• Published 1st Jul 2014
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This is an Order: Love - PurplePolymath

he gods have learned of Trixie's intentions, and now the time has come for Trixie to decide between love and life, not her own of course. she'd forfeit one the moment she was found out.

  • ...

The Gods & The Godless

It was almost maddening, to know a mare that was so clever she’d become dense. Trixie clenched envelope and question as her hoof tremble in anger, her eyes remained shut as she shield herself from her simplistic savior’s visage.

She took a long, calming breathe before giving her answer. “Trixie wishes nothing more of you, in fact, she desires less. Trixie would gladly live a myriad of lives beside skin or bones of yours, almost nothing you could ever desire would be an obstacle for her, as Trixie intended to outlast her obsession by any means.

Twilight's eyes cast down daggers at her butler from her dim throne. “That’s not what I asked. I’m so sick of your double-talk! Don’t you ever get tired of being so full of yourself? Have you heard yourself lately, I doubt you even have room to stomach your own words!”

Trixie herself hadn’t realized just how daft Twilight could be when it came to more personal endeavors. Being boarded behind books left her comprehension of emotion itself lacking, it really shouldn’t have taken her this long to figure it out.

It was true that Trixie held the air of arrogance she’d always kept, but since her newfound abilities and notions, her mannerisms had changed slightly. At times, even now she was too much for the princess. Twilight she missed the predictable showpony that live only a short while ago.

Trixie’s horn glowed as her familiar aura flared, the same shine emitting from her belly, underneath her mandatory attire. She crushed envelope and all in her grasp until it was nothing more than a wrinkled sphere. Slowly, she guide it to her muzzle as she tilt her head backward and opened wide, her tongue set free to allow more room. Carelessly she fit sphere and hoof through her mouth’s entrance, from Twilight's view it looked as though she’d stopped at her throat's center.

She didn’t bite, nor did she chew as she carefully removed her hoof and gulped down seal, ink, and question with an almost grotesque sound. She knelled, placing hoof to her spine, still refusing to look at her keeper. “Trixie only cares for your words, they are the only cuisine she considers, that is all that matters to her. You ask if Trixie would rather live or die beside you, seeing as you have apparently forgotten our arrangement Trixie will admit she wishes to live alongside you... for as long as she is able.”

Twilight sighed, her eyes falling to the marble stairs and her own reflection. “Just as I thought, you plan to live as long as you can, with or without me…”

Trixie stood from her knee, the lids lifting from her eyes as her snout blew out as must frustration as possible. Try as she might, her clenched hoof couldn’t shelter her anger as she look upward to the seat, up to the one she was bound to.

You! Twilight Sparkle, are the greatest idiot Trixie has ever met!” The servant had begun stamping her way toward the height of the stairs. “You really have been staring at that accursed sun for too long, it’s starting to affect your brain. Trixie could have easily gained more of your knowledge and gain her own wings by now, even taken your life while you slept before you’d ever have a chance to survive!”

“And yet-- Trixie does everything you ask, granting your every wish and desire while you insult her with distrust!” Trixie had finally reached the stricken princess, grabbing at the collar she wished were her lithe neck. “Trixie’s done this all for you, she shelters no intention of dying and will be damned if she allows the creature who inspires her most to leave her all alone!”

The unicorn’s chest was barely keeping up with her hastened breathes, her eyes had begun to swell with liquids yet too spill or overflow. Trixie saw only herself in the goddess’ eye, how crazed, or perhaps even more so, desperate she made have seemed as she spoke from her depths.

Only Trixie can cause you pain, meaning she won’t ever allow you to torture yourself without her consent. Are you as selfish as Trixie!? Do you really believe you can let your body erode, when an entire kingdom now rest under your watchful eye… The kingdom needs you… as you will forever be—“

“Well Twilight, it would seem you’ve indeed chosen the perfect pony to stay at your side.”

Without warning the entire chamber suddenly grew brighter in the moon’s dim light.

“P-Princess! But, I thought you wouldn’t return until—“

The deity stood within the massive doorway, smiling as her translucent, silken mane flow with a sovereign sense. “I thought it best to return as soon as possible, though I see now that I may have arrived too soon.”

The previous darkness that seemed to have been lost, had been found quite soon as it smear upon the unicorn’s form. That disgustingly sweet voice felt the same as claws tearing against the edge of her bones.

The butler leered over her shoulder with a look of hatred even she’d never witnessed from her own heart, one Twilight hadn’t seen and still couldn’t. Though, the vile intent was meant only one who could clearly see such a foul expression; one that seemed almost capable of causing tangible harm to the holy soul.

Celestia kept her smile, it was usually all her former pupil had ever seen. It warmed her even in the harshest weather during day or night.

“I believe it’s best that everyone get some sleep for now, as it seems we are all a bit restless.

The goddess’ final words of the evening had stirred the coming statements. Twilight and Trixie both had their reason to obey as Trixie rationalized it. The released her savior's collar, and soon the castle fell into a midnight calm, all shut their eyes against their beds.

During Trixie’s second night at the castle she’d been given a room of her very own, it sat only a few doors down from Twilight’s. It was a boring place, only the same marble floors and white walls that the castle was commonly known for; nothing to furnish it, no décor to draw in atmosphere. Given her new ability, she was told to turn the room into whatever world she desired, the same as Twilight had when Celestia finally granted her stay.

The moon was full; as thick as it were the night she’d first constructed the place she would rest her weary head after a long day's demands. Trixie had always found herself growing tired of another's company, not that she disliked other ponies and their praise, it’s just that she had a habit of wishing peace and quiet after enjoying anypony’s company for more than a few hours… all but one. She was honestly just easily irritable and bored just the same, she just never cared to learn why.

The unicorn thought of the placed she’d smiled more than any other, the abode where she had made even the most mundane feats appealing to ponies nations apart, far and wide. In short, her room was a humbling size, made of wood and wonder, many ponies had spent their fortune to witness night after another. Yes, she slept in her warm, traveling wagon, only now it was missing a particular set of limbs, four in fact.

Admittedly it was a bit queer to see the castle’s structure and find oneself inside a wagon of all things, but it was home and it was hers, nothing else mattered once she felt the magic she herself had produced. The performances, the applause, the admiration, and at rare times autographs signed. She always held comforting thoughts and whispered her past stage introductions to herself before bed, she loved her life then, and fortunately to an extent, the current one as well.

However, tonight as she looked out her wagon’s doorway she couldn’t enjoy the glare of the moon as she lay in her wooden bed. Curse that Celestia! What could she have done to have Sparkle so… contently on a leash…? Trixie saw her tinted memories, when our souls were tethered in that rose-colored world.

Trixie sighed as she fought off her effervescent emotions. The only pony she’d ever believed better than all the rest somehow thought another was better than she, it was… unfair, confusing… unforgivable perhaps.

“Most every memory she kept of Celestia, her image was basked in light, in glory. The sun was always in her eyes, I doubt she has ever truly seen Trixie, she even covers the eclipse in her eye…”

Now it was Trixie’s turn to doubt the one she was affixed to. She looked to the small portrait that rest atop the shelf, it sat only inches above her head. She reached out and took the image, staring at the actress immortalized in illustration. She caressed the photo, sighing once again.

“The showmare only cares for the stage, her only concern is the contentment of the audience, the crowd that disappears once the curtain descends… A butler, one who only sees the one they serve, no creature is better and mistress makes no mistakes,” Trixie scoffed at her nonsense. “Trixie doesn’t have the heart or such silly beliefs to be called a butler… Her beliefs have merely become the stage and her heart entertains the one who holds it now.”

Trixie turns over in her covers as her horn shimmer and the showmare in the portrait changed to a particular shade of purple. She embraced the frame with both hooves as she closed her eyes. “Prolonged exposure to the sun is harmful to any creature, and Trixie said she wouldn’t allow anyone to cause harm to you. From the very beginning, I believed: We’ll watch the sun die together, it will be blocked off, collapse upon its massive self and become dust; burning out with a bitter end…” She sighed. “You were right... Sparkle, Trixie never will see you as a princess. You’re just beautiful, unspoiled puppet, in a royal’s position.”

The butler’s head rest against her cushion, her body beneath blankets that match her coat’s color, the mark she once bore sown in the center. She stare at the ceiling, strips of light and night air seep through the cracks of her home as they’d always done. And soon enough, her ambitions aspired steadily into a lullaby and gently guide her to slumber.

The moon humbly shone in the starry-eyed sky, while the sun had decided to travel the halls rather than sleep. Celestia trot through the castle, her every step, no matter how poised and gentle, echoed in the fragile silence.

She’d made her way to her student’s chambers, the fluttering guards always anxious even when she appeared wearing the warm smile she’d been known to house for a thousand years. The two guards standing watch bowed to their princess and stepped aside to allow her entrance without question. The sun’s keeper knocked twice and slowly opened the doors as not to startle anypony should she be asleep or dreaming.

Her head peered within the room first, the rest of her following shortly, silently after. Just as she presumed she’d found her former pupil with pillow beside her head and shroud beneath the beautiful veils that line her extravagant bed.

Celestia strode toward the tiny alicorn, her approach as elegant and warm as sunshine as she smile the same as a mother who’d watched her own newborn foal slumbering for the first time. She gazed upon the mare she’d taught all she could, the only pony who’d ever met her every expectation and more without fail.

