• Published 4th Jul 2014
  • 1,461 Views, 30 Comments

I, Dragon - Psychomaniac

Princess Celestia has asked for a representative from our kind to establish a relationship between our kingdoms and species.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Well, I have finally come up with an idea that I believe will be enjoyable for anyone who decides to partake. I encourage comments and critics of course. Thanks!

I, Dragon

Typically, we would begin with a greeting and by exchanging names. In this case, I have no way of knowing your name, and my own is unpronounceable to anyone who doesn't have a mouth shaped like one of us. I suppose if a name is needed, you may call me Sparky. It is a name I have come to own despite it’s odd origins. A pretty pink pony gave it to me. I have adjusted to her antics with frightening ease and count her among my friends. More on that later.

Let’s start at the beginning. I am a Bronze Dragon. About one and a half centuries ago I was hatched in my homeland by the coast. My parents raised me until I was about 25 years of age. Since then I have lived a solitary life both above and below the waves of my home. I have acquired a reasonable hoard for myself; nothing too extravagant. Mostly gems I have found in the sea that I called home for the better part of a century. Being a water dragon, breathing underwater is second nature to me. I lived a comfortable life into adulthood until I received my summons.

It seems our neighboring country, Equestria, was trying to establish a treaty with us. While I was not against the idea, I had no idea why I was selected. At least I was able to adjust to my new life abroad. So, that brings us to the present.


I was told the best time to approach my assignment would be in the evening soon after sunset. I timed my arrival and glided in for a relatively smooth touchdown. Had I known she was already living with a dragon hatchling, I could have messaged ahead, but I believe our first meeting went rather well considering the circumstances. Now let’s go over one of the abilities of our kind.

All dragons can change their form at will upon reaching adulthood. It’s more of an ability then a spell, but it does take magic to accomplish. It’s not easy to compress 15 tons of dragon into the form of a 130 pound pony. I usually don’t even change my mass. If someone were to try to strike my pony form, they might be surprised just how hard my “coat” is. The appearance I always take is a Pegasus colt who appears to be just under adulthood. My coat appears to be the same color as my scales minus the bluish tinge along their edges. My mane and tail has this dark bluish green color. My eyes are the same green in both forms. I decided on the colt form due to my lack of a cutie mark. I am a blank flank for life.

This form can be altered to have characteristics from each of my appearances. Tonight, to help clear the air and make my identity known, I will keep my pupils slitted and my elongated snout. I was told to report to the local tree castle first. I give the door a few hard raps.

“Just a moment,” a young male voice announced from within. The door opens and to my disbelief I am looking at a purple dragon whelp.

“Were you sent here as well, young one?” I asked him.

“What are you talking about? Twi, are you expecting company tonight?” he calls upstairs. He looks back at me with a confused expression. “Dude, whats with your eyes? They look radical.”

Sharing his confusion, I can only assume he is not a part of this social experiment. I look behind him and see a purple pony descending the stairs. Given her appearance, I know she is my contact.

“Good evening, Princess Twilight Sparkle. I was told to visit you before I do anything else.”

“Oh! You must be the representative from the Dragon Lands. I didn't expect you to look quite like, well, this,” she remarks. “Please, just call me Twilight. I am not much for titles.”

“Okay then, Twilight it is. I just assumed this form to prevent panic if someone were to see me. I can dispel it if you like, however I will need more room.”

“Well, we could go into the main meeting room. Right this way.” She leads me to the stairs and we encounter a problem.

Upon placing my weight on the first step, it shatters. I lift my hoof (kinda weird calling it that), and look at her. She calls forth some magic and the step is quickly repaired.

“So, just how much do you weigh?” she asks.

“Maybe about 200 times what you do? I never had reason to weigh myself before. I can adjust my mass to fit my form, but it takes a lot out of me, and I am exhausted from my journey. Maybe we can just do this outside?”

I suddenly find myself enveloped within a magic field. I immediately dispel the magic and glare at the alicorn. She looks abashed and backs away from me.

“Oh, I’m sorry, my curiosity got the best of me. I just wondered what your actual weight was. I was only going to lift you for a second. I didn’t mean to…”

“Princess Twilight Sparkle,” I growled, “Never, ever use magic on me without my permission again. As I said before, it takes a lot of effort to maintain this form. If I lose focus, my form will snap back to my actual size. In a corridor this small, it will have catastrophic effects. I would rather not bring your home down around us.”

She sheepishly nods her head. About this time, the youngest dragon in the entryway makes his presence known. “I’m kinda tired Twilight. Think I’m gonna call it a night,” he yawns.

“Hmmm, I would have thought you would like to see your fellow dragon’s actual appearance,” Twilight smirked.

“What fellow dragon?”

‘Heh, nothing gets by this kid,’ I think to myself.

His eyes go wide as he looks at me. It looks like his sleepiness has been forgotten for the moment.

“You? A dragon? For REAL?! Whoa! Awesome! This I gotta see!” he exclaimed.

We go outside and find a wider area nearby. I drop my pony form and look down upon the alicorn and whelp. They stare up at me in amazement.

“Twilight! Don’t move!” I hear from above.

