• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 5,598 Views, 67 Comments

Fading Twilight - ObeySaturnGod

Spike and friends must confront Twilight and put the past behind them

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“Spike, take a letter.” The purple scaled dragon retrieved a quill and roll of parchment from a nearby bookcase and gazed up at the second floor where Twilight was looking down at him, her front hooves on the balcony. “Dear Princess Celestia, I’ve learned a very important lesson today.” Spike wrote furiously, trying to keep pace with the lavender unicorn’s quick mouth. “I’ve learned that if I kill a pony, then I should separate myself from my friends and go insane.”

Spike’s claws stopped in the middle of the sentence, and though he wanted to look at Twilight in disbelief, he was overcome with a sense of utter terror, a sense that was digging into the very core of his being that stopped him from lifting his head. He forced himself to look at Twilight, and immediately regretted it, jumping back with a scream. Twilight’s eyes had transformed into horrible black pits, and her irises had become so small he wouldn’t have been able to spot them if they weren’t completely white and set against the piercing blackness. She was sporting a horrible smile that couldn’t fit on her face, and her cheeks had been split open from the corners of her mouth to the bottom of her ears. Blood poured from every orifice, and the soulless eyes were directed straight at Spike, freezing him to the spot with a fear that chilled his body to his very soul. Her mouth opened much wider than it should have, her torn cheeks giving it the ability to stretch beyond normal pony anatomy.

Her voice had dropped to an octave Spike had never heard before, and he could only shake as the pony whom he considered his big sister spoke in her new demonic voice. “Spike, why aren’t you writing this down? You’re my number one assistant, and what kind of assistant doesn’t take a letter?” As she spoke, her head had begun to lean to the right, but as it reached what should have been its limits, it continued to bend. There came horrible snapping sounds, and her head was completely upside down. Spike realized with repulsion that it was still going, and it finally came to a rest in the position it had started from, though there were subtle differences now, like the skin that was twisting its way around her neck. “Well, Spike? What do you have to say?” He gave a small yelp, completely forgetting that Twilight had asked him a question as he was too busy watching her head complete its horrendous rotation.

He sputtered, trying to get something out, but the fear that had encased his body in ice had reduced his thought processes to be virtually nonexistent. Twilight slowly walked to the top of the stairs, maintaining eye contact with Spike the entire time. As she descended, the candles that lit the interior of the library went out, leaving Spike surrounded by a pitch blackness that was only matched by the eyes of the monstrosity slowly approaching him. He had lost sight of it, but his ears were still working perfectly, picking up the small creaking noises that each step of the staircase made as Twilight made her way down. With each step, Spike felt an overwhelming sense of panic course through him. Twilight reached the bottom of the stairs and started to lumber her way towards Spike, the baby dragon trembling so much it was a wonder that he was still standing.

Out of the darkness came Twilight’s face, so close to Spike that their noses were touching. Unable to look away from her eyes, Spike stared into an abyss that ate away at him every second he looked into it. “Come join me, Spike. Insanity, not ignorance, is bliss. You just need to give in to the madness.” Spike could feel himself slipping away from the library, away from the horror staring at him, but what was waiting for him on the other side? “I miss you Spike. Do you miss me?” Spike’s vision was blurring, and Twilight’s face was becoming a swirling mass of purple, black and red. “You miss Rarity too, don’t you? If you give in, Spike…” There was nothing but darkness.

“You may just see her again.”

Spike awoke screaming and thrashing, the hay underneath him drenched in sweat. He gasped, trying to catch his ragged breath. The image of the black holes that passed for Twilight’s eyes were burned into his mind, and he knew it would be a long time before he would forget them. “Spike! You okay, sugarcube!?” He heard Applejack’s frantic voice cry out for him and a few seconds later the door of the barn burst open. Applejack was missing her trademark hat and there were heavy bags under her eyes. Behind her the first rays of Celestia’s sun were gradually replacing the darkness of Luna’s night.

Spike rose up on shaky legs, falling back onto the wall for support before answering Applejack. “I’m… I’m fine. It was just another nightmare.” The cowpony had a worried expression and a slight frown as she walked up to the disjointed dragon, wrapping him in a motherly embrace.

