• Published 10th Apr 2012
  • 2,598 Views, 51 Comments

Pony Confessions - Flame6666

This is Dominick, Dominick works at a five star restaurant called, The Pony Palace.

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Chapter2: Rainbow Dash

Pony Confessions

Rainbow Dash

This is Dominick, Dominick works at a five star restaurant called, The Pony Palace. There, some of Equestria's most popular celebrities pop in to have a drink. Sometimes they share stories and even secrets, because as we all know, what the bartender hears is confidential, isn't it.

So I'm sitting there tinder bar, when in flies somepony I've haven't seen in a long time, Rainbow Dash. Now Dash usually has a lot of energy and this time was no exception but um, seemed a little upset this time. She sat down and ordered a cranberry juice. I says, "You don't normally order cranberry juice."

So she says, "I know I've... I've been through a lot." She was looking around and I was following her gaze. Just about everypony else was staring at her, whispering. Then she just flew up and started yelling at everypony. "What are you looking at!" Then, almost in perfect unison, they all went back to their business, it was honestly pretty funny. Anyway, Dashie got back down and took her sit again then told me, "You know what, make it a hard apple cider."

I went to the back to the bar and got her the cider and set it in front of her, but I had to ask her, "So Miss Dash, what was that all about?"

She looks me in the face then shook her head. "Everypony is crazy!"

"Care to elaborate." I said

Then she took a long swig of her drink and said, "Everypony thinks I'm a fillyfooler and it's starting to piss me off!"

"Oh, well have you thought about dying your mane?"

Oops, that was definitely the wrong thing to bring up. She was glaring at me like she wanted me to explode or burst into flames. Then she yelled, "Dye my mane? DYE MY MANE! My name is RAINBOW Dash! Dyeing my mane is like throwing away who I am!"

"Okay, okay, settle down Miss Dash. I'm just throwing around ideas nothing more."

Then she folded her forelegs around and stared at me for the longest time. I was starting to get a bit nervous till finally she said, "Well, I'm listing, got any more bright ideas?"

I did have a few ideas, like stop acting like a fillyfooler or maybe comb your mane every once in awhile, but I had feeling she wouldn't like those, so I said, "Well can you tell me what exactly is going on? You know, to get a better idea."

"I-I don't think I can tell you." She said, quite nervously I might add.

Then I said, "It's up to you Miss Dash, I won't force you."

She then let out a sigh and took another swig of her cider, looked me in the eyes again and continued, "It's... It's a lot of things really, But it was the last one that made that dumb rumor spread like wildfire."

"And that was?"

She let out another sigh and continued, "You know how I'm always trying out new moves for the Wonder Bolts?"

I nodded, "Yeah... and?"

"Well... I was trying out a new move and... lost control. I ended up crashing right into the Ponyville spa and right into the mares bath."

"That's it? That doesn't sound so bad." I confessed.

She put her hooves to her temples and said, "That's not all. All the girls jumped and there was a flash of light. Apparently there was a sicko hiding in the room and took a picture and it ended up on the front page of the newspaper!"

I was shocked to say the least, but I had to know. "Are you telling me that-" She cut me off before I finished.

"Yes! That stupid article said I was a fillyfooler. You want to know what the headline said? Well it said, "Rainbow Dash crashes into the spa to get her fix of hot flanks." It was so humiliating, everywhere I go ponies stare at me!"

Now that's a bit harsh isn't it? I know if I was on the front page of the newspaper saying I was a coltcuddler, I wouldn't be able to show my face in public. As far as I could tell, there was only two options, so I told her, "Well Miss Dash, I really hate to be the one to tell you this but... you have a choice to make."

"And that would be?"

"Well, you can either go hideaway. Or you can embrace it."

She looked at me shocked and said, "Embrace it? You're kidding right? There's no way I'm going to be a fillyfooler!"

Then I leaned over the bar table, got right in her face and told her, "Well Miss Dash, the way I see it, you can hide and never reach your dreams or, let other ponies believe that you're a fillyfooler and at least get somewhere in life."

She sat there, twiddling her hooves, and out the corner of my eye, I saw a fine example of a mare walking up to Dashie and sit down right next to her. Well being the bartender that I am, I asked the new face what she wanted to drink, and what she said still makes me laugh to this day. "I'll take a Rainbow Dash on the rocks please."

I looked at her, mouth agape, and so was Rainbow Dash. Then after a while Dashie looked at me and said, "Embrace it huh?"

I nodded and said, "Eeyup."

She laughed under her breath, drank the last of her apple cider, gave me a wink, and was on her way out the bar with that mare trailing behind.

You see a lot of strange things as a bartender, see a lot of strange things at The Pony Palace. So I see a lot of strange things as a bartender, at The Pony Palace and that's no lie, swear to it.

Authors Notes

And chapter 2 is done!

Now don't forget to vote for the next pony that will walk into the bar, who knows you might even win.