• Published 13th Jul 2014
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Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's Pet Plush Toy Experience - Skylight77

A new store opens up in Ponyville that Fluttershy is really excited to go to. Rainbow Dash accepts Fluttershy's request to accompany her on this trip to make sure she gets the special that they're having. It's not what they expect.

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Pet Toy Factory

“Oh Rainbow Dash, I am just so excited about this!” Fluttershy held a giddy expression on her face as she and Rainbow Dash were flying together to a new store that was opening up in Ponyville. The store was named, ‘Pettings Play’.

“Okay Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash responded in a somewhat tired and disturbed manner. “*Yawn* I know you’re excited, but you’ve been acting like this for weeks now.” Ever since Fluttershy received that advertisement for a store that sold toys for pets, she just simply couldn’t wait for it to open up. She had been talking about it for, well, every single chance she got.

“I know!” Fluttershy continued her excited chant. “Just think of how happy the little critters at home will be!” She put her hooves on her blushing cheeks. “I can just see their adorable faces when I arrive back with the perfect toys for them!” She giggled in excitement at the thought.

“Mmm…” Rainbow Dash tried to focus with her drowsy eyes. “First off Fluttershy, how many toys do you plan on buying? Are you sure you can afford it?” She rubbed her eyes with a hoof. “Second off, what sort of store decides to open at three in the morning?”

Rainbow Dash pointed towards the direction of where the sun would rise. As expected, it hasn’t even risen yet. In fact, the moon could still be seen in the skies. Therefore, they had to get up very early in the morning, and Fluttershy wanted to go the second it first opened. Since it was to open so early in the morning, if you could call it a morning, they didn’t want to disturb the slumber of their pets at home, so they were going without them for the time being.

Rainbow Dash would question why she decided to accompany Fluttershy during this trip, but she decided against it seeing as, this wasn’t the first time they did something like this together. Instead she decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to buy Tank something nice if she found anything. It was thanks to Fluttershy after all that she had a pet at all, so she owed her at least that much.

“They’re giving a special for the first customer that arrives,” Fluttershy answered. “Oh, I hope whatever special it is, they can give it to both of us! But, if they can’t, then I’ll let you have it, I mean, if you want to.”

“No no, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said as she waved her hoof to brush off the offer. “Whatever special they have, you deserve it.”

Fluttershy smiled at the gesture. It was so nice of Rainbow Dash to accompany her like this. Usually when it came to events like these, Rainbow Dash had to be the one to wake Fluttershy up so early in order to participate, but this time, it was the other way around.


The two pegasi continued flying towards their destination. The building they were looking for soon came into view. It was a lot bigger than they thought it would be. Nevertheless, they started descending towards Pettings Play’s front doors. Meanwhile Fluttershy was giggling over her excitement.

“Oh, I am so excited!” Fluttershy said once again while pressing her hooves together. Despite how soft her voice was, you could tell she was excited by her tone alone. The two pegasi landed in front of the entrance to the shop, and Fluttershy was still expressing her excitement. “Hmhmhmhm! I can hardly wait!” She moved her hooves up and down off the ground like she was trotting in place. “How much longer till they open, Rainbow Dash?”

Before Rainbow Dash decided to answer, she decided to give out a sigh and shake her head. It was just amazing how much excitement Fluttershy could have when it came to something she really liked. She loved seeing that side of her, but this was getting difficult for Rainbow Dash to handle. At least this wasn’t the worst she’s had to deal with, so it didn’t bother her too much.

“Well,” Rainbow Dash thought as she looked towards the skies. “We left fifteen minutes before it was supposed to open. It would usually take us about ten minutes to get here with a casual flight. But, ours wasn’t exactly, casual; we had a lot of… talking… along the way.” Rainbow Dash drooped her eyes when she mentioned this.

Fluttershy smiled embarrassingly at this remark, as it was indeed true. Despite the activities she normally does, it was because of those activities that Rainbow Dash had extensive knowledge on flight patterns and how long their travels would be.

“So, it should be open…-“

*Ring* *Click* The sounds of a door bell chime and an unlocking sound became present in front of them.

“-…now, I guess… um…” Rainbow Dash finished, a little confused while she looked around.

“Ooh, come on, Rainbow!” Fluttershy grabbed one of Rainbow Dash’s hooves and started hurrying inside.

“Owhoa, Fluttershy, hold on,” Rainbow Dash attempted to say something, but Fluttershy was too excited to stop.

Fluttershy pushed one of her hooves against the front doors while somewhat dragging Rainbow Dash inside. A bell chimed to allow the notifications of customers. Rainbow Dash stumbled a bit, but managed to keep her balance while they entered the building.

“This is going to be so wonderful, I wonder what-“ Fluttershy suddenly halted when she noticed that no pony was at the front desk. They were currently in a small room that held many paths to different sections of the store. The only importance of this room was simply the receptionist desk that was currently empty.

“Oh, I’m sorry; I thought this place was open... I-I’ll come back another time, if that’s okay…” Fluttershy attempted to leave the building, but she was stopped by Rainbow Dash, who she still held her hoof in. Rainbow Dash tightened her grip on Fluttershy’s hoof and started walking her towards the receptionist desk.

There was a reason why they came here so early. Like Fluttershy said, the first customer to arrive gets a special, and Rainbow Dash didn’t want Fluttershy’s timid nature to be the reason she would miss out on it. Rainbow Dash took Fluttershy with her to the front desk, where a bell could be seen for them to ring. Rainbow Dash kept her hoof on Fluttershy while she used her other hoof to ring the bell.

*Ring, ring*

“Hello, is anypony here?” Rainbow Dash hollered out.

“Um, I don’t think they’re open, Rainbow…” Fluttershy said. Rainbow Dash looked back to Fluttershy in a serious expression.

