• Published 7th Jul 2014
  • 864 Views, 51 Comments

Getting to Know you - PlayBitz

While learning to understand what makes you special, its crutial to take time for yourself. You never know who you may run into that can change your life forever.

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Chapter 4

Celestia’s sun was slowly creeping up into the sky gifting the land below with a new morning. A single ray of light was peeking through a the hotel window making it harder and harder for Playbitz to stay asleep. Shifting a bit, Bitz took in a long breath and turned to his side trying to find a comfy spot not flooded with sun. It was going well until he shifted enough to put pressure on his sprained wings which shot a jolt of hot pain through him waking him up.

“OW!” Bitz rolled over and buried his head into the pillow grunting. “Sweet mother of biscuits that hurt. Great way to wake up Bitz, Ugh!”

Playbitz slowly pushed himself off the pillow and matress and finally out of bed. He stretched out his legs like his normal routine. Just as he let out a big yawn another tinge of pain went through his back near his wing joints. This was cause either by sleeping on it wrong or that spectacular wreck yesterday. Slowly stretching, Bitz opted for the latter.

It was a typical morning since his recovery vacation started. First was the hardest part of waking up followed by a long session of nothing but stretches which consisted of Bitz slowly reaching out as far as he could with each appendage. After stretching out a bit, he decided to give his wings a good few flaps to try and see if even flying was possible.

Thankfully, to his relief, the slight hovering didn’t hurt too much more than it did the previous morning. With a sigh of relief, Bitz looked over to the weighted vest resting on his suitcase.

“Alright, now that’s over with, I think its time for a bit of food.” He said to himself as he slowly put on weighted vest.

Immediately after saying something about food, a realization hit him.

“Oh yeah! That’s right! I have that lunch date with Siren! Oh today just got AWESOME! Okay, easy there stud, just relax… cool the jets and play this smooth. Its just lunch. We just met and its not an actual date . . . just lunch with a really really cute mare.”

Bitz stopped talking to himself for a bit and was wondering why he was getting more tired than usual by simply hovering. Looking down right at the vest, he was very happy no pony was around to see the blush go across his face as he quickly remembered he was wearing extra weight.

Firmly landing on the wooden floors, he walked over to a mirror to address himself. Pointing with his hoof to the mirror and himself he gave a stern look.

“Stay cool, calm, and reserved. Its just lunch.”

“Oh sweet Celestia. A DATE… why did he have to call this a date? This isn’t a date! I mean, I just met the guy.” Bliss stopped pacing for a moment and stared off into space for a moment. “Who goes off and is just like ‘hey, I know we just met and all but lets start dating cause you know, why not?’”

Bliss was very flustered. The morning had started pretty average. Waking up, bark at the rays of the sun as she tried to hide under the covers for a but up until her brain woke up and brought up her mental daily schedule. It was when she was thinking about lunch when she remembered what the reckless pegasus said the day before.

“It’s a date. No its not, who the hell just openly declares going on a date without trying to get to know a pony before hand?” Bliss stopped herself a bit and took a few breaths. “Easy girl. He can’t be that naive. Sure, reckless but he can’t be that rash. Look, we’ll just go, set a few things straight and try to have a decent lunch. Oh Shoot!”

The rest of her mental schedule was coming to her and she remembered that she still had to find time to start rehearsing for the competition coming up in the next few days. She was settling down a bit while she remembered what other things she had to do for the day. The only problem was that her mind kept going back to the last words Playbitz said the previous day.

“It’s a date.” Bliss rolled out of bed. The voice of Playbitz playing over and over in her head saying the same thing. “It’s a date. No its not! Its not a date.”

She continued to have the mental battle of trying to go over her daily schedule and the date argument while she got ready for the day. Slowly the argument was making her more and more agitated when she finally had enough.

“No, no more. I simply have too much stuff happening right now to even be considering looking for a stallion yet alone just a ‘date’. I’m going to have to set this Playbitz straight on a few things since . . . really, what block head assumes a meet up is a date?”

Playbitz was making his way through Ponyville to the little café to meet up with Siren Bliss. He left a bit early since he decided to keep wearing his weighted vest. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing to wear but he needed to get used to its feel and weight to keep using it like he’s supposed. The added weight was not very hard to walk around with, but when it came to flying with it, whole different story.