“Twilight… Twilight, may I speak with you for a moment?” she spoke in such a delicate whisper, if her tone were tangible another’s breath could shatter it.

Twilight turned over in her sheets, her eye showing clearly under the moon’s glow. She looked up at the enormous entity, concern so obviously expressed in her eyes. Her upper half rose from the bed, a hoof brushing back the veils to allow the princess access if she wished to sit, it was a show to display she was welcomed at the very least.

Celestia set down upon her haunches, a quick eye taking notice of Twilight’s hidden eye. “I did not think you would be asleep after all that you have learned in these past few days that Luna and myself were away. Cadence told me everything, she was the reason we returned tonight.”

Twilight clasped her fore-hooves together, both now resting upon her restless lap as her ears hung.

“So, you know everything then…?”

“Only as much as Cadence does, and I imagine she doesn’t know the whole story,” Celestia stood and approached the bed, setting herself beside her fellow alicorn. “You would be surprised, but somepony plotting my demise is not my greatest concern, it has happened more than enough times. My true concern lies with you, Twilight.”

Twilight furrowed a brow, “With me…?”

Twilight removed the sheets from her lower half, and slowly she crawled to goddess’ lap, resting only a section of herself upon her seasoned mentor. Celestia began to pet her mane, her feathered strokes stopping at her cutie mark. At the moment Twilight was more kitten than mare. She loved the way the princess treated her, cared for her unlike anypony ever had.

The petite deity had never had to ask for affection, it was always present, it was an unspoken word… one the two agreed upon years ago. Twilight knew what it was like to be loved unconditionally, she knew, Celestia.

“Twilight, if there is anything you wish to tell me you can, if not... then I won’t push any further,” Celestia continued petting the pony she was proudest of, “ I only wish to know what you want to do next. Just know that I will love you no matter what you choose… even if you choose to aid Trixie in her efforts of removing me. I will cherish you as I do all life, no matter your decision.”

Twilight breathed in the scent of sunshine, that wonderful, euphoric smell that always caused her to smile instantly. Celestia rarely ever questioned her past pupil’s queer behaviors, an immortal’s mind was ultimately open and knew the difference between compliment and disgust.

Twilight arched her back and met Celestia’s final stroke against her coat before she pulled what was left of her into the princess’ lap, she wrapped her hooves around her waist, breathing in her scent one last time.

The sun’s mistress smiled down at the adorable princess she’d raised with pride, returning the embrace she was given. Celestia was aware of how unusual urges and comforts come when one is feeling insecure or unloved, and so, without judgment she simply gave the mare the affection she sought, just as she always had. Twilight simply nuzzled her guest, smiling and sighing every now and then and she matched her fur against Equestria’s ruler.

Celestia brushed a hoof against Twilight’s mane, keeping her smile as she did not question if she’d been heard, such things she never wondered with Twilight; even if she hasn't received a response, she knew the little one would speak when she was ready. It was understood long ago that emotion was a difficult chore for Twilight, and this was one of her outlets the two had agreed to, nothing more… and nothing less.

Twilight looked up at her eternal instructor, so focused on her vibrant eyes. “I don’t… mind telling you, but I feel I should start from the beginning,” Twilight released a hoof and brought it to her mane, she brushed aside the curtain from her eye for Celestia to finally see what became of her.

Celestia furrowed a brow, the surprise she met with far greater than what she displayed. She merely thought for a month’s time that Twilight had only meant to mimic her idol, but she found herself undoubtedly mistaken now. Just as Twilight brought to life the unsolved mystery that led to her new position, she’d once again brought about something untested to Celestia’s attention.

She’d never envisioned she’d witness a cutiemark as another’s iris... or that she would ever feel this way when Twilight looked at her. The princess had a fountain of questions, but she would never show terror in the presence of Twilight, as that would only alarm her before she was certain there was even need for any. She gently brushed the little pony’s cheek and waited for her to begin.

“To be honest princess,” she tightly squeezed Celestia, “I just don’t want her…”

Twilight spent the night sharing her fable with the one she trust more than any other. The two exchanged words for hours on end, until Twilight yawned, the sun itself was scheduled to rise soon. Celestia lie her student down and bid her the fairest of pleasant dreams. A genuine look of worry etched in her expression as she exit the room, the things she’d done to maintain Twilight’s alicorn’s body, along with the things Twilight allowed to happen to it.

Now she wasn’t sure which of the two was worse, fortunately she knew a mare who might have the answer. Celestia had always wanted the best for Twilight, for her to always stay by her side. From the beginning she knew that if Twilight wasn’t ready to become one of them, her body would have been torn apart, in the end she’d chosen to believe in faith rather than misfortune.

Now she was to help her deal with affairs of the heart, and her former pupil was a still a stranger to this pursuit... the same as she herself felt a stranger when both their eyes met. The massive doors languidly begun to close behind her.

Twilight, I fear... if this love is not indeed real or accepted… that you might go blind.

“Miss Trixie… Miss Trixie are you in there?”

Trixie had count down from ten nearly five times now, trying to quell her frustration as some fool continued carelessly knocking and ruined what comfort she found while asleep.

She attempted to use her pillow to block her ears, but the knocking persist, as it soon became banging. In the heat of her growing wrath she saw the light of day, fully lit in the sky and that sight alone caused her to leap from her bed. She’d never awoken after the sun, not since she’d been given a second chance at extending her existence, but… she hadn’t been summoned. She had been left to slumber, for so long, a first. If it weren’t for the banging at the door she could have come to a fearful conclusion as to why.

“Grr, yes Trixie is here, what-do-you-want!?”

There was silence for a moment, as she gave a grimace behind the door, then to her surprise a plural arrange of voices rang behind the door.

“… Princess Celestia request you have an immediate audience with her,” the shaken voice that began had slowly become more authoritative toward sentence’s end.

Trixie knew that common tone, it was one of Celestia’s keepers no doubt… however.

“The intervention will be withheld until your arrival.”

"Everyone is waiting for you in the chamber.”

“We’re here to escort you to see that you make it there safely.

Trixie pressed her ear to the door, she knew her ears hadn’t deceived her, four voices heard clearly as she furrow a brow to consider the fourth; a tone she’d never heard before.

Trixie knows every guard by number and tone alone, yet she never before heard the last. And why does Trixie need to be “escorted” to an audience she couldn’t very well run from? Is their trust in her so trivial? the mare mused to herself as she rubbed a pensive hoof to her chin.

Trixie removed herself from the door and began testing her mane, then morning breath with a hoof. With the will of her horn she called two brushes from the cupboard, both to be a remedy for what she felt currently unsatisfactory.

“Trixie will be out soon, be good and sit still,” she called out as she gazed upon her early form in the mirror. She smiled, she was always such a simple fix, beauty naturally became her, or so she told her often enough.

She instructed one brush to her side, the instrument of beauty itself still mid-air. It found its way to her mane and tail committing to its purpose without hesitation. It caressed every strand until it began to fall and shine like velvet. The second brush took to her tongue and teeth to summon her proclaimed bewitching smile. To this day she’d never had a cavity nor had her canines ever failed her in time crisis.

Both tools took to their bidding until her features became fitting of a paragon once more, she couldn’t help but give a mocking grin to the mirror. She was a showmare ready for any stage or amount of admiration, but for now she herself was more than enough to admire. She had another act to perform, one with far less applause than she was accustomed to.

Trixie couldn’t help but chuckle, Today is the day Trixie has been preparing for, an intervention wouldn't ruin that. At that moment the sun’s light couldn’t reach her face, her smile was a void, all essence of light was eclipsed underneath her devious expression.

In truth Trixie had done as she was told the day before, not a single letter read, but she’d left a little something extra in the messages Twilight had her send. If the lot were as predictable as she believed them to be, then all would arrive this very day. The showmare couldn’t resist marveling at how clever she'd become, or been since birth as she show an impish smile in display of her selfless deed.

The butler sighed, and the light gradually returned to her roomy little wagon. Both brush one and two were returned to their original setting, as it was time to get ready. Trixie’s horn shined once again as she carelessly fell atop her bed’s center and stretched her bones. She yawned as her horn shimmer and she arch a leg into the air, a black stocking appear and carelessly slip onto her form, fitting itself onto the exposed limb. She rest said leg and performed the same act with the other, now both were coated in a slimming comfort.

The unicorn sighed, her aura still pulsing as her upper half rise from the bed, she examined skin, fur, and curves all still in order. She stretched her fore hooves to the sky, and collared shirt wrapped itself around her as well. With collar straightened, her hooves fasten the button themselves with technique and ease horns themselves hadn’t come to comprehend just yet. Next came the stiletto and its sheath, how she loathed the little bother, she rolled her eyes at its delicate appearance.

It was insulting to carry as she could easily defend Twilight better than any mere metal could. Her raven coat was the main attraction of her attire, its edges lined in indigo with its crisp collar, back buckles, and necessarily numbered amount of buttons as well; least the twin tails not be forgotten.

Her master’s mark tied to the end of the coat’s sleeves as their fronts were rolled just so. The last of her magic cuff the stainless gloves to her fore hooves one after the other. She inhaled a deep breath as she stood from her bed and walk to the cramped wagon’s end, taking one unusually thinned white ribbon from the shelf and using her remastered hooves to tie a worthy knot to her mane’s length, swiftly after she acquire a second and did the same for her lush tail, making it just narrow enough.

