• Published 8th May 2015
  • 4,418 Views, 399 Comments

Spike's Shadow - DraconequusMaximus

Sombra has once again returned, but is now powerless. Spike is assigned to be his parole officer, but Sombra soon finds himself hopelessly entangled in a much darker part of Spike's life even his friends and family didn't know about.

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New Home

Spike was beginning to find Sombra's uncooperative nature mildly hilarious, given the now overwhelming strength disparity between the two of them. Spike had given Sombra another chance to walk freely, but Sombra predictably tried to escape again. This time, Spike gave him a full minute head-start before trailing closely behind him with a look of feigned aggression on his face.

Truthfully, Spike could have caught him whenever he pleased since he went after much faster prey on a regular basis.

Spike had really just wanted to see his mother's spell at work, considering Twilight hadn't fully explained the magics to Sombra after his hurtful words aimed at her beloved mentor.

Spike followed Sombra for a little over a half-hour until Sombra hit an imperceptible wall, keeping him within the confines of Ponyville's city limits.

Sombra was indescribably furious upon Spike's explanation of the collar, and directly afterwards spent nearly the entire walk to Spike's home cursing under his breath. Not until they were directly in front of the building itself did the continuous stream of archaic profanity from Sombra taper off.

Spike stood there, allowing Sombra to take in the majesty that was his home.

A tremendous, but surprisingly normal home covered in pale yellow siding. It looked to be two stories, albeit much bigger stories than most buildings. The roof was topped in dark-blue shingles, and there were four chimney-stacks visible to one side of the roof.

Sombra had seen similar homes of smaller sizes as they left Ponyville, gathering that this was the norm for modern architecture.

"And here I was expecting a cave, this is admittedly a tad classier than I had come to expect." Sombra told Spike unenthusiastically.

Spike ignored Sombra's rudeness, as he could feel nothing but pride after building the house himself, entirely with his own money. Though there were matters to discuss before Spike would even consider letting Sombra live in his home. Spike stood directly in front of Sombra, a serious and generally threatening look on his face as he looked down into Sombra's eyes.

"If you're going to live with me for the time being I have a few conditions: If you break anything you have to work off the debt by doing extra chores, if I have company you'll be expected to act civil toward them, and if you have any problems I'd prefer if you come forward about them so I can help. Is that clear so far?" Spike explained to Sombra.

Sombra kept up his normal scowl, but nodded his understanding. Thus far, the terms were surprisingly lax.

Spike nodded his own head in approval and continued, his glare lessening.

"As long as you're living here I'll make sure you're well fed. But, I do expect you to do the dishes and some other small chores when asked. I already have another pony staying in the guestroom, so you'll be sleeping in the same bedroom as me on an air-mattress.

"She comes and goes as she pleases, but she's around enough that you'll get to know her pretty quickly." Spike continued.

Sombra acknowledged his understanding, though he was less than happy about his sleeping accommodations. Specifically Sombra had worries that whatever an air-mattress was, he worried he would fall through it since wasn't a pegasi.

Spike smiled, thinking things were going much smoother than he had expected.

Sombra was surprised to see the smile on Spike's muzzle falter, and the brightness in Spike's eyes dimmed as they reduced to slits. Spike craned his long neck down, getting much closer than Sombra was comfortable with.

"Lastly, if you ever try and harm my loved ones again, I will literally use your face to paint my house a new shade of ugly. You only get one second chance, and I would prefer being your friend, rather than your enemy." Spike finished.

Sombra was surprised at the sudden out of character threat, but kept his calm despite literally shaking in his boots for a second.

Had the threat not come entirely out of left field Sombra would have likely been ready for it, but the unusually friendly dragon was hard for Sombra to read as of yet. Sombra quickly decided that it would be best to go along with everything for the time being, and not step on any hooves until he had his full power back.

"I accept your terms." Sombra answered unhappily.

