help me grade some papers before we eat our lunch?"
"Okay." We all chime.

The bell rings at last and everypony rushes to gather their things and leave. I put on my saddlebags after stuffing my books in them. Applebloom and Scootaloo rush to catch up with Sweetie Belle.
"You guys can't pass notes for your lives." Sweetie giggles.
"It wasn't our fault we got caught. It was that egghead filly's fault." Scootaloo mumbled.
"It was Diamond Tiara who told, not Samantha." Applebloom states. I slow down so I don't pass them as I walk away from the school. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon push me out of their way and laugh loudly as I stumble.
"Stupid little baby." Diamond chortles. "I bet you think you're better than us, huh?"
"Yea." Silver agrees. "You think you're so amazing because you can solve some hard math problems?"
"I don't think that." I whine.
"No pony likes eggheads. Stop acting so smart. It's so fake."
"You're not cool enough to be that smart."
"And you're so little. Why are you even here?"
"The teachers at my other school said I was above the average level for my age." I say truthfully. "They said I should try Ponyville elementary school." Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon glance at each other and smile.
"Did they now?" Diamond asks.
"Yes. Can I go now? I don't want to talk to you girls anymore."
"Why not?" Silver growls.
"You too good to hang with us?"

"No, no!" I struggle to explain. "I just mean that I'm late. I'm supposed to meet my daddy at Sugarcube Corner."
"Well a dumb baby like you can't go by yourself." Diamond chuckles darkly. "We'll just have to walk you."
"Yea! Wait... What?" Silver Spoon gives Diamond Tiara a look of confusion as Diamond reaches for me. I back up but then I trip and fall. Diamond grabs me and runs to the school dumpster. She screeches at Silver to open the lid. I take the chance to try to squirm out of her grasp. She clutches me tighter.
"Help!" I holler, finally coming to my senses. "Help! These girls are trying to kill me!"
"What did she just say!?" Diamond Tiara turns me over in her hooves to look me in the eyes. "What did you say, twerp!?" I whimper.
"Hey... Uh... Diamond? I think somepony's coming." Silver says nervously. Diamond growls and throws me on the ground. She and Silver start kicking me and stomping me. It hurts. I can't breathe and every time I try to breathe, my chest hurts even more than before. I curl into a ball and wail for them to stop.
"I wish Mr. Cuddles were here...!" I cried. It is that moment that I realize Mr. Cuddles is with me. He is in my saddlebag. I suddenly worry that they might go through my bag and find him. I am filled with determination and I look around for something... anything... to help me. I do. It is a pipe, a narrow, metal pipe. I reach out for it. One of the girls stomp my hoof. I yelp in pain and draw it to my body. I cradle my hoof for a second before darting my other one out like a snake. I grasp it and in a matter of seconds I have come up with a plan and I turn myself over onto by back. Protecting my belly, I arch my back and bring the metal pipe down on Diamond Tiara's head.

It seems like time slows down as she stares at me in shock and anger. She is still, then she sways like a Lilly in the wind. She collapses in a convulsing heap on top of me. I see Silver Spoon opening her mouth to scream and I see her clawing at Diamond Tiara to get her up. I do not hear her. The pounding in my ears is too loud. I push the older filly off of me as if she's nothing but a rag doll and stand up. My chest and hooves are wet. I look down and see red, gooey stuff sticking to me. I hear hoofsteps coming closer. I reach for my saddlebag and pull out Mr. Cuddles. He looks raggedy as always but is still Intact.
You saved me., I imagine him saying, I knew you loved me. But you're late to see daddy.
"Yes." I say in a monotone. "I'm late to meet daddy. He'll be worried sick."
"You bitc-" Silver begins but is cut off by Diamond moaning in pain. "Diamond, are you dead? Answer me!" I walk home, my body numb and my head so beautifully clear.