When all was done she didn’t look to the mirror, she’d gained expectations, pride from her new position, she was permitted that much at least. Her white gloves removed the watch kept in her coat’s pocket as she checked the time and returned it to its proper place with a smirk.

She pat herself down with pearly gloves. "A sparkling butler who presents herself as anything less than perfect, isn’t worth her weight in gold."

With that she made way to the wagon’s door, turning the handle without the slightest hint of fear. She had an idea of what to expect, but she also knew assuming intentions of the ageless was never wise. And just as it always had, the wagon’s front creaked as it open and reveal the lavished castle’s halls and four guards to escort her, One for each of Trixie's limbs, she rolled her eyes.

The mystery of the fourth vocal had been realized as they’d all met eyes, Trixie shut the door to her calming world and set herself in between her escorts. There was one of each: Celestia’s angel, Luna’s imp, Cadence’s chalice-holder, and Twilight’s note-taker. Trixie considered Twilight’s guards note-takers simply because of all the time she’d spent there, that's all they’d ever done in her sight, not once had they ever swung spear or sword in Twilight’s wake. The only true surprise was Cadence’s keeper, meaning she must be near just as well.

Without further inspection Trixie made her way down the long, echoing halls. Every step the five took gather and resound against her ears. Their shadows danced among the myriad of chambers, pillars, and doors passed as they stride the red carpet with polished form, only Trixie took to two legs as she’d done since death.

Trixie looked to the ceiling, nothing new or out of the ordinary had been set, the chandeliers and carpet all common-placed. Apparently this meant nothing too special or particular had been prepared for the butler.

Still, she was curious, a smirk dawning as she shut her eyes and kept forward. Trixie had learned the castle inside and out, thanks to her savior. “So, tell me crystal chalice, how long has it been since you arrived?”

Trixie waited, but there was no answer, she could only feel the looks being exchanged behind her, as she knew they would come. The guards all rallied glances until the obvious fact of one pony’s crystalline form hit them.

“I-I’m not supposed to talk to you, the princess already warned me,” the crystal mare finally respond, after the reality had struck.

“The same goes for us all, Butler, we’ve been warned of your treachery.” Celestia’s guard stated commanding and clear.

“My, is that so?” Trixie was clear to make her coy naivety known, her teasing tone was more than enough.

A compliment, from a semi-competent ruler, her face never changed at the thought, upon hearing they’d been given such an order. One of which two had broken, but for fair reason.

The band of five found themselves at the throne without a single casualty, all but one kneel before the four majestic governs that stood before them. And among the four before them, there was a single sovereign that bowed to the butler, the one promised of course, and she was rewarded a kiss upon her gentle head. The most experienced of the three all furrowed a brow of concern, as they weren’t truly certain why her former student would do such a thing, but inquiring about such now wouldn’t change a thing.

Admittedly it was still a bit unsettling for the unicorn to meet with the four most powerful equines all at once for unknown reason. Queer enough there was a sickly looking bird. It looked horrid, surely diseased by Trixie’s standards. And there it sat, perched upon the head of the throne as If it knew nobility and nothing less.

“Guard, please take Philomena to her cage so that she may rest.”

”The” Philomena, that “thing” is the princess’ pet? Why, it looks more pigeon than phoenix, Trixie hadn’t noticed but she was staring in utter disbelief at the bird. Twilight could help her giggle, as she hid her amusement and smile behind her decorated hoof.

“Yes princess,” the guard salute as the supposed phoenix inelegantly flapped its way upon the guard’s shoulder. It was perched in such an awkward manner, a blank stare, and its feathers all nearly plucked. She honestly could be mistaken for an uncooked squab to those unaware of her way of life.

The princess smile," Not to worry, Trixie. Philomena and I share far more in common than most can tell at first glance, she'll be fine."

Though that was the least of the butler's concern, and something she admittedly knew in secret.

The guard departed without further word, Philomena coughing and gasping at what little life she had left before she performed the ritual every phoenix was commonly known for before their beautiful rebirth.

The rest of her escorts left to their post and Trixie was left to enjoy her audience, at the center, upon her canopy, sat Celestia. To the left of the throne, Luna, who housed an expression of one who was anything but amused. Cadence was at the throne’s right end, set to her haunches the same as Luna, though her face expressed sympathy more so than anything. And Twilight sat cheek to cheek beside her mentor… unfortunately none were smiling now, expect for Celestia of course.

Again silence threatened to devour ever soul present, every deity, if one just happened to arrive they might have thought time lost its place here. The only proofs of time’s passage were Luna and her sister’s mane, their ethereal extensions being brushed and caressed by the very air.

After what seemed a century, Luna stepped forward. “We suppose thou art wondering why we hath summoned thee so suddenly amidst the day?”

Trixie didn’t say a word, she was too busy noticing Luna’s leg, one of two in the front refusing to sit entirely still, restless. She also took note of Twilight’s refusal to meet her eye, moments before and now still.

“We brought you here to discuss the aforementioned death thou demised in our sojourn away from Canterlot,” Luna had shut her eyes from the one she’d begun speaking to, the one who’d plotted to harm her dearest sister and only sister. The very sentence was spoken through her teeth, and yet still as formal and feminine as she usually conducted herself.

Cadence looked down upon the unicorn, still able to hear the same unsettling intentions stirring within her organ. She sighed before speaking, “Trixie… we came here to discuss matters of the heart, namely yours and another’s, despite what you may think the two of you are more similar than even I’d hoped to believe.”

Celestia stepped down from her throne, still smiling with the same warmth as the sun. Her stride from the throne to its steps were as delicate and poised as one would expect of a pony polished with elegance for more than a millennium.

Trixie couldn’t stand that foul gesture of lips presented before her, but she held her temper for Twilight’s sake, as well as her own. She was one enhanced unicorn among four immortals, three of whom to have never fallen from grace.To be frank, her short temper was silently hanging on by a thread, the same as Luna.

Celestia’s tone was softer than her sister’s, more gentle, and yet more commanding than Cadence’s. Somehow it seemed to possess a pinch of concern as well, it was utterly… sincere.

“The reason we have called you here is so that we can discuss the future, my future, our future together… should you still decided on living any longer,” Celestia’s expression never changed, it was almost as though she felt her own words to be fleeting, carefree even.

“Trixie, come, tell us what is troubling you. I am sure we can come to a pleasant solution.”

The unicorn sighed, her eyes narrow as she focus all her vision to the condescending creature before her. “The only thing troubling Trixie is you and you alone!” Trixie pointed a hoof at the massive hindrance.

Luna’s eyes began to glow, her iris swallowed by the wrathful light that seep from her wavering eyes. Her intentions become visible as the ungrateful little mare voiced her concerns toward her own kin.

“Calm yourself Luna, there is no need for violence this day.” Celestia turned to her sister and placed a hoof atop her shoulder, matching eyes until the younger siblings matched her own gentle gaze.

Celestia turned her attention back to the one she’d summoned here. Her powerful wings unfurl and stretch, their swift arrival blowing a generous gust through the unicorn’s coat, every alicorn raised their wings as they were mentioned, all but one.

“Before you stands a pantheon, there is no problem in all of Equestria that we cannot solve. To my left stands, Luna, the ruler of all death, manner of dreams, and bringer of night. To my right stands, Cadence, ruler of the heart, of all emotion that was and will ever be. And I, ruler of life and consciousness born, my strength brings about day. And last… Twilight Sparkle ruler of all things between life and death, of notions that surface before emotion is born, of friendship and contentment; things sought before love and death. Twilight has taught us all so much ever since she proved herself worthy of wings.”

Trixie sighed once again, it was all she could do to hide her expression, admittedly the spectacle before her was indeed impressive. “Yes, the four gods or goddesses of all things born and before. Trixie has heard of your ballad and edict at Sparkle’s achievements in her memories," she stared the sun goddess down.

Twilight sat quietly behind Celestia, without a word, only stealing glances at the lot whenever she could.

“Then test us, Trixie what do you believe we cannot remedy, is it your desire to kill me?” Celestia’s smile was beginning to seem almost cemented more than endearing upon her prestigious frame. “You know we four have never faced a problem we could not solve, we made certain our subject's every desire is met. When things arrive a day late, I declare them early, if a pony comes and claims the well is overflowing then we drink their fill for them until its level is satisfactory again. You know, we’ve done the same thing with poison as well,” Slowly Celestia’s smile seemed to curve, it appeared almost a slave to her sentences, beginning to curve at their every end.

“If a nomad were to come into the castle, pleading for a place to stay, then we build them a home with our own strength. If a pony wishes to understand their dreams, desires, or even yearn for their own demise we can aid them. Should they wish to extend their lively hood for a while longer, we assist them, should they not comprehend such simple matters of their own mortal hearts, we aid and interpret their viscera and below. If anypony is curious toward magic, friendship, anything between and further… their futures, then we are here to see to every possible chore until they can no longer question why. We are capable of any task.”

Trixie only stared at the deity, Celestia’s words somehow managed to have come as humble. They were pronounced in such a light-hearted sense, and yet Trixie was to be the epitome of arrogance, she felt both and pride in Celestia’s words alone. Still, she would not be swayed.

“ you say… and do you believe Twilight acknowledges that fact?” The utter disdain on her face, would lead anyone to believe she censored so much more.

