• Published 22nd Jul 2014
  • 548 Views, 20 Comments

Ryujin - bestponydash

One year has past since Tirek and all has been well. Until two dragon brothers come busting through a portal from another world. Love, loss, and new friendships will follow

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CH. 5: It's over?

Ryujin growled and closed his fists tightly. Shinigami smiled and did the same. Simultaneously the brothers leapt toward one another until they were inches apart. They both screamed as they collided. They reached with their fists out, but Shinigami landed the first blow. Ryujin flew back, rubbing his jaw. He slowly reached behind his wing and roughly maneuvered his fingers; after a few seconds he withdrew his hands and held up a small holster. He quickly grabbed the knife nestled inside and discarded the holster.

He growled, "Alright, come on then."

Shinigami jumped high and soared toward Ryujin at super sonic speeds. Ryujin readied himself and waited for his brother. When he got close Shinigami extended his claw, but Ryujin quickly grabbed his wrist and thrust his knife deep into Shinigami's side. Shinigami's speed caused the brothers to fall backward into a nearby wall; it rumbled and cracked under the pressure. When they landed Shinigami used his leg to push away from his brother. Then he let out a scream and clenched the tissue surrounding the blade. He hesitantly wrapped his hand around the hilt and roared from the pain.


He ripped the knife from his body and screamed again. As he was doing this, Ryujin shook his head and rose to his feet. With the knife in his hand Shinigami stood up and held his side; blood leaking between his fingers.

"That's the second time you've done that!"

He turned and threw the knife to the other side of the room, out of sight. As soon as Shinigami turned, Ryujin stretched his wings and dashed forward. Shinigami turned back just in time to feel Ryujin's fist loosen his jaw. He staggered and Ryujin continued his assault, punching his ribs and face, slamming the edge of his wings into Shinigami's forehead, twisting to strike him with a rough tail, and grabbing his shoulders for a headbutt. Finally he slowed and delivered a final knee to his brother's bleeding cut.

Ryujin stepped back, panting. Shinigami stood in front of him, stunned, but finally dropped to his knees. He bent down and spat out a puddle of blood. He groaned and held a hand to his side again; after a few minutes of rough panting he smiled.

"My turn."

Shinigami span around and wrapped his tail around Ryujin's leg. Before Ryujin could free himself, he was lifted up high in the air. The tail swung back and threw him through a stone wall and out into the dark hallway, debris surrounded his every side. He stayed down to catch his breath for a few seconds.

He then slammed his fist against the floor, "Come on Ryujin," he said to himself.

Back in Ponyville, Dash was explaining the situation.

Luna flew to the front of the group, "Where's Ryujin?"

"He's still there, fighting. We need to go help."

Twilight looked around and gulped, "Alright, I'll teleport us there."

The ponies nodded and gathered around Twilight. She was about to teleport them when she noticed Discord standing back.

She turned her head, "You're not coming?"

Discord sighed, "well if every-pony else is."

Discord slowly walked over and joined the group.

Twilight took a deep breath, "Alright, hold on."

She closed her eyes and wrinkled her brow. Suddenly her horn began to glow and a bright light soon surrounded the group. A big poof of purple magic was all that was left.

Ryujin slowly stood up with blood leaking from many small cuts, he stared through the hole in the wall that he just made; his brother was starring back. They both growled and Shinigami began to advance. Ryujin took a deep breath and raised his hands. Red sparks shot from them and focused into small currents of electricity centered in his palms. Shinigami picked up speed to a run and starred at his brother. Ryujin stepped out of the hallway and rose one of his hands. He began to sprint around the room, shooting bolt after bolt of Lightning. Shinigami evaded every one of Ryujin's attempts, slowly gaining on him. He suddenly jumped forward and slammed Ryujin's hands away. Ryujin thrust his wing at Shinigami but he dodged, Shinigami punched his brother in the face, staggering him. Ryujin shook his bleeding head and flew forward.

In the castle's court yard their was a strange disturbance in the air. Out of nowhere, a huge luminous light appeared and disappeared in a flash. When the dust cleared there stood all four princesses, two pegasi, one unicorn, and two earth ponies. They looked around, the air was calm and the sky way black. Dash walked out to the front.

"Come on, they were in the library."

"Right, you lead the way," said Applejack.

Ryujin kicked his brother in the side; Shinigami cringed but managed to grab the leg, quickly turn, and throw his brother back against a book shelf. The shelf tumbled down, books and pages flew all around; Ryujin was under it all. After a second or two, he pushed some of the books and the shelf out of the way and stood up. He was about to charge when his ear twitched. He quickly turned his head to the hallway and listened.

"Oh crap," he whispered.

The ponies approached the main door at an amazing rate; they heard the fight rage on inside the castle.

Ryujin looked back to his brother, who was sprinting his way. He did the same and the two dragons soon met in the middle of the room. Ryujin punched his brother's face, Shinigami used the momentum to spin around and round-house kick Ryujin in his waist. Ryujin jumped up and slammed his fists down, Shinigami blocked with both of his arms and spread his wing. The wing's spike traveled through the air and pierced Ryujin's forearm; he screamed and pushed away from his brother, his arm pouring blood.