I reach home and I panic. Daddy wasn't waiting for me at Sugarcube Corner. He doesn't seem to be home. As a matter of fact, no pony seems to be home. I run around the whole house, upstairs and downstairs, calling for them. I collapse in a tired heap on the living room rug. After I catch my breath, I squeeze Mr. Cuddles and begin to cry.
Shh, Shh. Don't cry little one. I sniff. I'm right. I shouldn't cry. I think for a second. Why in Equestria would mommy and daddy not be home. I gasp as it hits me. Mommy has a baby in her tummy! I face hoof. Duh! I run to the door and open it. My jaw drops.
"Samantha! What are you doing here? Where were you going?" Daddy demands. I tell him everything but I don't think he believes me. Or maybe he wasn't listening.
"Where's mummy, daddy?"
"In the hospital. I had to leave her to look for you." He grabs me and places me on his back. I grip Mr. Cuddles and hold on to daddy's neck at the same time. "I hope I didn't miss anything!" He gallops to the hospital at full speed. We burst in and daddy shouts a couple of quick explanations to the angry nurses and doctors who complain. Daddy puts me down in the waiting room.
"Stay here. I have to go put on one of those weird suits."
"Because the baby will be vulnerable to any germs."
"Before you go, do you know if the baby is a boy or girl?"
"It's a girl." he says and dashes off. I sit and I wait. A crowd of nurses walk by and ask me questions but I tell them the same thing.
"My mummy's having a baby."
And every single time they laugh and 'awww' and say things like, "Oh, how sweet! Are you happy to have a new sibling? Do you know if it's a boy or girl? How does it feel to know you'll be a big sister?" I always smiled and told them what I really thought and felt. They smiled and patted me on my head.
I can't believe you actually want this baby. Mr. Cuddles grumbles.
"What? Why wouldn't I want it?"
Because this kid will replace you. They won't pay any attention to you. I shake my head and laugh.
"Silly, Mr. Cuddles. My parents will love me just the same as the baby."
Don't be stupid, Samantha. I know you're smarter than that. Think about it, your mommy already doesn't have time for you, and the baby's not even here yet. So how will your daddy have time for you when he has to help mommy with the baby?" I don't say anything at first. It sounds absurd but when I really think about it, it sounds like it might actually happen. I don't know what I will do without daddy hanging out with me like he normally does. I blink back the tears. I suddenly don't want a younger sibling. I want to stay an only child.

"Mr. Cuddles, what do I do?"
You still want this baby of theirs?
"Yes and no, Mr. Cuddles. I don't want to be ignored. I don't want daddy to ignore me."
I know, baby. I'm gonna help you. I want you to be happy.
"Thank you, Mr. Cuddles. But how do I tell them to not have the baby? To wait until I'm ready, maybe?"
Don't be an ass, girl. She can't just suck the baby back in.
"What's an ass?"
Oh yea. Forgot you're six. Anyways, all you need to do is sneak me into the delivery room.
"Okay. What are you going to do?"
Don't worry about that. Just remember, you're daddy's sunshine. His only sunshine.

After sneaking Mr. Cuddles into mommy's delivery room, I sit and after some time to think, I get over my anxiety and I can't wait to see my new baby sibling. I've been waiting really long for the baby to come out of mommy's tummy. Why worry now? I could just tell daddy how I feel. After some time, a sad-looking nurse takes me to another room. The nurse says to wait there. So, I wait in the big white room with lots of chairs. The nice nurse calls it the 'Waiting Room'. That makes sense. It's for ponies who wait. Hold on. Daddy's coming out of mommy's giving birth room. He looks upset.
"Hi daddy." I say. Daddy doesn't say anything. I don't think he heard me. His eyes are red. "Daddy, where's my sister?" I think I said something wrong. Daddy begins to cry.
"There's no baby, Sammy." I stare at him.
"What do you mean there's no baby?"
"What do you think I mean!?" Daddy glares at me.
"I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean to make you mad."
"Samantha..." Daddy says slowly. "What did I tell you to do before I left you in the other room."
"To stay there. The nurse told me to wait here after."
"Did you go into the delivery room, Samantha?" I nod slowly.
"I know I shouldn't have but... but... I wanted to see mummy." I lie. Daddy gives me a look like he doesn't believe me but not for the reason I think.
"Sammy... They found this next this next to the baby." he gives me Mr. Cuddles. "What were you doing with Mr. Cuddles in the incubation room?"