The mistress of the sun turned to the little alicorn, studying the look in her eyes, before she turned back to the unicorn. “Well… to be honest, no, not at all. At times I believe she is still blinded by…”

“Admiration… of the sun,” Trixie finishing her obvious statement.”

“Yes… she tends to forget she is capable of mentoring us now.”

Cadence stepped down from the stairs, determination fierce in her eyes. “Trixie, I know you love Twilight, you can’t deny that, and she feels the same way as you! But you were supposed to help her focus, not drive attention further away from her subjects,” this time it was Cadence who point an accusing hoof at the sinner.

Trixie just remained silent to the mare’s honesty, not speaking against the other’s fury.

“I’ve heard the aches you two keep having, I know the truth, the truth is that Twilight doesn’t want you… to hate her,” Cadence placed a hoof to heart, “and I know you worry she’ll hate you if you harm Celestia, I can hear it! I'm also aware that neither you nor Twilight have ever been in love before, I understand how you're feeling Trixie… really I do, but the bitterness you feel is unnecessary. You’ve become enamored and confused… can’t you see you’ve hurt Twilight enough, including yourself!?” her voice echoed in their ears, in Twilight’s most of all.

Twilight’s cheeks were just as rosy as the one she sought after, it was an embarrassment she’d never felt, twined with relief as well, hearing the words enamored and in love did affect most mares, ageless or otherwise.

“I… never denied how I felt, nor was Trixie ever asked directly outright, Trixie wasn’t even told. A simple do you love me? Or I can no longer resist you Trixie. would have sufficed…”

Luna sigh at the unicorn with a hung head, she knew the feeling of wanting be loved, cherished the same as another and no less … not seen as a hateful shadow. She’d saw the same struggle in the butler’s eyes, of not yet coming to terms with being second best to one warmer.

“… Butler, if such despair within thine heart is true, then it makes your dreams even clearer,” Luna strode down the set of stairs, her head still rang with misfortune as her graceful form gather at the stair’s end. "We had seen thine dreams days ago, if only we'd spoken sooner we might have quelled the coming storm... but we were against aiding one who had planned to murder our sister," Luna's eyes narrow

Trixie gave weary eyes to the mare of the moon, she’d seen glimpses of her while she slept. “When we wagered Twilight could not contain thee, we were unaware that was the last day that world would live, so lush… vibrant,” her head already raised, her sympathy fleeting as she gradually recalled more.

“What took place in your dreams has happened to her domain, the world where she saved thou not long ago. In the dreams you two recite the effort of reaching out for one another again and again. The foundation of roses all burned, almost completely as the air became coated in ash, charred petals shattering against the winds. The once bright blue light becoming dim, cooled to the touched and the moon visible, it silhouettes even while the sun never stood; it alone eclipses the light that once echoed the sun. Your desperate limbs meet the other’s embrace, and yet still, the world withers away with your bones. You both awake in your beds, grasping for the same breath, I am almost certain of that recurring nightmare.”

“At this rate, you will never reach her… thou shall find thine self as a sovereign’s shadow if you refuse to speak with a straight tongue.”

Both kept their gaze to the floor, none wanting to look the other in the eye, it was suddenly difficult reliving the truth, even coming to terms with obvious truths.

Celestia was no fool, she could see and comprehend it clearly, what was discussed in between Luna’s warning. She gazed upon her sister, and then Trixie, their sorrow almost identical. She could do no more than sigh as well.

“Trixie, if you wish, I could kill myself here and now, if that would solve your issue?” Celestia approached Twilight's servant, her kind eyes and smile grabbing her focus. As a golden-clad hoof fell to the butler’s chin. “I said we can remedy anything at all, did I not? My subjects are my children, and a good mother would do anything for her little ones…”

Trixie stared into Celestia’s eyes; those that never told lies, she was quite serious, surely a soft heart wouldn’t led to suicide on a whim?

So soft and sincere Celestia's voice ring, there was only one thing ruining it. That wretched smile, Trixie had been withholding scowls from the start, her own fury.

Luna watched on, more attentive than any of the two others. Despite what her sister had said, she refused to let her die before her eyes. With or without her own free will, it wouldn’t be allowed if she could intervene.

Cadence could hear nothing from Celestia’s heart, before she used to think it simply too quiet, closed perhaps... even dead for a time. But it honestly held no regrets or remorseful whispers as most all did, the sun goddess would certainly keep her word, she could feel it. Twilight herself already knew, her knowledge came from experience, untold lies and lack of bluffing. Celestia was always in control of herself, always calm…

“You’re a marvelous unicorn you know, I must admit I hadn’t expected you to use your new-found gifts so adequately. You researched ever book in the archives you could find until you found a worthy combination. You are the only one in possession of that particular spell you've been so fondly dreaming of, the very one that allows even a mortal like yourself to ruin our kind.”

Twilight gasp, finally, with caution she remove herself from the throne’s seat, perhaps she'd heard wrong. She honestly couldn’t believe her ears, she wasn’t sure which was more difficult to believe: Trixie learning one of Celestia’s spells, or her being able to alter it in a way to make even a mere unicorn able to use it.

Celestia leaned into the butler's ear, Cadence felt a warm chill run down her spine. Celestia’s voice became softer, a child’s whisper making its way from her delicate lips, the brisk breath that brushed Trixie’s ear only complementing Celestia’s grin.

“Congratulations… If you succeed, then Twilight will surely be broken, because of you,” her soothing smile returning as she retreat from Trixie’s ear and removed her prestigious hoof.

And that was what Trixie hated about her, the other half that even she at one time or another couldn’t believe, Celestia’s scorching side hidden behind the same blinding smile. She’d gave a grimace, she could no longer hide her utter disgust of the deity, no matter how true her words maybe.

“I’m sure after sharing even a fraction of Twilight’s memories, you know every alicorn knows the original spell, I imagine that’s how you learned of it. Still it is an impressive feat none the less to make it accessible to your own kind…” Celestia’s head hung,

“But it comes with a price, which is why I would ask that you hear me out first. And should you still wish, I will end my life and spare you the unfortunate cost… seeing as I am partly responsible. Will you at least hear me out?”

“Trixie doubts you will change her mind, but she would like the truth regardless.” Trixie glared at the tremendous royal before her.

“Of course, you deserve that much,” Celestia sighed, her smile finally faded as she found a new expression… one of uncertainty, mixed with a hint of sorrow. “Our mouths have met only once, or lips twice… Twilight was my student, I would never care to sully our relationship, even now, and so I forbade her from such actions long ago…”

So there were incidents, and not just once… Trixie hadn’t expected such truth so soon, she wasn’t sure if it'd come too soon, or just in time.

Twilight clearly remembered every moment referenced in the slightest, the first time she’d risked revealing infatuation, her past feelings, ones that would never be fleeting; sensations that had long since been reborn and re-established, just as her butler had been. Still the heat of those moments, the notion alone managed to burn her cheeks crimson as she made certain her standing couldn’t be see behind Celestia.

Celestia never took her eyes away from the one who plotted treason. “I am also the one whom suggested Twilight send letters to her friends asking them how they felt about her concerns of them and their friendship in the future, about how she felt it as fleeting as their lives. Of course I made certain to remind her to be gentle about such a subject and be prepared to respect the feelings and decisions they’d made.”

“However, yours was another matter entirely. It is just as the goddess of love said, Twilight asked me to help her write the letter specifically revised for you only, several times,” Celestia shook her head, “ but I refused, telling her the words had to come from within. To be endearing and also demanding if she felt it was required for you. A poor choice on my part after seeing the result, her letter to you was… nothing like the other addressed. I’d only read both the previous night.”

Why must sister explain herself to this one, this butler should be put on trial for treason, Luna mused to herself as her eyes fire daggers at the only unicorn she’d never known bold enough besides herself, to stare down her own flesh and blood.

But, as her dear sister’s words went on, she remembered who she was, she’d even heard Celestia's earlier whispers. The one who only spoke the truth, but always held a myriad of secrets, it was so easy for one to forget Celestia knew shame, even harder to fathom she ever knew such for those still in the dark… her student for example.

“I only wished Twilight to achieve what was within reach all on her own, I know better than any other how capable she has become, how adaptable she has been… I must admit, at first I was relieved you’d come, Twilight had given you all the kindness I show to all, a second chance, which is what I wish to give you even now. I thought Twilight would have you to take her away from her distractions, but all she’s done is cover you up and block you away… as if she were ashamed of you.”

“Twilight has never been ashamed of Trixie! She has risked her reputation and more just to see Trixie alive and by her side!” Trixie stamped against the ground, her newfound strength leaving a small incision in the floor, she’d finally begun to lose the last of her patience as she raised her voice to the creature who could literally control her fate. “Twilight loves Trixie and Trixie, feels no less than her!”

Celestia scoffed, her smile stretching. “That is precisely what I wished to hear.”

Trixie snarled at the ageless beast. “So you wish to make a fool of Trixie?”

Celestia said nothing.

“Trixie cannot understand how Twilight allowed herself to become so hapless! The sun is always in her eyes, at times she spends hours gazing at it, and she can’t even see Trixie at her side! Why!? Why would you want to reach out and grab hold of something that will burn you alive… the sun is far away, it looks down on every existence. The moon is… much closer, cooler to the touch, it doesn’t scald or scold. It simply borrows light from the sun. It is softer, silent, humbled by the stars; its subjects. Trixie… has every intention of eclipsing any evil that is asked of her.”