“If they weren’t open, they wouldn’t have let us in, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash answered. She looked back ahead towards the front desk, continuing to ring the bell. “Hey! Anypony running this joint!?”

*Screech* The sound of an intercom sounded. Fluttershy was startled by it and ended up moving closer to Rainbow Dash. A voice came from the intercom.

“Oh hey there my fellow customers. Sorry for the inconvenience, Pettings Play is having a bit of technical troubles. BUT, since you’re our first customer, we’d be happy to give you our advertised special right now while you wait!”

“Oh, how wonderful!” Fluttershy beamed.

“Hold on,” Rainbow interjected. “What’s the special?”

“Wait, we have two customers here?” the voice said. The voice sounded like it belonged to a stallion, and a rather goofy one at that.

“Yeah, there’s two of us here,” Rainbow Dash said as she removed her hoof off of Fluttershy’s and placed her hoof around Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Name’s Rainbow Dash and this is my friend, Fluttershy.” Fluttershy felt a bit uneasy at the gesture of Rainbow Dash shaking her while she was introducing her.

“Two first customers? Well, I guess we’ll just have to give you both our special then. Congratulations!” the voice said.

Before Fluttershy could jump for joy again, Rainbow Dash stopped her to ask something again. “What’s the special?”

“It’s a surprise!” the voice responded.

“Oh my, a surprise? I hope it isn’t too startling,” Fluttershy said.

All Rainbow Dash could do was just roll her eyes. She was too tired, and she doubted that this ‘special’ would be anything nearly as exciting to her as it would be to Fluttershy. All that really mattered to Rainbow Dash was that Fluttershy got something she liked out of it.

“Just enter the ‘PTT’, and we’ll be right with you in a moment,” the voice finished. *Click* The intercom made a sound as if it shut off.

“The ‘PTT’?” Rainbow and Fluttershy asked simultaneously as they looked at each other. They looked towards the paths that led to different areas of the shop. Above, they could see signs labeling the paths. One of them simply said, ‘PTT’. They both gave each other another look. Shrugging their shoulders, they decided to walk on and enter.

The room that they entered was rather small, but it seemed to have a large seat fit for multiple ponies at a time that was backed to the wall. They didn’t notice much else of the room since the lights were still off, making it too dark to see very well. The two pegasi decided to take a seat close to each other while they waited for, well, whoever they were waiting for.

It was odd, because Rainbow Dash couldn’t really tell what purpose this room served. In fact, there were a lot of things odd in Rainbow Dash’s mind, but it was difficult for her to think straight considering how early it was.

Despite Fluttershy’s excitement, the early morning flow started to show its effects on her. While they were waiting Fluttershy was finding it difficult to stay awake. Her eye lids drooped and she couldn’t keep her head to stay up straight.

This was apparent for Rainbow Dash as well. They didn’t know how long they would have to wait, but as long as they were here, they no longer had to worry about missing whatever special this store had. So they decided to have a quick nap while they waited.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy leaned their heads against each other as they closed their eyes. It was a rather close contact, but it was something they’ve done before when they were fillies. Fluttershy was Rainbow Dash’s closest friend, so her pride never stopped her from sharing her feelings with Fluttershy.

As they napped on each other, Rainbow Dash used this time to think more clearly. She could now recollect her thoughts on why this was just so odd.

First off, their flight to the store felt longer than fifteen minutes, yet they arrived seemingly just before the store opened, as if it was waiting for them to arrive. Rainbow Dash could only brush that off with Fluttershy’s exciting chatter that it only made it feel that way.

The second thing was, while she didn’t know much about pets, she didn’t really know many toy stores that needed a receptionist desk. It felt more like they were at a hospital or something. But Fluttershy was the animal expert, so if there was something wrong with that, she would know. Rainbow Dash didn’t think about asking her though.

The last thing was that ‘special’ that this store was having. All she knew about it was what Fluttershy told her, that Pettings Play was having a special for the first customer to arrive when they opened. They opened at three in the morning, and no other pony seemed to care, seeing it was completely empty outside. Of course, there was no other pony in Ponyville that loved animals more than Fluttershy did, so if anypony was getting that special, she would be the most likely to get it.

Rainbow Dash started losing herself in her sleep as she continued thinking. Eventually, her conscious lost her in the dream world.


Rainbow Dash slowly gave off a large yawn as she was waking up. She felt her body scrunch up as she stretched herself. It was odd how she felt. She rubbed her eyes a bit to wake them up. Her hoof was making a squishy effect as she did this.

Rainbow Dash snapped her eyes open when it all registered. She didn’t feel right at all.

“What the…” Rainbow Dash lifted her head off the wall and off of Fluttershy, causing Fluttershy to stumble towards her, her head landing on Rainbow Dash’s lap. “*Gasp* AHH!”

“Ahh, what?” Rainbow Dash’s yelp caused Fluttershy to yelp as well. She sprang awake, lifting her head away from Rainbow Dash. The two immediately looked at each other.

“Fluttershy? Fluttershy is that you?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“R-rainbow, Dash?” Fluttershy asked as well.

The two pegasi examined each other in their predicament. Something was different about them. They both moved each other’s hooves towards each other. When they pressed against each other, they started to squish and bend in a very odd manner. They could feel each other, but they felt absolutely no pain. More than that, their colors were still the same, but no longer solid. They felt really soft, and the room they were in felt so much bigger. It was as if…

“Are we… toys?” Fluttershy asked as they removed their hooves’ contact.

“Oh no, this has got to be some kind of dream, tell me I’m dreaming!” Rainbow Dash panicked as she shook Fluttershy.

“Um, you’re dreaming?” Fluttershy answered hesitantly.