Spike leaned back and turned down the glare by about fifty percent. Sombra could tell there was still something on his mind.

"On a different subject... Does the name Dootha mean anything to you? Anything at all?" Spike asked out of the blue.

Sombra thought on that for a few seconds, but it didn't ring any bells. No flashes like his memories that Discord had jostled loose, just a strange chill that ran down his spine.

"I can't recall ever hearing it. Is that someone important?" Sombra inquired.

Spike opened his mouth to answer, but he suddenly thought better of it. Spike's eyes soon returned to their more rounded default appearance and a subtle but noticeable smile graced his lips.

"Tell you what, if things go well with you here you can ask me again in a couple hundred years or so." Spike replied casually as he patted Sombra on the back.

Sombra watched as Spike headed up the front steps, mildly annoyed at the increasingly cryptic statement.

Spike walked up to the front door and tried the knob only to find the door locked. Unfazed, Spike lowered his neck down to his claw, and Sombra watched him spit a small green fire-ball into his outstretched palm. The fire quickly died off, and in it's place was a small, bronze-colored key.

Spike unlocked the door and pushed it open, ushering Sombra into the house. Sombra hesitated for a second, but continued onward.

Sombra walked in and was surprised to find the place was much cleaner than even his castle had been in the time he ruled the Crystal Empire. It was positively immaculate, with not a speck of dust or dirt to be found. The air inside didn't even smell of smoke or death at all, in fact it smelled vaguely of apples and cinnamon.

The furnishings were much different than he had expected as well. Instead of piles of riches there was normal pony furniture. Though it was all scaled-up to accommodate dragons, it looked like it all belonged in a rather well off family's home. Sombra was genuinely impressed that a creature of the most savage race in recorded history appeared to be reasonably cultured.

Sombra was about to take a step forward, but Spike pulled him back by the tail. Sombra looked back at him in annoyance, but his attention shifted to his own leg that Spike was tapping on with the spade of his tail. The armored boots clacked loudly against the particularly hard scales.

Sombra grumbled his acknowledgement with some annoyance and began taking the boots off.

Spike watched as Sombra tried to undo the fancy buckles of his armored boots, the numerous straps and buckles taking much longer to undo without the aid of his magic. Spike thought of offering to help, but thought Sombra would probably take offense to it.

Once finished, Sombra placed the boots beside the door next to the coat rack. He then looked to Spike for permission to step forward.

Spike nodded, allowing him proper passage into his home.

The first few feet of the entryway were tile, but as soon as you were past that there was lush, deep blue carpeting. Sombra, who hadn't been around to experience anything other than stone or dirt floors relished the feel of it beneath his hooves. It was comfortable enough to sleep on, let alone walk on.

This must be what clouds feel like. Sombra thought to himself contently.

Spike chuckled at seeing the normally gruff and angry stallion so relaxed. It was definitely something he hadn't expected when he got up this morning.

Spike soon entered the house himself, his long, dexterous tail pulling the door shut behind him. Spike checked the wall-clock across the room, right before his stomach made a complaint to the management.

"Now then, I haven't gotten a chance to eat since breakfast because I had to go pick you up. It's almost six now so I'll go ahead and start dinner. You can sit on the sofa here in the living room while I'm in the kitchen. If you get bored there's a bookshelf over there, so feel free to find yourself something to read." Spike explained.

Sombra nodded his agreement, not wanting to anger his host, not so long as he was to be fed.

Sombra literally hadn't eaten in over a thousand years and his new belly was painfully empty. Sombra didn't particularly care what he was going to be fed, though he expected it might very well be meat. Ponies could ingest small amounts of the stuff, but it didn't agree with their constitutions in larger amounts. Regardless, at this point Sombra would take what he could get.

As soon as Spike exited the room Sombra walked over to the aforementioned bookcase. It seemed a good idea to attempt to familiarize himself with everything important that had happened in the last thousand years or so.