Trixie’s sight had torn past Celestia sometime ago, she was speaking to the only pony in the entire existence of Equestria that matter to her. And as she expected, Twilight said absolutely nothing with those big, beautiful, violet eyes of hers. She only did her best to remain partially hidden behind Celestia.

Trixie knew she was speaking ill of her idol, what did she expect the introverted alicorn to say after being so… honest aloud, among those she considered family. As she was merely an outsider compared to the creatures they were, the common lives they all shared that she’d only just recently surrender to.

Now you’ve done it again Trixie… you just don’t know when to quit, do you? Trixie mused

Celestia furrowed a brow toward the unicorn who’d undoubtedly taken her eyes to another.

“… You seem to believe that Twilight is in love with me, despite my words. I propose a wager!” Celestia looked directly into the unicorn’s eyes, she could see herself clearly in their reflection.

Her smile had turned to a grin, her teeth barely visible along its sleek edges. All in audience furrowed a brow at Celestia’s queer suggestion, Twilight most of all felt unrest. She’d never felt such anxiety near the one she admired.

“A wager…?” Trixie never imagined she had much to lose, before she’d been reborn. However her life now was filled with two things she’d never held close.

“There are many things you’ve mistaken, Trixie, but you were right when you accused Twilight of being blind. Both her eyes have gone bad,” Celestia chuckled, “by afflictions I alone could never induce. I’m not the only pony fit to be punished… Twilight?”

“… Yes, princess?” The alicorn meekly replied.

“Would you be so kind as to stand beside me, and show everyone your eyes?” Celestia asked with her otherworldly, warming smile that Twilight to this day had never found herself able to resist. With that Twilight sat down at Celestia’s side, gown and all, set upon her haunches. She brushed her bang aside with a hoof, showing the showmare’s talent in eye.

“Goodness,” Luna gasped the same as Cadence, as they were the only two left who had yet to have seen the unusual place of the cutie mark.

Trixie sighed, Without question, always… just like a-

“Trixie, do you see now, I am only as responsible as you, but I’m sure my words still won’t be enough to convince you,” Celestia held her calming smile, despite deeming herself worthy of punishment not too long ago. “The moon that beckons, residing in one eye, hidden from all during the day. The sun that shines brilliantly, witnessed, by all until the eve dawns. Love or admiration, let us see which is stronger, whichever burns brightest will be killed. We shall see who’s beliefs become their own blood, Twilight,” the sovereign gestured to the little alicorn to carry on.

Admittedly Trixie was curious as to when Celestia discovered the eye, not that she imagined it took her long to discover it. Still, timing was everything. Twilight’s horn glow and next her eyes mimicked the feat, a translucent light emerged forth; the building force blowing against her coat, mane, and tail. All watched on as only her eyes grew brighter, and suddenly the aura ceased as it became the main source of light in the room, no longer augmenting. Both pupils gave the same glow… then the light halt and Twilight exchanged glances with the two in question.

“Thank you Twilight,” Celestia nuzzled the little pony before turning back to Trixie, “I’m afraid we’re both equally at fault. While I’m aware my sister mourns the moon, you yourself also share a very small connection with it in a sense, that is your mark if I recall. Meaning nopony must lose their lives today.”

Trixie huffed as she could already tell Celestia had planned such from the beginning, her earlier bravado now seeming sensible as well as her pleasant smile regardless of what seemed to be at stake. The butler scowled at the solar equine.

Trixie inhaled a deeply, exhaling at the unfortunate attempt. “I’m afraid, princess, that no matter what you say Trixie is obligated to take your life.”

“I’m confused as to why I cannot take my own, my offer still stands you know,” Celestia reassured her all the same, still set to keep her word.

“Because, Twilight ordered me to do so, and an order cannot be revoked once made. I gave her fair warning.”

“That’s a lie! I would never order you to do anything so… crazy! Twilight point an authoritative hoof at her butler, “your double-talk is one thing, but lying is something I never thought you’d stoop to,” Twilight shout for all to hear, her face now a portrait of disappoint and frustration.

It’s true nopony believed a word of what Trixie said, it was impossible, to even imagine the pony who admired the sun most would wish for its end… But, that’s precisely what she’d done. Trixie looked on at the one who accused her of lying through her own teeth, seconds, then minutes without words. It wasn’t long before Trixie swallowed her disappointment.

“Aside from the first night, do you remember my first day at your side? You asked something very specific of me as you stared out into the sunset. Apart from asking me to stay by your side during the tireless hours you watched the sun, I was also asked to find the main source of your distraction, and eliminate it without hesitation,” Trixie eyes narrow, “I warned you that such an order couldn’t be taken back once given, and you were certain it was what you wished for.

At first Trixie thought it was a cruel condition to have her commit to taking her own life, how quickly she found herself proven utterly wrong when she witnessed you watching the sun when given almost any moment of peace. Celestia is the physical embodiment of the sun, with it comes to your eyes, she comes to mind.”

Twilight could only recoil, slowly, in a state of shock over what she unfortunately recalled was the truth, it seemed as though it was all anypony knew how to speak.

“Twilight, is this true!? Please, tell me she’s lying!” Cadence found her own fear, her heart already in harm’s way from the thought of her aunt killing Twilight's first love due to such a careless wish.

“I… I didn’t mean to— Celestia carefully pushed Twilight aside. “Step away from me Twilight… it would seem I was the one mistaken, if I plague your mind so fiercely. I don’t blame you Twilight, I should have known better than to leave you alone so often, so soon, with two new worries.” Celestia sighed as she hadn’t the heart to see her sister’s face.

“Luna, if you interfere I’ll never forgive you, should anything happen to me I trust you’ll look after the kingdom. Cadence, I understand you have your own castle, so I’d never ask you to stay—“Sister, thou cannot… you cannot mean to let her do away with you over such a selfish, foolish wish?” Luna was fighting her own frustration and tears that two others had already begun to spill.

“Luna, we must honor, and uphold our every word, as we will always be an example for the future. We are not allowed to be fickle, not for as long as we have lived.”

Luna hated when her sister spoke in such a way, when she was right, she loathed her morals more than ever.

“Princess I… I…” Twilight couldn’t very well speak through her tears, they drowned any voice she could call upon.

“Dry your eyes Twilight, to this day you’ve only called me by status, something you saw beyond years ago. You never cared for my stature, you accepted every part of me,” Celestia showed her kindest smile, “Princess… that word has meant so many different and wonderful things coming from you.”

Trixie eyed the saint up and down, searching for a spot in particular.

“You must understand Celestia, Trixie would never harm those her savior loves, even a butler knows when to shatter their honor for the sake of tradition.” Trixie placed a pearly glove to her chest as she stood against god. “Dawn in eve, cotton into cement, fleeting into forever, and tragedy into miracles… that, is what makes a sparking butler.”

“Twilight would never forgive anyone who struck the one she admires most and so,” Trixie’s aura enveloped her attire, with ease she tore it loose from her skin and the facade fell to the floor. “Trixie will not tarnish her visage as butler. Instead I the Great and Powerful Trixie will be your end! I know I will never be able to return to the stage, and so this shall be Trixie’s final attainment!”

Her horn’s radiance began to expand, the illusion itself, an illustration of progression; an enormous time dial appearing underneath her. A torrent of wind released among the entire room as it grew dim, all light consumed and collected upon Trixie as the castle shook.

“Your heart is still vulnerable, no matter how immortal you may be! I’ve seen Twilight’s heart ache as I stood by her side… Trixie was usually the root,” Trixie summoned all her courage as she shout against the strong gust, “but she is proof you can be pierced, struck down!”

Trixie channeled her energy, it took greater focus to control the magic than she anticipated, even with her enhanced body it was barely under her command. The spell gradually took the form of electricity, a sphere of static, the essence itself flowing to her hooves. As they struck her hooves, they sting and sear, but she held onto this unfamiliar energy, it was the epitome of her own promise. She wince through the pain, taking a conjurer’s stance as her forehooves catch a queer fire.

“Even now, those sad eyes, showing pity for the one fated to bring about the end of your era. To put your mind at ease… your foolish pupil acquired Trixie’s affection after she granted her forgiveness. Trixie will grant any wish Twilight desires, even if she must discard every bit of herself entirely, even if she must be hated!”

Every alicorn watched on in horror as Trixie proclaim her love, an expected edict, as the winds and rush of fear chill every inch of their coats. The magician took a deep breath, and suddenly a light tie to her throat and a ring appear above her head, both gradually shaped themselves into the garbs she'd given nearly every performance in. Her trademark, hat and cape appearing in the light’s place and donned as her magic reach its limits. Her stricken hooves had became embedded in a royal flame as she aimed toward Celestia’s insides.

The princess gave the showmare a curious look, furrowing a brow as the spell began to take shape, to shift in a manner she never expected. She smiled as she accepted her word, not her fate, to turn to dust without a fight.

Her eyes dilate, her own heart now racing as breaths hasten under the force she barely contain a power what that could soon rip her apart. “This is what Trixie has always dreamed of, surpassing God!” the flame’s burst from the magician’s frail grasp, shaking her to her core as they shot toward their intended target… and every equine did what was expected of them, although they would never forgive themselves, as not a single one had moved with the slightest of heroic intent.

