• Published 14th Jul 2014
  • 3,274 Views, 84 Comments

Nightmare's Weapon - Requiem17

An unexpected anomaly brings about a new and powerful weapon that inadvertently helped Nightmare defeat Celestia. Nightmare plans on exploiting this new weapon. Little does she know that when you play with fire, you get burned.

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Peculiar Events

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay for something so small. I've been extremely busy at work and working on my uber secret project. I'm also writing that one shot too. Pile on family drama and you can see where time management turns into a mess. I struggled with this chapter as it's a little too slow for my tastes. I think it's because so many of my recent works have copious amounts of action, humor, action, drama, oh, and action. I hope I can speed things up a bit without degrading the quality. It should have more action because, well, you'll see. Tell me what you think. Req out~

“And this here is when Celestia finally fell.” Adam nodded as he observed the stained glass in front of him. Moon had just led him through a hallway filled with colored glass portraits of Equestria’s history. The castle was quite fascinating. She had personally shown him around the castle, the gardens, and even the guard barracks. She had made sure to tell the guards on duty that he was no threat and was to be treated as an esteemed guest. Adam had thought that the vampire-like guards looked confused but bowed to her nonetheless.

Adam was really surprised and quite honestly was flattered that the ruler of a country was taking this much time out of her day to give him a tour. He was sure that she was especially busy as the New Lunar Republic was only born a few days ago. “Queen Moon, I-,”

“Please, call me Moon. There is no need for titles between you and I.” Adam nodded in response. “Now then, what were you going to say?”

“I was going to ask, why are you doing this? I’m sure you have more important things to do. You could just have easily had an advisor show me around.”

“True, true. But unlike my sister I care for my subjects and I respect those that are not.” She could almost taste the foul words. “I have made it my personal mission to see that you are set on your hoo… feet before allowing you to go around on your own. You have no home to go to. If it is your wish you can stay here and even become one of my subjects.”

Adam felt uneasy about how quickly she had planned these things out. He mentally shook his head as he reasoned that she was a ruler and meant to have things planned ahead of time. Politics was a chess game after all, one that had many traps in it.

“I’m not sure about becoming a citizen of this nation quite yet Moon. I hope you understand my reserves about jumping into something so quickly with little thought.”

Nightmare’s eye twitched before she responded. “It is perfectly alright. Just know that the offer is still open.”

A bright blue unicorn appeared at the end of the hallway and began making her way towards them. Adam was sure she had a beautiful set of hazel eyes were it not for their dull looking appearance. She lowered her head under Nightmare’s iron gaze.

“Your majesty.”

“What is it Endless Sky?”

“I have come to report that the carriage you requested is prepped and ready to go your highness.”

“Excellent. We shall be there momentarily. Be gone.”

The mare bowed again, refusing to make eye contact or even acknowledge the presence of Adam. She swiftly turned and left the hall rapidly.

Nightmare looked at Adam. “Come, I’m sure you would like to get out of the castle while you have the chance.” They began walking towards the courtyard. “We have an armed escort of my most loyal guards. Anytime you want to go out you must ask me so that I may arrange for an escort. Your safety is paramount and it will only be a matter of time before you can go out by yourself.”

“Are that many peo… er, creatures, still out against mankind?”

She gave him a dead serious look. “You have no idea.”

They stepped outside and walked down a short set of stone stairs. Adam finally got a good look outside and noticed that it was fairly dark outside. Almost like it was dusk. He looked along the horizons and was shocked by what he saw. The moon was blocking out the sun. A solar eclipse.


Nightmare smirked as she watched Adam admire the eclipse. “Impressive isn’t it?”

“It’s beautiful.” He peered at it closer and noticed something else. “Why is it moving so slowly?”

“It’s not.” Adam looked at her in confusion. “The moon and the sun are not moving.”

Adam spluttered as he attempted to reply. “How is that possible?”

“Magic.” Adam stared at her for a good few moments before quirking an eyebrow. Nightmare frowned at his reaction. She lit up her horn and dragged both celestial bodies along the horizon before it was on the opposite side it was originally on. Adam’s jaw just dropped lower and lower as he watched her controlling huge bodies of matter in space.