Finally the ponies had reached the front steps and climbed to the massive front door. Dash and the rest of the company stopped in front of the structure. She lifted her hoof and pushed open the door; it flew open as it did before and slammed into the interior wall.

Ryujin held his arm tight and sent more ruby sparks into his wound.

Shinigami growled, "Not this time."

He began to step forward when there was a sudden crash that echoed throughout the castle; Shinigami stopped. Both brothers faced the direction of the main door.

Shinigami smiled, "Well, well, well. Do you here that? They've come to save you."

"Don't hurt her!"

Shinigami raised an eye brow, "Her?"

Ryujin realized what he had just done, "Them...don't hurt them."

Shinigami threw back his head in laughter, "Don't tell me, you've started to care for that Pegasus."

Ryujin's gaze dropped to the floor, "I just don't want anyone to get hurt."

"You know, you say the most cliche lines when your lying. I can see right through you. And I want you to know that I will make you watch as I personally shred her to the bones."

Upon hearing those words Ryujin raised his head, his gaze was strong and determined, and growled. He sprinted after his brother before he could completely heal his arm. He raised his good hand and threw the best punch he could, but Shinigami grabbed the arm using his tail. Ryujin struggled, pushing forward with everything he had. Suddenly he was thrown to the ground, Shinigami was laughing above. Blood was leaking from Ryujin's arm as he slowly came to his feet. Shinigami disregarded his brothers efforts and turned to the exit.

Shinigami waved, "Don't worry, this'll only take a second."

Shinigami disappeared around the corner and left the library. Ryujin tried to take a step, but his leg couldn't handle it and he dropped to his knees. He sat on the ground panting; he turned to his arm which was throbbing with pain. He lifted his head and looked to the exit; after a few seconds his breathing calmed and he began to ignore the pain in his arm and the fatigue in his legs. He stood up, took one last deep breath, raised his hand, and blasted red sparks of magic into his wounds. Faster than ever, the wounds came together and sealed. The strength returned to his legs and he shook the blood from his body and ran forward.

The ponies walked on, checking the room around them as Dash led the way to the library. The hallway was in sight when, suddenly, a figure stepped out from it. This figure glistened with silver scales and looked at her with two small balls of fire for eyes. Dash stopped in her tracks and the others did the same.

Fluttershy timidly stepped forward and hid behind Dash, "Who is it?"

Dash slowly turned her head, "Take the others and run as fast as you can."

Shinigami smiled in a low growl and charged forward.

Dash quickly pushed Fluttershy back, "Run!"

Before she turned back around Shinigami was upon her; he grabbed her hoof and threw her behind him. She slammed against the wall before she could regain control; the impact was rough and painful, Dash shook her head to regain focus. Shinigami raised a claw and sliced at the rest of the ponies, but princesses Celestia and Luna stepped up and created a magical shield. Shinigami's hand bounced off the shield when made contact. He roared and span around to reached behind the ponies with his tail. He wrapped his tail around Rarity's tail and picked her up. Rarity screamed in pain and terror as she was swung around the room and at her own friends. Shinigami tossed her into the group and the whole bunch fell to the ground.

Shinigami stepped in front of the group and took a deep breath, the scales around his neck lit up a bright red. Dash watched as the fire left his throat. Twilight quickly pushed her way through her friends and formed a large purple bubble around them all. The flames banged pushed against the bubble, Twilight Cringed and struggled under the pressure. Dash wrinkled her brow and flew forward, she got ready to turn and kick Shinigami when she was suddenly grabbed by some-pony behind her.

Ryujin tossed Dash out of the way and charged forward. He tackled Shinigami to the ground and turned him on his back. Ryujin threw punch after punch and growled and snarled all the while. Shinigami struggled, trying to push his brother off of him, but Ryujin had him completely pinned down. Ryujin continued to punch and slice his brother; blood began to pour from Shinigami's face and chest. It wasn't long before Shinigami started to lose his breath, he made disturbing gargling sounds but Ryujin did not let up.

Twilight dropped her spell and fell back, panting. The rest of the ponies took a step back from Ryujin as he gruesomely ripped his brother apart. It wasn't long before Shinigami's arms dropped to the ground and he stopped functioning. Ryujin didn't care, he still tore and sliced and punched. It was several seconds before he finally grew tired and slowed. He stopped and panted in place. He lowered his arms and slowly looked around at the ponies; every one of them cringed at the sight of him, the blood covering his face and the sorry corpse underneath him.

Ryujin slowly stood up, "You all okay?"

The ponies were speechless, and frightened. Dash joined the rest of her friends; she glared at Shinigami's body as she walked.

Rarity looked at him, "I..I think so. But.."

"But what?"

She glanced at her friends, "Are you okay?"

Ryujin looked back at his brother for a few seconds.

He took a deep breath, "Yeah. Anyway we should get back to the town."