The shimmering fire took shelter within the solar goddess for a short time, before it finally escape and spread across the goddess’ flawless skin, but she did not cry out… despite the obvious anguish animated upon her for all to see. Celestia only grit her teeth as her own feathers peel and flee from her now corrosive form. The flames crawled until nearly every remnant of her dried out, flesh and bones all incinerated to ash, to dust in an instant… All that remain of her elegance now floating; they fill the room as the sun silhouette against every quill, her feathers were trimmed in gold. In a sense, it carried beauty, and yet was also the most terrifying sight any of them have ever witnessed in their endless lives.

And of course, Twilight began shedding tears at the horror, the moment Celestia caught fire, the moment becoming real to her the second she felt this flame's foreign heat. Celestia's radiance was never so vile or bitter, it was gracious, it was kind, it was gone... No matter how many times the feathers sweep away her sadness, more came to take its place. She cradled the heap of ash and gold; a crown and it's jewels upon the center, she rest her head as firmly as she could against the moderately sized pile that sat below the throne’s steps. The former pupil pressed her head, her tears to the crown, trying with all her might to force all of her agony, all of her admiration into something tangible.

Cadence had collapsed to the floor, in her own defeat, such a tragic loss she never believed she’d ever face, not even in her darkest dreams.

It wasn’t long before the sun was blocked out by gray, melancholy skies, the rain suddenly coming down without the slightest sign in the sky before. Trixie blinked and in the very next moment, found herself forced against the cold hard floor and once her eyes open she saw the embodiment of the moon, a stricken sister, mourning with thicker tears than the rest.

“She was all we had left… we told ourselves that, as long as we lived there would be time to make up for a thousand years apart. She apologized to us more than we ever did to her for our own sentence, sister was always trying new ways to say sorry… we,” Luna choked back tears as best she could, “could never get her to believe she’d been forgiven.”

Trixie never thought the usually cold princess even capable of tears, she’d always been so stern and composed. It was... difficult to stomach, the only small silver-line being that she couldn’t see Twilight from where she was pinned.

The anticipated shame had finally begun settling in, Trixie’s ears and eyes plummet under the weight of tears in the room. Somehow it had been worst only hearing Twilight’s suffering, the fact being that she was grateful to be under Luna’s hoof and unable to see the one who’d cause her heart to shatter if they were seen. She was under Luna’s saving grace, the weight of Equestria’s second ruler… which was undoubtedly growing in force against, her own throat.


Trixie tried her best to breathe from underneath her majesty’s heel, but left with little to no strength after her impressive spell, her horn was virtually an ornament now. She struggled, gasping for air as she grabbed the goddess’ hoof and managed nothing at all.

The gray skies grew bleak and storms roared. The clouds had gone cold, turning as black as coal, as the sky cried out with thunder.

Luna snarled at the beast that took away the one she loved most, her eyes filled with a white fire. “All the lives she’s saved, and spared in her benevolence. All the lives she nurtured to the very end! All the love and forgiveness she blanket this world with, and you believed she wasn’t worth more than a single wish!?”

The winds grew with her fury, Luna’s horn lit the shade of midnight, all the openings and exits locking themselves shut as she slammed a hoof against the ground mere inches away from the showmare’s head; its massive infliction against the marble floors assuring her that she could easily have been killed if Luna wished.


Twilight and Cadence watched on as yet another horror took place within the palace that day. Luna’s aura steadily lift the wicked, terrified mare from beneath her heel, now the little pony stood eye to eye with the massive immortal. A torrent of rain fell from the clouds, lightning struck just outside the castle; it flicker with an almost blinding light, and yet nopony dare blink or tear their eyes from the coming judgment.

In a manner of seconds Trixie had found herself staring at the face of god once again. And all she witnessed was rage that only made her seem that much smaller, than she'd ever felt in either of her lives. Revenge, punishment, whatever it maybe, Trixie was to receive it in full… Luna raised her hoof.

Thunder’s voice resound within the castle, it seemed as though the skies and the earth itself were snarling. Unfortunately Luna’s expression, the extent of her anger alone was much worse. The unicorn stayed afloat in the moon’s grasp, she gathered her last breath before she was judged. And then, Luna cast her hoof down...

The castle’s roof shake and erupt as it flew into the distance; ripped apart by an enormous bolt of lightning, the impact shatter the windows, stained and all.. And in the beat of a heart the mare found herself devastated; every fiber of being, every nerve, bone and sliver of skin instantly awoken by a sharp fire that all ended in the blink of an eye. Her entire world lit as brightly as it’d ever been and in the manner of a second, everything vanish, all traces of light and thought. Her final vision, the world itself slowing just enough for her to see her beloved’s terror and stained cheeks.

Her body now charred here and there as it fall to the floor, she’d fallen to her knees, her hooves motionless as they collapse at her side. It looked as though she were bowing, on the verge of begging for forgiveness, but that... was impossible as she currently wasn’t consuming air or any kind of sustenance, her eyes clearly shut. Trixie’s cape, hat, and all ambitions of the Great and Powerful paragon removed in an instant. She had given her talent, identity and independence, all for a single mare who only saw her as second best.

Luna stood over the unicorn, she’d only just begun to catch her own breath as tears still swelled within her eyes. Cadence and Twilight only looked on at the smoking mare, everything transpired so quickly, both merely hoping there hadn’t been two deaths this day.

Trixie didn’t move… only Luna’s breath could be heard, the black clouds had steadily returned to gray. Twilight languidly let go of the crown she’d held so tightly, letting it fall back unto the ash... not wanting to soil it with her own shame, or worse; tears now meant for another. Presently she honestly prayed Trixie hadn’t passed on yet again, love and admiration laid to waste before her eyes was too much for any soul to bear.

Twilight approached the unicorn with caution, a greater deal of concern rather than fear on her face, for the one who’d just committed deicide upon the one ruler who was more mother than teacher to her. Twilight kneeled to her butler, guiding a hoof against her matted fur, and blackened cheeks.

“Trixie… Trixie, say something, please…” Twilight examined the unicorn, her wounds were severe, but not fatal on their own… hopefully. She could still sense a soul, despite Luna’s cruel conviction toward her.

Luna sighed as she watched her sister’s admirer give such sympathy to a murderer, She really does take after her, Luna mused. She shut her eyes, as breath and blood flowed naturally to mind her once more.

“Unlike thou… thine majesty is not a murderer, she does not care to dream nor discuss it. We thought, perhaps you might understand our pain, a fellow pony who mourned the same as the moon does… the same as we did. But we wouldst never resort to such measures... even as a nightmare. Such tragedy unless absolutely necessary for those we watch over, only if we could never give our life in exchange instead. Butler… we are nothing alike it seems, the same as our dear sister, it appears we were mistaken about you as well.”

Luna looked to the castle, to all the damage she’d done. The floor shattered by tremors, glass decorating the ground, and the ceiling ruined by a very noticeable blemish.

Cadence had stopped shedding tears some time ago, she was pondering how her husband would take the news… Shining... would you even be willing to believe this? Perhaps, it would be best if you return to Canterlot for a while to assist these two sisters in their time of need? That or I bring Twilight back with me? Honestly my darling, I don't know what to do.

From the beginning she’d been dealing with a force, that if continued would surely sever her ears, so much screaming. Everypony’s heart deeply wounded as her own heart silently try its best to mend the others at the expense of its own. It was all she could do to keep herself from breaking, it was a wonder she'd kept Trixie and Luna from each other's throat as long as she did. Being the god of love wasn’t all about speaking sugar and adding spice, but she was aware of the struggles to come, she was prepared before she’d received her crown, it was why she was chosen after all, her unique, intangible strength.

Cadence shook her head. How… can I possibly heal a millennium of memories and heartbreak? I’m still just one princess, there’s no way I could--

A brazen light suddenly streak across the room, gathering everyone’s attention in full. The source of it was found coming from an unusual fire, it enveloped the pile of ash that had quietly sat at the center of the day’s second catastrophe. They all stared directly into the flame, the fire burning in their eyes, yet none dared to turn away from what they believed may be a miracle.

The deities gasped, the gray skies slowly beginning to erode as the sunlight peered through the winds, roof, and all throughout the castle. The light conduct the ash into the air, swirling it about until it mold into a sphere. It shook and tremor as it was swallowed by flame and fire lulled into the core of its center. The sun’s glow embraced the ash and it combust with the curious, golden light that augment from within it.

The sphere tremble, then implode! As the light begin to dim, they all witness the same miracle, the goddess of life herself had been reborn; every inch of her fur and feathers, pristine and poised as they ever were. She’d mimicked the phoenix in body, but also a foal given birth. Celestia lay with hooves fold in a helpless calm, slowly but surely they stretch; her legs felt almost foreign, every golden trinket that outfit her felt heavier than she remember. And yet she stood without trembling, her wings unfurl with the last of the fading light, and her glorious wings sweeping the last bit of gold from her celestial body.

Once they open, her all-seeing eyes were as gentle as they’d always been as she slowly descend to the ground, her first step sweeping away the feathers, her past life and sins left behind as they were blown through the broken the window; all gone by the time she’d taken her first soothing breath.

“Celestia! It’s really you!” Cadence flew at her aunt, tears fleeing from her eyes once again as she embraced the eternal inspiration she thought lost for good.