Much to Sombra's surprise the so-called "bookshelf" took up most of the far wall. Sombra estimated it could held well over a thousand tomes at the least. Sombra found himself being continually surprised at how well Spike had been brought up. Apparently nurture could beat nature if it tried hard enough.

After a few seconds of browsing Sombra discovered the shelves were even organized perfectly, making it exceedingly easy for him to find what he wanted.

There were a wide range of topics, from modern fiction, classics from Sombra's time, how-to books, and a number of tomes new and old that were written in languages Sombra wasn't familiar with. It was a strange sight, further reminding Sombra that he himself was now a relic in a new age.

Sombra selected a book from the Equestrian history section entitled: Greatest Evils of The Past, Worries of The Future? It was a combination of history, current events, politics, and pure conjecture according to the back of the dust jacket.

Sombra settled in on the sofa, reading through the preface and the first section, which turned out to be about Discord. Sombra read through and found it rather surprising Discord had been tamed by an especially meek mare. Though Sombra couldn't claim to understand how Discord's thought process worked in the first place.

Sombra next skipped ahead to his section, only to find there was nothing to read other than his regrettably short tenure as king and his first and second defeats. Which, other than the fact that he was immortal was everything Sombra already knew.

It was quickly becoming apparent that no one knew Sombra as anything other than a spite-filled monster.

Sombra momentarily gave up on finding more information on himself, and instead devoted his attention to researching the ones who had orchestrated his second defeat. Luckily, Spike's miniature library had quite a few volumes about Equestria's princesses and heroes. It didn't take Sombra long to find out who was who in today's world.

The unicorn turned alicorn and Spike's mother is Twilight Sparkle, long-time personal student of Celestia. The pink alicorn is Cadence, Celestia's adopted niece who was once a pegasus, and is the wife of the white stallion. His name is Shining Armor, Equestria's former Captain of The Guard and is now the prince-consort of Cadence. They now serve as patriarch and matriarch of the Crystal Empire's new royal family. The so-called power couple, is Spike's Aunt and Uncle, as Shining Armor was Twilight Sparkle's older brother. Sombra gathered from a book called Equestrian Heroes he had pulled from the shelf.

A disturbingly well connected dragon, isn't he? Sombra thought to himself grimly.

Sombra leafed through several more pages, skipping the bios of the individual elements of harmony until finding a page about Spike himself. While it was shorter than most it was the page Sombra was most interested in at the moment.

Spike The Dragon, was once the personal assistant to, and is now the legally adopted son of Princess Twilight Sparkle. The only dragon citizen of Equestria or any nation, hatched and raised in Canterlot until age ten. Once won a doughnut-eating contest at popular Canterlot eatery, Pony Joe's at the young age of seven.

Spike is often regarded as the savior of the Crystal Empire twice over for playing a key role in the defeat of King Sombra and saving thousands from an enormous falling iceberg created in an accident during the Equestria Games.

Spike is currently the only member of lower-echelon royalty to have been knighted in both Equestria and the Crystal Empire, where he is much loved by the crystal ponies. Locals often keep low-quality emeralds on hoof to give to Spike as a show of gratitude after a pony heard him say they were his favorites.

Spike holds the honorary title of duke, having turned down the title of full-fledged prince. When asked why, Spike stated that he 'hadn't earned it yet'.

Spike is also now a permanent member of the Equestria Games Council, as thanks for averting the biggest disaster in games history. Spike has recently stepped out of the limelight in favor of quiet living. Though Spike is occasionally seen at various government parties and charity functions.

It should be noted that Spike is the most famous non-vegetarian chef in Equestria, and is often called upon by the crown to cook for events with mixed species. The foremost of which is the Grand Galloping Gala, which in recent years has played host to ambassadors of many nations. Sombra read as he skimmed the page.

"Man. This Spike seems like a pretty awesome guy, wouldn't you say?" A deep, familiar voice said from behind Sombra.