“Tell me the truth! Not just that I’m dreaming!” Rainbow Dash continued to panic. “You’re dreaming too, right Fluttershy?”

“…uuumm,” Fluttershy tried to answer.

*Crank!* The floor below them suddenly flung open and the seats they were on shifted its slope to slide the two pegasi down.

“AAAAHHH!” The two pegasi were tumbling down face first to, who knows where, but probably deeper inside the store. Fluttershy was so startled by this that she forgot she could fly, again. Rainbow Dash latched onto Fluttershy and spread her wings apart.

“I gotcha, Fluttershy! Hang on! Nngh!” Rainbow Dash tried to stop their fall, but flapping her wings wasn’t stopping them. Due to their form and the extra weight, it was more difficult to do so, as she hadn’t had a chance to adjust to her form. So Rainbow Dash stopped flapping them and instead kept them spread wide apart. The air resistance allowed them to glide. Rainbow Dash was able to shift their nose dive.

Rainbow Dash’s gliding technique managed to allow a much smoother landing, but still a pretty rough one. When they landed on the floor, they slid a bit before coming to a stop. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were holding each other tightly during that whole ordeal. Unfortunately it was Fluttershy who had to break the fall.

*Pant* Fluttershy, you okay?” *Squeak* Fluttershy’s body re-inhaled itself in a squeaky way as Rainbow Dash got off of her to check her condition.

“I, I think so,” Fluttershy responded with an instinctual wince as she used her hooves to feel around her body. It just felt much more soft and delicate than she was used to, and yet, she didn’t feel nearly as much pain as she thought she would from that landing. She was much more startled than she was in pain, if any at all.

Rainbow Dash helped Fluttershy to her squishy hooves. “Okay, where are we now?” she asked as she flared a wing in front of her, stretching and flexing it around to test it.

*Screech!* The two pegasi’s ears perked into attention at the sound of what they believed was the intercom again. They couldn’t see where it was coming from because the room they were in was too dark to see.

“Good morning my fellow customers!” the voice said.

“Customers?! What have you done to us?!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she tensed her body up. *Squeak* her jump made her hooves squeak on the floor.

“W-who are you?” Fluttershy asked.

“Ah, where are my manners,” the voice cleared his throat through the intercom. “My name is Gidzo, and I am the owner of this establishment, you like it?”

“Like it? Oh my, um, well…” Fluttershy tried to say something.

“Fluttershy, we didn’t ask for this,” Rainbow Dash corrected.

“But you two were my first customers,” Gidzo replied through the intercom. “Company policy states that our first customer, or customers in this case, get a grand special, which I have just given you now.”

“Customer policy, I thought you said you were the owner. And what’s so special about this?” Rainbow Dash replied as she lifted a hoof in the air.

“Why, didn’t you read my ad?” Gidzo replied. Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy for answers on that. Fluttershy read it, not her.

“Um, the special was said to assure adoring entertainment and joy for animals of any kind,” Fluttershy responded.

“And I must say, I’ve really outdone myself, don’t you think?” Gidzo said. Both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy held confused looks at that remark.

“What are you- Ack!”


Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy felt something large and heavy suddenly jump on top of them, two separate things actually. And they weren’t things, they felt alive.

*Flash!* The whole room was suddenly illuminated, revealing everything.

They were in a large room with many animal cages. Each cage had a small pet creature in it, ranging from squirrels to snakes and even birds to bunnies. All of the cages were now open though, and on top of Rainbow Dash was a brown dog with darker spots, while Fluttershy had a white furry cat on top of her.

“Success! These critters already love you guys! Ooh! I should write this down in my notes!” *Click*

Before they had a chance to respond, the intercom made a shutting off sound.

“H-hey! Wait! Come back! You can't leave us with these-“ Rainbow Dash was interrupted by a drop of saliva dropping onto her mane. She took a glance upwards towards the dog that was on top of her. It held out its tongue, letting saliva drop from it while it was panting with this creepy smile. Rainbow Dash panicked when it brought its face closer.

“W-whoa, nonono, ahh!” The dog started licking Rainbow Dash on her back. The large tongue slid along moistly trailing through her fur, pushing her wings in.

“Gah!” Rainbow Dash tried to get away, but her small figure and form made it impossible to lift this dog’s weight. The warm and slimy tongue continued its trek along her back, moving slowly up her neck, leaving saliva to follow. Rainbow Dash tried to move her head back as the tongue climbed the back of her neck, slowly pushing along her mane until they reached her ears. That long lick covered a lot of Rainbow Dash’s coat in saliva. Rainbow Dash's body shivered at this action.

Then, the process repeated.

“Ahah… ahh!” Rainbow Dash flailed her forelegs forwards as this dog continued its licks along the back of her body. It kept its paws on Rainbow Dash to keep her from escaping.

“Ohh… Fluttershy, ack, help!” Rainbow Dash yelped as this dog continued attacking Rainbow Dash with its licks.

“Ohuhu…” Fluttershy was giggling through the cat’s purring licks. The cat held Fluttershy in the air with its paws while it continued to lick Fluttershy along her sides and cheeks. But just like Rainbow Dash, she couldn’t get herself free from the cat’s grip. “Oh my, hehe, you’re so, ahum, affectionate. But, I’m sorry, if you could, Ahh!”

The cat interrupted Fluttershy by dropping her down rather roughly against the ground on her back, her body squeaking rather than getting hurt. The cat let its mouth move closer to Fluttershy’s stomach area.

“Oh, I’m sorry kitty, but, if you could please, Oh!” The cat pressed its mouth hard against Fluttershy’s belly. “Ah! I mean, Oh, no no, AH! AHA!” The cat was giving hard licks against Fluttershy’s belly. The rough licking was tickling her so much that she couldn’t speak.