"Dammit, Samantha, what did you do to that baby!?"
"I just put Mr. Cuddles down in the room, I promise! Where's the baby?"
"Dead! All because of you! You suffocated her with that damned teddy bear of yours!"
"I didn't know." I mentally remind myself to ask Mr. Cuddles about this later. "I didn't do it, daddy." Mommy is wheeled out on a bed with wheels by two nurses. Mommy catches my eyes. She cries.
"How could you?" she mouths.

I am on punishment. This is even worse than the baby being here. Daddy won't play with me, he won't eat with me, he won't even say his funny words to me. He won't look me in the eye. Mommy won't talk to me or even be in the same room as me. She uses bad words a lot now. She's drinking a lot of that bad-smelling juice that makes her even more angry and cry. She throws things at me sometimes. I got hit in the leg and I went squalling to daddy. He looks at me with a tired look. He's always tired now. He never has time for me. It's always about mommy. Mommy talks to herself and she talks about a Nikki pony that no pony else can see. Daddy says she's sick and needs help. I don't know what to do. Daddy ignores me and mommy is being mean to me, just like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Baby, are you okay? Did that glass cut you bad? Mr. Cuddles asks.
"What happened in that room, Mr. Cuddles? Why is the baby dead?"
I killed her. I wanted you to be happy.
"Well I'm not! Daddy spends all his time with mummy!"
Do you want me to help you with that?
"No. I don't want you to hurt her."
Why not? She tried to kill you, yes?
"I don't... I don't think so."
Alright, alright. How about I take her out of the house? Without hurting her.
"Okay. As long as she doesn't get hurt."
"Do you need me to bring you to her?"
No, baby, I can manage. To my surprise, Mr. Cuddles leaps out of my hooves and wobbles to mommy's room. He makes a shooing motion at me. I head downstairs. I sit next to daddy on the couch. Daddy doesn't acknowledge me.
"AHHH! TAKE THIS DEMON AWAY!" Mommy screams from upstairs. Daddy and I rush upstairs. I hope Mr. Cuddles kept his word. We enter mommy's room and she is beating Mr. Cuddles with a bad-smelling juice bottle. I dive for him and end up getting smacked. Daddy grabs me and pulls me away.
"Sweet bucking Celestia, Samantha! Be careful!" Mommy continues to screech.
"That child did not commit the sin she is accused of!" Mommy hollers. She points a hoof at Mr. Cuddles. "It was her demon toy! Rid her of that toy before all is lost!"
Mommy tries to take Mr. Cuddles away and I start to scream. Daddy pulls mommy off and she claws at him and hits him. She starts to scream and chant like a pastor pony. I get scared and clutch Mr. Cuddles closer to me.
"How can you move? You couldn't move before."
Your attention gave me power, baby. That's why I can talk to you now.
"But I've had you for years."
I just started talking because I've only just gotten here a little while ago. Remember the day you lost this teddy bear? I escaped a group of dumb kids. They were summoning spirits for fun. I disposed of them and found this well-loved teddy of yours.
"You're a... You're a... ghost!?"

Shut up, kid! I'm gonna finish this. Look at your daddy. Actin' like he can't just snap your mommy's neck! I watch as a black cloud comes out of my teddy and enters mommy's mouth. When all of it disappears down her throat, she slouches over for a few seconds before standing up straight.
"Crap. I can't deal with this." he runs downstairs and I can hear him pick up the phone. Mommy turns to me and grins. She reaches out her hooves for a hug.
"Mr. Cuddles?"
"Yea, baby, it's me. Give me some props." I give mommy/Mr. Cuddles a hug. We separate as daddy comes back upstairs.
"I'm sorry, Flower. This is for your own good. For your safety and ours." I hear sirens in the background...