Nightmare smirked before walking towards a black carriage. Adam shook himself out of his stupor and began following after her, almost tripping on his toga. Adam nodded politely at the two night guards before climbing in after the queen. He had just barely sat down across from Moon when the carriage began moving. He looked out a window and watched the courtyard go by. He gave an appreciative eye of the architecture. Soon the guards gate house passed by the window and they were out on the streets. He was a little surprised at the lack of ponies out and about. He mentally shrugged, ‘It must be late. I can’t tell if the sun is always covered.’

He glanced back towards Moon and saw her observing him. Adam stared back until he started feeling awkward. He glanced away, watching her still staring at him out of the corner of his eye. He began fidgeting, desperate for her to look somewhere else other than him.

‘What? Is there something on my face?’ Deciding to try and shift her attention to something else he began asking questions. “So, where are we going?”

Much to his relief she glanced out the window. “We are heading towards the new city wall. Much of it was destroyed in the fighting and while I did have it repaired I also arranged for it to have better defenses.” She glanced back at Adam. “It will not be so easy to destroy as it once was before.”

Adam nodded, “And you’re overseeing its construction?”

“Yes, I want to make sure that my design has been followed through to the letter. I will have no mistakes.”

Their ride soon stopped, a guard opening the door for them. Moon stepped out first with Adam following. When he saw the wall he took in a deep breath. It was huge, curving off in the distance on either side as it wrapped around the city. It was also made out of a black stone. Every so often there was an odd outcropping of stone a fair ways up the wall. Adam couldn’t see if it had any discernible purpose. He walked up to the wall and felt it.

“Smooth, is this obsidian?”

“An acute observation. Yes it is. It can withstand much punishment. No explosive, magic, or pickaxe can break through it.”

“And if something else can?”

Nightmare smiled, “I’m glad you asked.” She lit up her horn and Adam noticed a purple glow emanating from the hidden top of those strange protrusions. Suddenly, blue and purple lightning arched along the structures, before a black beam shot out from them and curved inwards towards a beam emanating near the center of the city. A dark blue screen rippled out from the point of contact and ran down along the beams, creating a dome.

“One of the most powerful shields in the known world. It has multiple magic generators powered by magical ley lines crisscrossing throughout the globe. All designed by me.”

Adam whistled. “Wouldn’t want to get on your bad side.”

“Indeed. Come, I’m satisfied with the progress we’ve made.” They both climbed into the chariot and began heading back towards the castle, the shield dropping as they went. Adam looked at the mountain they were perched upon and followed its slope, noticing another mountain chain behind it from this angle. He saw the most peculiar thing. He glimpsed distant tents on the edge of a huge scar in the ground. He was only seeing a small part of the scar but was more interested by the black smoke that was floating from something… nonexistent. It was emanating from a random point in the sky with no source. The curve of the mountainside interrupted his view as the angle changed again.

He looked towards Moon who had her eyes closed, most likely deep in thought. “Where was that smoke coming from?”

Nightmare opened her eyes. “What smoke?”

“Behind the mountain. It was just appearing, almost as if the source was invisible.”

Adam noticed that he gained Nightmares full attention as she sat up straight and looked him dead in the eye. “You are not to go near that place. It is a result of the war and extremely dangerous to approach. I have soldiers and scientists investigating the site.”

Adam nodded, “Understood.”

“Good. Now, we’ll go get your clothes and eat dinner. I have a room arranged for you.” Adam nodded before remaining quiet for the rest of the ride. When they arrived at the castle there were an unusual amount of guards lined in the courtyard. When the carriage stopped Nightmare stepped out quickly. A pegasus in military attire filled with ribbons of every color stepped forward.

“My queen, I bring urgent news.”

“What is it general Steel?”

“We just received a message from the Griffon Empire. They demand that the sun be brought back or they will declare war.”