Luna could only turn away from her elder sister, her head lowered in shame, as she’d almost regretted not taking the unicorn’s life before in the blindness of her anger.

To think we almost… The princess was deeply disappointed she even had the notion from the start.

“Even… even to… the very end, you didn’t believe…” the wounded mare reached a quivering hoof toward the one she loved, she gave a weary grin.

Celestia or not, not even Twilight was cruel enough to ignore the injured, especially one she would never wish to do without. She turned her attention from the goddess, taking the hoof in her own, looking into those teary, guilty eyes that said only one thing.

“T-Trixie… said she could never harm those you love. Butler or b-bitter rival, both are bound to you…” she’d almost relieved herself of all strength, she'd began coughing up her own blood, a pint of liquid cascade down the corners of her muzzle.

Twilight could feel it… Trixie slipping away, she had to say something, say it, just once. “I-Trixie… I love… the way you grin.”

It was honestly was the worst thing she could have said, that’s what she felt. Being the polymath she was, her vocabulary was unrivaled, and yet in all her life she’d never spoken such a common sentence. Was it really meant to be this difficult, was this emotion meant to be so terrifying, so exhausting?

Trixie smiled at the one she knew for certain was now a fool. “Of… all the things about Trixie… you choose to praise something so, simple,” the butler collapsed upon her savior, the last of her strength expelled by a genuine smile.

“She really is quite something isn’t she?” Celestia smiled.

Twilight almost dropped the lifeless mare, her mentor sneaking up on her so quickly. Though, Twilight gave no answer as she cradled the cadaver, Trixie had truly been loved until and even after her last breath.

“To think she’d commit to such an act, I imagine now that this was her plan all along. For a moment I’d wondered why her spell’s attributes shifted as they did, why her target was the heart and not the soul… she was truly special, a talent unlike any other.”

“Was…?” Twilight looked up at the saintly mare, sorrow the only thing any creature could see in her eyes, as she squeezed the corpse.

“I am afraid so Twilight, she was saved once, already offered a second chance as well. I cannot grant her life special permission over another… I am sorry Twilight, truly.” Celestia was unsure how Twilight would handle such a burden, losing love was common practice of immortals, and she knew this fact all too well.

“We shall save her! ‘Tis our actions… that led to this, let us—“Celestia shook her head. “I am afraid you gave your second attempt as well Luna, you surrendered it in your earlier gamble, to give Twilight the opportunity to save her in her own world... in her own way.”

Nopony could have predicted a simple wager would go so far to hinder them in the end.

“It wasn’t your fault Luna… her death. The bitterness had finally took hold of her, and in her last moments she had a change of heart, but it was far too late to turn back, to save it from being torn asunder. She carried out her order and lived her every dream all at once. She’d already damaged her body so much casting a forbidden spell such at that one, as well as making certain to combine the appropriate ones to ensure Celestia’s resurrection."

Cadence looked to the lifeless mare with a sigh.

"... A part of her enjoyed Celestia’s death, her dream, even till the end… but seeing Twilight in shambles while she herself had fulfilled a selfish wish of her own, as I warned her, her heart wouldn’t last if she couldn’t come to a decision. At best, Luna, you only hastened the inevitable,” Cadence reassured the lunar equine that it wasn’t her doing that led to the unicorn’s death, as she doubt Luna could live with committing such an act in blind fury.

“I’ll save her myself, Till the day you never die, that’s what I promised her… I’ll give her my soul, like I promised. That should be more than enough, right?”

Luna furrowed a brow at the notion, a soulless ruler, pony no less was something she wasn’t too certain of. “Is that wise, what will become of you? How could, you rule?”

“We rule from within, a working mind, body, but most importantly; a heart,” Cadence reminded her as she put a hoof to the symbol of her edict; the very place where she stored every ounce of her courage, commitment, and pride.

Celestia nod, “Yes, such a feat is possible, but you must hurry. Also, it comes at a price. When your time comes, neither Luna nor I will have a say in where you depart to, it will be unknown. Are you prepared for such an uncertainty?”

Twilight took a deep breath, before giving her answer. “I am.” It wasn’t a question that required much thought from her.

She held Trixie as close as she could as her horn began to shine a brilliant magenta. The light itself was drawn, sheltered unto Trixie’s lifeless form, steadily all her wounds began to remedy themselves and soon enough her breathing returned.

The collecting process had continued until Trixie’s entire coat turned gold, the color consumed within her as her breath finally return. The blue to her coat becoming vibrant, just as her eyes opened to world before her. The weary unicorn gave the strongest smile she could with such little strength she had just acquired, her body still adjusting to rebirth a second time, a first in history, maybe. She knew to always believe in the impossible, in Twilight, being why she wasn’t utterly shocked that she could open her own eyes. She looked up to her savior, she was however still a bit surprised but unable to show it just yet as she rest in her lover’s embrace.

“Trixie never thought a single soul would shed tears at her passing, her entire life was a performance, one act… after another. She expected it, to end silently with the curtain closing, rose-less. And yet you, the audience still remain, Trixie was right to trust you.”

Twilight tears had stained her gown and Trixie’s coat many times this day and thus they continued, she still cradled her beloved, both her wings engulfing the two in a state of bliss she never wished would never cease.

With her strength gradually returning, Trixie leaned forward, grabbing at the alicorn’s chest and pulling them both closer, pulling the two closer evermore until they met. Trixie had seen enough of those tears during their time together, those sorrowful eyes. However, she’d never seen the ones presently staring so deeply into her own, these eyes were yearning, these tears were warm… riddled with joy.

With bated breath, Twilight spoke from the baser, the purest words from her depths, “I love you.”

Their eyes remained locked, it were as if the two were relying on one anothers' eyes to tell them if they truly exist, that they weren’t dead or dreaming. Before they even became aware, their eyes shut as their affections came closer, meeting in physical form, lips entangled as horns crossed paths. The two stayed as they were, both with the desire to let the moment outlive them, neither wanting to part the fire.

Unfortunately just as they were equipped with lips, they also carried lungs that demanded of them, in the end their passion part ways. Their cheeks burned as they caught their spoiled breaths, both left only with the lingering taste of love. Twilight’s mane fell back in place, her love hidden behind bangs once again only mere seconds, that passed like lifetimes, after she’d expressed it without reserve.

Others in the room all disguised their blush as best they could as the two have clearly forgotten the existence of those around them. Celestia was the first to speak, “Ahem, now that such matters have been settled, we should first discuss the—“

The castle doors shook and rattled, something had begun attacking the castle’s front. Whatever it was, it had to be quite large, undoubtedly powerful, everyone braced themselves for the creature erupting behind the doors.

“Miss, calm down or you will be apprehended and tried for treason!” Both guards shout at whomever was being so reckless on the other side. This only startled the princesses even more.

A massive wind rushed by as the doors were finally forced, bucked down open. The sun’s light peered into the room, only Applejack stood at the center, her legs still raised to the sky. She returned them to the earth and rushed inside without the slightest pleasantry, hat to her head and rope readily at her side.

“Your highness, a thousand apologies! They all just came charging and—” Celestia raised a hoof to guard panicking for his life, as most supposedly overacted to what might be Celestia’s sentenced punishment. “It’s alright, they mean us no harm, they are all friends of her majesty.”

“Is everypony alright!?” She was just now catching her breath as she eyed everyone present, along with the broken glass and torn roof exterior. All present simply looked at her in silence, clearly she was the only one in a state of worry.

“Twilight, are ya okay!?” she looked to the unicorn in her wings. “Is she hurt?”

“… We’re fine, Applejack. What you doing here?”

It was Applejack’s turn to be curious, she furrowed a brow at the queer inquiry. “Did ya forget already? Well sugarcube, you invited us all here.”

Us?” Twilight returned Applejacks’s gesture as Trixie hid away her devious grin, the shadows already collected, present underneath her expression.

“What, didn’t think we’d show?” Rainbow Dash descended from the newly built sun roof, she's spiraled through the air before touching ground.

“Your," Rarity cleared her throat as she strode in on the red carpet, “ ahem, butler informed us you hadn’t been your best in nights and that you wished to see your dear friends, mind you this was shortly some time before your letters inviting us.”

“…T-Though,” Fluttershy gently allowed herself inside, fluttering by, hiding her face beneath her mane, in the same fashion she just recently became to believe Trixie had buried the invitation in Twilight’s letter herself,” we thought it m-might have been a surprise, which is why…”

“We planned an amazing, super, stupendous surprise party for you!” the princess of parties-- if such a title existed, had made her entrance from the one of the many shattered windows, cartwheeling effortlessly around the floor’s dangerous décor until she was within hugging range of her favorite princess. “The surprise is you don’t know where the party is, but I’ll give you a hint, there’s a dragon waiting for you! And books, there’s books everywhere! she threw her hooves to the air and confetti came down from not even Celestia knew where.

Applejack, finally remembering where she was, removed her hat and bowed to the goddess, the rest followed suit. “We’re mighty sorry princesses, we saw the lightning and the castle banged up, we can here as fast as we could and—“

“I didn’t,” Rainbow Dash raised her hoof as she smugly interjected.

And,” the farmer huffed, “We all wanted to make sure Twilight here was alright.”

Rarity nodded. “It’s as applejack says, after we all read Twilight’s letter regarding her new life and how unsure she was about her new position, we knew we had to come as one.”