“Hush, now, it’s alright, Spike. It was just a dream. It can’t hurt you.” If Spike’s shivering body was any indication, he either didn’t believe her or the dream was so horrible no words could help to calm him. The sun rose slowly as they held the embrace, and Spike eventually stopped shaking, yet he still held strong to Applejack. “Do ya want to talk about it?” She asked in a concerned tone. He viciously shook his head. “That’s fine, ya don’t have to if you don’t want to.” The silence held for a minute more, until a bell rang out from the Apple family house. “Come on, Ah’m sure Granny Smith’s cooked up somethin’ real good.” Spike said nothing, instead opting to make his way to the house, leaving Applejack in the barn.

Nearly a year since Spike came to call Sweet Apple Acres his home, Applejack still worried about how he was adjusting to his new life. The way he always awoke from his sleep in a hysterical fit of yelling could have taken the place of the rooster. He had woken her so many times she wondered whether or not he had gotten a good night’s sleep since moving to the farm. Thinking back on the restless nights she had spent twisting and turning in her own bed, she guessed not. Her thoughts began to drift away from the breakfast no doubt awaiting her, and went back to the day her life had been changed forever…

Princess Celestia stood on the platform of the train station looking over the five friends in front of her, all of them felling as if a part of themselves had been ripped from them. Celestia’s beautiful white coat somehow seemed duller, and there was a look of sadness etched across her face that was repeated tenfold on the expressions of the four ponies. The one dragon’s eyes were completely blank, staring off into bright blue sky that seemed to mock the six standing on the platform with its carefree appearance. He hadn’t spoken to anyone in days, and any attempt at conversation was met with the same blank look and closed lips. Celesta knew she had to appear strong for the broken friends before her, but her heart had endured more pain in the past few days than it ever had during her millennia long rule. The most traumatic experience of her life had been banishing Luna to the moon over a thousand years ago, and even that now paled in comparison to what had happened to the Elements of Harmony.

“Thank you all for coming to see Twilight Sparkle off.” The four ponies shifted uncomfortably, and it was impossible to tell if Spike was listening or not. “She will receive the best possible care, and I will personally overseer her treatment. I… don’t know how long it will take for her to rebuild her psyche, but I will do everything in my power to help her recover.”

“Will we be able to visit her?” Rainbow Dash asked, breaking the silence the friends had taken. Her normally brash voice sounded like it was on the verge of breaking.

“Yes, you may. In fact, that might be the best solution. She’s going to need all of your help to pull through this, and if you see her in person, I’m sure it will help her mental state.” Celestia turned her attention to the vacant dragon. “Spike, I want you to stay here in Ponyville.” No reaction. “I urge you to visit, but Twilight will also need time alone to heal, and I would be too busy to watch over you if you were to stay in Canterlot. I’m sure that one of your friends would be more than happy to take you into their home.” Her eyes shifted nervously to the four ponies, hoping one of them would prove her words to be true.

Applejack spoke up. “Of course we’ll take care of him. Ah’m sure Ah can find some space around the farm for you, Spike.” She looked expectantly at him, trying to give him a reassuring smile, but there was no response. Her head drooped, eyes covered by her hat as she turned back to Celestia. “Ah’ll take him home with me.”

“Thank you.” The train whistled, signaling that is was time for the princess to board. “Please, don’t spend too much time worrying about Twilight. As I said, she will need time alone, and so will you. All of you.” She walked through the doors of the train and onto the red carpet that decorated the interior of the car. “I’m sorry.” She closed the doors, and a few seconds later the train started to move. The five could only watch as the train became smaller and smaller in the distance, taking away their friend and leading her to an uncertain fate. They stood around, unsure what to do with themselves now that Twilight was gone. Eventually they went their separate ways, but not before agreeing to meet back at the same spot in a few days. Though they all were going through pain of their own, Twilight’s pain must have been must worse. The way she had acted at the funeral, causing such a distraction that she had to be escorted back to the library, how she had tried to hang herself the day before…

Applejack made her way off the platform with Spike, the dragon complying without argument, without any emotion, really. She had no idea what she was going to do with Spike, or what she was going to do about herself. A few days ago she had convinced herself she was just in a terrible nightmare, that she would awaken safely in her bed and would visit the Carousal Boutique, finding Rarity occupied with another one of her dress designs.

If only it had been that easy.