Nightmare was silent for a few moments before responding, “General, I want every able bodied pony to be drafted and put through a crash course. The griffons are a formidable foe, but they shall be crushed under the iron hooves of the New Lunar Republic. Increase our armament production and… weapon research.”

“As you wish your majesty.”

The general shouted orders to the troops and they began rushing to their duties. Nightmare continued to walk towards the castle with Adam following her.

“Why not bring back the sun? Isn’t it necessary for food to grow and to keep the planet warm?”

Adam expected her to stop as he was sure she didn’t appreciate her actions and decisions being questioned. She however took the question in stride. “The moonlight is enchanted, simulating that of sunlight. Food will still grow and the planet’s climate will stay stable, well at least where the moon is shining. The dark side of the planet is out of luck.”

Adam looked at her incredulously. “So you’re just going to let whatever civilization or life over their freeze to death?”

“Do not worry. The far side of the planet consists of barren deserts, tame less jungles, and endless oceans. There are no known nations in existence.”

Adam nodded, feeling slightly better. Nightmare led him to what seemed to be a random door before they entered. Adam could see cloth, needles, sewing machines, and other equipment scattered throughout the room. Silver Thimble was currently lacing a very simple looking tennis shoe. When Nightmare cleared her throat Thimble jumped.

“Your majesty! Please forgive my ignorance to your arrival.”

“It is of no matter. Have you finished creating appropriate wear for Adam?”

“I have,” Silver levitated a neat pair of jeans and a plain white T-shirt. “This is all I had time to create but I will continue to make an assortment of clothes until requested otherwise. I also have his shoes finished your highness.”

Nightmare took them with her magic and levitated them to Adam. “You did well, continue to do so and you shall be rewarded.” Thimble bowed as the two left his domain. After pausing to change quickly they began walking down the hall again.

“Is the clothing sufficient?”

Adam felt surprisingly comfortable in clothes that were freshly made, especially the shoes. “They’re perfect. Although, I’m going to need socks.”

Nightmare stopped and looked directly at him. “For what reason do you need erotic clothing?”

Adam looked at her in extreme confusion. “E-exuse me?”

“Socks, they are worn as a costume for bedroom activities.”

Adam shook his hands out in front of him, as if trying to stop her line of thinking. “No, no, no. It’s not like that, at least not for me. Socks prevent my feet from getting chafed and blisters. It’s also sanitary.”

Nightmare thought slowly before nodding. “Yes, your feet are fleshy and are not very tough like a hoof.”

Adam nodded, glad that they had gotten off of her line of thinking. They soon reached the dining hall where an assortment of food awaited them. Adam noticed that there were only two chairs at the long table. “Will no one be joining us?”

“I requested that we would dine alone.” Adam obediently sat on the chair on the long side of the table as he figured the head of the table was for Moon. Nightmare settled down as well before gesturing to Adam to dig in. Adam gladly accepted and ate his fill of exotic meats, vegetables, and succulent fruit. The wine was quite excellent as well. Adam stifled a burp as he wiped his lips with a napkin. He looked towards Moon who had an amused smile.

“You can certainly pack it away.”

“Thank you. It was very generous.”

“It was my pleasure. Now, I have a very busy day tomorrow and if you wish to accompany me you will need your rest. I will show you to your room.”

Adam stood up and followed Moon as she led him through the confusing hallways. When they stopped Adam noticed that the grand doors of Nightmare’s room were right across from his. She opened the door for him and revealed a very nice guest room. It consisted of a large bed, a balcony, a writing desk, and another door to which he assumed was a bathroom.

“I trust you find this satisfactory?”

Adam nodded, “This is more than I could have asked for. Thank you very much.”

“It is no problem I can assure you. If you need anything simply tug on the hanging rope by the bed.” She turned and opened the doors to her room. “Goodnight Adam.”

“Goodnight.” Her door closed, leaving Adam standing halfway in his room. He again mentally thanked her before stepping inside and closing his door. He walked over to his bed and saw a note laying on his bed. Picking it up, he opened it and read.

