• Published 10th Jul 2014
  • 2,415 Views, 29 Comments

Mac and the Museum - Sissy Gwen Lovegood

Macintosh and his Friends are invited to New museum in ponyville and come away with a new perception of life in this loving tribute to "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory"

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Mac And The Museum

Mac and the Museum

By Sissy Gwen Lovegood

It was a lovely morning at Sweet Apple Acers and the whole Apple family was sitting at the breakfast table eating.
“Hey mac?” Apple jack said to her brother, Mac looked up from his breakfast “yeeup?” he said in his usual tone “you like diapers right?” AJ asked Mac nearly choked at the question “what?” he asked.
“Twilight myself and the others have been invited to the opening of a new museum today, but it’s not really something I’m into, I know you like them and I was wondering if you’d go in my place.” AJ was right Mac did like diapers A lot more then anypony in his family knew. AJ, Granny even Apple bloom knew that he like them but they thought it was just a casual hobby like somepoinies like coins or bottle caps. But that was only half the story. Mac loved diapers he didn't just collect them he wore them and used them at every opportunity.
There was nothing quite as thrilling to him as the feel of a diaper on his rump or the warmth of wetting himself. It wasn't a sexual thing, well it was but it was more than that. It was a passion a drive a love for diapers Foalhood that at times bordered on an obsession. And now there was a museum opening up at the edge of Ponyville dedicated to it. Mac would have given his left hoof to go to the opening of it and here was his sister offering him a free ticket.
Mac wanted to scream Hay Yes! But he restrained himself “yeeeup” he said and AJ handed him the ticket.

That afternoon mac left the farm and headed for the large building that they had been building on the edge of town. The museum along the walk he wondered what was going to be there, how many diapers would there be and would any pony enjoy it as much as he would.
When he arrived Twilight Rainbow Fluttershy and Pinkie where waiting at the front gate Pinkie was bouncing up and down in her usual hyper fashion aside from her only Twilight and Fluttershy looked happy to be there Rainbow was scowling.
Mac waived at them as he galloped over. “Oh my Macintosh oh are joining us? Where’s Apple Jack? Oh is the whole apple clan coming?” Pinkie said so quick Mac almost didn't catch it all. “AJ was too busy with things to come so she asked me to come instead, hope that’s OK” Mac said Twilight sighed “yes that’s fine I’m a little disappointed though the curator is a friend of mine and I wanted her to meet all my friends.”
Mac understood and nodded, Then Twilights jaw dropped Mac turned to see Rarity trotting up the road in what looked like a stylized hasmat suite rainbow couldn't hold back her laughter as she broke out uncontrollably. “Rarity what are you doing?” Twilight demanded “come now Twilight you didn't think such a proper young thing such as myself would be caught dead at something so revolting as a diaper museum without some protection do you.”
Twilight rolled her eyes “Rarity your being ridiculous they don’t have any dirty diapers on display, Baby may be a bit eccentric but she’s not a pig.” Twilight then used her magic to remove the helmet of Rarity’s suite. Rarity was about to respond when the gate slowly opened. And the front door of the museum opened. Then out stepped a pony it was a pink unicorn with blond hair and blue eyes she was wearing a purple tailcoat and top hat and was carrying a Cain in her magic the pony begain walking slowly towards them.

Then half way down the walk she stopped and did a rather impressive jumping summer sault landing on her hind legs right in front of the gate. Standing on her hind legs exposed to everyone that she was wearing a think diaper with pictures of blocks on it under the tail coat. But before anypony could say anything she spoke.
“kalu, kullay oh what a frabulus day!, welcome my friends I’m so happy to see you all!!” she then embraced Twilight in what looked to be a very tight hug. Before letting her go “I am Baby Boom the curator of this wonderful place. Come with me on a journey you will never forget!” Mac at first wasn't sure what to make of this mare she seemed to be more hyper then Pinkie and that’s saying something, where there really ponies that loved diapers that much. Even he didn't like them that much. The unicorn the led them inside as the gates closed behind them. As they walked to the door Rainbow leaned into whisper to Twilight “so how do you know this nut again?” She asked
“She’s not a nut.” Twilight said “and we met back in magic kindergarten back then we were best friends she was one of the only friends I had growing up.” “Has she always been so unique?” Rarity asked “oh yes” Twilight answered “She’s always marched to the beat of her own drum, in fact that’s why we became friends. As a filly I found her odd nature fascinating.” Typical Twilight Mac thought she meets someone so awesome and she becomes friends with them just to study their behavior.
Once inside Baby led them up to the front desk where a dark blue unicorn stallion was sitting his main was black and his eyes where a dark red almost blood color. “Midnight the visitor packs please.” Baby said to him and he came around from behind the front desk carrying six bags in his magic on the bags it said Equestrian National Diaper Museum in baby blue and pink colored blocks.

It was then Mac could see that the stallion had a diaper wrapped around his plot as well it was a different design form Baby’s though it had the word “Staff” on it in the same colored blocks. The stallion then gave one of the bags to each of them as Baby explained. “These are your visitor packs inside you will find a map of the museum, a copy of the museums rules and guidelines and 2 complementary visitor diapers. I suggest you put one on now as there are not toilets on the premises and if you have an accident outside your diaper during the tour you will be charged a cleaning fee of 75 bits.”
Baby then smiled one of the biggest smiles mac had ever seen anypony get. Mac opened the bag inside was a brochure for the museum a list of rules most of which were pretty standard for a museum and 2 fluffy white diapers that said “Visitor” on them in the same blocks as where on the bag and Midnights diaper.
Rainbow was Irate “There is no way I am wearing this!” Rainbow shouted “you are free to not wear them.” Baby said “but 75 bits is quite a bit to pay for a simple accident.” She said and gave Rainbow A less forceful version on the stair Rainbow put on the diaper. Baby then came over to Mac she looked him in the eye and came so close that it made Mac feel uncomfortable “you like Diapers Don’t you Macintosh.” Mac was both surprised and creeped out by the fact that this pony he had never met before knew his secrete let alone his name.

“Ah Nope” Macintosh said “don’t lie to me Mac, you’re not good at it. I could tell the moment I saw you that you love diapers almost as much as I do. Just like this one here.” Baby pointed to Fluttershy without taking her eyes off Big Mac. Fluttershy Squealed in embarrassment.
“There’s no reason to be embarrassed or to hide it diapers are a wonderful thing.” Baby said finally pulling away from Macs face. She stood in front of the group silent for a moment to give every pony time to dawn there diapers.
Once everyone was diapered she sprang back to life jumping up and spinning her Cain “Now! On with the tour!!” she said and turned to walk down a hall way they walked down the hall way and listened as baby began to explain the framed diapers that lined the walls. Fluttershy came up to big mac as he walked “Ummm Big Mac?” she asked “yeuup” mac responded.
“Was what Baby said true about you? That you like diapers” Fluttershy said “well was it true what she said about likening diapers?” “eeep” was all Fluttershy responded with It was all that was needed. The message was clear somehow Baby knew.
They went down the hall way in silence after a while mac looked around and noticed something rarity was gone. Mac leaned over to Twilight and asked if she knew where Rarity was. “She saw something she liked a while back and was transfixed by it.” Baby answered “she will catch up later, come along” Baby continued ignoring the fact that Mac had been talking to Twilight not her. Mac fell back thinking, what could Rarity have seen Mac couldn't imagine Rarity finding anything in a diaper museum interesting let alone something so interesting that it would Transfix her.
Mac decided he had to see it for himself he snuck away and went back over where they had gone and then he saw her, Rarity Standing Transfixed in front of a frame hanging on the wall.

Mac walked over the diaper in the frame was a simple cloth diaper but the outside of it was made of fine purple silk and was encrusted with jewels of all sorts of shapes and colors. The label on the wall beneath it read:
“This diaper was worn by an infant “Princess Platinum” daughter of the unicorn king and one of Equestria’s Founders; it is to date the most extravagant cloth diaper ever made.”
Rarity was staring at it in amazement “are you ok Rarity?” Mac asked “yes fine Macintosh,” Rarity said not looking over “Just look at that elegant stitching, the fine polish of the jewels, the way the gems are placed to make the most of their wonderful color. It is the peak of fashion perfection, I never imagined that something met to serve such a disgusting purpose could also be so beautiful” Rarity ranted on “yeup” its quite a diaper Macintosh said “but we had better be getting back to the group.”
“Yes yes in a minute dear this piece of fine fashion has inspired me, I shall do a whole line of fine foal wear.” Mac shrugged his shoulders and walked away back towards the group leaving rarity there marveling at the diaper. Mac walked along the hallways till he came to Rainbow Dash sitting in front of another display he walked over to her.
“Hey Rainbow what you looking at Rainbow turned “hey Mac check this out” She pointed to the display in it was a diaper cover in gold and blue with the wonder bolts logo on it and signatures all over it.
“This is the limited edition Wonderbolts diaper cover only 4 are left in existence and this one is signed by every Wonderbolts member for the past 20 years”

There were a few things that Dash absolutely loved and the Wonderbolts was one of them, Mac could understand her excitement. “Indeed” a voice cried out Mac turned Midnight the stallion from before was standing there. “You know miss Dash Baby got this cover from Soarin himself” Dashes eyes went wide “Really?” “Indeed.” Midnight responded “Soarin is big into the adult foal play scene, he and Baby used to paly mommy and baby all the time.” “No way” Dash said Midnight nodded Rainbow put a hoof to her chin. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know what she was thinking. She was thinking that this could be her in to the Wonderbolts, Mac could see it on her face The AFDL (Adult Foal Diaper Lover) community now had another new member.
Dash started to ask question after question of the stallion. Mac walked off after a few minutes he caught up with the rest of the group or what was left of it only Twilight Baby and Fluttershy where left “where’s pinkie pie?” Mac asked “getting changed” Baby responded “she had so much fun in the zero G room that she wet herself”
“The what?” Mac said confused “the zero G room it’s a room where they use magic to create a zero gravity environment in order to show the effectiveness of diapers in such an environment its grate I had no idea diapers where so fascinating.” Twilight exclaimed with a twinkle in her eye.
So that was it Pinkie and Twilight to the museum had gotten all of them Mac thought and he was right when Pinkie came back she couldn't stop ranting about what a thrill wetting had been it was obvious she enjoyed it and from now on she was like Mac Baby and the rest of them a AFDL.
Perhaps mac thought that was the beauty of padding there was so much to it that if given the chance it would appeal to anypony. Maybe this is what Baby had planned all along. To open up the museum in hopes of turning all Equestira into diaper lovers.

Or maybe he was over thinking it. Maybe there was no reason behind the museum. Maybe baby had just opened it because diapers are something she is passionate about and she wanted to share that passion with the world. At any rate it didn't matter he now had made a new friend and he had friends who now liked diapers just like he does. And that thought made Mac happy.
Over time more ponies came to the museum and where turned on to pleasure of diapers. Infantilism spread through Equestria like a raging fire. And the Adult Foal community grew and grew and grew.
And that is how Equestria became absolutely perfect.

The End

Comments ( 23 )

Do not tell me how to Write. I am a Published author and therefore Know how its done

Comment posted by milesprower06 deleted Jul 11th, 2014
Comment posted by Sunset-Chan deleted Jul 11th, 2014
Caper #5 · Jul 11th, 2014 · · 1 ·

I liked it. But it's rather short. If only were so easy in real life to get real friends to accept it like this.:heart:

Comment posted by scribe-feather deleted Jul 11th, 2014
Comment posted by NileDawnheart deleted Jul 11th, 2014
Comment posted by Sunset-Chan deleted Jul 11th, 2014
Comment posted by Carpinus Caroliniana deleted Jul 11th, 2014
Comment posted by Glamer Mist deleted Jul 11th, 2014


I saw this story pop up in the diaper story groups and decided to come back to see it's overall reception.

Imagine my surprise when I found my old comment deleted. I'm not angered by this because it's not my story page, more so disappointed. My comment was in no way provoking negative feedback and was only providing constructive criticism to improve your story.

Deleting that comment and a few others who were trying to help, tells me a lot about you as an author.


I am only deleting comments that are being disrespectful and telling me how to do my job no more and no less criticism is fine but don't be rude or proceed to tell a professional how to do there job.

Comment posted by Ion-Sturm deleted Jul 11th, 2014
Comment posted by Sunset-Chan deleted Jul 11th, 2014
Comment posted by Shadowmane PX-41 deleted Jul 12th, 2014
Comment posted by someone else deleted Jul 19th, 2014

*sees all the deleted comments*
conclusion..will not read story

Comment posted by Aerin Silverfeather deleted Jul 20th, 2014

4679259 being a published author isn't everything

My first story was completely shit because it had NO PLOT WHATSOEVER but it got through because it had more or less good punctuation and structure NOT TO SAY YOU DON'T you do need to work on your endings

This is not rude criticism

And anyone who reads it before you delete it will say that

4679259 But even terry pratchet has proof readers and editors and receives feedback from his fans heck there isn't and never will be an author who is above criticism.

I mean it comes down to the simple fact were all human, we all make mistakes.

People are just trying to help friend

I really liked this story, thought the ending was kinda weird and a bit tacked on but it was a fun read. I think it would of made more sense if it was in a bigger city than ponyville.

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