• Published 1st Jul 2014
  • 11,686 Views, 435 Comments

Friday Night Twilight II - BlazzingInferno

Twilight still visits me twice a month. It’s okay, I guess.

  • ...

Inspiration Manifestation, Equestria Games, and Preparedness

This isn’t a good night. I’m coughing every few minutes, Twilight’s in a foul mood, and we’re watching a Rarity-heavy episode. At least watching her transform Ponyville into something out of The Wizard of Oz is more interesting than her normal fashion antics.

Twilight throws a half-eaten apple at the TV. “Just once, Spike! Couldn’t you give her a normal gift just once?”

“I take it he gives her lots of stuff?”

“Tons. A week ago it was chocolates and ice cream, now it's a stupid dark magic spell book. Stupid Spike. Stupid stupid stupid…”

“Wasn’t he was just trying to help her?”

“Into an early grave, maybe. Ugh. Guess who had to clean up the whole mess?”

That’s clear enough from what’s happening onscreen. “How long did it take you?”

“Days. Almost every pony in town was right there too, begging us to work faster. Not Rarity and Spike though. No. Not them. Why watch their good friend work her tail off when they can make kissy-faces at each other on a park bench? Or wherever it is that they’re wasting time these days.”

This isn’t my first clue that Twilight has no romantic life. Now probably isn’t the time to bring it up. “They’re still dating? Even after that thing with the traveling writer?”

“I don’t get it either. One day they’re a couple, then they’re just friends, then they’re fighting… It probably doesn’t help that her parents give them flak. Rarity says they really want grandkids. If she marries Spike, they’ll be stuck waiting for Sweetie Belle to grow up.”


“And I have no idea how their honeymoon would work; I don’t want to either.”

“I was just going to ask if they could adopt.”

“I guess. For now they’re dating 'in secret’, even though everypony knows. Every time she calls him her ‘friend’ I just want to scream.”

“I think you’re jealous.”

“Of what? The fighting? The useless gifts? No thanks.”

“It can’t be all bad.”

She sighs. “That’s still a whole lot of pain for a little crush.”

“I don’t think it’s a crush if they’re dating off and on. I’m pretty sure that counts as a relationship.”

Her ears fold back and she looks down at the couch. “Do you think he’ll move out?”

“And in with her?”

“If they ever get married, he’s not going to want to live with me anymore.”

“Would it really be so bad, having the library all to yourself?”

“Spike’s been with me forever. I’ve seen him every day since he hatched. He’s like… He’s like my little brother.”

“Would you want to room with Shining Armor now that he’s married?”

“Eww, no.”

“So what’s the difference? If Spike moves out, you’ll just have to deal with it.”

“But how? Don’t you have a hard time living here all by yourself?”

“By myself? How often do you drop in again?”

“I’m serious.”

“I don’t really get lonely. There’s always TV and the internet.”

“And studying, right?”

“Right, and studying.”

“I guess I do have my books, and my friends…”

“Don’t forget coming here to watch your own life on instant replay.”

“Speaking of which, we need to watch one more—”

All the lights go out. A second later, my next door neighbor’s drunken cursing filters through the walls. I stumble my way to the kitchen and peek out the window. Everything, save for a few distant city lights, is pitch black.

“Looks like the power is out for the entire block.”

She’s hovering in the air next to me with her horn aglow. “When does it come back on?”

“Whenever somebody from the power company comes around to fix it. It’ll probably be a couple hours at least.”

“Oh well. Even if we can’t watch the show, I can help you get things set up.”

“What things?”

“Your emergency supplies. I’ll give you light so you can get your candles. Oh, do you have more than one flashlight? Could I borrow a battery? I want to do some experiments on one back home.”

I step away from the window and sit down at the kitchen table. “I don’t have any emergency supplies.”


“Sure it’s dark, but that’s okay. They’ll get the power back on eventually.”

She flies around the dark room and lands on the table. Her glowing horn illuminates her face more than anything else, and she’s aghast. “No emergency supplies?”


She stomps across the table and leaps into the chair next to mine. “When are you going to start taking care of yourself?”

“Hey, that’s—”

“It’s everything! You’ve been coughing for weeks! Aren’t you worried about that?”

“I got some cough syrup the other day. What more do you want?”

A hoof prods me in the stomach. “You’re loosing weight, too.”

“How would you know?”

“How can you not?”

“Back off, just back off. I thought we were done with you badmouthing every choice I’ve ever made.”

She sighs. “This is different. This is your health we’re talking about.”

I cough right then. Oh the irony.

“I’ll get it checked out.”

She touches me again, this time on the shoulder. In my experience a hoof is about as comforting as a baseball bat, up until now at least.

“Please, Jake, please really do this. I don’t want anything to happen you. I… I care about you.”

I’m glad she can’t see my face. Whatever my expression is, I’m sure it looks stupid. For starters, we never touch each other, not since that time I touched her horn and almost lost a tooth. Besides, when did Twilight go soft on me? What happened to the days when she just complained about her show, ate my food, and left?

“I will, Twilight. I’ll make an appointment tomorrow morning.”

