• Published 23rd Jul 2014
  • 409 Views, 9 Comments

Twisted Magic: Black - Randomizer77

What would you be willing to do in order to get literally anything you want? For fourteen creatures, there’s only one answer: destroy everyone and everything standing in the way.

  • ...

Mutilated, Pt. 1

When the lights are low in this place... you get plenty of time for thinking.

It beats the alternative: listening to the screams that come from every direction.

In the Solitary Block, a green earth pony dressed in a black-and-white suit sat in the corner of his cell with his face covered by his forelegs.

Must’ve been years I was left alone in that darkness. But when you look like I do, it’s probably for the best.

The stallion uncovered his face, revealing...

He didn’t have one!

Like a twisted version of Slender Mane, his eyes and mouth were sewn shut!

My life was over. But the griffon who did this to me, to my face, he was still out there.

But one day, I had a visitor.

Guy’s name was Calypso. He ran this freak show contest he wanted me to be a part of. If I entered and won, he said I’d taste the payback I’d been dreaming about. I just wanted to find the son of a bitch who destroyed my life!

How could I refuse?

Deke was a boxer at a local gym. His father was a championship boxer. Bout after bout, his father knocked out fighter after fighter, most often in the first round. Deke knew he had a champion’s blood in him. But unlike his father, Deke had never been a contender for the National Title; rather, he fought purely for the love of the sport. Every fight would go the distance and the fans loved the show that Deke would put on. One night’s bout was going to be an easy one. The bookmakers had listed him as a favorite against the newcomer. Deke’s confidence was strong. But all of that changed soon after he stepped into the ring...

Blackfield Asylum
Patient Profile


Age: 30

Species: Earth pony

Sex: Male

Physical Description: Green fur; white mane/tail; *no eyes*

Cutie Mark: Tombstone


DISORDER: Chronic pain; rage disorder with psychotic features; brain trauma.

TREATMENT: Pony tranquilizers; isolation.

Vehicle: Crazy 8 (Cord 810)
Speed: 8/10
Control: 7/10
Armor: 5/10
Special: 6/10
Special Attack: Field Surge

Deke drives the very car that his father won in a National Title match many years ago. Its dated appearance hides an advanced Special Attack. When initiated, Crazy 8's Special Attack surrounds the car in an electrical surge that seeks out a nearby target. To inflict more damage, additional, smaller surges can be created during the weapon’s use, or the field can be charged before activation. Opponents must be kept close, or the electrical connection will be lost.

Round 1: Zorko Bros. Scrap & Salvage
Opponents: 7

If I win, I can ask for any prize? I'll take revenge. Try having your face ripped apart; see what you ask for...

Life could send curveballs at you; if you were lucky, you’d get a hint that they were coming, but most of the time, you never realized they were even there until they connected. In Deke’s case, he had been thrown three curveballs in a row: his life being destroyed, becoming a mental asylum patient and becoming a contestant in a to-the-death vehicular combat contest.

However, the third curveball presented him with the chance to get even with who was responsible for the first one. But to make good use of that chance, he had to take out who knows how many other drivers vying for victory.

Racing across the junkyard, Deke busted open some stacked crates to uncover a homing missile, then headed onto nearby higher ground to take a fire missile. Grabbing a gas can in mid-air, he launched the fire missile at an opponent in the distance, but proved to be too far away, as the missile instead crashed into the ground.

Landing, he pursued his intended target across the ‘yard, but broke off the chase when they moved too far out of effective range. Jumping onto the large roof of a one-story building, he only stayed on it for a moment before jumping off in search of a target.

...There: an ice cream truck. Following it onto the elevated ground “ramp,” Deke waited until the truck stopped and turned around to face him, then activated a Field Surge, quickly sapping his target’s health bar. When the truck dashed past, he turned to face it; it did the same, still wanting to fight.

Deke attacked with a fire missile, a burst of machine gun fire, and another Field Surge, but his opponent quickly got out of the Special’s range and leapt off of the end of the ramp. Deke followed, but briefly lost sight of the truck... there! Putting the pedal to the floor, he chased after the truck and launched one, two, three, four homing missiles.

One down. A repair pickup in front of the remains of a bowling alley sign undid some of the damage sustained from the duel with the ice cream truck, but as he drove away, a shadowy object whizzed by and exploded against the wall of the junkyard, a reminder that Crazy 8 wasn’t the only vehicle here with a trick up its sleeve.