Applejack snapped out of her memory as a particularly bright spot of sun hit her square in the eyes. She shielded herself with a hoof and made her way to the house, catching a whiff of baked apple as she opened the front door. In the kitchen, her four family members sat at the dining table. A hearty breakfast of assorted apple confections that sat on the table couldn’t mask the crushing sense of depression that surrounded them. She took a seat next to Spike and the family began to eat, save Spike. He simply picked at the apple pie in front of him. Applejack sighed and put down the tart she was eating. “Sugarcube, ya gotta eat somethin’. Ya don’ wanna go out today on an empty stomach.”

He stopped poking the apple and turned away from her. “I’m not hungry.”

“Come on, now, a growin’ dragon like you has to eat. How ‘bout this nice fritter?” She handed him the baked treat, which he violently slapped away. Applejack was surprised by his outburst, and the rest of her family had stopped eating as they watched the purple dragon jump from his chair and run out the front door. Applejack gave chase, leaving the stunned Apples behind. “Spike! Spike, please, come back!” She saw a flash of purple head into the barn and she ran over. Inside, Spike had thrown himself onto the pile of hay that served as his bed and had started to cry. Applejack, not wanting to upset him, took a seat next to his racking body and put a hoof on his back. When he didn’t knock it away, she spoke up. “Spike… I miss her too.”

He flipped around, and with tears streaming down his cheeks he yelled at her. “You didn’t love her!! She wasn’t the first crush of your life! She… she…” He couldn’t finish his sentence, and buried his head back in the hay.

“Oh, Spike…” She hugged him. He offered no resistance. “Ah loved her too. She was our friend, and the time we had together was the most magical time of our lives… but you have to accept that she’s gone.”

“NO! I won’t! I don’t want to forget her!”

“Ah know it’s hard… Ah still can’ get a good night’s sleep… but what you’re doin’, Spike… do you really think she’d want you to be livin’ like this?” The sobbing stopped, and Applejack tightened her grip on the dragon. “She may be gone, but you can still keep her alive by livin’ life to the fullest. Don’tcha think that’s what Rarity would want ya to do?”

Spike took a second before answering. “I… I guess that makes sense. It doesn’t make it any easier, though. I still miss her…”

“Ah do too, sugarcube. Ah do too…” They held the embrace in silence, unmoving. “Today’s the anniversary… me an’ everypony else are goin’ to visit Rarity, an’ I was wonderin’ if you wanted to come with us.”

Spike sniffed and rubbed his eyes, facing Applejack as he did so. “Yeah… yeah, I think I want to.”

“Alright, then. We got about a half hour ‘fore we gotta move, so why don’ we grab some breakfast before then?”

“That sounds good.” The two helped each other up from the hay, and started back towards the house. Before they had gone too far, Spike spoke up. “Applejack, do you think we could visit Twilight after we see Rarity?”

She stopped in her tracks, and Spike looked at her quizzically, waiting for an answer. “Ah… Ah don’ think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” Spike’s voice had gained a bit of anger.

“Twilight… she’s… how to put this… she needs time on her own, and the last time I visited her, she wasn’ doing well.”

“Well, how long ago was that?”

Applejack bit her lip. “That was ‘bout… shoot, Ah think it was a couple months ago.”

“A couple months!? You mean Twilight’s been stuck in the castle without us for months!?!” Spike voice was rising, and he was looking at Applejack in disgust. “How could you leave her alone like that?

“Ah didn’ want to leave her, but there’s somethin’ about Twilight that’s changed! You remember what happened when we all visited her that first time.” She could see Spike’s face contort as the image of Rainbow Dash on the ground flashed in his mind, her wings twisted in ways they were never meant to. “She didn’ get any better. Spike, Ah want to visit her too, but right now, Ah think it’s just too risky.”

“So we just let her rot away in some room?”

“Spike, she’s not alone. Remember, Princess Celestia is giving Twilight her full attention, and if anyone can help her, it’s the Princess.”

“If the Princess is watching her, that’s good… but I still miss her.”

Applejack embraced him. “Ah know you do. We all do.” The sun shined down on the two, and they released the grip. “Now, we still need to eat. Come on, ‘fore them fritters get cold.” Spike obeyed, following her into the house and shutting the door behind him.


The yellow pegasus lay atop the covers of her bed, staring blankly at the paneled ceiling. She noted with disinterest that light was streaming into her cottage from the outside. On her stomach slept a small, white rabbit, having kept her company the night before for as long as he could stay awake. She tried to recount how long she had been awake, but almost as soon as the notion set in her mind, she tossed it away as she would a piece of trash. There simply wasn’t a point in it. There wasn’t a point in anything anymore.

It had been nearly impossible to continue living when the accident first occurred. The only thing that had kept her from crying nonstop had been the comfort of her friends, but as time tried to mend the hole in her heart, she lost her passion, her love of all things small and furry, her love of everything. Her best friend was gone, killed indirectly by the actions of another friend who had been taken away from her. She didn’t blame Twilight, not at all. In fact, she missed Twilight nearly as much as Rarity, which made it all the worse to know the kind of state she was in, kept alone in Canterlot while her shattered mind tried to piece itself back together. She wanted to visit Twilight more than anything else, but ever since the last time, seeing how she had pushed all of them back, how she had snapped Rainbow Dash’s wings with a simple thought…

Since then, she tried to find solace with her other friends, but they had changed in their own ways, and in dealing with their own problems, didn’t have any time for her. She thought back to the times before the accident, when she and Rarity had met up at the spa house for their weekly makeovers and massages, and could feel tears start to well up. She tried to fight them back, but the memories she had stirred were too much, and she wept openly as she cursed at her pillow, her animals, and the life she now found herself in. This awakened the bunny on her chest, and he started to stroke her mane in an effort to calm her down, with little success. Fluttershy cried for what seemed like forever, letting her pent up emotions spill out onto the bed in the form of her tears. Finally, with the help of her bunny, she pulled herself together long enough to force herself out of bed.

She spread her wings and took flight, holding onto the bunny that was looking up at her with worried eyes. She set him down near his food bowl and went about her morning routine of making sure every animal was fed and watered, if only because it took her mind off Rarity. Her animals came to her, trying to give her reassurance, but she turned them all away. Once she had finished she took a seat in her large chair and stared at the two framed pictures that sat on her nightstand. The two unicorns were beaming at her, as if they were completely unaware of the horrific fates that awaited them. Fluttershy stared at the pictures, an inexplicable rage beginning to build within her. Their perfect smiles, their obliviousness to the outside world…

They were mocking her! They were laughing behind those smiles, at her, at the pain she was going through without them! She wouldn’t take it from those two any longer. She flew at them like a pegasus out of hell, sending the night stand flying as she grabbed the two portraits and shoved the stand away. Her brow was burrowing its way into her eyes as she scowled at the two ponies taunting her in their glass cases. She raised her hoof and chucked the portraits to the floor, the glass smashing as it connected with the hard wood. Fluttershy wasn’t done, as she started hammering the glass into fine mist while shouting at the top of her lungs, “DON’T SMILE AT ME! YOU’RE DEAD!! AND YOU’RE INSANE!! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO BE HAPPY ABOUT WHEN YOU’RE LIKE THAT!?!” The rage that had so quickly filled her left as suddenly as it had come, and she looked down at the mix of glass, ripped paper and blood in horror. She rushed to the bathroom and pulled out a first aid kit from the medicine cabinet, rinsing the blood from her hooves in the sink. She soaked the cuts in alcohol, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood as she did so. She wrapped her still bleeding hooves in bandages, their white plaster gradually turning red, but it seemed to slow and eventually stop over several minutes. She sighed and changed the bandages, and this time they kept their white color. She gingerly took a step, and winced in a bearable pain. She took flight, following the trail of blood that led to the mess in the living room. She cautiously picked through the glass and picked up the largest pieces of the two pictures. All that was left of Twilight’s picture was her smile, which without a body to go with it, disturbed Fluttershy for a reason she couldn’t pin down. Rarity’s eyes were all that was left, and Fluttershy couldn’t bear her friend’s gaze, tossing both of the pieces of photo away.

She cleaned the mess as best as she could, but there was no removing the dark red blot that now adorned her carpet. With the glass swept and the blood mopped up as best as possible, she collapsed back into her chair, and began to cry. She cried because she was ashamed of her outburst, because of the pain that she had put herself through, because she had just destroyed the last physical memories of her two friends.

But most of all, she cried for the friends that she had lost, whether permanently or gradually. The friends that had once been inseparable, the friends that now couldn't help her when they couldn’t help themselves. She curled into a ball of yellow fur, weeping, until she cried herself to sleep. It seemed like only minutes later that she was awoken, as a white paw gently stroked her head until she awoke. Angel held a pocket watch, holding it up and pointing to it. Fluttershy quietly thanked him and hovered herself out of the chair, heading for the front door. She left her house behind and began the long flight to the Carousal Boutique, wiping her bloodshot eyes as she flew.


“Pinkie Pie, it’s time for breakfast.” Mr. Cake called up the stairs went unanswered, just as he had been expecting. He heard a rustling from upstairs, and Pinkameina Diana Pie silently appeared at the top of the stairs, the right side of her face hidden by her mane and the other half showing no emotion whatsoever. “Good morning, Pinkie.” She didn’t acknowledge him as she descended and walked past him towards the kitchen. Mr. Cake had seen her turn into a husk of her former self, and while the shock of it had diminished, it never got any easier to see her like this. He followed her into the kitchen and took a seat next to his wife, their two foals in their booster chairs next to them as Pinkamenia took a seat across from them. Pinkamenia took a cupcake from the tray in the center of the table, ate it, and walked back to the stairs.

Mrs. Cake turned to her husband. “No change?”

Mr. Cake sighed dejectedly. “None. I don’t know what to do. None of her friends have been able to snap her out of it, and nothing we’ve done has been able to help her.”

“Oh, the poor dear… do you think she’ll be like this forever?”

“No, I don’t think so. She needs time to move on, but hopefully she’ll be back to her old self, in time.” He turned his attention to his children, who were by now clamoring for their own breakfast. “It’s a shame, what happened to her friend. That unicorn was such a nice pony.”

Pinkamenia retreated to her room, closing and locking the door. She walked over to a chair in front of the window of her room and took a seat, looking out on the ponies that were going about their daily business. She didn’t take notice of them, nor did she notice anything. She simply stared, focusing on nothing. Ever since the accident, Pinkamenia rarely left the house, and only did so to visit the grave of her friend. The rest of her time was spent inside, staring out into nothingness.

The usually vibrant pink of her coat and mane had gradually diluted over the past year, and her mane was stuck in its straight style, no matter what she did to it. Not that it mattered to her. Pinkamenia hadn’t held a party in over a year, and it was with heavy hearts that the townsfolk had taken notice. The lack of a cheerful pink pony, the happiest pony in town, had dampened the lives of everyone, and combined with the accident, Ponyville had changed for the worse. What everyone needed was an escape from their troubles, but with Pinkamenia in her condition, they would have a hard time finding it.

As time passed, Pinkamenia didn’t move. She simply waited, and waited, and waited. The Cakes called to her, trying everything possible to get her to come out of her room, but like so many times before, they failed. Pinkamenia, however, did have a reason for leaving the house today. As the sun reached its pinnacle, she walked away from the window and exited her room. She silently exited the bakery, ignoring the Cakes who watched her with worrying eyes. Heads turned as she made a rare appearance in public, but like the Cakes before, she gave them no thought. She was entirely focused on the boutique that was once her friend’s home, and was now her final resting place.


Sunlight streamed into the pristine room, broken into a symmetrical pattern by the shades of the window. The spotless hospital room held one bed, which was in contrast with the organized nature of the room. Its covers were wrapped around the pegasus who was twisting in her sleep, obviously in discomfort. With a quick rock to one side, she fell off the bed, roughly landing on her stomach as she woke from the fall. She grumbled as she untied herself from the covers, finishing up just as a pony clad in a white overcoat came in, no doubt attracted by the sound of the fall. He carried a clipboard with various papers attached to it. “Are you alright, Rainbow? Did you hurt anything?”

Rainbow Dash took a seat on the edge of her bed, taking care to not hit her wings on anything. The casts she wore helped to protect them, but it still hurt if they took a hit. “No, I’m alright, just having trouble sleeping.”


“Yes, still,” she answered with a cold gaze. “Friends dying will have that effect on you.”

The doctor cleared his throat. “O-Of course. I’m sorry.” There was a slight pause. “I seem to recall you saying that today was a special day. Does it have anything to do with your friend?”

Rainbow turned away from the doctor and hung her head. “A year ago today is when we lost Rarity. My friends and I were all going to meet up at her grave at noon. That’s why it’s special.”

“And how are your friends taking it?”