Then the licking suddenly turned into biting. *Squeak* “Ahaha! AHAHA!” Fluttershy couldn’t keep her eyes open as this cat started squishing her belly in its teeth. It wasn’t very painful at all due to her form, but it was unbearably ticklish.

“Ahh!” The dog grabbed Rainbow Dash’s mane, using its teeth. It removed its paws off of Rainbow Dash and tossed her in the air. Before Rainbow Dash could retaliate, the dog lied on its back and used its paws to hit Rainbow Dash in the air repeatedly, causing her to flip rapidly.

“A-ahh, H-he-ey, n-no, w-wai-it, s-s-sto-op! A-a-ah!” Rainbow Dash’s voice kept skipping as this dog kept playing around with her like some kind of toy, because that’s exactly what she was right now.

*Squeak!* “Ahh!” Suddenly Rainbow Dash’s body stopped spinning and felt like it was being squished tightly. The dog had picked itself back up and caught her deeply in its teeth. Her entire form except for the whole front part of her body was trapped within the dog’s teeth. Only part of her front hooves were out, with the rest of her squished tightly inside the dog’s mouth.

It's a good thing that her form as a plush toy was preventing most, or even all of the pain that she was feeling right now, otherwise this might've really hurt. The dog started running off somewhere, bouncing Rainbow Dash up and down in its grip.

“Fl-utt-er-shy, m-ake th-em s-top!”

“Whoa! Oof, waah!” The cat was currently throwing Fluttershy into the air, letting her fall down before catching her and tossing her again.

*Squeak* “Ahh!” The last throw was halted when one of the birds from the cages decided to fly in and latch onto her, carrying her away.

“Nngh, I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, I don’t think they can hear me, they seem to be having too much fun!” Fluttershy tried saying.

“Ahh!” *Squeak* The dog placed Rainbow Dash down on the floor as it arrived to its destination.

*ssssss* Rainbow Dash did not like the sound of that. When she lifted her head up, she saw that she was in the presence of a snake, just inches away from her. The snake slowly uncurled itself as it eyed Rainbow Dash like a prey. Rainbow Dash gave a nervous gulp, trying not to move.

“…oh no…” Rainbow Dash silently said to herself. Suddenly the dog quickly released itself away from Rainbow Dash.

*Snap!* “Yaaieee!” The snake snapped at Rainbow Dash instantly, quickly coiling itself around Rainbow Dash’s body, squeezing her tightly.

*Ssquueeeeaaak…* The sound of the air coming out of Rainbow Dash’s lungs made a long squeaking sound. The snake softened its grip on Rainbow Dash before she suffocated too long.

*Pant, pant* Rainbow Dash’s panting came out high pitched. The snake decided to squish her again shortly after her pants. *Squeak* Rainbow Dash grunted. She tried to resist the squeezing, but the snake just smiled and continued squishing her rapidly. *Squeak, squeak, squeak.*

“Ahh!” The bird that Fluttershy was latched onto released its grip and dropped her while it was flying fast.

*Squeak* “Oof.” Fluttershy landed on the back of something else that was flying, a flying squirrel. She picked herself up and looked down at it. “Oh my, thank you little one, you saved my, whoa!” The flying squirrel glided straight towards a beaver who seemed to have its tail aimed for the squirrel.

*Smack, squeak* “Ahh!” The beaver smacked Fluttershy with its tail, just like a baseball. The soft plush toy that was Fluttershy was sent flying towards another animal who held its paws out for her, a possum.

*Squeak* The possum caught Fluttershy in its grip, causing the two to roll around a bit before the possum curled its body all around Fluttershy.

“Wait, Ahh!” The possum started gnawing down on Fluttershy’s soft ear, twisting and pulling it around violently. These animals were just having too much fun and things were going too fast for Fluttershy to handle. But thanks to her form, she barely felt any pain, if at all.

Rainbow Dash was trying to keep very still with how close this snake was. It had its jaws trailing along her coiled body, very slowly and delicately. The very touch of its jaws on her coat made Rainbow Dash shudder with unease.

“I… really hope this snake isn’t poisonous,” Rainbow said softly, “or if it is, that it isn’t deadly to me.”

The snake suddenly released its jaws away from Rainbow Dash before it ever bit down. It lifted its head up high. Rainbow Dash wasn’t sure whether to retaliate or not. The upper half of her body was free, which included her wings, but she was still firmly grasped in the snake’s coiling body.

Rainbow Dash decided to slowly flap her wings as she gently pushed with her forelegs. Now that she had a bit of time, she was able to get more accustomed to her wings’ form as she flapped them. She tried pushing a little bit harder, slowly inching her progress. The snake’s attention was drawn away from her, and she didn’t want it to be brought back. She could feel herself stretching, but sliding out of the snake’s grip.

“…Come on…” Rainbow Dash flapped just a little bit harder, slowly getting out of the snake’s grip, until…

*Snap, squeak* Her body snapped back together as she freed herself. She lunged a bit airborne now that her body was no longer trapped.

“Yes!, AHH!” *Squeak* But before she had much of a chance to celebrate, the dog from earlier jumped high in the air and latched onto Rainbow Dash with its teeth. When it landed on the ground, it started shaking Rainbow Dash back in forth rapidly in its teeth.

“Gack, hey, stop, it.” Rainbow Dash’s voice vibrated as she tried speaking through all that shaking. “I, don’t, want, to, be, a, chew, toy, ahhh!” Then suddenly, the dog stopped its shaking and threw Rainbow Dash off somewhere.

“Oof!” *Squeak* Rainbow Dash crashed towards the ground, sliding along it before coming to a stop. When she lifted her head, she saw that she had landed in the middle of a group of bunnies surrounding her.