The vertical crusher rose, allowing Deke to grab the pickup weapon perilously located underneath. Selecting the newly-acquired satellite and getting ahold of a Mega Gun clip, he fired the sat and got it to land on a muted purple hearse. Taking aim at an orange marker off in the distance, he started sending a hail of mega gun metal in its direction. He briefly relented when a number of large boulders suddenly entered his path and crashed into his car, but he kept plowing forward and emptied the rest of the extra-powerful bullets into the vehicle responsible: a very large dump truck.

The hulking machine sped away, but the hot rod wasn’t going to let it go so easily. Deke U-turned and chased after it, throwing a gas can and fire missile before breaking off his pursuit and heading to the horizontal crusher, but then stopping at the entrance. It proved to be a wise move, as the walls slammed shut a moment later.

When the walls reopened, he made haste through the perilous path they surrounded and gravitated to a homing missile near the repair station. By now, the dump truck was nowhere to be seen, leaving Deke with no potential targets... until a two-wheeled contraption soon decided it wanted a piece of him. He responded with a Field Surge, after which the contraption’s pilot decided that they no longer wanted a piece of him.

Once again lacking any targets, Deke picked up the gas can from the end of the elevated ground ramp and entered a tunnel whose entrance was framed by a section of airplane fuselage. The tunnel‘s innards ended up containing a repair pickup among a few weapons. After exiting, he activated an environmental attack, successfully scoring a few hits on one of his adversaries.

A hunt for another foe bore fruit in the form of a taxi, which he pounced on with a Field Surge, but it quickly moved out of range to break the connection. Not one to be discouraged so easily, Deke chased after it while unleashing his entire stock of homing missiles; the taxi survived the assault, however.

Any plans to keep pursuing it went out the window when what looked like the offspring of a car and a tank got up close while throwing a couple of gas cans at him, an action that Deke reciprocated. His car was now near the “danger zone,” and rather than push his luck, he instead hopped into a suspended airplane piece to grab a repair pickup.

Entering the large building in the center of the junkyard, stacked crates were destroyed to gain access to the pickup weapons they covered. The car-tank showed its face again and hit Crazy 8 with a gas can that set it aflame, but in retaliation, was pelted with a full-force assault from an environmental.

As the fire was quickly extinguished via turbo, Deke took a shortcut through the horizontal crusher on his way to the repair station, where he quickly brought his car back into fighting shape. Cycling through his weapons, he selected a reticle and backed off of the station, and just in time, as a power missile struck his previous position a split-second later. Unintimidated, he charged up the reticle and fired it at the dump truck, taking it out.

Deke drove backward and U-turned, but Crazy 8 lived up to its name by instead doing a wild spin that ended with it facing a barrier, stalling its driver long enough to get hit by a projectile that thankfully on inflicted scratch damage. Leaving the earthy ramp, he set his sights on the hearse, only for it to dash past him and up the ramp, prompting him to pursue. The gap between them proved too great, however, and the hearse shook him off its tail.

Leaping off the ground ramp, Deke restarted his search for a target, and quickly crossed paths with the taxi once again. It was on higher ground... a narrow path. He charged up a Field Surge and let it loose; the cramped space prevented his opponent from escaping and caused them to take the full brunt of the attack. Then, a collision finished it off.

Another shadow passed close by, and Deke quickly pinpointed the vehicle that fired it: the hearse. As Crazy 8 closed the distance between them, the hearse’s driver changed tactics and started fleeing, with the hot rod following close behind. He chased it around the bowling alley sign, past the crusher and another contestant, and finally unleashed a Field Surge.

The blue electrical bolts surrounded Crazy 8 and arced out toward the hearse, but the latter soon broke the connection. Undaunted, he U-turned and chased the faded purple machine onto the roof of the single-story building, but it jumped off a couple of moments before he landed. Keeping up the pursuit, he grabbed a zoomy, took a hit from another shadow, and fired his weapon, putting his target onto its last legs. It started to flee, but couldn’t outmaneuver a pair of homing missiles.

A ricochet wizzing by alerted Deke to the whereabouts of the nearest enemy, which turned out to be the car-tank. In trying to line itself up for another attack, it stood still long enough to be nailed with a power missile. Both vehicles were briefly thrown into the air by a blue shockwave, then the contraption came rushing in while sending out another shockwave, throwing Crazy 8 against a building.

Shaking off the impact, Deke resumed chasing the car-tank, throwing a gas can and a homing missile its way. It dodged a fire missile, then cloaked itself in a shield. Deke simply waited for the moment the shield wore off to destroy the vehicle with a fire missile.