Before anyone can react, I am slammed in the side by a rainbow streak. I grunt and take the blow by rolling onto my side. This causes me to collide with a tree, knocking it over. The tree fortunately doesn't strike anything else. I stand back up and check myself for injuries. On the side where i struck the tree, I feel a slight pain but nothing serious. Not even so much as a cut or bruise from the impact. If the blow hadn’t taken me by surprise, I probably would have just remained upright. Of course, the same cannot be said for my attacker.

I stare at the would be offender. The light blue pegasus has already gotten to her hooves and starts to square off against me. I hate the idea of taking a life but I won’t hesitate to defend myself. Luckily for both of us, the pegasus is prevented from taking further action by Twilight.

“Rainbow Dash! That’s enough. Please calm down.”

“But, but…”

“No! That’s enough Rainbow. This dragon is not a threat. He is a guest in Equestria by the order of Princess Celestia. His particular subspecies actually believes in Law and Order. He will not harm anypony.”

“If you say so. I got my eye on you buster. Don’t try any funny business. I will be watching you,” She states. Overall, that could have gone worse.

She takes off, leaving the three of us alone. I look at the downed tree and grunt softly.

“Are you able to fix this?” I ask her.

She nods and grips the tree in her magic. I watch in amazement as she replants and repairs the damage with seemingly no effort. It would seem alicorns are as capable as the stories depict them. I am relieved the damage I have caused on my first night thus far has been so easily repaired.

“I apologize for being such a bother thus far,” I state.

“Ha! You should have seen when I first arrived in Ponyville! I will never forget that day.”

“Hmmm. A tale for another time perhaps? It is quite late and a certain dragon hatchling need his rest.”

“Hey! I’m no baby! I can stay up as la..[YAWN]te as I want.”

“Yea, that’s not happening, Spike,” Twilight says.


“Yea, that’s my name. S to the P to the I K E, aint no other drago..MMPH!”

“That’s enough of that Spike.” Twilight looks at me and removes her hoof from Spike’s mouth. “Will you be needing a place to sleep for tonight?”

“If you could direct me to the nearest body of water. I can’t help but notice how landlocked this town is.”

“Oh, you’re aquatic? I should have realized with your webbed feet. There is a small lake south of here. Will that work?”

“That should do nicely. Thank you Twilight. Good night.”

“Good night… OH! I never learned your name!”

“Ahhh… Heh, it’s unpronounceable with your mouth and tongue. A series of growls really.“ I make a series of soft, rumbling vocalizations for her. Spike, to his credit, actually manages to pull it off back at me with only a few minor mistakes. Back home, it might be insulting, but given his age and upbringing, I overlook the slight.

“A good effort, young one. With practice, you could learn our language. Let me know if you want to practice.”

“Actually, I kinda wanna learn how you changed into a pony,” He states.

“That will come with age. Polymorphing is something all dragons are able to do when they reach young adulthood.”

“Oh.” He looks down, a bit dejected. I can tell he really was looking forward to this skill. Interesting.

“Some learn it faster than others, Spike. I myself only needed 75 years to develop the skill. Most don’t learn it until well after their first century.”

“Oh.” He doesn't look up. Hmm. I think a quicker timeline is needed here.

“Tell you what. I will try to help you with polymorphing. Most dragons just let it come naturally, but it can be taught sooner if you can find a willing and able teacher. Once you learn how, it’s not difficult to do. It actually becomes more difficult as you grow older due to your larger size. I was never given a time frame for how long I will be here, but I can assure you even if I am dismissed early, I will stay on until you are able to polymorph yourself. How does that sound?” I ask.

He immediately perks up. “Deal!”

Twilight chuckles. She looks pleased to see him happy. I wonder…

“Twilight, if you don’t mind me asking, what is your relationship to Spike?”

“Spike? He’s my Number One Assistant. He has always been with me since I hatched his egg. I can barely remember the times before he came into my life.”

I stare at her in awe. For a pony to hatch a dragon’s egg is no small feat.

“Another tale for another time. I look forward to hearing that one. Good night again Twilight, Spike.”

“Good Night,” they say together. Twilight then picks up Spike and plants him on her back. Seems she is easy with the telekinesis. No wonder she tried lifting me in her castle.

I call out to her. “Twilight?”


“Care to check my weight now?”

She smiles. A lavender field envelopes me and I feel myself rise in the air, then I settle back down.

“204.26 times my weight. Not a bad estimate. Good night.”

I smile and take off. One in the air, I notice a familiar blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail on a nearby cloud glaring at me. She strikes the cloud and a lightning bolt shoots at me. I could have avoided it, but that’s okay. I let the bolt strike me in the chest. I absorb the energy and smile at her. She looks in shock as I land on another cloud. Turning towards her, I unleash my own bolt back towards her. This bolt did not come from my cloud though. I breath lightning. I am also immune to it. The bolt strikes her cloud and she catches the edge of it.


It seems she does not share my immunity. At least I held back. She will most likely be stuck on that cloud until she is able to move her limbs again. That shouldn't be longer than 10 minutes. I take off and fly away.

I see the lake in the distance and wing towards it. Forgoing the beach, I splash down into the lake and dive to the bottom. I relax in contentment. It’s not the salty sea but it will do. Oh, yes, it will do.