Sombra turned around to see Spike looming over him, reading the same page with a smug smile. Sombra however was thoroughly unamused, not cracking so much as a grin.

"How long have you been standing there?" Sombra asked.

"Couple a' minutes. I came to tell you the food is ready." Spike replied.

"You are disturbingly silent for a giant."

"When you hunt moving quietly becomes second nature."


"Would you like to go and eat, or are we gonna keep the back and forth going for a while?"

"I would like something to eat, yes."

"Well alright then. Let's eat." Spike finished, turning around.

Sombra made note of the page number of his current book before getting off the sofa. He'd pick it up again whenever he had time.

Sombra followed Spike through the hallway, making their way to the kitchen. Sombra was absolutely famished, and the sooner he could eat the better.

Just like the rest of the house he had seen the kitchen was perfectly clean, save for some cookware soaking in soapy water in the sink.

Everything seemed to have it's place and was perfectly sorted, each drawer and cabinet labeled. Sombra saw Spike stop next to what looked like a water spigot with a basin underneath, though it was built into the counter-top to one side of the room. It was taller than would be needed for a pony, but a small step ladder was placed in front of it.

Spike turned the hot water handle for Sombra, showing him how the sink worked since he was unsure they existed back in Sombra's day. Sombra wouldn't normally tolerate being treated like a foal, but he was starving and whatever Spike had prepared could be smelled wafting in from the dining room.

Sombra washed his hooves with a nearby bar of soap with considerable difficulty and dried them with a towel Spike handed him. Afterwards Spike showed him to the dining room where the food was already on the table. Spike motioned for him to take a seat to his right, Spike himself sitting at the head of the table.

"So, what are we eating?" Sombra asked looking over the food hidden by covered dishes.

Spike removed the lid from one of the plates and passed it to Sombra, who was greeted by an even more heavenly aroma than he had smelled in the kitchen.

"You're having my family-recipe spinach quiche, hot buttered corn on the cob, a baked sweet potato, and a cottage cheese side. I didn't really know what to make you so I just made some simple stuff to get an idea of what you liked." Spike explained.

Sombra looked the food over, finding it looked just as delicious as it smelled. Sombra would normally be skeptical of anything given to him, but a dragon had no need to poison him. Spike could completely destroy Sombra if he ever had a mind to, though it seemed unlikely that would happen at this point.

Besides, poison could only incapacitate Sombra for a few days at best thanks to his immortality.

"I find it strange you care so much about what I'd like to eat. I thought you were supposed to be keeping an eye on me, not coddling me." Sombra questioned.

Spike looked genuinely offended at Sombra's accusation.

Cooking was something he took very seriously, as he had been cooking ever since he could read and Spike had always had a love of food. Spike had also learned to cook out of necessity, as his mother was quite possibly the worst cook in Equestria. Twilight Sparkle had destroyed more ovens than Spike could count on his claws.

"I take pride in my cooking ability. I'll have you know I've cooked for royalty on countless occasions. And not just my mother. Celestia, Luna, and your replacements." Spike replied somewhat angrily.

Sombra's mood further soured at the mention of the new royalty of the Crystal Empire.

Sombra was about to offer a retort, but the door could be heard opening with hoof-steps following soon after. Both Sombra and Spike looked to the entrance of the dining room expectantly.

After a few moments a mare walked into the dining room.

She was a turquoise color, with a darker shade of turquoise making up her mane and tail, which was combined with white stripes. She wore a dark grey hooded sweatshirt with a black bag hanging at her side. Upon her flank rested a mark that looked like a golden lyre.

Sombra took notice that she was a unicorn, envy boiling up within him as he thought of his lost magics.

She didn't seem to notice Sombra or even Spike's presence but sat across from the former dictator regardless, a carefree expression on her face. Spike nevertheless passed her a plate of the same foods he had named off for Sombra just moments ago. She smiled widely as she saw the assortment on the plate.

"Is this your grandma's spinach quiche recipe?" She asked Spike hopefully.

"Yes it is, Lyra." Spike replied with a rather amused look on his face.

"You're a magnificent beast, Spike! I don't know how I ever lived without your amazing food-styles." Lyra declared before chowing down.

Sombra was a little miffed the new mare didn't acknowledge him, but she seemed off somehow in the first place. Spike merely chuckled a little, and waved his hand in front of Lyra's face to get her attention again. Lyra stopped gorging herself for a moment, ready to hear what Spike had to say.

"Lyra, this is Sombra. He's gonna stay with us for awhile. He used to be a villain. I'm giving him the Discord treatment, so play nice." Spike explained.

Lyra looked Sombra over for a moment, chewing her current mouthful as she did. Her meal still seemed vastly more important to Lyra than their house guest. She was polite enough to swallow the mouthful of food she had been chewing before speaking.

"That's actually really good to hear. I thought he was a hallucination. I just got back from Berry Punch's house and we had a drinking contest. I finally beat her, but we were wrecked. And I mean, just destroyed on Wild-Griffon and Fruit-Flavored-Party-Liquor.

"I probably committed brain-cell genocide. I thought since he was dressed up like that he was a booze-vision of one of my dead ancestors or something." Lyra admitted, sounding incredibly relieved.

Spike laughed, but Sombra was worried he would be living under the same roof as a dangerous idiot.

Sombra tried to put his apprehension aside, as he didn't want to stir up tension if he was to live in Spike's house for the time being. That, and Sombra's food was going to get cold if he didn't start eating.

With one bite, Sombra forgot to be angry and generally disagreeable for just a moment. The food Spike had made was far better than what his kitchen slaves had been forced to make him so long ago. It almost made him want to forgive Spike for blowing him to bits, but not quite.

Note to self: When you're back in charge, don't kill the dragon until finding an even better cook. Sombra thought internally as he continued chowing down.

Meanwhile, Spike was talking to Lyra again.

"No but seriously, Sombra was the guy that got blown up in the empire when I was younger. I told you about it like, forever ago. I even showed you that photo of me being knighted, remember?" Spike attempted to explain to Lyra.

Lyra seemed to dwell on that as Spike waited for her to reply. Once she had finished off her sweet potato she squinted and scanned Sombra.

"Oh yeah, so what gives? Shouldn't you be like, dead?" Lyra asked Sombra, completely not caring she was sitting across from one of the world's most infamous villains.

Sombra finished his corn on the cob and wiped his face with his napkin before replying. Spike was pleased to find that he had at least some table manners if nothing else. Though his happiness dissolved as Sombra belched loudly before answering Lyra's question.

"I sold my soul to Discord for immortality. I have no idea what he did with it, but I wish he would have told me I could still explode and be in a coma for well over a decade." Sombra replied with a look of contempt as he spoke of the insane draconequus.

"Yeah sounds like a bum deal, but why are you wearing Spike's collar if you two aren't an item?" Lyra asked as she pointed to the collar.

Sombra raised his brow at the question, unsure of what Lyra meant.

Spike groaned in figurative agony at the question, as it forced some pleasant, and unpleasant memories up to the surface. Spike had sincerely hoped that Lyra wouldn't have noticed the collar, but he just wasn't that lucky.

"The collar is magic now. It makes Sombra unable to leave town. It's not like the thing with Pip, Sombra doesn't have a choice." Spike explained through his embarrassment.

"Oh, like when I punched Filthy Rich in the face for tripling my rent right after I got fired from the music store. They put that thing on my leg that would have told the cops if I left the house." Lyra realized, comparing her own experience to Sombra's situation.

Spike nodded with a close-eyed smile, trying not to laugh at the example.

"Exactly. That's also why you have to live here, since Filthy won't rent to you and he owns damn near everything in town." Spike replied, mostly for Sombra's benefit. This way he wouldn't need to explain why Lyra lived with him later on.