The contraption came over one of the dirt piles and released a shockwave, and Deke took off in pursuit, his hot rod’s old school engine roaring away. He chased it past the repair station, across the ground ramp, through the lone building, past a blue vintage sports car and swiftly dispatched it with a charged Field Surge.

Just the sports car left. But Deke didn’t let himself get cocky just because it was the last opponent standing; he didn’t know what they could do. He’d have to keep his guard up.

Initially, he avoided his remaining foe, instead speeding into the plane tunnel and collecting the weapons within; only after gathering a good-size stockpile of weapons—and fixing his car with a couple of repair pickups—did he seek out the sports car.

It was ready for him; when Deke used a Field Surge, the rival driver used their car’s speed to swiftly get out of range and shoot back with a zoomy. Going on looks, Deke guessed that the sports car wasn’t well-armored; hay, it was probably worse than his car in that aspect. He tested this theory with another Field Surge, this one charged; sure enough, the sports car’s status bar drained rapidly before it struck him with a freeze missile.

Breaking free, he considered using his machine gun, now loaded with mega gun bullets, but decided against it; he’d rather save them for round 2. Using turbo to push his car to its limits, he trailed the sports car across the junkyard and when it was in the proper place, stopped it with a freeze missile, then activated an environmental and finished it off with a power missile while it was immobilized.

Round 2: Midtown Expressway 104
Opponents: 7

You grow up on the east side of Midtown, not much affects you anymore. That's why it doesn’t bother me, killin' these other drivers.

The freeways. This battleground was very open, perfect for Crazy 8 to stretch its legs, so to speak. But at the same time, the open space could also provide more avenues of escape from its Field Surge, unless the vehicle being targeted had a significant speed disadvantage.

Deke had already packed his weapon bay almost to the brim in the previous round; he decided to top it off and thus headed to the go-kart track, where he picked up a satellite and a few missiles. Jumping back onto the expressway, he launched the sat and chased a police SUV down an on/off-ramp, intending to hit it with the weapon’s full force.

It was too far away, however, and the weapon missed, but not by much. As it attacked him with a fire missile and a roof-mounted gun turret, the two vehicles slammed into each other head-on before dashing back up to the main road.

While the SUV turned right, the now-wounded Deke turned left and jumped the gap between the expressway and the stadium twice over to get the two repair pickups hovering in the air. Landing safely outside of the building, he turned and opened fire on the dump truck, throwing a couple of extra power missiles and ricochets for good measure. On their last legs, the truck’s driver wised up, but their vehicle wasn’t fast enough to get away from a lethal Field Surge.

Deke reversed off the ramp to avoid a ricochet and a power missile launched by the SUV, after which he returned fire with two power missiles of his own that landed squarely on their target and were followed by a Field Surge. The SUV broke the connection and rear-fired a gas can, but Crazy 8 didn’t back down, following it and launching a few fire missiles before a different contestant heading down the expressway—the contraption—set their sights on him.

As the SUV sped away and the contraption raced down the on/off-ramp, Deke launched homing missiles at the latter while reversing. When his opponent reached the bottom, he floored it and roared past them back up the ramp, hung a left and jumped into the stadium.

But he wasn’t alone; the contraption soon followed him. Deke heavily damaged it with a charged Field Surge, and it turned tail and fled; as it exited the stadium, the hearse entered. Launching a fire missile in its direction, he realized that his car was in rough shape; the stadium held a repair station, but he’d first have to lure the hearse away from it.

The latter’s driver went on the offensive, trying to hit with a satellite, but Crazy 8 dodged, almost hitting one of the go-karts racing around the circle track. The hearse launched another satellite, but Deke dodged it, too, then used the opportunity to speed onto the station. Upon his car being fixed up, he took a glancing hit from a gas can, quickly reversed, and retaliated with a fire missile.

The contraption rejoined the fight, throwing Crazy 8 into the air with a shockwave before Deke exited the stadium and collected a satellite along the way. He quickly fired the weapon, and when the contraption followed him out of the stadium... bam! Racing to one end of the expressway, Deke grabbed a gas can, homing missile, MG upgrade and ricochet, then turned around and headed the other way, passing several civilian cars along the way. At the on/off-ramp, he activated a Field Surge and performed a quick drive-by to eliminate the SUV.

The taxi, surprisingly, was still at full health; Deke changed that with a pair of fire missiles. Speeding to the expressway’s opposite end, he jumped off the off-ramp and into a huge, mostly empty hospital floor, where he collected a repair pickup.