Mommy's gone. The ponies in white took her away. I don't know where. I kinda miss her. I think daddy misses her too. He sleeps with me in their big bed now. He seems kind of wary of Mr. Cuddles but he doesn't say anything. I play with Mr. Cuddles a lot now. Daddy watches me play sometimes and I catch him giving little mean looks to my teddy. That makes me angry. I vent to Mr. Cuddles about my problems and Mr. Cuddles helps me any way he can. He shouldn't look at Mr. Cuddles like that. I even hear daddy say mean things about him and I. He says Mr. Cuddles is 'evil' and an 'abomination'. Mr. Cuddles doesn't like daddy very much anymore. I'm not sure how I feel, though. He's my daddy and he's a grown up. I guess grown ups can't understand it when great things happen. Mr. Cuddles is one of these great things.

I am playing with Mr. Cuddles. He is so much fun and so much better now that he can move and talk by himself. I like the way he wobbles around and his voice is really deep and scratchy. It's kind of scary but I try to ignore it. He uses bad words a lot too. Mr. Cuddles also likes to draw these weird symbols on my walls and on my legs.
"Why are you putting drawings on legs?"
They'll protect you.
"From what?"
There are more... things... like me... that will try to hurt you once they see that you're mine.
"I'm your what?"
You don't need to worry about that now. Mr. Cuddles' answer puzzles me but I drop it. I decide to ask him something else.
"Mr. Cuddles, what do these symbols mean?"
Protect, taint, control.
You wouldn't understand, baby. Shh. Your daddy's comin'. I turn my head and see daddy stroll in without a care in the world. I look up at him and smile.
"Hi daddy."
"Hi, Sammy." My eyes widen. Daddy hasn't called me that in a while. "Do you want to go out today?"
"Where?" I ask excitedly. "Where are we going?"
"I was thinking of talking a nice walk to the park and maybe get some ice-cream?"
"Yes. Why don't you go get your pretty sun hat mommy got you."
"Okay!" I jump up and run off to get my sun hat, just like daddy told me. I look around for it in mommy and daddy's room until I hear a cry for help. It's my teddy!
Get off me, you wretched equine!
"What the fu-" I rush back to my room and gasp as I see daddy struggling to put Mr. Cuddles in a bag. Mr. Cuddles says a bad word and calls to me for help.
Do something, Samantha! You have to hit him with something!
"But I-"
He's trying to kill me! You have to do it.
"I don't wanna hurt daddy. You promised you wouldn't hurt anypony and your telling me to hurt my daddy..."
If you don't do it, I'll hurt you. I frown but I run downstairs and grab one of the glasses. I run back upstairs and hand it to Mr. Cuddles. He raises it above his head and brings it down on daddy. Daddy grunts and drops him. Daddy grabs me and snarls, "I will not let you keep your demonic hold on my daughter."
"What's a demon?"
"Samantha, teddy bears are not supposed to act like this."
"My teddy bear is good, daddy."
"Sammy, let's go."
"But daddy!" Daddy carries me down the stairs. I whine on the way down. "Daddy, all he's done was help me!"
"Samantha, for the last time-GAAH!!!" Daddy tumbles down the stairs and lands on top of me. I struggle and struggle but I can't lift him off of me. There is a grunt and the sounds of straining and daddy is off of me. It is Mr. Cuddles.