The ponies blankly nodded and discord gestured him forth.

"Well that was uh...something," Discord whispered to him.

Ryujin didn't answer, he just nodded. Discord stepped into the middle of the group and raised his arms. His strange magic surrounded every-pony and with a quick poof they were gone. When they reappeared in Ponyville, the night had ascended and most ponies were asleep. Ryujin took a few steps forward when his legs began to wobble; his fatigue had caught up to him. He shook and dropped to his knees. The ponies rushed forward and held him up.

Twilight lit up her horn and teleported the group into her castle.

"Come on, lets get him into one of the spare rooms."

They did as Twilight said and carried him into one of the castle's spare rooms. Spike came out of his room at the sound of all the commotion.

He ran to Twilight, "What happened?"

"I'll tell you later, Spike."

They placed him on the bed and stepped back. Ryujin had lost consciousness; he was covered in blood. The ponies slowly left the room and closed the door. They all looked at one another.

"Ain't any-pony gonna say somthin' about what we saw him do?" said Applejack.

"He did what he should of done," Dash blurted out.

Twilight looked at her, surprised, "Rainbow! Didn't you see what he did? He killed his brother."

"Perhaps his world is just naturally that violent. Who knows what he's used to?" Celestia commented.

"What are we going to do now?" Rarity asked.

"Well, there's nothing more that we can do tonight," said Dash.

After a little while, the ponies decided to deal with the situation in the morning. They all left the castle and went home to get a not so good night's sleep. Little did they know that Ryujin and Shinigami had gathered the attention of some very unpleasant types.

Back at the old castle, Shinigami's body lay rotting on the ground in a puddle of blood. A sound suddenly came from the front door. It soon burst open with a loud bang. On the other end was a large pony-like creature wearing a hood that hid it's features. It stepped forward, staying to the shadows. it traveled until it stood directly above Shinigami. Suddenly the creature flipped up the hood to reveal a dark green face, razor sharp teeth, and hole-covered hooves. The pony's horn began to glow a bright green that surrounded the dragon's corpse. The pony looked up and smiled.

In the morning, Ryujin slowly blinked and opened his eyes with a loud groan. he looked around at his room. He shook his head and quickly got up. He walked to the door and pushed it open lightly. Then walked through the castle until he found Twilight and the rest of the mane six in their thrones, which had been fully repaired by now. As he entered the room the ponies looked at him and he starred back.

Ryujin gulped, "Sorry if I uh, scared you all last night. I don't know what came over me," he glanced at Dash.

"It's...alright. What will you do now?" Twilight asked.

Ryujin sighed, "I'll have to go back and get his body so I can bury it, he was my brother after all, at least he was once."

"Want any help?"

Ryujin looked up at the ponies, again astonished at their kindness, even after he just got one of their friends killed.

"No, I got it."

The ponies nodded and Ryujin began to walk to the door.

"Uh...Ryujin?" Dash called.

Ryujin quickly turned to her, "Yes?"

Dash gestured to Ryujin with a disturbed look. Ryujin looked at his body and saw that he was still covered in dried blood.


"The bathroom is over there," Twilight gestured to a far room.

Ryujin smiled and walked over to the bathroom and washed himself of the blood and dirt that surrounded his whole being. After a few minutes he stepped out, good as new. He waved to the ponies and stepped out of the castle. When he got outside, the ponies in town starred at him silently. He took a deep breath and awkwardly walked to the edge of town and into the forest. When he was no longer in the sight of any-pony, he raised his hands and teleported himself to the old castle. When he arrived he found that the place had not changed; it was still dark, cold, and unwelcoming.

He walked inside and looked upon his brother, bloody and torn. He slowly walked up to him and knelt down beside his body. He reached under it and lifted it in his arms. He hesitated at first, some wasn't right; the body felt weird, unnatural. Ryujin was unsure of what was wrong, but he didn't want this to take any longer than it had to.

"Come on," he said to his brother, as if he could hear him.

Ryujin walked back outside, leaving a large dried blood stain on the ground in the castle. He exited the castle courtyard and looked around until he saw a small hill far off. He smiled and walked toward it, the farther from the castle he got, the lighter the forest became. When he finally reached the top of the hill, he gazed all around. The sun penetrated the tree line and illuminated the green patches of grass scattered around.

"This is as good a place as any."

He placed his brother on the ground gently and knelt down. He began to dig a sizable grave for Shinigami and didn't finish for about twenty minutes. When he was done he climbed out of the hole and picked up his brother once again. He turned and slowly placed the body in the grave. Ryujin stood up and looked around again. The forest was calm and the sun was warm on his face. Ryujin held up his head and felt the cool breeze tickle his neck. He turned back to the grave and began to fill it once more with dirt.

The ponies were still inside the castle, talking about their lost friend and trying their best to comfort each other; they had all been through a lot. Suddenly a bright red spark erupted in the middle of the room and a second later, Ryujin stood before them. He turned and looked at all of them.

He took a deep breath, "It's over."

Author's Note:

Opinions in the comments :pinkiecrazy: