• Published 17th Jul 2014
  • 942 Views, 33 Comments

Notes of Love - Evowizard25

Frederic was a down on his luck stallion with a broken heart. Pinkie's...Pinkie. I don't think his heart will stay broken for long.

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Music can hurt, but it can also heal

I’m a musician, a pianist to be specific. I discovered my talent at a relatively early age, due to my parents pressuring me into the arts. I don’t hate them for it. In fact, I love them for pushing me. I sincerely doubt I’d be where I was if not for them.

So, I spent years upon years perfecting my skills. It didn’t take me long to get noticed. It started with talent contests and then it quickly moved to fancy parties my parents liked to throw. I’d always be the star, the center of attention. That’s how my parents liked it and I never wanted to disappoint them. While I was never a shy pony, it was unnerving the first few times. I quickly came to love it though. I soaked in the applause and fame like a sponge. Not too much of it, mind you. My parents were always there to slap me back onto the right track.

I couldn’t help but sigh. If they could see me now…they’d be so disappointed in me right now. They weren’t the only one.
Here sat little lonely Frederic in front of his favorite instrument, trying and failing to play. I wanted to, oh how I wanted to. My hooves hovered over the keys as the music played in my mind, but…It must all muddled. I couldn’t think straight. My breathing grew quicker. ‘Why can’t I do this? Why can’t I play?’

I sighed. I knew why. She was gone. Gone forever, my Beauty Brass.

“Frederic, I’m so, so sorry.”

What was she sorry for? I was the failure. I couldn’t make us work.

I sniffled and rubbed my nose. It wouldn’t do me good, getting my beloved instrument dirty. Yet, I couldn’t help it. She was my everything. My best friend since childhood.

‘My love.’

I couldn’t keep her and it was tearing me up inside. She didn’t want me anyways. I wasn’t worthy of her. My music was inferior to the serene notes that she played on her sousaphone.

Still, I had to play. I had to keep some semblance of control and passion in my life. It had been days since we’ve spoken and weeks since we broke up, but I couldn’t stop beating myself over it. It was frustrating.

I place my hooves over the notes and tried to calm my breath. I had to focus. I had to try and let my soul heal. So, I let my hooves do the work. They flourished over the piano, notes filling the air. I felt alive, complete here. Maybe I could get over her. Maybe…

“I don’t think it’s going to work out between us.”

My hooves flopped, striking the wrong cords. I cringed at the horrible sound. ‘Focus. Don’t remember.’ I had to block her out. I had to forget my love for her. I started playing again.

She didn’t think it would work? She agreed to date me. She could have said no. She could have just let us remain friends, but no. She wanted to try. Well, look where that got me. Anger built up and it showed in playing. My hooves went down harder than I should have on the piano. The music that filled the area cold and harsh.

‘She left me with nothing, but a broken heart! Is she that cruel? Did she plan it?’

“I still care for you, remember that.”

My playing stopped. I knew she cared for me and I her. I really did. Of course I did! We were friends since we were mere markless children. I remember being so shy when I first met her. I didn’t know why I was. I just found her cute. She was far more boisterous and over the years, she’s always dragging me out to different places and trying new things. I liked that about her. Some spontaneity is always good. It gave me something to look forward to.

But now she had somepony else. She was happy and here I was just sulking.

“I…I just don’t love you the same way you love me.”

My heart threatened to shatter again. Those words cut me deep, much deeper than she intended. I LOVED HER! I always loved her, ever since I could understand love, I loved her. For years I wanted her and now….

Was it love? Was it really? I wondered about that ever since the breakup. I cared for her with all my heart. ‘Yes, it is love…but she’s right. She doesn’t love me like I her.’

I shook my head to try and clear my thoughts. I had to keep playing. I was a musician, for Celestia’s sake. I haven’t played before anypony in weeks. I know my fellow musical brethren were being supportive, Octavia more so, but I couldn’t keep this up. I’d be booted out in the end. They didn’t need me to drag them down.

Striking the notes, I started up my music. It wasn’t what I wanted though. The accent was off, like it wasn’t all their and what was there was a broken heap. It was a mangled creature of composition that nearly made my ears bleed.

I played on through it. I had to keep playing. Music helped me forget. It gave me purpose, even with a broken heart, but it was bleeding through. The air was filled with heartache and discord and I could faintly hear little pings of something wet striking my piano. ‘Odd. It wasn’t raining when I came in…and I certainly don’t think this building is in such disrepair that a hole in the ceiling would occur.’

“I think we should try and find someone else.”

My hooves fell harshly on the keys, stopping in mid-bridge.

‘Find someone else? HOW? WHO?! WHY?’ I couldn’t answer any of that. I just hurt. I wanted the pain to go away. I wanted to smile again AND WHAT”S WITH THE RAIN?

The droplets were getting worse…and was my face wet? I put a hoof to my cheeks. They were soaked. I couldn’t believe it. I was crying again. I told myself I wouldn’t cry. WHY WAS I CRYING?

My jaw hit the keys and I covered my head with my hooves. ‘I’m a sobbing wreck. Unfit to even touch a piano, let alone play one.’ I gripped my mane and pulled in frustration.

I wanted to be happy. I wanted to smile. I wanted to love.


But that’s when I heard it. It was but one note, but it grabbed my attention. Turning to face what or whoever touched my beloved piano, I came face to face with none other than Pinkie Pie.

Oh, I knew her name. Nopony in Equestria doesn’t know of the Elements of Harmony, nor could I forget the mare who had ruined the Grand Galloping Gala of last year. Honestly, I should be furious with her. I should’ve asked her to leave, force her even. I didn’t though. I don’t know why.

Now that I think of it, I didn’t really hate her for her actions. Embarrassed was more like it. I mean, she rubbed her rump right up against mine in front of a large crowd of nobles. Who does that? Apparently the pink menace did.

Whatever anger or frustration I had for her disappeared the moment I stared into those large blue orbs of hers, I couldn’t help but let go the pain. Maybe I was just tired, or maybe she’s just that good at her element. I don’t know the answer to that one.

She wasn’t jumping up and down or doing anything crazy like that. She was just giving me a warm smile that reached her eyes. I could practically feel the warm compassion she giving me.

So lost in thought, I barely noticed her playing the note again. I did however, so I just gave her a curious look. She didn’t do anything more than play the note again.

‘Does she want to…’ I believe she saw my dawning realization, for she nodded and played the note again.

I looked at my own hooves. I wondered if I still had it in me to play with somepony else. I wondered if I was worthy too…’Oh, buck up and play with the cute mare.’

I gulped and played a much lower note. Her smile grew bigger and she played another note. I followed suite and I was astonished. An honest to Celestia smile started to work its way onto my face. Every time she played something, I’d play something to compliment her. With each key pressed, our music started to grow faster and more complex.

I couldn’t believe it. This mare who I remembered as nothing more than a pony on eternal sugar high was playing like a master. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t impressed. No, I was moved by her music. Everything was perfect, from the timing to the pressure she put onto each and every piece. I couldn’t help but smile as wide as the mare next to me.

I listened to our song and I noticed the differences. My notes were strict and precise, while hers were chaotic and random. Yet, they came together to form something I’ve never heard before in my life. I loved it.

Sadly, the song had to eventually come to an end, but what an end it was. I could just picture a massive audience singing us praises for our masterpiece. Frederic and Pinkie; the music duo of the century. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought.

Still, with the end of the song came both the euphoria and a little panting. I guessed me and her put quite a bit into this performance, for we were both sweating and panting like, dare I say, dogs. Uncouth to say the least.

I looked to her and for some reason, the light bounced off her fur delightfully so. If I didn’t know any better, I’d have mistaken her for an angel come to aid me in my time of need. ‘Maybe she is.’

Before I could say anything, the sound of somepony clapping from the seats caught my attention. Looking to the source, I was shocked to find the new hit sensation in the fashion world; Rarity.

“Brava, brava,” she exclaimed. “Encore!”

I smiled with pride. It may not have been a huge ensemble, but performing for a pony as renowned as Rarity was uplifting. I raised up from my seat and quickly bowed to her, showing my gratitude. Pinkie seemed to follow suite.

When I say follow suite, I mean she back-flipped off the seat, did a few spins in the air before falling to the ground in a bow similar to my own. I briefly wondered if the mare was some sort of acrobat of sorts. She certainly had the skills for it.

“Wowee, wowza,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, righting herself. “That was the best duo piece I’ve ever played.”

“I take it you play often,” I spoke with some humor. While I’ve worked on perfecting my mainland Equestrian, my germane accent still had an underlying undertone.

Pinkie Pie nodded enthusiastically. “Oh your super duper right. Playing instruments is fun.”

I inclined my head. “On that, we can agree, but I do have to ask. Why are you here?”

Pinkie smiled and got right up in my face within a second. I was both off-put and a little intrigued to be that close to her. ‘She’s actually a very nice looking mare.’

Her smile turned into a frown. “I was walking with my friend, Rarity, when my Pinkie Sense…”

“Pinkie Sense?” I raised an eyebrow. ‘Such a ridiculous term.’

“It’s best not to ask, darling,” Rarity spoke up, stopping beside us.

“Well, my Pinkie Sense acted up telling me there was a sad pony somewhere close by and I thought, ‘that’s terrible’,” Pinkie appeared next to Rarity in the span of a blink of the eye. “So I grabbed Rarity and ran all the way through Canterlot trying to find the sad pony.”

Rarity huffed and fretted with her mane with a hoof. “More like threw me onto her back and took off running.” She sent a mock glare at Pinkie. “You’re lucky my coiffure wasn’t, as you put it, messed up badly.”

Pinkie giggled. “Aww, don’t worry Rarara, your Aunt Pinkie wouldn’t do anything to mess up your coffee.” She tapped her chin. “I didn’t even know you drank coffee.”

“I do,” Rarity said, looking a little ticked with the nickname. “But that’s beside the point, deary. I believe you were answering Herr Frederic here.”