Get up. he orders. I look at daddy. I want him to get up. I make sure he is not hurt. I gasp and tears come to my eyes. There is a knife protruding from the back of daddy's head and there is that red, gooey stuff seeping out.
"Daddy." I sob. Mr. Cuddles continues to tell me to get up. He gets angrier and angrier as I ignore him. Suddenly he slaps me across the face. That gets my attention. I begin to cry harder.
Alright, enough blubbering. We have to go. C'mon, baby. If you listen, I won't have to put my... erm... paws on you again. So, I obey. I start heading to the door with Mr. Cuddles on my back.
"Won't I need my stuff, Mr. Cuddles?"
Not this time, baby. Were we're going, it may be a little intense at first, but you'll get used to it. Before we exit the house, I hear a cough behind us.
"Go... to... Hell..." Daddy wheezes before closing his eyes. Mr. Cuddles chuckles.
Please. Already been there. I can't say the same about Sammy here. Mr. Cuddles cackles, First times a charm, eh, baby?
I wonder what he meant?

Author's Note:

Please tell me what you honestly think of this one-shot. The cover pic of this story is supposed to be Mr. Cuddles.
Please favorite and like.

I have been thinking of making this a story if enough people want it... instead of working on a sequel one-shot...
What do you think?

Comments ( 33 )

Whathe FUCK kinda games you playing, Author?

wth game did you play?

Was this in any way inspired by Eraserhead?

Because if it was then I need to marry you.

Edit: alright, having read it, I misunderstood what it was originally about. I thought you were going with a demonic birth, not possession. The story was written well, but it wasn't written... Very pony like. All the OCs had human names and the father said "Jesus" something I'm fairly certain equestria does not have.

It did freak me out though, so good job.

They were playing with a spirit board. The evil spirit got loose when they did something wrong.

4635430 It was supposed to be freaky and confusing, to make the reader guessing and confused until the end.:pinkiecrazy:

4635430 I have edited the "Jesus" part but I have to say, I enjoy OC ponies with with more human names.:twilightsmile:

4635783 right, but it breaks the story setting. It's like if I gave my oc in a Harry potter fanfic an autobot name. It just doesn't fit and looks silly. With human names in ponyfics, however, it also shows laziness and the inability to come up with a creative name.

4636227 Well, I see your point. I could change the names but wouldn't it be too late to do so anyway? I have some pretty 'creative' names in mind.

4636227 Actually, I've grown quite attached to Samantha's name. I love that name for some reason. I'll change the parents' names but I'll just chalk up the filly's name from the parents wanting something more exotic that usual pony names.

4636320 Samantha is alright, that's not too much of a stretch; Stan and whatever the mothers name was though...

4636730 :rainbowlaugh: Felicia.
I changed the mothers name to Flower and the fathers to Star Tip. Their not too odd feeling-ish since I've gotten used to the other names. I hope this helps.:twilightsmile:

4636769 should be fine :twilightsmile:

What.the.ACTUAL.FUCK did I just read!?!?!?? :rainbowhuh: :unsuresweetie: :twilightoops: :rainbowderp:

4642311 An amazingly creepy Horror story:ajsmug:

The game was Among The Sleep huh?

4644249 Yessssss! OMG, how did you know!? Thank you for reminding what it was called because I had total memory loss at the moment. Did you play it? If you did, omg, you gotta be like the coolest guy I've ever met.

4645129 Drunken mom and family problems, teddy bear friend and a child. It was very similar and I made the connections. I haven't played it but I saw the whole thing and loved it.

4646877 Yesssss. Bro hoof!

OMG, I am sooo stupid! The story was inspired a lot by a horror game called Forgotten but had a few things added to it that I got from Among The Sleep. I comeplenty forgot! Which is funny because that's what the game was called.... lol.....:facehoof::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

wait what? thers more? :pinkiehappy: ha YAY when i got to the dimomic tedy bear i just fucking loughed my ass of and as for makeing more of this story *clears throught* DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTT :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

4953803 Glad ya liked it:ajsmug:

so sad:fluttercry:yet so awesome please write more:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::heart:

4998252 I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll start working on another part real soon:twilightsmile:

If this is part one, then why does it say complete?

5229178 Working on part two...let me fix that...

Omg! How is it possible for a story to be this awesome?! I love it! It doesn't even need more to be more but if there is then that's just doubling the awesome! Great job!

6322853 Thanks I'm glad you liked it!

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