After getting the introductions and embarrassing questions and comments out of the way Spike uncovered a dish in front of him at the table.

Sombra looked at the contents to see some kind of steak, from what creature was anypony's guess. Spike also had several of everything Sombra and Lyra were eating. The smell of the meat wasn't to Sombra's liking, but it wasn't overpowering. Spike had likely taken measures so that ponies wouldn't notice it unless they tried, though seeing it raised some questions.

"Where exactly do you hunt? The forest just past the house? I'd think someone your size would deplete the game rather quickly." Sombra wondered aloud.

Spike devoured a quiche before answering, truly hungry after missing his meal earlier.

"Nah, I hunt there exclusively. The Everfree Forest is a lot bigger than you can see from here and the creatures that live there are huge. Besides, I usually only hunt twice a month and fill my freezer." Spike replied.

Sombra nodded, being largely unfamiliar with most of modern Equestria. According to the preface of the book he had read earlier Equestria had grown to well over twice it's original size in the last thousand years, and the capital had been moved to Mt.Canterlot. The Everfree Forest had essentially consumed the old capital, and now only the heartiest of monsters and animals could live there comfortably.

Spike's hunting ability was likely great if he could catch enough to feed himself whenever he pleased.

Sombra had even seen Spike perform something that might have been magic, summoning his house-key with fire. Despite already knowing Celestia and Luna's capabilities, Sombra was quickly learning he should fear the newer generation of Equestrians. They seemed far more active in the defense of the country, even at the cost of their own time or needs.

Regardless, even if Sombra knew his enemy Sombra knew he couldn't do anything without his powers.

Sombra sadly thought to himself that he might as well consider giving up his ambitions and become a member of the community. It made Sombra feel like a failure, and something deep within him felt like it was writhing at the very thought. Luckily, Spike snapped him out of the internal bout of self-doubt.

Spike took Sombra's now empty plate and swapped out with a new one.

A large, steaming piece of apple pie was sitting atop it, practically calling to Sombra. Sombra looked around to find both Lyra and Spike were enjoying some themselves. Sombra silently thought to himself that It smelled more wonderful than anything he had ever smelled before, but that it would be a sign of weakness to tell Spike that.

Sombra decided to take a bite, and let the flavor sit on his tongue for a time.

Sombra then disregarded the notion and ignored how hot it was and greedily wolfed down the rest of the pastry, suddenly without a care in the world. It was gone far too soon for his liking, but Sombra was quite stuffed at this point. Sombra enjoyed his first meal in a millennia immensely, and was content to just sit there for a bit.

"Glad you liked the pie, took me forever to get the Apple family's recipe perfect. Probably the second best pie I know how to make, but ponies can't taste gems." Spike beamed proudly.

Sombra didn't say a word, not wanting to praise Spike with anything other than his currently indelible look of satisfaction.

Sombra was embarrassed that he was showing feeling in front of someone who had already bested him before to begin with. Sombra needed to figure out some way to either get his powers back, or maybe enslave the dragon for his own purposes.

Both if possible, though it was obvious asking Discord for help wasn't an option.

After Spike cleared the table he made Sombra listen to his brief tutorial on how to properly wash dishes. After the explanation Sombra was forced to do them himself, though it did give him time to think. No matter how degrading things were at the present, Sombra had all the time in the world to get his revenge.

Despite the commoner's work Sombra was made to do his fanged grin couldn't have been wider as Spike and Lyra left him to his chore.

Author's Note:

If you hadn't figured it out yet Lyra is my favorite background pony. I based her off of a few of my friends, and her drunken behavior was admittedly a tad exaggerated here. She'll sober up soon. As in the next chapter... momentarily at least.

She doesn't have a drinking problem either. She was just tired of Berry Punch flaunting her earth pony drinking ability. Something had to be done.

Next chapter will probably be up late Saturday. Hope you'll stick around!

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