“Oh no, NO! AHH!” *Squeak, squeak* The bunnies started piling onto Rainbow Dash. They each did an action that involved squishing different parts of her body, ranging from pressing on her legs to her stomach. Some of them were bending her wings around in ways they wouldn’t normally be able to bend. Whatever made her squeak, they did it. “Ack! *Squeak*, Ough! *Squeak*Ahh! *Squeak*.”

“Whoa, ahh!” The possum threw Fluttershy onto its back and started running. Fluttershy limbs were wrapped around the possum’s body while it ran. It was something Fluttershy did by instinct because of how fast and how randomly the possum was moving.

“Thi-s, is, g-etting, danger-ous, I don’t know if, owaah!” Before Fluttershy could finish, the possum thrusted its back to toss Fluttershy into the pile of bunnies that held Rainbow Dash captive. The bunnies moved out of the way before Fluttershy landed.

“Oogh!” *Squeak* Fluttershy landed on top of Rainbow Dash, who ended up catching her in her limbs.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Rainb-Ahh!”

“Yaah!” The bunnies piled back onto the two squeaky plush toyed pegasi before they could react. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy held each other tightly, keeping each other close while these bunnies attacked them with their tickles and presses.

“Argh… Fluttershy, can’t you, ahh, do something?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I’m trying, oof, but, I can’t get them to, ough, listen,” Fluttershy replied. “They think we’re just talking toys.”

“Well, what are we-“

*Squeak* “Ahh!”

“Hey!” Fluttershy was being dragged out of the bunnies by a dog biting its teeth on her body and picking her up. Rainbow Dash kept hold of Fluttershy and was dragged with her.

They were immediately dropped on another side of the floor, away from the bunnies, and held under the dog’s paws. The dog started licking along their bodies, letting its tongue press roughly along their coat. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy pressed their heads close within each other to block out the saliva.

“Fluttershy, how can we get them to listen if they won’t listen to you?” Rainbow asked.

“I don’t know, but maybe if they figure out we’re not, aiee!”

“Ahh!” Rainbow Dash started feeling her tail getting pulled by something while Fluttershy was being pulled away from her. Fluttershy’s body was gripped in the dog’s teeth while Rainbow Dash was being pulled by bunnies. Many other small critters were crawling around their bodies while they were being pulled apart.

“Ahh, Rainbow Dash!”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, I gotcha!” Rainbow Dash kept hold of Fluttershy’s hooves while the animals tried to separate them. Some of the smaller critters ranging from bunnies, mice, and squirrels were gnawing at their limbs and bodies, making it harder for them to hold on. “I’m not letting go Fluttershy, I-“

*Rip!* Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy’s bodies were suddenly thrusted towards the dog’s direction, causing all of the smaller animals to get flung off. While the bunnies were pulling on Rainbow Dash’s tail, a squirrel was gnawing at the base of her tail, causing it to rip apart. Rainbow Dash cautiously looked back to her tail to see the result of the damage. It was so short now, making Rainbow Dash shudder with irritation.

“That’s It!” Rainbow Dash shouted. She had had enough of playing nice.

Rainbow Dash let go of Fluttershy, allowing her to be free. Now that she had adjusted to her wings, she was able to fly at top speeds, aiming straight for the bunnies that had her tail. She spun around them very quickly, causing the winds to blow on them. She spun so fast and so hard that the bunnies lost their balance and their grip on the ripped rainbow tail. This allowed Rainbow Dash to zip towards the tail and take it from the bunnies’ grips.

As soon as Rainbow Dash got her tail back, she zipped towards the dog that held Fluttershy. While she was flying though, she was pretty surprised over what she had just done.

“Whoa, I fly even better when I’m this small, awesome!” Rainbow Dash used her wing power to blow wind towards the dogs face as she zipped directly passed it. This caused the dog to put its paws over its face and make a slight whine, allowing Rainbow Dash to zip back and grab Fluttershy out of the loosened grip of the dog’s teeth.

“Ahh!” Fluttershy yelped as Rainbow Dash grabbed her and flew her high in the air. Rainbow Dash’s wing power may have been weaker due to her size, but her extra agility made it enough to get the job done. Rainbow Dash came to a stop in mid-air, holding Fluttershy in her hooves.

“You okay, Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh… Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy hesitantly said as she pointed behind Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash looked around to see that many animals were closing in on them. Most of them couldn't reach them, but some of them were great jumpers, and some of them could fly.

“Oh, no…” Rainbow Dash said slowly. She was beginning to worry she might have to do something she would regret. Luckily, Fluttershy decided to chip in.

“Oh, I’m so sorry everyone, but, we’re not toys, we’re ponies. We aren’t supposed to be here and we need to leave.” Fluttershy’s words seemed to be reaching them now. The animals were showing signs of slowing down. “I know you all were having a lot of fun, and you’re probably upset right now, but we need to go now. We have other critters that we need to love and take care of. I’m sorry.”

All of the animals had stopped moving, each one looking at one of the others and each other. They all looked a bit sad that their fun was over, but they accepted it and started walking away, heading back to their cages, away from the ponies.

“Phew…” Rainbow Dash let out a breath of relief. She started flying towards the top of one of the high cabinets that probably held either toys or food for the animals here. Rainbow Dash kept Fluttershy in her hooves as she flew.

While they were flying, Fluttershy felt a bit of regret seeing the animals leave like that. She wanted to say more to them to cheer them up, but she couldn’t without telling a lie. She thought about saying how she’ll come back later to play with them some more, but she didn’t know what would happen to this place after they left. It would be terrible to lie to them, so that was the best she could do. At least now she and Rainbow Dash were safe, so she felt good about that.

Rainbow Dash gently dropped Fluttershy on top of the cabinet. “Thank you for going easy on them, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy said.