‘A reminder, if you wish to attend court ask the door guard to escort you there when you awaken. The light’s will turn off by clapping your hands.’
~Nightmare Moon~

Adam placed the note on his desk before walking to his bed where he stripped, sliding into the heavenly sheets. He sighed and could already feel the day’s events wearing him down. He clapped his hands, plunging the room into darkness. The sweet embrace of sleep soon claimed him.


The ground was vibrating from an unseen source, loud mechanical noises whirring past. Adam looked around and noticed that he was in a tunnel of sorts. People walked past him, their upper faces enclosed by a blue curved screen that glowed gently. He could hear muffled conversations emanating from the visors as they were somehow able to pass others without running into anything. Adam walked alongside one of them and waved his hand in front of their face. When they didn’t respond Adam tried to touch them, only to pass right through their body. Realizing this must be a dream he ignored them and decided to walk towards one of the ends of the tunnel. When he reached it he was shocked by what he saw. Massive towers of rectangular glass spiraled and disappeared into the sky. There were floating lines of machines racing between these structures, some of them lowering down to the ground and moving along the ground while seemingly floating. He watched as the side opened and people got out, the weird head visor things mounted on them as well.

He wandered around, dodging the endless swarms of machines even if he could just walk through them. He eventually reached a large bay and looked at the water. It was a rusty red color with junk floating on the surface. He walked along the concrete path until he reached a series of massive docks. He could see massive containers being moved around by floating machines emitting a blue glow. They pushed them into these massive towers that stretched into the sky. He saw the machines leave the spire and close a set of steel doors. The whole platform the containers sat on rocketed upwards within the spire, disappearing into oblivion. A dull roar caught his attention and he looked out across the bay. He could see massive structures moving away from a very large object. The roar emanated from slight blue vent ports along the bottom. With a loud whine it shuddered and rose into the sky, a set of very large cylinders on the back igniting with more blue lights. They flared brightly and the ship accelerated into the clouds. Adam was dumbstruck as he watched something flightless rise impossibly fast.

The dream suddenly began crumbling around him as he began waking up…


“-ake up!”

Adam felt someone grabbing onto his arms and desperately shaking up. “Wha-,” A hard object clamped over his mouth, effectively shutting him up.

“Shh! She might hear you!” someone whispered. Adam opened his eyes and identified the intruder as a black mare, her bright golden eyes shining in the dark. Adam calmly took her hoof off his mouth.

“What’s going on? Who are you and what are you doing here?” Adam whispered back.

“You’re in danger!”

“Danger? From who?”

She suddenly looked behind her towards the door. “I don’t have much time but you must listen! The dark queen is lying to you! If you value your life you’ll follow me. I can take you somewhere safe, with friends.”

Adam shook his head. “Why should I believe you?”

“I overheard your discussion with the Nightmare. She lied, there was no war with your kind.”

“Wait, what?”

“Three days ago the night and day fought, the sky was alight with fire as they fought. Something happened, a huge fireball fell from the sky.” The hoof steps of a guard walking past was heard, the mare stopping and peering at the door with her ears up. When they became faint she looked back at Adam. “Quick, we have to leav-,”

The door burst open and the mare screamed in pain as lightning struck her, knocking her off the bed. Adam sat upright and saw Nightmare walking into the room, her horn lit up as she levitated the struggling earth pony towards her.

“What’s this? A solar spy in my castle? Bothering and filling my guests head with lies no less?”

The mare struggled and looked at her defiantly. “You mean your prisoner?”

Nightmare laughed. She turned to the guards standing behind her. “Take her away.” The guards complied and the mare shrieked in protest, fighting the whole time she was dragged out of the room.

“Don’t believe a word she says! She is the enemy! Look for the cras-,” her words were silenced as she finally disappeared down the hallway. Nightmare was staring at Adam with a serious look.

“I’m sorry about that Adam. I will increase the security and make sure to find any other solar spies among the staff.” Adam nodded, still confused. “Come, you will sleep in my chambers tonight.”

Adam coughed slightly, “Is that necessary?”

“But of course. Who’s to say the next interruption won’t be an assassination attempt against you?” Adam nodded unsurely before following Nightmare into her room.