Playbitz rounded the corner to the café and there outside, was Bliss sitting at a table sipping on a tea. As he approached the table, he passed by a waitress and asked that a coffee be brought to the table. He sat down and smiled while he got situated then looked up to see Bliss smiling but looking a little flustered.

“Hello, sorry if I’m late.”

“Oh you’re not late, in fact I think the two of us are a bit early. I had a few things I needed to take care of this morning and figured it would be easier to relax a bit here than try to beat the clock. Better early than late.”

Playbitz smiled as the waitress came by and delivered his coffee. “Will that be all, sir?”

“Yes ma’am, thank you. So, Bliss,” he turned his attention back to her. “I was wanting to say that this …” he motioned to the two of them with his hoof shaking it between them a bit. “…is more of just us meeting up and not like an actual date. Right?”

Bliss’s eyes went wide and she let out a rather big sigh. “Thank Celestia.” She quickly covered her mouth and gave off a sheepish blush.

“I’m sorry if that was a bit rash, just this has been weighing on my mind since yesterday.” Bliss gave off a nervous chuckle. “I mean, could you believe that I thought that you meant this to be a date?”

Playbitz was taken back a little by her rather forward comment but relaxed when what she said made perfect sense.

“Yeah, I mean don’t get me wrong, it would be awesome to get a date with you at some point but a little café lunch is hardly what I would call a good date location.” He said while smiling and taking a sip of his coffee.

Bliss had tensed up a bit more from that statement. She had to set this blockhead straight. “Well, first off I do very much agree with you.

Secondly as charming as that may be to hear, I’m not ready for any type of relationship right now. Too much happening that I fear would take away from enjoying anything a relationship could offer. Or anything I could offer to the relationship.”

While what she said was little, it had felt that whatever chances Bitz had with this girl was dashed before it even was properly developed. He mentally scolded himself
Way to go, not only do you strike out any chances but you got her upset. Tact there stallion, tact.

“But you know, you seem like a nice enough pony and I’m always willing to make new friends!”

At a nearby table, a lavender alicorn princess’s ears perked up and began looking around for what may have caused her inner voice to start cheering.

“I can always use new friends. So, shall we possibly start on a better note?” Bitz asked with an unsure smile.

“Why yes, I believe that would be wonderful. Hello, my name is Siren Bliss.” She reached out her hoof and Bitz reached out with his and gave hers a shake.

“Hello Siren Bliss, I’m Playbitz, though you can call me Bitz. It’s nice to meet you.” He said while smiling.

The two sat back down and took a sip of their beverage before continuing.

“So, Bitz could you tell me a bit about yourself? Like could you tell me where you’re from and what do you do?” She said with a bit of enthusiasm.

“Well, first of all, I’m part of a weather team. Nothing too fancy but it’s a living. From time to time I enjoy running into a rogue storm or few and enjoy the feeling and sounds of a good storm.”

Bliss tilted her head and asked. “Rogue storm?”

“Yeah, those are the pesky unplanned storms that brew up every once in a while and some get to be a bit strong.”

“Strange, though I thought that all storms were either planned or at least accounted for at the very least?” Bliss asked as she took another sip of her tea.

“Well, Its rather complicated and while I could go into more details but it gets rather technical and boring if you’re not into the kind of stuff.”

Bitz rubbed the back of his head, knowing full well trying to learn the whole process himself took a classroom and at least a month. “I can go into that more later on if you’re still interested.”

“Ah, fair enough. Lets see, Well I’m from Ponyville and I work at a little music shop. Nothing too crazy but I… wait a moment, you wouldn’t happen to know what time it is would you?” Bliss had asked as she set her now empty cup of tea down.

Playbitz’s smile softened as he looked around. He then motioned for a waiter as they were passing by. “Excuse me, you wouldn’t happen to know the time would you?”

Author's Note:

Alright guys n gals. This is not complete. I wanted to post something to show that I have been working on this, its just been very very slow with all thats happening. I will be working more on this and will be getting this edited too.

So... this is NOT edited or a finished chapter.