“No problem, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash responded as she landed next to her. “I know you wouldn’t have wanted to see them get hurt.” Rainbow Dash looked down to the ripped tail that she held in her hoof.

“Oh no, Rainbow Dash, your tail…” Fluttershy said in a sympathetic and regretful tone.

“Yeah…” Rainbow Dash responded in a bit of a sad tone. “Can you help me tie this back on?” she asked as she motioned the tail towards Fluttershy.

Fluttershy took the tail in her hoof as a response. Rainbow Dash turned around and sat down while Fluttershy set the ripped end of the tail on the ground and towards Rainbow Dash. She slid it towards the small part of what remained of Rainbow Dash’s tail. She then proceeded to tie the two ends together. It was a bit difficult, but it wasn’t anything she hadn’t done before. Except she never had to tie a tail before, but it was similar enough, and Rainbow Dash was able to hold still enough for Fluttershy to do her thing.

“There,” Fluttershy said as she finished. She gave it a quick tug to make sure that it was held securely.

Rainbow Dash picked herself up to her hooves, looking back to her tail, and examining Fluttershy’s work. Unfortunately, most of her tail had still lay limp despite her movements. Rainbow Dash had a bit of a sad look on her face when she saw that she could only control the base of her tail, which wasn’t much at all.

“I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash, I can’t do anything else,” Fluttershy said as she looked away. Rainbow Dash used a hoof to gently turn Fluttershy’s head back to look at her.

“Hey, it’s okay Fluttershy, this wasn’t your fault.” Rainbow Dash removed her hoof and looked slightly back behind her. “I just hope we can fix this later on, but right now we have to get out of here and find out how to get back to normal.” Rainbow Dash searched around the room briefly for her options. “Can you still fly?”

“Um…” Fluttershy looked away to glance at her wings. She spread them out and tried flapping them. She wasn’t used to their new form, so she was struggling to get off of the ground.

“Hey, come on, Fluttershy, relax,” Rainbow Dash said as she put her hooves over to Fluttershy’s wings to stop them. “Just give them a nice stretch.” Fluttershy did as Rainbow Dash said and stretched her wings as far apart as she could. “Good, now focus, flex them around a little.” Fluttershy let her wings bend in the ways Rainbow Dash was leading her.

“Now give them a good snap!” Fluttershy gave a single hard flap with her wings. The flap made her jump slightly in mid-air.

“Oh!” Fluttershy was a bit overwhelmed by how she executed that. Despite her soft plushy toy form, she felt a sudden rush in her wings during that quick work out.

“Good, Fluttershy, now try flying,” Rainbow Dash finished as she lifted herself in the air, leading Fluttershy on.

Fluttershy started flapping her wings, following Rainbow Dash’s lead. Now that she was more adjusted to her wings, thanks to Rainbow Dash’s influence, she was able to fly well enough to get herself off the ground without too much effort.

Fluttershy followed Rainbow Dash as she led them up to the room where they were dropped before. For whatever reason, even after all that time, that path was still open.

“What are we going to do, Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked as they hovered around the small room with the trap door that was still open.

“We have to find Gidzo, or whatever his name was, and get him to change us back,” Rainbow Dash said.

“But, how do we find him?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know,” Rainbow Dash replied. “He could be anywhere in this building.” But then, Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up when she heard a silent muffled voice nearby. She flew over to where she believed it was coming from while Fluttershy followed closely. “Or, he’s just really close by…”

Rainbow Dash searched around the wall for some sort of entrance. Thanks to her good eye sight, it didn’t take her long to find the button that blended in with the wall’s color. She used her hoof to press the button, her hoof making a squishy effect as she had to put some force into it, due to her size.

*Creak…* By pressing that button, parts of the wall slowly opened up like a door. Inside, they could see who they assumed was the owner of this store.

The owner was a light yellow earth pony stallion with a short brown mane and tail style. His cutie mark seemed to be plush toy with a needle and string stuck to it indicating a repair. He was mumbling to himself in an excited way while he was writing down notes on his paper while at a desk. To his side, there was a control panel and a TV screen that showed the layouts of the room with all those animals. He didn’t seem to be paying attention to it as he was writing down his notes.

“Ooh, these pony toys are gonna be a hit! My results show that these pets had more fun with these ponies in five minutes than they ever had with any of my other cruddy inventions. Oh, my business is gonna make so much profits out of these!” Gidzo fantasized.

“Sorry pal, but we’re shutting you down!” Rainbow Dash yelled out, which startled the stallion as soon as she spoke. He quickly turned around towards the two flying plush toys.

“Ahh, w-what?! But, h-how did you get out of the play room?” Gidzo panicked as he looked towards the television screen.

“Uhh, you left the trap door open,” Rainbow Dash said bluntly as she pointed towards the opened door leading to the room with the trap door.

*Smack* “Nngh…” Gidzo smacked his forehead while he shook his head. He literally forgot to close it.

“Now, I want you to change me and Fluttershy back to our pony pegasus selves, and we want our bits back afterwards!” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“Um, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy said as she tapped Rainbow Dash on the shoulder. “We haven’t paid him anything yet…”

“Oh, right…” Rainbow Dash stumbled her words as she remembered that. “But we still want you to change us back!”

“Actually, you did pay me,” Gidzo remarked, “when you prepaid for that carrot plush yesterday before I was open.”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at this remark. She took a slight glance at Fluttershy. Fluttershy shrugged her fore legs in the air with an embarrassed smile on her face. She couldn’t tell what made less sense, the fact that Gidzo remembered one of his customers, or the fact that he bothered to remind them of something that would hurt him more than help.

“But anyway, I can’t give you a refund, store policy states that I can’t take back what we’ve given away, and that includes our special.” Gidzo said.