She put her head in her hooves. “Not well. The only times I see them are when they visit, or when I just happen to bump into them in town or something. They’ve… changed. At least, most of them have. Applejack seems to have kept her head on straight.” Her wings fluttered, and she grimaced in pain. “The others, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle… I don’t know what’s happened to them.”

The doctor flipped through the papers of the clipboard, eventually stopping on one. His eyes became slim as he studied the paper. “Twilight Sparkle? The unicorn who attacked you and crippled your wings was your friend?”

Rainbow Dash suddenly threw herself off the bed, rushing up to the doctor. Their faces were nearly touching as Rainbow started to yell. “Don’t say that! Don’t you dare say she attacked me! Twilight’s one of my closest friends, and she would have never done what she did if Rarity hadn’t gotten herself killed!” She was huffing as she backed away from the doctor who was trying to shield himself with the clipboard. “Sorry. I just don’t like people talking about my friends like that.” She walked back over to the bed and took a seat again. “Doc, how much longer am I gonna be stuck in this hospital? I’ve already read the entire Daring Doo series twice, and I’ve been away from my cloud for way too long.”

“Rainbow Dash, you do realize how badly your wings were injured, right? Even with a full year of recovery, you still have roughly six months before those casts can come off. Even then, your flight will never be as efficient as-“ He was cut off by the hoof that smashed into the wall next to the bed, and as it withdrew, he could see a sizable hole in the white plaster. The rainbow haired pegasus said nothing, instead massaging her drywall covered hoof, her eyes hidden by her mane. The doctor cleared his throat again, sweat beginning to form on his brow. “A-As I was saying, you won’t be able to fly at your peak performance anymore.” He flipped to another page on his clipboard. “It says here you were the one who performed a sonic rainboom in the Equestrian Flyer’s Competition. I’m sorry to say, but something like that just won’t be possible once your wings heal.”

Rainbow merely continued to rub her hoof. “I know. Oh, how I know.” Her voice was beginning to crack. “Ever since I was a filly, all I wanted was to become a Wonderbolt. I guess that’s out the window, now, huh?” She wiped her eyes and got a hold of herself, determined to not let the doctor see her break down like this. “Dammit, why did this happen? Is it some kind of cruel joke someone’s getting off on?” A moment of silence. “I just want things to go back to the way they were.” She was silent as she got off the bed and walked to the window, opening the shades and looking at the sun that was now in the middle of the sky. “What time is it?”

“Just about noon.”

“I guess I slept in a bit.” She moved away from the window and started towards the door of her room, the doctor flinching as she drew closer. “Sorry about the wall,” were her final words to him as she left. The doctor retrieved a pencil from his coat and hurriedly scribbled on a piece of paper that had a picture of Rainbow Dash, eyeing the brand new hole in the wall as he did so.


The sun was beating down as the six friends stared in disbelief at the hole that had once held the coffin of their late friend Rarity. Emotions ranged from overwhelming anger to utter disbelief, but one thing was clear to each of them;

Rarity was gone.

Fluttershy fell to the ground and covered her head with her hoofs, Pinkamenia kept her silence, and Rainbow Dash was frantically running to each of the ponies that had come to investigate the scene, drawn to it by the cyan pegasus’ shouting. “WHO DID IT!?! DID ANYONE SEE WHO IT WAS!? TELL ME, FOR CELESTIA’S SAKE!!”

As she ran helplessly around, looking for answers, Applejack and Spike investigated the hole, the dug up dirt having been thrown aside next to it. "Ah... Ah just don' understand... what would anyone gain from doin' this?"

Spike couldn't respond, as the implications of this horrific discovery were flying through his mind, but as he felt a rumbling in his stomach, he wouldn't have to. A burp, and in a flash of green fire, a scroll dropped to the ground in front of him. Applejack snatched it up, and with an increasingly fallen face, read the letter aloud.

Spike, I need you to gather your friends. Twilight has fled the castle, and I fear her mind is still too unstable for her to integrate back into society. I have dispatched my guards, and they are looking for her now, but I urge you and your friends to search for her yourselves. The faster we can return her to the castle, the better. If she won't comply willingly, do what needs to be done to bring her back. I know it sounds horrible, and I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that, but she is one of the most powerful unicorns I have ever met in the thousand plus years of my life. You must stop her before she does something drastic, something that could not only endanger herself, but all of you and possibly Equestria itself.

Please hurry. I fear we are running out of time we never had in the first place.