Twilight’s wings unfurled, releasing her lover, as she gazed into her eyes. “Thank you, Trixie. Thanks everyone,” Twilight stood to two legs as she’d adopted the day she acquired her butler.

“I’d love to join you all, but,” Twilight looked to the wreckage. “As you can see I have a bit of things that need tending to here,” she smiled the same way Trixie remembered her in portrait, a genuine display.

“Go, “Celestia gave her a smile for reassurance, “and take her with you.”

“But, princess, there is so much—“

“Twilight Sparkle, you should heed our sister’s words,” Luna echoed her sibling’s graces, “we will be fine. The three of us have enough merit to make quick work of this.”

Cadence blinked at her inclusion. “A-Ah, yes, go ahead Twilight,” she waved farewell in glee, “we’ll be fine as Luna said. Take what you’ve finally found... and share it with your friends, that’s what you both want.”

Trixie stood from the floor, no longer in uniform, she almost felt exposed, even if her natural body was naturally bare. She took hold of her savior’s stance.

“We shall speak of your position and future matters upon your return, go, live and enjoy the magic your friends have brought you."

Trixie stood at the center, her eyes as well as all others on the polymath. “Let us go Twilight, you’ll have more fun than you have in a long while, trust Trixie.”

Twilight had never seen the unicorn so unguarded, so unaware of the crowd as she display her willingness. She looked into Trixie’s eyes one last time, the word trust haunting her ears before she smiled and took her hoof without a second thought. The herd had made their way toward the throne room’s exit, the two no longer concerned with fickle words like fate and destiny, now hoof in hoof as they tread behind the others.

Rarity poking Applejack in the shoulder as she gestured to the obvious, giggling as she usually did when love was present and lively. And like those who needed proof to believe such, Applejack only rolled her eyes in response. The two together just seemed impossible to her, for now.

The two gave their friends the brief version of their day, and Pinkie spent majority of the walk apologizing to Trixie for dropping a piano on her. Trixie's death wasn't intentional as she believed before. The party soon to be, would be the success Pinkie planned, aside from her allergic reaction to the coconut cake she'd mistakenly ingest, she honestly didn't remember or could even imagine why she'd bake something she was allergic to.

As the fall closer to the earth, all had arrived at the station, their destination still meant to be a surprise, no matter how unlikely that it was. So far Twilight and Trixie had dismissed the glances they received from the set of five now escorting them toward fun-a-rific fun they’d never forget. Still, Trixie had been returning the glance of one, the loudest and most likely simple-minded of the group, it was still very difficult to stomach it all.

One by one they boarded the train, and as luck always seemed on their side when it came to trains, they’d approached just as the conductor blew the last whistle for boarding passengers. Twilight managed to catch Trixie before she boarded the train, a look of unease upon her face, apparently she caught Trixie staring at Pinkie for quite some time now.

“Trixie, before we head back to the library I— Trixie put a gentle hoof to the others lips. “To think… Trixie was struck down, by a silly pink horse by coincidence,” she sighed, still smiling from earlier bliss, “but not worry Sparkle, Trixie holds no further grudge. She has planned her juvenile revenge, the silly mare's tongue won't remain swollen for too long, since she has apologized to Trixie an "annoying" amount of times. Trixie she has no plans of parting from this world before you ever again, she will outlast her every word.”

Twilight hugged the unicorn. “I know… I’ve no doubt that will.”

“Oh, so it appears you finally do trust Trixie?” Trixie somehow managed to furrow a brow in triumphant.

“Of course, it’s just… I need you to forgive me for not trusting you, for everything before, and even now.”

Trixie leaned into her lover’s ear, she spoke her three favorite words in a tease, in a whisper. “Yes, my mistress.”
The warm sensation against her ears, mixed with the unexpected, her cheeks changed color as Trixie took her hoof and pulled her onto the train.

“T-Trixie, you know that’s not necessary of you anymore, seeing as…”

Trixie gave a sly grin, “I know princess, but being a butler has it benefits, believe it or not.”

Twilight warned her about calling her that and still she couldn’t resist toying with her, as Twilight expected. But she didn’t frown, instead she returned Trixie’s grin. “Very well Trixie, the moment we return to my chambers, I order you to…”

The rest was whispered in her ears, the butler’s face burning red.

“Is this a joke, Twilight Sparkle!? To think Trixie would embarrass herself in front of—“Twilight silenced the mare with a tender kiss.

“No, it’s an order.”

Luna sighed as she watched the lot depart toward their predictable, yet pleasantly adjourned arrival to Ponyville. “Sister, what will become of her now, of either?”

“… I do not know for certain Luna, she still keeps her wings and walks the earth as she always has, unlike my last pupil who lost her own wings… you knew of her, the one who I kept as close as the earth and sun appear during sunset. I believe the defining difference maybe Trixie’s influence, if Twilight’s stay’s close to her soul…” Celestia’s sentence fell flat, “Still Twilight possesses the same unyielding heart which is what made her worthy to rule, the essence that made her able to live for an eternity.”

“… Can thou, not simply cast the spell and have her birthed once more?”

Celestia shook her head. “That is no longer possible, she was reborn as an alicorn, then reborn again as who she once was. She even has her own smile once again,” a show of pride in her pupil was etched unto the princess’ face.

Cadence had already begun cleaning, mending the glass as it was the most lethal as it lay about without concern for others, her horn’s will collecting pieces wherever spotted.

“Twilight will outlive her wings and eventually return to whom she once was, but for now she will remain one of us for a single night perhaps, maybe a week, or even years to come. But she will age and sooner or later, Trixie will notice how her own body does not.”

Luna couldn’t help but chuckle at her elder sister. “An altered unicorn finds a way to slay you with only a fraction of Twilight’s mind and you believe Twilight Sparkle won’t find a way to hold her wings if you wish. You are truly something sister,” Luna left her sister’s side and committed to aiding Cadence.

“I’m beginning to believe I’ve wished too much of Twilight on my own,” Celestia grinned as she watch the sun be dragged over the horizon, “perhaps now she can have her own selfish wish for keeping her wings. She-- every creature deserves one… every once and a while.”

Author's Note:

Finally finished, I hope you enjoyed the ride. I had a lot of fun writing this fable up until the very end and I hope you pleasant, quaint experience while reading it. :twilightsmile: Feel free to leave any criticism positive or not at your leisure, I appreciate most any expressed idea.~

Comments ( 7 )
Comment posted by ILurvTrixie deleted Jul 24th, 2014


Well I can assure you that I am with a native tongue and it's all I've ever known, and asking that because I have a horrid habit of going through "tenses" the same as scenes in a play, or channels on a television does seem a bit rude, insulting... funny as well in my opinion.

But I've already addressed my own faults in my blog posts, time and time again, though I'd like it if you were to point out specifics for you asking me a question. That aside, I like to inspire thought, leaving gaps allows one's mind to process an end or beginning of their own, dictating /every/ thought and action until its too obvious leaves little to the imagination, /thinking/ is healthy.~

And the world was always different, thus the "alternate universe" tag from the start, I understand my writing style can only approach certain minds, but those are the minds I'd like to read this over any other. Of course I'd like for everyone to enjoy this but I knew from the start this wasn't for /everyone/ it was just fun, so enjoyable that I made certain to see it to the end. :twilightblush:

The Pink Menace,(Pinkie) :pinkiecrazy: thing was answered in chapter two, hinted all over and then stated clearly; in the third chapter as well. Again if there are was something in particular you're welcome to say so here.

I read between lines and have a habit of studying breaths, I like to think like-mind others and those just in love with /Twixie/ as much as I am would enjoy the fable enough to give it a chance. One chance, one comment, that's all I want from all who've read this good or bad. You've given me that, thumbs up or down, I'm pleased to have had you speak your mind without censor. :twilightsmile:

And thank you for your kind review, I have quite a long way to go, nowhere near as far as I'd once believed of course, but far enough still.

These were spectacular, thank you.

Vary good story, a little on the flowery side and reminds me of some manga like Bezinghast. One thing that I think could have been expanded upon was the fact that Pinky killed Trixie, from what I remember from the first story it was supposed to be a pretty gruesome death. Did She intend to kill Trixie or was it just an accident? (If she did I don't see how that could sit well with any of her friends, as she seems to suffer no remorse or punishment.)

Oh wow, I never saw this until now. Anyway.

Good ending for this trilogy of oneshots. It finally revealed so much about their bond and why things have been so tense between the two. Strangely simple, but fitting all the same; an order, words of her own heart, given so carelessly. I like the subtle moral of being careful with your words because of the impact that they can have on another.

What I really love was the philosophy and nature of the AU in this story. The four Alicorns, representing near every facet of life and death and all that is in between is a interesting concept. But now Twilight's soul and in essence her power and reign over that between life and death is with Trixie. Twilight had given up her power and immortality for her and not regret a single thing, is a very powerful message of what love can mean. I have a very strong feeling that this story is going to end up like a Portal Fanfic that I read a long time ago, and I don't doubt that it will be just as tragic.

I say that this is the perfect place to end the AU since I much prefer this open ending full of hope and apprehension than one that is set in stone. Wonderful job with this, and once again I'm sorry for not finding this until now.

4699041 -sniff sniff- Is that some Black Butler I smell?

And Trixie shall help if her Mistress wishes.:trixieshiftleft:

For she's one hell of a butler.:trixieshiftright:

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