“But you’re the boss!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “So why don’t you just change it?!”

“But why would I want to change it?” Gidzo said as he reached under his desk to pull out a small box of what appeared to be doggy biscuits. “Just look at these results! They’re absolutely incredible!” He reached his hoof into the box, taking out a few biscuits and tossing them behind Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, who were still floating in mid-air.

“These animals just absolutely adore the new pony plush toys that I’ve just made.” Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked behind them to see a triplet of dogs coming to the scene, eating the doggy biscuits that Gidzo had thrown out for them.

“And I can assure you, they were just beginning to have fun with you girls. You want to make your pets have fun, don’t you?” Gidzo finished as he tossed a biscuit in the air towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy instinctively caught it in her hooves.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked over to the dogs that were finishing the biscuit treats. The dogs were giving a low growl as they stared at Fluttershy because of the biscuit she was holding. They looked ready to lunge at her at any time.

“I think these critters want to have loads more fun with you, don’t you think?” Gidzo continued off with a casual smile.

Rainbow Dash couldn’t stand this anymore. While Fluttershy could probably find some way to call the dogs off with her natural ability, she had a better idea. Rainbow Dash took the doggy biscuit out of Fluttershy’s hooves. She zipped over to Gidzo before he had a chance to react.

“Ahh!” Rainbow Dash spun around Gidzo quickly, using her hooves to break apart the biscuit, and spreading the crumbs randomly around his coat. She made sure to spread the crumbs far enough to cover his whole body. Before she flew away, she flew towards the box of doggy biscuits, snatching them out of Gidzo’s grip. She flew over to Fluttershy with the box to watch the scene unfold.

Now that Gidzo was covered in the crumbs of doggy biscuits, the dogs switched their attention to him, slowly creeping closer.


“Oh dear…” Fluttershy said as she put a hoof over her mouth in worry about the scene. Gidzo noticed what was going on and was backing away in fear.

“Who-o-oa, nonono, eh, nice, doggies?” Gidzo stuttered as he backed himself in the corner, trying to get away from the growling dogs.

“I-I’m no-ot a chew toy, so just, AHH!” All three dogs lunged at Gidzo at the same time, sinking their teeth all around his body, chewing out the crumbs off his coat randomly. “AHH! OW! OOF! NO! EH, ACK!”

Rainbow Dash scrunched and twisted her face as she saw the scene played out. The scene was so violent it made her wince and shudder aggressively. Fluttershy looked away and covered her eyes as the scene played out. She felt so creeped out and sorry for that pony that was suffering so much abuse. While Rainbow Dash was shuddering through seeing the violent scene of dogs potentially eating a pony alive, her expression returned to normal with a smile right when the dogs stopped attacking.

Gidzo looked like he was in a lot of pain right now. Most of the fur on his body was scraped off, revealing skin. A lot of scratch marks covered his body, and he was covered in a lot of saliva. He was slumped to a wall, shaking his body with his eyes barely open.

It’s too bad he wasn’t a plush toy right now, or he wouldn’t have felt as much pain as he was feeling now.

“So, are you ready to change us back?” Rainbow Dash asked as she gave the box to Fluttershy to hold. Rainbow Dash then reached inside the box with a hoof, but didn’t take a biscuit out yet. “Or are you up to having your pets play with you in a round two?” Gidzo’s face flashed full of fright at that remark.

“AHH! NO, NO! I’LL, I’LL CHANGE YOU BACK, I SWEAR!” Gidzo scrambled to his hooves and ran stumbly over to the control panel. He pressed a few buttons, causing the trap door that led to the play room to close. He pushed a few more buttons to cause the room to brighten up. There was a device on the ceiling that seemed to light up in a magical glow. Gidzo put his hoof on a lever before speaking again.

“It’s all set, just enter the PTT and I’ll change you two back!” Gidzo said in a panicked tone.

“The PTT?” Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy asked in unison while they looked at each other in confusion.

“The Pet Toy Transformer!” Gidzo said as he pointed a hoof behind them towards the room where the closed trap door was.

“Oh!” the two pegasi said in unison again. Fluttershy set the box of doggy biscuits down on the floor and then flew over to the PTT with Rainbow Dash. Meanwhile, the three dogs started attacking the box of doggy biscuits that was left unguarded.

Gidzo immediately pulled the lever, activating the machine. The device on the ceiling shot a magical beam at Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy at the same time, activating its spell on them both. They began to feel their forms being restored. Their body was starting to grow. The nerves they were feeling on their muscles tensed around, no longer feeling delicate. Their colors returned back to their original solid. A bright flash ignited around their bodies, confirming the transformation was complete.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy dropped to the ground roughly, a bit dizzy due to the spell. Now that they were back to normal, they had to readjust to their changed form again. They shook their heads and put a hoof on it to recollect their senses. They noticed that the room behind them where Gidzo had been in was now closed.

*Screech!* The sound of the intercom signaled on.

“Attention shoppers, we regret to inform you, but Pettings Play will now have to close down, FOREVER!” *Slam! Click*

The intercom sounded off one last time, probably for good now. Before they left, Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy after remembering something.

“Oh, Fluttershy, did you ever get your plush carrot?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well, no, but don’t worry about that, Rainbow,” Fluttershy responded.

“You sure, Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash asked, to which Fluttershy nodded to. Rainbow Dash decided to let it slide, seeing as the crazy shop owner probably suffered enough already. That’s probably what Fluttershy was thinking. “Well, suit yourself, let’s get out of here.”


Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were now exiting the front doors of Pettings Play. Now that they got what they wanted, they were ready to get out of that crazy place for good. They could see that based on the position of the sun in the skies, it was still pretty early in the morning, so no pony was up and out yet, or probably awake for that matter. It looked like they were only in there for about three hours.

