• Published 11th Jul 2014
  • 1,595 Views, 22 Comments

The Banach-Tarski Dragon - CCC

The Banach-Tarski Theorem describes how to split a sphere and re-arrange the pieces to make two spheres of volume equal to the original sphere. Turns out it works on dragons, too.

  • ...

Waking Up

Spike woke up first, stretching and yawning. He looked over at Spike, still asleep in his basket, and noticed in passing that Twilight had managed to duplicate the basket as well – probably with the same spell. His claws made a slight noise as he put one foot on the wooden floor, and suddenly Twilight was there in a pop and a flash of purple.

“Spike! How are you feeling? Are you alright?” Twilight glanced at the awake Spike, and the asleep Spike. “That's odd, I'd expected that you'd both wake up nearly simultaneously.”

“I'm feeling just fine.” said Spike, grinning widely. “Do you think... Rarity might need some help this afternoon?”

“Er, it's possible.” said Twilight. “But we've also still got to re-shelve -”

“Other Spike can do that.” Spike waved a claw at his doppelganger.

“Well, yes, but wouldn't he want the same thing? I mean, the Banach-Tarski -”

“Shut up, Twilight, nobody's interested.”

Twilight sat down, and stared at Spike in shock. Spike, in turn, tried to stare at his own mouth. It wasn't the first time that he'd thought something along those lines, but it was very much the first time he'd ever said it aloud

Spike was the first to break the ensuing uncomfortable silence. “So...” He began to edge towards the door. “I'm, uh... I'm gonna see if maybe Rarity needs help, okay?”

His claws could be heard clattering down the stairs for a moment, and then silence reclaimed the room. Twilight continued to sit there for almost half a minute, before saying “Not... not interested?”

The other Spike blinked and yawned. “Good morning, Twilight.” he said. “Who's not interested in what?”

“Apparently... you.” said Twilight. “In Banach-Tarski.”

“Well, I wouldn't say I'm disinterested, as such.” said the second Spike. “I just don't understand it.” He yawned again. “This splitting thing – is it going to be dangerous?”

“I don't think so.” said Twilight. “Not for a dragon, at least. I don't know if a pony would survive the process, but if both of you are still alive and healthy, then I don't see any reason why you shouldn't stay that way.” Twilight took a deep breath. “I can undo the Banach-Tarski spell.” she said. “It's pretty straightforward, as long as I do it within the next few weeks. It's really up to you – whether you want me to undo the spell or not.”

“Hmmm.” Spike considered the problem for a moment. “What do you think?”

“I think,” said Twilight, “that you should think on it for a day or two before you decide. Maybe talk it over with the other Spike, as long as he stays in one place for long enough for me to explain that he has that choice. In the meantime, while you think about it, would you like to help me with some re-shelving?”

“Re-shelving.” Spike yawned again, then climbed out of his basket. “One Number One Assistant, reporting for duty!”

* * *

“Hey, Rarity. You're looking beautiful today. Just like every day.”

Rarity turned around, with a smile. “Why, thank you, Spike. And what brings you to the boutique today?”

“Maybe I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are?”

Rarity giggled. “That's very sweet, Spike. But don't you have duties at the library?”

“Yeah, but Twilight accidentally cast a spell that duplicated me, so I'm leaving all that for the other Spike to deal with.”

“Oh, I see.” said Rarity. “And then tomorrow you'll work in the library while the other Spike gets the day off?”

“Yeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh... we'll see about that. Anyhow, in the meantime, I was thinking – how about I take you out to lunch? I know this place that does great daisy sandwiches.”

“Why, Spike!” said Rarity, fluttering her eyelashes. “I'd be honoured to -”

“And then,” continued Spike, grinning, “we could come back here and...”

He whispered something in Rarity's ear. Her eyes opened wide, her pupils shrunk to tiny dots, and her face turned bright red.

“Spike! That is not an appropriate request to make of a lady!”

“So is that a 'yes'?” asked Spike, waggling his eyebrows.

* * *

The door to Carousel Boutique opened, and Spike exited, upside-down, with the glow of Rarity's magic around his tail. He was carried out to the middle of the street, and then simply dropped to the ground.

Then the boutique's door slammed firmly shut.

“Well,” said Spike, “that could've gone better.”

With a screeeeeech, a scooter (attached to a small cart) slid to a sudden stop right outside Carousel Boutique.

“Hey, Spike!” said Scootaloo.

“Wanna join us for ice cream?” asked Sweetie Belle, from the cart.

“Sounds good.” Spike jumped into the cart, between Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. “Let's go!”

“You weren't going to go see Rarity?” asked Applebloom, as Scootaloo put her wings into gear.

“Nah.” said Spike. “I just came from there.”