Suddenly, a red plus symbol appeared on his radar and an unusual scream started approaching. Rather be safe than sorry, he activated a shield and stopped. The scream continued to grow in volume before a projectile impacted his car, after which he continued on his way.

When he reached the windows of the hospital, he paused... two other contestants had followed him up there. Not wanting to back down, he selected his Special Attack, raced to meet them, and unleashed a Field Surge on the taxi, but a split second later, it shot several spikes toward him that knocked him airborne and backward.

As it raced by, Deke started driving in reverse, avoiding another group of its spikes, and landed a glancing hit with a gas can when it passed by in front of him. Getting a bead on the taxi next to the windows, he opened fire with his machine gun, then hit with a ricochet that pushed it over the edge, and launched a second ricochet after it for good measure.

Turning away from the windows, he sped across the floor and started a duel with the other vehicle that had followed him up there: the hearse. It hit him with a homing missile; he did the same. When it moved behind him, he rear-fired another homing missile, then reversed as it attacked with a zoomy.

Deke raced toward the same windows the taxi exited from, rear-firing another homing missile just before he exited; a projectile launched by the hearse struck him in mid-air before he landed back on the expressway. Darting around the civilians, he refilled his turbo, then fixed his car on the repair station outside of the construction site.

Heading back onto the expressway, he veered into the stadium to pick up more weapons, then a few contestants moved their brawl into the same area. Deke fired a satellite, paused to catch his breath, and then raced into the stadium and landed a direct hit on the taxi, leaving it hanging on by a thread. As he left it in his dust, he rear-fired a couple of fire missiles that finished it off.

Jumping off the stadium bleachers and onto the expressway, he noticed a nearby blip on his radar. U-turning, he drove down the on/off-ramp in the direction of the blip, which turned out to belong to the hearse. It was too far away for a Field Surge to work... until Deke raced in close to it and reduced it to scrap metal.

Traveling around the outside of the stadium, he found a way back inside, whereupon he fired a power missile at the contraption, which retaliated with a fire missile and a shockwave. Another red plus symbol appeared on the radar and started homing in on him, so he turned on the turbo and exited the stadium to try and outrun it.

Deke just managed to succeed. With the heat off of him, he activated invisibility, U-turned, and headed back for the stadium, but then he passed by the barely-hanging-on contraption. He ended his invisibility early to rear-fire a fire missile to take out his opponent.

Running a ring around the outside of the stadium netted a few pickups, but he needed more than that; he needed to repair his car. With the repair station no longer active, he collected a repair pickup in the construction site and the hospital before jumping out of the latter and landing back on the expressway, where he was greeted by a dirty, rusty junk car.

When it hit Deke with a missile, he retaliated with a Field Surge that inflicted a decent amount of damage before the junker’s driver broke the connection, but a screaming missile from the other opponent made sure that the junker would get off with more than just a few scratches.

While the two other drivers grappled with each other, Deke cut through the construction site, drove down the expressway a short distance, and collected a repair pickup while entering the stadium, also grabbing a zoomy inside.

He started to drive up the bleachers, but stopped when he noticed an approaching radar blip. Changing tactics, he backed up toward the stadium center, and when the opposing car entered, fired the zoomy, landing all ten missiles on their target.

The now very angry junker charged at him while shooting a missile and gas can, but Deke raised a shield and returned fire with a power missile and his mega gun. After getting out of the line of fire, he shot a gas can and homing missile behind him.

Just one opponent left.

A jump from the stadium to the expressway nabbed Deke a satellite and put him close to his remaining adversary. Racing in its direction, he fired the satellite, sped down the on/off-ramp, and brought the missiles down on the blue sports car. He fired a power missile, but missed; dodging a satellite, he hit with his remaining mega gun rounds, two ricochets, and a charged Field Surge.

Author's Note:

Second remastered arc is now underway!

The first driver whose motive is revenge! Will things go well for them at the end of their story? Stay tuned to find out...

You might be wondering how Deke can drive despite being completely blind. According to the game’s manual, No-Face has an extrasensory perception that enables him to “see” around him (like the Marvel character Daredevil).

Two things worth mentioning happened last month: I turned 23 and had my 7th year anniversary on this site!

OC belongs to Miles Kay.

Trivia: Crazy 8’s design was originally going to be used for Outlaw. This may be why the Special Attack is an omni-directional taser/electrical shock, which had been Outlaw’s Special Attack in the previous games.

P.S., I also restarted another Twisted Metal crossover story here.