*Sigh* that was fun,” Fluttershy said as she took a breath of fresh air.

“That was a nightmare!” Rainbow Dash replied in an irritated tone. But then she looked back to Fluttershy with a smile. “But, it sure was kinda fun, a lot more fun than I thought it would be.” Fluttershy smiled at Rainbow Dash’s joyful tone, but then frowned when she caught the sight of Rainbow Dash’s tail.

“Oh no, Rainbow Dash your tail…” Fluttershy said depressingly. Rainbow Dash looked back to her tail to see that it was still tied and not fixed.

“Oh no, Fluttershy can you-“ Before Rainbow Dash had a chance to ask, Fluttershy was already moving towards her tail and untying the part that was ripped off.

Fluttershy managed to untie the tail and let the ripped part drop off to the ground, looking depressed at the sight. They were hoping that when they returned to their pony forms that the tail would be repaired in the process. But that clearly didn’t happen.

“I’m so sorry, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy said.

“Hey, don’t worry about it, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said as she put a hoof around her. “It’s not that bad. Besides, it’ll grow back eventually.”

“Will you be okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” Rainbow Dash replied. “As long as you don’t tell anypony about what we did today.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy assured. “I don’t want anypony to know what happened to us either. Oh, that would be so embarrassing.”

Fluttershy hid an eye behind one of the strands of her pink mane. Just like Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy had her own sort of pride that involved her talent. The thought of Fluttershy running into trouble in a ‘Pet Store’ of all places sounded downright humiliating to her. So, she didn’t want this mentioned any more than Rainbow Dash did.

“But hey,” Rainbow Dash continued as she pushed away the pink strand covering Fluttershy’s eye, “I gotta say, if more crazy adventures like this happens, then we’ve gotta hang out more often.”

“Oh my,” Fluttershy said, worryingly, moving her head back a little. “Are you sure, Rainbow Dash?”

“Sure I’m sure,” Rainbow Dash confirmed while moving her hoof to Fluttershy’s shoulder. “You know I’d never let anything happen to you, Fluttershy.” Fluttershy gave a soft smile at this remark.

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy said, looking away a bit with a slight blush.

“No problem, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash finished in a soft tone as she gave Fluttershy a friendly hug. “Today was fun, right?”

“Yes, it was,” Fluttershy said. She closed her eyes with a smile while Rainbow Dash embraced her. The embrace was such a wonderful feeling to her. She loved it when Rainbow Dash expressed her feelings like this. It allowed them to open up to each other more often. Talking about these secure feelings made them both feel very good when they were able to share it with a friend that wouldn't judge them.

Rainbow Dash soon pulled away from Fluttershy. She was met with that wonderful smile on her face. Rainbow Dash slowly lifted herself in the air. Fluttershy stayed on the ground and just watched her lift off.

“Catch ya later, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said as she gave a casual wave.

“Good bye, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy finished, waving good bye to Rainbow Dash. She gave a joyful sigh watching Rainbow Dash flying off in the sunrise. It was such a beautiful sight to her.

Author's Note:

I have no idea what got me inspired to write this story. I just saw in a cartoon one day, a plush toy secured in a pet's clenched teeth, and then I thought about all those plush toys in Equestriabound that are so helpful in protecting you.

Maybe I thought, Soft Plush Toy Abuse! Ponify it! And this was the result.

Find any grammar or spelling errors? Please notify.

Criticism and Feedback are very appreciated.

Hope you enjoyed reading.

Comments ( 8 )

That was...something, alright. :rainbowderp:
And the whole time, I was hoping they'd go full-inanimate!:raritydespair:

Oh, and watch your use of capitals on every word, hmm?

“It’s All Set, Just Enter The PTT And I’ll Change You Two Back!”

~Dash The Stampede


Oh, and watch your use of capitals on every word, hmm?

I was trying to express that they're talking progressively louder from the change of First Letter Caps to ALL CAPS. Does that not work?

And the whole time, I was hoping they'd go full-inanimate!

But then they'd probably be trapped like that forever, and that would change the theme to Dark.

A lot of cute animals chewing and mangling toys...sounds like my dogs...at least their stuffing wasn't pulled out.

It works, I guess, and I assumed that was your stance, but I've never seen it done that way. Another easy way is to use the italics for emphasis, instead of caps: "Hold on!" Dash cried out. <- Here, you can use descriptors to emphasize the volume, and Italics to show where the volume increases.:twilightsmile:

As for full inanimate, you don't have to make it dark! They could've been reverted to plain squeaky toys, trapped in a prison of rubber, or plush, able to see and feel, but unable to speak, their experience filled with wonderment at being a chew toy, and shock at having their (humanity) stripped from them. Then, the toymaker could be halted by one of their friends, as they discover the two had been missing for days, not hours as it seemed. They get reverted back to normal, and everyone looks back on it with humor. They could also develop a "love" for the feeling of being a toy. :ajsmug:

I'unno. You're talking to the guy who turns ponies into balloons, so I'm slightly biased.:twilightsheepish:
~Dash The Stampede

Loved it! :twilightsheepish: I have to wonder though, dont you think that they should tell Twilight about what happened just to make sure something like this doesnt happen again? :rainbowhuh:

4781986 If they don't mind about being embarrassed by such an event. Plus, they taught the toy maker a lesson themselves, so they're pretty sure it won't happen again.

4687763 Or a limb, like toy story 2
Woody: Aaaahhh! It's gone! I can't believe it! My arm is completely gone!

Stinky Pete the Prospector: All right. Come here. Come on. Let me see that. Oh, it's just a popped seam. Easily repaired! You should consider yourself lucky.

Woody: Lucky? Are you shrink-wrapped? I am missing my ARM!

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