“Right,” Pinkie stomped her hoof in determination.

I couldn’t help but look on in bewilderment. These two made such an odd couple of characters.

“So, we raced all over Canterlot and Rarity was like ‘slow down’ and I was like ‘NEVER!’ and the other ponies were like ‘Jump for your live!’,” all the while Pinkie was talking, she was imitating the ponies she was talking about. Again, Frederic wondered if she was an actress of sorts. “But eventually I found this theater. Rarity told me that nopony was inside since it was closed, but I didn’t believe her. My Pinkie Sense is never wrong and I’d never abandon a sad pony because of a closed sign. So, I ran inside and saw you crying over the piano.” She cupped my cheeks in her hooves. “You looked so mopey dopey that I had to do something fast.” She sped over and propped herself on the stool on the piano. “I figured that you like music, so I started playing, but playing by yourself isn’t all that cracked up to be, so I wanted you to play with me.” She jumped up and threw her forelegs in the air. Surprisingly, confetti shot out from behind her. “And you did.” She pulled me into a tight hug. “And now you’re all smiley.”

“Err…” I didn’t know exactly what to say to that. A mare tracked me all the way here just to make me smile. Honestly, I was a little overwhelmed. “I thank you, Miss Pie.”

Pinkie giggled. “Call me Pinkie, silly.” She rubbed my head with her hoof like one would do with a child.

“Yes Pinkie,” I said, straightening out my mane. “I’d like to say I’m very thankful for what you’ve done for me. To be honest, it’s been days since I’ve last smiled or felt happy.”

Pinkie gasped. “Going days without smiling? That’s horrible. What happened?”

I sighed. “I’d rather not talk about it.”

“Okay,” Pinkie chirped happily.

“While it was a pleasure to meet you Herr Frederic,” Rarity chimed, pulling her friend along. “We must be going. Auf Wiedersehen.”

“Auf Wiedersehen,” I muttered. While it was wonderful to speak the mother language, I felt a little hollow just letting her…I mean them, go.

“Frederic, I want you to be happy…Please, if you care for me, find somepony who’ll make you smile.”

I grit my teeth. I wasn’t going to wallow in my misery anymore. I was going to smile. I was going to live my life to the fullest…I’m going to ask that beautiful mare out on a date. He rushed up to the departing mare.

“Miss Pie! Miss Pie!” Turning around, the mares gave him a curious gaze. Stopping in front of the pink beauty, he tried to say the words on his mind. “Miss Pie…”

“Pinkie,” she clarified.

“Pinkie,” I said. The name rolled off my tongue like sweet honey. “I just wanted to say that a simple thank you won’t suffice.”

Pinkie giggled. “You don’t have to get me anything. Making ponies smile is what I love to do.”

I shook my head. “No, I want to do more. Would…” I hesitated for a moment, my cheeks turning a tinge red. “Would you mind attending dinner with me?”

“Sure,” Pinkie said. “Rarity and me…”

“Darling,” Rarity interrupted with a knowing smile. “I think he just wants to go out with you.”

Pinkie’s eyes widened and she looked at me in shock. “You mean like a date?”

I shakily nodded, starting to sweat in my nervousness.”

“Of course I will, silly,” Pinkie giggled with a small tinge of red dotting her cheeks. Honestly, she looked even cuter when she blushed. “I’ve never been on a date before, well actually I’ve been on several dates, but those were fruits, not date dates. Are we going to going out on dates during our date, that’d be weird, unless it’s a giant date…”

Rarity shoved a hoof in her mouth, stopping her from speaking. I was both thankful and peeved. While the mare was going to pretty much talk me to death, I didn’t think silencing her like that was…Okay it was called for, but still.

“She’s delighted,” Rarity said.

My smile split my face as I reared up in excitement. “WUNDERBAR!” I blushed in embarrassment from my outburst. “I mean, that is delightful news.”

Rarity hid a giggle behind her hoof. “So, where shall you two meet?”

“Well, I don’t know, but…” I started.

“I know just the place,” Rarity spoke up. “Gustave le Grand is a personal acquaintance of mine. He owns a restaurant not far from here. I’ll have a little chat with the darling and you’ll have free seats in no time.”

“That sounds awesome,” Pinkie pulled Rarity into a hug. “Thank you, bested fashion friend.”

“You’re welcome,” Rarity smiled.

I gritted my teeth. “Sounds lovely.” I didn’t really think so. I knew Gustave, or at least, a few things about him. The main thing, he was Prench. Not that I had anything against them…Okay, yes, but that’s between our two countries, not us. That, and I hated Prench food, but I couldn’t say that in front of the duo. That’d ruin my chances with Pinkie. “I shall meet you at six.” It was still early day, so that’d give me several hours to prepare.

“Six it is then,” Rarity led Pinkie out.

I sighed in both aggravation and bliss. “Love is complicated.”

Author's Note:

And there you people go, my Pinkie OTP...What's that? You've never heard of this ship before?...Why? They rubbed butts together, surely you saw the signs.

(Most likely, this'll be a two-three parter.)

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